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24.59% GOT: The Young Stag[Discontinued] / Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Kapitel 15: Chapter 15

Hello and welcome this chapter! 

I know some people were disappointed in the short chapter I had last time around, but I am rushing them out fast. 

Anyway, final Q&A. Here we go.

From StratosOmega: Will Steffon, Arya and Jon Join up with Robb when he starts going to war or will they be their own separate force? And one more if I may, how did you write the dialog for the first couple of chapters? Did you watch the first episodes over and over and copy what is said?

To be honest, I expected this question. To a large extent, I did use the dialogue from the episodes themselves. However, watching the episodes again and again, while it would be great, would be very time consuming, so I have been using a website which has been very helpful in looking at the scripts for each episode. The rest was pieced together from views of the wiki and my own memory.

As for the second part . . . you'll just have to wait and see. I'm keeping my cards close to my chest, at least publicly. If anyone wants details on future plot points, feel free to PM me.

From Termin8r (seriously, this guy's awesome): A good couple often compliments each other, giving them an opportunity to grow as a character. So far we've seen that Arya's influence is making Steffon more steadfast and confident in himself. What exactly does Steffon do for Arya that makes her grow as a character?

Okay, I was expecting this one too. Steffon's effects on Arya are already becoming somewhat more apparent: She's become quite warm in her affections to him, and as we saw from her first ever interaction with Stannis, she's at the very beginning of learning the value of keeping private thoughts and public sayings separate. She still has her outbursts, but this will develop further. The other effect that will become apparent as we move to the war is that she will become less impulsive, more restrained. Ultimately, Steffon's effects on her won't become apparent until we move into roughly Season 2, as personally, I felt that and Season 6 were the two seasons where our favourite little badass grew the most as a character.

Edit: This chapter has been re-written. The reason for that being I wasn't happy with it when I put it up; a very personal tragedy occurred for me so my mind was elsewhere. Anyway, I have edited and re-written parts of the chapter. Hopefully it's better now

Steffon and Jon were sparring in the courtyard of Dragonstone with Arya, Shireen and Davos observing. Stannis was currently attending to other business, as were Melisandre and Selyse. Arya and Jon could see that Steffon's swordfighting had visibly improved since he and Jon had been training together. Arya was also getting better with her Water Dance; she was now attending lessons with Syrio for at least two hours every day. Syrio had even said that if she continued doing well, he might introduce a parrying dagger to her training! She was excited and a bit nervous, but happy.

Steffon parried another strike from Jon before thrusting the point. Jon dodged the attack, before slamming his blade down on Steffon's and moving the pommel towards Steffon's face. Steffon however, anticipated it. He grabbed Jon's sword hand and pinned it to his side, and slashing the blade hard towards Jon's side. Jon dodged the blow, before wrenching his sword from Steffon's grip and slamming the pommel into his chest. Steffon staggered back. Jon then aimed a low attack at Steffon's legs, which connected, sending Steffon to the floor

"You're getting better, Steffon." Said Jon.

"Well I should be Jon; we have been training for a while. Still have a long way to go though" Steffon responded, getting up. Jon smiled in reply before putting his practice sword on the weapon rack.

"You do, but that's enough training for today, Steffon. We can get some more done tomorrow; hopefully you'll be even better."

"I hope I am Jon." Steffon replied, removing his padding and placing his sword on the rack. As Jon tidied up the area, Steffon walked over to Arya, enveloping her in a tight hug. The two broke the hug and kissed, their lips moving in a familiar rhythm before they were interrupted.

"Um . . . My Prince . . . there are children present." Said Davos, covering Shireen's eyes. The young lovers looked sheepishly at each other before leaving.

"And don't get up to too much funny business!" Jon shouted. Steffon and Arya both went beet red with embarrassment. They still hadn't told Jon about the events yesterday morning; and they sure hoped he didn't know.

The two wandered aimlessly through the castle, making idle chat as the walked. They couldn't wait to marry each other, but they had to wait, at least for another year. Suddenly, they were appraoched by Stannis.

"News from the mainland. Tywin Lannister's invaded the Riverlands; likely in retaliation for Catelyn Stark taking the Imp." He said to the two. Okay, her taking Tyrion was unwarranted, but a bloody war?! Catelyn Stark, you might be brave, but you're a fool. Steffon thought. Arya tugged on his hand and led them back to their room before slamming the door shut behind them.

