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83.59% Hentai Verse / Chapter 214: 2 - Tonks's Vacation

Kapitel 214: 2 - Tonks's Vacation

When a thick, twisted and unnatural dark thunderhead billowed down from overhead as if it was breaking right through the stratosphere, everyone vacationing on the Cunard cruise liner the Princess Eternal stopped what they were doing, looked up to the sky and stared. When the indescribably vast formation of slippery, fractal shaped, twining darkness, continued to descend upon their lonely, little ship on the ocean, like the mouth of a continent sized wood chipper made up of billowing tentacles and ridged cloudy flesh, these passengers fell to their knees in an instinctual, soul deep, completely paralyzing fear. The darkness filling the sky was both the unknown and the unknowable. It was the ancient and the terrible. It was the kind of thing that humans used to pray to back when thatched huts were the swankiest accommodations, and swift, terrible justice was what you expected from your Gods....

As the black mass of bizarre and horrible movement filled the entire sky and then hovered in place above them like a nightmare in a fever dream, the situation continued its transformation towards the bizarre. A 30 plus strong group of black cowled men and women began to appear from seemingly out of thin air, waving little sticks in their hands that somehow, unbelievably, allowed them to render people unconscious, float objects, cause pain and injury, and even kill… The passengers of the Princess Eternal were gathered up onto the ship's overlarge Bow area, where they were bound up in ropes that appeared out of nowhere. Whoever these mysterious and supernatural people were, they didn't show the least amount of empathy towards the passengers that they were pushing around. It was as if these cowled figures didn't see the vacationers that they were herding around as human at all, but rather something far beneath them, like a cow or a chicken...

Around the time the Princess Eternal's passengers were being dragged to specific spots on the ship's bow and affixed to the deck by some unexplainable force, the thing in the sky began to drag pitch black tendrils along the surface of the surrounding ocean. Where these tendrils made contact with the ocean, the sea water both froze and was instantly vaporized in a scream of violent non-existence. Every single thinking creature that saw this phenomenon, immediately knew it for what it was. This beast in the sky, broke and nullified what it touched in a way that was completely distinct from normal physical reality. This thing was not of this dimension, and the rules that they knew of just would not, could not apply…

Halfway down the Stern deck of the cruise-ship, hidden behind a bank of medium sized lifeboats, a short, cute, large breasted, purple haired, thong bikini wearing witch, was clearly in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nymphadora 'Tonks' Weasley was currently in hiding despite the fact that she was magically invisible, because today just seemed like one of those days. She didn't know for sure what level of skill these cowled Wizards were carrying among their numbers, so she wasn't going to risk them seeing through the Disillusionment spell she was using. There was one thing that she did know however…. This was a bad situation. This was a level 5, Holy Fuck, bad situation…

With a small, determined growl, and a few enthusiastic slaps to her own face, Tonks suddenly leapt out from behind her lifeboat enclosure and began dashing across the various decks towards her bedroom. As a well regarded agent among the British Department of Mysteries, Tonks had been given a tool, a beacon of sorts, and then she'd been warned to never activate it if she valued her career. The stipulations to use this beacon were both extremely strict and completely uncompromising. She was only to activate this beacon if the world itself was in imminent peril. She was only to activate this beacon if the entire planet was about to be loosed from its spot in the wider universe...

Looking up into the innately chaotic, Lovecraftian horror that was dominating the entire sky for miles and miles in every direction, Tonks abruptly decided that yes, yes this was definitely one of those situations…

It was with a massive sigh of relief that Tonks made it back to her bedroom, closed and magically locked her door, and then dove over her bed towards her belongings. For the next half a minute, she yanked all of her clothing out of the beaten up old leather suitcase that Remis used to live out of, literally, and found herself dwelling on what she'd once had and lost. Remis had been a good, loving husband, and she'd been really happy with him back before the Battle of Hogwarts. Her current husband… not so much, and she blamed the man for the fact that she was present on this clusterfuck of a cruise in the first place...

Women do not divorce their husbands in magical society. Technically, on paper at least, it's possible, but only if the woman in question is willing to give up absolutely everything, including all of her assets, her family vault and her maiden name, and then be stigmatized by magical society in general as the worst kind of oathbreaker. In order to avoid all of that wrack and ruin, Tonks had decided she'd rather just leave town for a few months. She'd only been aiming to get some air, you know, recharge her batteries...

Now she had some kind of interdimensional murder beast from the great beyond floating over her head!.

Fuck you Charlie Weasley!

It was in that moment that Tonks finally located and pulled out a smooth, blue and orange, transparent sphere, and she brought it to her chest as if it was a teddy bear. Dimly at first, and then brighter with every second that passed, the inside of the orb began emitting a swirling and coalescing light that bathed the room in bizarre patterns and shapes. "Yes, yes, Tonks repeated in her mind as she channeled magic into the crystal of the ball. I need help. I need help now!"

Almost a full minute went by where nothing happened at all and Tonks began to feel incredibly foolish….


Standing in the middle of the room, facing the wrong direction but poised with her hands on her hips, was a woman wearing a light blue dress shirt and a pure white pencil skirt. The woman's body was gorgeous enough that Tonks found herself forgetting her current circumstances. The woman's ass was perfect enough that Tonks found herself losing track of her sexuality. Then the woman was beautiful enough that Tonks suddenly realized exactly who she was looking at. Of all things, that absurdly sexy ass belonged to her favorite in-law.

"F..Fleur," Tonks blurted out from her spot half off the bed with the rest of her body well up above her head.

After turning around and looking down at the young woman before her, Fleur adjusted the glasses on her face. "I know zat body… eet's one of Nympha… Sorry… Tonks… 'Ello Tonks. I 'ardly expected someone like 'ou to activate ze Armageddon beacon. I thought zat a veteran such as yourself would recognize ze difference between merely dangerous, and world threatening."

With a small grunt of annoyance, Tonks rolled clumsily off the bed, dashed across the room and pulled aside the curtains of her porthole window. Soon enough, Fleur joined her on her left hand side, and they both just stood there staring at the black maw devouring the sky.

"My apologies Tonks," Fleur breathed out in a slow and absentminded voice. "Of course I've never seen an Eldridge God before, but I do recognize one when I see eet. Good judgment agent."

"What are we going to do," Tonks squeaked, her hair and eyes cycling through several colour tones in response to what she was seeing outside of the window.

"We… are going to 'ave to be ze support staff on zis one," Fleur admitted with a small helpless sigh. "Neizer 'ou nor I 'ave anywhere near ze magical power or experience required to take care of a problem such as zis…"

"Wait… So you're saying there's a singular person that does," Tonk's whispered as her face swiveled back and forth between Fleur and the black creature dominating the skyline.

"I… I 'ave an arrangement… of sorts, wiz an exceedingly capable young wizard," Fleur admitted as she undid the top two bottoms of her dress shirt. Reaching under her shirt, she withdrew something that was resting within her bra over her heart. It was a small, flat, intricately designed wooden placard, with several sets of Runes written up and down its sides.

"An honest to Gods force summoning amulet," Tonks breathed out in a stunned little voice. The magical tool that Fleur was holding in her hand was exactly what its name implied. It instantly summoned the person who created it when it was powered up with the required amount of magic, regardless of where or how far away the summoned person was. It was an immensely powerful and hard to engineer artifact that always ended up being a massive hindrance to the person that created it. In fact, the engineering skill and effort required to create something that would ultimately pose a security risk to the creator were the primary reasons why there were only about a dozen of the devices in existence.

"Oui… Yes. A force summoner," Fleur confirmed, as she drew up the amulet and began channeling magic into it.

"How did you get someone so powerful to trust you with an amulet linked directly to their magic," Tonks whispered, staring at the placard as if it was a Philosopher's stone.

"Zis amulet ees actually quite a bit safer zan ze rest because eet only accepts my magic and no one else's," Fleur absently explained. "Still… I was forced to ask very, very nicely, over and over again, for many, many days een a row..."

"Sounds rough," Tonks replied in a moment of rhetorical sympathy.

"Eet would've been, 'ad I not enjoyed every seengle moment of eet," Fleur just barely breathed out. Then the amulet was beginning to glow a radiant bright emerald green and both Fleur and Tonks were forced to shield their eyes.

"Gods fucking dammit Fleur! I was winning for the very first time ever," Harry called out, as he threw the putter that he'd been holding onto Tonks's bed and fixed the collar of his green and black polo shirt.

"Why do 'ou not use magic to alter ze course of your shots zen," Fleur asked, as if they weren't currently in a life or death emergency.

"It's because I'm mediocre at golf that it's worth playing in the first place, and cheating would defeat the entire purpose," Harry immediately retorted.

"You convinced The Harry Potter to link himself to a force summoning amulet!" Tonks suddenly interrupted in a voice filled with so much incredulity it was verging on hysterics. "When? How? Gods above Fleur, how are you not in charge of the entire ICW?"

With a small scoff and a smile that was almost, but not quite, smug, Fleur turned to regard her in-law through marriage. "No one ees een charge of ze ICW, but all of ze members wiz any eentelligence are extraordinarily respectful of my opinions…"

"What Fleur means," Harry interjected, "is that no one knows for certain that she has that amulet. They only know that she has my cooperation. On that note, I will become very upset with you if I find out that you've told anyone."

In the seconds that followed Harry's warning, Tonks's entire body fluctuated through several body types and skin tones, as she waved her hands frantically in front of her body. "Woah there Harry. I have zero interest in invading your privacy."

"So says the woman who spent an entire summer spying on a teenaged boy's bedroom," Harry replied with a snort.

