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2.73% I AM BORED: (Worlds Travel) / Chapter 1: Prologue*

Kapitel 1: Prologue*


-This Fanfic appeared to follow the concept of the original canon, but remember, I made changes to their personality base on my own plots.

-Throughout the story, I provide hints and re-explain why the characters act the way they did. I don't plan to leave any plot holes if possible, so before assuming something, please understand that it will be explained.

-Remember, this is a fantasy, not non-fiction. I'm sorry, if you based this Fanfic out of real life, it might not be for you.

-Enjoy! by average-author...


The world is full of wonders, It might be true. To ordinary people, it's just another typical day. The days were like that for Lee Li. It was a funny name to give a child, but his parents wanted his name to sound American, so there you have it. As an Asian American, to preserve the family name, they just gave him a common American last name and his family's last name which sounds kind of the same.

The moment Lee woke up, he could see the same old pasteurized ceiling and his ears caught overhear music from a room across from him. The music was by the Irish boys' band called Westlife playing in a soothing harmony. Instead of waking up, he tucked his blanket covering his head and sank into deep sleep again. The next thing he heard was his mother yelled at him from the kitchen on the first floor.

"Lee, get your ass out of your bed and go outside!"

Of course, he ignored his mother's calls. Lee was an unambitious person, unless something piques his interest, he wouldn't do anything. He did things light-heartedly when pressed which caused his parents to be so irritated with him. One thing he hated the most was the noise. That was why he locked himself most of the time reading light-novels or watching anime. People might assume he was anti-social, but he was not. He had a lot of friends which is why he hid away to avoid being called from them.

His mother kept calling him which is annoying the heck out of him. Lee's room is about 12x12 with a window to the west and a closet with a door facing east. A simple one-person bed, with a large clock above his bedhead. There is no extra design inside his room beside the bookshelf which contains a lot of books and the mirror on his door. There is also a desk with a pc, chair, guitar, and clothes in the closet.

Lee had no choice but to get up from his bed. His mother knows that he despises noise or loud sounds that was why she kept yelling at him from the kitchen. When he was about to unlock the door, he noticed himself in the mirror. From the reflection, he had black hair, a crew cut with light shade from below without any facial hair yet, and light brown skin. His eyes were light brown on the iris and little long eyelashes. His face was a little round with a straight nose which yielded his youthfulness. He was 159 cm in height with an average build that made him look younger than his age which was 14 years old.

Lee opened the door and perceived that his twin brother's room opposite his door was breached slightly which showed that he was not in his room anymore. Toward the north was the bathroom, the south was going down to the first floor. When he arrived at the bottom of the stair while looking at his phone which showed 10:35 AM at the top with half battery and he signed.

Lee could see his mother was in the kitchen cooking something. His mother also noticed his presence, she said "Don't stay inside all day when you are not in school."


Instead of responding, Lee gave his mother a blank look, then turned toward the door which led to the back of the house.

"Don't cause any trouble. Don't do any stupid stuff! You hear me?"

He stepped out of the house but he still heard his mother yell at him from the kitchen. Even though Lee was an unambitious person, he was quite a dare-devil which worried his family every time he went out. It might be conflicting for his mother to ask him to go outside, but no mother wants their children to be a hikikomori. This was no different from any other day. It depends on the severity of his action, but Lee mostly harms himself or creates panic instead of causing harm to anyone.

As Lee was out of the house, he felt that it was perfect weather since the sun was shining brightly. It was warm with the wind gently blowing, making it a great day to be out. No wonder his mother told him to go outside.

The backyard was around 50 meters square with woods blocking out the distance views. There were vegetables growing on half of the garden, as Lee walked through space in the center and arrived at the edge of the wood. Since he was clueless about what he should do, he looked at his phone again which started to flash on the camera with a person calling ID popped up on the screen.

Phone screen* [Whitney Butler] calling.....>

Instead of answering the phone, he pressed the power-off bottom at the side of his phone. Instantly, a text message popped up.

("Lee! Answer me!")


("Please tell me...")

("you know I am hurting")

("Lil, I still L...

Since the text message kept showing him notifications, Lee turned off his phone completely before even reading the messages. 'Let forget about her for now'.

