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64.04% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 151: Chapter 151

Kapitel 151: Chapter 151

The group arrived back into the Normandy via Harry's Dark Corridor and went into Harry's Pocket Dimension to check on Joker, both Tali and Garrus gaped at Harry's Pocket Dimension, sure they have heard of it.

But hearing about it and seeing it, were two completely different things, it was quite hard to believe that there was a door inside the Normandy that led to a massive open space filled with forests.

It was quite a shock for both turian and quarian, but Harry just smiled and pushed them forward toward his workshop and into the medical bay, there they found Joker being very happy and arguing with Kunou who looked like she was scolding him.

Harry raised an eyebrow at that, Kunou hardly ever scolds anyone, in fact, he's never seen her do so before, so he grew curious about it "Err... what's going on?".

Joker smiled at Harry and raised his hand in greeting, but Kunou suddenly grabbed his ear and pulled it "I'm not done with you, mister!".

Joker grimaced in pain but still grinned at Kunou, who just narrowed her eyes at him, Harry tilted his head in confusion "Kunou? What's wrong?".

Kunou huffed and then let go of Joker's ear, she then pouted towards Harry "This idiot... the first thing he does when he wakes up is take off running all over the forest like a maniac!.

He ended up getting some pretty intense cramps and screaming like a little girl, which scared Doctor Chakwas half to death, thinking Joker hurt himself badly!".

Harry chuckled while Kunou crossed her arms and glared at Joker, who just smiled at her, Harry shook his head in amusement "I see, Joker, be more careful alright? You might not break any bones anymore but your legs are still weak.

You have to build some muscle mass and strength before you can go run around like a maniac".

Joker chuckled but nodded "Alright, sorry about that Kunou, I was just really excited about being able to run for the first time ever.

I didn't mean to scare you or Doctor Chakwas, but I got to say, I quite like being able to move and not worry about breaking something".

Kunou huffed but then nodded "All right, but as Harry said, you need some physical therapy to relearn how to walk... I don't even know how you were able to take off running like that".

Joker shrugged "I don't know either, I was just very excited".

Harry smiled "Just come here and do some exercise once in a while, you'll be able to run as fast as you can soon enough".

Joker nodded, Shepard, Tali, and Garrus soon walked over to Joker and began to congratulate him on being cured, meanwhile Harry walked over to Kunou and gave her a big hug.

Kunou hugged him back and groaned, Kunou cares a lot and Harry can see why she got mad, she must have panicked when Joker screamed because of the cramps.

So it's no wonder she scolded him something fierce, he kinda deserves it, though Harry felt bad for Joker because he was sure Kunou would get back at him with a prank someday.


After a few minutes of hanging out and checking on Joker's condition, Harry gave him the okay to go back to his position of Helmsman, and so Joker left Harry's workshop with a wide happy smile on his face.

Harry, Shepard, Tali, and Garrus, along with Kunou went to sit on a big couch that Harry put in his workshop, for whenever he wanted to relax or take a nap.

He quickly explained to Kunou what had happened with the AI, on her part Kunou nodded and hummed "Ah, I see, so the guys got to see the Digimon... who did you call?".

Harry nodded to Kunou and then answered her question "Blackwargreymon and Blackmetalgarurumon since they were both virus-type Digimon, they were perfect for destroying that AI".

Kunou nodded "Yeah, that makes sense, still, that AI seemed a bit too bloodthirsty now?"

Harry nodded "Yeah, he seemed a bit off and to quick to want to kill too...".

Shepard sighed "Yeah, to think it was created by another AI that was created by accident by a thieving turian, that's pretty crazy and that's coming from me".

Everyone nodded, and Tali then raised her hand "I still would like to know what happened back there".

Garrus nodded "Yeah, what was that place, and how were we able to physically fight the AI".

Harry smiled and then began to explain "What I did back then, is transforming everything about ourselves into data and downloaded us into the terminal that housed the AI.

That place was actually the AI's digital plane and what we fought was the actual digital manifestation of the AI, the reason we were able to hurt it, was because we had become data ourselves".

Shepard sighed and shook his head "How's is that even possible? I know you're a god Harry but even then, to be able to turn organics into data like that is a lot to take in".

Harry nodded "Yeah, I know, it's actually a skill I learned from my Digimon friends, it was something that took me a while to learn how to do, sure, but with practice and a lot of grinding I was able to do so".