"Guard duty Harry, guard duty! My Gods we've been through this before," Tonks immediately argued.

"Nuh uh Tonks," Harry disagreed with an amused smile on his face. "Guard duty implies I was aware that you were there, and I wasn't. What you did instead was watch a teenager with nothing better to do jerk off to dirty magazines and write angsty fanfiction."

By this point, Tonks looked like she might prefer being eaten by the black monstrosity outside than continue their current conversation.

"It's good to see you again Tonks," Harry finally relented as he walked over to the porthole and looked up to the sky. "So. Fill me in. How's married life? How's the new husband? Did you get the toaster I sent you?"

"Don't give me that tripe Harry, I'm well aware that you and Charlie don't get on," Tonks retorted. "And why are you asking me about my marriage when that… thing… is up there in the sky."

"Well okay, you definitely have a point there," Harry allowed as he pulled away from the porthole. "How many dark Wizards are we looking at?"

"25 to 35," Tonks instantly supplied. "They're collecting Muggles onto the Bow for what looks like a mass sacrifice."

With a small nod of understanding, Harry began staring at an unoccupied side of the room. In the location that he was focusing his attention, a two meter tall pile of what looked like extremely fine sand began growing out of empty air.

"Wha… Why," Tonks asked quietly but sincerely.

With a glance in Tonks' direction, Harry waved his hand and the sand particles began floating like twin, egg shaped, translucent barriers around both her and Fleur.

"I've actually developed a shield spell that can negate an Avada Kadavra killing curse," Harry explained in a candid tone. "Unfortunately for you girls, neither of you have enough core magic to actually cast the spell, which means physical barriers are still the best way to go."

"Why sand though," Tonks repeated, feeling dumb.

"Most curses, including the killing curse, explode when they make contact with objects that don't contain a soul," Harry explained as he moved towards the door. "The size and violence of the explosion is proportional to the size and density of the object that the curse hits."

"Hundreds of millions of tiny grains of sand," Fleur murmured as she ran her hand through the filmy barrier surrounding her body. "Very small and harmless explosions…"

"Got it in one," Harry encouraged with a smile. "This way you ladies can focus on dealing some damage instead of ducking and diving green curses. The sand will automatically move to intercept curses and move out of the way of your spells. Of course you do need to watch out for explosive spells and elemental attacks like Incendio Maxia and Glacius Maxia and such, but most normal curses will be completely negated. Happy hunting…"

"So this is what it feels like to have Harry Potter's full support," Tonks breathed out in an overwhelmed little voice. "I never thought I'd see the day…"


With their defenses prepared and their destination set, Harry, Fleur and Tonks marched to the Bow of the ship and began walking towards the evil Cabal.

When the cowled Wizards saw Harry, Fleur and Tonks walking towards them, they reacted immediately by casting an extraordinarily complex barrage of death curses, maiming curses, bludgeoning curses, skin peelers, blood boilers, organ rupterers, poison dealers, insides outers, eyeball removers, limb detachers and disease bestowers. As Harry explained would happen, the sandy barriers covering Fleur and Tonks bunched up into hundreds of smaller shields, stopping the curses cold in a shower of tiny little sparkler snaps. Harry himself just erected a large, emerald green barrier in front of his body that seemed to devour all of the curses that it came into contact with. Soon enough, Fleur and Tonks had large, feral looking smiles on their faces, and they were hunting down the evil cabal members like sheep for the slaughter. The only thing that was ruining the moment for the girls was the fact that they were both government agents and were thus expected to use only non-lethal forms of attack like Stupify's, bone breakers, and Petrificus Totalus's. Still… Wading into a large and deadly group of evil Wizards as if they were Gods dispensing justice felt absolutely amazing...

When the cowled figures saw that they were at a major disadvantage, they attempted to Apparate away.

It didn't work.

Harry had erected an anti-Apparition ward.

Next the cowled wizards moved to grab up hostages, but Harry's gunshot fast cutting curses removed the wand hands of the people who tried, and they immediately gave up on the idea. With the first two ideas a loss and none of their attacks working, the Cabal members finally dropped to their knees and put their hands on their heads. By now they knew exactly who it was that they were dealing with.

They didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell against Harry Potter…

After spam casting both paralyzing and sleeping spells at literally everyone on the bow, both Muggle and evil Wizard, Harry suddenly stopped in place and looked up to the sky. The billowing mass of ever contracting fractal blackness was looming lower and lower in the sky as if it was a black mountain flipped over on its head. Fuck.. It was far too late. A transaction had to be made...

In the seconds that followed, Fleur and Tonks walked up to Harry's side and stared at the extremely serious expression on his face. Then they shivered. So far as the two of them had ever seen, the adult that Harry had become just didn't do serious. If something was bad enough to make Harry James Potter worry, then the world was fucked all the way to next Friday.

"Do you know what we're looking at right now," Harry quietly asked the women at his sides.

"Eldritch," Fleur quietly responded.

"Ancient," Tonks added immediately after in an equally quiet voice.

"Yes…" Harry slowly agreed. "Specifically, this is the youngest Eldritch, and its name is Entropy… You see, this… force, didn't exist until the universe began. On the other hand, when everything else in the universe finally runs out of steam and ceases to exist, Entropy will reign supreme. It's the end to all things, the great undoer…"

"What do we do about a great undoer visiting Earth," Fleur whispered as she took an unconscious step closer to Harry's side.

The Cabal that we just took down, they called on this God to undo something… or maybe I should say a certain type of people," Harry whispered.

"Why these Muggles though," Tonks asked.

"Think bigger Tonks," Harry admonished. "The Muggles on this ship are just an example, an archetype that's being given for Entropy to work with. If, for example, we managed to sacrifice a tomato to this God in the next few minutes, then nobody would ever get to eat a pizza ever again. Tomatoes would cease to exist. Poof."

"But, 'ow did zese wizards plan to make ze Eldritch focus only on Muggles, eenstead of ze 'uman race een general," Fleur asked while grabbing at the hem of Harry's shirt.

"Mind over matter," Harry replied with a sigh of long suffering. "Whoever ended up facilitating the sacrifice would've had to will that the Eldritch only take what they wanted it to take and nothing else. Personally, I don't think they would've succeeded… but now it's too late. An exchange must be made, and due to the Cabal's intentions during the summoning, it has to involve a human."

"What can we do then," Tonks just barely breathed out. She was shaking from head to toe at this point as she watched the chaotic darkness grow closer and closer. For all she knew, it might only be a few meters away. It was too unbelievably complex, too vast, too fluid to pin down, and her eyes seemed to reject that something so wrong could even exist in the first place.

Turning to the side, Harry drew a glowing finger through the air that cut a hole into the space in front of them. Then he shoved his arm into this gap all the way up to his shoulder and it looked to Fleur and Tonks as if he was suddenly an amputee. Drawing his hand back out of the nothingness that he'd shoved it into, he held a medium sized cooler box that he plunked down on the deck."

"What ees zis 'Arry," Fleur asked as she dropped to a crouch at Harry's side.

"About a week ago, my magic coerced me into doing some extremely irrational things for seemingly no reason at all, and now those actions are finally beginning to make some sense," Harry explained in a whimsical tone of voice. "Here. Hold these for me." Without another word, Harry plunked a large quantity of vials and potions into Fleur's outstretched hands. Then he took up a large series of hypodermic needles and held them up in front of his face.

"I don't like the look of those," Tonks whispered as she stared at the hypodermic needles.

"You have very good instincts Tonks," Harry praised as the needles began floating over his body like some kind of medically themed nightmare. Then, all at once and very quickly, the needles planted themselves into different veins all around his body, depressing their plungers and releasing their contents directly into his bloodstream. Harry's mouth set into a thin little line as it was happening, but for the most part he didn't react at all. Soon enough the needles were pulling themselves out of Harry's body and clattering across the deck.

"No Arry," Fleur called out, collapsing to her knees to clutch at the man's shoulders. The fact of the matter was that she didn't even know the particulars of what he'd just done. All she knew was that it was probably bad and that she was scared. "What 'ave 'ou done, Arry?!"

I just injected myself with Smallpox, Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV, Rabies, Dengue fever, all of the current influenza virus mutations, the Hantavirus, streptococcus, gonorrhoea, tuberculosis and most of the other bacteria that quickly mutate to cause lethal infections," Harry explained as he rose back up to his feet.

"You're a dead man walking," Tonks yelped as she stared at all of the empty needles. "Why would you do this to yourself?!"

"Well… I'm going to have to sacrifice something to the beast, so I might as well make it something that I don't actually want to have," Harry casually explained.

"You're insane," Tonks immediately replied.

"That's a possibility I suppose, but the reality of the situation is that my plan will either work and I'll be fine, or it'll fail and every single one of us will cease to exist." Harry shrugged helplessly because his actions made sense to him and there was very little he could say to reassure Tonks. Instead, he turned his attention back to the beautiful young woman who was still fussing at his body and they locked eyes for several seconds.

"I need you to understand a few things before I wrap this up," Harry whispered to Fleur in a calming voice. "This little adventure isn't going to go anywhere near as smoothly as all of the others up until now. This time it's an honest to Gods God that we're dealing with, so I can't just beat it up. What that means is I'm about to put my body through hell, both while I'm arguing terms with the beast and then again when I offer up what needs offering. I'm going to need you to feed me the contents of those vials immediately after the deed is done. Unfortunately, by that time I'll almost certainly be on death's door. Even if everything goes exactly to plan, I'm going to lose a dangerous amount of blood in the process."

