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90.9% Gloves off / Chapter 10: The Brave One

Kapitel 10: The Brave One


Homelander paced around in his apartment. Worry was etched in his face like a brand. Half an hour later of constant chanting in dead languages. Alabaster stepped out of Homelander's bedroom.

"You're fucking lucky you got her here fast." Huffed the son of Hecate taking off a pair of bloody surgical gloves.

"Is she going to live?" Homelander asked in an uncharacteristically small and weak voice.

"Yeah most of her organs are surprisingly intact."

"Can you do anything about the missing limbs?"

"Listen here dipshit, I'm not you're family doctor and the only reason I bothered healing that nazi garbage. Is so you don't lose you're shit any further!"

Homelander's eyes started glowing.

Alabaster completely ignored that. "I can't do anything for her limbs, but she can."

Another person stepped out of the room. She was dressed in pure white satin robes. She looked like a normal young woman with milky white skin and spiky black hair. Her eyes were wide, but blank. Her skin was even stranger, it was covered in dark lines as if she had been turned into a mummy.

"Sorry to call you on this Jacobi."

"It's fine." She stated dismissively "it's not like it's hard work. Although this might take a bit."

"I'm gonna fucking kill him." Growled Homelander. "Yeah no." Shot back the son of Hecate "you can't beat Jackson, not on you're own or even with my help. The best you can do is keep you're head low until he can gather enough power."

"Who the fuck are you talking about?!" Demanded Homelander.

"ME" stated a single voice in a whisper. That one single word nearly tearing Homelander's mind apart. He fell to his knees howling in pain. Clutching at his skull like a white hot drill had just been forced through both of his ears.

"Him." Repeated Alabaster helping up Homelander. He's the only person in this room with a shot at Jackson. Try not to lose you're shit too soon and he should be able to do it without being hindered."

Homelander glared at him, but he silently conceded.

The next month was quiet. Much too quiet, which left the son of Poseidon restless. But he managed to stay relax with Annabeth's help.

Percy and Annabeth held hands as they trudged through Central Park, on their way for a meeting with Carter and Magnus. It took them a while to come back to New-York. Apparently Boston police was quite persistent. The day was bright and gentle. A nice summer day in the city that never sleeps.

Percy's mind went to camp half-blood. At this hour he'd usually be teaching a sword class. Magnus often complained about his teaching methods, but not any other student of his ever complained.

Chiron was probably a bit worried. His mother was probably still worried, but hopefully Hestia got the word out. All that stress was bad for the baby anyway. By the gods if he didn't make it home before she was born Percy would find a way to kill an immortal.

Carter and Magnus weren't very hard to miss. Carter was trying to mold a piece of clay to his favored form, but he kept scrapping it from unsatisfactory results.

Magnus was just glowering at empty space. Both were seated on an isolated fountain. Percy frowned as he was suddenly transported back to his world. Witnessing the death of another half-blood on this very spot.

It was strange to come back in Central Park. Even less witness other poeple go on about their lives there. Of if only the people in his world knew.

Suddenly he was back on the battlefield. Fighting Hyperion while demigods and nature spirits died left and right. Their battle cries, their scream of pure agony echoing in his mind, as them and their siblings died horrible painful deaths.

While Percy alway came out without a single scratch. Not even a single scar to show he sacrificed himself in this war. Had he even done that? It always seemed  to end well for him, but never for others. Maybe if he hadn't held back. Maybe if he hadn't been a coward and went all out less people would be gone.

Annabeth layed a gentle, but strong hand on Percy's shoulder. Anchoring him back into the present. Percy pressed his hand to hers not looking into her worried gaze.

He always hated himself for making her worry.

"Annabeth!" Exclaimed Magnus leaping to his feet. The son of Freyr crashed into her with a hug. Percy smiled stepping off to the side. He walked next to Carter.

"What happened?"

Carter shrugged "I told him I was with you. He didn't believe me. He insulted me, I showed him a hieroglyph. He insulted me again, so assuming he could take a hit like you..." he trailed off making a fist, looking slightly sheepish.

Percy snorted "understandable, there's no one else like us around?"

"As far as I know, no there's only us."

"I've seen worse odds." Shrugged Percy sitting down next to the magician. "Any lead on our magical ennemies?"

"Didn't really have the time to check. Especially yesterday." Chuckled Percy.

"What did you do?" Wondered the magician.

"Gave surprise sex change to a creep." Bluntly informed the son of Poseidon. Carter blinked blankly at Percy. "Okay I won't bother gaining more information on that. What's our next move?"