Shepard nodded, Tali then spoke up "Those creatures you summoned, you called them Digimon right? Just what were they?".

Harry nodded "Digimon is short for digital monsters and they are inhabitants of the digital world, a manifestation of Earth's communication network.

Digimon hatch from eggs called Digi-Eggs, they age via a process called Digivolution which changes their appearance and increases their powers.

The effects of Digivolution, however, are not permanent, and Digimon who have digivolved will most of the time revert back to their previous form after a battle, though that doesn't apply to mine, most normal Digimon turn back if they are too weak to continue in a battle.

Some digimon are feral in nature though, but most possess large amounts of intelligence and human speech, of course, most Digimon are dangerous to normal humans, and some, when they're at their highest levels, could destroy entire continents with ease.

My Digimon friends are a bit special though, their bond and connection with me makes them even more powerful, some can even put a fight against me in my full power base form and that's very impressive".

Shepard crossed his arms "So they're from another alternate earth, one where a world was born from the communication network, this is amazing... humanity created life without even knowing it".

Harry nodded "They age in a similar fashion to real organisms, but do not die under normal circumstances because they are made of reconfigurable data.

Old Digimon and Digimon who receive fatal wounds dissolve into infinitesimal bits of data.

The data then recomposes itself as a Digi-Egg, which will hatch when rubbed gently, and the Digimon goes through its life cycle all over again.

Digimon who are reincarnated in this way will sometimes retain some or all their memories of their previous life, however, if a Digimon's data is completely destroyed, they will die".

Tali suddenly look down "Is that what happened to the geth? Did we really create life and were to afraid and ignorant to see it?... Harry... you were right, no wonder the geth retaliated the way they did with us.

In their eyes, their creators, their parents wanted to kill them for some reason they didn't understand and that must have scared them...".

Harry sadly looked at Tali, the poor quarian was shaking from the revelation she just got, Kunou who was sitting next to to Tali wrapped her in her tails which helped calmed her down.

Harry sighed "Tali, I know what you must be feeling, your people made a mistake born out of fear and ignorance, but you can't do anything about the past.

Instead, try to work towards the future and make sure the same mistakes aren't repeated again, also, trust me, I can somehow understand your fears too, I've met and seen some real evil Digimon before.

Digimon that sought nothing but death and destruction, Digimon that were destroyed because they refused to see and understand the value of all life".

Tali nodded but stayed silent, Shepard sighed "This sort of information puts things into perspective...".

Garrus nodded "Sure does... is this why you seem very friendly and understanding with VIs and AIs Harry? You treat them like living beings... even the AI, you're referred it as a 'he' throughout that whole battle".

Harry smiled at Garrus and nodded "Yes, to me digital beings are as special and important as organic life, after all, I have a lot of Digimon friends.

In fact, my very first Digimon traveled with me throughout my entire journey and she has been my best friend since then".

Garrus nodded in understanding, Shepard suddenly frowned "Our fight against the geth... you must not be very comfortable with fighting against them".

Harry smiled at Shepard, but shook his head "Not really, like I mentioned earlier, I've met some real evil Digimon out there, so I'm very well aware that we have to deal with such beings.

You won't hear a complaint from me about the geth, Shepard, right now they're the enemy and like any other, I will fight them with everything I have".

Shepard smiled and nodded, the group then spent some time listening to Harry speak about Digimon and explaining some things about them as well.

Needless to say, it was quite interesting for the group to learn about creatures known as Digimon.


After that everyone left Harry's workshop and went to take a rest, while Joker took off to The Citadel, feeling a bit tired about the whole trip and everything he did in The Citadel, Harry decided to take a nap.

Kunou decided to also take a nap with him, so Harry went out to his massive Pocket Dimension, turned into his dragon god form, and took a nap with Kunou sleeping on top of his head.

They spent quite a bit of time sleeping like that and eventually, hours passed by, however at some point later Harry felt someone poking him on the chin, so he opened his eyes and saw Shepard in front of him wearing his armor.

Harry raised an eyebrow "Shepard? What's up?".

Shepard's grinned "We arrived at our next mission objective so I came to get you, you coming?".

Harry blinked but then smiled "Sure, give me a few minutes".

Shepard's nodded and then left Harry's Pocket Dimension to wait for him by the Mako, Harry telekinetically lifted Kunou off his head and then turned back into his human form.

He then woke up Kunou and asked her if she wanted to go on the next mission, Kunou stretched and shook herself awake and then nodded, since she felt like exercising a bit she thought a mission was perfect for that.