"I… I understand," Fleur replied in a voice that contained noticeable amounts of whimper. "'Ou can rely on me 'Arry…"

"I know I can," Harry quietly replied as he backed up several steps and then turned his full attention to the pitch black sky.

At first nothing happened. Harry stared up at the endless black mass with a vacant expression on his face and his body relaxed. Then, along with a small shudder of unexplainable agony, Harry's hands lifted up from his sides and turned outwards from his body. It somehow looked like he was channelling electricity from one hand to the other, despite the fact that his body wasn't shaking or contracting. As more time passed, Harry's muscles visibly locked up, His face became a rictus of supreme physical effort, his veins bulged, his Adam's apple shivered, and his magic billowed all around his body to the point that it ruffled his clothes and was nearly visible. Likewise, his breathing also became increasingly irregular and laboured over time, as he pushed and he strained without ever moving a muscle. The entire time that this was happening, the blackness above them closed in towards Harry's body both as fast as a laser beam and as slowly as a glacier. Off in the distance, a bolt of black lightning tore into the ocean, and Harry barked out in a moment of completely existential agony. As more time passed, more of the lightning slammed into the ocean, forcing tiny audible indicators of a much more powerful agony out of Harry's tightly clenched mouth.

Then the altercation between man and God suddenly became quite a bit harder for Fleur and Tonks to witness.

Slowly at first, but flowing faster with every second that passed, blood started pouring from Harry's nose, then his tear ducts, then his ears, as if his brain was being microwaved from the inside. Merely communing with an existence as vast and ancient as the Eldritch above them was tearing Harry to pieces beginning at levels far smaller than the observable universe, but he never closed his eyes and he never looked away. He was in the thick of it, and if he wanted to survive longer than the next few minutes, then he couldn't back down an inch.

Slowly, and with no power visibly making it happen, Harry's body was lifted up off the deck and held flat in the air as if he were laying on either an altar or an operating table. Then the darkness really was within just a few meters of them and it was arching down towards Harry's body like an impossible enormous spear. As the spear came to within a few feet of Harry's body, it split in half, and then it split again, and again, and again, until finally the spear had become hundreds of millions of needle-like filaments dropping inalienably towards Harry's body.

Fleur took a single step in Harry's direction. Tonks stepped in, grabbed her arms and then shook her head. She sympathized, she really did, but this was so much bigger than Fleur and her feelings.

With one last laboured exhale, Harry's body took the millions upon millions of pitch black needles into just as many parts of his body. No area was spared and no area was neglected. He was pinned to the invisible table with an endless series of probes, so he leaked blood from wounds far too small to see and dripped a Harry shaped silhouette onto the deck. He was red, he was black, he was intact, he was split wide open, he was laid bare to the existence in and amongst his body, sampling him down to the genetic level like a future tech scientist gone mad.

Then. very suddenly, the blackness was withdrawing from Harry's body, with no sound or dramatic occurrence to mark its passage. It withdrew slowly and then quickly and Harry's body was released to slam wetly against the bloodstained deck of the ship. Harry didn't call out. He didn't convulse. He continued to stare up at the black mass above them the entire time it withdrew. Only after the beast was well and truly gone and the sky abruptly returned to a cheerful blue color, did Harry allow his head to drop to the side and his eyes to glaze over. He was unconscious before his cheek made contact with the deck. He was unconscious with his eyes wide open.

Yanking her hand from Tonks's grasp, Fleur immediately sprinted towards Harry and slid to the deck at his side. With hands that were shaking violently, she unstoppered the first vial and then pulled Harry's head up into her lap. Over the next 45 to 50 seconds, she used a series of Healer spells to coax the various liquids into Harry's tightly clenched mouth and down into his stomach. Harry had asked the right woman to help him after all. Fleur had a Healing Mastery Certificate hanging on her office wall among all of the other Masterys she'd never had to use before. Over time, the blood replenishing potions, magic regeneration potions, nerve damage repairing potions, skin mending potions, collagen repairing potions, skelegrow variants, and nutrient replacement elixirs that Harry had been carrying around, all went to work, replacing and mending millions of cell sized tears and punctures all over his body. It took several minutes, but eventually Harry's body began to look human once again, as his skin tone returned to a healthy tan and eyes closed to that of normal unconsciousness.

With all of the purely physical things now taken care of, Fleur took her time administering several dozen different medical diagnostic spells on both Harry's body and his blood. Nothing… The man was disease free. He'd done it…

Harry Potter had just forced an Eldritch chaos God to scour the lion's share of the Earth's most persistent diseases right off of the face of the planet...

With a massive sigh filled with inexpressible amounts of relief, Fleur collapsed back onto her ass and then stared down at Harry's peacefully sleeping body. The man was soaked in blood from top to bottom… He looked completely grotesque. If he'd been awake and they'd been alone, she'd have ridden him to completion right then and there…

Gods and Goddesses…

"So…" Tonks casually called out from a few meters to Fleur's right. "You're like, really, really, really cheating on Bill then, huh?"

Fleur was far too emotionally drained to make up any passionate denials, and Tonks was far too good a government agent to be fooled by them either way. Instead, Fleur gave the woman a sideways glance for just the briefest moment before looking back at Harry's unconscious form. "Ze first time I called upon 'Arry to 'elp me save ze world, 'ee 'elped me willingly because we were old acquaintances. Ze second time I called upon 'iim, 'ee rolled 'iis eyes at me, but reluctantly became eenvolved. Eet was only after ze fourth time zat 'Arry finally told me to "put up or shut up," 'iis words not mine… 'Ee demanded zat I service 'iim een payment for 'iis services. I'm nearly a 'undred percent certain zat 'ee was merely trying to drive me off… Eet didn't work. I eemmediately dropped to my knees and took 'iis cock eento my mouth. What 'ou are probably beginning to understand after watching 'Arry work, ees zat 'Arry Potter ees ze best zing zat zis world 'as going for eet right now. I 'ave watched 'iim do zings like zis over 2 dozen times een ze last year alone, and ze eempact zat eets 'ad on me ees… profound."

"I can tell that every word of what you're saying is true, but I can also see where it's intentionally misleading," Tonks pointed out. "You're not just blowing Harry anymore. The two of you are fucking like rabbits."

"Ees zere a direction to your questioning," Fleur angrily questioned in return. "Ees zere a reason zat you're prying eento my business?"

"I haven't had a truly civil conversation with Charlie in months," Tonks suddenly admitted with a shrug of her shoulders. "Not that he's around to talk either way. He's far too busy with his dragons… But that's beside the point. I want to ride Harry's cock. I want his dick in my mouth. I want in…"

"Of course… Of course 'ou want een,'' Fleur slowly replied while releasing a long drawn out sigh. "''Ze problem wiz your leetle plan ees zat 'ou are trying to blackmail ze wrong person. I 'ave no power to grant your wish. 'Arry ees not ze whore een our relationship. I am..."

"Well. it's funny you should say that," Tonks replied in a somewhat strained casual voice. "It's not only Harry that I'm interested in..."


With a small contented sigh and a long, bone popping stretch, Harry slowly opened his eyes and took in the decorative alabaster ceiling.

Well, well, well…

Foreign ceilings weren't necessarily an uncommon occurrence in Harry's very… active life, but this one was especially elaborate and… yeah… the floor was gently swaying. He was on a ship. Oh yeah… He was on a cruise ship…

As the fog of violent trauma followed closely by blood loss induced unconsciousness fully cleared from Harry's mind, he rose to a seated position and looked to a tray sitting on his bedside table. It contained over 50 empty potion and health elixir bottles that would negate every ailment from acne to the Zika virus with no letter skipped in between. Someone, definitely Fleur, had been funneling thousands and thousands of Galleons worth of magical healthcare products directly into his unconscious body. Despite the undeniably illicit and immoral nature of their relationship, it couldn't be said that his health and body condition weren't among Fleur's highest priorities.

Then Harry's face split into a sly little smile… Yeah… Fleur would definitely want his body in its best condition right about now...

Slipping his legs off of the bed and rising to his feet, Harry quickly checked out his completely nude but seemingly healthy body in a nearby wall mirror. Then he picked up a water bottle that was sitting on the bedside table, drained its contents and scanned his surroundings with his magic. Just inside of the bedroom door, Harry could sense a small alarm spell made up of Fleur's magic that was sending a signal towards 2 people approaching from down the hall. One of the people was Fleur. He'd recognize that magic anywhere. The other person's magic felt familiar but… amorphous… malleable… That would have to be Tonks then… Presumably the alarm spell was to let Fleur know that he was awake and moving around. With a nod of understanding, Harry sat back down against the headboard of the bed, crossed his legs and waited. It did occur to him that Tonks might not want to see his naked body, but if that was the case then why had he been left in this state in the first place?...

Then the 2 women quietly opened the bedroom door and shucked 2 robes off of their shoulders to drop to the floor, and several of Harry's questions were immediately answered.

Fleur was wearing a frilly white lingerie set that made her look like an angel sent straight from heaven. The perfectly shaped globes that made up her breasts were framed in a pair of sheer white cups in a way that was more of an artform than an article of clothing, her pussy was likewise just barely covered by the thin white material digging lightly into her pelvis, and her little belly was wrapped in a frilly see through garter belt that was holding up a pair of thigh high white stockings. The look was mind shatteringly seductive and somehow adorable at exactly the same time.