Lee walked through the main trail into the wood. After about a couple of minutes, he arrived at the two-way high-way. Instead of crossing the highway, he was lost. He didn't have any plan for the day and didn't know what he should do. He picked up a stick beside his legs, and threw it up into the air, and let it fall. Since Lee was undecided where to go, he let the stick decide for him. He remembered some anime characters did that. The Stick landed on the tip first and angled toward the west when falling down.

Since it was that direction, Lee wandered at the side of the road as making his way toward the unknown. A couple of minutes later, he saw a deer struggling its last breath after it was hit by one of the vehicles that passed by. An idea suddenly popped into his head when he saw the deer. 'Finally, something to do for the day.'

Before Lee leaped into the middle of the road, he examined both his left and right. He then rushed toward the deer's body and held one of the deer's front legs to pull it. (@:for a note, Truck-kun is not gonna grab him.) It was around 140 pounds white-tail deer which was burgeoning adult size. To Lee, it was a tough feast to haul it all the way to the wood outside his house.

He made a blood trace that resembled someone who attempted to conceal the dead body after roadkill. Lee was out of breath for a while before looking at the deer placing in front of him. He noticed that from the tarsal and down, it was a disturbing view.

Lee rushed toward his house and brought back an air-rifle without his mother's consent or presence of course. He also had a rope with him. Lee used the rope by encircling around the neck of the deer and knotted it up on the branch of the tree which slightly above his head.

The deer was dangling there dripping blood from its bottom. It looked like he was going to perform a demonic ritual, but instead, he just left it there and strolled away into the wood with his air-rifle.

Lee roamed aimlessly around the wood without shooting any animals he came across. After a while, he heard his mother shout his name that lunch was ready.

Lee went back for lunch after hiding the air-rifle behind a tree near his house. When entered the kitchen, he noticed that his mother and two younger sisters were already sitting at the dinner table. He washed his hands first before joining them or else his mother would yell at him again.

The family surrounded the dinner table, his mother occupied the main chair, and adjacent to both her sides were his younger sisters. Lee strolled toward his youngest sister back on the left of his mother, near the kitchen where he entered from. His sister also noticed him who was behind her and spun around.


She called his name in a slow sound which was one of the few words she was able to converse. Victoria Li was 2 years old, 12 years apart from both Lee and his twin brother. She was cute, chubby, with black hair down to her neck, brown-yellowish skin and a round face. Similar to Lee, she also had light-brown eyes. She had a shirt dress on because she wanted to wear her older sister's clothes. On her ears, there were small gold earrings with a white eye on both ears.

Lee walked toward her, pecks on her cheek, and rubbed her head. She was really excited to see her older brother. Across Victoria, there was another sister of his sitting there without even looking at him. Her name was Kathy Li, and she was 9 years old. Kathy was skinny, unlike her little sister. She wore a black hoodie and shorts. Similar earrings with red-eye. She had brown eyes, (dyed) red-hair falling down all the way to her hip. Her skin was yellowish-white like she never sees the sun. She only directed attention to her I-phone while watching shows on Youtube, at the same time eating her rice balls on one hand.

In the main seat, his mother was studying him to see if there was anything out of usual about him. His mother was Mimiko Li, 32 years old housewife. She had a blue ticking stripe apron on, with a casual dress under. She had light brown eyes with black hair braided toward the back on both sides with a bun at the back. She was a normal mother who works from home while looking after her young children.

"Lee, what were you doing in the woods?"

"Nothing", Lee replied.

"Since it's spring break, you should hang out with your friends and participate in some kind of sport. All you do all day is laying on your bed."

Lee took a seat beside Victoria and took his lunch in the middle of the table which was rice with cucumber salads, and bbq ribs. While he was eating, he still heard his mother rumbling about him and the people at her job. When she was done with him, she targeted his sister and told her to eat her food because she is too skinny.

'I don't know why my dad married this kind of woman. So noisy."

The moment Lee thought about his mother, a young girl popped into his mind. She possessed an hourglass figure with silver hair tied into a ponytail that fell all the way to her butts. She had delicate white skin with a beautiful smile on her face. Her name was Whitney Butler, a neighbor of Lee who lived about 2 houses away from him.

He shook his head. 'Not her'.

"What are you doing Lee? Eat your lunch. Both of you and Kathy are so skinny, I worry that it will turn into a health problem."

She continued on and on until when Lee was done with his lunch, he went to the back door again. This time he brought along a kitchen knife, a garden hoe, a lighter, and a small pot with water inside of it. He didn't forget to take his air-rifle which he hid behind the tree. He arrived back at the location where he hanged the deer.

