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80% HP: Tanja in Hogwarts / Chapter 3: First Day - First Troubles 2

Kapitel 3: First Day - First Troubles 2


Wingardium Leviosa is a levitation spell that nullifies gravity, allowing objects to be lifted and controlled in the air. This spell requires precise execution and a deep understanding of the underlying principles.

Physically, the spell exerts a force (F) on the object that counteracts the gravitational force (F g = m • g), where (m) is the mass of the object and (g) is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²). To levitate the object, the applied force (F) must equal the gravitational force:

F = m • g

Mathematically, this corresponds to a state of weightlessness, where the sum of forces is zero:

∑ F = 0

The precise wand movement is used to modulate the direction and magnitude of this force, allowing the object to be stably held in the air.

This spell impressively demonstrates the application of magical energy capable of manipulating fundamental physical laws. A disciplined magician who performs the incantation and movement correctly can thus gain control over gravity and move objects at will.

 „Wingardium Leviosa!"


Ops, looks like I put too much intent and willpower into the spell. The Ball immediately flew up until it was stopped by the ceiling. It is as if I put a minus before the gratitational force and it now works the other way around. The ball does not fall to the ground, down, but into the air, up!

The goal was to make it float in the air, overcoming Newtons law of gravity wich states that all bodies with a mass exert a gravitational pull on other bodies. The pull depends on the mass of both bodies and their distance from each other.

 „Miss Regenduff, you replicated my wand movements almost perfectly! Your spell also worked on the first try, although it may have worked a bit too well. Three points for Ravenclaw!" oh my, look at that! Three points!

… Nope, I do not feel indoctrinated at all. Well, I am a grown up, and this wannabe meritocracy holds no appeal to me. The children can compete for the house cup, if they want to.

That said, I have to atleast make it seem like I am grateful for these points. Otherwise I could face social repercussions in my house.

 „Thank you, Professor Flitwick. I shall not repeat my mistake! Could you tell me what went wrong? I merely wanted it to fly off the ground." Have to make it sound like I do not know what went wrong. I am still a first year and am not supposed to know so much already.

The Law, created by the british minister(-erium) for magic, states:

§8 Education of Wizards and Witches

 1/ All young wizards and witches are required to attend a recognized magical school to receive proper training in the magical arts.


§10 Use of Magic in Public

 1/ The use of magic in the presence of Muggles is only permitted in emergencies and must be reported to the Ministry of Magic immediately.


 „Oh, what a fine Question! If I weren't the Head of house Ravenclaw, I would have given another point for that question, Miss Regenduff! You most likely did not specify where you wanted it to go in your mind. The mind leads the body and the magic of every wizard! Try again! Come, come!" Ok, that is new information. Specify the position I want it to stay in? Sounds right.

 „–" Well, if the mind leads, then I do not have to use my mouth, do I?

 „M-Miss Regenduff! Yo-You just performed the spell perfectly and that also Incantation-less! I … I do not know what to say! Fifteen points for Ravenclaw!"

 „Thank you very much, Professor Flitwick! I merely followed your teachings to accomplish this feat. But, incantation-less spell casting? Is it rare? I have seen multiple people do so easily. Even you did so when showing the spell at the beginning of the lecture– the ball you made levitate started to do so, before you finished the Incantation." I am

genuinely curious.

In the Devils World, no Magical Soldier screamed what they were going to cast; only the officer would do so, but that as an order to create a unified firing line where everyone uses the same formula.

 „It is indeed rare. It is quite sad, if I may add. Most Wizards and Witches do not form correct foundations, be it skill or knowledge wise. And then they go through life, never knowing the true wonders and miracles Magic can bring upon this World! Every Teacher in this school is a Master in his or her field of expertise. We all have a profound understanding of what we and Magic can accomplish!" I find this neglect of Magic, something basic for this society, truly un-smart and yet quite logical. What a contradiction, almost.

The People are not improving, because why should they? The general population thinks themself to be superior over anything and everyone. What a foolish thing to do.

