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60.81% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 41: Ch. 41 A busy two years

Kapitel 41: Ch. 41 A busy two years

Ciri's return was met with celebration even if the girl had only been gone for a couple of months. Serafall and Musashi were particularly enthusiastic as my wife smothered her for coming back with a new scar on her face and my Knight wanting to hear her adventurous tale and fight with her.

After being introduced to the new guests and House members which had joined since her departure, these being Medea, Medusa, Diana and Perseus, Ciri began telling her tale.

Obviously the visions regarding her adoptive parents turned out to be accurate as they were in trouble with the Wild Hunt due to them not being to get to or find Ciri, so they were to be used as bait. The Wild Hunt apparently feared me due to their sages and mages confirming my 'great power', but they thought I couldn't leave my realm like they could for some baffling reasons so they thought baiting would be the best way forward.

Their plan was at least better than 'let's kidnap her important people and hope she somehow knows from across time and space' as they at least used some of the hairs and blood they had from her stay on their world to send images of Ciri's adoptive parents. Even then, the only reason these cowards even managed to capture Geralt was that he exchanged himself for Yennefer who had been captured first due to the Wild Hunt all attacking their isolated home and even then they only managed to capture Yennefer while Geralt killed a lot of them. Then they were tracked down and stalemated by Geralt and three other Witchers alone and only then did Geralt offer to trade himself for his love. It was honestly pathetic to me that they thought so highly of themselves when what is essentially their best military unit is constantly being beaten and bested by one mutated monster hunter.

Anyway, with their bait they set about to ambush Ciri, but we're rather surprised when she showed up and began wrecking the fools thanks to her massively improved swordsmanship and magic. So now they not only lost to a human, but they were also being beaten up by a teenage girl.

I could tell that even now Ciri felt immense satisfaction when she was able to take down the people who had been constantly harassing her and had now threatened her loved ones.

Unfortunately they had taken the brainwashed Geralt with them in their retreat before Ciri was able to identify him. The man was dressed in Wild Hunt armor and was difficult to recognize in the middle of a fight.

Ciri then began tracking them like I taught her, eventually reaching their home world.

Although she had been to their home world before, she still only had limited knowledge. This is when Avallac'h came into the picture.

Finding out Eredin had poisoned his king and being against his actions, especially in regards to Ciri, the elf sage tracked her down once he had felt her unique signature appear in their world and began helping her locate Geralt. He also had stated that although she had improved, his tutelage would be 'invaluable' to her afterwards as well.

As far as I could tell the elf wanted to get back on Ciri's Good side while screwing over his main political rival. All while trying to keep a close eye on his treasured elder blood.

Anyway, Avallac'h eventually did manage to find Geralt amongst the Wild Hunt, but his 'betrayal' was uncovered and they attempted to capture him. While fleeing her was struck by a poisoned arrow, but he managed to reach Ciri and halt the poison's spread using magic and potions.

Due to his now poisoned status, the elf was relegated to exit detail, meaning he was now in charge of staying with the getaway unicorn while Ciri rescued her adoptive father.

Thanks to the considerable training we gave the girl in using her powers and Scáthach not wanting her students to be lumbering brutes without any sort of stealth skills, Ciri managed to infiltrate the Wild Hunt camp with relative ease and with a tool Avallac'h had prepared for her, she managed to break their hold on Geralt. Unfortunately this resulted in the fully armored man to faint and alerted other Wild Hunt members, forcing Ciri to make a quick escape using her powers to teleport herself and Geralt away.

Things weren't exactly going well for her as the leader of the Wild Hunt, Eredin, announced that he had captured Avallac'h and was going to put him on trial.

Ciri made a quick decision of first getting Geralt back to their own world so that she wouldn't have to deal with more bait/hostages. Finding that it was winter, she quickly left him near Kaer Morhen, knowing that Witchers of the wolf school always returned there during the winter and that Geralt would be well taken cared of. She then went back for Avallac'h due to her honor and because she felt that she owed him something for helping her save Geralt.

She returned to the elf world and found the obvious trap that was Avallac'h's trial. Not having much time or any allies, Ciri decided on the direct approach after sneaking into the location of Eredin's show. Ciri was making quick work of the Wild Hunt members until Imlerith decided to simply attempt to behead Avallac'h using his great sword. Seeing this, Ciri made a desperate block after teleporting between the two, receiving her new scar as she hadn't had time to properly defend herself, but she still managed to disarm the general and flee with her elf ally.

Ciri eventually managed to reach her unicorn friend and escaped back here.

While the girl felt proud, with Diana, Musashi and Jeanne applauding her, but that stopped when Scáthach and I took some pleasure into dismantling her handling of various situations, while Serafall berated her for taking so many risks.

But after that we all had some fun.

Turns out that Medea is a ditzy drunk, Diana gets even more boisterous, Perseus is a lightweight and Ciri, who was experiencing her first actual all out drinking fest with devils, began a bragging competition between the three warrior-minded women about kills and the like.

