A river of stars, coursing through the dusky sky...
So brilliantly, did they glow.
But Coraline knew they were not stars.
She could almost feel them... not hot and bright like the sun, but as cold as the snowy tide.
The stars, they fell... to bless the dirt trodden upon by elf and man alike.
The explosion shook the earth.
The magic... brought fear.
Coraline's ⌈Bombardment Shell⌋ was rapidly being drained of mana. She was terrified it would fail-- terrified she'd be permanently blinded or deafened or worse...
Dessi was on her knees, adding her own power to the Formation. It also looked like she was yelling something.
It might have been 'What's going on?' Or maybe it was 'What does this Formation even do?'
Either phrase probably also came with a lot of expletives.
Squad Leader Yates-- she just stared at the sky, her mouth wide open.
Gilchrist - “Hey! Barnes is alive!”
*Barnes drops to the deck.*
Gilchrist - “Whoops. Nnnnnevermind~”
Coraline - “Where did you get all those wands?”
Tycon - “I commandeered them from Iota Squad. Why?”
Coraline - “Then... what is Iota Squad using?”