Tonks was wearing something similar… but different. That was the most accurate way to describe it. First of all, she was currently sporting a lot of Fleur's body characteristics, but with several alterations to create a sex appeal all her own. While her facial features were identical to Fleur's and her skin tone was the same creamy white perfection, her eyes were a bright red instead of blue and her hair was a luminous black instead of silver blonde. It also appeared that the woman was taking Fleur's impossibly perfect curves and then exaggerating them just a little bit all across the board. Harry approved. While bigger isn't always better and that goes tenfold in comparison to Fleur's absolutely miraculous body, Harry was under the impression that Tonks was seeking to add variety to their combined appeal. In regards to her clothing, the metamorph's lingerie was the pitch black equivalent to Fleur's white, with the lines and curves of the underwear a near duplicate to what her counterpart was wearing. All in all, Tonks looked like Fleur's evil twin, come to teach her goody two shoes sister that being naughty was far more fun...

"Gods and spirits above…" Harry murmured just loud enough to be heard by the 2 astoundingly beautiful sex Goddesses standing in the doorway. "What have I done to deserve the sudden paradise I'm looking at?"

"'Ou saved ze entire 'uman race… again," Fleur answered in a quiet and meaningful voice.

"You almost died in the process," Tonks added in an equally serious tone.

"Ou scared me," Fleur continued with her hands tightly fisted at her sides. "I'm feeling... an eentense desire to confirm zat you're whole and 'ealthy… wiz my body…"

"You impressed the hell out of me," Tonks added immediately after. "What's more, you managed to make me hot for you when I should've been far too busy shaking in fear…"

"'Ou are getting ze treatment zat 'ou deserve for your 'eroics," Fleur finished, with a small, almost shy gesture between herself and Tonks.

After allowing his happiness to show on his face, Harry paused and then turned to look at the angelic blonde in the white. "I've always thought of you as... quietly possessive, Fleur. Since when do you actively share me with other women?"

With a small nod accompanied by a sexy bite to her lower lip, Fleur gestured aside at Tonks. "I'm… I'm kind of... sort of… being blackmailed at ze moment... Tonks 'as learned zat I let 'ou 'ave my body on a regular basis, and she ees leveraging zis knowledge to make me cooperate."

After several seconds went by where Harry didn't say or do anything at all, he finally broke down and just asked the question. "You don't appear to be all that upset about any of this Fleur, but… Shouldn't we be thinking about Obliviating Tonks right about now? Getting caught in adultery is a one way ticket to absolute ruination."

To Tonks's credit, the woman didn't flinch or recoil at the overt threat in Harry's question. She only looked aside at Fleur and waited for her response.

"No, I don't want to Obliviate Tonks," Fleur replied with a soft sigh and a small dismissive wave. "She 'as been very good to me over ze last few years, while ze rest of ze Weasley family 'as been… less zan supportive of my ambitions. Furzermore, I sympathize wiz 'er plight. Tonks's marriage ees… not what eet could be…"

Turning to look at Tonks, Harry arched an eyebrow. "You're not a Welsh Green or a Hungarian Horntail, so you can't get Charlie hard?"

"The really sad part is that I actually can give myself scales, horns, clawed fingers, a forked tongue and yellow slitted reptile eyes, and I still can't make the man go the distance," Tonks replied in a truly frustrated voice. "I think you already know this, but I don't mean you or Fleur any harm… I just want you to give me some of what Fleur's been getting. Hell, I've even arranged for something that'll even the playing field between the three of us."

With a snap of Tonks's fingers, four white orbs with inky black lenses came floating into the room.

"Government issue, memory recording orbs," Harry whispered with honest to Gods surprise clear to hear in his voice. These magical relics were used to make copies of the memories being made by criminals during interrogations or by key witnesses in court proceedings that were of vital importance. The fact that not just 1, but 4 of these extremely rare and powerful little devices were floating near Tonks's right shoulder was shocking in the extreme. Then Harry fully realized exactly what Tonks wanted to do with them, and his eyebrows rose up nearly into his hairline. "You intend to make incredibly detailed and permanent copies of memories that feature the three of us fucking each other? You want to immortalize and be able to relive every single aspect of the day you cheated on your husband?"

At first Tonks didn't say a word. She merely waved her hand and then nodded when the orbs took up station all around the room. Only after the orbs were ready and activated, did she lick the sudden dryness off of her lips and take a single step in Harry's direction. "Once we finish making copies of our shared memories, the three of us will be linked. We'll all be united in a common act of mutual sin and debauchery. At that point, neither you nor Fleur will need to worry about me sharing your secret."

"I suppose that's true, but the common sense approach would be to make a magical oath," Harry pointed out, his voice just the tiniest bit sardonic.

"No!..." The denial shot out of Tonks's mouth long before she even finished thinking it, but then she closed her eyes and she shook her head. "No Harry… I refuse… I want to do it this way… I want to take something away from this. I want to remember.. every…single…second…"

When Tonks's expression grew more and more resolute with every passing second, Harry looked beyond the woman to where Fleur was waiting. He didn't actually think that he needed to ask her the question. Instead, he merely arched his eyebrows at her…

After staring back at the curious expression on Harry's face for several very long seconds, Fleur finally just shrugged her shoulder and nodded her head. "I trust Tonks… I trust 'ou… I desire a copy…"

While his dick had been rock hard ever since the 2 scantily clad sex icons first walked into the bedroom, Harry's cock still managed to lurch dramatically when Fleur admitted to wanting a copy of the memory. Woah… Something about having Fleur Isabelle Weasley interested in making what amounts to a permanent, shareable, relivable and unbelievably immersive 3D porno with him, complete with emotional context and full strength physical sensations, was hitting Harry right in the dick. His body temperature was rising. His balls were throbbing. His shaft was trembling… Yeah… He was ready to go. With a long indrawn breath, Harry uncrossed his legs, leaned back against the headboard of the bed and then gestured for the ladies to join him.

With Harry firmly on board with their plan, and the recording orbs copying all of their memories in real time, Fleur and Tonks both descended on the bed like twin birds of prey.

"'Ou outwilled a God today 'Arry," Fleur breathed out as she crawled up the length of the bed.

"You never wavered, not once, not even when you were dying," Tonks added in an equally silky voice.

"You're so special, 'Arry. I want to zank 'ou, and I know exactly where to start," Fleur purred, while wrapping her hands around both the base and the shaft of his cock.

"Mostly, I just want to get fucked silly by a real man again," Tonks added, most likely for the benefit of the memory orbs. "My first husband was an absolute animal in bed… Considering how fucking majestic this cock of yours is, I think you might be one too…"

"I want to make 'ou cum een me and on me and all over me," Fleur whispered as she drew her tongue up the sensitive underside of Harry's crown to draw a pearl of precum back into her mouth. "I want to serve, as ees my role wiz 'ou…"

"I want you to paint my entire pussy white," Tonks moaned almost directly against the flesh of Harry's testicles. "I want to feel your cum splashing like a power washer against my sealed shut womb…"

Both Harry and Fleur paused to stare at Tonks in response to the very convenient use of metamorphmagery she'd just revealed…

Tonks smiled mischievously, preened like a cat at their attention and then slowly took the head of Harry's cock into her unnaturally flexible mouth. The devilishly erotic woman was clearly showing off exactly how relevant her shifting skills could be to sex and sexual situations. She had quite literally zero trouble swallowing absolutely every inch of Harry's huge cock until it was balls deep down her throat, and then she tightened her throat up again to make her esophagus feel like a silky soft, skin tight sleeve. By the time she was finished altering the makeup of both her mouth and her neck to conform around Harry's cock, her lips felt like cashmere pillows, her unbelievably nimble tongue was over twice its usual length, and there was a visible dick shaped lump filling every inch of her unbelievably tight sucking throat.

As his cock spasmed in response to a nearly cum spilling amount of ultra intense pleasure, Harry released a not so silent whimper and felt his head lolling back against the headboard. Tonks's completely miraculous dick sucking skills shouldn't have come as any shock to him, but they had, and he was reeling as a result. Then he was reeling a second time for a completely different reason. After crawling up his body, Fleur leaned in over his chest, captured his face in her hands, and began kissing him with a level of intimacy she generally reserved for when she was cumming her brains out. She bit at his bottom lip, she twined her tongue around his, she created a perfect melding of lips and tongue and then she moaned her enjoyment directly into his mouth. Good Gods above... Soooo sexy.

It was official. Harry was in heaven.

With absentminded care, Harry softly combed his fingers through Tonks's silky smooth hair, and he pulled Fleur's body flush to his own by the meat of her beautiful ass. By the time Tonk's started bobbing faster up and down his shaft like a vacuum made of wet, hot and rippling throat muscle, he'd banished Fleur's bra to feel her tits flattened against his chest, had her hands combing through his unruly hair, and had her tongue dueling with his own for supremacy. Very suddenly, Harry found himself immensely grateful that their memories were being copied on the recording orbs. There was no way, no way that he wanted even the smallest details of this encounter to ever grow vague with age.

After slowly pulling back from what had become a very long and lingering kiss, Fleur kissed Harry's scalp, then his forehead, then his cheek, neck, shoulder and chest. She continued her butterfly trail of lips and skin down Harry's body by kissing his diaphragm, his ribs, his various abdominal muscles, his belly button and the vee muscles leading down to his cock. By the time Fleur left a score of kisses down the entire length of Harry's upper body, Tonks knew what to expect and had already shifted to the right a bit to make room for her. Of course Tonks hadn't given up custody of Harry's cock at all, so the man's dick was being pulled to the side by her tightly sucking mouth. That was okay. Fleur wasn't trying to poach Harry's cock from Tonks. Instead, she straddled Harry's left leg, eased her face down between his thighs, and took one of his overlarge hanging testicles into her mouth.

