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18.35% Hentai Verse / Chapter 47: A Vow of Control [Harry Potter]

Kapitel 47: A Vow of Control [Harry Potter]

Summary: Harry catches Astoria Malfoy in the middle of a crime. He gives her an opportunity to avoid Azkaban, but her 'freedom' will come with a price.

Content Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Mildly Dubious Consent, Blackmail, Sexual Slavery, Light BDSM, Male-Dom/Fem-Sub, Rough


Harry Potter was the envy of young wizards the world over. He appeared to have it all. He had prestige and respect not only from having been the man to defeat Voldemort, but also thanks to the rapid success he'd enjoyed as an auror. He was only 22 years old but was already widely acknowledged as the top performer of Britain's aurors and the inevitable future head of the department whenever he decided he was ready to step back from a more physically active role. His rising star wasn't due to any nepotism from his fame as the slayer of Voldemort either; even his fiercest and most envious rivals in the department had to admit that he'd earned every accolade with his performance.

Magically he had more power and knowledge than most wizards two or three times his age, and thanks to public interest in him as well as his job performance he was also quickly restocking the Potter Gringotts vault that had diminished somewhat in the years since his parents were murdered. Harry truly did have the world at his feet. He had it all.

All, that is, except for a woman to come home to at the end of the day. There was no shortage of women who would kill for a chance to bed the famous Harry Potter, but he hadn't taken advantage of even one such opportunity. His bed had been empty for the last month and a half, ever since the woman he'd believed to be the love of his life had walked out on him. He'd been feeling down in the dumps ever since, and even Ginny's own brother Ron had pulled him aside and urged him to put it behind him and get on with his life. That was easier said than done though. It had been weeks, but he could still remember that day like it had been yesterday.


"I'm really sorry, Harry," Ginny said, smiling at him sadly. "This is for the best, for both of us. I know you'll find someone who's more compatible with you someday, and it'll make you both happier."

"Compatible?" he said blankly. His mind was still reeling, unable to comprehend the reality of the bomb she'd dropped on him not even an hour ago. "What does that mean? What did I do wrong?"

"Oh, Harry, you didn't do anything wrong!" she insisted. "We're just not, not right for each other, you know?"

"How?" he pressed. "How are we not right for each other?"

"Please don't make me say it," she said quietly, shaking her head.

"I want to know, Ginny," he said, stronger now. "I think I deserve the truth." She hung her head and sighed. Then, finally, she met his searching eyes.

"You're just not…exciting enough for me," she whispered.

"What?" he shook his head, sure he'd misheard her. "I killed Voldemort! And now I'm an auror; I fight dangerous dark wizards all the time! What's boring about that?"

"Your job isn't boring," she agreed. "But then you come home, and you don't want to do anything. I want to go out, go places, see things and talk to people, but you always just want to stay here and not go anywhere."

"I can't go anywhere without being mobbed by people," he pointed out. "That's not fair."

"Maybe it isn't," she acknowledged. "But it's not fair to me to stay cooped up in here every night because you're so famous, either."

"So we'll go places, then," he said. "It might be hard since I can't go anywhere without people stopping me to shake my hand and thank me for saving them, but I can put it up with it if you can."

"It's not just that," she said, shaking her head and frowning. "We're also not compatible in bed."

"In bed?" That wasn't a complaint he was expecting to hear. He knew he was pretty well-endowed, and he liked to think he was a very unselfish lover. In fact, he deliberately held himself back and didn't pursue so many of the more depraved ideas that popped into his head out of respect for her and the things she'd experienced in the past..

"Yeah," she said. She was looking at him sympathetically, but now that they were down this road she wasn't shying away from telling her how she felt and why she was walking away from him. "Sex with you is…nice, Harry, don't get me wrong. But sometimes I just want more, you know? You're too timid in bed, and the sex is a little too plain. Some girls love that, and just want to be cuddled and kissed and loved every night. But I want a guy who isn't afraid to be adventurous in bed, and that's just not who you are. I need someone who can get dirty with me sometimes, and you're just too noble for that."


"Too noble," he spat, angry with both her and himself back in the present day. He wasn't nearly as noble as she thought he was. He'd had so many fantasies that would have shocked her, but he'd kept them bottled up inside, afraid he would scare her off. Instead it had had the opposite effect, and she'd left him because she found sex with him to be too boring. He wanted to tell her the truth in that moment, to show her that his tastes weren't nearly as vanilla as she'd come to believe they were, but the words wouldn't come. She'd always thought of him as a noble, self-sacrificing hero, and he couldn't bring himself to shatter that image she had of him. That just proved how big an idiot he really was. Yes, her image of him as the boring, earnest storybook hero had been preserved, and now she could continue to respect him and his supposedly noble tastes while some other bloke tied her up and shagged her rotten. He'd heard rumors that she'd taken up with that smug prick Zabini. No doubt he was doing all sorts of nasty things to her, the same things Harry had wanted to do to her but had held back on.

Harry was so caught up in his frustrated moping that the normally alert auror very nearly walked right by an obvious crime in progress. It took him a second to recognize the aristocratic face of Astoria Malfoy, and a second longer to realize how odd it was to see her creeping around in the muggle part of London. She wasn't as openly prejudiced as the family she'd married into, but she was still a Malfoy, and Malfoys generally wouldn't be caught dead mingling amongst the muggles.

She hadn't noticed him, so he walked behind her quietly and observed her. He rolled his eyes as she adjusted her bulky overcoat. A coat that large, in this weather? People eyed her strangely as they passed her, wondering why she was dressed so heavily on one of the hottest days of the year in London. If she were an older witch or wizard he might have written it off as her trying to blend into muggle society but having no clue how to actually do so, but Astoria was too young to make that mistake. She would only be wearing that coat because she was carrying something underneath it that she didn't want anyone to see. He would bet that there was something illegal underneath that coat. He discretely cast a detection charm when he was sure no muggles were paying attention to him, and a device in his pocket vibrated. Magical artifacts, then. And dark ones at that.

He trailed behind her without her noticing, and waited until she stopped in front of her intended destination. A pawn shop. Of course.

"Stop right there, Mrs. Malfoy," he whispered, coming up behind her and letting her feel his wand against her back. She froze and her head darted over her shoulder, and her already pale face turned even whiter when she saw just who was accosting her.

"P-Potter?!" she stammered. "Wh-what do you want?! I haven't done anything!"

"Don't insult my intelligence, Astoria," he said. "You and I both know that you've got some very valuable artifacts stuffed underneath that coat. Magical artifacts. Selling magical items to unsuspecting muggles is a serious crime, Mrs. Malfoy. It violates the Statute of Secrecy. Do you really need money that badly?"

She said nothing, but he knew the Malfoys must be desperate indeed to try and sell their things to muggles, or have any interaction with muggles at all for that matter. The aurors were keeping a very close eye on Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley though, and the Malfoys themselves had been under close scrutiny since the end of the war. They didn't have many options, which explained why Draco's wife was trying to pawn dark artifacts in muggle London.

"P-please don't take me into custody!" she said. "Everyone is suspicious of my family as it is. If word gets out that I've been apprehended by an auror and brought in for questioning, even for a minor crime like this, the damage to our reputation will be enormous!"

"And why is that my problem?" he wanted to know.

"Narcissa saved you!" she said. "You wouldn't have beaten You-Know-Who without her! You owe her!"

"She did it strictly out of fear for her own son," he said, shaking his head. "She couldn't have cared less about every other person in that castle. Besides, I more than repaid whatever debt I owed to her and the Malfoy family when I testified during Draco's trial and helped him avoid Azkaban."

