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56.06% Gotham's Dead End Bar / Chapter 36: INTERLUDE 3: Barbara Finally Gets Some (18+)

Kapitel 36: INTERLUDE 3: Barbara Finally Gets Some (18+)

Sean gazed deeply into Kara's eyes. Wide baby blues met stormy grays. Shock, disbelief, delight, and something akin to flustered panic shined from behind her eyes.

Sean's hands held hers tenderly. Delicate fingers intertwined with his larger, slightly more rugged ones. Palm against palm and warmth against warmth.

Kara's mind was audibly blue-screening at the scene she'd found herself caught up in, "Awawawawawawawawa~…!"

It was plain to tell she was practically screaming inside from what he was doing to her. So utterly intimate… So utterly wholesome… So utterly LEWD…! Handholding without protection and with plenty of intense eye contact?! Kara might as well have just melted right there on the spot!

The audience they had likely didn't help things. Kara's whole family was watching her get utterly ravished in such a tender and lewd manner! Clark looked disgruntled but he couldn't openly disagree with anything Sean was doing (it was appropriately chaste and innocent to anyone but Kara at the moment). Lois and Ma both smirked at the scene. Pa just chuckled and shook his head.

Barbara stood off to the side, watching Kara melt before Sean with arms crossed under her breasts and an all-too-knowing look on her face. The traitor! Better than anyone else, she knew exactly what Sean was doing to Kara! And she didn't lift a single finger to help her fully flustered friend!

Kara could feel her heart beating a staccato rhythm, her pulse pumping from her head to her toes. It was like sheet music set to prestissimo — the fastest it could reasonably go. It felt like Kara's heart was about to beat itself out of her chest, to leap past her ribcage and lay itself bare before Sean's intimate stormy gaze!

Eye contact and handholding were scary… And so exhilarating at the same time~! Kara had never even imagined intimacy like this. Nothing could have prepared her for the way her stomach fluttered and fluttered and fluttered right now! And it didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon…

Sean whispered sweet nothings and thanks to her, feeling like he was mere inches away from her ear even though he wasn't nearly so close! "I had a lovely time tonight, Kara. Thank you for inviting me and Barbara. I think we all got along splendidly."

Kara whimpered something unintelligible. Oh no… He liked her family and they liked him too… It was almost unfair how attractive that made him. How was she supposed to resist someone like that?! Someone like him?! Someone who openly declared his intentions to court her and even got the blessing of her Ma and Pa. Heck, he was practically already family!

A pleasurable shiver ran down Kara's spine as Sean continued, waxing poetic, "Until we next meet, I will count the minutes, sweet Farm-Girl~… Of course, you also have my number and you know where I am most of the time. Feel free to text, call, or even drop by the Dead End. We'll always welcome you there. Now, I have to help a certain batty friend of ours find the relief she so craves~"

SO unfair… How did he make even talking about another woman sound so sweet? Still, Kara was happy for Barbara. She knew she couldn't do what Sean was hinting at. Not yet, at least. That would be much too L-LEWD~! Just ('just') eye contact and handholding was too much for Kara at the moment…

Sean started to pull back before pausing slightly. Still flustered way beyond the norm, Kara didn't have time to react as Sean leaned back in and planted a lingering kiss on her cheek.

"MEEP~!" Kara's face just about exploded at the added touch of intimacy.

Her cheeks were red enough to radiate heat as Sean pulled back for good this time. Frozen in place, she held his gaze the entire way, unwilling and unable to make herself look away. He gave her a small, lopsided smile that set her heart aflame all over again.

Barbara stepped in to lay another kiss on Kara's other cheek, this one more friendly than heart-racingly romantic. It still didn't help her flustered, frozen state.

"See ya, Farm-Girl. We'll talk soon, yeah?" The way Barbara's eyes darted to Sean and the grin on her face told Kara 'what' it was they would be talking about soon…

"It was lovely meeting you all," Sean waved, saying goodbye to Kara's family.

"You as well, dearie," Ma chuckled warmly. "We'll have to do this all again at some point."

"Count on it," Sean grinned.

The farewells happened in the back of Kara's mind. She barely noticed them, stuck as she was on Sean's intimacy. Still frozen in place, she stared at Sean and Barbara as Sean pulled her into his chest. And then with a step, they were gone. And Kara's flustered mind turned to 'what' they'd gone to do… Meep!


