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74.28% How to survive in the World DxD with Fragment Memories / Chapter 129: Seiryuu Mode!

Kapitel 129: Seiryuu Mode!

"Wang Long, can you tell me what happened all those years ago before Kouryuu left?" Masaru thought of getting straight to the point,

Wang Long who heard this stiffens for a moment before sighing as he placed his drink on the table. "Although I can tell my version it will not encompass the whole story since after all there was a lot of things that happened, however, we were united in the past with no conflict breaking out but instead focused on defending our territories from the invading Biblical Faction who spread their religions all over the world."

Glancing at his drink he added, "Times was difficult for us at that time, many of our families were lost in the war but we still kept them from invading our country. The blood of our people flows across our lands till the day we were contacted by a devil who claimed to be here to assist us..."

Wang Long took a sip of his drink before continuing, "Since he was an enemy of the Biblical Faction we decided to put our faith in the saying 'The enemy of my enemy, is my friend' but never would we have thought that he would drive a wedge between ourselves by suggesting of making use of the Kouryuu's power to create a new stronger god that can push away the Biblical Faction."

Wang Long shook his head, "It was at that time Kouryuu and Byakko heard of this suggestion that made them turn to negotiate with the Biblical Faction to have a non-aggression pact when the God of that faction agreed, Kouryuu came to report of what she achieved but was met with more than half the gods and mythical beasts who slandered her for being a traitor"

Masaru took a sip of his drink before asking, "They must have been notified ahead of time for them to have such a strong impression of her being a traitor"

Wang Long nodded since Masaru's point was absolutely correct, he felt ashamed that he did not support Kouryuu back then "Correct, I am not sure how but the Devil Managed to get proof of Kouryuu talking with the Biblical God, we never knew the information the devil provided was altered. By the time I along with He Xiangu and the others realized it was altered, we were already broken into factions."

he sighed, "Since Kouryuu managed to arrange a no-aggression pact with the Biblical God they did not interfere with our internal war, those who wanted to take Kouryuu's power and us who wanted to protect Kouryuu because losing the centre point will be disastrous for our country. However, those fools did not care about anything but their own benefits, thus losing themselves in their greed"

"When Kouryuu saw that things were going to end badly, she went to get reinforcements from the Biblical God. But she never appeared ever since she went over to that God, he only arrived together with his angels suppressing our internal war into a stalemate before leaving with the dead Byakko who was killed by Seiryuu while using the excuse of being a liaison of a traitor." Wang Long's eyes had a trace of killing intent at the mentioned of Seiryuu

"Ever since then, we only came across Byakko two hundred years later in the form of a sacred gear inside a human. Naturally many were angered by this, however, we had no choice but to make use of the human to help us with the ritual to restore the balance as well as sending out a call for Kouryuu to come back home" He looked saddened about Byakko's fate

Wang Long sighed, "So you can imagine how much most of us hate the Biblical Faction? Although I am grateful for them saving Byakko even if it's in the form of a Sacred Gear, they kept Kouryuu from us. Thanks to that, we came to today's state, the greed for Kouryuu's power is stronger than ever since many gods want to take over the centre"

Masaru leaned back against the couch, "What would be killing me benefit for Seiryuu?"

Wang Long smirked, "You achieved Balance Breaker, I suppose that little tiger cub can speak correctly?"

Masaru nodded while Wang Long began to laugh, "It's because he fears when Byakko wakes up he will die, it is no secret that Byakko who lords over Metal is the bane of Seiryuu who lords of Wood. Not to mention we suspect the very same man who instigated our internal war many years ago is the same one who is helping Seiryuu and Suzaku"

Masaru turned to look towards the window, "Why is the Insect God so dead set on destroying your Businesses?"