"Tell me you didn't know anything about this!" She shouted at him.

"Of course I didn't bloody know anything about it! How the fuck was I supposed to know my grandfather would invade your mother's homeland?! By the Seven, Arya, I might be smart, but I'm not a bloody clairvoyant! Moreover, your mother taking Tyrion was stupid. Just stupid. He's not like my uncle Jaime or Mother. He'd never hurt a child! I've known him all my life, and yes, he has done some questionable things, but he'd never hurt a child! Especially when his own niece had taken an interest in your brother!" Steffon shouted back.

"She was only doing what she thought was best Steffon!"

"Well she wasn't thinking too clearly then, because she fucked it up thoroughly enough to start a bloody war!"Steffon shouted, before going silent. Arya looked hurt. Really hurt. "Arya, I didn't mean-"

"Just bugger off, Steffon. I've got better things to do right now." Arya said, before storming out of the room, leaving Steffon all alone.

What have I done? He thought

A garden in King's Landing

Ned patiently sat waiting for Cersei on a bench in the garden. His dsicovery the previous night had been playing on his mind ever since; so much in fact that he found himself unable to sleep. Thank the Gods Arya and Steffon are at Dragonstone for all this. He thought.

"You're in pain, My Lord." Said a voice. Ned looked up to see the Queen approaching him.

"I've had worse, Your Grace."

"Perhaps it's time to go home. The South doesn't seem to agree with you." Cersei responded, her characteristic smug smirk on her face. Ned decided at that moment there was no point in delaying. he needed to be forthright with her.

"I know the truth Jon Arryn died for." He said. Cersei's face lost the smirk after that.

"Do you now, Lord Stark? Did you merely ask me here to pose me riddles?" She asked.

"Has Robert hit you like this before?" Ned asked, pointing to the red mark on her cheek.

"Jaime would've killed him if he did. My brother is worth a thousand times your friend." She responded. Time to go for the jugular, Ned decided.

"Your brother, or you lover?" He asked. Cersei's face twisted into a snarl now.

"The Targaryens wed brother and sister for centuries; even before they ruled Westeros. Jaime and I came into this world together; we shared a womb togehter; we belong together." She defended.

"My son Bran saw you with him." The realisation hitting him. Bran didn't fall; Ser Jaime pushed him!

"Do you love your children, Lord Stark?" Cersei asked.

"With all my heart, Your Grace."

"No more than I love mine, My Lord."

"And apart from Steffon, they're all Jaime's."

"Yes. A mistake on my part. Robert forced himself on me one night and must have emptied himself inside me." Cersei explained.

"You've always hated Robert. Have you always hated Steffon too? Because he looks so much like him?" Ned asked. Cersei slapped him across the face.

"Don't you dare suggest that ever again, Lord Stark. Steffon is a fine son. His grasp of strategy is so great for his age that even my father was impressed. His nature though . . . far too soft. It was to be Jaime's task to harden him up; make him wise to the ways of the world; but Barristan, the old fool, got to Steffon first. As for Robert, no. At first, I worshiped him. The dream of every woman and he was all mine. That night, when he crawled on top of me, stinking of wine, he whispered, 'Lyanna'. Your sister was a corpse and I was a living woman and he loved her more than me." She explained.

"When the King returns from his hunt, I will inform him. I can keep Myrcella safe in Winterfell, but you must leave with Joffrey and Tommen. Get as far away as you can with as many soldiers as you can, because Robert's wrath will follow you wherever you go." Ned warned.

"And what of my wrath, Lord Stark?" Cersei asked. "You could have taken the throne for yourself seventeen years ago. You could've climbed the steps yourself. Such a sad mistake."

"I've made many mistakes in my life, but that wasn't one of them."

"Oh but it was. When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."

The Wall

Gendry and Sam were wandering close to the edge of the Wall. Sam was rambling on about something. Whatever it was, Gendry wasn't paying attention. He was too busy peering over the edge. He was still amazed by the sheer size of the Wall. Seriously, who'd have thought that a 700-foot tall wall of ice would be the Realm's greatest defence? Certainly not Gendry. As a boy, he'd always fantasised about seeing a massive castle, but he had no doubt, that the Wall outdid every single castle in Westeros.

