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50% Her romance / Chapter 10: Chapter six

Kapitel 10: Chapter six

Wattpad : blooming in April

Webnovel : her romance / blooming in April

TikTok: symplyceline

April 😩💔

So basically I've been attending summer school and trust me it's annoying and frustrating.

Today is just a typical day for me I woke up late cos dad's not going to work today, he's gonna work from home and I'll take the bus. The problem is's 10:00 am. it's!! freaking!!! 10:00am!!!!.

I'm smoking dead cos I have social studies fourth period and this is third period I'm sure I can't make it early to school.


I walked as fast as I could into the school compound and went straight to my locker and I went to class.

"Hey miss lopez I'm guessing your donkey died today ?" I heard miss Molly's terrible voice the moment I stepped into the class.

"No ma'am, the thing is ....." I ran out of ideas cos wtf !!!!!.

"I'm listening, cos the fourth day you joined this lesson your grandmother had an asthma attack, and last week your dog was hit by a moving bicycle so what's this week story?" She asked dropping her ugly vintage glasses on the desk.

I just stared at my foot. This is so scary and it's all my dad's fault.

"Miss lopez ???" She called me with furrowed brows and clenched fist. "April I'm talking to you" .

"I'm sorry ma'am I'm not feeling too good". I managed to say with fear written all over me.

"Go take a sit" she turned towards the projector and continued with her teaching.

Yep she just won her self the title of the most annoying and saucy teacher of the year. I don't like her.

I sat down quietly beside this dark haired girl. She's pretty I thought.

I brought out my book and started sleeping cos why not. I've already failed the class with my attitude. Who needs social studies in the real world anyway?

I felt someone step on my foot.

"Hey Molly's looking here you'd better take notes" the girl sitting beside me said with a straight face towards miss molly.

I started scribbling everything on the board as fast as I could .

Submit your notes everyone I wanna see what you wrote" . Miss molly said looking at my direction. "Some people will get bad recommendations from this tutorial institute and it's gonna affect their college wait list".

I'm so done for dad wants me to attend a well know prestigious college.

The bell rang and miss molly left the class.

"Saved by the bell uhnm?" The girl Beside me said.

"Yeah you could say that again" I said smiling and packing my books ready for the next class.

"I'm Leslie by the way" she said and stretched her hands for me to shake.

I just bursted into a very big uncontrollable laughter.

People around here give their kids funny names what's Leslie. You are practically calling her a lesbian and a liar. And again who still shakes hands.

"What's wrong with you did I say something funny?" Leslie asked me

"No no you didn't" I said still laughing

"So why are you still laughing" she asked looking at me with confusion written all over her face.

"It's me not you, I'm the problem here" I Said trying to contain my laughter.

"I'm April" I said facing her properly.

"Didn't ask" she said and walked away.

That was a bummer. It's her loss not mine.

I picked my bag and turned to leave the classroom when Leslie came back.

"Just kidding buddy, I have history now. You?" She said smiling really wide. Too wide if you ask me.

"Same here then I have geography then lunch" I just read out my whole time table to her.

"Cool that means we take some classes together. "

We got to the historical block of the school and located our classroom.

To be honest the stress and pressure I undergo here is more than what I experience in real school.

The history teacher was not around.

"Yeah I think he's down with something cos lately he's been skipping lectures and throughout last week he didn't come to school" Leslie explained.

I felt bad for the teacher. Though, I've attended his class only once a he's nice and considerate unlike the step mum miss molly.

"Wanna meet my friends?" Leslie asked me tugging my shirt.

She didn't give me much of a choice neither did she alllow me to say yes or no.

I followed her to the back of the class.

They were six people there. Four guys and two girls.

"Sup Leslie what's with the newbie" a girl with spiky haircut and dog Chains round her neck spoke.

Quick introduction.

The four guys all had Their hairs dyed green or is it blue ???....well their hair is dyed.

There's a girl with pink hair cut and a lot of piercings she practically pierced her whole face and the other girl is black venom with a dog chain around her neck while Leslie seems normal ???.

"She's the girl I told your guys about last week" she said smiling.

"The girl you thought was pretty? The one that just joined Molly's class two weeks ago that Jules and you bet u...." one guy with deep brown eyes was saying.

"Aaaaaron!!!" Leslie and the blackie screamed in unison.

Blackie shot him a death glare.

She got up from the locker and introduced everyone.

"You know Leslie already, she's Leslie Campbell, I'm Julietta Harris but you're çan call me Jules" the blackie with the Dog chains said.

"Nice to meet you julliete I'm April. April lopez" I said smiling at her.

"It's Julietta spelled with an aaaaaiiii" she said spoiling her mouth so bad.