He could see her panic rising as he shot down her attempt to guilt him into letting her off the hook. She turned around to face him slowly, keeping her hands where he could see them so he knew she wasn't trying to draw her wand or activate an emergency portkey or something along those lines. He wasn't worried about that; she was smart enough to know that he'd just hammer her with an additional resisting arrest charge, which was a more serious crime. He kept his wand fixed on her anyway just in case; constant vigilance and all that.

"Will you at least take me back to your house and question me privately?" she pleaded. "I promise I'll tell you the whole story. Just…don't take me into the Ministry to question me. I couldn't bear the humiliation."

Harry frowned as he mulled her proposal over. Protocol dictated that he should take her into the Ministry building for any questioning. He could bring her in discretely so no one saw her in his custody, but there would still be paperwork to be filed, and gossip spread quickly. She had a right to be afraid of word spreading, but something about how desperate she was to avoid being brought in set him on edge. This crime would damage their reputation, true, but it's not like this was a serious charge that carried time in Azkaban or anything. Draco was slowly rebuilding the tarnished Malfoy name, and even Harry had to admit he'd become a master at delivering speeches and selling a sympathetic story to the public. Harry was sure Draco would eventually be able to spin a story about public struggles and desperate poverty that would undo whatever damage this news would cause, and possibly even have them coming out looking better. Astoria was his wife, so she knew that even better than he did. So why was she fighting this so hard?

She was up to something, he knew it. There had to be some dark secret that she was afraid would come out if the aurors dug any deeper. He knew the recommended response from the Ministry would have been to take her in and do everything by the book, but he was intrigued to see what she'd try and do if he took her back to his house instead. He trusted his instincts, and right now his gut was telling him that this was the choice to make.

"Come along then," he said. He took her by the arm and guided her behind the storefront. After looking around to make sure no muggles were paying attention to them, he side-along apparated her back to his house.


"Thank you for the tea, Harry, and thank you for listening to my story. I hope you can at least appreciate my side of things."

"Sure," he said noncommittally. It had been a sob story about how times were tough recently because the Malfoys had lost some of their major business partners after the war, and Draco was doing his best to rebuild the family's reputation but these things took time, and actually they just wanted to be rid of some of these dark artifacts because of the dark period of their past that they represented. It was a weak effort, he had to say. It almost felt like she'd been phoning it in and not even really trying to appeal to him. He could see why Draco was the public face of the family if this was the best Astoria could manage. It had been a waste of time, frankly. "I'll think about it."

"Thank you so much!" She smiled and set her now empty cup of tea down. "Would you mind if I freshened up in your restroom? It's been a long, emotional day."

"Sure," he said. "It's down the hall, third door on the left."

She excused herself and went off to freshen up, and he sighed. Was this really it? Did she actually believe this was going to work? Obviously he was going to take her in for further questioning at the Ministry. He would wait until she got out of the bathroom and then make it clear to her that her pathetic sob story had failed to sway him.

He tensed when the household wards came to life, alerting him that someone was trying to get around the protections. He drew his wand right away, but there was no reason to defend himself. A fish patronus came into view, floating from the bathroom down the hall to where Harry was sitting.

"I've been captured by Potter, Draco," Astoria's voice said through the patronus. "He caught me outside the store, and I was able to convince him to take me back to his house for private questioning instead of a public interrogation. We both know that any larger investigation into this would have turned up all the other shite you've had me doing on your behalf, and that would've been bad for both of us, but mainly for me. I know you would've sold me out in a heartbeat and insisted that I'd done everything without your knowledge. It probably would work too, thanks to what a great job you've done of convincing people that you're just a nice guy trying to make amends for what your father did. Don't bother denying it; I know that you've always had that contingency in place just in case I ever got caught. But there's no reason for me to take the fall, not now.

"I was planning to try and bat my eyes at him and sell him a sob story to try and get out of it, but then I realized he brought me to Black Manor. I still pleaded with him, but that was really just me buying time and going through the motions until I could hide away in the bathroom and send you this message. Since you're a Black and I'm married to you, the wards should allow me to communicate with you.

"Here's the plan. You go to the Ministry and say I've gone missing. Say that Potter's been making threats and trying to abuse his power to force me to sleep with him, and you're scared that he might have gotten more forceful and abducted me when I continually refused him. I stall for time until you can get them to mobilize the aurors and send them here, and then when they arrive I act as if he assaulted me. I turn on the tears, maybe even rip my clothes up, we get away and are free to keep running our smuggling operation, and Potter gets arrested. Everybody wins.

"Act fast. I'll stay here in the restroom as long as I can to stall for time, but eventually I'll need to come out. I can string the fool along, but if you delay too long even someone as dense as Potter might get suspicious."

Harry smirked and shook his head. So that was her game, huh? He slowly walked towards the bathroom door, which remained closed.

"How are you doing in there?" he asked casually. "You've been in there for awhile. Do you need anything?"

"No, Harry!" she said. "I'm fine, thank you. Just need some time to compose myself." He nodded to himself, impressed by how pleasant she sounded. He realized now that the sob story she'd sold him had indeed been half-hearted and not even close to what she was capable of. Many of the career criminals he'd brought in couldn't have sounded so calm under these circumstances. Unfortunately for her, she'd overplayed her hand.

"If you're sure," he said. "By the way, I thought there's something you might be interested in hearing."

"Oh? What's that?"

"The wards on Black Manor originally were set up so any pure-blooded Black relative could send and receive communication in and out," he began. "But since I'm the new head of the Black family, and since I don't exactly trust any of the surviving relatives, I paid loads of money for a ward expert to rework the ancient protections so that regardless of blood or relation, only those who I specifically key in can send out communications. If someone that isn't on that list were to, say, try and send out a patronus message while inside of the manor, the patronus would instead get diverted straight to me."

There was a long silence as Harry stood outside the door and let Astoria come to grips with the fact that he'd caught her red-handed. He wasn't worried about clueing her in while he couldn't see what she was doing. The wards wouldn't allow her to apparate out or use a portkey to escape, so the only way out for her was through the door and past him. No matter what she tried to throw at him once she opened that door, she was no match for him.

To her credit, Astoria was firing a curse at him even as she opened the door with her other hand. It was a nice approach, and against someone without an auror's reflexes and alertness it might very well have worked. But Harry was ready for her. He easily deflected the mild blindness hex she'd thrown at him, and when she tried to leap around him and bolt for the door, he conjured magical ropes around her legs. He cast a cushioning charm so she didn't hurt herself when she lost her balance and fell face-first on the floor, and then conjured more ropes to bind her arms behind her back. Her wand fell harmlessly from her fingers, and he picked it up off of the ground and pocketed it. She was no threat to him now, not that she'd ever been to begin with.

"From what I've heard, this has to be your first time tying up a girl, right?" Astoria bit out, her face muffled by the floor. Frowning, Harry used his foot to nude her over so she rolled onto her back. Her blue eyes glared up at him hatefully. She wasn't bothering to hide her distaste for him now that her plan had blown up in her face like a potion made by Seamus Finnigan.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"Oh, who knows?" she said, sneering at him. "Maybe Weasley mentioned to Zabini that she wanted to try some things she'd never gotten to try before, probably thinking that he'd never discuss it with anyone else. Maybe Zabini isn't as nice a guy as she thinks he is. Maybe he couldn't wait to tell Draco everything, and maybe I just happened to overhear it all, you boring, limp-dicked loser."

Harry glared down at her, not sure who he was most angry with. Was it Ginny for sharing private details of their love life with her new lover, Zabini for bragging about it to Draco, or Draco's bitch of a wife for throwing it in his face? They all deserved his ire as far as he was concerned, but Astoria was the only one readily available for him to lash out at.