"Riders. We have to blow the horn." Said Sam, snapping Gendry from his train of thought. However, Gendry couldn't help but feel that something was odd. Why was there only one horse?

"Why is he alone?" Asked Gendry. Sam began to recite how many blasts from the horn meant what. "Wait, Sam, there's no rider. It's just the horse." Gendry said. The two looked at each other before rushing over to the elevator. Soon enough, they had reached the ground, Gendry feeling mildly calmed about the feeling of solid ground beneath his feet instead of ice. He'd been right though; it was a lone horse.

"Who's horse is that?" Asked Sam. Gendry looked closer, and to his horror, recognised it.

"That's Benjen Stark's horse. The First Ranger." Gendry said. Benjen Stark has been one of the few Night's Watch officers to look out for Gendry. Heck, he had even offered to help Gendry when he returned. Now though, he hadn't.

What happens now?

Ned was walking down a hall with his new Guard Captain, Tomard, when he was interrupted by a rather distressed Renly.

"Ned, It's Robert. We were hunting . . . a boar . . ." Renly said, before motioning for Ned to follow him. Ned dismissed Tomard and followed Renly to the chamber Robert was laid up in. Robert then ordered everyone out except for Ned.

"Oh you damn fool." Ned said. "What happened?"

"Too much wine; missed my spear thrust. Got him back though; stuck my knife right through his brain. Make sure everyone gets a taste of him at the funeral." Robert said. "One last thing though. There's paper and ink on the table; write down what I say." Robert ordered, and Ned dutifully obeyed. As Ned handed the note over to Robert for signing, he really hoped that he wouldn't spot Ned's . . . wording of the letter. Thankfully, he didn't. "Give it to the Small Council. At least they'll say I did this one thing right." Robert said. Ned told Pycelle to give Robert Milk of the Poppy. On the way back to his chambers, Ned really hoped the wording wouldn't get anyone he cared about in trouble

The mood on Dragonstone meanwhile, was frosty. ever since their shouting match earlier in the morning, Steffon and Arya had been avoiding each other like the plague. It wasn't making life easier. Right now, Jon and Shireen were sitting in a solar playing Cyvasse. For all his vaunted expertise, Jon was repeatedly being beaten by the girl, only humiliating him more each time.

"It's definitely not going to make anyone's lives easier." Said Jon.

"I agree, Jon. Least of all, theirs. They can't avoid each other forever. We'll have to straighten them out sometime." Shireen replied.

"Well they're both as stubborn as anything. You have any ideas?" Jon asked. Shireen tapped her chin in thought.

"How about you talk to Arya and I'll talk to Steffon. Hopefully we can get them to put this aside." She said; a plan to which Jon quickly agreed. The two set out to opposite ends of the castle, with Shireen finding Steffon staring out at the sea.

"Steffon, I wanted to talk about this morning." She said gently.

"I've got nothing to say about it." Steffon answered testily.

"Well obviously it's not resolved. Yes, Arya blaming you for Lord Tywin's invasion of the Riverlands is stupid, but you didn't make the situation better. You basically blamed her mother for tarting a war. You can't see how that would hurt her?" Shireen asked. Steffon remained silent. He had no answer for that. "Exactly. Now be a man and go and apologise to her." Shireen said. Steffon reluctantly stood up and left the room they were in, secretly humiliated at submitting to his younger cousin.

At the other end of the castle, Jon was likewise challenging Arya.

"Arya, you can't blame him for starting a war; it was his grandfather's decision to invade the Riverlands." Jon said.

"He's still related to them! For all we know, he could be in on this! Jon, you saw his reaction when he found out that the Imp had been arrested by Mother!" Arya replied defensively.

"And how would you react if Robb had been arrested by the Lannisters?" Jon asked. Arya stuttered; she hadn't expected a question like that. "You'll not make your lives easier by disregarding each other. All couples fight; even Father and your mother. Learn how to have one, Arya. I suggest you find him and apologise." Said Jon. Arya left the room reluctantly in search of Steffon.

The two eventually met in the Chamber of the Painted Table. After a few moments' silence, they embraced each other.

