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46.15% Harry Potter - Carry On Wayward Son / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: I Wear This Crown of Thorns

Kapitel 12: Chapter 12: I Wear This Crown of Thorns

February 17th, 2010 (1)

It has been a few months since Harry last met the Winchesters. In keeping with his promise, the child had maintained his distance from them. He still worked in ensuring that Lucifer wouldn't get his claws on Sam, but he has been elusive since their initial meeting in Carthage. Even with the efforts of Crowley and Gabriel, Harry was having a hard time keeping track of the fallen angel's plans, stopping whichever he could make to in time.

The Winchesters weren't doing any better. The Wraith in Oklahoma was making Sam question why he was always angry and blamed everyone but himself for what happened with Lilith. (2)

The "Freaky Friday" episode in Massachusetts did ease the boy's tensions – although Sam still hated Gary for what he almost did with his body – but they still felt played and toyed with by the demons. (3)

The nail in the coffin occurred when Anna – the angel general who regained her grace – went all Glenn Close and tried to kill John and Mary back in 1978 to prevent Sam's birth (4). While the revelation that the Winchesters were direct descendants of Cain and Able – a fact Harry was already aware of through Gabriel, who already tried telling the boys – was not easy for them to take in. It seemed like 'Team Free-Will" were fighting an uphill battle.

Things were getting slightly better since the boys finally got the scent of Famine and were prepping for a confrontation…

The Biggerson's Restaurant was not a scene you expected to see just a few days after Valentine's Day.

Just how often do you see people laying around dead from overindulgence and intoxication – with one guy dead from dipping his hands in boiling oil for the fries – due to a Horseman?

Dean was dragged in the main dining room by the demon goons, expecting to see exactly what he smelled. He did not expect to see a decrepit old man on a ventilator sitting a teched-out wheelchair with a Secret Service look-alike agents surrounding him.

He also didn't expect to see his buddy Cass on the floor eating raw meat.

The withered husk of a man looked up, "The other Mr. Winchester."

Dean gestured at Castiel, still held by the demons, bleeding from the forehead, restrained. "What did you do to him?"

Famine was too sickly to wave his hand at the hungry angel,"You sicced your dog on me. I just threw him a steak."

"So this is your big trick? Huh? Making people cuckoo for cocoa puffs?"

Famine huffed in indignation, "Doesn't take much-hardly a push. Oh, America-all-you-can-eat, all the time. Consume, consume. A swarm of locusts in stretch pants. And yet, you're all still starving because hunger doesn't just come from the body, it also comes from the soul."

"It's funny, it doesn't seem to be coming from mine."

Famine gave Dean a judging look, "Yes. I noticed that. Have you wondered why that is? How you could even walk in my presence?"

Dean smiled smugly, almost unaware how many demons had their eyes on him, "Well, I like to think it's because of my strength of character."

"I disagree," Famine moved closer to Dean and touched him, digging his hand into the Hunter, eyes closed while Dean winced in pain,"Yes. I see. That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex."

Dean was already aware of all of this on some level, but Famine just confirmed it, "Oh, you're so full of crap."

"Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me! I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just... keep going through the motions. You're not hungry, Dean, because inside, you're already... dead."

"Let him go."

Famine turned, expecting to see Sam at the front door entrance, as he intended by sending his goons to get him from the motel.

He didn't expect to see a child standing there, angel blade in hand, covered in blood.

Famine was confused by this sight, "Who... where is the boy? Where is Sam?"

"Back in South Dakota with Mr. Singer," Harry looked past Famine to Dean, "I am sorry Dean, but he got to the 'snack' Famine send him before I arrived."

Dean took on a defeated expression, "Sammy, no…"

Famine just looked around, "No, no, NO! Where is my sweet little boy? I had all these demons prepared for him to consume!" Some demons flinched at the hearing of that, "He was prepared! He was the exception that proves the rule…"

Harry looked at the dagger in his hand, "You know, most people take note of the guy in front of him holding the weapon. You don't usually see them ranting about their grand plans being foiled by a simple little nine-year-old kid."

Dean regained his smugness, but fear was still on his face, "Yeah, right…"

Famine looked at the two demons closest to the boy, "Get him! Get the child!"

As two agents ran toward Harry, two gunshots rang out, followed by two dropping bodies.

While Famine gawked at the sight of what happened, Harry just twirled around a customized Smith & Wesson Model 29 – however incredible the sight was, seeing how large the 'Dirty Harry' gun was to his hands.

"Evil Overlord Rule 75 - I will instruct my Legion of Terror to attack the hero en masse, instead of standing around waiting while members to break off and attack one or two at a time. Also, never bring fists to a gun fight." (5)

Harry stopped spinning the gun around, putting it and the dagger away, "Seriously, you are the Horseman of Famine. You are supposed to be the epitome of evil – not its cliches."

Famine looked at the child again, "You…what are you?"

Harry gave the old man a surprised look, "Seriously? Did Lucifer not tell you? Wow, I guess he is just using you guys rather than working with you. But seeing as how you are the weakest Horseman, that is expected."

Dean looked up in confusion, "What are you talking about Harry?"

Famine was enraged while Harry started explaining, "You see Dean, the Horsemen personified the four prime concepts that drive the Apocalypse – War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. War is always free since violence and rage are always present in the world. The others do require a ritual to summon them – especially Death – but they are directly proportional in power to their presence. Death has only grown in power over the ages, especially with a growing population of humans and such, and Pestilence followed suit with the advancement of medical knowledge, genetic manipulation, and drug-resistant sicknesses. Famine, however, is a different story."

Harry paused to give Famine an evil smile, "Look at him, so decrepit and old, can't even get around without his lower-level demons serving as his aides and backup food supply. He may be present in parts of the world, but massive agricultural improvements have kicked his ass into essential nonexistence." (6)

Famine was furious, "I AM THE HORSEMAN OF FAMINE!"

