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80% Harem Summoner / Chapter 28: The Otherworld

Kapitel 28: The Otherworld

There was was cold, but at this point I was use to this scenario. I prepared myself to see a light shine to indicate Bravulla, but I got a different light instead. I had appeared on a different location. I had appeared in the Otherworld. I looked around and noticed how empty it was.

"Shin! I wasn't expecting you to be here at this time." Cuara smiled and got up. She walked over to me and placed her hands on her hips.

"Well...I wanted to visit, but it seems this place is a little...on the empty side." I said then looked at Cuara.

Cuara smiled and shrugged. "This world you have to upgrade to get things in here. Besides this world is the true base for you and your units. The Otherworld connects to the different unlocked worlds plus this world has their own unique quests you can do. Also in this world you can have your own separate party. It's like Party A and Party B. Come! Let's go do a quest to at least get this place started."

[Mission Start: First Otherworld Home!]

[Objective: Capture an Otherworld Manager.]

"Alright so we should head out to a location so we can obtain a Otherworld Manager. What is an Otherworld Manager? Well they are the people who manages the base of the Otherworld and adds facilities at a price." Cuara said.

I pulled up a world map and noticed an exclamation mark at a village. "It seems we should be heading to the village. Alright, let's go."

She nodded and followed me.

[Cuara has joined your Party.]

"Where is Farida?" I asked.

"I'm here." Farida said as she landed on the ground.

"Do you want to join us on this mission?" I asked.

"Sure, better than staying here in nothingness." Farida smiled.

[Farida has joined your Party.]


The three of us traversed to the village and as we travelled, I decided to check the stats of Cuara and Farida. I brought up her unit information and began to read.

Name: Black Dragon Farida

Rarity: Five Stars

Element: Fire and Dark

Weakness: Water and Light

Resist: Earth and Dark

Type: Breaker

Level: 25

HP: 6,002/6,002

MP: 725/725

Burst Gauge: 20%

Dragon Meter: 10%

EXP: 0/100%

ATK: 654

DEF: 342

MATK: 122

MDEF: 339

AGI: 300

LUK: 180

Skills: Black Claw Strike, Dancing Flames, Dragon Boost, Burning Lunge

Burst Skill: Black Dragon Rush

Leader Skill: Dragon Heart [Boosts all Draconic Abilities by 100%, Boosts Parameters by 140% when Draconic Soul sphere is equipped, Dragon Boost enhances stats by another 30% upon activation.]

Equipped Spheres:

Slot 1: Draconic Soul [Boosts Dragon Skills by 100%, Boosts ATK by 40%]

Slot 2: None

Name: Acolyte Cuara

Rarity: Six Stars

Element: Water

Weakness: Thunder

Resist: Fire

Type: Support

Level: 30

EXP: 0/100%

HP: 5,792/5,792

MP: 2,470/2,470

Burst Gauge: 0%

ATK: 184

DEF: 232

MATK: 684

MDEF: 274

AGI: 299

LUK: 502

Skills: Goddess Miracle, Acolyte Blessings, Battle Kiss, Divine Force, Divine Rush, Divine Impulse

Burst Skill: Goddess's Love

Burst Skill EX: Goddess's Wrath

Leader Skill: Acolyte's Epiphany [Negates all enemies Elemental Damage, boosts parameters by 70% when Final Acolyte sphere is equipped, boosts parameters by 20% when a Summoner is in the party.]

Extra Skill: Goddess and Summoner [Boosts Parameters by 160% when Shin is in the party, grants access to Divine Impulse, Boosts Shin's Virtue Form by 100%]

Equipped Spheres:

Slot 1: Final Acolyte [Boosts all parameters by 120%, gives wielder all elements when HP is less than 75%, Boosts parameters by 50% when Goddess Heart sphere is equipped.]

Slot 2: Goddess Heart [Grants the wielder the ability to withstand any fatal blow at 1 HP three times, heals wielder and allies for 5% per second for 10 seconds when HP is under 50%, boosts all skills by 150%]

"Divine Impulse?" I asked and clicked on the skill.

Skill Name: Divine Impulse

MP Cost: 550

Description: A skill used to rid all evils from any opponent no matter how evil. A 30 hit Water and Light Elemental attack that ignores defensive stats and bypasses all Leader, Extra, and Weapon Skills.

"So you're already extremely powerful. Why haven't you helped us in previous battles?" I asked, putting down the interface.