Percy let out a little sigh. "I'm honestly not sure. I gotta make sure Homelander and Vought can't get in the way though."

"Is he that big of a threat?" Wondered Carter. Percy made a so, so gesture with his hand. "On his own I'm pretty sure I can take him, but he's got allies we don't know about."

"A son of Hecate who's apparently working for a big bad. You mentioned that. Do you actually know him?"

"Not really, but I know for a fact he used to fight for Kronos. So he can't be good news."

"Is he a threat?" Magnus asked sitting next to Percy. "Who knows. It's impossible to know what a Hecate kid will pull next. What I'm certain of is that we need to stay on our toes. It's weird that we weren't attacked in the past few days."

"You think their planning something?" Asked Annabeth.

"Definitely, there really is no way to know what. If only we had plan delta 23."

"I'm sorry plan what?" Asked the bewildered son of Freyr.

"Back in our world most statues in NYC are actually automatons. They helped us in the fight against Kronos." Explained the daughter of Athena sending a look at a nearby bronze statue. "Percy used some to kill a giant winged pig."

"It is as ridiculous as it sounds." Chuckled Percy.

"And I thought explosive donkey's were ridiculous laughed Carter raising a hippo sculpture up to his eyes.

"You like art?" Magnus asked a little out of nowhere. "My girlfriend/boyfriend gives lessons in sculpture. She's pretty amazing at it. Can you make them living too?"

Carter blinked at Magnus. "I honestly wouldn't say no to that." He replied with a small smile. "We call them Shabti, we can give them life, but most of the time they need a built in flaw so we don't lose control over them."

"Huh, sounds way more complicated than what he does."

"Yeah Egyptian magic has a lot of strict rules we need to abide to."

"Kind of the opposite with Greek magic." Huffed Annabeth "nearly everyone can do anything with it."

"That's reassuring." Huffed Magnus. "I can do some elf magic, but I don't think it'll be all that useful against the stuff they can do."

"Are we talking lord of the rings magic or santa's little helpers magic?"

"Oh, ah ah." Sarcastically laughed Magnus. "More like Lord Of The Rings." He admitted with s grumble.

"Anything is useful." Percy assured with a small smile.

"I'm wondering if our weapons can even hurt them. Their mortals, but also a bit more than that nonetheless."

"Well I definitely can." Suddenly came a voice. Percy's gaze turned to Magnus's glowing necklace. "I almost forgot about you. Hey Jack."

"Hey Aquaman." Shot back the sword of summer.

"Well it's a much better comparison than the Deep. He's like the reject of a reject Aquaman."

The group shared a laugh.


Four pairs of eyes turned to a buisness ready Hughie Campbell."

"Hughie, you there to cuff me?" Percy teased.

"I don't think I could if I tried chuckled Hughie. Although I technically could have you summoned in court. Especially since Big Game requested to sue you."

"What did you tell him?"

"Well I mentally told him to eat a dick and told him you couldn't be found."

"Thanks, not that I mind seeing you, but I got a feeling that this isn't some friendly visit?"

Hughie pursed his lips. "No I'm afraid not, Butcher and Mallory spread the word to us to find you. We got a call from someone."

"From who?"

Hughie glanced from side to side and pulled out his phone. He played a recording before handing it to Percy.

"Perseus Jackson." Homelander greeted coldly. "You got some balls you know that? Taking my son away from me. Butcher too, but that fucker's hardly worth my time with you around. So I'm gonna make something clear. You, me on my private island at midnight. If I don't see you there alone I'll kill more people than you can possibly imagine. If I don't see you at all, well I'll take my sweet time with that lovely girlfriend of yours."

Percy's face hardened like stone.

"Percy this is a trap." Instantly began Annabeth seeing the stormy look on her boyfriend's face. "I know." He sighed back "but I also know he'll make good on this threat if I don't come."

"Mallory wants you at an old press building in Brooklyn. It's where our new hideout is."

"Our? You're back with the boys?" Percy asked a little incredulously it had barely been a month since Hughie had joined Neuman.

"Yeah, I huh. Sorta quit my job."

Percy frowned. "Why?"

"She's, kind of the head popper." Stated Hughie clearing his throat.

"You're shitting me." Percy blankly snapped.

"No, seen it myself, it's as horrifying as it sounds."

"Sorry man, can't be that easy."

"These people are they?"

"Trustworthy, of course." Was all Percy said "can you give us a moment?" Hughie nodded stepping away out of earshot.