Harry laughed, waving his hands, "You are in the land of overindulgence! Did you expect your presence to leave any kind of impact?"

Harry rolled up his sleeves, "Now how about you be a good little evil entity and give me your ring and the Winchester."

"Or what?"

Harry finished preparing himself, "Dean, if you would be so kind, can you please close your eyes? I rather not have you see what I am about to do?"

"Don' t need to tell me twice." Dean quickly closed his eyes as tightly as he could. "What about Castiel?"

Harry looked at the still eating angel, "He will be fine – mostly…"

Famine was fuming – he hated being ignored, "YOU ARE A CHILD! WHAT CAN YOU DO TO A HORSEMAN?"

Harry looked at the man, activating the Sight, his eyes becoming black, "How about I kill you?"

All that could be heard from outside were screams, and all that could be seen was – in all strangeness – the darkest light imagined. (7)

Bobby's basement – Later

Castiel and Dean stand outside the metal door. In the panic room - Sam screamed, "Let me out of here, please! Help!"

Castiel saw the pained look on Deans face, "That's not him in there. Not really."

Dean nodded, taking another sip of the bottle, "I know."

"Dean, Sam just has to get it out of his system. Then he'll be…"

Dean shook his head, "Listen, I just, uh...I just need to get some air."

Before Dean left to enter the scrapyard, "Did you see what Harry did to kill Famine?"

Castiel looked up, "He didn't kill the Horseman – he just scattered his essence. As long as the force that represents them exists, they can always return one day in the future. The time in the future is determined by how much of their concept is left. And no – I was not in my right mind at the time. I have no recollection of what occurred after I entered the food establishment. My memory begins immediately after you and I were teleported back to this house by Harry. He then gave Bobby a ring and told us he removed the blood from Sam, but the damage has been done."

Dean took another sip of his bottle, "If he was watching us all this time, why didn't he stop the demons from getting to Sam?"

"He promised us that he would keep his distance from us – I can only deduce that Sam crossing the line and drinking blood again left him no choice."

"So, what? Did he expect me to be able to stop Famine on my own with five other demons in the room?"

Castiel looked down, "I don't know what the boy expected to occur. But if that were what would have occurred, he would have interfered one way or another. Maybe he arrived at your motel room too late and couldn't stop Sam from drinking. Perhaps he was too preoccupied with hindering Lucifer to get to us in time."

Dean gave the angel a look, "You do trust him, don't you?"

"While it goes against everything I should believe, the child has kept his word. He truly is doing everything in his power to make sure the Apocalypse doesn't happen – so yes Dean, I trust him. I believe him for as long as I can, given the situation we are in."

February 26th, 2010

The raising of Death – or the actions of Lucifer – have caused the dead to rise in Bobby's hometown of Sioux Falls, South Dakota (8). Bobby – and Sheriff Jody Mills – tried to prevent the Winchester's from killing the zombies as they were their loved ones. Unfortunately, as the zombies turned savage, Bobby had no choice but to kill his wife Karen for the second time. The dead were put to rest in a pyre, but Bobby made a separate one for his wife…

Outside Bobby's Salvage Yard, Sam and Dean join Bobby in front of the funeral pyre.

"So, thinking maybe I should apologize for losing my head back there."

Sam was first to speak, "Bobby, you don't owe us anything."

Dean put his hand on Bobby's shoulder, "Hey, look, I don't know squat from Shinola about love, but... At least you got to spend five days with her, right?"

Bobby became even more somber, "Right. Which makes things about a thousand times worse. She was the love of my life. How many times do I got to kill her?"

Sam twisted his lips, realizing they made a misstep, "Are you gonna be okay, Bobby?"

The old man nodded, "You boys should know... Karen told me why Death was here."

"What do you mean?"

"I know why he took a stroll through a cemetery in the sticks of South Dakota. He came for me."

Dean took charge of the conversation, "What do you mean, you?"

"Death came for me. He brought Karen back to send me a message."

Dean incredulously looked at Bobby, "You? Why you?"

"Because I've been helping you, you sons of bitches. I'm one of the reasons you're still saying no to Lucifer, Sam."

"So this was like a hit on your life?"

"I don't know if they wanted to take my life or... my spirit. Either way, they wanted me out of the way."

A voice spoke from behind them, "That is bull and you know it, you idjit."

The Winchesters and Bobby turned around as quickly as they could to notice Harry approach them – all in black – caring an odd ceramic jug.

Dean was first to ask, "What are you talking about? And where were you?"

Harry approached the fire, about to pour something on it, "In case you are wondering, this is special holy oil – Heaven can't exactly take in a soul that has been desecrated like this. Do I have your permission, Mr. Singer?"

Bobby had nodded before Harry continued. As he added the solution, the fire took on an odd glow, "I did the same to the other pyre, but… this is your wife and everything."

Dean nodded, "You didn't answer my question."

Harry sighed as he approached the Winchesters, "You were right, Mr. Singer – as usual. It wasn't Death's intention to do so. You see, Death is bound to serve Lucifer for as long as he has the power to do so."

Bobby slowly rolled up, "What do you mean?"

Harry put his hands in his pockets, "I don't know the full details, but Lucifer used some spell to bind Death into his service. Otherwise, the guy wouldn't have raised the dead – that's not his thing. And to answer your question Dean, I couldn't approach this town while Death was going through – he would have noticed me."

Sam looked confused, "Don't the Horsemen already know about you?"

Hary chuckled, "That's precisely the point – Lucifer may have told them to watch out for me, but I seriously doubt he told them how I looked or how to locate my magic. He is an arrogant prick who doesn't pay attention to such things – I mean, we mortals are insects to him."