"I'm sorry Arya. I'm so sorry." Said Steffon, tears beginning to leak from his eye.

"I'm sorry too Steffon." Arya replied, likewise beginning to let tears fall. The two broke their hug before smashing their lips together. This kiss was full of love, passion and forgiveness, and they both knew it.

"I love you, my Wolf Girl."

"I love you too, my Stag Boy."

Ned had just gotten out of meetings with with Renly and Littlefinger. Renly had offered a hundred swords to prevent Cersei from taking the Iron Throne. Ned had been considering it, right up until Renly dismissed Steffon out of hand and saying that he was the rightful ruler instead. That had been cause enough for Ned to turn him down. The meeting with Baelish was a different matter. With the revelation that Steffon was the trueborn heir, Ned needed the Goldcloaks to secure Steffon's place as King. Despite his distaste for the matter, he needed Baelish and the Goldcloaks. Thankfully, Baelish had promised Catleyn that he would help Ned. There was no reason not to trust the man, especially since he had never been able to deny Cat anything. As of now, Ned had arrived outside the Throne Room to greet 'King' Joffrey and arrest him and Cersei.

"All is accomplished; the City Watch is yours." Said Baelish, approaching him with Varys.

"Will Lord Renly be joining us?" Asked Ned.

"I'm afraid he has fled the city, My Lord." Varys repsonded. "He rode through the Old Gate before dawn with Ser Loras Tyrell and 50 retainers."

"No matter." Ned replied. "We will make do without him." He then led the Small Council into the Throne Room, accompanied by around a dozen Stark Guardsmen.

"All hail King Joffrey of the House Baratheon!" Called out a herald, "First of His Name; King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men; Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." The herald finished. Ned and the Councillors knelt before rising.

"I command the Council to make all preparations necessary for my coronation; I wished to be crowned within the fortnight. Today, I shall be accepting oaths of fealty from my loyal Councillors." Joffrey said.

"There is one matter to be settled first." Said Ned, handing Roberts letter to Cersei, who read out the letter before promptly tearing to shreds. "Those were the King's words." Said Ned in disbelief.

"We have a new King now, Lord Stark. You offered me counsel earlier, so now I shall return the courtesy. bend the knee, My Lord. Swear loyalty to my son and we shall allow you to live out your days in that grey waste you call home." She said.

"You have no claim to the throne." Ned said to Joffrey.

"Liar!" Joffrey shouted. Cersei commanded the Kingsguard to seize Ned, before Ned ordered his own men to not harm them. He then turned to Janos Slynt. "Lord Commander, take the Queen and her children into custody; escort them back to their chambers and keep them there under guard." He said. Slynt turned to his troops.

"Men of the Watch!" He shouted. The Goldcloaks lining the room leveled their pikes.

"I want no bloodshed." Ned begged, in one last attempt to avoid a fight."Tell your men to lay down their arms. No-one has to die." He said. An eerie calm settled over the Throne Room.

"NOW!" Cried Slynt. The Goldcloaks rammed their pikes through the Stark Guardsmen. The few that managed to get their weapons drawn were cut down by either Sandor Clegane or the Kingsguard. Baelish sneaked up behind Ned, before grabbing him and putting a dagger to his throat.

"I did warn you not to trust me"

And there it is! No, we're getting into the nitty-gritty of everything now. War is not that far off, ladies and gentlemen. So, the Q&A is now closed, but I will be bringing it back sometime in the future.

I should explain something about Shireen's reasoning in this chapter when she's explaining things to Steffon. Yes, Catelyn did start a war, but she underestimated Tywin, and expected he wouldn't start a war for the child he actively hates; either that or she was only thinking of her family (either one seems likely). Moreover, Arya loves her family dearly, and naturally was very hurt by Steffon implicating the war was entirely her mother's fault. You and I may agree that it indeed was, but Steffon was outright and blunt with it, very much implying that Catelyn was to blame for everything that went wrong. Besides, wouldn't you be offended if someone blamed your parents for starting a war?

Also, I just uploaded a Star Wars story called In War and in Peace. Please take a look at it; drop a review, a favourite, a follow, whatever you want!

Auf wiedersehen!

next chapter
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