Da Vinci needed up doing an impromptu breast size survey which was nice to see happen, Mana and Sera got rather snuggly today as the two passed out on me, Medea and Jeanne were off to the side talking about some weird and elaborate means of taking revenge, the warrior ladies were teleported to the sparring ring after they were adamant about fighting each other for some reason, Ereshkigal showed up at one point and immediately became plastered as she started blushing and giggling uncontrollably around me until she joined Mana and Serafall in using me as a pillow, Elsa even came in and decided to put on a show using her magic while drunk, and Scáthach was the only one accompanying me properly as we calmly drank and enjoyed the liveliness of our interesting household.

Under the influence of alcohol, I had a relapse of Angel vs Devil on my shoulders until I was convinced that letting a less than sober Scáthach use my shoulder as a headrest was fine. She had already stated at least some level of desire in me and I had said that we should develop a proper relationship before going to anything like lovers, so I just went with it as the god-slaying beauty soundly slept with a small smile.

The next morning was of course filled with groans from almost everyone until they found their stashes of hangover cures. For those who have them anyway. Diana had apparently never found out about them and Perseus didn't usually stay here enough for him to have to worry about it, while Ciri was left to suffer through it as a form of hazing.

Elsa was both baffled and embarrassed that we had discovered the creation of Olaf, the somehow living snowman. It turns out he is going to basically be considered an offspring in spirit terms due to him being a spirit of snow created by her. Da Vinci was ecstatic about being able to study a newly formed spirit and Olaf seemed to just match her excitement level as the innocent and naive little snowman just followed along with her whims.

That's how Da Vinci somehow got a minion and Elsa became a mother.

I jokingly suggested Da Vinci becoming Olaf's 'father' considering she had been a man before, but Elsa emphatically rejected. The snow and ice spirit queen actually already had a lover, a spirit of warmth and flames named Anna, which threw me through an even bigger loop as many memories of internet deviants from my past life reappeared for a moment before I suppressed them.

I always find these nights of drinking rather fun and the mornings usually tickle my mildly sadistic side when we have guests and the likes.

After that welcoming party, time began to flow again as no new interesting event happened until two years later. Somehow many things decided to happen this particular year.

The first major event was the official announcement of the Rating Games.

An all out competition between devils and their peerages to find out who reigns supreme under the four Satans.

The current format was to be held in two places: the old capital of Lucifaad's coliseum and the newly constructed Bael Coliseum.

A few requirements were set before one was even allowed to participate and safety precautions were taken. Some of the requirements were about a minimum age and peerage completion level to take part, while the failsafes to ensure everyone came out alive were created. There were obviously many more rules and regulations concerning the Rating Games, with the Satans trying to strike a balance between making things fair for all and Zekram's 'Great King' faction wanting a bunch of loopholes and advantageous rules for themselves.

It was quite the event when the first one was held.

Of course the four Satans were excluded from participating due to none of them even having half a peerage. Serafall was actually the one with the most members and she only had two so far. Plus everyone 'knew' they were the strongest and no one had the confidence to take them on even with a full peerage.

The Rating Games weren't yet considered as a mean to gain merit or immediately central to Devil society, but many saw a great deal of potential in it and the magical broadcast of the 'epic' battles have been the most popular form of entertainment devils have had in centuries. So although not central, it was becoming a treasured part of Devil society already.

I personally didn't see anything really impressive considering Musashi or Da Vinci could wipe the floor with any peerage which had participated alone and they were my two weaker direct combat members. This made me think about introducing some new forms of entertainment I between my upcoming major projects.

The thought of having some of my citizens being rewarded a set of evil pieces to participate in the Rating Games did pass my mind. I had a steady enough supply of the necessary crystals and helped create the things so making them wouldn't be a problem, but I ultimately decided to wait. I had a few projects that needed my attention and their success would fundamentally change things enough for me to offer a better alternative which will not make too much of an impact on the timeline.

I really didn't want to have more devils running around recruiting humans and other races and resulting in things like important people not being born or setting off more conflicts. But ideally, soon I wouldn't have to worry anymore. I was doing some changes in the world and I am pretty sure the Golden Death who reincarnated me also changed a few things, but I have been pretty much keeping it to the supernatural side.

Speaking of said changes to the supernatural world, the Einzbern family met our initial estimates and managed to create a fully functioning and truly living homunculus.

Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern has become the first of her kind as an artificial life form which formed a proper soul. She was immediately adopted into the Einzbern family and made for many of my plans possible. I also wasn't judging the man for creating a busty albino beauty.

