The next day I woke up already knowing the decision I had to make in order to survive in this place. I went outside the castle looking for Kiran, I found him on the training ground where I was told he would be. He was cleaning his sword with a rag and I smiled as I approached him.
"Well, well, well, look who it is." Kiran said looking up from his sword.
I smiled at him in greeting. "Hello Kiran."
"You look well." Kiran observed raking his eyes up and down my body but not in a creepy way. "I heard about what went down between you and my mother and I'm sorry you had to go through it. She can be a bit of a bitch when she wants to."
Oh wow! I thought to myself as I stared at Kiran who had the same rage in his dark eyes like his brothers. It was obvious they both share the same sentiment about their mother and I'm really curious about what it was, especially since Ivan described it as a nightmarish tale. But I suppose I can always ask that another time.
"So, to what do I owe this pleasure of seeing your beautiful face?" Kiran asked waggling his brows at me and I rolled my eyes at him but answered.
"I need you to train me."
For a moment Kiran didn't say anything and I was worried he didn't hear me until he busted out laughing. I frowned a little at him, wondering what was funny. I waited for him to stop laughing but Kiran just continued howling with laughter and it was starting to irritate me.
"What's funny?" I gritted out unable to take it any longer.
Kiran stopped laughing to look at me. "Oh wait, you are serious?" He asked me with his brows raised in surprise.
"Of course I'm serious." I replied still annoyed at him.
"Oh." Was all Kiran said instead of giving me an answer. "Well in that case." Kiran picked up his sword and walked past me, heading towards the castle.
What the? I hurriedly went after him. "Where are you going?"
"Away from you." Kiran answered without sparing me a glance.
"Okay may I ask why?"
"Because you are insane." Kiran stated without looking at him and I was tired of it!
I quickened my pace and planted myself right in front, so he would have no choice than to listen to me. "Will you just stop for a second?" I asked him and he regarded me with a bored look in his eyes but stopped to listen to me. "So, what's the problem?"
"I don't have a problem with you sister in law." Kiran says shooting me a lazy smirk.
I let out an exasperated sigh. "Then want to tell me why you won't answer my request?"
Kiran's eyes widened as he raised his brows up at me, looking like a picture of innocence. "What request?"
I breathed through my nose starting to feel really annoyed by Kiran's games. "I asked you to train me."
"Oh that__" Kiran trailed off on a laugh before his face got serious again. "My answer is no."
I let out a frustrated sigh as I refrained from stamping my legs on the ground like a child. "Why not?" I asked placing my hands on my hips, hoping to look intimidating but Kiran just continued looking at me with that bored look in his eyes.
"Does my brother know of your insane request?"
I let out a scoff of disbelief. "Of course he does!"
Actually Ivan has no idea about my 'insane request' as Kiran puts it. I had woken up this morning to the smell of pancakes with honey, I also had a bowl filled with different fruits. Ivan had taken it upon himself to go to the kitchen and fetch me breakfast. He had also watch me eat everything, his gaze darkening when I bit into the cherry I had taken from the fruit bowl. A guard then entered at that moment to come and call the attention of Ivan to some papers he needed to sign.
As soon as he had left I had gotten dressed and sought after Kiran. He was the captain of the royal guards which makes him the perfect person to train me. I would have asked Ivan but I know he would decline immediately and make a fuss. I needed to learn how to defend myself if I was going to survive in their world, I can't always be depending on Ivan to save me all the time. Now the main thing is to get Kiran to agree! I thought to myself as I stared at Kiran who was staring at me, his arms already folded across his chest.
"Ivan doesn't know, does he?"
Shit! How did he know? I ask but quickly morphed my face into a bright smile. "Well, at the moment he doesn't kn..."
"Save your breath Arianne! My answer is still no!" Kiran affirmed then continued walking.
"Why that cheeky hairy ass...."
"My ass isn't hairy and I'll be happy to show it to you!" Kiran called out to me and I blanched at that.
Shit! He heard me! Of course he could, werewolves have super hearing. With a groan I ran after Kiran stopping in front of him. "Seriously what will it take for you to train me?"
"Absolutely nothing, I just don't want to train you!" Kiran said with a one sided shrug and this time I actually did stamp my feet on the floor.
"Why?" I whined, "Why won't you just train me?"
Kiran let out an exasperated sigh before he answered. "Well mainly because my brother could kill me once he finds out I'm training you and I value my life, thank you very much."
I arched a brow up at that. "So what? You are scared of your brother? That's it?"
"Of course not!"
I smirked at his reply, he answered way too quickly. He was actually scared of his brother but then I can't say I blame him. Ivan can be very scary and last night was the proof. That doesn't mean I was going to back down though, I was still going to get Kiran to train him.
