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10.34% He Who Feels Guilt [Honkai: Star Rail] / Chapter 3: chapter 2: Space Station

Kapitel 3: chapter 2: Space Station

Narrator's Pov

"How is it just suspended in the middle of space? can people breathe inside of it? is it actually named Herta's Space Station? How do we enter there? Why does it look like a very threatening carrot?" Ryan asked as he looked at the space station through the window with amazement.

"Oh god, now I'm never gonna NOT see it as a carrot..." March muttered to herself as she saw the station through the window.

"I knew you'd like it Ryan, Himeko will take us there, there's a station where we can stop the Express, and don't worry, it's possible to breathe inside." Welt smiled a bit at Ryan's reaction.

The Express slowly approached the station, entering into a small tunnel before stopping in a small train station, some time after stopping, Himeko came into the Parlor's car.

"And here we are, March, Dan Heng, you two go and speak with Asta and Herta, Welt and I will stay here at the Express for now" She spoke as she calmly walked to s couch and sat on it.

"I have to go too?" Ryan asked a bit curious, but a little excited too.

"Yes, you still haven't recovered completely, and if the entity that brought you here did something else to you, then we need to know what, people in the station can help with that." Welt explained as he looked towards Ryan. "Don't worry too much, they will treat you well"

"There are a lot o good people, and a small dog! Peppy, he's so cute!" March smiled as she started to slowly walk.

"Let's go Ryan, the station is big but not that hard to navigate" Dan Heng spoke softly as he started to follow March.

"Coming" he followed both of them before giving a small glance towards Welt an Himeko "see you later, Mr.Yang, Miss Himeko." He bowed a bit before again following Dan Heng and March.

As the trio left the Express, Welt sighed a bit, he had a few concerns in his mind, the boy had left family and friends behind, people that he was sure he loved with all his heart, now he was alone, he was hiding a lot of things for himself, and he realized.

"You're worried about him" Himeko stated with a small smile.

"Yes, he's...hiding a lot of things"

"I have my concerns too..." She gave a small sip to a cup of coffee. "He spoke about a 'Special Someone' that could help him go know what his words imply, right?"

"That he knows of someone strong enough to travel through dimensions...probably one of those gods he spoke about, he said something about a God of Destiny..." Welt frowned a bit and sighed. "But he also said, that if that god didn't do anything to stop that entity...then it's because he has no longer a place in his world, he was fated to die right there, if he goes back...what would happen to him?"

"I don't know...we shouldn't expect a crazy god from another dimension to come and kill us all, right?" Himeko spoke a bit tired giving the coffee another sip.

"I...hope not"

Outside of the Express, already a bit far away, Ryan walked alongside March and Dan Heng.

"So..." Ryan started to talk. "How did you two join the Express?"

"Well, My case was something similar to yours! I was found in a desert planet, completely frozen inside of Ice, when they saved me I...had lost all my memories, I can't remember anything from before I was trapped in Ice." March spoke a bit excited though she calmed a bit when speaking about her lost memories.

"I see... that must be...stressful"

"Not really! I mean...It was at first but I got used to it pretty quick and made my decision, I might not remember who I was but who I am now is more important, that's part of the reason why I take my camera with me always" smiling she grabbed her blue camera showing it to Ryan. "I use it to take photos as memories from all my travels"

"To...take photos?" Ryan looked a bit confused.

"You don't have these in your world? Come here! You too Dan Heng!"

Smiling she grabbed Ryan's shoulder pulling him close to her and then grabbed Dan Heng hugging him with her arm and then taking a quick photo, the flash making Ryan blink a bit, quickly March grabbed the photo that came out of the camera and waved it a bit...seeing it she chuckled.

"He~ you blinked" she grinned a bit showing the picture to Ryan "you can keep this one!"

Ryan slowly grabbed the photo and looked both amazed and curious "thanks March, I'll be sure to keep it safe" he smiled and put and the photo inside of his Kimono. "And what about you, Dan Heng? How did you join the Express?"

"That's...a bit of a personal theme, I prefer to not talk about it" Dan Heng replied a bit uncomfortable.

"Uh...sorry, Dan Heng"

"No need to be sorry, it's just that I prefer to not focus past" he sighed a bit and started to walk.

"Uh...looks like I'm not the only one hiding a past...but he doesn't seem like a bad guy" he looked towards Dan Heng still a bit ashamed but then walked alongside him.

"Don't be ashamed Ryan, I don't really know too much about him either...neither do Miss Himeko and Mr.Yang I think" March rubbed her chin a bit.

"Wait...there's something wrong here" Dan Heng stopped walking. "There... should be more people here but I don't see anyone."

"You're right it's...weird, and a bit creepy" March looked around them a bit worried.

Ryan looked slightly up, his refined ear getting to hear something, a sound which he could just not describe in a single word.

"I...hear something"

"Uh? I don't hear anything" March looked a bit curious at Ryan.

"It comes from up there..."

Ryan pointed towards a room that was after going up a ramp, Dan Heng frowned a bit and walked starting to go up the ramp alongside March and Ryan, after a few seconds he also hard the sound Ryan spoke was an alarm.