 „Not only the teachers, but also the staff at Hogwarts are experts; Madam Rosmerta, the school nurse, is very qualified and has years of experience, not only here in Hogwarts, but also in St. Mungos Hospital. She can deal with anything that could go wrong while casting or brewing and can heal all wounds. Please, do not think that you can expect nice treatment from her, if you occupy one of her beds one to many times!" Medical treatment! What a wonderful act of basic civilization. I do not have to die in some dirty trench, alone and cold! Or, for that matter, in some classroom or hallway because someone had a cough while saying the incantation for a spell which then turned into some dark spell and I got hit.

„That is reasurring to hear, Professor Flitwick. Hogwarts sure is great! Thank you for your correction, regarding my gone awry Wingardium Leviosa charm. This helped me a lot!" Well, it proves correct not to only think about what is written in the book. The practic and theory can differ very much! There are trenches? Let's pump them full of toxic gas! … what do you mean? The wind direction changed and hundreds of our own soldiers died?! Oops.

Professor Flitwicks insightful remarks, may not sound like very much to someone who does not grasp their full extent and all the information you can decipher out of it! He truly is an incredibly competent teacher! Sadly, not many, if anyone at all, fully grasps his teachings.

Am I understanding him completely? I hope I have not overseen something crucial. That would be embarrassing!

 „You will exceed Zedrick, of that I have no doubt! Please, go and help the others! Haaach, what a fine student and Witch…" What a… special teacher.

I have learned much in this lecture. Spatial coordinates do exist in this World; I have so many ideas how to implement this into new spells, if others have not already done so!




At the same time…


 „Huh? What?"

 „Marie, look at the ceiling! That girl over there did it! She used the charm on the ball and it immediately fell to the ceiling!" Ooooh. Damn, she is so good at this! How come I cannot do this? I want to be just like her. Now everyone is looking!

She is also quite cute, she is pretty actually. Like a doll I played with! Yeah, Dorrothee, I miss you. But mom said that only little girls still play with dolls. This almost golden, short luscious hair; it looks so… full!

 „Marie, something is weird about her. I dunno, her eyes are weird. They give me the creeps!" So you noticed, too. That girl is my childhood friend. Her name is Letizia and she is from Spain. I am actually from France, but since English is the World Language, my parents send me to Hogwarts. Nice actually, my dad wanted to send me to Durmstrang in the east of Europe, but mom wanted Beuxbatons in France, they met in the middle, literally, and decided on Hogwarts in Britain!

 „Mhhh, you are right. I don't want to talk to her.

 „Miss Regenduff, you replicated my wand movements almost perfectly! Your spell also worked on the first try, although it may have worked a bit too well. Three points for Ravenclaw!" Wow! She got us house points on the first day of school, maybe we can win this after all!

 „Let's leave her alone! Atleast she is creating us house points!" Yeah, right. She is useful. These Hufflepuff students are sharing charms class with us and have not gained even one House point! Hahaha, we are so much better than them! There is no way they can compete with my house! And there is no way they could beat me, because I will be way better than that Degerechuff hag. It is not like I don't like the Hufflepuff students, they are just, ehh, ehm, no idea. They are weird! Ugh.

There are not enough new students each year to hold classes per house. The staff combines two houses into one class. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are one and Slytherin and Gryffindore are one class, respectively.

 „Thank you, Professor Flitwick. I shall not repeat my mistake! Could you tell me what went wrong? I merely wanted it to fly off the ground." What is wrong with her? She talks so weird. Like, she is old!

 „She is so strange, she talks like she is, ehm, old, yeah! She is a Granny! Hahahaha!" Letizia loves to laugh about other students and everyone else, really.

 „Granny? Mhhh, sounds good! Let's call her that, Letizia! Hahahah."

 „Oh, what a fine Question! If I weren't the Head of house Ravenclaw, I would have given another point for that question, Miss Regenduff! You most likely did not specify where you wanted it to go in your mind. The mind leads the body and the magic of every wizard! Try again! Come, come!" Wh– wait! That sounded helpful and important. There, there aaand there is the parchment! Let's write that down, ASAP!

What was it again? Something about the mind and the body? Ehm… crap! I can not remember!

 „The mind leads the body and the magic of every wizard!– the professor said that. I can see the panic on your face, Marie. You know exactly that I have a super perfect mega brain! I.don't.forget.anything! Hahaha."

 „Thank you and yup, you really are great, Letizia! We're Besties! Hahaha"

 „-" Hmm?