With that decided, both Harry and Kunou went to the workshop, picked some stuff, and then went to go meet with the others.


Once they met everyone, apparently, they had gone to the Sparta system and were investigating the planet Edolus, Harry was a bit excited about seeing another planet and so was Kunou.

For this mission, Shepard took Wrex and Liara, and all three boarded the Mako and got ready, while Harry and Kunou would land on the planet on their own.

Soon, the Normandy dropped the Mako on the planet, while both Kunou and Harry flew down beside the Mako, the all-terrain vehicle landed on the ground while Harry and Kunou landed on top of the Mako.

Harry looked around and frowned "Hmm another dead planet... looks like it's a desert-filled one too".

Kunou nodded "Yeah, and there's low visibility around here because of the wind and sand, plus there's a lot of meteors falling into the planet from space".

Shepard suddenly spoke to Harry and Kunou via communications "We're investigating a distress signal guys, so keep an eye on everything you two".

Both Harry and Kunou responded with an "Okay".

The Mako then took off towards where the distress signal was detected, Kunou however giggled as Shepard's driving reminded her of a roller coaster "Wooo~".

Harry chuckled at his girlfriend, he was glad she was having fun, hopefully, this time Shepard won't flip the Mako while driving.

Shepard suddenly stopped in front of some sort of white stone formation and got out of the Mako to investigate "Huh? That's a lithium deposit".

Harry jumped down and walked towards the lithium deposit "What this?".

Shepard smiled "It's a mineral deposit, I wish we could take it with us, but all I can do is survey it".

Harry raised an eyebrow "I can take it with us".

Harry then put the whole lithium deposit into his inventory and smiled at Shepard "Just let me have some of it for research and stuff".

Shepard nodded "Sure, that seems fair, thank you, Harry".

Harry nodded "No problem, now let's get going".

Shepard nodded, both Harry and him then got back on the Mako and Shepard took off once again, they drove for a while and eventually found a crashed probe, Shepard got out of the Mako and quickly salvaged it.

He found some good equipment, so he took it back with him and quickly got back into the Mako and drove off again.

Kunou smiled "This is kinda fun! Like we're explorers searching for mysteries and adventure!".

Harry nodded "Yeah, it's kinda exciting, you never know what we'll find out here".

Eventually, the group arrived at their next location, to their surprise the group found a mummified salarian on the ground, Shepard and the group immediately got off the Mako to investigate.

Shepard stood in front of the mummified salarian and began to investigate, Wrex shook his head "Poor bastard, he must have gotten stranded here for a very long time".

Liara looked around "Not exactly, this planet's weather and conditions might have facilitated the body's mummification".

Shepard searched the body and found the salarian ID tag "Hm... Captain Milon, just how did he end up here?".

It was a good question, one they might never find an answer to, Harry offered to take the body, but Shepard said not to, they will make a report and the Salarian Council will recover the body later.

Harry understood that this, he didn't want to get in the way of salarians who more than likely would like to investigate, Harry nodded and then everyone went back to the Mako to continue their search for the distress signal.

It took some time but eventually, they arrived at the location where the distress signal was coming from, but as soon as they got close, an enormous worm-like creature suddenly came out from the sand and loudly roared.

Harry and Kunou widen their eyes in surprise, they had seen a lot of things in their life, but this thing was something else, Wrex suddenly yelled "Thresher maw!".

The thresher maw suddenly shot a green blast of energy toward the Mako, Shepard suddenly made a sharp turn, while Kunou and Harry jumped off the Mako and flew into the sky.

The green energy blast exploded on the ground on impact, but Shepard was able to barely get the Mako out of the way, Wrex began to shoot the Mako's cannon at the thresher maw, while Liara shot at him with the side weapons.

Harry and Kunou stared at the giant creature, it certainly looked unique and seemed quite dangerous, Kunou suddenly spoke "We're going to have to make an announcement to the guilds about this creature.

If they start appearing in the Natural Dungeon and catch a party by surprise, they would definitely get wiped out".

Harry nodded "Yeah, we'll have to inform the scout ninjas from Konoha and Suna too, this thing looks like an annoyance and if it spawns in the Natural Dungeon, it will be even more powerful".

Harry then watched the the thresher maw dived into the sand and disappeared below, he then watched the creatures burst out from below the Mako and sent it flying through the air.