"Sounds like you were just afraid." interjected Dean.

"Wouldn't you be? This is Death, the strongest of the Horseman and most likely the oldest being in all of creation. Heck, he was probably the third thing made, right after the Earth and Adam."

Bobby looked at Harry, "You have a plan to get his ring?"

Harry rubbed his neck, "I am working on it, but we probably won't need it – he will undoubtedly just give it to you guys without a fight."

Dean looked at the wizard, "Are you that sure?"

Harry looked down before answering, "I got to have faith that I am."

March 5th, 2010

The Winchesters were killed – not for the first time – but now were now in the opportune moment to get to the Garden of Heaven to speak with Joshua, one who God talks to (9). While Zachariah did try to stop them from reaching the Garden via 'Axis Mundi' - the road through Heaven to the Garden – the Winchesters were saved by the intervention of Ash, a friend of Ellen and Jo who died before them in the Roadhouse, the bar they owned. While Zachariah did capture them and prepared to torture Dean so that he would accept Michael, a timely intervention of Joshua prevent him – or risk warranting God's wrath. It didn't end well for the Winchesters either, as their conversation with Joshua revealed some ugly truths. Joshua told Sam and Dean that God is well aware of their predicament, and that it was God who saved them when Lucifer rose, and resurrected Castiel, and has now given them salvation. Joshua says that God is on Earth, but that no amulet will help to find him. God, he said, doesn't want to intervene anymore in the Apocalypse, and He doesn't want them to either. Joshua returned Sam and Dean to Earth, with their memories of what they have learned intact. Castiel was devastated by the news of God's apathy, and returned the amulet to Dean before leaving. As Sam tried to offer hope to Dean that they can still defeat Lucifer, Dean left the motel room - dropping the amulet in the wastebasket as he did so.

Dean and Sam were driving in the Impala down the highway at night when they got a call. Dean checked the screen – unknown number. He looked at Sam, who shrugged and allowed him to answer.

"Yeah, whose calling?"

"Put me on speaker."

Dean raised his brow in recognition of the voice. He put the phone on the hangar before continuing, "Should I even ask how you got this number, Harry?"

The voice chuckled, "You would think you would know by now that I have my ways."

Sam nodded, "Why are calling us so late?"

"Because I got two things to say to you – one from me, and one from Ash."

"How did you…"

"I have my ways. Now first, from Ash. He wanted me to address something he mentioned to you about how Heaven works – about the 100 billion individuals are in Heaven. He wanted me to specify that religion is not the deciding factor for afterlife destinations – it's why about only 5% of people naturally go to Hell. Good news for you guys and all. However, since angels aren't made from humans like demons are, Hell always has a larger army compared to Heaven. It's the age old argument of quantity against quality, but even Heaven is susceptible to attrition. So while Heaven has more souls to use as energy, it's not like they will – unlike demons. Pass that on to Castiel when you get the time."

Dean had to agree with Harry regarding that point. No matter how strong an enemy, large numbers – like water – will weather any obstacle. "Okay, thanks – I guess. What's your message?"

"Roy and Walt have been dealt with. Their bodies will be found a few states over in a botched robbery attempt – on their part."

Dean got surprised, "They only killed us a few hours ago…"

"And I killed them soon afterward. Better then you getting your hands on them – at least I showed them mercy."

Sam chuckled while looking at a conflicted Dean, "He has a point."

Dean checked the road, 'Did they at least know that you killed them because of me?"

"They got the message – Crowley will rub it in just in case."

"I thought you said only 5% of people go to Hell."

"Only 5% NATURALLY go to Hell. But with demons and the contracts and the like, the number is actually much higher." (10)

March 20th, 2010.

Dean and Sam got involved with a group of survivalist in Blue Earth, Minnesota, who have managed to fight off demons thanks to the aide of their prophet, Leah Gideon (11). Unfortunately, due to the messages and rules she has laid down for the people, the Winchesters got worried and called in Castiel, who revealed that she is, in fact, the Whore of Babylon, a creature that manifests during the Apocalypse with the sole purpose of damning humans to Hell. Castiel explains that she can only be killed with a cypress branch wielded by a true servant of Heaven. The boys logically assume that Pastor Gideon is the only one who fits the bill and succeed in convincing him to kill his daughter's impostor, who is at that moment about to burn the "sinners" alive, including innocent children. Then her father fails, Dean kills her instantly, making Sam realize that Dean is considering saying "yes" to Michael, but Dean claims otherwise. However, Dean drives off to visit Lisa Braeden – the women who he believes fathered his son and his one love. He told her that, in an ideal world, he would want nothing more than to live in peace with her and Ben, but knows that this is impossible. He warned her that in the future, things are going to get really bad, but not to worry, because the people he is going to see next will not get anything from him unless they promise to make arrangements for their safety. Dean does not explain his intentions but heavily implies his desire to accept Michael's proposal.

Dean checked his phone as he approached his Impala. He had a long talk with Lisa, but he doubted she understood his message. Maybe he needed an ear to hear him out, maybe he just needed to vent to someone, it didn't matter.

It did matter when he saw Harry lean on his car, wearing a jacket similar to Dean's.

Dean snickered, "What are you, my guardian angel or something? You go wherever I go?"

Harry smiled, taking out a bottle of beer for Dean, "Something for your thoughts – from your personal guardian DEMON, if anything fits."

Dean smile faltered, but he reached for the beer anyway. Harry waited while the older Hunter drank his sorrow away. As Dean finished, he finally started the conversation, "So you heard about how I was able to kill the Whore, didn't you?"

Harry nodded, "I want to say that it is because you are a righteous man, but yeah… some part of you – a large enough part – wants to say 'yes' to Michael."