 „No way! Did she cheat? She didn't say anything! How is this possible?"

 „I don't know, either! Do not look at me like that! It has to… I have no idea. Wait, Professor Flitwick is saying something! Be quiet!"

 „M-Miss Regenduff! Yo-You just performed the spell perfectly and that also Incantation-less! I … I do not know what to say! Fifteen points for Ravenclaw!" FIFTEEN POINTS?! Wow, maybe we should hold a feast?

 „Woah" „WOW" „H-How? I can not even do the right wand movement!"

„This is so unfair! I want it to work, WORK! Now!"

 „Wingardim Lefiossa!" „Vinkradium Leviosaa!" „Wingardium Leviosa?"„Winlvasio gardia!"

Such chaos! Well, I do not want to fall behind!

 „Wingardium Leviosa!"

 „Thank you very much, Professor Flitwick! I merely followed your teachings to accomplish this feat. But, incantation-less spell casting? Is it rare? I have seen multiple people do so easily. Even you did so when showing the spell at the beginning of the lecture– the ball you made levitate, it started to do so, before you finished the Incantation." Professor Flitwick really did that? Awesome! Our Head of House is really cool! I am going to master Wingardium Leviosa and then cast it incantation-less too! 

 „It is indeed rare. It is quite sad, if I may add. Most Wizards and Witches do not form correct foundations, be it skill or knowledge wise. And then they go through life, never knowing the true wonders and miracles Magic can bring upon this World! Every Teacher in this school is a Master in his or her field of expertise. We all have a profound understanding of what we and Magic can accomplish!" I will be the best Witch to ever have lived! Ravenclaw? Hufflepuff? Heh, I will surpass them and reach new heights, no one has ever ever achieved!

 „Marie, lets do it together!"

 „Huh? What do you mean, Letizia?"

 „I bet my Aunts Poodle, that we both thought about being better than the rest!"

 „Not only the teachers, but also the staff at Hogwarts are experts; Madam Rosmerta, the school nurse, is very qualified and has years of experience, not only here in Hogwarts, but also in St. Mungos Hospital. She can deal with anything that could go wrong while casting or brewing and can heal all wounds. Please, do not think that you can expect nice treatment from her, if you occupy one of her beds one to many times!" I do not plan to injure myself. I do not want to get hurt!

 „Wingardium Leviosa" the ball floated a bit! Wooho!

 „You will exceed Zedrick, of that I have no doubt! Please, go and help the others! Haaach, what a fine student and witch…"

„Marie! Look! Look! It floats, it really floats!"

„You are so awesome Letizia! But, you really made it float like a boat in the water? I do not know if that is how we were supposed to let it float… it moves like it is being dragged by a current; as if it is in water."

„Atleast it floats! What is with your ball? Can you make it float?"




Well, I might as well help the other students, like the Professor asked me to do.

„Y-Yeah, of course I can! You just look! Wingardium Leviosa. Woah, it really started to float!" That is.. why is it so crude? The ball wobbles in the air, that is not how the Professor showed it to us. You have to pinpoint an exact location in space to accurately hold it in space. This is achieved, if you are not aware of the coordinates, though looking at the spot you want the object to move to.

This process can also be used with the mind. Imagine the object in and imagine how it moves to ist designated place– it is just like driving an RC car or a UAV-Drone. This also means that you could use it to move objects like projectiles; this reminds me of Hondu from Guardians of the Galaxy, he uses an implant to move a dart(?) wich then functions as a Weapon/projectile, piercing through enemys and other objects, killing them.

I seriously question the person's sanity, who decided it to be safe, teaching such a charm to children. Looks like I have to get used to such things in the wizarding worlds.

„You're super Marie! We're the best!" No, you are not. You are pathetic! You are just like the rest of these children. Atleast you two made it float, no one else has done so, up until now!

„Excuse me, Professor Flitwick tasked me with helping the other students. So, hello, my name is Tanja Regenduff! Who are you two? Is it ok if I help you two with the Charm?"


„W-Well, why not? My name is Letizia and that awkward one over there is Marie. But I don't think that we need your help. We can use the levitation Charm already. Look!" You are both awkward, and your accents are also clearly hearable. A French and a Spaniard, how fitting, or maybe not.