"Do you really think taunting me is in your best interests right now, Astoria?" he asked her. "You're in a whole lot of fucking trouble right now, you know."

"I'm already in trouble," she said, laughing without humor. "What do I have to fear from a good little boy like you?"

"You don't know the first thing about me," he said, shaking his head. "The right thing for me to do, the 'good' thing, would be to arrest you right now. Now you can be investigated for not only the minor crime I caught you in the middle of, but also whatever else you and Draco are up to. I think I heard the patronus say something about smuggling?" He saw a flicker of fear in Astoria's face, but she regained her aristocratic defiance soon enough.

"Why don't you just take me down to the Ministry already and get it over with?" she spat. "We both know that's where this is heading."

"It could be," he agreed. "But that's up to you. I'm going to give you an option."

"Oh? And what option is that? If you're thinking of asking me to stab Draco in the back and sell him out in exchange for leniency for myself, don't bother. He's smart, much smarter than you are. His name isn't attached to anything incriminating you'll find. No matter what I said, you'd never be able to make anything stick to him."

"That wasn't the option I was talking about," he said. "I had something different in mind, something that will lead to absolutely no charges for either of you. As far as the law is concerned, it'd be like it never even happened."

"I'm listening," she said. She was eyeing him warily, obviously not trusting him but intrigued regardless.

"Instead of turning you in, I would have you swear a magical vow to me," he said. "A vow to do whatever I say and follow whatever instructions I give you without question. Within reason, of course. I won't ask you to kill or hurt anyone, or do anything that would land you in Azkaban."

"And how long would this vow last?" she asked. "The end of the day?" He laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"We'll leave that up to magic to decide," he said. "Once magic feels you've been sufficiently punished for your crimes, you'll be released from your vow."

"So you want me to agree to a vow without knowing how long I'll be bound to it?" she asked, frowning.

"Or you can choose the second option, where I arrest you and take you in to be investigated for misuse of magical artifacts and alleged smuggling. Oh, and now we can also add in attempting to frame a lord on false charges, a lord who just happens to be a top auror and the most popular man in all of Britain. The Ministry will come down on you as hard as it possibly can, and like you said, your dear husband will wash his hands of you and allow you to take the fall for him. Your choice, Mrs. Malfoy." She glared at him, but it wasn't like she had much choice.

"Fine," she sighed. "I'll swear your damn vow. How bad could it be anyway, with a good little Gryffindor like you?"


"So what's it going to be, Potter?" she asked once the vow had been sworn. "Most men in your position would be ripping my clothes off as we speak, but do you actually have the balls to do it? Or do you just want me to fill in for Weasley now that she's dumped your boring arse? Some cooking and cleaning, maybe a bit of snuggling while fully clothed? Is that what gets you off, Potter?"

"You don't have the first idea what gets me off," he said. "No one does. Not even Ginny did. But you're about to find out." He'd been concealing his true urges from everyone. With Ginny it had been out of respect for her past and her opinion of his moral character, and he hadn't done it with anyone else because he didn't want to take advantage of any of his fangirls and make them feel cheap. But he had no qualms with making Astoria feel cheap. At long last, he had a woman who he could use without feeling even the slightest guilt. He was going to use Malfoy's own wife to unleash a dominant side of himself that no one had ever seen, and he was going to enjoy every second of it.

"Do your worst, Potter," she said. Even with her hands and legs still bound, she was taunting him. She still thought he was a pushover. She thought she was getting off light by taking his deal instead of allowing him to arrest her. He was going to show her how wrong she was. She blinked when he flicked his wand in her direction and her legs were no longer bound, and then she laughed.

"Don't have the stomach for a little bondage, Potter?" she asked derisively. She stretched her legs out, trying and failing to hide how relieved she was to be able to move them again.

"Your hands are still tied," he pointed out. "I just wanted you to be able to crawl over to me. And speaking of that, there's your first order. Crawl over here and kneel in front of me. Now."

She looked taken aback for a second by the steel in his voice, but then the vow kicked in and her body moved on its own. It was a slow process with her hands bound, but she did shuffle over on her knees awkwardly until she was right in front of him.

"Good girl," he said. "Now kneel up straight on your knees." Once she'd done that, he delivered the next order. "Unzip my jeans."

"My hands are still bound, genius," she said, rolling her eyes.

"You don't need your hands, not when you have perfectly functional teeth." He could see concern evident in her blue eyes now, but she naturally complied, biting down on the zipper and slowly lowering it all the way down. "Good job."

It would've been too much hassle to have her remove the rest unless he unbound her hands, which he didn't feel like doing just yet. He handled the rest, kicking his shoes off, pulling his jeans the rest of the way off and slipping his boxers down as well. Astoria couldn't hide her fascination with his half-hard cock, which he took in his hand and stroked right in front of her face. He just did that for a moment, trying to taunt her. It was less than successful.

"Did you do all of this just so you could make me watch you have a wank?" she asked. "Merlin, you have zero imagination! No wonder Weasley wanted out!"

"I guess I need to find a better use for that smart mouth of yours, don't I?" he said. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it across the room.

"Ooh, gonna have me suck your little cock, Potter? Are you sure your delicate soul is ready for such depravity?"

"No, I'm not going to order you to give me a blowjob," he said. "You're right; that's far too mundane." Ginny had sucked his cock many, many times, though he'd always been too timid and afraid of hurting her to do what he really wanted to do, which was grab her by her fiery red hair, fuck her face and force his cock down her throat. That would be something to consider forcing Astoria to do later on, but it didn't feel right in that moment. It wasn't nearly demeaning enough for her.

"So what's it going to be then?" she asked. "You want a handjob, hero? Did Weasley ever do that for you, or were you too busy snuggling by the fire and—"

"Enough," he said, cutting her off. "Use that mouth for something worthwhile. Get down there and play with my balls."

That definitely wasn't something he'd ever asked Ginny to do, as much as he might have liked to. Astoria wrinkled her nose at him, but the vow made sure she followed his order. To his delight, it seemed that magic not only compelled her to follow his commands but to perform whatever tasks he set for her to the absolute best of her ability. She didn't simply go through the motions; she put everything she had into worshipping his balls with her mouth. She began by kissing them both all over, pressing her full lips against his testicles over and over again in affectionate smooches. Then she brought her tongue in on the fun, lapping at his nuts as if they were a tasty treat.

Lastly she popped them into her mouth and sucked on them. She stared up at him as she did so, and that might have been Harry's favorite part of all. Seeing Astoria Malfoy's admittedly beautiful face staring up at him from her knees, her hands bound behind her back, her blue eyes narrowed and with her lips wrapped around his testicles made Harry want to leap with joy. This was exactly the sort of image he'd been trying to hold back from picturing for years, and now that it was actually happening he was kicking himself for being such a stupid, stubborn idiot until now. He should've pushed Ginny's head down and barked at her to suckle at his balls just like this years ago. That was an opportunity missed, but seeing the Lady Malfoy down there in her place wasn't a bad alternative. He wouldn't mind having a camera on hand to preserve this moment forever. He could've even sent a copy of it to Draco, and maybe one to Ginny as well, just to prove he wasn't actually the boring, vanilla lover he'd made her believe he was.

While Draco's gorgeous blonde wife tended to his balls as well as any prostitute could hope to, Harry completed the obscene imagery by holding his cock in his hand and slapping her pretty face with it. She would never again think of him as boring and timid in bed, he was going to make absolutely certain of that. She would never be able to think about him or hear his name from this day forward without being reminded of popping his balls into her mouth and giving them a professional-level sucking while he smacked her across the face with his thick cock.