Then she turned to the guys.

"This is calliope Martin, Ćàłł her cal" she said pointing to the girl on pink low cut and a million piercings.

"This is Allen Williams . Adams lee . Aaron Parker. And Arison coper "

She said pointing to each of them and now I can't differentiate them again.

"It's almost time for lunch wanna join us ???" One of the guys said I guess it was Allen or Adams or maybe arison ????.

"I guess" I said shrugging.

Geography teacher didn't stay long in class

And she said something along the line of leaving the school and some replacement but of course I wasn't listening cos the guys were also talking.


The cafeteria was bustling with a lot of people.

It was kinda fun sitting with these guys cos they literarily had something to say about everyone.

They boss people around here. Kinda like what Blair, Sam and I did in school.


After lunch we all went our separate ways for the last two classes. I hate summer school I cried inside and went to my locker for my note.

When I got to class I sat silently on my sit waiting for Leslie to come.

She came in five minutes after the teacher.

"I've been looking everywhere for you" she said as she sat down beside me.

"Yeah same here I even saved you a seat cos you were running late".

"Oh I'm not late I only came in early coz I thought you've left" she said smiling brightly at me.

Well biology was a disaster. The teacher kept saying weird things.

"Thank Christ this is the only science subject I have to offer" Leslie said with one hand on my laps.

I kinda felt a shiver run through my spine with that simple harmless action.

"Same here. I hate science department and again miss molly takes chemistry so that's double problem for me" I replied Leslie laughing gently.

The rest of the class went pretty weird and smooth and soon the bell was rung everyone left for the last class.

"I have a class on algorithms???" I said reading out my school schedule.

"Don't worry we've attended all the important classes, who needs algorithms in real life anyway" Leslie said with her hand brushing my arm for a little too long. "How about we cut class and go to the guys?" She added suspiciously.

"Thanks, but no thanks" I said smiling nervously leaving the class.

"Weird hun????" I heard someone say to me from behind.

I turned around and met pretty tall girl with muscles??.

This school has a scary personality of people.

"Excuse me?" I said after sensing the fact that I still haven't said anything yet. I was just staring.

"My name is Sarah Jensen". She said with her Thick British accent.

"I said the girl from back there was weird you feeling me?"

Feeling what ?? I asked my self looking at her from head to toe.

"Yeah I guess" I replied going toward my locker.

"What's your name?" She asked still following me.

"It's April lopez" I said taking another book from my locker.

"Weird combination of name I say" she said smiling at me.

Who calls a person weird in their face and still smiles. I say your name is weird why do you even have muscles weirdo!!!!.

"I'll talk to you later I have algorithm class now" I said trying to walk away.

But you know some people are just clingy and have low manners so she pulled me back stopping me in my tracks.

"How 'bout we go together I have the same class" she said smiling.

I accepted and she walked me to another building in the school. This is a big school I said to my self looking around.

"Yeah it is" the muscle girl said to me.

"What?" I asked looking at her.

Can she hear my thought?.

"You said this school is big"

I guess I said it out loud. we got to the building and saw different classes there's even a 'class on guidance and counseling', another one 'my puberty my body', there's 'sex education', there's 'algebras' I also saw 'my logarithm'.

This school needs help ASAP. Why is there different classrooms for odd topics

We got into the class and sat down.

"That girl Leslie she was my ex girl friend" Sarah began. "I'm a stud, I ..."

"Wait what ?" I asked clearly confused.

"You are a lesbian" I said staring at her.

Omg I'm soo doomed I heard lesbians always have vampires as friends and I know lesbians are bad set of people they are terrible. Terrible!!!!!!

They initiate people.

I'm doomed.

"Well yes I'm a lesbian. A masculine woman if you ask me." She said with pride in her voice.

"Okay??" I said moving away slightly from her.

"I'm not asking you to stay away from her I'm just saying you shouldn't get too close." She began "and they are always up to no good I was one of them" she added.

"Thank you?" I asked still confused.

Cos what the fuck is happening to me today!!!!.

"This is our school and we are in our final year the board made it compulsory for all twelve grades to attend summer classes. They said it will tell well on us in our colleges wait list." she said smiling at me.

The supposed algorithm teacher came in and all he said sounded like gibberish to me.

I marked my name on the attendance list and left the class with the British lesbian.

"You got a ride home?" She asked looking at me.

"No I'll take a bus" I answered her.

"You was looking like you've got a ride wanna tag ??" She asked me pointing at a black suv.

"That's yours?" I asked excitedly.

"Nope it's my mom" she said spoiling the vibe.

Well I followed her into the car and kept staring at her.