Dean nodded, "Yeah. How far the mighty have fallen, isn't it? All we are trying to do is bring about world peace, but I will have to sell my soul to do so."

Harry outright laughed, "I believe it was Leonard Nimoy who said that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. But seriously, who are you kidding? You just wanted to end the Apocalypse to save your family."

Dean looked at Harry, "Same for you?"

The boy nodded while Dean continued, "So how is it that a nine-year-old grew big enough cajones to mess with the likes of angels and demons? Always seemed somewhat odd to me – makes you look like Damien Thorne."

"We are quoting 'The Omen' now, aren't we?"

Harry gave Dean a look, but the Hunter didn't break. Harry sighed befoe continuing, "When you think about it, we aren't so different. We want to save our respective families from the Apocalypse, and we are willing to do whatever it takes to do so. We both gave away our souls one way or another. Our only difference is that you had a chance for a childhood – no matter how dangerous it was. Me, I didn't have that option. My first six years of life were unspeakable, I killed my last remaining relative the moment I was given a chance, and I spend the next few years training myself so that I would never be that sniveling broken child hiding underneath the stairs from those bigger and stronger than me."

Dean stared silently as Harry continued, "The worst part is that it's probably all a big farce on my part – a show of bravado. I feel it every time I take a life – it isn't in my nature to end someone's being. Doesn't mean I won't do it, I have no qualms regarding that – just feels wrong. You don't have that problem Dean. You are the righteous man – your judgment is absolute. Whatever guilt you may have for your actions – it doesn't haunt you like it does me or the likes of Sam."

Dean was about to interrupt, but Harry continued, "Oh sure, you make a scene out of it from time to time, pretending to drink your problems away and losing your worries with the girls but that's just a show for Sam. No, you don't feel it gnaw away at you since you truly believe your actions are justified. Sure, you have your bad days, but you get over them eventually. I mean, you and Sam have killed supernatural beings of true malice, but you have taken a human life or two. Sam never seems to forget that yet you just seem to compartmentalize it all. And yes, Famine claimed that your soul is an empty void. The thing is, souls grow back and everyone has a chance for redemption."

Dean gave Harry an odd look, "Yeah, it's an odd thing to hear from the likes of me. But that is one the main tenants of religion, isn't it? The chance to make up and be forgiven for your sins?"

Dean just looked at Harry in confusion, but the child went on, forcing a smile, "You and Sam always redeem yourself whenever you save a life or kill a being of evil. So no matter what sins you do carry out – like credit card and medical insurance fraud – in the end, you always come out positive. Me, I don't have that choice, not even with Gabriel at my side – he got rid of that option before human recorded history. I mean, even if I do have a hand in preventing the Apocalypse, you four will get the credit – well, three, if Bobby isn't there."

Harry just laughed more, "God, I wish I was old enough to drink. Its days like these that I feel it gnawing at me. You know I had to attack an angel outpost on Earth so that there would be fewer guards while you two were in Heaven? I had to kill two angels – which I don't care about… but that also means I killed two humans who gave up their lives by saying 'yes' to them (12). Using a vessel is such an irony – humans have to give up the one thing that made them unique to God to use one of his agents. Makes you think, what is free-will actually worth if both angels and demons fight for it more then the soul?"

The child – as Dean finally saw him for what he was – leaned on the Impala, "Guess I needed to vent today as well. You are the closest thing to a saint walking on this planet that I know of, so I suppose this counts as a confession."

Dean waited before opening the front seat door for Harry, indicating for him to sit in. After he had done so, Dean sat in the driver seat. Dean turned on the lights but not the car, "Think of this Impala as a confessional – just without the wooden partition."

Harry realized what Dean wanted, but Dean held up his hand, "You know, Crowley and Gabriel – and you, I guess - have joked on and off that you do things behind our backs so we can carry out our 'assignments.' Never really given it much thought – I mean, Castiel never says anything, even when he still worked for the angels. But… seeing you back in the diner, and this," Dean waved his hand, "Can't help but feel that you are trying to carry the sins of humanity on your shoulders."

Harry looked at his fidgeting hands, while Dean finished his beer, "Maybe you should share some of that weight, like with someone who can deal with the guilt and hear you out. I mean, I always considered this Impala to be my personal church if that helps."

Harry looked Dean, some semblance of peace finally appearing on the child, his shoulders slouching. Dean watched as Harry made the Sign of the Cross – the Hunter noting the irony of a demon-like child doing so – before he spoke, "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was… never. I am not a religious man, but I have sinned… I have sinned so much..."

Harry leaned forward, putting his head in his hands, but Dean just put his hand on the child's shoulder, "Take your time, we have all night."

Harry nodded slowly, "My first sin - if it counts - was in August of 2006… when I killed my aunt and her family…"

March 25th, 2010 (13)

Zachariah got another chance to get Michael's vessel to say 'yes,' so he resurrected Adam Milligan to take Dean's place, seeing as they share the same father. The Winchester's try to convince him otherwise, but the angels have given up on Dean and promised Adam the resurrection of his mother. Adam manages to escape and get to Zachariah in Van Nuys, California, but the Winchesters and Castiel follow them to the Green Room. Adam, after his surprise that Dean came for him, tells him it is a trap. Zachariah appears, and Sam tries to stab him from behind, but Zachariah makes him and Adam fall to the floor and cough up blood. Dean asks him to stop and says he will in exchange for Dean saying 'yes.' Zachariah calls Michael down from Heaven with an Enochian chant, but Dean says that he has some conditions - including Michael wasting Zachariah. After sharing a look with Sam, Dean stabs Zachariah through the mouth with an Angel Killing Sword, finally killing him. He gets Adam up and rushes to help Sam before Michael arrives. But as soon as Sam and Dean pass the threshold, the door slams shut, locking Adam in, to Dean's horror. Back on the road, Sam asks Dean why he changed his mind about saying 'yes.' Dean explained that Sam had faith in him, and he couldn't let Sam down. Also, he tells him how his talk with Harry made him reconsider fate and destiny. As such, Dean agrees to screw destiny, and they will keep on fighting.