"So I'm gonna go fuck that guy up real quick."

"I don't like this." Grumbled the daughter of Athena. "I know you told me he's unstable, but he doesn't sound exactly stupid."

"True, but his instability is exactly why I need to go. I'm not letting countless people get hurt over our fight. Doing it on a private island guarantees that."

"Fine you're right." Annabeth conceded "I'm coming with you."

Percy bit his lip, "it's on an islsnd wise girl. I'm at my strongest there, but if you're there." Percy trailed off trying to find a tactful way to put it.

"I would just get in the way." Grumbled Annabeth looking frustrated. Seeing Percy's point she hated it, but being first witness to what Percy was capable of. She knew for a fact he was correct.

"I didn't want to put it like that." Winced Percy. "It's harsh, but true." Annabeth sighed.

"What about us?" Carter asked curiously.

"You two should remain on the back line. You can be our trump cards if something goes wrong."

Carter nodded conceding that it was a good plan. Despite him having a bad feeling about the entire situation as well.

"We'll see you two later." Percy gave his two allies a nod before following after Hughie. Who raised a hand towards Annabeth ready to protest, but one hard look from the concerned girl had him clamping his mouth shut.

Flatiron Building was always a staple of New-York architecture. Annabeth ranted about it quite a few times.

Once they reached the top floor Percy and Annabeth were met with an entire CIA crew along with the boys.

Percy stepped in front of Mallory. "Where is he?" He asked jumping straight to buisness.

"Well son of a bitch has several private islands. All heavily monitored, but there's one who's sensors picked up a supersonic activity. So it's most likely there you'll find him."

She pulled a tablet next to him. "It's a small island in an archipelago far off Hawaii. So no worries on casualties."

"Good, I'm not holding back this time."

This earned a suspicious side eye from Mallory. "How's Ryan?" He asked not looking at her.

"He's doing good, finally got all the states right and in order."

"Real little patriot." Hummed Percy with sarcastic undertones.

"One of our boats will-."

"Whatever you've got it's not fast enough. Just take me to the nearest body of water that leads into the sea." Mallory nodded and barked for her men to move it.

"Hey kid." Greeted MM "hey man, how's it going?" Percy greeted back with a small smile.

"Well coming back after all our bullshit wasn't easy, but I'm doing good. You on the other hand don't be afraid to back down if you can't win."

"Fuck him up guppy!" Frenchie yelled from across the room.

"I'm calling you that from now on." Stated Annabeth.

"In you're dreams dear." Deadpanned Percy.

"You stay safe okay." She categorically ordered.

"You got it wise girl." With one last kiss they both parted. Percy was escorted off to a car and driven to a dock where Percy wasted no time leaping into the water.

One look at the map is all he had needed. His senses had taken over, guiding him towards the island in question at supersonic speed.

Soon enough Percy was walking on the beach. The island itself was empty. Only a small forest stretched in front of him.

"You know it doesn't have to be like this." Percy began as he heard a cape fluttering behind him.

"And why is that." Homelander asked his eyes glowing red.

Percy put his hand in his pocket. "Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less about yet another psychotic man child. Ryan on the other hand still finds a way to love you. Can't blame him, kids are just like that."

"Don't you fucking say a word about him." Snarled Homelander.

"I told him the truth you know. You actually do love him despite being a sick fuck." Percy added like an afterthought. Homelander's eyes glowed with even more intensity. So Percy smashed the last nail in the coffin.

"How's you're Nazi bitch?"

With a rageful scream Homelander unleashed his heat vision towards Percy. He raised Riptide deflecting the beam onto the sand. Creating a trail of glass before Percy managed to angle it back into Homelander's chest. Sending him flying back slightly.

Percy made a bring it on gesture with the blade. Whom wasn't even slightly heated from the attack.

Homelander flew down towards Percy. Who rolled out of the way just in time. Homelander creating a small crater under his fist.

Percy landed a powerful right hook into Homelander's cheek. Staggering him he tried to retaliate, but while he was fast he was a sloppy fighter at best.

To a human it might have looked like a blur, but to Percy this was a slow slug fest. Percy blocked the blow and landed a strong jab in his nose.

Homelander stumbled backwards. His nose slowly starting to leak blood. He rubbed his hand against his bloodied lips and held it in front of his face.

His expression spoke of pure confusion and shock. Seeing his opening Percy landed a wide haymaker, an uppercut in the stomach. Homelander tried to bulrush him again by flying into him, but Percy flipped over him. Snatching his cape mid flip swinging Homelander over him and into the ground.