Lee dug the ground with his garden hoe making a hole around a foot and a half deep in a rectangle shape of 1x.5 foot. After he completely created a hole, instead of continuing what he was doing, he grabbed his air rifle and roamed around the woods again.

All of sudden, he noticed a blackbird as deep as ink flew beyond his head and landed in front of him while attempting to get away. From the description of what he saw, the bird had three legs and in its eyes, instead of one pupil, it had three which gave him an eerie feeling. The bird seemed to be wounded and couldn't fly.

Lee lifted his air rifle and took an aim at the bird. He slowly pulled his trigger when the red-dot was right on the back of the bird's head.


The bird flew back a little from the pressure, and struggled its last breath, lying there forever.

"A blackbird! Finally!" exclaimed Lee.

This whole time, he was searching for a blackbird of any kind but didn't expect the three legs bird to drop in front of him. This is the first time he saw a three legs bird, but it was what he needed.

Lee took the bird with him to the place where he hanged the deer and started to gather the logs around him while doing so. After that, he put the dry woods into the hole with other dry leaves when he arrived and lit it up with the lighter.

When the fire grew larger, Lee placed the pot with water on it to let it heat up. At the same time, he went to the deer and thrust his kitchen knife toward the heart area, and slowly cut it open. After a while, he took a heart out from the chest. He placed the heart of the deer into the pot, then focused his attention on the bird that he brought back. Next, he grabbed the bird and hovered it over the pot.

Lee slicked its throat by allowing the black blood from the bird to drip inside the pot with the deer's heart in.

Lee remembered that when he was a kid, along with his twin brother, his mother usually told him about certain folklore. In the place where his mother came from, they considered deer as the purest creature of all because they don't eat anything besides grass and berries. That is why deer meat is considered absolute, and sacred which shouldn't be mixed with anything impure when eating deer meat.

In the story, his mother told them about a hunter who hunted a deer and had the chance to also get a blackbird. So he decided to cook together because he wanted to eat the deer meat at the same time, he wanted to eat the bird first because it was small.

When he prepared both of them together, the larger flame kindled the pot, the more the pot was shaking. By the time it was boiling, the pot started growing legs and ran around. When the fire ceased, the pot also stopped moving. Since the hunter didn't want to waste the food, he decided to eat it. When he finished his supper, he started rocking and moving around wildly.

When he finally calmed down, he was lying beside the river. As he woke up, he freaked out at himself. In the water, he saw he had three horns, two at the top and one at the front. His teeth were sharp just like a razer and grew larger than normal teeth. Then...

"then," both Lee and his twin brother asked.

"Booo!" their mother said, as she hugged them. Both of them hugged their mother back because they were really frightened.

When Lee saw the deer, he wanted to test out the story that his mother told him.

When the black blood from the bird fell into the water, the red water mixed with deer blood from the heart started dividing into two halves and chasing after each one another.

One red and one black.

The more the flame rose, the more the pot was shaking just like what his mother told him. The liquid became maroon red then all suddenly, a sanguineous color light shone in the pot which seemed to be alive.

The liquid leaped from the pot toward Lee and entered through his orifices. His vision turned red and at the same time, he felt pain rose in his head and spread throughout his body. He crouched down to the ground, felt like everything was shaking. Inside his body, his blood valves blew apart as the liquid moved through his body. Blood came out everywhere.

Through the red vision which was covered by blood, Lee could still see his arm hugging his body, but his skin started to crack and blood bled out from it. He closed his eyes tightly trying to deal with the pain. He didn't know how long it was but everything in him seemed to explode inside out. The sky above his head turned grayish red as the black cloud formed which seemed like Lee was at the center of all.

"AAAAaaaaaaaaahH!!!" He screamed.

The storm was forming. The wind was blowing hard. In his surroundings, everything appeared to lose its gravity and soared up.

He screamed out to ease the pain, but it didn't seem to stop. Slowly, he felt a wave of pressure spread out from his body which made his body undergo change within, and at the same time, he felt suffocated. All of the sudden, from his vision, just like a TV screen turns off, and there was a "squeak" sound.

*Shiazen* Everything turned off or stopped.

Like nothing exists in the first place.

Ren_Xi Ren_Xi

Please leave comments for any corrections or plotholes that I made. I will try to get back on it. Thanks, enjoy.

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