Wang Long chuckled, "Because it's an old enmity that carries on for a few years that I accidentally impregnated his Ant Queen by mistake"

Masaru was floored at how simple yet ruthless the problem was, the poor insect god got cockblocked by his own queen! However, Masaru glanced at Wang Long who was laughing heartily "I heard he has feelings for Suzaku"

When Wang Long heard this he stared at Masaru with Wide Eyes, "Then it would explain why he is so aggressive lately, the only person I offended recently was Meng Zhang whom I kicked out of our Dragon Sanctuary as his actions for having intentions to kill you was directly slapping my face since I told him to convince you to visit us. And if taking into account you being here, it does make sense"

Masaru then swept his gaze at Kuroka and Roygun who were enjoying their drinks in peace,

"But boy, I have to say your women is of good quality, reminds me of my time when I was young" Wang Long nodded

"But if you touch them you will have to get over my corpse first" Masaru lightly commented causing the chief god to laugh heartily,

"Don't worry, I only target women who seek me out. However, now that you mentioned something I guess someone is indeed stirring up trouble for us by pitting us against each other once again" Wang Long muttered with a serious face,

Masaru leaned back against the couch thinking, 'Or perhaps someone wants to keep me here? I will have to wait for Thor, Uriel and Baraqiel to arrive before I can move in earnest'

[Never imagined this god could not even sense the true existence of the sacred gear, your grimoire is horrifying boy]

Masaru kept his smile hidden from Wang Long when he heard what Drago said, which meant the Chinese gods do not know the sacred gear was Kouryuu who held the soul of both the Kouryuu and Byakko creating a completely unique Sacred Gear.

"If I can ask, what is the relationship between Byakko and Kouryuu?" Masaru asked,

Wang Long looked at Masaru before answering since it was no secret, "Their close sisters, close to the point some even mistook them for being lesbian couples"

[Huh!? I see...] Even Drago was enlightened when he heard about this information,

"Seiryuu is the only male of the four direction gods, although he is only a male for the sake of Ling Guang. Kouryuu was meant to be unisex but after being close to Byakko she chose to become a female back then"


"Lord Wang! Bala is attacking the harbour again with roaches!" One of the sailors slammed open the door while reporting to Wang Long in a loud voice,

"To think he would come so soon, looks like you were right Kid" Wang Long swept his gaze towards Masaru who thrust his palm to his right side after he stood up, a purple magic circle materialized as he pulled out the broadsword he usually uses if he does not intend to enter Balance Breaker yet.


"Oppai!" a Strange man was currently sexually harassing a nearby woman causing the women to scream loudly as she smashed her bag into the face of the strange man,

Serafall just arrived in Kyoto ahead of the school trip as she was currently walking down the streets when she saw this she felt revolted

"Disgusting" She snorted before walking over and gave the man a light slap knocking him out, but suddenly a strange crimson light floated out of the body before disappearing towards the next victim,

"Crimson... But Zech-chan and Ria-chan is far away" Serafall pulled out her phone and she contacted Sirzech to report to him the strange event,

"No need to worry about it, Let Azazel handle it" Sirzech said nonchalantly

"You know something about this, is this your doing?" Serafall spoke sternly while holding a suspicion towards Sirzech who chuckled before answering in a tone as if it was not his business,

"No it's not, Azazel will know about this more, so leave it to him and focus on playing the role as the Devil's Representatives, Ajuka is currently watching over the events unfolding in the Devil World so he can figure out who was instigating all these events since we both suspect it is more than just Hero Faction that is acting right now" Sirzech explained

Serafall snorted, "Both you and Juka-chan always leave me out of the fun things, only Ma-Kun is willing to share some good adventures with me!"

Sirzech chuckled, "Heh, spoken like a maiden in love"

Serafall who heard this blushed beet red before screaming and threatening that she will come to blow up his house if he dares to say another word causing Sirzech to be utterly stunned from her strong response to his little tease.

"Well anyway, we only need you to watch the borders and leave the rest of the work for Issei and then like Masaru already explained for us okay?" Sirzech said,

Hearing that Masaru drew up the plan Serafall could only reluctantly agree, "It's only because Ma-kun is nice to me you hear!? He's my best friend!"


"Have you captured some of the devils?" Ulrika spoke to one of the Assassins she sent to capture some brainwashed devils and had the scientists research the method to undo the effects without affecting the memories in hopes they can get some information out of these devils.