Percy stomped on his chest driving him further into the sand. "Just stay down." Percy huffed figuratively and literally looking down at Homelander.

The son of Poseidon raised his forearm just in time for to protect his eyes from Homelander's heat vision.

Percy stumbled back dropping his sword, looking at his arm with worry. He was relieved to find his skin barely reddened. Homelander flew back up and blasted towards Percy again.

Only this time Percy punched him across the face so hard he sent him flying backwards into the sand. Before he could recover Percy grabbed him by the ankle. Repeatedly swinging him around like a ragdoll on the ground. Where Percy grappled with Homelander.

His arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Percy started chocking him. Homelander landed an elbow in Percy's face near the eye. Making Percy's grip loosen enough for him to fly off.

"Oh no you don't!" Percy growled water shot from the shore like a whip. Rapidly forming into a fist that slapped Homelander back onto land through a tree. Digging a trail into the ground.

"You feel it yet?" Percy asked stomping towards the downed 'hero' "you're heart pounding like it's trying to leap out of you're chest? You're throat clenching like you're trying to swallow a ball of lead. The shivers going up and down you're spine?"

Percy stopped above the shacking Homelander. Glowering down at the maniac. "That's called fear. And I'll happily introduce you to it!"

Percy grabbed him by the scruff of his suit launching him back towards the sea. A giant hand reaching out to catch him mid air. The watery arm grew to nearly fifty meters in the air. Before being violently brought back into the ground. Kicking up a large wall of dust.

"Did you know getting punched in the head only causes mild damage in itself?" Percy stated kneeling down on the Homelander. "Yeah I only broke you're nose maybe you're jaw, but you're brain's been ratteling around in a bullet proof casket for a while now hasn't it?"

Percy didn't bother leaving him time to answer. He only kept punching away over and over. Until his own knuckles blade under his unrelenting assault.

Naturally Homelander begged him to stop for a bit, but Percy could falter he remembered Thalia's words.

"You can't allow yourself to feel for you're ennemies. They won't feel for you."

Percy might have felt some sympathy if he didn't know what this man, no this monster had done. He had escaped consequences for long enough.

Suddenly he stopped. He didn't have to keep doing it. At least not like this, Percy wasn't a mindless brute. He wasn't Ares, all he was doing was taking out his wrath on someone who wasn't worth his time and energy.

This wasn't like him at all.

But he still needed to go through with this. No one else in this world could and for a few exceptions shouldn't do it. If he didn't do it know Ryan was bound to be forced too.

Dragging the dazed Homelander by the cape Percy dragged him off towards the sea. He threw him into the water. Focusing slightly Percy forced the water into Homelander's lungs.

"Sorry Ryan, I'll make it quick." Sighed Percy as he proceeded to kill the Homelander.

"I don't think so boy." Suddenly came a deep and resonant voice with a hint of Scandinavian accent. Percy whipped around just in time to be backhanded several meters away.

The son of Poseidon felt like he had been hit by Porphyrion all over again. If the king of the giants was made of magma that is.

It broke Percy's focus and before Percy could concentrate again. Homelander rose from the shallow water gasping harshly. He flew off with a sonic boom and without an ounce of hesitation.

"Damn it!" Percy snapped punching the sand.

"Oh worry not, I am all you need to worry about Perseus Jackson."

Percy turned to the Well dressed nine feet tall man. His skin was darker and more chiseled than pure obsidian. His eyes were dark as night with blazing red eyes shining with pure malicious intent, Percy hadn't seen since staring into the glowing eyes of Kronos himself.

"My my have I heard much about you son of Poseidon. Words cannot express how happy I am to finally kill you."

"Do I know you? Sorry I stabbed a wide collection of monsters dressed up as humans. Although I gotta admit most of them don't usually have that good of a fashion sense. Seriously where can I get a well tailored jacket like that. Satan?"

The man smugly straightened his jacket that seemed cut out of a star like material. Bringing back his night like skin even further.

"Well I have my people for that. As for who I am? Why I am Surtr, king of the fire giants of Muspellheim."

"Oh gods fucking damn it." Groaned Percy "another genocidal maniac."

"Oh so you've heard of me?" Surtr casually asked summoning a long curved blade made of pure flame.

Percy reached into his pocket, pulling out Riptide. "I've heard little and little was enough." The son of Poseidon uncapped his sword going for a defensive stance.

