/ Book&Literature / Harry Potter and the transmigrated twat

Harry Potter and the transmigrated twat Original

Harry Potter and the transmigrated twat

Book&Literature 43 Kapitel 1.0M Ansichten
Autor: THE_alpinism

4.38 (12 Bewertungen)

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


Death is but the next great adventure." :Said dumbledore calmly.

Robert should've known that death was too easy an escape. But even for him it was fucked up to be fictional character in a book.


General Audiences
  1. THE_alpinism
    THE_alpinism Beigetragen 83
  2. Brezer
    Brezer Beigetragen 16
  3. Jay_2095
    Jay_2095 Beigetragen 11

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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  • Qualität der Übersetzung
  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

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While the story was interesting, the grammar is awful. It reads like somebody trying to text but has a character limit for their cell phone plan. Not only that, but the premise kinda killed it for me. Neville being the Boy-Who-Lived isn't terrible, but the Author decided to make the trio focus (Neville, Hermione, and Harry) similar to team 7 in Naruto. Neville has crazy amounts of power, Hermione is the talented one, and Harry just has control. Author really made his version of Harry turn into Sakura, which explains all the monologues and sass. It was all Harry's CHA moments.

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okay I will list all the key things in this fanfic:- 1) writing quality :- it isn't the best of the best,if you expect very edited perfect grammar writing then this isn't ,it almost feels like you are messaging someone but not bad enough to be considered bad webnovel is full of obnoxious writing so this is average i guess 2) character:- now this is where I was surprised,mc is a cautious one, he has a good humour(finally),he also has flaws which I am thankful for cuz nobody likes perfect mc aka Mary Sue. he feels like a normal adult just put down in Harry Potter . 3)story:- the plot is good if you read ahead you will feel like the fic has many plot holes but later the author fills it by giving information. whole idea is not new but it's around mc and almost feels like an AU which the author said it's not. 4):-updating stability:- it's just the starting author proves it by giving us chapters 4-5 per week minimum idk how long it will go.... fyi this a a neutral review feel free to point out the wrong facts

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is 300k views and 1k collection in one month good or average???

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The mcs personality is great. It is funny.

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A lot of people are turned off by the obnoxious writing in the first couple chapters but honestly it was not that bad to me. it is a little obnoxious in the beginning but gets better a few chapters in. I like the character interactions so far (as of chapter 25), as it isn’t cringe. I honestly have a hard time conveying other good points without sounding biased, so I’ll just leave it there.

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really nice ,,i liked the mc personality and the mentality he goes by 🔥🔥🔥🔥

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One of the better Harry Potter fics I've read. The MC is entertaining, the flow of the story is good. My problem is the external part of the writing, please download some grammar correcting application or just get a beta reader because sole of these paragraphs are barely legible.

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The grammar is abysmal. The story has no purpose. Infrequent updates are also a big factor.

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This some gud sh Mc is super likable and quite funny The grammar is good Over all the book is a must read

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One of the best HP fanfics around it is worth spending a good hour to read it (I read very fast) I hope you check this story out if your going thru the reviews for quality control

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GOOD interesting GOOD interesting GOOD interesting GOOD interesting GOOD interesting GOOD interesting GOOD interesting GOOD interesting GOOD interesting

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Please don't drop; This is very interesting.

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Autor THE_alpinism