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53.75% I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man / Chapter 167: Chapter 132 – New Arc?  

Kapitel 167: Chapter 132 – New Arc?  

So today, Peter and I were fighting crime as usual. We had just subdued a group of mobsters and handed them over to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.


"You can handle the rest, right?" I asked the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, glancing at the thugs lying unconscious on the ground.


The agent nodded, his expression professional. "You can leave this to us, Spider-Man and Spider-Man Red."


Both Peter and I nodded in acknowledgment. "Okay, thank you," I said before turning to Peter. "Let's go."


With that, we swung away, ready to find more people in need of our help. As we soared through the city, the familiar sounds of distress reached our ears.


"Help!!" cried a girl, her voice tinged with fear.


"Help!!!" echoed a young man.


Peter and I exchanged a quick glance, both of us nodding in unspoken agreement. We followed the source of the cries and soon found ourselves in a secluded area where three young people were being forced into a car by masked kidnappers.


"Looks like we've got some work to do," I said, my voice filled with determination.


Peter grinned beneath his mask. "Let's save the day, Captain."


We quickly followed the car, moving with the agility and speed that came with our powers.


[Mark side]

In their sunlit room, Mark Taylor, also known as Nightwing, sat on the edge of the bed, staring out the window with a distant look in his eyes. The afternoon sun streamed in, casting warm light across the room, but his mind was preoccupied. His girlfriend, Emily Hawkins, also known as Lady Vamp, noticed his unusual silence and the deep furrow in his brow. Concerned, she walked over and gently placed a hand on his shoulder

"Darling, what's going on?" Emily asked, her voice soft and filled with worry.


Mark sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. "Nothing—I'm just, um..." He paused, then looked at Emily with a mixture of warmth and sadness. "Emily, I've been thinking about our future."


Emily's eyes widened with concern. "Why? Don't you love me anymore?"


Mark's head snapped up, and he quickly reassured her, "It's not like that! Of course I love you." He took a deep breath and continued, "I just... you know, I want to marry you, but I'm worried about Michael and Mary, my sister. Michael and Mary still aren't married, and I want the four of us to get married at the same time."


Emily's expression softened, and she moved to sit beside him. "Babe, that's so sweet," she said, kissing his cheek. "Then let's get married, all four of us, at the same time. I can wait for our wedding."


Mark looked at her, love and relief evident in his eyes. "Really, you can wait?"

Emily nodded, a smile spreading across her face. "Besides, I want Michael and Mary to be married at our wedding too. It would be so special to share that moment with them."


Mark pulled her into his arms, holding her close. He could feel the tension easing out of his body, replaced by a warm sense of gratitude and love. "Thank you, babe," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. He kissed her tenderly, feeling a deep sense of contentment wash over him.


[Meanwhile Chris Hilton]

Inside the Hilton Company


Inside the bustling headquarters of the Hilton Company, Chris Hilton was deeply immersed in the groundbreaking ElectroGenesis project. The lab was alive with activity as teams of scientists and engineers hustled to bring the project to life. Chris had invested a lot into this venture, confident that it could change the way we use and generate energy. He couldn't stop thinking about how ElectroGenesis might transform the entire field of technology.


Chris observed Maxwell Dillon and his team of scientists as they meticulously assembled the components of the ElectroGenesis device. A wave of satisfaction washed over him; seeing the progress firsthand reinforced his confidence in the project's success.



Maxwell Dillon's eyes lit up with admiration as he caught sight of his boss, Chris Hilton. The warmth of his smile reflected genuine respect and gratitude. Maxwell held Chris in high regard not only for his sharp business sense and unwavering financial backing but also for his compassionate nature and generosity towards those in need. These qualities weren't just abstract ideals to Maxwell; they had deeply touched his life and left an indelible mark.



Maxwell, taking a brief pause from his work, approached Chris. "Mr. Hilton," he began, a note of gratitude in his voice, "I can't thank you enough for believing in me and giving me this opportunity. Without your support, I wouldn't be here today."


Chris smiled warmly, clapping a hand on Maxwell's shoulder. "Maxwell, your hard work and dedication are what brought you here. I simply gave you a chance, and you made the most of it."


Maxwell nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of pride and determination. "Still, I owe a lot to you. This project, ElectroGenesis, it's more than just work for me. It's a way to give back and show that your trust in me was well-placed."


Chris's expression softened. "I always knew you had great potential. Seeing you and the team bring this project to life is incredibly rewarding." Then he gaze at Maxwell eyes and said "By the way How are things progressing?"