Both Harry and Kunou sweatdropped as they heard Wrex and Shepard let out an impressive string of swear curses and Liara screaming her lungs out, Harry quickly pulled the Mako up with his telekinesis and then gently put it back in the ground.

Meanwhile, Kunou took off flying and then summoned her keyblade into her hand, she soon arrived at the side of the thresher maw and then struck it hard in the side of its face with her keyblade.

The creature roared in pain as its head whipped to the side from the force behind Kunou's strike, Kunou not wasting any time began to spin her keyblade in her hand as orbs of light began to shoot off at high speed towards the thresher maw.

The creature was then barraged by the high-level light spell from Kunou and roared in pain, Harry suddenly appeared in front of it, and reared his arms back.

He then swung his arms down and cross-slashed the thresher maw with both Oblivion and Oathkeeper, both Keyblade released a pair of slashes of dark and light energy in a cross and sent the thresher maw flying back as soon as they crashed into it.

While the thresher maw flew through the air squirming and roaring, Kunou then raised her keyblade towards the thresher maw and began to chant "'O divine spear, run my enemy through! Holy Lance!'".

Kunou's body exploded with holy light as she cast her spell, suddenly massive spears of light materialized on top of the the thresher maw, the spear of light suddenly shot downwards fast and stabbed themselves into the creature's body.

The thresher maw roared once again in pain, but then the spears of light exploded and finally killed the creature, Harry then quickly flew down towards the Mako.

Kunou followed him soon after and together they went to check on everyone, as soon as he arrived Harry quickly opened the door of the Mako and looked inside "Guys! Are you okay?".

Shepard groaned and nodded "Yeah, but let's not do that again... ever".

Wrex chuckled "I don't know, it was kinda fun".

Liara groaned and shook her head "Speak for yourself, that was terrifying to me...".

Harry chuckled and smiled, he was very happy that everyone seemed fine, dizzy but fine, he turned his head towards Kunou and both gave each other a smile.

Soon after, everyone recovered and went to check where the distress signal came from, it took a bit to go back, because the thresher maw had sent the Mako flying a fair distance away but they soon arrived.

To their surprise, they found a group of dead Alliance soldiers, Shepard of course frowned and looked around, while Wrex shook his head "Alliance Soldiers, looks like they were lured here by the distress beacon...".

Shepard nodded "Yeah, let's look around and deactivate the beacon, we don't want more people to die here, coming to investigate it".

Everyone nodded and began to look around and investigate for a bit, then Shepard reported their findings and the location of the bodies so the proper authorities can come and pick them up and do their own investigation.

It was a sad affair, but it was something that had to be done, afterwards, everyone got back in the Mako and went to the pick-up zone to go back to the Normandy, there were still other things to do.


After that, Shepard went to the galaxy map and began to see which place they should go to next, he also received some other missions from Hackett and some woman from The Citadel, but he'll see about doing those later, right now he needed to get a couple of other things done first.

He chose to go to the Macedon system and after surveying the system and getting a few resources as he investigated a bit, after a while he decided to drop on the Sharjila planet.

He didn't change his squad since they were already ready and so, Wrex, Liara, Harry, and Kunou, joined Shepard on this next mission.


The Normandy dropped the Mako onto Sharjila and then it took off towards a few things that were of interest on the radar, they quickly found a magnesium deposit, and Harry quickly put it on his inventory.

He quickly looked around the planet and sighed "Looks like this planet is also rock cliffs and hills, not much life here either, another rock planet".

Shepard nodded "Yeah, I heard this is very common, not many planets have life on them, much less plant life, most are just rock planets but you never know, we might lucky sometimes".

Harry nodded and then both Shepard and he got back on the Mako and took off to the next place to investigate, after a very bumpy ride because of the Mako, they found a crashed probe, Shepard quickly got it open and they found some useful equipment in there.

He took it and then went back to the Mako, and drove off once again to check the next place, as they got close to the next area, they were suddenly shot at by a sniper shot.

Luckily Harry reacted quickly enough and blocked the attack with Oblivion, but suddenly they were attacked by a bunch of people, Shepard narrowed his eyes "Great, pirates, everyone! Battle positions!".

Wrex and Liara immediately went to the cannon and gun, while both Kunou and Harry continued to deflect shots coming towards the Mako, there were quite a few snipers around but thanks to Harry and Kunou.

Shepard didn't have to worry about them and drove around to give Liara and Wrex a clear shot, it only took the a few minutes to kill off the pirates and this was when they finally noticed a building.