Sean took Barbara right back to her apartment after leaving the Kent Farm. As for how he did that and how he knew where she lived…? Well, Barbara didn't particularly care at the moment. The instant they were alone, she jumped him.

A frantic, repressed feeling in her heart and her loins drove Barbara on. Drove her past propriety and what she normally would and wouldn't do. She didn't let herself pause for a moment lest she chickened out now that things were about to get good.

Her hands tore at his clothes. She quite literally ripped his shirt straight off his body, forgetting her enhanced physique in her hurried rush.

"Barbara?" Sean asked, his voice thick with amusement and (dare Barbara hope?) arousal. "What are you doing?"

Barbara growled, putting up a front of blunt confidence to hide the nerves that danced below the surface, "Getting you naked so you can FINALLY! FUCKING! FUCK ME!"

"And what happened to asking nicely?"

"Sean, don't test me right now. We're doing this! Just… don't…" She glared at him but her voice grew a touch vulnerable at the end there.

Sean let out a faux-exasperated sigh, "Very well. I suppose I might as well help if we're going to be doing this now. Especially since you can't seem to be bothered with foreplay at the moment."

He lifted her into his arms, hands supporting her ass. Cradling it with the perfect mixture of 'gentle' and 'manhandling'… Barbara's arms naturally found their way around his neck. In an instant of magic, their clothes disappeared off both of them and skin was pressed flush against flushed skin.

Barbara paused, shuddering at the sudden intimate physical contact, her forced confidence wavering slightly, "Foreplay…? Yeah, uh, I… I could do foreplay."

"Oh, could you, now?" Sean's wickedly amused smirk did things to Barbara's insides that she both loved and hated.

Barbara tried for a glare but felt it come out as more of a pout, "Don't be a dick, Sean. Just give me the dick instead."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you~?" Sean teased.

"Yes. Yes, I would. I've been waiting for it ever since you healed me and I met you," Barbara said firmly, her voice heated and passionate. "Being able to feel my pussy again is great on its own but I am so. Goddamn. Tired of just my hands and toys. You… You have to take responsibility!"

Sean nodded, half to himself and half to her, "Cliche but a classic for a reason. Very well, Babs. I'll… ~take responsibility~"

Barbara shuddered in his arms, clinging to Sean even closer as she felt anticipation and something more race through her veins. Her nipples might as well have been diamonds against his chest. And all the rubbing of skin against skin now that Sean had magicked away their clothes certainly wasn't helping things.

Neither was the ABSOLUTE BEAST growing beneath her butt. She could feel it — HIM — as it began to twitch and stand straight. She could feel it as it pressed up against her pussy from below, running the whole length from front to back — clit to hole —, almost sandwiched between puffy plump lips, and STILL GOING. Barbara was almost afraid to look down and finally see it, especially with the way her own arousal must have been COATING the thing — just DRENCHING it — in slick juices…

"Finally," Barbara breathed a breathless sigh of relief.

"Finally, indeed. I've kept you waiting long enough, haven't I?" Sean's expression was smug and cocky in the best of ways, making Barbara's usual irritation and exasperation flow straight into her arousal.

"You have no. FREAKING! Idea, Sean… I've just about worn through my sheets with how many times I've made a mess to you."

Immediately after saying that, Barbara blushed and she buried her face in Sean's shoulder to groan, "Ugh, oh God… I can't believe I just admitted that to you. Look at what you fucking do to me, Sean!"

Sean — the stupid, sexy bastard — just chuckled, "You certainly know how to make a man feel wanted, Babs."

"I'm trying to make MYSELF feel wanted," Barbara grumbled.

"Well, let's see if we can't help you out with that~"

Sean's hands — just rough enough to the touch — supported Barbara from below. Her thick, well-muscled thighs wrapped around his waist to interlock at his back. The position left her almost entirely at his mercy and the thoughts and scenes that inspired in Barbara's head only made her heart beat faster.

Her mind raced out of control. Scenes of Sean throwing her down right here on the floor and simply MOUNTING her flashed before her mind's eye. Or Sean folding her into a pretzel while still standing and using her as a FUCKTOY until Barbara couldn't see straight! O-Or, God forbid, holding her hands, looking her in the eye, and having sex for the purpose of procreation~!

She had no intention of getting pregnant at the moment but that mental image was still so fucking hot…! Barbara didn't even realize she was panting at her fantasies until Sean started moving with her in his arms. She clung to him tightly, squeezing with her arms and legs. His cock — that ABSOLUTELY BEASTLY THING… — felt as if it was holding her up just as much as his hands were.