"That's enough," he said, and the magic allowed her to stop slurping on his testicles. She pulled back immediately and glared up at him. Her pale cheeks were flushed, but her pride wouldn't allow her to admit that he wasn't proving to be the pushover she'd believed him to be.

"Is that all you could stomach, Potter?" she said. She sneered up at him, which was a somewhat amusing sight since he could see some of his precum on her face thanks to the cock slapping she'd just endured. "I bet you won't even—Ahh!" Her insults cut off into silence as he grabbed her by the hair and rubbed the head of his cock all over her cheeks, smearing them with even more of his precum.

"That's better," he said while continuing to rub the head of his dick against her face. "You look so much better like this, you know. Loads better than when you cake on all that makeup. You look so much more natural now. Maybe I'll force you to go with this look when you host your next fancy party."

"I'll be released from my vow well before then," she bit out. She was squeezing her eyes shut while he kept amusing himself. "But for all your big talk, you're still not half the man Draco is, are you? I bet if he had your precious Weasley tied up and at his mercy like this, or even that know-it-all mudblood you're so fond of, he'd have already fucked them so hard that they'd be screaming themselves hoarse. They'd have already cum too many times to count thanks to his big cock. But you and that little willy of yours have never pleased a woman, so you don't even know what I'm talking about."

"Hmm, I wonder," he muttered. He knew he had a good-sized cock, and as much as Astoria tried to downplay it, he'd seen the look on her face when she first saw it. She'd been impressed by it, impressed by his size. A slow smile spread on his face as he thought of a new way to make use of the vow she'd sworn. "Let's play a game, Astoria."

"Done with the kinky stuff already?" she asked. She tried to hide how relieved she was now that he'd stopped rubbing his cock across her face. "Sorry, but you're going to have to untie my arms before we can play wizard's chess."

"Not that kind of game."

"Oh, I see! So you want me to tell you all about the ways my stud of a husband pleases me, while you race to see how fast you can wank yourself off? It's not a bad idea, I suppose; the memory of my dear Draco and what he can do to me will bring me far more pleasure than anything your boring arse will be able to do here in real time. Besides, you might just learn something that you can use the next time you meet a girl stupid enough to get into bed with you."

"Believe me, the last thing in the world I want to hear about is what Malfoy likes to do in bed," he said, shuddering. "There's only one piece of information I want from you. You're going to tell me about how big my cock is, and how it measures up to Draco's."

"Going to make me lie so you can feel better about yourself?" She tried to appear unconcerned, but the way she fidgeted slightly told him he was onto something here. Now to really twist the knife.

"No," he said. "I'm not going to ask you to tell a single lie. I'm actually going to do just the opposite." He held his cock in his hand and waved it in front of her face. "Who has the bigger cock, me or Draco? And don't just tell me what I want to hear. Be honest."

"You," she said right away. Her eyes widened and her lower lip trembled, but there was nothing she could have done. Magic itself had compelled her to answer his question truthfully, and now it was done. Harry smirked down at her triumphantly, but she shook her head. "S-so what?!" she stammered. "Yeah, fine, it's true! You've got a big cock! But size doesn't mean anything if you don't know how to use it, and you obviously don't! If you did, Weasley wouldn't have walked out on you!"

"I guess we'll just put your theory to the test then," he said with a shrug. He picked up his wand and undid the ropes binding her arms together. There was plenty he could do with her tied up, and he would probably revisit it later. But right now she needed her arms free for what he wanted her to do next. "Go ahead and take your clothes off," he said. "But be sexy about it. Give me a strip tease."

She glared at him, but her hands went into action right away. The heavy overcoat had been removed as soon as they'd arrived in Black Manor; she'd been concealing the artifacts underneath it, after all. Underneath it she wore a plain white shirt and jeans. It wasn't the most fashionable attire; certainly it was nothing compared to what she wore any time she knew she'd be seen out in public. But she'd been venturing into muggle London where no one knew her and she had no image to uphold, and it had been underneath the heavy coat as well, so it made sense.

The clothes themselves might not have been particularly sexy, but the way she removed them certainly was. Magic made sure she gave him not just a strip tease, but the sexiest strip tease she could under the circumstances. She first took care of the shirt, inching it up gradually to expose her upper body piece by piece. She pulled it over her head and tossed it in his direction, and he caught it with a smile. He didn't care much about the shirt though. It was what lay underneath the shirt that had his attention.

Astoria's flat, pale belly was nice, but the real attention-getter was higher up. Her breasts, clad in a lacy red bra, looked tantalizing. He'd liked to play with Ginny's tits well enough, but being the slender, athletic girl she was, her chest was pretty modest. The youngest Greengrass daughter's chest, on the other hand, was anything but modest. Harry had cast an admiring glance at those full breasts before, their size evident even through bulky wizard's robes. Now he was getting a much better look at them, and it was about to get even better.

She spun around, facing away from him as her hands reached around her back and slowly undid the snaps on her bra. She pulled it off and twirled it in the air with her fingers before tossing it backwards over her shoulder. Harry used his wand to levitate it off of the ground and send it over to land right next to the dark artifacts he'd confiscated from her. The artifacts were evidence; the bra was a keepsake.

Though bare-chested, her back remained to him for a frustratingly long time as she danced in place. It was all part of the tease, of course. Even when she spun back around o face him again, her arm was strategically stretched across her chest, concealing her bare breasts from his view for as long as possible. While shaking her hips from side to side, she slowly pulled her arm away. Even this was a tease; she would give him a glimpse of her boobs and tease going all the way and exposing her nipples, only to not follow through.

He groaned when she fully removed her arm at last. Astoria might be a bitch, but she had a fantastic pair of breasts. They were big, pale and without a hint of sag, and capped by pretty pink nipples that he itched to suck. Maybe later though; he was far too entertained watching her erotic dance to even consider interrupting her. She shook her shoulders from side to side, making her breasts jiggle and bounce for his viewing pleasure.

"You have nice tits," he said bluntly. Ordinarily he would have phrased that in a different, more complimentary way, but he wasn't out to impress her or flatter her. She was here for his pleasure.

Astoria said nothing and refused to look at him, but she continued to shake her body to an imaginary beat in such a way that her big bouncing breasts were impossible to ignore. Something about her dancing there topless in her jeans really turned him on, but the jeans wouldn't remain on for too much longer. She unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, and spun back around so she faced away from him again. Her thumbs went into the waistband and began to lower the jeans a little bit at a time, wiggling her hips as her arse was slowly exposed. And what an arse it was. She was wearing a red thong that matched her discarded bra and left very little to the imagination. He could see practically all of her perfectly round bubble butt once the jeans came down, and immediately was struck by the urge to spank it. And then he realized that he was free to do so. He could do whatever he wanted with her, whenever he felt like it.

"Kick the jeans off, get rid of the thong and get over here," he said once they were around her ankles. The teasing dance stopped. She stepped out of the jeans, pulled the thong off and threw it in his direction. He reached out and caught it absently, taking just a minute to admire her smooth pussy as she hurried over to him. He sat back down in the chair he'd been in while listening to her phony sob story and patted his lap. "Come lay across my lap. It's time for you to get punished."

"Couldn't even make it all the way through a striptease, Potter?" she said as she crossed the short distance between them and lay across his lap. "Afraid you'd blow your load already?" Harry chuckled and shook his head. Astoria's barbs had been getting under his skin earlier, but by this point he was honestly more amused than anything else at her ability to keep up with the insults. They'd long since lost their sting though, especially once she'd admitted he had a big cock. All she had left were her increasingly feeble attempts to insult his ability to take charge and dominate a woman, and he was going to leave her unable to maintain that façade long before magic decided her vow had been fulfilled.