Curious about it, they got off the Mako and went to investigate the Building, Harry quickly opened the door to the building with one of his keyblades and the group went inside.


Harry immediately stopped everyone by the entrance "Hmm, I can sense a big group of people in this building, we should be careful, they might be more pirates".

Shepard nodded "How many?".

Harry hummed a bit "Around 15, maybe more deeper inside".

Shepard nodded "Alright, let's move in and take them out quick".

Everyone nodded and moved towards the door to the next room, as soon as they opened it and walked inside, they were attacked by pirates.

Though Shepard, quickly went on the offensive with his pistol, the pirates stood no chance against the pint point accuracy of the commander and any that got in Shepard's sights was shot down.

Liara assisted by using biotics to send pirates floating up, where Wrex shot them with his shotgun, Harry and Kunou blurred out sight and took care of any stragglers or any pirates that tried to go around and flanked their friends.

They quickly cleared the room working together like this and moved to the second floor to look for more enemies when they checked the the second floor and then declare it cleared, everyone relaxed.

Shepard sighed "This might have been a pirate base".

Wrex nodded "Definitely, but then that means there has to be a storage room full of loot we can use".

Shepard nodded "Might as well grab it and put it to good use".

Everyone then look around and as Wrex had said, they found a storage room, the group quickly searched it and made off with a few useful things and stuff Harry and the girls can research for making better stuff later.

However, Liara check a console nearby and frowned when she saw the information found in it "Commander, you should see this".

Shepard turned his head towards Liara and walked over to her, he then took a look, turns out, they found evidence that there was an asari leading these pirates who also worked as a slaverer, and she's also the sister of Nassana Dantius.

Shepard frowned "This could get messy... now I know why was asked by Nassana Dantius to come to see her at The Citadel".

Harry walked over and raised an eyebrow "When did that happen?".

Shepard sighed "It was when I was checking the mission requests, we had quite a few from Hackett but among them was also a request from Ambassador Nassana to see her".

Harry nodded, he knew that Shepard was receiving mission requests and that he chose which ones to do depending on the time and place "What are you going to do?".

Shepard shook his head "We'll deal with that later, for now, we still have one more place to investigate on this planet".

The group nodded and then went back outside, to continue with this survey mission on this desolate planet.


Once outside the group quickly got back on the Mako and Shepard, and took off driving towards the next area to investigate the last area of interest on this planet.

After quite a long and very bumpy ride they found a thorium deposit, Shepard scanned it and Harry then put it on his inventory, after that they went back in the Mako and drove off.

Not to far from the thorium deposit they found a case on the ground and Shepard wasted no time recovering the stuff inside, new weapons and stuff were always welcome after all.

Close by they also found an asari capsule and Shepard immediately opened it as well, they found matriarch writings as well, they don't know what they were doing on this planet.

But it seems an asari matriarch might have been living here a long time ago since they found a tent and Matriarch Dilinaga's writings, very interesting stuff but with no other clues.

They couldn't investigate further so, they boarded the Mako and then told Joker to pick them up, it didn't take long for the Normandy to do so.


Once inside the Normandy, Harry approached Shepard with an idea "Hey Shepard, I think you should leave these planetary investigations to Kunoa, Valerie, and Le Fay, now that we've done it a couple of times, we know what to expect and the things we might find.

The girls can teleport easily to the locations needed to be investigated, and you can focus on missions and other stuff".

Shepard hummed for a bit while pondering what Harry just told him "That doesn't sound like a bad idea, It will give me the time to worry about other stuff... okay, we'll do this the way you suggested.

I'll send all the information needed to do this to the girls and they'll be in charge of the survey missions and whatnot".

Harry nodded, Shepard then turned around to the galaxy map and frowned "With that taken care of, we might as well begin doing some of those missions sent to us by Hackett, starting with the drugged civilians one".

Shepard then turned his head towards Harry "Can one of the girls, still assist us while the other two work on surveying and exploring planets?".

Harry nodded "Not a problem, two of them can easily do this task".

Shepard smiled and immediately ordered Joker to take them to the coordinates sent to him by Hackett for this mission.


The Normandy dropped them off at the location, while Le Fay and Valerie took care of going around the planet to investigate, Shepard, Wrex, Liara, Kunou, and Harry went to get Hackett's mission done.

