/ Others / I became Hades
4.28 (17 Bewertungen)
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Successfully Died.
The MC actually wanted to die and reincarnated unlike other people who died unintentionally but he on the other hand was the opposite. Reading to much Isekai and Reincarnation he thought it would be fun and tried it out. After dying he wanders around in a place he could never get out.
“You LIED god” the MC groaned then suddenly the gods voice inside his head was heard.
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Schreiben Sie eine RezensionReally enjoyable and funny. Prospects are high. Keep going. ......................,....................................,.............
please keep writing....................................................................................................................................
Are you dropping this novel[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]
it's really good story. I'm hoping for the author to continue to write this story, can't deny it is a good story and it's bad if it will abandoned like the other story
I usually don't write a review but I wanted to get this off my chest. I regret even considering reading this novel and would give this a negative review if I could.
the only problem for me is that there is still only a few chapters done and they're short, but i still like it. .......................
Autor ShizunNOVELS
Espero que continúes tu historia y no la canceles, porque he visto y eh leído muchas historias con la temática de god hades pero nunca la terminan. te recomiendo leer un novela con la misma temática y saces algunas inspiraciones. Creo que acá en webnovel hay una llamada A minecraft player as God Hades creo no me acuerdo el nomnbre pero lo pondré en comentarios espero que te guíes de ahí y saques algo de inspiraciones y trata de no hacerlo igual sino saca algo de tu corazón que le guste, espero que disfrutes mi comentario y que sigas con tu historia.