March 29th, 2010 (14)

The Winchester's get stuck in the Elysian Fields Hotel in Muncie, Indiana, by a group of gods, made of Kali, Baldur, Baron Samedi, Ganesh, Odin, Mercury, and Zao Shen. They wish to stop the Apocalypse and plan on using the vessels of Lucifer and Michael as bargaining chips benefit them greatly – especially since they have human hostages to prevent Dean and Sam from leaving. However, Gabriel turns up at the meeting, who the gods know as Loki and don't realize he is an archangel. While events transpire to save the hostages and break Kali's blood spell on the Winchesters, Lucifer arrives and kills most of the gods, when Gabriel intervenes…

Odin screamed outside the Grand Ballroom as Lucifer killed him, which was followed by an exploding Ganesh in a burst of blood and chunks of flesh. Lucifer then broke Baron Samedi's arm, somehow killing him through the sheer force of the action.

Sam, Dean, Kali, and Baldur heard it all, with Sam speaking, "It's him."

"How?" asked Kali before Dean interrupted, " Does it matter? Shazzam us outta here, would ya?"

"We can't," admitted Baldur.

Lucifer chuckled as he heard that statement, "Of course you can't. You didn't say 'mother, may I?' Sam, Dean, good to see you again."

Baldur started charging Lucifer while Kali tried to stop him, "Baldur, don't."

"You think you own the planet? What gives you the right?"

Baldur tried to confront Lucifer, but he stabbed him, ripping him apart from the inside with his bare hand, killing him in the end. Lucifer smiled, "No one gives us the right, we take it."

As Lucifer threw Baldur to the ground, Kali became enraged, engulfing her arms in fire which she threw at Lucifer, causing Sam and Dean to jump for cover behind an overturned table. The flames dissipated, revealing no damage to Lucifer's vessel, who went on to hit Kali with an uppercut to the chin, sending her flying.

Sam asked Gabriel, "You okay?"

"Not really. Better late than never, huh?" Gabriel hands Dean a copy of 'Casa Erotica #13' on DVD, "Guard this, with your life."

Lucifer was about to stomp on Kali but was blown back through the Grand Ballroom doors.

Gabriel stands, sword in hand, "Lucy, I'm home." He picks up Kali and tosses her to the Winchesters, "Guys! Get her outta here."

Lucifer stared in awe at his younger brother as the Winchesters escaped with Kali, "Over a girl. Gabriel, really? I mean I knew you were slumming, but I hope you didn't catch anything."

"Lucifer, you're my brother. And I love you. But you are a great big bag of dicks."

Lucifer was caught off-guard, "Wait, what did you just say to me?"

Gabriel pointed with his dagger, "Look at yourself! Boo hoo! Daddy was mean to me, so I'm gonna smash up all his toys."

Fury was on Lucifer's face, "Watch your tone."

"Play the victim all you want. But you and me? We know the truth. Dad loved you best. More than Michael, more than me. Then he brought the new baby home, and you couldn't handle it. So this is all just one big temper tantrum. Time to grow up."

"Gabriel, if you're doing this for Michael..."

"Screw him. If he were standing here, I'd shiv his ass too."

"You disloyal…"

Gabriel laughed, "Oh, I'm loyal. To them!"

"Who? These so called Gods?"

Gabriel spread his hands, "To people, Lucifer. People"

Lucifer smiled, "So you're willing to die, for a pile of cockroaches. Why?"

"Because Dad was right. They are better than us."

Again, the tempest of Lucifer's fury arose, "They are broken. Flawed! Abortions."

"Damn right they're flawed. But a lot of them try. To do better, to forgive. And you should see the Spearmint Rhino! (15) I've been riding the pine a long time. But I'm in the game now, and I'm not on your side, or Michael's. I'm on theirs. I am on my family's side."

"Brother, don't make me do this. I am your family – not these insects."

"No one makes us do anything. Or did you forget that humans have free-will? I think I discovered it as well, all my time among them and all. Being an uncle helped even more."

Lucifer looked at Gabriel confused, "An uncle, you?...The boy, he is yours, isn't he?"

Gabriel smiled, "He is such a nice little kid – but your actions have hardened him too much for my taste. No, he isn't a killer, not like me, not like the Winchesters. Harry was always meant to be a guardian – an agent of chaos sure, but a protector nonetheless. His actions to stop you are slowly breaking him and I can't allow that. It has to end, if not for humanity's sake, then for his…"

"I know you think you're doing the right thing, Gabriel. But I know where your heart truly lies."

Over Lucifer's shoulder, a second Gabriel comes up behind him. As he lunges forward, Lucifer catches his arm and stabs Gabriel's own sword into his chest.

"Here. Amateur hocus pocus. Don't forget, you learned all your tricks from me, little brother."

Lucifer jerks the blade in Gabriel's chest. In a burst of light, Gabriel dies, with a shadow of his wings burned into the floor.

After their escape, Sam and Dean played the DVD Gabriel gave Dean. In it, Gabriel tells them they may be able to re-imprison Lucifer, and that the keys to his cage are the rings of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, of which they already have from War and Famine.

Back at the hotel, however…

Harry walked through the Grand Ballroom, trying not to step on the blood of the dead gods. He did feel sorry for Baldur; he sought to redeem himself in the end. Others – not so much.

Harry walked up to Gabriel, who was still lying on the floor, unmoving since Lucifer killed him hours ago.