Dan Heng quickly started to run "it's an alarm! There're problems in the station!"

"W-what?!" March quickly summoned her bow and ran behind Dan Heng.

"What Is an Alarm? Is it something bad?"

Those thoughts ran through Ryan's head and he drove his right hand to unsheathe his Katan-...oh right he had lost his weapon, he shook his head and quickly followed March and Dan Heng, the three of them reaching the door of the room he heard the alarm come from, the door opened automatically and on the other side there were a few humanoid beings, they had black full body armor, and held golden blades in their arms.

"Uh...what are those things?" Ryan looked a bit curious.

"Antimatter Legion!" Dan Heng spoke and summoned his spear.

The two monsters (Reaver's) saw the trio and immediately ran towards them, March quickly shoot three arrows while Dan Heng ran towards them, one of the Reaver's dodged two arrows but the third one hit him on the leg, freezing it to the ground making it unable to keep going while Dan Heng clashed his spear against the blades of the second Reaver.

"Ryan! Stay close to us, they are dange-"

Before she could finish her sentence, a white blur rushed by her, Ryan had zoomed past her, he grabbed the head of the Reaver that was frozen to the ground with his right hand and the inertia and speed made him keep going, ripping the leg of the reaper off the ground and then smashing its head against a wall, he then quickly gave a small step back and waved his hand upwards making an Ice Spike come out of the ground piercing the Reaver's stomach.

At the same time, Dan Heng quickly forced the Reaver's blades up and then stabbed its chest 3 times before hitting the head of the Reaver with the blunt side of the spear throwing it away.

Both Reaver's disappeared in a small purple void that sucked them in before disappearing, March sighed a bit relieved and got close to both Dan Heng and Ryan.

"Ryan! Are you okay? You were...very fast" March seemed a bit amazed.

"U-uh...yeah, I get that quite a lot" Ryan smiled a bit nervously.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt or something?" Dan Heng asked a bit concerned.

"No, I'm fine, no need to worry about me, I just have to not force myself too much."

"That Ice thing was COOL...get it?" March smiled but Dan Heng and Ryan simply deadpanned at her. "Okay I get it, not the moment, how did you do that, Ryan?"

"It's...just some simple magic, nothing too serious"

"We need to keep going, if the Antimatter Legion is here then people might be in danger" Dan Heng quickly started to run and both March and Ryan followed him.

"Who are these guys anyways?"

"The Antimatter Legion are followers of the Aeon of Destruction, Nanook, they act as his army and want nothing but to destroy absolutely everything, just like their Aeon" Dan Heng replied a bit concerned about them being in the station.

"Then just the average God of my world...but they actually take action? Interesting..." Ryan thought both curious and concerned about the information he just got about the Aeon.

"We have to find any scientist or normal person and take them to safety! The Antimatter Legion could be anywhere all cross the station" Dan Heng spoke as they kept running.

While they ran, Ryan looked slightly to the side, seeing two persons walking through one of the halls though he quickly lost sight of them...but something seemed off about them, they didn't seem to be alerted at all.

"Let's separate!" Ryan spoke as he stopped running. "I'll go search that way, you guys search around here"

"Ryan are you sure? You haven't recovered yet, and you don't know the place" Dan Heng spoke a bit concerned.

"Yes I'll be fine, don't worry, I can defend myself and I'll ask for directions"

"Please be careful Ryan" March also looked concerned but then nodded her head.

"I'll join you two later, promise" Ryan smiled and then both Dan Heng and March kept running through the Hall.

He frowned a bit and turned around the corner they were in, he ran across a small bridge and entered into the other Hall, following the route that he saw the two persons walk by, he soon found them, and stopped a bit away from them.

"Hey! Are you two okay?" He asked while looking at both of them.


The first one was a short girl with white hair and silver eyes, while the second one was a woman with purple hair and pink eyes.

"Who's this?" Kafka mused slightly curious while looking at Ryan.

"Who cares? He's not in Elio's script, just kill him" SilverWolf turned around and started to walk away.

Kafka simply shrugged and took out one of her guns shooting quickly towards Ryan who barely got time to react and waved his hand lifting up a walk of Ice barely getting to block all the shots, The purple haired woman looked a bit surprised and stopped shooting, letting Ryan put down the wall, now a bit serious.

"Can I suppose that you two are with the Antimatter Legion?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"With the Antimatter Legion? Don't you know who we are?" Kafka tilted her head to the side. "We are the Stellaron Hunters~"

"...what's a Stellaron?"

Kafka blinked a bit but then looked at SilverWolf "are you sure there's nothing about this boy in Elio's script? He seems too...weird to be skipped by Elio"

"Ugh! We both memorized the script, if he doesn't appear then he doesn't matter"

This time SilverWolf opened the virtual screen on her wrist and pressed it some times, making a Rubik's cube appear above Ryan and falling on him, but this time he quickly reacted and dashes to the side dodging it.