First her accent is a no for me. I couldn't understand half of what she said she was too fast and I doubt if she knows the difference between past tense and present tense.

She dropped me at the turning before my house.

"Have a blast this weekend see you on Monday, you feel me??" She said smiling at me before she drove off.

I know I felt nothing I wonder why she keeps asking.

I opened the door exhausted.

My day was bad, pretty bad, very bad.

"I'm hooooome" I screamed and threw my bag on the couch.

"Who are you?" I heard a Woman ask me she was sitting on the counter in the kitchen.

"I should ask you that, this is my house who are you?" I asked eyeing her suspiciously.

"Excuse me?" She said and came down from the counter.

"You riffraff this isn't a shelter or a caring aid" she said holding a broom close to me.

I was too tired to argue so I just stepped on her feet so hard and push her to the ground then I sat on her.

"Thief what are you doing in my house!!!" I screamed at her.

"How I hate kids, get off me you scallywag" she tried to push me off but I sat hard on her again and pushed her head to the ground sooo hard she yelled in pain.

"That's for calling me a scallywag in my dad's house. Imma call the cops on you" I said dailing 911.

Is 911 the cops number or the ambulance???

I looked at her with a face that spelt death!!!!!!.

"Your dad?" With surprise in her tone.

"Yes my dad owns this place and I'm his daughter who are you!!!"

"GERALD!!!!!" Sha yelled my dad's name soo loud I stood up from her.

"You know my dad?" I asked holding her face up and holding her down with my leg.

"What are you. A cop?" She asked in annoyance.

Yeah mom made me take some karate classes and even judo.

I'm not that good at it yet but this woman here Is weak.

My dad ran down the stairs in a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Omg April are you ok" my dad asked and ran towards me holding up my head.

"I'm fine dad" I said.

"I'm the victim here" the weak ugly lady screamed my legs were still holding her down. I moved away from her swiftly, looking at my dad.


"Who's she??" Ugly duckling asked again for like the tenth times.

"She's my daughter. Charlotte" my dad said to her while holding up ice to my forehead. There's nothing wrong with me but he just insisted on icing me.

"Don't I have a right to know about your daughter? Are we keeping secrets now?" She asked with tears glistening in her eyes already.

Wait what!! Who's we ?????

"Dad you've remarried?" I asked my dad looking very disappointed in him.

"No honey but I'm not ...."

"Gerald you have to go easy on her. She's a kid remember, this news is a scary for her" miss Molly's replica said to my dad while rubbing my back gently.

"I guess you are right" my dad said looking at me straight in the eye.

"What happened in school today why are you back early?" My dad asked me still icing my forehead.

"Let's lighten her mood honey let's take her along to our date" Molly's replica said sweetly to my dad.

My dad just nodded and went upstairs.

Yeah he's blinded by all the boobs work and silicon in her ass even her lips is fake who has lips this big and full.

She's a fake!!!!!

I don't like her.

"You'll better behave cos I don't like you" miss Molly's replica said while pinching my forehead sooo bad.

"You are good at reading people's mind cos that's exactly what I just said" I said glaring at her.

"Wait till I'm married to Gerald I'm gonna make you pay" she whispered into my ears.

I just bursted into laughter cos wtf.

Is this a Disney movie or should I say Cinder fucking rella and her step mother cos this Cinderella isn't the nice stupid one. She's fucking toxic and Insane.

"What's funny aaaapril???..." she said my name with a lot of anger and displeasure .

"Nothing much, just that someone's green with jealousy" I said still laughing I couldn't put my laughter at bay so I just let it out.

"You are so gonna pay" she said smirking.

"Oh so you haven't heard? My parents are getting back together. Since you've been dating my dad have you seen me here?

Nope !!!!! I'm here cos they've finally decided to get back together." I said then I collected her drink and gulped it down.

"Ask my dad if he has signed the divorce papers" I said and emptied the whole glass and gave it back to her.

"That's impossible, you are gonna suffer"

She said with anger written all over her face.

"Oh shoot. Someone's been watching too many soaps, this isn't a cinema darling it's my family and we don't want you here" . I said then I took my bag upstairs into my room.

Ewwww what's she drinking, it tasted so bad and hot when I swallowed it.

Can't believe dad's doing this to mom!!!!.

He betrayed mom.

He betrayed me.

He betrayed us.

I was too angry to even think straight.

After having a really bad day at school I come home and it's even worse.

I sat on my desk and took out my dairy.

Journal entry 5

Dear diary,

School was very hectic and annoying I literarily thought I was going to die.

And there's a girl Leslie who's been awfully nice to me today then one weird British girl told me to be careful about her.

Leslie friends are scary; there's a girl who cut her hair and dyed it pink and also Pierced almost everywhere on her face.