Maxwell glanced back at the device, his face lighting up with enthusiasm. "We're making significant strides. The energy conversion efficiency is surpassing our initial expectations. If this continues, we'll hit our next milestone ahead of schedule."


"That's excellent news," Chris replied, his voice filled with genuine excitement. "This project could change everything, not just for us but for the world. And to think, it all started with a scholarship card."


[Maxwell past]

Maxwell's admiration was rooted in a life-changing encounter back in 1978 when he was just 17 years old. At that time, he was a poor youth with no access to scholarships, his hopes for education crushed by a system favoring more privileged backgrounds. One fateful day, he found himself on the streets, dejected and without prospects, when Chris Hilton happened upon him.

Chris, with his unmistakable presence and aura of success, approached Maxwell with a mix of curiosity and concern. "What's a young kid like you doing out here on the streets when you should be in school?" His voice held genuine interest, tinged with a hint of paternal care.



Maxwell, recognizing the man before him as the famed Chris Hilton from the Hilton family, a name synonymous with wealth and success, couldn't help but stammer, "Y-you're C-Chris H-Hilton." The Hilton family was renowned for their wealth and business empire, and to Maxwell, meeting Chris felt like encountering a celebrity.

Chris nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I asked you, kid, what are you doing here in this place meant for beggars?"


Maxwell, feeling a mix of shame and despair, admitted, "I don't have money to go to school."


Chris considered this for a moment, then quickly handed Maxwell a black card.


Maxwell took the card, his curiosity piqued. "What is this, Sir?"


Chris smiled. "Oh, that? That's my scholarship card that I created for people like you. Take it to any school you want to attend, and they'll know what it means."


Maxwell's eyes widened in disbelief. "Is that really true, sir?"

Chris nodded reassuringly. "Yes, it's true. So don't worry about it."


Maxwell felt a surge of hope and gratitude. He vowed then and there that he would work hard, graduate, and someday join the Hilton Company to repay Chris Hilton for his generosity. This promise had driven him ever since then, guiding him through his academic pursuits and ultimately leading him to where he stood today, working on the ElectroGenesis project. 


[Meanwhile Dr. Doom]

In a basement, Chameleon and Dr. Doom engaged in a secretive conversation. Tension hung heavy in the air as they discussed their plans. Chameleon, his eyes sharp with ambition, leaned in, speaking urgently but quietly.



"Is it time, sir? Should we go after Hilton's ElectroGenesis project?" Chameleon asked, eager yet cautious.


Dr. Doom, his demeanor calm but resolute, paused before responding. "Not yet," he replied, his voice steady. "The Fantastic Four and SHIELD are formidable foes." 


"And I'm sure They will try to stop us, but we need to wait for the perfect moment to act," Dr. Doom explained simply. "We must be patient and strike when we have the best chance of success."


Chameleon nodded, his gaze unwavering as he hung on Dr. Doom's every word. "And what shall we do in the meantime, sir?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.


A sly smirk played across Dr. Doom's lips as he leaned in closer to his accomplice. "You will see soon enough," he responded cryptically, his eyes glinting with a hint of mischief.


As they discussed potential allies and diversions tactics, Chameleon shared their dealings with different figures, like the mysterious Clairvoyant and the powerful Kraven the Hunter. Dr. Doom listened intently, his mind already formulating plans within plans. 


"So, these villains have agreed to aid us in our plan?" Dr. Doom asked.


Chameleon nodded confidently, a smug grin spreading across his face. "Indeed," he confirmed. "The Clairvoyant, or John Garrett as he's known, seeks power and influence," he explained. "I promised him an army and access to advanced weaponry in exchange for causing chaos in New York, diverting S.H.I.E.L.D.'s attention away from our true objectives."

Dr. Doom nodded, acknowledging the effectiveness of Chameleon's persuasion tactics. "And Kraven?" he pressed, his tone expectant.

"Kraven is all about primal instincts," Chameleon explained. "I tempted him with the chance to fight against two tough opponents—Spider-Man and Spider-Man Red. He couldn't resist the excitement of such a challenge, so he jumped right in."


Dr. Doom nodded in approval, his eyes alight with anticipation. "And what about that guy name Octavius?" he questioned, his interest piqued by the mention of the mad scientist.



Chameleon's grin widened as he explained his manipulation of Octavius's fragile psyche. "I implanted the idea that Spider-Man is his mortal enemy," he revealed, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "With his mechanical tentacles under my control, he will prove to be a valuable asset in our plans."