"You going to play dead much longer or do I have to kick you?"

Gabriel looked at Harry, shattering the illusion, and getting up. "Lucifer may have taught me everything he knew, but this is the rare case of the student surpassing the master."

Harry crossed his arms, "Just be glad the triple bluff worked and that Lucifer was too prideful and arrogant to check that you were actually dead."

Gabriel dusted himself off, "Did the Winchesters watch the DVD?"

"Yes. They got the information we found regarding his cage. You know, we didn't need to remove you from the game board to give them the information."

Gabriel shook his head, "We had no choice – if they had the information and Lucifer knew that I was on their side, he might have taken action to kill Dean and force Sam's hand."

Harry sighed, "I really hate these delay tactics, but I see your point. You realize you can never talk to those two ever again?"

"A small sacrifice to pay to ensure the end of the Apocalypse."

Harry nodded, giving Gabriel an envelope, "Crowley found some locations where Pestilence has been. We need a way to track him down."

Gabriel checked the locations, "Have you considered finding his stable boy?"

"Guess that's going to be your assignment. Feel like going undercover?"

Gabriel smiled, "Do you even need to ask the Trickster?"

April 14th, 2010

Sam and Dean tried to track down Pestilence by tracking down his operations to modify the Croatoan virus (16). They get called out east due to omens, but Crowley joined them in the Impala, admitting he is hiding since Lucifer knows he gave the Colt to the Winchesters in an attempt to kill him. Crowley revealed he had a magical coin planted in the Impala and had been tracking and eavesdropping on Sam and Dean for some time – even without Harry's aide. He knows a demon who works for the Horsemen and thinks they can get him to help them. As they get ready to go, Crowley refuses to let Sam come with them. Dean hesitates, but decides to go with Crowley to get the demon, as Sam has recently gotten the idea of saying 'yes' to Lucifer to force him into the cage. Bobby angrily dismisses the idea, saying they had just talked Dean out of consenting to possession by Michael. Crowley and Dean managed to capture the Horseman's stable boy – a man named Brady who went to college with Sam. Azazel had been concerned that Sam was losing his potential and so Brady introduced Sam to Jess and subsequently murdered her, with the plan that her death would drive Sam back to hunting. Events transpire until Brady finally revealed Pestilence's whereabouts and died by Sam's hands.

Bobby, on the other hand, kept trying to find out where Death would be. Crowley appears at Bobby's house and tells Bobby he can give him Death's whereabouts in exchange for Bobby's soul, temporarily. Crowley tells him that it will only be for a short while and that he will give Bobby back his soul.

April 15th, 2010

Dean and Sam travel to Davenport, Iowa in search of Pestilence. Dean and Sam locate him at a convalescent home killing patients, doctors, and nurses. As they get closer to the Horseman, they too become sick, and their sickness greatly escalates as they get closer to Pestilence due to the power of his ring. He is about to kill them when Castiel appeared, claiming that he was transported here by a bus, as he is now effectively human again since he had no power left since he was recharged by Harry. The Horseman verbally acknowledges that Castiel isn't a full angel anymore but in his desperation to defeat the Horseman, Castiel cuts off his ring-finger, effectively disabling his essential capabilities, weakening him enough to be killed by the angel.

Dean, Sam, and Castiel returned to Bobby's house with Pestilence's ring, where Bobby reveals that Chicago is going to be blown off the map by Death. They question where he got that information, forcing Crowley to appear and at his request, Bobby reveals that he sold his soul for Death's location. Dean and Sam are furious at Bobby, but Crowley admits that he pawned it instead.

A plan is set to split the group in two to deal with Death in Chicago and with Pestilence's 'swine flu' epidemic. Dean and Crowley will go to Death to make sure he doesn't blow up Illinois while Bobby, Sam, and Castiel will stop the virus outbreak. (17)

Speaking of which…

Outside Bobby's house, the crew is having their talk before Team B gets into the van to go to Niveus Pharmaceuticals Warehouse.

Bobby looked up Castiel from his wheelchair, "What's your problem?"

"This is what they mean by "the 11th hour," right?"

Bobby shrugged, "Pretty much."

"Well, it's the 11th hour, and I am useless. All I have is this," Castiel waves a shotgun, "What am I even supposed to do with it?

"Point it and shoot."

Castiel looked depressed, "What I used to be…"

Bobby glared at the angel, "Are you really gonna bitch - to me? Quit pining for the varsity years... And load the damn truck."

Dean walks in carrying the supplies to the van, "All right, well... Good luck stopping the whole zombie apocalypse."

Sam nodded, "Yeah. Good luck killing Death."


Sam looked on the van, smiling, "Remember when we used to just...hunt wendigos? How simple things were?"

"Not really."

Sam pulls out Ruby's knife, "Well, um... You might need this."

Crowley looked over Dean's shoulder, "Keep it."

Crowley quickly hands Dean a small scythe, "Dean's covered. Death's own. Kills, golly, demons and angels and reapers and, rumor has it, the very thing itself."

Castiel stared in awe, "How did you get that?"

"Hello - king of the crossroads."

Everyone just gave Crowley a look, before he finally succumbed to pressure, "Fine, Harry found it buried in some ancient temple in Greece."

Dean looked at the demon, "Greece? Why Greece?"

"It was a temple of Hades – the Greek God of Death and the Underworld."

"Ah, never mind then."

Crowley nodded, "So, shall we? Bobby, you just gonna sit there?"

Bobby scowled, "No, I'm gonna riverdance."

Crowley just snickered, "I suppose if you want to impress the ladies. Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. Really wasted that crossroads deal. Fact - you get more if you phrase it properly. So, I took the liberty of adding a teeny little sub-a clause on Harry's behalf – for a promise he made a long time ago. What can I say? I'm an altruist, and Harry does keep his promises. So… just gonna sit there?