"You're a real bitch, Astoria," he said.

"You're such a flatterer!" she said, cocking her head sideways so she could bat her eyelashes up at him. "No wonder you make all the bints who read Witch Weekly swoon!"

"You've earned a harsh punishment," he said. "Misuse of magical artifacts, trying to frame a lord, and apparently smuggling too? You could serve serious time in Azkaban for all of that, depending on how deep that last one goes."

"Instead I'm in here getting fucked by you," she said flatly. "Well, not getting fucked actually, since you haven't had the balls to actually do that. Still not sure whether it's preferable to an Azkaban cell though."

"It doesn't seem right that you get off without any true form of punishment after doing all that," he went on. "I think I owe it to society to make sure you get at least a little bit of punishment for all that you've done." He rubbed his hand across the cheeks of her lovely round arse, definitely taking advantage of the opportunity to admire her bum from up close and get his hands on it. She might be a bitch, and Malfoy's wife besides, but she had a spectacular arse.

"Oh, and how are you going to do that?" she asked. "You gonna spank me, Potter? You think that's some kind of big punishment? I bet I won't even be able to feel your weak little hand smacking my—AHHHH!"

She had been right about one thing; she wouldn't be able to feel his hand smacking against her arse. He'd prepared something much better instead. When she had her back turned to him during her striptease, he'd nonverbally conjured a paddle without her noticing. He'd successfully hidden it behind her back and out of her view, saving it as a special surprise for that very moment. The surprised yelp she let out was one of the most rewarding sounds he'd ever heard in his life. He wanted to hear it again.

Whack! The paddle itself made a pretty satisfying sound as well when it smacked against the round flesh of Astoria's arse, but it still couldn't compete with the very vocal reaction she couldn't help making every single time he gave her another swat. There were no insults or sarcastic comments coming from her mouth now. She was far too busy gasping and groaning with each impact of paddle on flesh.

"I busted a guy who was deep into underground smuggling," he said. He stopped swinging the paddle so she could properly hear what he was saying, and she took shaky breaths while she enjoyed this reprieve. It wouldn't last for long though. "He was killing protected creatures and harvesting their parts to sell on the black market. He got twenty years in Azkaban for that. I don't know everything that you've got your hands in, but it sounds to me like you'd be looking at serious time too. If he got twenty years, it's only fair that you get twenty swats. That's a good bargain, don't you think?"

"Twenty? But that's still eight more!" she whined.

"You misunderstood me," he said, grinning to himself while he taunted her by rubbing the paddle across her rump. "Those first twelve were just warm-ups. They don't count. It's twenty starting now."

"That's not fair!" Her petulant, high-pitched whining reminded her of Dudley when his parents would only give him one chocolate cake instead of two (plus several scoops of ice cream.)

"I'm sure the guy who's going to spend the next two decades in Azkaban agrees with you. Unless you'd like to call off the vow and start preparing for life in the cell next to his, the swats start now. I want you to call out each one, and if you fail, we start all over again."

"Damn you, Potter, you're just a stupid blood traitor who—AH! One!" Harry paused for a few moments after delivering that first 'official' paddling to her right cheek, waiting to see if she'd come at him with another snarky comment. When none came, he reared back with the paddle and delivered a second spank across her right buttock.

"Two!" She cried out. He didn't delay at all this time, switching over to the left and spanking her four times one after the other. "Three, four, five, AH, six!"

"Nice job keeping your composure there and keeping up," he said. "We wouldn't have to start all over again from the beginning, right?"

"Fuck off, Potter," she mumbled. "When Draco finds out about this, he'll—OW! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE, AH! TEN! ELEVEN, AHHHHH FUCK! TWELVE!"

"He'll do nothing," he snapped. He'd gone hard on her for trying to play the "when my husband hears about this" card, annoyingly similar to the way Draco had used his father's name back in their school days. "You said yourself that he will throw you to the wolves without a second thought to save his own skin. He'll only learn about this if I decide to tell him, which I might very well just to throw it in his face. And even if he does find out, and even if he did somehow decide to defend your honor and try to use this against me, there's nothing he or you could do about it. You swore this vow willingly, and you knew what you were getting into. At best you might be able to get me in trouble for offering you this vow instead of taking you in for arrest, but since you stupidly planned to try and frame me, a lord of one of the most powerful families on the Wizengamot, I'd probably get either a slap on the wrist or nothing at all. You, on the other hand, would be going to Azkaban for a very long time. Now I'm going to go back to spanking you, and you're going to keep counting them off by one by one. If you've got a problem with that, say the word and we'll head down to the Ministry right now."

She said nothing, so he resumed swatting her with the paddle. Spanks thirteen and fourteen landed on her left cheek, while fifteen and sixteen went back to the right. Astoria dutifully counted them all off, signaling that she'd accepted that there was nothing she or her husband could do about her current circumstances. She'd gotten herself into this mess, and now this was the end result.

Harry took his time with the remainder of the spanks. He wanted to draw out the anticipation as much as possible for these final four. He hovered the paddle above her, making her tense up in his lap as she waited for the blow to fall. Whack!

"Seventeen!" Harry pulled the paddle up from her right cheek and grinned at the obvious effect all of this was taking on her. She was squirming uncomfortably on his lap, and her round, normally pale bum was now bright red. She was going to have trouble sitting down, not that he intended to give her much chance to do so for as long as she was still under the vow.

"Eighteen!" This one landed on her sore left cheek. He rubbed the paddle across her arse after the spank, and she shivered at the sensation. He picked it back up and stalled once again, delaying the swat for even longer than before in order to really make her squirm.

"Nineteen, AH, FUCK, TWENTY!" He'd caught her off-guard by delivering the twentieth and final spank immediately after the penultimate one, smacking her right bum cheek twice in a row.

"Good girl," he said. He tossed the paddle aside and rubbed her bright red bum with the palm of his hand. She sighed at the cooling sensation. "You served your punishment well." He could feel her relax in his lap now that it was over, which highly amused him. She thought she'd weathered the storm and would have time to recover after making it through all twenty swats from the paddle, but she'd forgotten something very important. "And now it's time for your reward."

She moaned tiredly when he pulled her up so she straddled his lap, her back pressed against his chest. He hooked his arms underneath her thighs and spread her legs apart so he could stick his cock inside of her pussy. He'd been harder than he could ever remember being as the spanking continued, and now that it was over he wasn't going to waste a single second in getting right to fucking her.

"How…is this my reward?" she asked, panting.

"You're the one who kept complaining about how I hadn't gotten around to fucking you. Even when you admitted that I have a big cock, you were so sure I didn't know how to use it. I thought you'd be happy to have your expectations exceeded." Astoria just groaned, too tired to come up with a witty response and knowing it would be pointless anyway. She was going to get fucked, one way or the other.

She yelped in surprise when he tightened his grip on her thighs, reached all the way up to hook his hands behind her head and stood up from the chair. This was a position he'd always wanted to try with Ginny, but he'd been afraid that she wouldn't appreciate the idea of him holding her up and manhandling her like this. He was regretting it even more now, because he had a feeling this position would have worked even better with a more petite girl like Ginny. He'd have been able to all but bend her in half with relative ease. It wasn't quite that easy with Astoria. He had the strength to do whatever he felt like, but her big breasts and fuller figure just didn't bend as well as he imagined Ginny's would have.