From the initial tests, Justeaze was around 5-7 times stronger than the average human depending on what we were testing. She holds great affinity for the calculation based magic Merlin had created based on Devil magic as well and had much better processing abilities enabling an enhanced learning speed. We also made sure the newly created homunculus didn't suffer from any sort of reduced lifespan like many fictional stories usually give to artificial lives, but from what we've estimated, Justeaze should currently have a life expectancy of at least 300 years thanks to her power level and her body's natural superiority to humans.

The current downfalls of Justeaze were her inability to organically reproduce, the fact that she will be un-aging means that she missed and will miss many formative experiences and retain many traits which will mark her as different from humans while also meaning we currently have to create adults or be stuck with eternal child-like homunculi, she still needs to learn pretty much everything that isn't incredibly basic and her physical appearance will certainly stand out.

Fortunately most of those can be fixed after some further testing and thanks to wonderful advancements Da Vinci and I have made using the Astral realm we basically either discovered, rediscover or found for ourselves because no one had been public with it.

My belief is that we can use the Astral realm as a sort of simulation for the developing spirits of the homunculi in order for them to experience a proper upbringing and education in an accelerated timeframe. We could even include 'parent' homunculi later down the line so they can experience parenthood and the newer ones can go through 'childhood' if we can't fix the reproduction thing.

This train of thought also led to the planing for the greatest center of knowledge and learning in existence. The fact that time was essentially experienced faster in the Astral world meant that one could learn for 8 hours and only go through 1 depending on the settings. Proper testing will have to be done for the long term effects of such a system, but I was excited for it.

We could even create virtual battlefields for more realistic experience gathering as 'death' could be experienced without the risk of death. The only downside would be that beyond experience and theoretical learning, not much else could be improved in such a space, but the saved time can help with that. It won't completely replace actual war games and drills since they help keep every part of my military sharp, but I will be a useful tool.

And yes, I would likely make some games and relaxation zones with this for my people. It won't be things fantasized in my past world such as a fantasy setting due to not having the same cultural standards and devils already living in fantasy worlds, but I believe the science fiction genre could give many inspirations to my people for things like art and innovations on top of being fun.

Back to events I've influenced in the world, Yasaka finished subjugating all the Youkai in Japan after defeating and convincing Nurarihyon, creating what is now called The Grand Gathering. What helped convince the old Youkai was her strength, charisma, her will and the lack of naiveté. Yasaka still lacked some experience as a leader, but she was also willing to listen to others and was not a tyrant as she genuinely cared for Youkai, desiring a better future for them.

Now, obviously we had an incredibly wild marathon of hot and passionate sex once she had officially become the de facto leader of all Youkai. I really went all out as I stretched our night together into an entire month. A month filled with near animalistic sex as my mate desired for some hot domination from her male due to having been put on a pedestal and nearly worshiped for too long and wanting to be treated like a woman.

After that, the Youkai noticed her glowing complexion and happy smile as I had fucked every ounce of stress and frustration out of her. Only a few knew about me being her mate, and they immediately knew what had happened with Tamamo subtly teasing her sister about it.

Now, I don't actually think the complete unification of Youkai under Yasaka will change much in the long run beside reduce larger inter-faction conflicts. Yasaka's strength and prestige have been well established and she has earned the support of many powerful Youkai on her path to the top, something which will significantly reduce the amount of resistance to her rule once she proves to be more than adequate as a peace time leader.

And as far as I know, the largest events linked to the Youkai factions were the nekomata/Nekoshou massacre in the Underworld, some attempts on Yasaka through Kunou, and the 'Hero' faction idiocy.

The nekomata were linked to the East Youkai under Nurarihyon, and even then it was only that he knew Koneko and Kuroka's mother and some Nekomata were part of that faction. As of now there aren't any Nekomata tribes in the Underworld, but my guess is that since nothing really changed for them beyond who had the highest authority, things should still be on track if the two Nekoshou's mother meets her 'lover'. Even then, i am already planing on interfering for this one anyway if it happens.

As for the two other issues, those pests won't even be a threat to her and if we do have children there's no chance in hell they will even touch them and any attempt would result in me having their souls tormented for eternity, and I will erase the stupid hero faction from existence then beat up Indra if they try anything. Well, that's if Yasaka doesn't kill them all first anyway, but these events wouldn't really impact history or even 'canon' much.

The real problems for my mate now were stabilizing her rule, creating a truly safe place and the tensions with the Five Principal clans. The first two being easily achievable with my help and the third is being handled by the Shinto gods personally since they were still in trouble for that stunt they pulled 100 years ago and humans don't remember lessons well after a generation or two.

But now that Yasaka is essentially the strongest overseer of Japan's supernatural side, I took the chance to enact a few plans to build some more influence in the human world and to conduct a long term experiment.

The plan to influence humans was actually one of the most bloodless but also devilish ways I could think of, through their stomachs.