"Well because Bravulla wouldn't allow it just yet. I may only fight when absolutely necessary, but in the Otherworld, I can fight at any percentage I want! I just wish I could fight along side you in Soria." Cuara said then bumped her hip into mine.

I smiled and looked at Cuara. "Well you will be able to do so soon." I said then wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

[Cuara's Bond Percentage rose to 18%]


We finally made it to the village and I heard a scream. I noticed a woman being surrounded by a horde of monsters then summoned my sword and shield.

"Someone help me!" The woman screamed.

"That's her. That's an Otherworld Manager. We should save her from these monsters then bring her back to base." Cuara said then her aura surrounded her hands.

I nodded then rushed into battle. Cuara was surprised at speed then noticed how I wiped out the horde of monsters in one blow. They all disappeared one by one and the woman looked at me with shock.

A roar was heard and I looked around then noticed a blue dragon flying down. It landed and roared then blue aura surged powerfully around her body.


Name: Sapphire Dragon Sarida

Rarity: Five Stars

Element: Water and Light

Weakness: Thunder and Dark

Resist: Fire and Light

Type: Magic + Support

Level: 40

HP: 20,000/20,000

MP: 2,100/2,100

ATK: 212

DEF: 340

MATK: 800

MDEF: 534

AGI: 391

LUK: 399

Sarida transformed into her human form then pointed her sword at us. She had long wavy blue hair, sapphire blue eyes, and wore red eyeshadow around her eyes. She had fair skin, a curvaceous build, and medium breasts. She wore a strapless dark blue battledress with an opening that exposed her cleavage, white leggings, and silver armored boots.

Farida walked forward and her eyes shined. "Master Shin, allow me to deal with Sarida."

"But you're at a disadvantage. Even with Dual Elements, you still are weak to her moves because of her being part Water." I said.

"She's my sister and we have unfinished business." Farida said.

"Don't worry Shin, if she gets too hurr I can just heal her." Cuara smiled at me.

"Farida! You worked with the enemy to destroy our universe! If it weren't for Shin stopping you, we would have no land to walk on! Even if you're on his side, you can not erase the damage you've caused! I'll end your life here and now!" Sarida bellowed and her dragon aura surged powerfully around her body.

"I am aware that I can not heal the damages I've caused on the world, but I promised to help fix it. Starting with the Otherworld! I know I can't talk you out of fighting me, but I can beat you!" Farida roared and her dragon claws appeared on her hand. Her tail swayed and her dragon aura surged powerfully around her body.

The two dragons stared at each other after their exchange. Sarida scowled and smoke came from her nose. Farida glared then lowered her posture then propelled herself toward Sarida and roared as she aimed a punch at her face. Sarida dodged the attack and kneed Farida in her stomach then slashed upwards, launching her in the air. Farida grunted then roared and her dark aura surged.

I grunted as the intensity of her aura pushed us back. I watched Sarida and Farida soar across the skies and clash rapidly.

Farida kicked Sarida away then covered her arms with flames. She flew after Sarida and roared. "Dancing Flames!"

Farida started her attack with a spinning kick then followed it with rapid spinning kicks then ended it with an axe kick that launched Sarida downward. Sarida threw her sword at Farida, but Farida evaded it.

"Lightspeed Warp!" Sarida roared and warped to her sword then struck Farida with her sword and knocked her to the ground.

Sarida opened her mouth and an orb of water appeared then shined brightly. "Sapphire Gleam!" She roared and fired a beam of water at Farida from her mouth.

Farida noticed it and dodged it then kept avoiding the beam and propelled herself toward Sarida and covered her body with flames. She used Dancing Flames again, but Sarida evaded every attack then lunged at Farida. Farida countered her slash then struck Sarida with a Black Claw Strike, launching Sarida away and sending her crashing through multiple houses.

Sarida groaned softly and noticed her HP was in the danger zone. She stood up and her Dragon Meter was maxed out. She roared as she met all the requirements to use her Dragon Ultimate.

Farida noticed this and began spamming her Dragon Boost and her body began to shine red. She bellowed and used a Burst Potion to max out her Burst Gauge. She roared and her aura surged even higher.

The two propelled toward each other and began clashing then knocked each other backwards then flew in the air and clashed more. They struck each other at the same time and launched each other away.

"Dragon Ultimate!" Sarida bellowed.

"Burst Skill!" Farida roared.

Sarida flew toward Farida at high speeds and her sword shined brightly. "Photon Crash!"

"Black Dragon Rush!" Farida roared.