"Oh well..." I sighed heavily. "I guess it can't be helped then and here I was thinking I could be trained by the best swordsman in Egralon." I say then turned to walk back to the castle.
"The best swordsman?"
Kiran's voice stopped me and I smiled, I've got him! "Well yes. Why do you think I asked you to train me? I heard talks about you being the best and I knew that if I wanted to protect my weak mortal self who else would I turn to than the best warrior?" I asked with a wistful look on my face but Kiran just assessed me with his dark eyes but I could see a spark of curiosity in them.
"Very well then, I guess I'll just go find someone else." I turned to leave but Kiran stopped me.
I turned to look at him with a smirk on my face. "Yes?"
Kiran let out a small chuckle, "I know what you are doing Arianne." He commented giving me a pointed look.
Darn it! I cursed inwardly but smiled sweetly at him. "Well then, is it working?"
Ivan regarded me with a look of amusement before he answered. "If we do this, you must not tell Ivan about it!"
"Yes!" I whooped jumping in glee, "You have my word!"
"And there will be no complaints!" Kiran declared, "You do what I say when I say! And there will be no room for whining! Just because you are a girl and my brother's wife doesn't get you any special treatment, I don't care even if you are mortal! On the training ground you become a man! A warrior! Is that understood?" Kiran asked giving me a stern look.
Yup, I can definitely see why he is the captain of the guard and for good reason! I muse as I nodded my head vigorously. "Yes!" I replied and Kiran arched a brow up at me, "Sir?" I added with uncertainty and that seemed to please Kiran.
"Good!" He answered and I smiled at him, "I'll summon you when it's time."
"I'll be waiting!" I told him with a smile then turned to leave before I remembered something, "Oh I almost forgot?"
Kiran let out an exasperated sigh. "What is it now woman?"
I chuckled at him. "I just wanted to remind you of the summer festival tonight!"
"The one in town?" Kiran asked me in confusion.
I nodded my head at him. "That's the one! And we are all going!" I announced in a cheery tone while Kiran looked at me like I've lost my mind.
"When you say we? Do you mean Ivan too? He's going to attend the festival in town?"
"Course he will! He's their king after all!" I say with a look of disbelief on my face.
Kiran chuckled at me. "You might have been able to win an argument with me but I assure you, it's going to be different for my brother. He's not going to attend the festival."
"Oh but he will, I'll make sure of it!" I countered.
Kiran scoffed at me. "Good luck then, you are definitely going to need it." He told me before he sauntered off towards the castle leaving me to stare after him.
I definitely love the banter between Kiran and Arianne.
What do you think?
Ivan definitely didn't agree to come to the town's summer festival with me!
At first he was shocked by the fact I had agreed to the town's invitation and when I had asked him to go with me, he gave me a 'no' for an answer. Not even when I pleaded with him and told him Kiran and Aurora were going to be coming with me. Ivan didn't mind and told me to go with them.
I didn't give up though, I followed him around the castle giving him a hundred reason why we should attend the festival. I mean the people had taken their time to ask me, it's only fair I honor their invitation. Besides, it's obvious they don't get to see much of their king or other royals based on the way they behaved the last time I had went there with Aurora. That was going to change tonight though because we were going to the festival.
When I saw my flattery and pleas didn't work on Ivan, even my fake tears! I decided to use another means. I had threatened to go to the festival naked if Ivan didn't come with me. On hearing that Ivan's eyes had flashed bright red in warning but I held my ground, I didn't back down. Which is why we are here, standing at the square where the festival was being held.
"Okay I've got to admit it Arianne, you are one feisty woman!" Kiran said with admiration as he looked at me from where I was standing beside his brother, his arms wrapped around me tightly.
Aurora nodded her head in agreement. "I'm surprised with the way she managed to convince you two to come, especially Ivan!" She said looking up at her brother in disbelief.
"I had no choice!" Ivan said through gritted teeth, "She threatened to go naked!"
Aurora gasped her eyes widened in disbelief as she looked at me. "You didn't?"
"I totally did!" I said my voice filled with pride.
"Wow! I must really commend you sister in law! You are a tough one!" Kiran says looking at me with respect shining in his dark eyes. "Although I wouldn't mind if you had gone through with your threat." Kiran waggled his brows at me in a flirty manner and I laughed at him while Ivan let out a growl as he glared at his brother.
"Do you want to die brother?"
Kiran didn't seem fazed by his brother's threat. "Then I'll die a happy man but relax brother, I know she is yours!"
"Mine!" Ivan affirmed with a growl pressing me tighter to him while I rolled my eyes at his possessiveness.