I decided to gather some agreeable exiled members of the Principal clans to manage everything in the human world and introduced them to Azaroth standards of food, which blew their minds, then revealed that I wished to create a culinary school in order to push food culture even further and to gather the talents of this country. Turns out an exiled member of the Nakiri family, Nakiri Seizō, was the most enthusiastic as his kimono literally burst off his body and he bowed as he requested to be in charge of such an institute. After some testing, a 'talk' about the duties involved, and bringing Liora in as she was the best and oversaw much of the cooking scene in my lands, Tōtsuki Tea Ceremony and Cooking Academy was established.

For now we would be building everything at the mundane level and have a hidden supernatural side similar to Urakyoto from canon. Liora and her underling chefs would be getting all the instructors up to an acceptable level and come in as guest teachers from time to time. Although it wasn't an immediate success due to current values not really respecting the professions involved with cooking, the tastes they will gradually be exposed to will slowly engrave itself in this country until Tōtsuki rises to the top of the food industry.

Hell, the five clans haven't even tried doing anything to us due to thinking what was happening was stupid and it was below them.

The plan was to essentially control Japan's food industry before such a thing even comes into existence, thus when the time comes for food culture to explode around the world my people can swoop in and eat everything up as Japan itself experiences extremely fast growth as a capitalist country.

The second thing I did was find a suitable group for my long term experiment. Searching through the entire country with my powers, I found a rather isolated clan with the name Kure.

The Kure clan was one that almost religiously followed their desire for martial strength and to give birth to the ultimate warrior. They had existed for quite a long time, over 500 years, always doing their best to reproduce with the strongest warriors they could find, something which was basically perfectly inline with what I had planned to do. The clan was also aware of the supernatural to some degree, but never truly went into it as they preferred to refine themselves and stay within the mundane world with their current level of strength.

My original plan was basically to see if I could evolve a set of humans by freeing their genetic potential and raise loyal recruits with a higher than average chance of receiving sacred gears, great potential and an immense amount of skill and knowledge in martial arts. So seeing a clan already doing so, I decided to 'acquire' them.

I couldn't even feel bad about it after I was done since I was helping them achieve their goals much faster and I simply had to beat them all for them to accept being under me. The women of that clan even began throwing themselves at me fully naked to get my seed before I could leave. I didn't even have to 'convince' them much either. They liked me even more when I told them I would send them teachers to help them learn Touki properly and for the few sacred gear users they already had. Some of the stronger Kure clan members had been awakening their Touki on their own, but didn't exactly know how to truly master it, using either self-created paths or something one of their ancestors developed to use it.

Some were interested in magic, but most preferred close range combat. I still offered to have some teachers from my academies come here to guide them in the human system of magic. Surprisingly the older generation of the clan weren't against it and thought knowing about such a widespread combat tool would do wonders for them, while possessing their own magicians would help defend themselves from the certain dangers in the world.

I liked how straightforward they were about everything at least.

Want us to follow you? Then beat us. You are strong? Have a baby with one of us. Teach us how to fight even stronger people? Banquet time.

They might be remorseless killers and ruthless fighters on top of being mildly rapey, but I got along quite well with them. I looked forward to the results of their accelerated evolution.

Plus having a foothold in the darker side of human society was a must anyway. I knew that with my influence they would survive and thrive to the modern age, and people who worship strength while having loose morals will certainly end up in the darker side in order to make a living.

Beyond the new connections, things with the Perseus family, Atlantis and Themyscira were going swimmingly. The expansion of the Perseus ranches was settling fine while the trading with both secret city-states was building a good level of trust. The Amazons were fired up after suffering quite the losses against every one of my legions, with many of their higher-ups coming to visit my military academies to learn newer tactics and knowledge.

On a more personal note, Jeanne officially broke through to Satan-class after a series of duels against Mana, Scáthach, Evangeline, Elsa and even Musashi and Diana. She awakened her energy into her unique Holy demonic flames, which resulted in her Longinus' power being greatly augmented when using the two in tandem. The girl is basically the bane of anyone in our pantheon after going through her new growth. Even my body wouldn't resist her flames for too long without any sort of effect.

Of course she would still be a glass canon against those in the top ten and most true top tier fighters, but I was proud of her progress.

Da Vinci would still need some time due to the two of us working on many huge projects and Musashi would still need a few years to really get to that threshold following her path of the sword. Scáthach on the other side of things was starting to learn higher level space and time magic simply by fighting me and incorporating into her fighting style, so although she hadn't grown in pure power she was becoming a lot deadlier.

Medusa had been doing great with her duties and was making her way up the hierarchy of servants remarkably quickly as she found her new job to be great. She was also feeling both happy and nervous about the fact that the new bodies for her sisters were almost done as well and that they would soon be returning to the world. The goddess had also gone through significant progress in curing her inferiority complex and some of her psychological issues, allowing her to be happier with herself as well, while she has been gaining a lot of strength under Scáthach's training.