"Yes Lady Boss, we have. However, it appears we came across one of the people our Lord has spotted back in the Vampire Country" Ulrika's eyes squinted

"a Member of Qlippoth?" The assassin nodded.

Ulrika bit her nail while trying to figure out how she should move the shadow army, "Collect the men and hide them among the commoners discreetly, see if you can come across that man again and alert me of his position immediately"

The Assassin nodded before vanishing into the shadows, Ulrika turned to look at the doctors holding down the brainwashed Devil

"Glory to the Old Satans!"

Was the only line this mad devil was screaming, Ulrika watch how the doctors tie him onto the bed before injecting him with anaesthesia to make him fall asleep.

"Lady Boss, we are going to start the operation to undo the brainwashing" Hearing one of the doctors speak, Ulrika nodded for them to start while she turned around and went back up with the elevator from B25 to B3 of the secret organisation's base located in the Belial Territory,

"Madam, we have detected strange molesting case erupting all over Kyoto at the moment" One of Ulrika's assistants came handing over the report,

"Crimson light sphere leaving the body once the host is knocked unconscious and can't be grasped? What do you think of this?" Ulrika asked,

"Madam, although it was not confirmed we found traces of Dragon Aura left behind by the sphere, we are led to believe it could have something to do with Issei Hyoudou's attempt to delve into the sacred gear as Azazel instructed him" the assistant explained,

Ulrika nodded, "Have some people on standby in Kyoto so they can help Serafall when the time for clean up happens" The Assistant nodded before leaving,

Suddenly a magic circle materialized at her ear, Ulrika blushed beet red as she did not expect Masaru to call her so soon, "Ulrika, I want to confirm something. Is there signs of Qlippoth being involved in the happenings of the Devil World?"

Ulrika nodded "Yes, we have found traces of them and one of the assassins spotted a member of Qlippoth"

"I see, then it means Qlippoth is getting their hands in China as well" Masaru spoke with a solemn tone, he still did not know the location where the Leader of Qlippoth is hiding at otherwise he would have gone over there and put an end to these harassments.

"How is the territory?" Masaru asked,

Ulrika smiled, "Everything is perfect, we are not garden flowers honey"

Masaru chuckled feeling relieved when he heard Ulrika's confidence, "That's good, but remember to take care of yourselves and the family first priority understand?"

"Yes Hubby" Ulrika said with a smile,

"Also tell Shirone that Kuroka misses her very much" Masaru said with a sly smile,

"What are you saying to her NYA!?" Kuroka yelled in surprise,

"Kuekue, so Kuroka can get flustered by Hubby's teasing as well huh?" Ulrika said with a jealous voice,

"Hmph! No meals for you nyan" Kuroka said as she humphed


After chatting randomly, Masaru turned to look at Kuroka with a smile "So you will let me go hungry huh?"

Kuroka looks towards the other side with a faint blush appearing on her face, right now Wang Long was handling the assaults led by Bala while Masaru and the two girls were stationed to look after the vital location of the Dragon Sanctuary's business.

Soon they were confronted by several large centipedes, its brown scale body moving over the buildings with its hairy legs, Masaru went forward to face the Centipede head-on but was made to stop when the Centipede launched out acid spheres from its antenna's.

"What the hell... Why from the Antenna instead of the mouth?" Masaru looked astonished at this discovery, however as a battle junkie he could only smile

He lowers his blade pointing behind his back while holding it firmly aligned with his waist, after scanning the poison Masaru covered his blade with worthless attributed demonic energy.

"Anyone hungry for some grilled centipedes?" Masaru asked out loud causing some people to stop their movements which were exactly what Masaru wanted as he took a step forward before swinging his blade in a crescent way unleashing a sharp wave of worthless attributed energy towards the several centipedes slashing them in halves while the worthless turned the acid into a regular coloured harmless liquid, and the bodies of the centipedes began to break into pieces as the links between cells were nullified.

"Nyan! You cheating!" Kuroka leapt over Masaru as she unleashed several purifying flame arrows towards the centipedes burning them till nothing by Ashes was left behind,

Roygun followed after her as she began to send out waves of her demonic energy that invaded the bodies of the centipedes before tearing them apart from inside out.

