Iris tilted her head to the side, pondering about the bombshell Wei Lan just dropped. The others looked shocked, even Jin Liwei, when they learned that Wei Lan was now an official viscountess. They never expected this kind of development at all. However, Iris wasn't very affected or impressed. She didn't care about inherited titles or those gained through marriage like this.
"Mother, if you're a viscountess now, why are you staying here at your daughter's place? Does your husband only have a title but no money? He can't even afford to provide his wife accommodations?" Iris asked.
"Oh, honey! Not at all! Your mother's husband is veeeeeery wealthy, but I don't know how wealthy. He came from old money after all, so it's a bit difficult to exactly estimate his entire wealth," Wei Lan explained. "I decided to stay here at your place because I just want to spend some quality time with yoooouuuu, my beloved daughter!"
6ch tomorrow! Thank you very much for your patience, understanding & continuous support~ Have a great weekend~
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