That was unfortunate, but he would just have to make do with what he had. He was still able to indulge in a rough, dominant side of sex that he'd never experienced until now, and he was savoring every second of it. He thrust his hips upwards, slamming his cock inside of her hard. She wasn't as tight as Ginny had been, but he also hadn't ever moved his cock inside of Ginny with even half of this speed or force. He pushed deep into her over and over again, his hips smacking against her bright red arse. Her hands clung to his arms and held on for dear life, and her feet dangled uselessly in the air as his big cock kept pushing deep inside of her with every thrust of his hips. Even if she'd had the energy left to taunt him, there was no way she'd be able to now. Who would ever believe a word she said about him being a timid pushover incapable of fucking a woman when he was holding her up in the air and driving his cock into her like this?

Harry became hyperfocused on pushing his cock into Astoria as hard as he could, as deep as he could, as often as he could. He'd always desired this, this feeling. Making love with Ginny had been enjoyable for what it was, but this was what he'd always wanted, what apparently they'd both wanted but hadn't been able to figure out how to ask for. This wasn't making love; it was fucking. There was no passion or romance here, no concern for the other's well being or worrying about whether or not he was moving too fast or pushing too deep into her. For the first time in his life, he was able to take a woman and utterly wreck her for his own pleasure. He selfishly pounded into her, dominated her, made her his. She might be Malfoy's wife, but in that moment he became utterly certain that this pussy belonged to him and him alone. No one had ever fucked her like this.

This was amazing, and it went beyond the simple yet incredible feeling of holding Malfoy's wife in the air and sliding his cock in and out of her pussy. Harry had never appreciated the sounds of sex to this degree before. His hips thumping against her with every hard push was something he'd never heard before, because he'd never thrust into Ginny with enough force to make such a sound. But the sounds Astoria herself was making might have been even better. She hated him, which was fine since the feeling was very much mutual. Up until now that hate had been expressed with insult after insult, but she couldn't do any of that now. However much she might hate him, and however much she might wish she could hide the reality of what he was doing to her and how it was making her feel, she couldn't help the soft little moans that escaped her mouth in between her gasps. Those moans grew louder and easier to hear as the shagging continued, and Harry's hips began working harder almost automatically in response. He would do a great deal to hear her moan just like that.

If Astoria was relying on him being quick to finish, that hope had fallen by the wayside long ago. It was true that it had been awhile since he'd had sex; there had been a long dry spell even before he and Ginny split up, as the distance between them grew and bled over into their sex lives. And it went without saying that he'd never had sex that could even compare to the speed, the force and the sheer, filthy eroticism of what he was currently doing to Astoria. Yet despite that, and despite all he'd done prior to sticking his cock into her that by all rights should have had him worked up and eager to blow before he'd even penetrated her, he found himself perfectly in control of his body here and in no danger of cumming sooner than he would have liked. He was fulfilling his long-repressed sexual appetite at last, and his body was proving up to the challenge, giving him as much stamina as he needed so he could soak in this feeling for the first time.

Astoria's moans continued to grow louder and more desperate, and then she howled at the top of her lungs and her body twitched in his arms. Harry slowed his own movement down slightly, grinning as he realized what had just happened. But as much as he enjoyed the realization, it would be even better to force her to admit it.

"You just came, didn't you?" he said. When she didn't say anything, he could only assume that the magic of the vow had interpreted that as more of a casual question instead of a demand, so he decided to be more firm about it. "Answer me. Did you just cum on my cock?"

"Yes," she whispered.

"I'm sorry, could you speak up? You were so quiet that I could barely hear you. Did you say yes?"

"Yes," she said, more loudly this time.

"And after all that talk about how pathetic a fuck I must be!" he said, chuckling while he continued to pump his cock into her. "Has anyone ever fucked you this hard? Be honest."

"No," she admitted. "Never. Not like this."

"That's what I wanted to hear," he said. "You can be quiet now. In fact, here, I'll help you with that." He put her back down on her feet and had a laugh as her legs immediately gave out on her and she flopped down to the floor. "Don't sleep on the job, lazy," he chided her. "I'm not finished with you yet. Now roll over onto your back."

She groaned and shook her head. She was understandably tired beyond belief, and the last thing her sore body wanted to do was move. But he'd made a demand, and the vow forced her to obey. She rolled over onto her back with a grunt and stared up at him with tired, dazed eyes. Her chest rose and fell as she tried to suck in oxygen, her mouth hung open and her arms lay limp and useless at her sides. He'd beaten her, and they both knew it. But that didn't mean he was done with her just yet. He'd yet to cum, after all.

"Fucking your pussy was fun, but I'm betting that you don't want me to cum inside of you, do you?" he asked. "Though I'd love to see the look on Draco's face if you pop out a little black-haired baby with green eyes. That would be pretty fun, now that I think about it. I'm up for it if you are."

Despite her body being drained, she still forced her head up off of the floor so she could look at his face and shake her head with as much life as she could currently muster. Her blue eyes pleaded at him and she looked terrified that he might actually try to get her pregnant, but he just laughed.

"I was just kidding," he said, smirking at her as she heaved a shaky, relieved sigh and put her head back down. "I really do need to cum though, and since I'm gong to be a nice guy and not shoot it inside of you, I'm going to need to make use of one of your other holes."

He got down on his knees, planting them on either side of her body just below her armpits. This, of course, shoved his cock right in her face. He was expecting her to flinch, to grimace, to try and turn her head away or at least close her eyes. But to his surprise, she stared straight at his cock without any sort of hesitation. Was this a sign of how exhausted she was, that she just didn't have the energy left to even move her head? Or had he fucked her so hard that she'd come to enjoy it and secretly wanted his cock in her mouth, whether she would ever admit it out loud or not?

Regardless of the reason behind it, her blue eyes were open and looking up at him as he held his cock in his hand and directed it towards her face. "Stick out your tongue," he demanded. She did so without complaint, and he lightly slapped his cock against her outstretched tongue a few times on a whim. "That's enough. Now open your mouth wide for me."

Astoria parted her lips and allowed him to stuff his cock into her mouth for the first time all day. Was it still day, or had Mrs. Malfoy been a guest in Black Manor for so long that it was now nighttime? He couldn't say for sure, and he was far too invested in shoving his dick into her pretty mouth to bother looking at a clock. She'd suckled at his balls earlier of course, but he'd deliberately avoided sticking his cock in because he was saving it for this very moment. Ginny had sucked his cock several times, but he'd always let her control it completely and stopped himself from moving his hips or even so much as grabbing her hair. He'd been passive in every blowjob he'd ever had, and it was time to change that. Now it was him doing everything. Astoria didn't lick or suck at him, and didn't really move or do anything to enhance the experience at all. That wasn't what he wanted from her though. He didn't want her to suck his cock; he wanted to fuck her face.

Fuck it he did. He shoved his cock into her mouth and kept on shoving it, not caring about whether or not she was comfortable with taking a mouthful of cock. At first he focused primarily on rocking his hips back and forth quickly to maintain a steady in and out of stuffing her mouth with his cock that she struggled to keep up with. But as he got more into it his first time ever fucking a woman's face, he began to get a little more creative and varied with how he took her. There was still plenty of force and speed, plenty of sharp thrusts from his hips that worked his cock in and out, back and forth inside of her mouth at considerable speed, but he didn't leave it at that and fall into a simple routine.

Sometimes he would shove his cock as deep as he could get it inside of her and just hold it there, forcing his shaft down her throat and making her gag on it. Her blue eyes filled with tears and would stare up at him desperately the longer he held his cock down her throat and cut off her airway. He loved those moments of power, and made sure to meet her teary gaze while he kept his cock down her throat. He would softly stroke her forehead or run his hand through her long blonde hair in those moments. It was an oddly tender gesture, given both their mutual dislike of each other and the fact that he was showing her this tenderness while she was choking on a mouth and throat full of cock.