This wasn't a casual battle for him anymore. Surtr transformed into a massive trail of fire. Flying past Percy.

He blindly raised his blade the flat of his blade aimed at the mass of fire. Braced with his other hand. He was only guided and saved by pure instinct. The massive flame sword slammed into his weapon. Sending Percy flying off his feet back into the water.

A cyclone of water the size of a building slammed into Surtr in response, but all the water was reduced to steam on the mere contact of his skin.

"I must admit this is disappointing. You're strength and powers are praised nearly as much as you're wits, but I honestly don't see it." Taunted Surt with a nasty smile.

Suddenly Surtr was slashed through both of his ankles. The giant suddenly fell to his knees accompanied by an annoyed grunt. The wounds were instantly filled with magma like blood that solidified into a mass of sharp Obsidian.

The giant released an omnidirectional wave of fire. Glassing the sand in an area of ten meters in diameter. Percy was sent flying again the steam hiding him completely dissipated in the process.

"But then again." Surtr added "perhaps not focusing on jokes means you'll take me seriously?"

"No way in hell gramps. I'm just looking for good materials. You know with how old you are I'm surprised you're not swinging around a cane."

Surtr chuckled chucking a fire ball at the son of Poseidon. Who blasted the fire with a small wave of water.

"Why protect Homelander? Out of all people he's probably the least worth you're time."

"Why would I inform you of my plans? The dead have no buisness knowing what the living are up too." Replied Surt with a wide smile that sent shivers up Percy's spine.

Percy took a deep breath, trying to shrug off the pain of his various burns. He didn't wait for the defensive this time. He attacked moving at blinding speed towards the giant. Their blades clashed, creating a mighty shockwave.


Annabeth's heart had stopped the second she saw Surtr appear on the feed brought to her via a CIA drone.

"You need to get him out there." Annabeth snapped as the love of her life started fighting against the giant. She couldn't tell everyone here that they were looking at a godlike being that made Homelander look like the child he was.

"Can't he just swim off?" Asked a bewildered Butcher. Who had arrived shortly after Percy had left. He was also now the proud owner of a video of Homelander getting his shit kicked in.

He was definitely falling asleep to it every night from now on.

"Not if he doesn't get an opening!" She snapped back.

"Can someone please get the teenager out of the room!" Snapped Mallory.

One of Mallory's men walked to Annabeth. Butcher taking one large side step away from her.

"You put one finger on me and I'll give you a colonoscopy with you're gun." Casually threatened the daughter of Athena. The CIA agent sent Butcher a helpless look.

"Don't look at me mate you dug that grave you lay in it." He shrugged turning his attention on Annabeth. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine ." He added with more tact.

"Wish I could be as confident." She sighed analyzing the place she was in. There was no way to contact Percy and no way to help him. Her heart clenched as she realized with much frustration that she was once again, completely helpless.

Mallory walked away phone in hand. A grim look marring her face. Annabeth was too worried staring at the fight to see that, but Butcher did.

He marched towards her, not catching what she was saying over the wild conversations of the CIA agents trying to figure what they could do.

When Butcher came in the hallway her call was already over. She looked at him, genuine regret shining in her eyes.

"I'm sorry William, but it's the only way we have to make sure neither of these beings can ever become a threat."

"What did you do." Butcher quietly demanded with faint horror.


Percy had faced powerful beings before, but this was taking the cake. Each hit he landed with riptide was instantly sealed close. Surtr was simply too fast and too strong. Forcing Percy to focus sorely on the fight at hand. No way he could summon a hurricane under this fiery onslaught.

He would definitely switch for Hyperion in this situation. The air was getting so hot it was hard to breathe.

The sand hardened and crackled under Surtr's steps as his mere movements and presence turned sand to glass and nearby trees to ashes.

As it turns out Surtr was looking for quite the challenge. Something that Percy didn't seem to provide, much to his obvious frustration.

"Was it luck!" He demanded batting Percy's sword out of hands. He punched the son of Poseidon across the face. Sending his head flying into the ground hard enough to shake the small island.

Snatching him off the ground by the throat he thundered. "Did all those titans and giants fall to blind, fucking luck!" the fire giant raised Percy to his eye level. His fiery hand slowly but surely burning Percy's skin.

Surtr slammed Percy into the ground hard enough to crater the glass. Showering Percy's back with pure agony as countless shards of glass dug in his skin. He raised him back up and threw him like a rag doll. Percy messily digging a trail in the sand.