The reaction Fleur received to the attention she was giving Harry's balls was both immediate and noticeable. His body shivered, his testicles trembled, and his hand came down to softly cradle the back of her head. Very few people were able to convey their feelings using only touch the way that Harry Potter could. Fleur usually ignored as many of those signals as she could, but today wasn't one of those days. Today she wanted to feel his care and his appreciation. Today she wanted a far more emotional connection. Today she wanted reassurance. Harry had almost died up there on the Bow deck. Without all of those potions that he'd been carrying around for seemingly no reason, he would have died right then and there, and there wouldn't have been a damned thing that she could do about it. Just thinking about that had her reaching out to slip her arm around the back of Harry's waist. Then, when she remembered how she'd felt at the time, she ended up grabbing his forearm to keep his hand exactly where it was. Finally, the idea that Harry might get hurt again in the future had her thighs squeezing around his kneecap and calves. There was no doubt about it. Her actions were undeniably needy, her actions were inexcusably transparent, her actions were a mistake… but she was in no state to worry about such things. No… Not today. A few moments later, when Harry started tenderly cupping her cheek and running his thumb through the hair over her ear, Fleur knew for sure that he'd figured out the direction of her thoughts. She looked up at his face. They locked eyes. She didn't look away...

Unlike Fleur, Tonks was openly thrilled when Harry started fussing at her hair, and she redoubled her efforts to push the man into cumming down her throat. There was just something so… superior about the taste and smell of Harry's cock, as if he were an alpha and she could feel it at a primal level. Either way, Tonks was extraordinarily excited and she was aiming to impress. After pulling her skin tight lips up the meat of Harry's shaft, she wound her tongue in a full circle around his crown. Then, once her tongue was nice and tight around Harry's entire head, she pulled the appendage back in a slow wringing motion and then drove her mouth back down his length. Finally, when she was bottomed out on his cock again and her chin was resting near Fleur's mouth, she swallowed as hard as she could about a half a dozen times, squeezing his shaft in a fist tight prison of slippery sucking flesh. Harry's cock trembled and shook but he somehow managed to resist her efforts… Good boy. Don't just give in. Make me work for it… Tonks repeated the effort over and over again with a happy little humm in her throat that vibrated against every inch of the man's shaft. It was only after about a minute of such treatment that she became aware of the staredown that was occurring between Harry and Fleur, and she smiled mischievously around the base of Harry's cock. Awwww… These 2 were adorable… With a pop, Tonks suddenly detached her lips from around the crown of Harry's dick, took a hold of his cock by the base and then moved to slap his meat down against Fleur's completely unexpecting face.

"Your turn to suck him Fleur!"


When Harry saw his cock get slammed down against Fleur's upraised face to lay heavily against her forehead, he was almost a hundred percent certain that there'd be hell to pay. He was wrong... For a little more than 4 or 5 very silent seconds, Fleur just stared at his cock from an extremely close angle, with her eyes crossed and everything. Then she was doing exactly as she'd been ordered without reacting in the slightest to Tonks's dick slap. With an impressive economy of movement, Fleur immediately had Harry's cockhead both inside of her mouth and moving down her throat, and she was bobbing up and down his entire length by the time Tonks finished gasping in surprise.

For the second time in less than 10 minutes, Harry found himself with his head lolling back against the headboard at what was being done to his dick. There was no doubt about it, Fleur's mouth was a wet sucking heaven, and he knew for certain that he'd never grow tired of it. While he and Fleur had started fucking each other just a few weeks earlier, Fleur had been blowing him on a near daily basis for over 9 months before that finally happened. Fleur Weasley was an innately sexual French Veela woman who knew his cock like she knew her own magic. There weren't any gimmicks or physical transformations at play in her blowjob game, just pure skill, unrivalled finesse, unbelievable amounts of familiarity, and a hunger that was visible in her unblinking, lust filled stare. And it was a stare... Now that Fleur had his cock in her mouth, she clearly wanted him to know both who she was doing this for and exactly how she felt about it.

She was doing it for him, and she was loving every second of it…

"Fuuuuuuuck," both Harry and Tonks moaned at almost exactly the same time.

"I thought I was the best of the best," Tonks admitted in between small sucks and kisses to Harry's balls. "Turns out I've been competing for second this whole entire time. I have never seen anything quite like this…"

"I say the exact same things to her every single day," Harry agreed with a groan. "Fleur Weasley is the most innately hungry and gifted cocksucker on the face of the planet. She's an unbelievably high spec cum swallowing machine, and yet she somehow manages to improve.. every... single... time." By the time Harry finished groaning out his extremely demeaning compliment, Fleur's eyes were on fire with poorly feigned anger, but her body was squirming atop his leg and her lips were hollowed out around his cock. As per usual, something about being completely objectified hit the woman right in her strike zone, and her perfectly shaped, beautiful ass was swaying back and forth in the air as a result.

"That's completely inspiring! I'm inspired," Tonks enthused in a completely delighted voice, before reaching out and taking a hold of Harry's cock at the base. "I'm so inspired in fact, I've decided that we're going to take turns Fleur. 40 pumps pass from this point forward. Let's tame this massive cock together like the Pottersluts we are."

While at first Fleur bottomed her mouth right into Tonks's fingers and then gave the woman an unhappy look, eventually she nodded her understanding, slowly pulled her mouth up off of Harry's dick, and began pumping it in both of her hands. "...Fine…"

Harry's balls noticeably twitched at Fleur's vaguely sulky expression and her reluctance to part with his cock.

Now that… was adorable....

After sliding up Harry's side and pulling his hands around her waist, Tonks gave Harry a very sultry look from very close range and softly nibbled at his neck. "Just one quick question before I get creative with my metamorph skills," Tonks whispered directly into Harry's ear. "Are there any attractive girls from around your grade at Hogwarts that you don't want me to become?"

"Hermione Granger and Ginnevra Weasley are the only two that I can think of," Harry replied as he ran his hand down Tonks back.

"Very inclusive Harry," Tonks replied in a pleased sounding voice. "I like that in a man. It gives me a lot to work with…" Then Tonks was dropping back down to Harry's waist and completing a transformation while she did so. By the time her mouth was mere inches from the cock being pumped in Fleur's hands, she was in the form of a gorgeous black woman that Harry immediately recognized.

"Angelina Johnson," He breathed out as the professional Quidditch player took the head of his cock in between her beautiful pillowy lips. Then Tonks started sucking him in earnest while waving her massive bubble butt in the air behind her, and Harry found himself panting at how unexpected and erotic this was. "Hohhh fuck. You're a miracle worker Tonks! What a fantastically slutty wife you are! I'm so fortunate that your husband's a complete fucking imbecile!"

In response to Harry's praise and far more importantly the way that he was demeaning her husband, Tonks piled on even more effort, aiming to make his eyes curl into the back of his head. 40 slow but extraordinarily thorough pumps later, she was actually forced to pull away by Fleur, at which point her lips were instantly replaced by the Veela's hungry little throat. Fleur was visibly forcing herself to move at a much slower pace than normal so that she'd have more time with his cock in her mouth. She moved slower but she also sucked much harder and used far more tongue, and the way that she stared into his eyes felt like she was trying to peer into his soul. Harry found himself cradling her face and whispering the kind of backhanded compliments that she was capable of taking from him. "Dear Gods Fleur. Your hot little mouth really has become completely essential to the draining of my heavy fucking balls. I will never, ever grow tired of giving you a protein heavy diet."

"She improves because your cock is delicious and because it's meaty enough to give her something to work with," Angelina explained as she pulled her mouth off of Harry's left nipple.

"Meaty like this gigantic ass of yours," Harry retorted, with a hand sinking into the thick shelves that made up Angelina's massive ass. Then he tensed up, gasped, and his eyes suddenly rolled back into his head as Fleur took offense to his divided attention, deepthroated his entire cock, and rapidly swallowed against every single millimetre of his shaft and head. "Gods above," Harry choked out as his free hand returned to comb through Fleur's infinitely soft hair. "I get it Fleur. My cock is in your mouth right now. It's your time. Now, show Tonks here why I let you order me around all the time. Show Tonks why I come when I'm beckoned."

And she did. Fleur's mouth instantly went completely fucking wild on Harry's cock, with so much speed and tenacity she ended up dragging her hollowed out cheeks up and down his shaft far, far more than her allotted 40 times.

As expected, Tonks ended up squawking indignantly at how her counterpart was cheating and dropping in to move her aside by force. By the time she finished muscling Fleur's lips off of Harry's cock, she was adopting a new form that ended up being Penelope Clearwater, the very pretty but equally tedious and boring Ravenclaw that was married to Percy Weasley.

This version of Penelope wasn't boring… like, at all. This version of Penelope sucked on the head of his dick like it was delicious and ran her hands up and down his stomach as if she was worshiping his body. This version of Penelope was a complete slut for big Potter dicks and Harry was loving every single second of it.

Over the next 10 or so minutes, Harry received sloppy, enthusiastic blowjobs from Fleur, Luna Lovegood, Fleur, Katie's Bell, Fleur, Alicia Spinet, Fleur, Daphne Greengrass, Fleur, Pansy Parkinson, Fleur, Meghan Jones, Fleur, Padma Patil, Fleur, Hannah Abbot, Fleur, Lavender Brown, Fleur, Romilda Vane, Fleur, Cho Chang, Fleur and Susan Bones.... It was only when Susan Bones released his cock from between her massive fucking tits only for Fleur to begin giving him a similar treatment with her own that he started to grunt and groan in eminent release. "Gonna… cum… girls…"

"Who gets to have it," Tonks asked in a sudden hurry.