More good news was that Sera finally felt like she was about to undergo a change, signaling her near ascension to Super Devil. I had everything ready for her to do so without anyone knowing about it. If Heaven or the Fallen heard about another Super Devil, it might just start a war even if the leadership doesn't want one. Hell, if the devils hear about it then they'll likely want to start a war just because they felt they were better. So yes, on the down low.

My wife's queen was also busy between little Moka, training and her own project to help out her king.

Evangeline decided to secretly gather some vassals which had been loyal to her house and to turn a few choice individuals into new vampires in order to gather useful subordinates.

So far the best ones she found were an older butler who had shown spectacular loyalty to house Cain before retiring by the name of Sebas Tian, a busty blonde with wild hair named Seras Victoria that she saved due to great combat potential and a strong moral compass, a rather… enthusiastic muscular man named Dio Brando, two loli type vampires who ran away from the Tepes faction named Krul and Shalltear, and the last one was a black dhampir vampire hunter who called himself Blade. Each had some great potential to help my wife after I ensured a certain degree of loyalty. (I just felt like having some cameos)

Evangeline did have lower ranking subordinates to slowly spread out as an information network and infiltrate various countries, but almost none were even really worth mentioning and were expendable. She was surprisingly smart and efficient with them however and served to bolster my own network of sleeper agents, allowing for greater coverage and fewer blind spots.

And finally Sera recruited Perseus as her first Knight. The young Hero saw the good my wife desired and had grown quite respectful towards both of us for not only helping his family begin to flourish, but also for our goals. He agreed when Sera also wanted him to be her official ambassador to the Greek Pantheon. Perseus had already been our main liaison to it, but now he would become much more important as a diplomatic envoy.

And now for the less peaceful news, Medea might have melted several key members of her old family and tortured their souls before they were imprisoned in Remnant. The Greek gods couldn't find a single clue after the Witch executed her revenge, even after asking Hades about it. It gave an extreme amount of fear for all those who hadn't noticed their elders disappearing right under their noses while some gods like Aphrodite and Athena could guess that I was somehow involved but had no proof since I rescued Medea from her forced marriage before.

It became a cold case and a sort of horror story as those left alive evacuated the island for fear that a horrible beast now inhabited it or an unknown curse was laid upon those lands.

Medea's mother, the Titaness Hecate, tried to contact her regarding this in the hopes that she could somehow convince her and Circe's greatest worshippers to stay near their most powerful temples, but Medea essentially told her to fuck off and never consider her a daughter for having betrayed her.

Afterwards, I officially offered her a position as my pawn, which Medea accepted. I saw even greater potential in her and believed she would be a loyal member of my family and a wonderful asset. She repaid trust and loyalty with the exact same, had a good relationship with my girls and strived to improve on her path, all splendid qualities I look for in a peerage member.

This brought on a new Azaroth wide celebration as the news of my new peerage member leaked, with the magical academies being particularly emotional as many cheered and others wept due to Medea having basically becoming their princess from spending so much time between them and her outstanding beauty and character. Medea was quite overwhelmed as she was happy and embarrassed over being welcomed like this, but she did admit that it meant a lot.

The Greeks obviously found the sudden deaths and the news of one of their 'heroes' joining a devil's peerage to be a bit too coincidental, but without proof of anything they couldn't exactly do much about it.

Hera did ask for an explanation during one of her monthly visits for drinks and R&R, which I did provide in full. Learning that this had been an internal issue which had been triggered by Aphrodite and Medea had only received direct help to escape, she decided that this case would remain closed. She also couldn't punish Aphrodite, Hecate or Circe because they hadn't technically broken any rules and had only been backstabbing and manipulative bitches, but Medea already knew that and would find her own payback once she was strong enough anyway.

And once that little mess was over, Diana decided to create another one.

-Flashback to 3 months ago.

I had arrived for my usual training with my peerage which is held 3 times a week. This is the obligatory training for all peerage members for teamwork and personal growth and it was even more important since Medea had just joined and needed to get used to everyones fighting styles and abilities.

Medea obviously knew a good degree of what my girls could do, but that was mostly theoretical. So first she would witness Scáthach lead everyone in an all out battle against me to get a proper look for how strong everyone really is and learn their flow as a team, then once everyone is recovered she would join in. She is the one with the weakest battle power at the moment and the least amount of experience, so this will do her some good.

Obviously I don't use my [True Form] during these fights since none have the required power level to even touch me in that form, but they still face a nearly impossible challenge due to my energy being on a fundamentally different level and my own learning ability being higher than theirs.

It is still difficult for me to handle them all at once without hurting them too much, but the pressure we all face serves as a great stimulus for everyone's growth.

And after we had our training, Diana appeared in full battle regalia.

"I have come to stake my claim and duel Lith Azaroth to take him as my man!" She shouted with any sort of shame as she slammed the butt of her spear on the ground.