The two rapidly clashed and Farida countered her next slash, landing a powerful critical hit wirh her palm strike then began to rush Sarida with attacks.

"Now fear the Black Dragon!" Farida bellowed and struck Sarida with a powerful double axe handle after saying her Critical Quote.

Sarida crashed onto the ground then turned into a rainbow spirit and flew toward me.

[Acquired new unit! Sarida Acquired!]

[Boss Unit Defeated!]

[Congratulations! Muzaki Village Cleared!]

[Party Earned 17,000 EXP!]

[Battle Spoils]

[147,210 Gold, Sapphire Key]

Farida landed in front of me and noticed I had summoned Sarida. Sarida sighed and crossed her arms, upset that she lost the battle.

Name: Sapphire Dragon Sarida

Rarity: Five Stars

Element: Water and Light

Weakness: Thunder and Dark

Resist: Fire and Light

Type: Magic + Support

Level: 25

HP: 6,002/6,002

MP: 1,002/1,002

Burst Gauge: 0%

Dragon Meter: 0%

EXP: 0/100%

ATK: 122

DEF: 339

MATK: 654

MDEF: 342

AGI: 180

LUK: 300

Skills: Sapphire Flash, Sapphire Gleam, Dragon Boost, Lightspeed Warp

Burst Skill: Azure Dragon Rush

Leader Skill: Dragon Heart [Boosts all Draconic Abilities by 100%, Boosts Parameters by 140% when Draconic Soul sphere is equipped, Dragon Boost enhances stats by another 30% upon activation.]

Equipped Spheres:

Slot 1: Draconic Soul [Boosts Dragon Skills by 100%, Boosts ATK by 40%]

Slot 2: None

"That's cute~ You and Farida have the same Leader Skill, nearly identical stats, and the same equipment~" Cuara giggled.

"Not to mention some of the same skills just in a different element." I chuckled.

Sarida grumbled and crossed her arms, turning away from Cuara. "Mine is clearly better."

"Eh?! You lost to me and you had Boss Boosted stats! I am clearly superior!" Farida said.

"Ha! Face me again and you won't get as lucky! You just simply caught me off guard!" Sarida said and turned to Farida.

"We can fight a million times and you'll never beat me!" Farida said proudly.

"Remember our score is EVEN!" Sarida bellowed.

The twins growled at each other and there was some clear rivalry going on. I separated them and sighed then smiled.

"Ladies, we are on the same side now. No need to battle continuously unless it's training." I said.

They scoffed at each other and turned away. I smiled and sighed.

[Returning to Otherworld Base...]


We made it back to the base and I bought my first few facilities from Mufi, the Otherworld Manager. She hired some lowly units to carry out the business of the facilities. I bought a weaponry shop, a sphere shop, an armory shop, an item shop, an accessory shop, and finally upgraded my personal quarters.

"Alright, we've got it looking more lively now. So the Otherworld acts like a home for units that I can't bring with me in my party right?" I asked.

"Correct. They will remain here and do quests and other things and passively gain EXP whenever you're in the Summoner's Town bringing peace to the universe. I will still help you by being your guide in the many worlds of Harem Summoner. Farida and Sarida can handle things from here." Cuara said.

Farida nodded. "I will keep growing Otherworld and make it as lively as I can."

"Same here. We will keep things safe while you're on your quest." Sarida said.

"Thank you." I said and rubbed their heads.

[Farida's Bond Percentage rose to 27%]

[Affinity Rank Level UP!]

[Farida's Affinity Rank: Friend]

[Sarida's Bond Percentage rose to 15%]

[Affinity Rank Level UP!]

[Sarida's Affinity Rank: Amicable]

"I'll see you two soon." I waved.

They waved and watched me and Cuara warp away.

[Returning to Summoner's Home...]


We made it back to my home and Yuki squeaked as she noticed me appear out of nowhere. Shelly and Ophelia rushed to the living room and noticed it was just me and Cuara then sighed in relief.

"You're finally back home..~ We missed you.." Ophelia smiled at me. "And hello Lady Cuara."

Cuara waved at the three and smiled. "I'll see you all at the next destination!~" She warped away.

"And there she goes.." I sighed then smiled.

"We have much to discuss! Tell us about your adventure in Otherworld!" Yuki smiled.

I nodded and walked toward them. "I will, we can talk over a nice dinner."

Yuki nodded and hurried over to the kitchen to begin preparing for dinner. Ophelia and Shelly followed and wanted to help her make dinner. I smiled and followed them to the kitchen to help them.

next chapter
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