"Both," Fleur announced confidently after popping her mouth off of Harry's cockhead and jerking it towards both of their faces. "'Arry cums enough een just a seengle orgasm to knock up ze entire 'Ollyhead 'Arpies Quidditch team, eencluding ze second and third string."

"Oh fuck yeah," Tonks cheered, wiggling into Fleur's lap to make herself a prime time target for Harry's cum.

"Release your shifting for the cumshot Tonks," Harry groaned as he desperately held back his release. "I want our recorded memory to feature your stunning, Black family features getting painted a creamy white."

After a moment where her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed just a little bit pink, Tonks suddenly shifted into a much more slender woman that nonetheless had tits nearly the same size as Susan Bones's. She had jet black eyes and charcoal black hair that was long and lustrous and wavy like an 80s supermodel. She looked exactly like what you'd expect from a member of the black family, with high cheekbones and classically beautiful, aristocratic features. Long story short, Tonks could quite easily keep any man happy with her actual appearance for the rest of their lives without ever shifting or transforming. Harry was well aware that the real reason Tonks didn't appreciate her own appearance was because she was a dead ringer for a young Bellatrix Lestrange, her insane (and dead) Death Eater cousin. He understood that much, he really did, but it was just so… silly. Nuh uh. Not today. He fully planned on enjoying every single second of Tonks's current bombshell appearance, and he didn't really care if she felt a little conflicted about it.

"Ohhh that's the stuff Tonks, you gloriously sexy, Demi Moore in the movie Striptease lookalike, big tittied sex icon piece of ass," Harry growl ranted as he began to relax the muscles at the base of his cock. "If I'm gonna save a memory where I cum all over both of my cockwarmers' faces, I can't have either of them trying to deny their involvement later."

Fleur immediately shook her head as, of course, she had no intention of denying Harry anything, like… at all, but she could see what her benefactor/lover was up to, and she approved of his manipulations. Even as Fleur realized that she was irreparably addicted to absolutely everything Harry Potter related and had only grown increasingly excited at being called one of his cockwarmers, she continued to frantically jerk Harry's spit soaked cock towards both her and Tonks' wide open mouths.

Tonk suddenly found herself getting way more into what she was currently doing as Harry made flattering comparisons to a stunning Muggle actress and offered up a really exciting spin on her current identity reveal. "Oh no," she suddenly called out in terribly acted alarm, even as she pressed her cheek closer against Fleur's. "I'll never be able to deny that I've cheated now. I'll never get to sweep this under the rug or act like it was someone else. It really is me, Tonks Weasley! I'm a slutty, unfaithful housewife! I'm willing to do absolutely anything to get my pussy stretched by Harry Potter's dick!"

When Fleur nodded her silent agreement while jerking off Harry's cock within just 2 inches of her o'd out lips, Harry suddenly found that he was far too excited to contain himself any longer, and he felt a river of cum boiling up through the length of his shaft. With an almost pained grunt and a massive exhale, Harry rose to his knees, took his cock into his own hands, and aimed it center mass where Tonks and Fleur's faces were connected. Then he was cumming and cumming hard, launching hot ropes of pearly white seed to audibly slap against first Tonks's cheek and then Fleur's chin and then Tonk's forehead and Fleur's mouth. Over and over again, Harry painted the girls' faces, necks and tits in an uneven but widespread layer of thick frothy cum, even as he grabbed Fleur by her ponytail and began pulling her mouth towards his cock. As he'd come to expect from her, Fleur immediately opened her mouth wide with a manic gleam in her eyes, and she didn't resist his pull for even a millisecond. Slowly but surely, Harry dragged her lips down the length of his continuously cumming cock, and he grunted in pleasure when Fleur swallowed as hard as she could against every fresh inch that he fed to her. When he finally finished shoving his cock balls deep down the length of her throat, he held her chin against his balls for upwards of 10 to 15 seconds before slowly beginning to pull himself out of her. By this point, Fleur was visibly shaking in an orgasm of her own because she absolutely fucking loved it when he used her body for his satisfaction. Then Harry's cock was being pulled free from Fleur's tightly sucking lips and he was aiming it towards what could only be described as a fantastically excited Tonks. In the end he didn't have to feed his cock to the woman or even move at all. Instead she launched herself face first at his newly freed dick and hammered his shaft down her unresisting throat with the enthusiasm of a drowning person seeking air. With yet another overwhelmed grunt, Harry found himself holding Tonks's head still as he drained the rest of his orgasm down her rhythmically contracting throat. The woman was a real firecracker, as she groped and felt up the muscles of his ass and thighs the entire time she gulped down his seed.

Harry's orgasm was decadent. It was luxurious. It was the culmination of a truly exceptional double blowjob from Fleur and Tonks Weasley. The level of talent being wasted on that family was absolutely astonishing…

Twenty seconds later, when Harry's orgasm came to an end and he pulled his cock from Tonks's mouth with a small suctiony pop, he leaned back on his calves and surveyed the damage. Almost immediately after he withdrew, Tonks and Fleur turned to look at each other, saw the semen adorning their faces, necks, collarbones, and breasts, and then moved towards each other with highly erotic looks on their faces. Fleur banished Tonk's cum stained bra off of her body before it could soak up any more of Harry's seed. Tonks grabbed Fleur around the waist and started kissing her. Fleur started kissing Tonks in return. They moved to lick each other's faces. They were forced to take turns. Tonks seemed especially interested in sucking on Fleur's cum covered tits. Fleur seemed wholly interested in licking every inch of Tonks like an ice cream cone made of Harry's cum. They paused. Then they cooperated. Fleur let Tonks go first, cradling the woman against her breasts like a mother as the woman suckled on her nipples. The entire time she nursed Tonks, she wiped cum off of her counterpart's body with long gentle sweeps of her fingers and then drew those fingers to her mouth. Fleur was legitimately hungry to take up every last speck of Harry's cum. Tonks was merely a gleefully perverted opportunist with a newfound appreciation for the female form.

Harry was a big fan of both ladies' motives. Variety being the spice of life and all...

Over the minute that followed, almost all of Harry's cum was licked up, swapped and then swallowed and the visual was hot enough to rouse the dead. Point of fact, Harry hadn't actually allowed his cock to go soft at all, but that was a completely redundant bit of magic on his part. Any healthy red blooded male would've been hard enough to bend steel by the time the two beauties were finished making out with each other.

It…. was… hot…

"I can't even believe you managed to reach orgasm just from having Harry cum down your throat," Tonks remarked in a truly impressed sounding voice. Even as she said those words, she transformed her appearance back to that of the naughty Veela twin.

Fleur was completely incapable of responding to Tonks's admiration. She was a classy and sophisticated French witch as well as a word renowned political elite. She wasn't supposed to be so unbelievably turned on by being used as nothing more than Harry's cum disposal… but she was…

"Fleur really is something special," Harry replied as he pulled the woman's unresisting face against his chest and momentarily hooked a finger into her mouth to draw out her cheek. "If she decides that she's going to do something at all, then by the Gods she's going to do it well, and she derives immense satisfaction from the smallest of improvements. That… and she's bar none the thirstiest cocksucker I've ever met in my entire adult life... I'm a huge fan…"

"And so you should be…" Tonks agreed with a mischievous smile aimed at her newly squirming in-law…

"And then of course there's the matter of rewarding Fleur for her immense devotion and skill," Harry mused as if he were speaking to himself. "I thiiiiink… I'm going to fuck Fleur first and make you watch every single second of it from the sidelines."

"What, why, no," Tonks began, but by then a series of black velvet ropes were already growing along her wrists and ankles and slowly dragging her to the headboard of the bed. Soon enough, she was sitting propped up on several pillows against the headboard with her legs splayed wide apart and her arms out at her sides. "Haarrry," She moaned piteously. "Don't do this to meeee…"

"There, there, I'm not punishing you Tonks," Harry consoled as he patted the woman on the thigh and turned to look over at Fleur. "Fleur… Will you please explain to Tonks what I insisted on doing to you before I took you for the first time?"

"'Arry tied me…" Fleur paused and rubbed at her thighs before she continued. "'Arry tied me up, eensisted zat I was unsanitary because ozzer men 'ad used my pussy, and zen 'ee... 'ee cleaned me," Fleur explained with a vibrant red blush growing on her face and into her neck.

While at first Tonks quickly opened her mouth intending to tell Harry to fuck himself, the words never came out because of Fleur's vibrant red blush and fidgeting… Then she looked over at Harry's smiling face and the orb of soapy water that was quickly circling around his hand. "Uhhh ohh Gods…"

Slowly and with a small knowing wink up at Tonks's deer in the headlights look, Harry banished the soaking wet little panties off of her body, drew his orb of soapy water down to the woman's pussylips and then set it to work with his will. In the same fashion as had been done to Fleur a few weeks earlier, the orb of highly pressurized flowing water would scrub and press against her clit and folds before finally spreading her open and teasing her pussy to a fever pitch. The magical power cost required to pull something like this off was extremely high, but the payoff? Well… It was worth every penny...

"Hohhhh hohhhGods Haarrrieee," Tonks began moaning even before Harry finished turning away from her and beckoning for Fleur to rejoin him.

Fleur crawled her way into Harry's arms again without a single word and only a fleeting sympathetic look in Tonks's direction. If she'd heard right, she was about to be rewarded and she didn't want to miss out on that for anything.