Unfortunately for her, that triggered many of the ladies as Sera somehow heard it and appeared with a very territorial look as the surroundings started getting very cold, Scáthach's aura turned deadly as she readied her spear, Jeanne became incensed as her flames burst out of her body and Mana's black lighting began flashing in the air as four of the most powerful women in the Underworld stood together in front of a now very uncertain Diana.

"It appears one of my students has lost her mind. I shall take care of this." Scáthach said coldly.

"No one takes my Lith!" Serafall declared as the most powerful woman here.

"You think you can just come here and take him?" The growling Jeanne asked.

"It would seem a lesson in manners is needed. To think she is foolish enough to believe she can take Nii-sama." Mana murmured as she readied her pistols.

"W-wait Lady Scáthach, I desire to fight him for his seed and decide if he is worthy." The nervous Diana said as she feared my queen above all those present thanks to her sadistic training even if she also respects her deeply.

"Get in line." Scáthach replied.

"That's all well and good but I refuse." I coldly interrupted as my power washed over the unprepared Amazon.

I might have a favorable expression of the princess and she might be friends with my peerage, but any who try to come between those close to me will receive no mercy.

Her gods couldn't withstand my true strength, much less herself, so she collapsed under the mental strain and fainted.

All my girls were still upset that they couldn't beat her up now and I did have to pamper them by promising to spend some alone time with them all in order to appease them, which isn't really something bad for me either since I enjoy being with any of them.

I then contacted Diana's mother, who actually facepalmed then and there when she heard what her daughter had attempted even if it was rather laughable since the only person she had a decent chance at defeating amongst my girls was the newly added Medea.

Hippolyta came personally to berate her daughter over her actions and apologized. Apparently Diana was following the advice from old fashioned Amazons on the island regarding things like courtship and was under the impression that to be able to take her chosen male she had to defeat him in combat or do well enough to be accepted by him. Unfortunately, Diana had not told anyone that her target was their new, already married to a very important and powerful woman, trading partner, and no one had asked so they had just assumed someone had taken her fancy and told her about some of the old ways that didn't end up with the man being killed.

The girls couldn't decide if they wanted to beat someone up or laugh at this point, while Diana received a semi-public lecture about how wrong everything she just tried to do was.

The princess gasped in shock over having apparently ruined her chances with someone she had declared she desired children with.

At this point Serafall took her to the side and began working her weird magic which seemed to happen whenever someone said they wanted to be with me. She had done it to Yasaka, Scáthach and now Diana. I wasn't even sure if that was all of them.

When the two came back Diana had a confident look once again as she got some wind back in her sails.

"I apologize for my earlier blunder. I do not desire for you to betray your wives, but I shall endeavor to win your favor as I continue to demonstrate my prowess on the battlefield." The Amazon princess said as her mother facepalmed again.

"This girl. Is this why our predecessors just raped men? They couldn't seduce one." Hippolyta surprisingly wondered. "Do I have hope for cute little granddaughters to train?"

"Dia-chan, that's not right either." Serafall chided as she whispered some things in her ears and used magic to stop everyone from hearing it.

"Oh!" An seemingly enlightened Diana exclaimed with a nod. "Lord Lith!"

"Yes Diana?" I responded as she stood before me again.

Before she spoke her magic armor disappeared and she ripped open the top of her tunic and the bindings of her breasts in one smooth motion, revealing a set surprisingly full tits, nicely toned abdominal muscles and smooth skin with a few small scars.

"What do you think of my breasts? I have been told they are quite good by my sisters and have heard men enjoy them." She boldly asked as her mother simply failed to compute that new set of her unique approach.

"Dia-chan! That's not how you show your good points!" Sera shouted as she hurriedly took out a blanket from her storage ring and covered the half-naked Amazon.

"I thought my breasts were part of my good points." Diana replied as she cupped herself.

"They are, but you can't just take them out in public like that!" Serafall scolded exasperatedly.

"Truly? Is this why Amazons of old removed them in their efforts to be swifter warriors?" Diana questioned with any hint of thinking anything she says is weird.

"Do amazons not have any sort of education regarding sexual relations?" I asked in near amusement over how ridiculous this is getting.

"I might have been rather upset towards men at the time and skipped things like modern courting and reproduction when it came to Diana's education." Queen Hippolyta admitted, but I understood why and was surprised over her not saying something more anti-man, but she had mellowed out a bit from the interactions between our lands.

"She has expressed a clear level of interest in me, should we discuss this?" I asked her because this is a rather delicate political matter.

She is a princess and I am a married Devil lord. And while harems are very common in the Underworld and, even if it isn't known, I already have two wives/mates with one more wanting to join, Diana is an Amazon and they have very different values. This also involves their patron Goddesses to a certain degree as well and the fact that Diana is currently Hippolyta's only successor for the crown, so quite a few political points to take into consideration before we even talk about my own feelings on the matter since no one can force me to marry if I don't want to.