As realization dawned upon the old man's face, Bobby slowly got out of his wheelchair, "Son of a bitch."

"Yes, I know. Completely worth your soul. I'm a hell of a guy."

Bobby was nearly speechless – nearly, "Thanks."

"This is getting maudlin. Can we go?"

Later, during the drive in Bobby's van

Castiel was pondering what he just heard from Sam, "'Yes' to Lucifer. Then jump in the hole. It's an interesting plan."

Bobby snarled from the front, "That's a word for it."

Sam went on, "So? Go ahead and tell me it's the worst plan you ever heard."

"Of course. I am happy to say that if that's what you want to hear. But it's not what I think."


Castiel nodded, "You and Dean have a habit of exceeding my expectations. He resisted Michael. Maybe you could resist Lucifer, but there are things that you would need to know."


"Michael has found another vessel."

Sam couldn't compute what was said, "What?"

The angel nodded, "It's your brother Adam. You must have considered it."

"We were trying not to."

There was discomfort in the air, but Castiel continued, "Sam... If you say yes to Lucifer and then fail... This fight will happen. And the collateral... It'll be immense. There's also the demon blood."

"What? What are you talking about?"

Castiel started doing the calculations, "To take in Lucifer, it would be more than you've ever drunk."

"But... Why?"

"It strengthens the vessel. Keeps it from exploding."

Sam started considering the implications, "But the guy he's in now…"

Castiel nodded, "He's drinking gallons."

Bobby whistled from the front, "And how is that not the worst plan you ever heard?"

While the trio was involved in their act of domestic terrorism at Niveus Pharmaceuticals, killing zombies, saving the non-infected, and destroying the 'vaccine' stored in the warehouse, Crowley and Dean were searching for Death. Eventually, Crowley managed to find him in a pizzeria somewhere downtown. All they had to do was find a pale 1959 Cadillac Coupe Deville. Why that one? Because it had a California license plate that read BUH*BYE.

Dean entered the pizzeria as quietly as he could. Death's back was to the door, eating something. As Dean approached Death, the scythe in his hand heated up. Dean winced in pain, dropping it. But instead of falling to the floor, it reappears on the table Death was sitting at.

Dean was screwed six ways to Hell – and he has already been there.

"Thanks for returning that. Join me, Dean. The pizza's delicious. Sit down. Took you long enough to find me. I've been wanting to talk to you."

Dean slowly approached the table, taking a good look at Death. Unlike his reapers – which are usually dressed as morticians – Death was dressed in a dark business suit. He had a steel-tipped cane and was very thin. He had overly large pupils that expanded like the sockets of a skull depending on his mood. He also had a British accent – it wasn't haughty either, just British.

If the Grim Reaper needed to be English, then this guy fit the bill.

Dean tried his best not to piss off Death, "I got to say - I have mixed feelings about that. S-so is this the part where... where you kill me?"

Death calmly looked up at Dean from the pizza slice he was cutting up – you can't exactly hand eat a deep dish pizza. "You have an inflated sense of your importance. To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky. This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that's barely out of its diapers. I'm old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you."

Death gestured to the Chicago pizza that he put on his plate, "Eat."

Dean takes a bite of the pizza. "Good, isn't it?"

Dean had to agree – it was pretty good. As he finished chewing, "Well, I got to ask. How old are you?"

Death didn't look insulted by the question, "As old as God. Maybe older. Neither of us can remember anymore. Life, death, chicken, egg. Regardless - in the end, I'll reap him, too."

Dean nearly choked on his pizza, "God? You'll reap God?"

Death was in agreement, "Oh, yes. God will die, too, Dean. "

Dean breathed out, realizing how screwed he was, "Well, this is way above my pay grade."

Death made an insignificant smile, but a smile nonetheless, "Just a bit."

Dean swallowed anxiously, "So, then why am I still breathing, sitting here with you? Uh...w-what do you want?"

Death slowly put down his utensils, "The leash around my neck - off. Lucifer has me bound to him. Some unseemly little spell. He has me where he wants, when he wants. That's why I couldn't go to you. I had to wait for you to catch up. He made me his weapon. Hurricanes, floods, raising the dead. I'm more powerful than you can process, and I'm enslaved to a bratty child with a temper tantrum."

"And you think... I can unbind you?"

Death looked annoyed at Dean, "There's your ridiculous bravado again. Of course you can't. But you can help me take the bullets out of Lucifer's gun. I understand you want this."

Death held up his ring while Dean nodded, "Yeah."

"I'm inclined to give it to you."

"To give it to me?"

"That's what I said."

"But what about..." He pointed outside.

Death turned around to look into the streets, "Chicago? I suppose it can stay. I like the pizza. There are conditions."

"Okay. Like?"

Death held up the ring, "You have to do whatever it takes to put Lucifer in his cell."

Dean nodded, "Of course."

"Whatever it takes," emphasized Death.

Dean went on, ignorant, "That's the plan."

Death shook his head, "No. No plan. Not yet. Your brother. He's the one that can stop Lucifer. The only one."

Dean started to recognize where the conversation was going, "What, you think…"

"I know. So, I need a promise. You're going to let your brother jump right into that fiery pit. Well, do I have your word?"

Dean took on a look of defeat, but he still agreed, "Okay, yeah. Yes."

Death handed Dean the ring, "That had better be a 'yes,' Dean. You know you can't cheat death. Now, would you like the instruction manual?"

Dean spend some time with Death until he finished explaining how the ring worked – which didn't take long, but it seemed to last for eternity.

Dean slowly got up, doing his best still not to offend Death, "So… I will see you around?"

Death shrugged as he kept eating his pizza, "Let's not. I expect you to free me in the near future. If you don't, I won't be fair when you do die."