"Yes, yes, yes, yours. I get it." Kiran said in a bored tone, "But then we might focus on this party because I'm starting to think we weren't actually invited." Kiran commented as he stared at the town which had gone still upon our arrival.
As soon as we had arrived the music paused immediately everyone looking at us nervously. The air felt tensed, everyone was nervous waiting to see what we would do. It didn't also help that Ivan their king was giving them an intimidating look.
I nudged him in his ribs with my elbow. "Can you please not look like you want to bite every head of your subjects off and smile instead?" I hissed while plastering a smile on my face.
"Why should I? I'm not here to please any of them!" Ivan said in a dry tone and it was loud for everyone to hear.
I let out a nervous laughter to quickly mask it then I shuffled closer to Ivan. "Smile and say something or the straps of my dress are coming off!"
Ivan narrowed his gaze at me. "You wouldn't dare!"
"Oh want to test that theory your majesty?" I smiled sweetly as I batted my eyelashes sweetly at him. My hands already moving towards the strap of my yellow dress.
"I support you Arianne! Go for it!"
"Shut up Kiran!" Ivan growled at Kiran who shot me a wink behind his brother's back.
I arched my brow up at Ivan who finally let out a tired sigh before he turned to face the crowd, a fake smile on his lips.
"People of Egralon! We are honoured to have received your invitation to celebrate the summer festival with you!" Ivan started the crowds watching us, "May Aestas bless us with a summer full of good harvests, now let's make merry!" Ivan said and at that the crowd erupted in cheers.
I looked up at Ivan smiling at him. "That was very nice of you!"
"Glad you approve now can will you please keep your clothes on?" Ivan requested in a bored look.
I pretended to think. "Hmmm, I don't know about that. Maybe I'll take it off_" I whispered and moved closer to Ivan. "But only for you to see." I whispered the last part in his ear causing his grip on my waist to tighten.
"Arianne." Ivan growled softly in my ear as he gripped my waist.
I leaned back to smirk at him and he was about to say something but we were suddenly interrupted.
"Your majesties."
I turned only to find Dorothy and the children standing in front of us. In their hands were wheat sheaves.
"We are so glad you could make it." Dorothy stated with a sheepish look and I smiled encouragingly at her, "Even though it's not a shiny jeweled crown we hope that you will accept these wheat sheaves crown as a token of our gratitude." She ushered the children's forward who raised the wheat sheaves to put on our hair.
I turned to look at Ivan who had a wheat sheaves pinned to his hair and I stifled a laughter while he just smiled at the children but it looked a lot more like a grimace. Aurora smiled at the boy who had pinned the sheaves to her hair and she bent down to give him a kiss.
"I don't know about you guys but I am loving my look." Kiran said flicking his hair and I laughed same with the girl who Kiran swooped up to carry her in his arms. I watched as he placed the girl on the shoulder then he went to join the rest of the crowd who were already dancing.
I was still laughing when I felt a slight tug on my skirt. I looked down only to find Arnold looking at me with a sheepish look on his face.
"Would you...would you like to dance with me?" He asked shifting nervously from one foot to another.
Ivan leaned in to whisper in my ears. "He knows you are married right?"
"He's six Ivan." I told him dryly before I turned to look at Arnold who was staring at me with green eyes filled with exception. I reach down to grab his hands with mine to give him my reply, "Lead the way my dear man."
With that said, I left Ivan's side and allowed Arnold to pull me to the dance floor where we danced to the music. I could see Aurora was already dancing with a boy just her age, I smiled at her and she shot me a wink. Ivan was twirling the girl on his shoulder around with a cup of mead in his hand.
Someone soon handed me my own cup of mead and I drank it while still swaying to the beat with Arnold. The whole time I was dancing I could feel Ivan's hot gaze on me. I turned only to find him looking at me with an intoxicating look in his grey eyes as he folded his arms across his chest. Arnold had already left me alone to go take some pies on the food stand leaving me alone with Ivan.
Feeling bold, I changed the way I danced. I swayed my hips in a seductive manner. Not to fast and not to slow. I closed my eyes and lifted my hands in the air as I moved my body to the music, allowing the music to caress my skin. I opened my eyes only to find Ivan already in front of me.
I smirked as I wound my arms around his neck pressing my body to his rock hard body.
"You little vixen." Ivan growled softly against my neck and I let out a soft moan as I turned my neck to the side giving him more access.
"Want to get out of here?"
I looked up to see Ivan looking at me with desire shining in his gaze and I'm pretty sure my own eyes mirrored his. I nodded my head at him with a small smile and that was all the confirmation Ivan needed because he took my hand and together we headed off to the castle.
Keep the comments coming guys, also I'll be uploading pictures of the characters soon on my facebook page @The Author Aloera
So follow and stay tuned
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