"What can be said? I know my daughter and it is very unlikely that she will change her mind once made. At least when it comes to such matters. And although her approach was not ideal, it at least brings her feelings on the matter in the open." The Amazon Queen replied wryly over her daughter getting educated by Serafall.

"What of her status as your heir and the fact that I am already married?" I asked her because she knew well enough what type of husband I was.

"*sigh* Diana is not the only one eligible to inherit the throne, only the best choice. And as much as I would prefer for my daughter to stay home, I also wish for her to find someone she can actually love and at the very least you have a reputation for being loyal." She answered with a sad and mildly bitter look at what was likely to be a memory of her own 'love life'.

"An Amazon speaking of love? *Chuckle* Your ancestors must be gasping from Elysium." I said to her in good humor.

"True. But times change and no matter how she was given to me, I wish for my daughter's happiness about all else." Hippolyta replied with a soft smile while looking at her.

"*Sigh* All I can promise is that she can join my peerage and we can see how things develop from there. My wife," I said to her as we both looked at my actual wife giving advice to an Amazonian princess on how to chase her husband, "Clearly does not mind, just like my current situation with my own queen, but I will not enter an ill thought out or rushed relationship. These things take time."

"You wish for her to become a Devil?" Hippolyta asked with a bit of distaste on that one.

"If she agrees. It's the easiest way to get things going and I can always return her to being an Amazon should she decide. I did help create the Evil pieces after all." I reassured calmly.

"You would let her go?" She questioned with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Yes." I directly answered. "Everyone of my peerage members has decided to accept and stay with me of their own will. They are family and I only wish for their happiness. If they believe that happiness no longer lies by my side then they are free to leave."

"To think a Devil values family." Commented the Queen with so small hum before looking at her daughter again. "*Sigh* If she agrees then I will not stop you. I trust her enough to make her own decisions."

If I thought honestly, Diana was an endearing person. She had a strong sense of justice, an honest character, a strong will and knew what she desired in life. I did not love her, but I could open my heart enough to give her a chance like Scáthach after some time getting to know each other on a more personal level.

"I shall simply state my offer to her. Everything else will be in her own hands." I stated as the Queen nodded in understanding.

-End of Flashback

That day almost caused my girls to beat up a political envoy, which would have been quite the mess, but in the end I welcomed my second Knight as Diana agreed to my offer.

With that also came the perks of being a full fledged peerage member as I freed her divine blood and talents, gaining Atmokinesis and a great affinity for lighting and wind related magic, on top of the general enhancements to her body from truly awakening her divine half, becoming a devil and receiving the Knight piece. So she was now getting properly retrained by Scáthach while also having lessons with Musashi and Mana for her other skills.

Diana was also declared my new fiancé as the two of us decided if things would work. She was still having a lot of issues with learning proper courtship, evident by the fact that she did want to join in on the fun between Sera and I, has tried multiple times to sneak into our bed at night, keeps purposefully showing me her naked body and openly asks her new 'sisters' for help in seducing me.

Another problem was that Scáthach thought such a direct approach would benefit her as well and decided to get some interesting new outfits, emphasizes her womanly assets and became much more…physical.

I can't exactly say that seeing two beautiful and powerful warriors display their desires so boldly isn't exciting or pleasing to the eye, but I want a more emotional and intellectual connection before truly welcoming someone in my heart. So I may enjoy it, but that just means Sera and Yasaka get wilder nights for now.

The last thing that happened during these years was Ciri getting some more training and Avallac'h being put in his place like the manipulative little bitch he is. Little fucker tried to act arrogant by saying he could teach Ciri better and that they should leave.

I threw him through a few dozen dimensions and made him suffer through a 4 hour long second for that one. He shut up real quick after that.

The only reason he was even allowed to remain in this world was because my precious little student didn't want to send him to his death. So I arranged for him to get an opportunity to learn some actual magic instead of that weird system in their worlds to keep him away. I did not consider him a guest and he would not stay in my castle with my family and close ones. Ciri could visit the prick whenever she was free, but I made it clear that I had a very strong dislike for both him and his entitled race of self-important little shits.

Might sound harsh, but if I could do it without triggering an actual war, I am someone who would kill around a third of the remaining pillar houses to ensure we actually prosper. The only reason they are all alive is because it would turn most supernatural races against me for the mass slaughter and it would trigger a few wars at least. So I compromised and brainwashed most of the key figures to at least ensure some steady progress. But those elves have no such protections, and the fact that they harass my student so much really doesn't help.

But it seems fate has means in store to make sure Ciri returns to her world as Avallac'h revealed that another Conjunction of Spheres is approaching Ciri's world, the one which would bring the White Frost with it and likely end the world if she didn't interfere.

Luckily Ciri was a lot more confident, skilled and powerful than her 'canon' counterpart, so I had full confidence in her ability to handle that particular situation while also knowing Avallac'h wasn't pulling this out of his ass just to get a chance at manipulating the now young woman.