Barbara quickly recognized where Sean was headed and it made her whimper ever so slightly. Her bedroom… She didn't know how he knew where it was but that didn't really matter at the moment. Not when the relief she so desperately craved was practically staring down at her and telling her to open her mouth like a 'good girl'.

Barbara's wasn't a large apartment. Before she could do more than squirm in Sean's grasp, they'd reached her bed. He bodily threw her onto it like a marital conquerer. Barbara bounced once and came to rest on her back, propped up on her elbows so she could stare-… ahem, get a good look at Sean.

Tall, lean, and toned like a sprinter, Sean was a vision of dark masculine beauty in Barbara's eyes. She could certainly see why Harley called him 'Gothboy'. And she could certainly see why Harley liked to go on and on about his 'Gothboy D' as well…

That thing wasn't just a cock. It was a weapon. Standing straight out from his body and swaying with his heartbeat. The kind of tool that brought entire nations to their knees. If bartending ever fell through for Sean, well, he'd have a healthy career as a pornstar. It was gorgeous and intimidating in equal measure. It was… exactly what Barbara needed right now~…

Barbara didn't hide her appreciative eyes roaming his body. Sean didn't hide how he took in her figure either. Barbara knew she looked good. Tight, feminine muscles. A taut tummy. Perky, handful-sized breasts. And skin flushed with a healthy glow. But even still, Sean's gaze made her feel shy.

Her forced confidence was quickly wavering. She'd initiated as she planned. But now, she didn't quite know where to go from here. She wasn't quite floundering yet but if Sean didn't take charge soon… well, Barbara wouldn't know what to do with herself. It'd been so long for her…

"Uh, Sean…?" Barbara asked, her sudden hesitance showing in her voice. "You, uh, you do want this, right? Me…? This isn't one-sided, is it? I'm not forcing you…?"

Sean's laugh was a sultry, carefree thing that made something inside Barbara QUIVER, "Oh, I do want you, Babs~… The real question is, do you want me~?"

Barbara couldn't help but look away, heat creeping onto her cheeks, "Isn't it obvious?"

"Perhaps. But I want to hear you say it."

"Full of yourself, much?"

Barbara's snark had no real heat behind it and they both knew it. She was embarrassed and lashing out as she usually did. Sean didn't let it stop him. He climbed onto her bed and crawled toward her. Barbara quickly found herself caged in by strong arms, unwilling to move. She didn't want to be the first one to show weakness, as silly as that seemed at the moment.

With him looming over her, Barbara suddenly felt very small. It was a feeling she wasn't quite used to. But it was exhilarating in the right context. Now, for example. That and the stupid, sexy, smug look on Sean's face certainly didn't do anything to help Barbara's current sheet-drenching arousal.

She looked into his eyes for a moment before looking away and whining in a small voice, "… Don't make me say it, Sean."

"Come now, Babs darling," Sean's chuckle rumbled deep into Barbara's fluttering core. "I'm a big believer in explicit consent. You wouldn't want there to be any funny business between us, would you~?"

"The only funny business here is you teasing me instead of doing what you should be doing right now!" Barbara growled.

"Ah, ah," Sean tutted. "Not until I hear it straight from those pretty, perfect lips of yours~"

Barbara growled and grumbled, pouting almost petulantly, but she eventually caved, "… Fine. I want you, Sean. I want you to fuck me and hold me and love me, okay?! I want you to give me everything I've been missing out on for so long and more! I want you to fucking destroy me in the best fucking way possible! I think I love you, you bastard!"

Barbara's confession left her panting, ears not quite caught up with her words. As they did and she caught her breath, Barbara stopped still. Suddenly vulnerable eyes stared up at Sean. She hadn't meant to say nearly that much. Especially not that last bit. She'd barely even admitted that bit to herself before now!

"Now, was that so hard~?" Sean asked with a smirk.

"Yes. And you're an asshole," Barbara snapped without much heat in her tone.

"I think you love it when I'm mean to you like this. I think you love our little games, Babs~"

"Shut up…"

"Oh? Should I? Put my mouth," Sean asked between kisses laid upon Barbara's neck. "-To better. Use~?"

Barbara whined at the gentle heat against her skin, "MmMMmm~! Yes. Yes, yes, yes, you bastard~!"

His lips left a trail of fire everywhere they went. From her shockingly sensitive neck down between the valley of her breasts. A featherlight touch traced down her side, settling to cup the swell of her hips. Barbara found herself struggling not to writhe in place as Sean teasingly made his way down her body.