"Hmmm...he's good" SilverWolf looked towards Ryan and closed the virtual screen.

"You two attacked me...I guess I have to defend myself, I don't think you're from the station either" Ryan narrowed his eyes looking at both of them.

"You're right~ we're hated and scary criminals" The older woman smiled.

Ryan frowned a bit at her words but then sighed calming himself a bit, he opened his right hand and a glowing blue katana made of energy appeared on his palm, he grabbed the sword tightly with his hand, Kafka narrowed her eyes a bit and her expression turned a bit more serious.

"SilverWolf...we have to be careful"

"What? He's just some noo-" she stopped when she looked at Kafka's expression. "Fine..."

Ryan zoomed towards them and Kafka did the same, summoning her Katana she clashed hers against his, as soon as their blades collided Kafka looked at her sword, Ryan's katana was slowly cutting the edge of her own...she frowned and gave a few steps back separating from the boy.

"His Katana is sharper than mine? It could've splitted it in half if I didn't separated" She narrowed her eyes while looking at Ryan "boy...what's your name~?" She put on a smile.

He narrowed his eyes but then replied "my name is Ace..."

"Well then Ace, sorry for leaving you hanging but we can't waste time~"

Kafka did a quick movement with her hand and some glowing pink strings came out of the ground around Ryan trying to grab him, he clicked his tongue and quickly cut the strings witg the ethereal Katana but when he looked again a Kafka, a grenade was in front of him, as soon as it exploded he covered himself with his arms, the explosión sent him flying backwards and rolling on the ground, he slowly got on one knee, feeling some pain around his body he looked at the bandages around his left arm, most of them completely burned, he grabbed the remains and ripped them off, leaving his arm bleed and show how the skin hadn't completely recovered yet, showing some of the inner muscles.

Ryan walked towards the cloud of smoke that the grenade left and with a quick movement from his Katana he dissipated it...not seeing Kafka or SilverWolf.

"Great...I lost them...what the hell was that thing that exploded anyways?!"

Ryan drove his right hand to his left arm, a golden glow covered his right hand as he started to heal himself with magic, as he kept healing himself, he started to walk quickly around the station, trying to either find again those two Stellaron Hunters or anyone from the station, after a few minutes his magic stopped working, he frowned a bit looking at his left arm still bleeding a bit, but clearly better from before.


He looked to the side and looked at March and Dan Heng running towards him.

"See? I told you I would join you two again" Ryan smiled towards both of them.

"Y-your arm!" March worryingly looked at the wounded arm of the boy.

"What happened to the bandages?"

"I found two women, they called themselves 'Stellaron Hunters' one of them threw something that exploded and it burnt the bandages..." He explained sighing a bit.

"You fought 2 Stellaron Hunters?!" March grabbed his shoulders "okay okay I get it's not your didn't know them, you escaped"

"No, they did, I couldn't get them, sorry."

"No need to Apologize Ryan, they are...very hard to follow, for now let's keep searching for survivors." Dan Heng gave him a small pat on the back. "March and I received coordinates, it was from an unknown and now unavailable number, but they spoke about someone unconscious"

"Okay, I'll accompany you to those coordinates let's go" Ryan spoke a bit confused "coordinates from an unknown...number? What do they mean with 'number'?"

As they again started to run around the station, they also found a few member of the Antimatter Legion, but they quickly dealt with them, after a few minutes they reached a room which had a holographic screen with a hole in it.

"That's...a glowing wall?" Ryan blinked a bit

"It's an holographic screen" Dan Heng corrected as they walked towards the screen.

"Olografic?" The white-haired seemed to struggle a bit.

"It's Holograph-" March was about to correct this time but she stopped when they went across the hole in the screen. "That's the person!"

The three of them quickly went to the person unconscious on the ground and inspected them.

It was a young girl with medium length grey hair, she wore a short-sleeved white shirt and a black jacket with golden details, she had a black skirt that reached her thighs and a pair of black shoes besides black gloves on her hands.

Ryan quickly put two fingers on her neck. "She's alive, just unconscious"

"But where's the one who sent the coordinates?" Dan Heng looked around

"We'll think about that later, Dan Heng give her mouth to mouth" March quickly looked at the mentioned.

"Why don't you do it?" He deadpanned

"I-I don't know how to do it properly" she admitted a bit ashamed and then Dan Heng looked at Ryan.

"I don't know what is 'mouth to mouth'..."

"Fine...wait, she's waking up"

The three of them slowly leanes down to the girl, seeing how she slowly opened her eyes showing a pair of golden eyes...she let out a small grunt as she sat on the ground.

"Hey, can you hear me? Are you okay? Do you remember your name?" March asked a bit worried as she leaned slightly down to the girl that grunted a bit and took her head with one hand.

"My name... I'm Stelle"

★ ★

A/N: and that's it for today's chapter! Damn, I'm writing like crazy, didn't think I'd be writing this quickly lmao, anyways, Stelle is here, Ryan fought her mom and aunt and Dan Heng was about to give her mouth to mouth (I was really about to make that happen)

Anyways, Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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