With a hearty 'go get them', we all saw her off once again as the young woman took off to save her world and other loved ones from a prophesied end of times.

-Enkudu's Tour of the Underworld

The last few years have shown me clearly that Lith Azaroth's rule is currently the most prosperous in this world.

I have not only toured the cities and towns of the devils, but I have seen the lands of those called Fallen and how humanity has developed since Gil's rule, and I was not impressed.

The only upside was that Gil's plan to end the age of gods on earth was a success and major destruction was averted, but humanity is now more divided than ever as they slowly bleed the planet dry of its ressources.

While the Devil cities were generally indulgent in some form, most human cities of this age were oppressive as those in power desperately try to keep control. Wars are fought in the name of Gods which are actually the same. Fear and ignorance of the world are widespread. Magic has hidden itself from the world and so many of the animals and plants which used to comfort me have been erased.

No one listens to nature except for those people still intimately linked to it like those on the other side of the ocean, but they are treated like savages for doing so. None preserve or help nature replenish itself.

I have found that although some places care about their appearances like some in Italy, none have the beauty which can be found in Azaroth Lands.

And the humans simply kill whatever they do not wish to understand. Even I was attacked by a mob due to my differences and demeanor. I was even chased after and attacked by people called Inquisitors, witch hunters and exorcists. I did subdue them all, but they kept coming even after I spared them.

I was greatly disappointed, but I did understand that Lith Azaroth's current state and ideals were offering the best results. He was a ruler with a vision, charisma and the will to see it through.

This is why I have decided to finally accept his offer.

He is not Gil nor is he trying to be, but I have decided to see how being his friend and partner would feel.



This was longer than I expected. Had to split my original plan for this chapter due to it. And I know it was a lot of things happening, that's partially why that Diana bit happened, for some nonsense fun/harem development.

And speaking of Diana, turns out that I basically mixed in a bit of Xenovia there. I decided that for the fun of it, her mother did give her sex Ed because she was upset over having been raped and wanted her to stay ignorant about relationships between men and women.

Although I made it a gag, I do genuinely see a princess raised on an all female warrior island having some difficulties getting into a 'proper' relationship, so I turned it up to eleven.

At the moment Lith has Serafall and Yasaka, while Scáthach is gradually getting closer and Diana just started on hopefully changing their relationship with the ever helpful Serafall the kinky harem maker.

Next up I will just say that the fate stuff should be expected by now, but I felt like adding a few more things as cameos and as legitimate plans for Lith to make based on his desires and available assets.

The vampires cameos won't really show but were for those well liked vampire characters to appear without any sort of difficult set up. Sebas Tian was because I could just see the man dutifully serving Evangeline.

The Einzbern family's success is actually very important in the rapid fulfillment of Lith's major plans, while his work with the Astral plane helps fix most of the flaws it would have had. Those plans should be revealed next chapter.

Tōtsuki was kind of teased by the repeated instances of foodgasms, the cook off's in the underworld and Lith's plans to use his connection to Yasaka in order to set his own influence in the human world. Right now he's basically preying on the sin of Gluttony as he gradually gives Humans a taste of incredibly high level cooking to gain power in the world of food. I thought it would fit well with the existence of the Nakiri clan and be fun for some more little cameos after reaching canon.

The Kure clan was just a more specialized and direct application of what would happen in Jeanne's sanctuary for the abused or manipulated gifted she rescued from the church. But this time Lith is being hands on in order to develop elite human forces with extreme potential and their own unique abilities. But honestly, the thought of the Kure Clan with their Limiter removal and Touki alone sounds pretty badass.

Also if it wasn't clear enough, not a fan on the Aen Elle. Avallac'h is a manipulative cunt and I never liked him. The only actual reason I would see him helping Geralt instead of kidnapping Ciri again is because he needed to earn her trust to stay close to his precious Elder blood, while also needing her to survive long enough to have a kid.

Honestly, with everyone trying to get her to have a kid it's no surprise Ciri got sick of the whole business and basically became a lesbian.

But yeah, the Conjunction of Spheres isn't something that won't just not happen because Ciri isn't there and I thought it would be a good reason for her to return to her world and have a modified Witcher 3. Like really modified. Meaning people who be fucking with her be dying instead of her having to run all the time.

And now that I had to cut planned ideas for this chapter out, they will be next chapter, which will include a bit of Lith in the Witcher 3 but it won't be for very long and it won't be an entire chapter about it because next one also has a big time skip. Or at least should be.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

New year, new chapter.

Hello and welcome to the first chapter of the year which I managed to write pretty quickly now that I’m not feeling tired all the time.

Hope no one blew any of their fingers off playing with fireworks. Still don’t know why people are even allowed to buy what is essentially pretty explosives, but shot happens.

Here’s two new peerage members joining in a chapter and small time skip before a bigger one.


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