Death gave Dean such a look that Dean might as well have seen his life flash before his eyes, "Alright, alright. We will stick to Sam's plan. Just... don't scythe me, okay?"

Death smiled and snickered while Dean left the pizzeria.

It was quiet in the pizzeria again.

For about 30 seconds.

The bell on top of the door rang again. Death sighed, "You know, I was as succinct as I could, Dean. Honestly, how thick headed…"

Death didn't expect to see what he did - a child pulled himself a chair in front of him.

Death took a good look at who was in front of him, "Well… this is unexpected."

The child smiled, "Indeed." He put out his hand, "My name is Harry, Mr. Death."

Death gave a judging glance on who was in front of him. To him, it was a mere pre-pubescent child wearing dark colored clothing, leaving as little skin revealed as possible. His black hair was combed back, nails perfectly manicured yet hands callus from hard, consistent work. He quickly checked the eyes behind the glasses – his dark green eyes.

His smile was innocent, but his eyes were that of a predator.

Death tried to figure out what he was, but Harry interrupted, "Mind if I take a slice? It took a lot to find you."

Death shrugged and went back to eating his slice, "Go ahead."

Harry smiled again as he took a slice.

They ate in silence for a few minutes before Harry wiped his face, "So, you are probably wondering who I am…"

"The thought has crossed my mind."

"I could go into a long monolog regarding my life story, going into details as to how I have been initially trying to prevent the Apocalypse and now trying to stop it. Honestly, though, I think a picture is worth so much more."

Harry turned on his Sight, carefully watching Death's reaction – or lack of one.

If the thin man ever played poker, he would give Sam a run for his money.

"Haven't seen those for a long time. Not since God smacked them out of Uriel."

Harry blinked and turned them off, "You are probably one of the few people who knows what these things are called – I just call it the Sight."

Death nodded, "Simple enough. Verum Coram seems more accurate, but it is all encompassing (18). How exactly did you get your hands on those?"

"Modified Essentia Commutationem Ritual."

Death looked up, with some semblance of surprise, "Indeed? How exactly did you know it?"

"I didn't – I was just a cursed object that was found by a demon and an archangel who cured me of my affliction."

Now Death was intrigued. "My, my, aren't you an original piece… Who was it, Gabriel?"

Harry nodded, "Was he such a scoundrel even back then?"

"Better to say that he was more in touch with his innocence and had a much wider perspective than his brothers. Oh, his brothers furious when he left – they got rid of Atlantis in their anger." (19)

Harry paused mid-bite, "That was real?"

Death raised his eyes, "It wasn't as advanced as rumors made them out to be, but they were better organized than most. They didn't believe in anything, though – made them legitimate targets for Michael."

Harry nodded, "Must have eaten at him for a while, didn't it?"

"Wouldn't know – I was locked away by that point in time. But that still brings up the issue why you are here."

Harry shrugged, "Maybe I needed someone to talk to. Maybe I needed to be make sure that Dean, Sam, Bobby, and Castiel survive their encounter with Lucifer."

Death slowly put down his utensils, "If you know what I am, then you also know my policy regarding bringing back the dead."

Harry smiled, "I never said anything about resurrecting the dead. No, no, not at all. But rumor has it that even God can't hide from you."

Death stared silently while Hary continued, "It wouldn't cost much to get a message to the man to pay attention to the boys on a certain day at a certain time – you know, just to make sure nothing bad happens."

"He has already interfered with them before, and based on what I heard, he isn't in a generous mood to do so again."

Harry still smiled, "Doesn't mean an exchange can't be made... just to make sure things go a certain way."

Death leaned back in his chair, "What do you have to offer that I will actually consider accepting? You are not tied down to this world in the grand scheme of things, nor can you offer your soul to me as a bargaining chip – whatever original part of it is left."

Harry chuckled, "Who said anything about my soul? No, I am willing to offer my body and time to make sure the boys succeed."

Death considered this, "Why? Why help them out at all?"

"Because it is their destiny to save the world. They have been born and made for it. It is not my fate to help them in the incoming fight. Great men are forged in fire, but it is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame." (20)

Death thought about it, "Truly, you would do this? You would offer anything to make sure they succeed? Didn't know you were such good friends with the Winchesters."

Harry put out his hand, "Not really for Sam and Castiel, but Dean… let's just say he heard me confess my sins and forgave me for them."

"Ah, to be forgiven by a righteous man is quite a thing indeed." Death looked at the child's hand. "You realize I can't promise you anything. Whatever price I do claim from you won't guarantee that God will help them out."

"I think he will – they probably met the guy already and made a good enough impression." (21)

Death smiled, "You are a devilish bastard, aren't you?"

"Hopefully, when this is all over, I will have time to reflect and actually be a kid for the first time in my life."

Death shook his head, "No, I seriously doubt that. It isn't in your nature to stand idly by when wrongdoing occurs, despite your part-demon nature. Besides, I think your adventures with destiny are just getting started. They will take you far from the Winchesters, but you will still have a role to play."

Harry tilted his head, "I guess I now have strings on me?"

Death nodded, "Indeed." Death shook Harry's hand, a pulse of magic passing by between the two. "The deal is struck – you will know the price for this when it happens. I hope fate is merciful to you for when it comes."

Harry checked his hand, "I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said that if you wish not to be forgotten, then either write things down worth reading… or do things worth writing."

Death was slowly starting getting up, "I think the Winchesters beat you to the punch in that. No, I consider you are more of a Shakespear man."

Harry got up as well, "How so?"

Death stroked his chin as he was leaving for the door, "How did the Bard put it? Oh, yes. It was Augustus last words."

Harry froze as Death spoke the line, "Have I played the part well? Then applaud as I exit."

next chapter
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