There's on black girl whose hair is black and wore black clothes her personality matches her skin color well she wore this chain that was tightly strapped on her neck like a dog's own.

And there were four guys with A names.

Oh I forgot to tell you dad has a girlfriend. I'm not sure I'll tell mom.

April's day

I retuned my diary and decided to do my home-works.

When I was done I called Sam on FaceTime. And she answered the call at first ring.

"Oh baby girl I've missed you, how's Boston" she asked excitedly.

"It's fine just boring and I miss you too. How's Blair?" I asked her looking around.

"He stepped out for a moment to get some drugs for me" she said looking at me skeptically.

Something's not right but I couldn't lay my hands on it.

"How's your leg?" I asked looking down at her leg hung up.

"It's fine thanks. And summer school is not the same without you. Cheer classes were sloppy and boring" she lamented.

"I'm gonna be home soon baby. Bare with me" I said laughing.

Blair entered the hospital room with his hands filled.

"Hey babe I didn't get the last drug" he said moving close to Sam.

Sam cleared her throat and said. "April's on the phone Blair"

"Hey babe" he said looking at me hysterically.

Ok now I'm suspicious what's going on!!!!!!

"Darling I've been calling your phone what's wrong" I whinnied

"I'm sorry baby I've been busy with football practices you know summer is usually packed for us" he said blowing me a kiss from the phone.

We talked a little more and I got off the phone.

Hey babe. That's weird why did he call Sam babe. I'm being delusional about it how about he saw me and said hey babe and then talked to Sam.

Yeah that's what happened.

I was about to call my mom when her call came across.

"Mother! I was just about to call you" I said happily to my mom.

"I told you our mind works in a telepathically manner. We are connected through telepathy. She said giddy with joy.

"Mom I missed you so much I love you" I said with a lot of emotions running through me.

"I've missed you too honey" mom said wiping tears off her face.

Dad walked in my room all dressed for his date. He has this habit of walking in on me when I'm in the phone with mom.

"Hey zoey you look good today" dad commented.

I didn't even notice. Mom was all dressed up with her hair done and her makeup in check.

"You look gorgeous too" mom said eyeing dad seductively.

"Uhnm...what's happing?? I'm still here you know" I said looking at both my parents.

"Keep quiet April" they said in unison.

This was an old habit my parents had when we were together. Each time I start talking too much they zip me off.

In order not to disturb them I gave dad my phone and Walked downstairs to an unsmiling miss Molly's replica.

"Hey daddy's unfortunate girlfriend" I said as I neared where she sat.

"What did you call me?" She asked me furiously.

"You are pathetic" I said and Walked past her to grab a drink.

Dad came downstairs few minutes later with my phone in his hands.

"Thanks April that felt a lot better" dad said and gave me my phone.

"Oh dad you are done talking to mom? Where did she say she was going?" I asked my dad with my voice Raised higher than normal for charlotte to hear.

"Nothing much just that she's going for a friends birthday" he said sadly and sat down in the stool next to the counter.

"Hey Gerald, what's wrong?" Miss molly replica stood up from where she was sitting and came to hold my dad and hug me.

Dad didn't say anything for a while he just kept his head down.

"I'm sorry you have to see this part of me. I don't feel like going out I'll see you at work on Monday Charlotte" dad said and gave her a quick peck on her cheeks.

"It's alright baby" she said while sending me a death glare.

I released my self from her weird hug and blew her a raspberry and rolled my eyes away from her miserable body.

I closed the door after Charlotte and led dad to his room.

"Thanks honey I'lld make it up to you tomorrow" dad hugged me and went to bed.

The hard life will surely begin on Monday I said to myself I need to sleep.


I woke up with my stomach grumbling fiercely.

I'm so hungry I barely ate anything yesterday.

I checked the time on the alarm clock sitting on my nightstand.

It's 4:34 am

I went to the kitchen and of course there was spaghetti in the refrigerator. I decided to mix every food there so we won't have to waste it.

Dad orders fresh food that will last us a whole week every Monday.

So I brought out the spaghetti with meatballs and I also added macaroni to the combo I microwaved it and added a lot of sauce. If you haven't tried that combo you are missing a lot.

Then I thought of what to drink I poured teliqua into my cup and some vodka and I rushed it one gulp.

It was soo hot and gross I hope I've not spiked my stomach cos now I feel hot and irritated instead of being high.

I did the dishes after eating food worth two days in an hour. I went back to bed filling fulfilled.

Now I need to think of how to deal with miss Molly's new replica. I can't deal with two mean women. One must leave!!!!.

Wattpad : blooming in April

Webnovel : her romance / blooming in April

TikTok: symplyceline

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