Finally (FINALLY!), he arrived at the top of her temple. The altar for him to worship at. Barbara's freshly flooding pussy. It felt like she was leaking rivers down her thighs and onto the sheets below. Plump peachy lips glistened and Barbara could have sworn she felt her entrance WINK as Sean's warm breath grazed her most sensitive place.

Sean's free hand found hers and Barbara suddenly couldn't contain an erotic mewl. That was what did her in?! Handholding?! Who was she, Farm-Girl?! But, oh, it felt so good… So intimate and right to cling onto Sean's hand for dear, lustful life.

As Sean bowed his head, he looked up past Barbara's body and into her eyes. Barbara's free hand grabbed a pillow from behind her to prop herself up. Just so she could stare back at him. His upper lips finally (FINALLY!) made contact with her lower ones. A shock of pure lewd lightning burned at Barbara's nerves from even that simple contact.

"Oh, fuck. Oh, God, Sean~…" Barbara whimpered.

And that's when he really started digging in. Like a starving man at a feast. Like a man dying in the desert who'd just come across a life-giving oasis. Like a man repressed… Even though the situation should have been reversed! Barbara was the repressed one here! She should have been the one digging in and reveling in all the pleasure she could get! And the way she almost instantly came undone on his tongue showed as much…

"FuuuuUUUUCCCKKKK~!" Barbara came, squirting as if she was trying to drown Sean's skillful tongue.

The way he lapped at her labia, her folds, her clit… It was all too much! The warmth of another's touch after so long. The intimacy of a held hand. It was all WAY TOO MUCH for the repressed pleasure centers of Barbara's little brain.

Her legs flexed and kicked, shaking with the force of her first orgasm at the hands of another in years. Her back arched off the bed as if Sean was pulling her strings like a puppet. Sheer sensation bowled through her body and mind, leaving her blissfully flattened at Sean's mercy.

O-OooooHHHhhh~!" Barbara moaned, her voice vibrating like a vibrato. "Too much~… Not enough~… Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, SeeAAAANNNNN~!"

Just as she thought she was coming down from her first monumental peak, Barbara found her pleasure on a rapid rise again. Sean didn't let up, didn't give her a single break or moment to catch her breath. Straight from one orgasm into another. And another…

Barbara's body might as well have been putty in Sean's hands and he was only just starting. He lapped at her folds. He lashed her pretty pleasure pearl with vicious licks, kisses, and soft nibbles. He lavished her poor repressed cunny with lips and tongue as if it was something to be worshipped — as if BARBARA was something to be worshipped…

It took three practically HOLY climaxes and Barbara just about losing her mind for Sean to let up at all. His hand on her side stroked her softly, finally (FINALLY!) coaxing her down from her back-to-back peaks. As much as Barbara needed the moment of respite, she instantly found herself missing the mind-blowing ecstasy.

"More~…!" Barbara whimpered. She whined. She BEGGED like some kind of wanton whore. And she couldn't even find it in herself to care at this point.

Ever so slowly, Sean came up for air. He didn't even seem winded, even after putting Barbara through all of that. Enough to drive a lesser woman mad, just from that pretty mouth of his, now quirked up in an insufferably cocky smirk. Despite knowing she would taste herself, Barbara wanted to kiss that stupid, sexy smirk right off his face.

Her free hand reached out for him, beckoning him forward and up her body. He obliged. The brief moment it took for him to crawl his way up her body was torture to Barbara's blissfully fraying mind. A strong arm came to support him, resting beside Barbara's head so the only thing she could do was trace the muscles with her eyes to their stupid, sexy source.

His other hand still held hers, brought above her head as if he was pinning her there. Barbara almost scoffed. As if that was necessary at this point. She would have FOUGHT to stay right where she was. BENEATH him, at his mercy and PLEASURE. The thought sent pleasurable tingling shivers up her spine.

"Soooo~…" Sean drawled, lazy, carefree, and oh-so-thrilling. "Come here often, Babs~?"

"My bed? Yes. My bed with another person? No," Barbara glared up at him with fire in her eyes, not all of it anger. "And that's my problem. The problem you're supposed to be solving right now, you stupid, sexy bastard!"

"And how do you intend for me to solve it~?"

"Isn't it obvious?!"

"Mmmm, maybe. But I think I like making you be honest with yourself."

"… You're a dick."