There was nothing tender about the facefuck itself though, not with how long he always kept his dick lodged in her throat. He was constantly testing her limits and seeing how long he could keep his cock in her throat without making her pass out. He didn't want to take it quite that far, primarily because he wanted her to be conscious and at least somewhat alert when he finally came. He always pulled his cock all the way out of her mouth when he finally relented on the deep throating, and she would cough and gasp for breath once her throat was clear and she was allowed to breathe through her mouth once again. She didn't get a break even then, because while she sucked in oxygen he would demean her and remind her that she was totally at his mercy by smacking the head of his cock across her lips or her cheeks, or rubbing it against her nose or chin. Then, as soon as she either got some of her wind back or he got bored with rubbing his cock against her face (whatever came first), he would drive right back into her mouth for more.

As much as Harry would have liked to keep fucking her face for hours and hours, his body still had its limits. Besides, he'd already more than proven his point by now. He'd forever silenced any snide joke or insinuation from Astoria that he wasn't man enough to take charge and dominate her or any other woman. She'd already acknowledged as much, the nature of the vow forcing her to admit the truth that no matter how much she might have talked up her husband's prowess, she had never been fucked like this before. And that had been before he'd made her gag and choke on his cock with this forceful facefucking.

Aside from that, and more importantly to him, he'd finally been able to indulge in some of the sexual fantasies he'd entertained over the years. He wasn't the timid lover he'd appeared to be until now; these desires had always been there right underneath the surface, just barely restrained. He'd held back with Ginny out of fear of scaring her off, but today, for the first time in his life, he allowed himself to let go and do exactly what he wanted. It was so freeing to stop pretending he was something he was not, and embrace the more deviant side of his personality. There was no turning back, of course. Any woman he took into his bed in the future was going to have to be willing to accept him as he was, accept his dominant nature. If magic felt Astoria hadn't been sufficiently punished after he finished up and she was still held under the power of the vow, he would happily use her sexy body to explore more of that side of him. But for now, it was time for him to finish.

The only real question was where he wanted to cum. Would he cum in her mouth and make her swallow it? That held its appeal, but he found himself pulling his cock out before he reached that point. An idea had popped into his head, and he was going to follow through.

"Since you've been such a good little cocksleeve, I'm going to let you choose where you want me to cum," he said, wanking his shaft with his hand and bringing himself closer to the end.

"Floor," she mumbled, closing her eyes.

"That's not an option," he said, laughing at her. "I'm either cumming on your face or in your mouth. You decide."

She blinked her eyes back open and frowned, obviously weighing both of those options in her mind and not liking either of them. "Mouth," she said eventually, closing her eyes again. Her voice was raspy and hoarse thanks to all he'd put her through, but the end was finally in sight for her. She held her mouth open without him having to ask it of her, silently accepting her fate. Little did she know he had one final surprise in store, one final gesture to remind her just how thoroughly he'd dominated her and controlled her right from the moment he'd caught her out in muggle London.

"Huh?!" Her eyes shot back open in surprise as he purposefully avoided her open mouth and instead aimed his first spurt of cum squarely in the middle of her forehead. She had to hurriedly close her eyes again as the second shot hit across her nose, getting dangerously close to her eyes. On and on he went, blasting his semen across every inch of her face but her mouth. She was absolutely drenched in his sticky cum by the time he was done, looking far more like a cheap Knockturn Alley whore than a daughter of the Greengrass clan and the Lady Malfoy.

He caught his breath and waited as his body came down from its high. Now that the sex was over and the adrenaline rush was fading, he could feel his own fatigue setting in. He was nowhere near as worn out as Astoria of course, but it had still been awhile since he'd pushed himself this hard in any setting. He waited for the gentle tingling sensation that would shoot through him and her both once magic decided Astoria had repaid her debt and freed her from her vow, but it never came.

"Well then," he said, grinning from ear to ear. "Don't know about you, but I didn't feel any sign of the vow fading away. Looks like magic feels you haven't fully paid your debt just yet, Mrs. Malfoy."

Astoria didn't even open her eyes. She probably didn't dare to, coated as she was in his semen. She just let out a long, low, pitiful groan.


"Malfoy Manor!" Astoria said loudly and clearly. She stuck her head into Potter's fireplace and waited for Draco to respond to her summons.

Harry had thankfully allowed her to shower and freshen up, so her face was no longer the sticky, disgusting, cum-coated mess it had been a couple of hours ago. He'd also allowed her to eat, and he'd proven to be a surprisingly talented cook as he whipped up a tasty cheese casserole dish. She'd absolutely devoured it, too famished after her exhausting day to worry about eating gracefully as she'd been trained. Not like she had any appearances to uphold with Potter anyway, not after how he'd used her body.

He'd allowed her to shower and eat, but he wasn't allowing her to go home just yet, nor had he allowed her to put any clothes on. Eating whilst naked had been awkward enough, but speaking to her husband while she was nude in the home of another man was going to be mortifying. It was necessary though.

"Astoria?" Draco came into view as he stood in front of their fireplace. "It's been hours. Where the hell have you been?"

"I got held up," she said. "There were some minor complications. Everything's under control now."

"You're not in any trouble, are you?" he asked slowly. His face adopted a careful, neutral mask. "I hope you weren't breaking any laws, because my conscience will not allow me to cover for criminals, even if it's my own wife."

"Relax, Draco." She rolled her eyes at him. She had been right to believe he would sell her out without a moment's hesitation to save his own skin. Accepting Potter's deal had been the right choice, the only choice, no matter how much he'd humiliated her and made her feel like a whore. Potter's whore, she thought to herself for a moment, picturing him holding her in the air with his hands behind her head and fucking her like she'd never been fucked before. She quickly gave herself a mental shake before her thoughts could show on her face. That wasn't a line of thinking she could allow herself to entertain no matter how good it had felt once she let go and just allowed herself to enjoy the hard, rough fucking.

"I didn't get arrested or anything, and there aren't police or aurors lurking in the background while I try to trick you into admitting your involvement in the smuggling. No need to slip into the character of the reformed man trying to make amends for his family's crimes." Draco's face relaxed now that he was assured the aurors wouldn't be after him. It was true too; it's not like she'd been arrested or was in danger of a more thorough investigation.

"Then why haven't you come back yet? What's this about complications?"

"Oh, it's nothing to worry about, really," she said lightly. "There was just another party interested in the goods that met me along the way, and that made things more complicated."

"Another buyer?" Draco was grinning now, no doubt greedily imagining a bidding war that could inflate the price of all future sales. "So you made an even greater profit then?"

"Not exactly. I decided to give them the goods for FREEEEE!"

"What the hell was that?" Draco asked.

"N-nothing, nothing," she said, shaking her head. Inside she was panicking though. Potter had surprised her by casting a charm on her, a charm that sent what felt like a combination of cool water and warm air up her arse. It wasn't just the unexpected sensation that had her heart thudding in her chest though. She knew that charm; she was always the one who had cast it on herself when necessary in the past. He couldn't seriously be planning on doing what she thought he was, could he? Not while she was on the floo with Draco! It was true that he could only see her face in the flames, but how in the hell would she be able to act like everything was normal if he went through with this?

"Why would you give the artifacts away for free?" Draco said. His pale face reddened in anger. "They were worth several thousand galleons. I swear you have no business sense at all!"

"This client is powerful and rich," she said, which was true enough. "They can really help us in the future. I thought it was worth the temporary financial loss to establish a lucrative long-term, AH, partner—FUCK!—partnership!"