"While Tonks here is definitely interested in having a ride on my cock, I'm fairly certain she has just as much interest in the absurd curves of your body," Harry stage whispered. "For that reason, I think I'm going to lay down with my calves over her spread open thighs, and give her a really up close look of you riding my cock in reverse-cowgirl. I think Tonks will really enjoy watching those perfect tits of yours bouncing up and down as you fill yourself with my dick, and who knows, it might even distract her away from the cleaning that she's undergoing." Harry's smile was one of nearly cruel mischief, because they both knew that Tonks was going to be half insane by the time he was done with her.

Fleur wasn't really all that worried about the relentless pussy teasing that Tonks was currently experiencing. In fact, she was having a lot of trouble hiding just how much she loved this plan. Harry's dick. Harry's dick inside of her. Harry's dick inside of her now. Those were the three main points that comprised Harry's idea, and they were the only three things that she needed to know. With a small nod of her head, Fleur moved aside as Harry lay down, edged his waist as close as he could to Tonk's spread open thighs and then curled his calves over the top of her legs. With that accomplished, his cock was pointing straight up into the air just a half a foot away from Tonks's water teased pussy. The positioning was sure to provide the Metamorph with an up close and personal view of the sex they were about to have. Even with that being the case, Fleur didn't even hesitate. She immediately straddled Harry's waist, facing towards Tonks to take in her twitching body and red flushed face, and then she took up his cock to pump at it with both of her hands. In the moments that followed, Harry's hands softly ran down her waist to settle on her thighs and Fleur shivered from head to toe in her growing excitement.

"Good girl Fleur," Harry encouraged as he affectionately squeezed at her thighs, lower back and ass. "Go ahead then. Take me inside of you. Do it slowly so that Tonk's can see what she's in for. Give me some of that sweet fucking pussy…"

"I will service 'ou," Fleur breathed out from force of long habit, as if the words were becoming more like a prayer or a chant with every single repetition. Then she was rising up as high as she could on her knees, spreading her pussy lips around the head of Harry's cock and allowing her kneecaps to slide off to the sides. With a moan that was broken into several different pieces through a shaking and shuddering exhale, Fleur's elastic tight pussy descended down the length of Harry's cock and rippled along his length with the force of her upcoming orgasm. Then his flared out cockhead thumped firmly against her womb, and the orgasm wasn't upcoming anymore. It was now. It was the present. It was her entire present and the only thing that her overwrought nervous system could focus on. Gods… Goddesses. Every… single… time! Every single time Harry's cock stretched out her pussy, it was like she was a virgin again. Every single time his cock entered her, it remade and remodelled her, it reshaped her tight little pussy to fit around his girth and his length. Every single time his crown slammed up against her cervix, it felt like a bolt of liquid lightning alighting the nerves of her core into an explosive rush of pleasure. Fleur shook and she shivered as her eyes grew lidded and her mouth hung open. A low and slutty moan leaked out of her mouth as a tidal-wave of orgasmic euphoria radiated up and down her thighs, back and stomach muscles. Without even thinking about it, Fleur found herself grinding her pussylips down as hard as she could against the base of Harry's shaft, insistently and repeatedly rooting the head of the man's dick into her deepest, most fertile depths. Her deliriously happy little womb made insistent demands of her, and her body moved to obey both instinctually and willingly. Fleur's Veela heritage was making itself known, and she wasn't fighting it anymore. She allowed her body to rejoice because she was being mated by the best magical genetics the mortal plane had to offer.

All of these feelings and sensations happened within just the span of 5 to 8 seconds, leaving Fleur's entire body trembling on a hair trigger and ready to explode...

Then Harry was running his hands up and down her sides exactly like a lover would, and Fleur groaned loud and low at how unfair the man was being. He knew. He knew exactly what she needed to avoid. He didn't care. He wasn't considerate. He did whatever the hell he wanted… Today was the worst possible timing for him to caress her body as if she was precious to him. She wasn't in the right place. She wasn't in the right mind… She thought of telling him to stop... She didn't… She couldn't...

Then she was distracted.

"Soooo sexy Fleur… Holy Gods… your belly," Tonks managed to moan out in a shaky voice as she stared down at the small indentation that Harry's cockhead was making above Fleur's navel.

Looking down at her own stomach, Fleur began idly rubbing her hands against her belly and the knot of pressure that she could feel deep within her core. For the second time in under ten minutes, she found herself stuck with nothing to say. Gods help her, but she really did like the bump. Despite the dangers it presented to her persistently ovulating womb, she liked to see how deep Harry was inside of her and how full of him she was...

"Not a day goes by that I don't end up grateful to Fleur's slut magic," Harry whispered as he rose to a seated position, rested his chin on her shoulder and began pinching at her rock hard little nipples. "Fleur can take what I have to give her, and she can take my magically bolstered cumloads raw and unprotected without immediately getting pregnant. While you sit there and watch us fuck each other senseless, I suggest you start preparing for me to split you wide open and how you're going to protect your eggs from my seed."

"Reaaady… now," Tonks slurred with her eyes both wide and hopeful. "Ready to squeeeeze… your diiiick."

With a smile of appreciation accompanied by a small shake of his head, Harry cupped both of Fleur's tits in his hands, rubbed at her nipples with his thumbs and then slowly ran his hands down the length of her stomach to rub at her clit. "Sorry Tonks, but like I said. My career cumslut here has been especially well behaved and affectionate today. I intend to reward her by filling her womb to bursting with my cum."

Fleur wiggled and squirmed in Harry's arms, aroused beyond measure by both the possessive tone of his ultra demeaning words, and her urgent desire to be filled with his seed.

Tonks shuddered as a wave of soapy water abruptly stretched her pussy walls in wonderful ways, only to ease away leaving her stuck on the edge. She was never going to make it. She was going to be teased to insanity long before Harry and Fleur stopped fucking each other. She shuddered, she shook, she whined deep in her throat. "Huuuurrrry pleeease.."

After nodding at Tonks's moaned out request, Harry cupped Fleur's right breast, channelled magic directly into her clit with his other hand, squeezed her tightly with both of his arms, and then slowly began lifting her body up along the length of his cock. It was a challenge. Fleur's pussy wasn't cooperating. Her insides tightened up more and more with every centimeter that he managed to pull out of her, until his cockhead was dragging against tightly contracting pussy meat and Fleur was mewling like a cat. Then, when Harry finally had the woman's pussy lips gripping desperately at his cockhead and nothing else, he firmly drew her back down his entire length and slammed his crown womb deep with authority. Fleur immediately exploded into a long, loud and throaty moan and then spilled femcum all over his cock and balls. She shook, she shivered, she panted like she was running a marathon, and she clutched at his sides for support. Ten seconds later, when Fleur was finally capable of movement again, she began kissing and nibbling on Harry's neck and chin, softly massaging at his balls, and grinding her ass back against his lap. It was official. Fleur Isabelle Weasley was being an especially needy little slut today…

It was adorable...

"Gods damn you've got such a hot little cunt," Harry whispered into Fleur's ear as he started dragging her pussy up and down the length of his dick. "I'm never going to grow tired of using you Fleur. I'm never going to stop making you surrender this sexy fucktoy body to me. Your entire career is going to be spent with your womb swollen with my cum."

"Yes! yes! Please keep making me serve 'ou! Please keep taking my body! Please stay safe. Please don't leave me.... Gasp!" Almost a full second after those last 2 requests slipped through Fleur's overexcited daze, her eyes snapped open and then flitted sideways towards Harry's face. Then she bit at her bottom lip at what she found. Harry was still lifting and dropping her body on his cock with a finesse that spoke of long practise and consummate skill, but now he was staring back at her with an extremely intense expression on his face. He'd heard her. He'd heard her words and he'd felt the emotions that drove them from her thoughts. Fleur held Harry's stare and didn't say a word. She'd meant what she'd said, and she wouldn't take it back for her own convenience. To do so would be needlessly hurtful, and Harry was the last person she'd ever want to hurt…

Gods and Goddesses...

"Fleur… I promise to go back to normal in just a little while," Harry breathed out into the skin of her neck. "But I'm about to treat you like I actually give a fuck about you, and you're not going to stop me."

"OhhhhAarrie," Fleur moaned as she was softly gathered up and placed down on her back, with her head resting halfway up Tonks' twitching belly. Then Harry's body was covering hers in one fluid motion, his cock was spreading her pussy once again, and his mouth was pressing into hers with a hunger that she couldn't stop herself from responding to. They never did this! They never kissed like this, and by unspoken agreement, they never used a face to face missionary position. It was far too intimate. It was far too romantic. It was… Incredible… Good Gods and Goddesses… Harry's mouth. Harry's tongue. The ridges and planes of Harry's muscular body pressing down upon hers. It was so much better than she'd ever imagined possible! By the time Harry finally pulled his mouth away from hers in order to draw in a breath, Fleur had her arms wrapped firmly around his shoulders and her legs rubbing up and down the back of his powerful thighs. She could only marvel at the speed that she'd given up her body to this new position, but she wasn't going to stop. Harry Potter felt like heaven resting atop her body, and she wasn't giving up this feeling for anything!

Unlike Fleur, Harry had never had any issues whatsoever with having missionary sex with her. It was one of his favourite positions and having Fleur's fantastic tits within sucking distance added a lot to the appeal. Truly, he'd only been waiting for Fleur to make a slip up such as the one she'd just made, so that he could make their first time using the position an especially impactful memory in her mind. There was another reason though... In the past, if he was too familiar or gentle with Fleur without giving her a concrete reason why, she tended to pull away, but if he made the right moves, under the right circumstances, with the right kind of timing, then she was far more likely to surrender to temptation. It was a game of sorts, a battle of attrition, and so far as Harry could tell...