As soon as they were dropped off, Shepard and the group made their way inside the building close by, Shepard stopped everyone "Alright, everyone. We have to take down the terrorists but remember to check your targets, there will be addled civilians inside thanks to the drug, and they might wander right into the middle of a firefight".

Wrex frowned "That's going to complicate things...".

Liara nodded "Yes... this can also be risky to us as well, if we get too distracted, we might also get shot".

Kunou crossed her arms and hummed "I think we can take care of this entire situation easily if you guys are willing to play dirty".

Shepard raised an eyebrow "Well if it saves lives and makes this mission even less risky for us, then I don't care how it's done".

Kunou grinned and then nodded "Then Harry and I can put everyone to sleep in the building, we can kill the terrorists while they sleep and don't have to worry about the civilians that way".

Shepard stared at Kunou "...".

Liara gaped at her "...".

Meanwhile, Wrex grinned and then chuckled "You're one scary girl Kunou, remind me never to make you angry".

Kunou smiled at Wrex, while Harry looked up at the ceiling while thinking "It's not a bad idea, how about it Shepard? Want to give it a try?".

Shepard snapped out of his stunned state and turned his head towards Harry "Err.. yeah sounds like a good idea, I'm all up for it".

Harry nodded, he quickly raised a ward around the squad so they wouldn't get affected by the sleep spell and then Kunou and Harry immediately cast a massive wide area sleep spell on the entire building.

Shepard stared as some sort of wavy energy moved through the air and expanded outwards, a few seconds later Harry took down his protective wards around the squad and nodded at Shepard "Alright, everyone is asleep now".

Shepard nodded, with that done, the squad moved inside, as Harry said, everyone in the building was fast asleep and this allowed Shepard and Wrex to kill the terrorists with ease.

Liara didn't take part in this, since she felt it was a bit harsh for her but instead moved around and checked on the condition of the civilians and made sure they were okay.

Kunou and Harry helped take care of the terrorists, luckily there wasn't a lot so everything was done fast, soon after Harry cured the civilians out of their drug-induced state too.

With this particular mission done, Shepard made his report and then everyone went back to the Normandy to move on to the next mission.


Harry and Shepard got together in front of the galaxy map when they received a message that Joker patched in right away "I didn't think it could be done, Commander. You and your crew, managed to secure the base and neutralize the biotics without a single civilian casualty".

Shepard nodded "Just doing my job Admiral, I couldn't let innocent lives be lost, plus I had good help and very creative teammates.

Hackett responded right away "I wish every soldier had your definition of 'just doing your job', you're a credit to the uniform, Shepard, we're in your debt, Fifth Fleet out".

Shepard sighed "It was a good thing Kunou came up with that plan Harry, that whole mission could have turned into a mess if a firefight broke out, with civilians roaming around".

Harry smiled "That's what we're here for Shepard, we're happy to help, oh! Valerie and Le Fay, found a few things during their survey on that planet, they should send you a list and report soon".

Shepard nodded "Again, you and the girls are always making things easier for us, thanks".

Harry nodded "Don't mention it, now choose what to do next!".

Shepard nodded and turned around towards the galaxy map and began to see, what mission to do next.


The next mission took them aboard the MSV Ontario, a human-made vessel, apparently, biotic terrorists took it over and took hostages, so Shepard had received the mission to take care of them.

And so the group boarded the Ship, Shepard brought the same squad he had so far, and together they immediately went on the attack.

These biotic terrorists had hostages, but Shepard decided to leave the sleep spell tactic for a last resort kind of thing, thus the group immediately moved inside the vessel and got to work.

Harry and Kunou flashed around and killed any far-off biotics, while Shepard, Wrex, and Liara moved forward to take care of the rest, they had to move quickly and bring them down because of the hostages.

Harry and Kunou decided to take care of the hostages just in case and as soon as Harry caught sight of them, he snapped his fingers and covered them in barriers.

The barriers as soon as they surrounded the hostages, pushed away the biotic terrorist from them, while the group immediately moved to take them down.

Everything went so fast that the biotic terrorists didn't even have time to react, they were either shot to death by Shepard or Wrex or blasted into a wall by Liara.

Harry and the Kunou moved forward and then stopped in front of a door, Shepard noticed this and walked up to him "What's wrong?".

Harry frowned "There are three people in here, one on the floor and absolutely terrified, the other two are odd though, one is sad and disappointed, while the other person is full of anger".

Shepard frowned and then stared at the door "Great, now, what could be waiting for us on the other side of this door?".

next chapter
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