Chameleon's grin grew as he explained how he manipulated Doctor Octavius. "You see, Doctor Doom from what I know," he started, his tone taking on a sinister tone, "Doctor Octavius is a brilliant scientist who created mechanical tentacles to aid his work."



Dr. Doom listened intently, his expression impassive as he absorbed the information.



"These mechanical tentacles," Chameleon continued, his tone oozing with satisfaction, "are controlled by the user's brain through a neural link. Nanowires feed directly into the cerebellum, forming a connection between the arms and the user. They grant unparalleled strength and dexterity, allowing the user to perform feats beyond the capabilities of ordinary humans."



He paused for a moment, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in.



"However," Chameleon continued, his grin widening, "Doctor Octavius's brilliance was overshadowed by tragedy. During that day where Vulture, Monkey King, Hammerhead Attack the Oscorp Headquarters, An Accident fused the mechanical tentacles to his body, and in doing so, unleashed a darker side of his psyche. The tentacles began to exert their own influence, driving him towards madness and obsession."



Dr. Doom's eyes gleamed with interest as he processed the information. "And you claim to have manipulated this man and his mechanical appendages to serve our purposes?" he inquired, a note of skepticism in his voice.



Chameleon nodded emphatically. "Indeed," he confirmed. "I planted false memories and feelings, convincing Octavius that Spider-Man was his sworn enemy," he clarified. "Through careful psychological manipulation, I exploited his vulnerabilities and fears, reshaping his perception of reality to align with our objectives."



Dr. Doom's lips curled into a satisfied smile, pleased with Chameleon's resourcefulness in assembling their team of adversaries. "Excellent," he remarked. "With these formidable allies at our disposal, our plans will proceed as intended."

The pieces were falling into place, and Dr. Doom's vision for domination drew ever closer to fruition.


As the discussion drew to a close, Dr. Doom and Chameleon shared a knowing glance, their partnership solidified by their shared ambition and thirst for power. With each piece falling into place, their plot to seize the ElectroGenesis project grew ever closer to fruition, setting the stage for a confrontation that would shake the very foundations of New York City.


[Narrator POV Michael Wilson]


Michael Wilson, also known as the Legendary Spider-Man, and Peter Parker, alias Spider-Man Red, tracked the car to a secluded area, feeling the tension rise with each passing moment. They were fully alert, ready to face whatever awaited them.


With the car now parked in a desolate area, Michael wasted no time rallying his companion. "Let's go, Red," he commanded, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.


Peter nodded, determination etched across his features. "Aye, captain," he replied, falling into step beside Michael as they approached their destination.


As they neared the secluded spot, Michael raised his voice, projecting an air of confidence. "We're here," he announced, his tone ringing out with assurance. "Everything is going to be fine."


But their reassurances were short-lived as a voice sliced through the silence, chilling them to the bone. "You were right, Doctor Octopus," it declared, dripping with malice. "They're here."

Stepping forward, Doctor Octopus emerged from the shadows, his menacing presence sending a shiver down Michael's spine. "See, I told you they were fools," he sneered, his gaze locked onto Spider-Man Red. "That plan worked like a charm. They followed our bait right to us."


Michael couldn't believe his eyes as he saw Kraven the Hunter and Dr. Octopus standing there in the dimly lit basement. And his mind is spinning as he saw them standing together? It was like a bad dream come true. He couldn't wrap his head around how Dr. Octavius suddenly transformed into Dr. Octopus, let alone why he was teaming up with Kraven, a guy known for hunting down heroes like Spider-Man and a Battle Maniac



Michael's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. And Wasn't Dr. Octavius still recovering from his accident at Oscorp? The news of his attempt to cure his mechanical tentacles had spread like wildfire through the city. It seemed implausible that he would suddenly emerge as Dr. Octopus, especially in league with someone like Kraven the Hunter.




Then Peter's voice cut through the tension, his disbelief evident as he echoed Michael's thoughts. "Dr. Octavius?" he repeated, his tone a mix of confusion and disbelief on why Octavius is here. The news of Octavius's tragic accident at Oscorp had been a topic of conversation for weeks, with many hoping for his recovery, not his transformation into a supervillain.



Confusion gnawed at Michael as he struggled to comprehend what happened. Something didn't add up, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this story than met the eye. Whatever the truth, Michael knew he had to stay vigilant. The safety of the city depended on it.


To be continued

The New Arc "The Dawn Of Sun"


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