"I can be. It's part of what makes me so lovable."

"Lovable, my ass."

"You do have quite the lovable behind, Babs."

"… You're really going to make me say it? Again…?"


"Ugh, I hate that I like you so much… Fine! I want you to keep going, Sean. Fuck me into a fucking coma! Put an end to this damn dry spell of mine and Goddamn mind-break me!"

"Mind-break, Babs? Your proclivities are showing~"

Barbara's cheeks started to flush but she firmly held Sean's teasing gaze, doubling down, "If I can think at the end of this, you haven't done your job well enough. I'm serious. MIND. BREAK. ME."

A visible shudder ran through Sean's body. Barbara couldn't help but grin and preen inside at finally getting a reaction out of him. Yeah, who's the smug one now, you stupid, sexy bastard! Almost instantly, the smugness that entered Barbara's expression was wiped away without a trace.


Barbara squeaked as she found herself folded in half by Sean's free hand. At the same time, he was suddenly firmly grasping BOTH of her wrists. How…? It had to be magic. The hand holding onto hers didn't even seem to move and Barbara swore she could still feel Sean's fingers intertwined with hers!

And yet, there she was. Now pinned in a much more literal sense. Her calves rested on Sean's shoulders. A strong hand pinned her arms in place above her head so she couldn't struggle much, even if she wanted to. Her body — her POOR PUSSY — was open for the taking.

A blush crept from Barbara's cheeks all the way down to her nipples, "Uhh, Sean…?"

"Don't back down now, Babs~" Sean rasped huskily. "You asked for this~"

"I-I wasn't going to back down, idiot!" Barbara snapped back at him, her voice shaky with excitement and anticipation. "Just… a little warning would be nice…?"

"Well, here's your warning~" He positively purred. "I'm going to break that brilliant mind of yours, Babs~ And you're going to thank me for it~"

Barbara gulped around the sudden lump in her throat. O-Oh my… Something amazing inside her tightened at Sean's cocky warning. Why'd he have to say it like that? Barbara thanked her lucky stars that she wasn't standing at the moment. She wasn't sure her knees could take it if she was.

She glanced down between them. Folded up as she was, they were practically joined at the hip. Not in the way she'd prefer just yet but this was certainly a tempting sight in its own right. Her legs on either side of a strong chest and defined abs that loomed over her. A cut V-shape leading directly to…

"Oh, fuck…" Barbara let out a breathless little whimper.

She saw Sean's cock before. But like this? With that thick slab of meat shadowing her crotch and lower abdomen, practically blocking them from view? With the comparison she could now make between that masculine BEAST and her oh-so-feminine body? With the heat she could feel RADIATING off it, mere millimeters from her skin…? Sean's cock was somehow EVEN MORE impressive and gorgeous now.

Still, Barbara tried to put on a strong front like always, scoffing and looking back up into Sean's eyes, "Yeah? In your dreams am I going to thank-…"

"-YOOOOUUUUUU~! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU~! Oh my God, Sean, thank you for breaking my mind with your THICK, PERFECT, FUCKING COCK~!"

She never stood a chance…

It was like something straight out of her 'instant loss 2koma' hentai. Barbara was already so wet that she was quite literally dripping. Sean didn't even have to take it easy on her at first. He just pulled back slightly and slammed himself home like her pussy was where he properly belonged!

The first thrust shook Barbara to her very core. She could feel him so deep inside her, stretching her out so perfectly! It was an instant, mind-blowing ecstasy that rocketed her even higher than her first three orgasms. And that was just the first thrust!

Barbara's eyes rolled back in her head as Sean pulled out and pushed back in. His pace was steady, firm, and everything she needed! Somehow, he already seemed to know the best spots to hit and grind against inside her. And the way her pussy hugged every inch of him on the way in and out had Barbara babbling and thanking him like he said she would.

It was EVERYTHING. Too much and not enough at the same time. Barbara alternated between begging him for more and begging for him to slow down. Sean didn't heed the babbles of her blissfully fraying mind, keeping a steady pace that never failed to make her cum again and again.

It felt like she was squirting with every thrust. Just drenching Sean's amazing cock and the bed beneath them. And the sounds. Oh, God, the sounds! Barbara never knew she could sound so lewd, the squelching of her slick pussy and the clap of Sean's hips against her ass like music to her mind-breaking instant loss.