He was winning…

Without ever dropping the intense expression from his face, Harry cupped Fleur's red flushed cheek and continued to stare down into her lust filled yes. He didn't say anything. He didn't want to lessen the impact of what they were currently doing. Instead, he rubbed his thumb through the hair over Fleur's ear as he began pumping his cock down into the clenching meat of her hyperactive little pussy. Then he kissed her. He kissed her a lot. With every soft and meaningful little kiss that they shared, Fleur began clutching at his back, shoulders and arms just a little bit more possessively. With every womb deep pump of his cock, her legs wrapped around his lower back just a little bit more tightly. With every sweep of his free hand against her thighs or her belly or her nipples, she began rubbing herself back against his body that much more insistently. In less than a minute and a half, Harry managed to draw Fleur into a nearly frenzied bout of exceedingly intimate sex, and had her groping at his body as if she'd never seen it before.

If Harry had to describe how he felt at the moment in just a single word, then that word would have to be glorious… He was being lovingly enfolded in every last inch of Fleur's outrageously beautiful body while enjoying a surge of triumph the likes of which he usually reserved for winning Quidditch matches and killing Dark Lords… Fleur Isabelle Weasley was having sensual, passionate, romantic sex with him without holding back an inch. She wasn't hesitating. She wasn't torturing herself with guilt. She was present. She was hot for him. She was moaning into the juncture of his neck and shoulder like a completely ecstatic whore...

Fuck yeah!

Slowly but surely, over several minute's time, Harry sped up the thrusting of his hips to the point that they began hearing the obscene wet squelching sounds that really good sex always seems to create. Fleur's pussy wasn't willing to give up a single inch of Harry's cock and he wasn't willing to slow down his thrusting at all, so their sexes fought a wet sucking tug of war that had them both moaning into each other's mouths. Fleur whimpered. Harry groaned. They both trembled. They both groped and grasped at each other's bodies as if they just couldn't get close enough. When nibbling and kissing at Harry's chest and shoulder wasn't enough, Fleur suddenly latched her mouth onto his neck and began sucking a dark purple hickey into his skin. Harry began channeling raw magic power down through his cock and then releasing it into the nerve endings of Fleur's clit and core. Fleur immediately started keening like a small animal as her allure poured out of her body and she scratched 10 faint red lines down the entire length of his back. In retaliation, Harry sucked Fleur's right nipple into his mouth and then drew his face away from her body to stretch her tit up into the air. Fleur gasped, then she shivered and her eyes suddenly dilated wide.

Harry knew right away exactly what he was looking at, and he had no intention of showing any mercy. He sped up the pumping of his hips, and he continued to suck and bite at Fleur's perfect little nipples. Then it was happening, and both of Fleur's hands were dragging Harry's chin up towards her face. After smashing her mouth into his in an extremely demanding kiss, she moaned and squealed her pleasure against his tongue, wrapped his body up in her arms, and squeezed him with all the strength that her body contained. Then, when Harry responded by doubling the speed that he was thumping the head of his cock against her womb, she howled her orgasm towards the ceiling and released a fresh wave of femcum all over his shaft and balls..

"Arry! Oh Arry! I cum, I cum for 'ou. 'Ou make me cum again and again and again," Fleur moan/whined deliriously into the skin of his cheek, neck and shoulder. Then she started breathing out a broken and desperate sounding string of completely inaudible French words that Harry was sure she didn't actually intend for him to understand. Too bad for her, he immediately released a small current of magic first to clarify the words and then to translate them into English.

"Je t'appartiens 'Arry... Tu m'as ruiné pour n'importe qui sauf toi... Veuillez prendre la responsabilité de me faire ça.. S'il te plaît, vis une longue vie... S'il te plait ne me laisse jamais…"

"I belong to you 'Arry... You've ruined me for anyone but you... Please take responsibility for doing this to me… Please live a long life... Please never leave me…"

Gods above...

And just like that, Harry's cock began lurching deep inside of Fleur like an off kilter laundry machine. He was so unbelievably turned on by Fleur's whispered confession, he was instantly just moments away from cumming his fucking brains out. After speeding up his thrusting yet again, Harry leaned his face into Fleur's cheek, nibbled on her earlobe and then whispered directly into her ear. "You are the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet Fleur, and I'm never going to stop having my way with your body. I'm going to be cumming inside of your perfect little pussy for years and years to come… starting.. right.. now…"

"Oui, yes, please do eet Arry," Fleur squeaked out, as her completely out of control allure suddenly projected a powerful compulsion for Harry to breed with her. Then her legs were tightening around his waist and she was humping her pussy up into his cock like a woman possessed. "Yesss! Yes 'Arry! Please use me! Please fill me! I want eet! I need eet! Please fill meeeeeeee…' Fleur's words abruptly broke off into a long drawn out string of high pitched e's, because Harry had slammed himself balls deep inside of her, and was releasing an absolutely gigantic series of cumloads deep inside of her belly. Over and over again, his massive cock swelled, then recoiled like a cannon, rapidly expanding her womb around what felt like a geyser of molten lava. Fleur shook with it, she forgot to breathe, she stared wide eyed up into Harry's feral and possessive expression.... and then she came. She came hard. She experienced a powerful, body shaking climax, just moments after coming down from another one, because Harry was alive, and safe, and healthy, and he was stretching out her womb with endless waves of seed…

Gods and Goddesses…

With a possessive growl and all of his body-weight pressing down upon his cock, Harry pinned Fleur's body against Tonks's inner thighs and released every single milliliter of cum that his balls contained. He panted for air at the intensity of it all. His arms shook as they held Fleur still with her pussy exactly where he needed it. Then Fleur was drawing his head down towards her body, and he found his face being nestled within the fluffy heaven that was her hot and sweaty breasts. For the second half of his orgasm, Harry was given the full lover's treatment, as Fleur held him tightly to the curves of her body with her legs, rubbed at whatever patch of skin she could reach, kissed his scalp, and ran a hand through the sweat matted curls of his hair.

Woah...….This wasn't merely adorable...

Almost 2 minutes later, when Harry finally pulled his face from within the paradise that was Fleur Weasley's breasts, he found her staring up at him and he smiled. She didn't look the least bit conflicted. She looked... delicious… She was sweat shined and messy with that recently fucked look on her red flushed face. Harry's cock immediately twitched meaningfully within her, causing the 2 of them to grin at each other knowingly… Then Harry cast a quick glance up over Fleur's head, and he immediately froze in place.

"Uhhh… Fleur…"

"Yes 'Arry?"

"Between the 2 of us, we've kinda put Tonks through the ringer…"

After looking up and over her shoulder, Fleur gasped in alarm at the vacant and adoring expression on Tonks's slack jawed and twitching face. Between the extremely powerful allure that Fleur had released and Harry's water charm, they'd rendered the Metamorph nearly catatonic with a completely unbridled and out of control lust. She was flushed a vibrant red, she was nearly hyperventilating, her body was vibrating from head to toe and she was pulling feebly at her restraints.

"Mon dieux," Fleur breathed out as she climbed to a seated position on Harry's lap and choked her allure back to its baseline level. "Ees she going to be okay?"

After cancelling his teasing water charm, Harry leaned forward, rested a hand on the side of Tonks's face and whispered a quiet incantation. Then he winced and closed his eyes as he felt the completely overwhelmed state of Tonks's mind and body. Over the next half a minute, he eased her mind back towards lucidity and reduced the impact of Fleur's full power allure on her sanity. Finally, he returned back to his own consciousness and felt Fleur hugging him tightly in her concern. "She'll be fine and she'll be back with us in about 3 minutes," Harry whispered in a calming tone. "We do need to be prepared for her to be in a sexual frenzy the likes of which we usually reserve for each other…"

"'Ou were just een Tonks's mind 'Arry. Do 'ou 'ave any eensight eento what she wants most from us?" At this point, Fleur was biting her lip with a guilty expression on her face. Truth be told, she'd completely forgotten about Tonks's presence, and had released levels of allure that were legitimately dangerous to use on normal witches and wizards. Harry wasn't normal. Unlike every other man that she'd ever been with, Harry just fucked her even harder when her allure leaked out. At this point, it was becoming a habit of hers to hit him as hard as she could when she wanted him to really make a mess of her body… Oops. Just thinking about that outcome was getting her hot, and her pussy was beginning to clench rhythmically along the length of Harry's deeply rooted cock. She was well aware that now wasn't the time for her to get carried away again, but her body wasn't listening...

"Tonks is highly attracted to my body and my strength, but she's become equally attracted to your beauty over the last 2 years, and she finds her newfound bisexual tendencies both taboo and exciting," Harry groaned out as his cock was suddenly massaged from every side. "She also has a really powerful Voyeurism kink that she's barely aware of, and a desire for us to completely humiliate her husband."

After wrapping up his explanation, Harry drew his face away from Fleur's shoulder and looked down into her unbelievably sexy aroused expression. "Look Fleur… We definitely owe Tonks some TLC at this point, so I guess I'll just ask the question… How bisexual are you really?"

"I am Veela," Fleur panted out along with a small shrug of her shoulders. "Very, very bisexual..." Then Fleur shivered from head to toe as Harry's cockhead twitched, trembled and pressed insistently against the entrance to her womb. He'd liked that... Fleur liked how he'd liked that...

"Okay then," Harry panted out as he tried to maintain some variety of control over his body. Here's what I have in mind…."


[ Continuation on Next Chapter ]

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