I really could do better things than help two girls who think they know better than me, but not only have I been tasked with helping the others, from Professor Flitwick, but I am also being employed as a 'counselor' who's task it is, in Hogwarts, to help the students in the lectures and sometimes even to hold said lectures for the students!

„Wingardium Leviosa." „Wingardium Leviosa."

„Mhh, I happened to overhear your conversation. And I agree with Marie, it looks like you are thinking about a boat floating in the sea. Don't picture that, think about… stars! They are calmly floating in the sky, in space. Unmoving and unchanging!" Stars are a very good example, I will write that down in my Notes! This brings me to another thought, what does the mind have to do with the outcome of a spell… the spell was performed correctly by Letizia, but because she pictured it wrong, no, different! The outcome was different, too!

„Ehm, ok, I will give it a try. Wingardium Leviosa." That is something I will have to revise about, maybe Zedrick's notes can help?

„Wow, it worked, just like you said! Awesome! Wanna be amigas?" I do speak a bit Spanish, amigas means friends.

„I have to decline this offer, I have been chosen for a special position in this school and won't have much time for friends or even for myself." True words, but on the other hand, I do not even want to be friends with her.

„That said, we surely can have a friendly relationship! That would be more than doable!" and acceptable, for me, that is.

„ …Ok, sounds alright. Nice to have met you, Tanja!" Well, looks like this talk has ended.

„Same to you two! I will now help the others, see you later."

Tanja's notes for this Chapter/Spell (Charm):

Connecting Physical and Mathematical Laws with „Wingardium Leviosa"

I have always valued the precision and rigor of physical and mathematical laws. These principles are universal and unchanging, in contrast to the often seemingly arbitrary nature of magic. However, even magic follows certain rules and can, upon closer inspection, be aligned with scientific concepts.

Let's consider the spell „Wingardium Leviosa". This spell is used to levitate objects. From a scientific perspective, one could argue that „Wingardium Leviosa" neutralizes or modifies the gravitational effect on the targeted object.


Newton's Law and „Wingardium Leviosa"

Starting with the basics of classical mechanics, particularly Newton's law of universal gravitation, which describes the gravitational attraction between two masses with the formula

F = G(m1 • m2 : r2)

Where (F) is the gravitational force, (G) is the gravitational constant, (m1) and (m2) are the masses of the two objects, and (r) is the distance between their centers of mass.

In a typical scenario on Earth, (m1) is the mass of the object, and (m2) is the mass of the Earth. The object's weight is given by the formula (F = m • g), where (g =9.81 m/s2) is the acceleration due to gravity.


Analysis of „Wingardium Leviosa"

Now, let's analyze the effect of „Wingardium Leviosa". The spell causes an object to become seemingly weightless and float. This means the net force acting on the object must be zero, or more precisely, that the gravitational force is counteracted by an equal and opposite force.

Assuming that magic generates a force counteracting gravity, this magical force (FMagic) would need to be such that:

FMagic = m • g

Here, (m) is the mass of the levitating object, and (g) is the acceleration due to gravity. The magical force (FMagic) must therefore exactly balance the weight of the object.


Mathematical Description of Magic

Suppose that the magical force (FMagic) is generated by the spell, which can be considered a function of magical energy (EMagic). A possible formula might be:

FMagic = alpha • EMagic

Where (alpha) is a conversion factor that describes the efficiency of converting magical energy into force. For „Wingardium Leviosa" to work, it must be that:

alpha • EMagic = m • g

This allows us to calculate the required magical energy:

EMagic = (m • g) : alpha

This shows that the amount of magical energy needed is proportional to the object's mass and the acceleration due to gravity, and depends on the efficiency of the magical conversion.



In conclusion, the spell „Wingardium Leviosa" generates a magical force that counteracts gravity. This force can be described using physical laws, particularly Newton's law of gravitation and the principle of force equilibrium. Magic itself can be seen as a form of energy converted into a counteracting force to gravity, resulting in the object's apparent weightlessness.

In this way, the world of magic connects with the precise laws of physics and mathematics, and even the most mysterious spells, at least theoretically, follow comprehensible rules.



A usable example would be the stars seen in the sky, in order to stabilize the Object that is being used in the air.

Further tests have proven that wind can change the objects position in the air through force exchange i.e: Ball Impact Pendulum.

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