She was right. Potter, bloody sadist that he was, had kneeled down behind her and stuck his cock into her arse. The charm had both cleaned her up back there and provided lubrication, so at least he'd taken care of that, but she still couldn't contain her reaction to feeling his cock slipping into her bum. This wasn't her first experience with anal sex; far from it in fact. Draco was very fond of buggering her, and she hadn't been lying when she said he had an impressive cock earlier, but it couldn't measure up to Potter's even so. Potter had the biggest dick she'd ever seen, the biggest she'd ever had in her mouth and in her pussy, and now it was the biggest she'd ever had in her arse too. Of course he'd broken her concentration.

She was kneeling on the floor on her hands and knees and sticking her face in the flames, and her face was all Draco could see. He couldn't see a single detail of her surroundings, nor could he tell that she was naked and getting buggered by his most hated enemy, who also happened to have a dick that put his to shame. But he could hear what she was saying and see the wide-eyed, overwhelmed look on her face, and that was more than enough to make him narrow his eyes at her.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" Draco looked at her as if she needed to be admitted to St. Mungo's.

"Just—AH! AH! Just a bad reaction to the food I ate for lunch, I think," she said. Potter had been slowly but surely nudging his hips forward and feeding more of his cock into her arse, and now he'd gotten all of it inside of her, to the point that she could feel his balls pressing against her. Never in her life had she felt so full. It was a somewhat uncomfortable feeling, and most women would probably be pleading with him to pull that big thing out. But while Astoria did feel the discomfort, and while she would never, ever give this bastard the satisfaction of admitting it out loud unless he used the vow to force it out of her, there was another part of her that liked having so much cock inside of her arse at one time. She liked rough and dirty sex and she'd never been ashamed of that. It was more the situation that had her feeling so guilty and conflicted. She was getting buggered while talking to her husband, and by the blood traitor that had done so much harm to both their lives to boot! She shouldn't be getting even the slightest enjoyment from this!

"Don't tell me you ate at a muggle restaurant?" Draco said, aghast. "You should know better than that, Astoria. Merlin knows what shite they put in their food. You're lucky you're not dead!"

"Yeah, you're RIGHT! FUCK!" Now that he'd managed to stuff the entirety of his cock inside of her, Potter had put his hands on her hips and started to move back and forth in her bum. He wasn't really even going that hard yet, and already Astoria could feel the pressure building inside of her. What was it going to be like when he really got going? She would have to wrap this floo call up before then, because there was no way she would be able to string coherent sentences together if Potter slid that big cock into her much harder than this.

"Well, since it's already late, you should probably stay in a hotel," Draco said. "I wouldn't want to catch whatever you have if it's contagious. I have a big meeting tomorrow after all."

"Th-that's actually why I wanted to call you," she said, panting and shivering as she spoke. It wasn't as big a deal for her to let her natural reactions to her buggering show on her face and in her voice now that she'd given Draco a plausible reason for them. Still, she needed to get this over with before Potter's pounding cock became too much for her to handle and shattered her cover story. "I have a, OH MERLIN, I have another meeting scheduled with the new client for tomorrow morning. I t-think it's looking pretty promising, but there's no telling how long it might, FUCK, how long it might take to get everything settled, OHHHHHH!"

"So I shouldn't expect you back until later tomorrow, then?"

"A-at least!" she said, nodding her head, closing her eyes and biting her lower lip to keep herself from moaning out loud. "Like I said, not sure how long this is going to last! I might not make it home until after the weekend; we'll really just have to s-see how this goes." Potter was starting to get into it now, driving his cock into her arse nearly as hard as he'd thrust into her pussy or fucked her face, when the prick wasn't holding it down her throat and making her gag on it that is. Her control was hanging by a thread. She needed to end this, and fast.

"Fine, fine," he said, waving his hand dismissively. She was obviously making him uncomfortable with her bizarre reactions, and he was ready to end this conversation. That was an attitude she wholeheartedly agreed with. "Take as long as you need, especially if you can set up a profitable new partnership for us. Now I really need to prepare for my meeting, so I'll let you go now."

"O-okay, Draco, UHHH! Oh, Merlin! Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Good night, Astoria." He wrinkled his nose in distaste and turned his back to the fireplace. "Please don't come back until you're capable of carrying on a conversation without resorting to obscenities. There's a time and a place for that kind of thing, and this is not it."

"R-right, sorry, Draco! Sorry! G-good, ah, ah, ahhhhh! Good n-night!"

The floo call ended, and not a moment too soon for Astoria. She howled as Potter continued to saw in and out of her arse. She honestly was surprised Draco hadn't been able to hear the sound of his hips smacking against her once he began to pick up speed.

"Merlin," she said breathlessly. "Oh Merlin, it's so big!"

"You're loving this, aren't you Astoria?" he asked her. "You love getting buggered by my big cock, don't you? Answer me, and be honest."

"Yes!" she whined. Internally she hated admitting it out loud. "It feels bloody amazing!" He was still Harry bloody Potter, she still hated him, and she still wished she'd never had to suffer through this humiliation. But the vow wouldn't allow her to lie to him, and the truth was that however much she might hate him, feeling his huge dick pounding into her tight rear was something she was growing to enjoy despite the discomfort. Her mind didn't want to like it, and she knew she was going to go right back to cursing his very existence once this temporary euphoria wore off. Her body knew what it liked though, and Potter was currently giving it to her better than anyone ever had.

"I'll be honest with you. It feels pretty damn amazing on my side too," Potter said. He slowed down his thrusts, though he did mix in a couple of spanks to her arse while he talked to her. His hand didn't have nearly the power behind it that the paddle had, but it still stung her already sore bum cheeks badly and made her yelp and wince in pain. "You might be a stuck-up bitch and apparently a criminal, but you're sexy. Draco's lucky to have a wife as hot as you, especially since you're kinky enough to get off on taking a dick up your arse. But I guess he isn't getting quite as much enjoyment out of it as I am, since you've already admitted my cock is bigger than his."

"Sh-shut up! Don't talk about him!" She blushed and felt the guilt settle in her chest about everything that had happened. Draco was self-serving and perfectly willing to throw her into Azkaban if it meant protecting himself, but she knew all of that before she'd married him. He was still the man she'd chosen to marry and spend her life with. She didn't regret agreeing to allow Potter to fuck her under the circumstances, but she hadn't expected how damn good he would be at it. She hadn't expected him to make her enjoy it, and that was the reason she felt so guilty.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want to insult poor innocent Draco, would we? Not like he'd ever dare to mock someone's sex life behind their back!" Potter said sarcastically. "But you're right, honestly. As fun as it was to fuck your arse while you were talking to him, that's enough talk about the ferret for tonight. We've got better things to be doing, you and I. I've got years' worth of repressed sexual desires that are pent up inside me and just dying to get out, and as long as magic decides that you're still in need of punishment and your vow has yet to be repaid in full, I'm going to use your sexy body to release as much of them as I can."

Astoria didn't doubt him. He'd already proven to be more insatiable than any man she'd ever been with, and she hadn't even been here for half a day yet! What was she going to do if her vow kept her here and at his mercy all weekend? Would her body even be able to take everything that this pent-up horny bastard would do to it?

She rocked in place on her hands and knees as he buggered her, taking her anal pounding in relative silence from that point on, aside from the unwilling grunts and moans she let out. She grimaced when she felt him go still and release while still inside of her, filling her bowels with his cum. Astoria could feel some of it trickling out of her arse as he pulled his cock out.

"Well that was a little messier than I imagined," he said thoughtfully. "Here." She felt his magic run through her body and clean her up, which she appreciated even if she was too spent to express that.

"You can have another shower if you want it," he offered. "You can have any of the food or drinks you can find in the kitchen too. I suggest you eat up, because until your vow is settled you'll need all the energy you can get."

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