"Yes, yes, finally! FINALLY~!" Barbara vented years of pent-up sexual frustration as she came her brains out. "I was wrong, Sean! I don't 'think' I love you! I love you and I love your perfect fucking cock! THAAANNNKKK YOOUUU~!"

Fortunately, Sean silenced her with a kiss before she could continue embarrassing herself. It only barely stopped her moans. She mewled into his mouth, struggling with every ounce of thinking brain matter she had left just to kiss him back.

Unfortunately, the kiss was the last piece of the carnal puzzle Barbara needed to SEE GOD. Her moans and mewls transitioned into a muffled scream. Sean ground her clit, pulverized her G-spot, and bullied her womb all at once again and again. Barbara's breaking mind was sent into the stratosphere.

"FUUUUUMMMMMMAAA~!" Barbara's neighbors certainly weren't going to be happy with her after this…

Her legs shook against Sean's shoulders. Her core and abdominal muscles tensed and tightened. She SQUEEZED around Sean's godly cock as tightly as she physically could. They might as well have been fucking in a puddle at this point from how much Barbara's poor pummeled pussy was leaking, drooling, fucking flooding like a FUCKING FAUCET~!

Barbara was well and truly lost. Her mind was breaking, shattering, and fracturing under tsunami after tsunami of ecstasy. She was being fucked stupid in the best possible way. And she loved every second of it!

Especially the part when Sean's thrusts built to a fever pitch. Her whole body and mind seemed to surrender to him. Her pussy was utterly ruined, both for herself and for any other man. NO ONE could possibly measure up to Sean in Barbara's breaking mind. If it was possible, she was sure she'd have hearts in her pupils like the women in her hentai.

Grunts from Sean began to punctuate his every thrust. Like he was putting everything he had into just FUCKING HER~! They were sweet, blissful music to Barbara's ears. All she could hear was Sean and her own lewd moans. All she could feel was Sean and the pleasure his gorgeous cock fucked from her body. She could barely tell where one orgasm ended and the next began!

"Where do you-" Sean grunted out. "-Want it?"

"INSIDE~! INSIDE, INSIDE, INSIDE~! If you pull out, I'm going to fucking skin you alive, Sean!" Barbara screamed her ecstatic reply.

Somehow, Sean still found it in him to chuckle that stupid, sexy chuckle Barbara loved and hated so much, "As you wish~"

Barbara's snippy retort died on her tongue. Sean buried himself balls deep inside her and Barbara's whole world exploded. Heat so hot it felt like it was searing her insides rushed into her depths. Barbara's back arched off the bed all over again, her legs flexed straight against Sean's shoulders and her toes absolutely CURLING in pleasure.

The single best feeling Barbara had ever experienced flooded Barbara's mind. White-hot ecstasy. Pink exploding sparks. Scarlet hearts that bloomed in her mind like flowering roses. It broke her. Oh, it broke her so good…

Barbara was left blissfully fucked-stupid and WHIMPERING. "Ooooohhh~… Thank you, thank you~… FuuuUUcckk~! So good~ Thank you~…"

As Sean's climax finally (FINALLY!) waned, he tried to reposition them into a more comfortable arrangement for Barbara. But when he tried to slide her legs off his shoulders and unfold her, she just wrapped them tightly around his waist halfway through the motion. And then, she refused to budge any further, hugging his with her entire body after he released her wrists as well.

Eyes closed (having been rolled back in her head only moments before), Barbara let out a relieved, well-fucked sigh. She was more than content to just lie there like that for a while, using Sean as a manly teddy bear with his perfect cock still hard inside her.

Eventually, she hummed, "Mmmmm~… You better not have gotten me pregnant, Sean."

Sean snorted a laugh, "Heh, maybe you should have thought of that before you BEGGED me to cum inside you."

"When you're fucking me like that? Begging for a creampie is SOOO~ not my fault."

"Well, you'll be happy to know that you don't have to worry about that sort of thing with me."


"Barbara. Babs. I'm the Prince Consort of Life and Death. I think I can handle a little something like birth control."

"Mm. Good."

They relaxed like that for a little bit longer. Barbara was more than happy to bask in the godly afterglow of all her orgasms. Hell, she would have been happy staying like this until the world ended. Then a surprised moan was torn from her lips as Sean flexed his cock inside her.

"Soooo… round two?" He asked. Even with her eyes closed, Barbara could hear his smirk.

"Noooooooouuuuuuuuuu~…!" Barbara whined. A small-voiced mewl escaped her immediately after her unconvincing denial, "Yes…"

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