Masaru nodded thinking that his women were all-powerful so he could relax a little, so he immediately enhanced his legs with Dragon Aura increasing his speed as he moved ahead of everyone towards the cluster of centipedes that were forcing their way into the Dragon sanctuary.

[Boy! Equip me!]

Masaru was surprised this dragon wants to get some action so he closed his eyes as he focuses solely on the desire for power, the power that would stand as the pillar of his pride.

"Seiryuu Kotei" Masaru whispered as his dragon aura surged into the skies alarming every living being in his vicinity to look in his direction, an azure coloured dragon scale layered armour gauntlet that covered his entire right arm until his shoulder, Masaru could feel his dragon aura was increasing every few seconds.

[That's correct, you're absorbing the vitality of the Centipedes your killing to increase your strength]

Masaru smirked as he smashes the head of the first centipede to confront him with his right gauntlet covered in thick dragon aura that sent out shockwaves that ripped apart the nearby centipedes.

Seeing how powerful his punch became form casually punching Masaru was surprised but he felt excited like he found an interesting toy as he leapt into the cluster of centipedes, by the time Kuroka and Roygun arrived to support Masaru all they saw was a sight of centipedes crushed with a fist and most of them were ripped apart more forcibly compared to Roygun's Crack.

Masaru was standing in the middle of the corpses while gazing towards the direction he felt Wang Long was still fighting, he had already figured out the Seiryuu mode's domain power after his experience with Byakko's domain. With his back facing the east, his physical strength increases explosively

"Is that your new sacred gear?" Roygun asked

Masaru unequipped the Azure Dragon mode, he felt that he could activate the balance breaker however, it was not required any longer. While turning to look at the girls, his body was still feeling hot from all of the vitality he had been absorbing from the dead centipedes.

Kuroka who saw this could not help but squint her eyes, she sensed that Masaru was peculiarly energized "Yes, it seems I need to train in using this new powers so I will be able to get used to this kind of powerup" Masaru explained

Masaru could not explain the power of his new Sacred Gear mode to the girls since he was not certain if they were being spied upon, but Kuroka could see Masaru was currently suppressing his lust caused from the overflowing vitality he was feelin.

'His sacred gear must be the cause of his overflowing Vitality, and from the looks of it he must have never experienced such a boost in Vitality... I will have to call Shirone and the girls to help out tonight or me and Roygun will die from excessive orgasms' She thought.

"Hoho, Good Work out there" Bailong appeared above Masaru and the girls,

"Did Wang Long finish his battle?" Masaru asked,

Bailong nodded with a complicated facial expression, "We are not sure what he came for, but he was suddenly contacted by someone and simply retreated a few minutes ago, well you three can relax and leave the rest for us"

Masaru nodded as he turned around about to leave, Kuroka took his hand which made him flinch as he felt he could lose control of his sanity at any given moment and this lady wants to play with fire.

Roygun understood what was going on so she prepared herself mentally because the moment the three of them entered the hotel room and locked the door was the last thing Masaru remembered after losing his mind.

The next morning when Masaru woke up he was surprised to see Akeno and the others were also in the room but everyone was in deep sleep and even twitching every now and then.

Masaru realized what happened when that familiar sour smell invaded his nose, he remembered after using Seiryuu mode's power caused him to aroused.

'It appears Kuroka called for reinforcements? I have to keep tabs on this power' he thought while using magic to clean the room.

Even when he picked up the girls one at a time to place them on the bed while covering them with a Duvet they still slept throughout the entire process, 'Guess I was a bit wild last night' he thought with a wry smile, he felt a little better seeing their satisfied faces.

[That is the side effect of using the power of the Seiryuukotei, if you absorb too much vitality you will enter a state of extreme lust whether it will be for battle or for women it will depend on what you find around yourself at that moment, so next time be sure to observant of your terrain while you use this power]

Masaru nodded, he knew he would have to find a method to control the absorption rate so he will not be exposed to such a blatant weakened state in the future, having power without rationality will only make him a berserk animal.

CompleteNoob CompleteNoob

23/08/2020 - Changes made

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