Surtr rapidly marched towards the downed son of Poseidon. "How many of you're loved ones must I slaughter to get a challenge!" Shouted the giant, unaware of the water near him churning with unnatural power.

Percy gritted his teeth. Letting his rage take over. The sea responding in a way it never had before.


Percy didn't summon a gigantic wall of water to swallow the island. Even though he could have, no he summoned enough water to create a spike the size of a javeline, and launched it faster than the giant could react.

Piercing his throat, another soon landing in his liver his lungs and his Achilles tendon. Only places that caused great pain to even the most battle hardened warriors. The result spraying hot magma all over the ground. Surtr fell to his knees gurgling as his blood filled his mouth. Naturally it didn't take long for the water to turn to steam, but it took long enough.

Fueled by rage Percy didn't look for Riptide in his pocket. He raced towards Surt, cocked his fist back and with all his might struck the giant accross the face.

Knocking out a tooth that flew out of the giant's mouth. He fell on his side bursting into flames and reforming on his feet. A nasty smile etched on his face.

"There he is, the destroyer."

Percy's rage filled mind stopped to a schreeching halt. There it was again, the unnatural agressivity he felt whenever he used his powers in unspeakable ways.

Whenever he acted borderline monstrous.

Percy was suddenly filled with doubt. The form of balance and peace he usually managed to find in battles like this completely destroyed.

"What's wrong." Softly taunted the giant. "Having trouble accepting what you really are? Oh I've heard so many juicy stories from a mutual friend of ours. How you laughed like a mad man as you slaughtered countless monsters and demons. How you're name strikes fear and unease in the heart of both mortals and immortals. And even how you nearly killed misery itself. You insult Homelander and I by holding back like this. The island we stand on should have been leveled in the last hour we have been dueling!"

Percy didn't even know they had been fighting for an entire hour, but he now certainly felt like it.

Was he holding back? Percy couldn't really know. His limits always seemed near non existent, something that terrified him. Did Surtr know something he didn't?

Said giant let out a disappointed sigh. "Well we can't have everything. The gods at Ragnarok will have to do." 

Surtr burst into fire again. Blitzing past Percy in a trail of flames. The son of Poseidon barely had the time to uncap Riptide to counter the attacks of the giant.

His mind was too troubled, which left his body and reflexes sloppy in consequence. The agony wracking his body didn't help either. He could feel every burn each individual shards of glass. The various cracked

Percy landed a lucky slash at Surtr's side. Making the giant stumbled back. His sword hand clutched at the deep wound in order to mend it quicker.

Seeing the opening Percy raised his sword. Meaning to behead the giant and finally finish this.

But he wasn't fast enough. Surtr slashed upwards.

Riptide landed in the sand not too far away.

Percy's hand still attached to it.

Percy didn't look at the stump, but as he clutched it. He realized what had happened and his mind went blank. He palmed the cut accross his abdomen. Luckily it was shallow and without much consequences.

His hand on another note, not so well. He gasped stumbling backwards as shock settled in his bones. Especially when his eyes found the severed limb still holding on tightly to his weapon. He fell to his knees hyperventilating.

Percy wanted to scream. He wanted to cry he wanted to do countless things at the moment.

But when Surtr's kneeled in front of him in the size of a normal human so he could look at him in the eyes for what would come next, with the tip of his fiery blade pressed to his stomach. Percy realized that what he wanted the most.

Was tell Annabeth his mother, all of his loved one's just how much he loved them before dying.

Surtr gleefully drove in the blade at a turtle's pace. Chucking as Percy weakly tried to stop the sword with his remaining hand. Pushing back against Surtr's hand with all he had left. The sword suddenly held no fire. Only an obsidian blade slicing all the way through Percy. The demigod feeling every last inch of the weapon.

The blade exited on the other side.

"You fought well Perseus Jackson. Perhaps you're lover can provide a better challenge."

Percy's grip managed to tighten around the burning skin of Surtr.

"Oh you still have some fire in you?" Happily exclaimed Surtr "Well In that case."

The sword reignited again. Suddenly filling Percy's nose with the scent of his own sizzling flesh. The son of Poseidon gasped, tears filling his eyes as his insides were literally set on fire.

Percy's torture was postponed as a sharp whistled broke through the air. Even in his dying daze Percy could hear it.

So that was their plan since the beginning. Nuke him and whatever bastard he happened to be fighting.

Figure, all those in powers end up doing is stepping down on whoever they want without a care in the world.

Surtr looked up confused "what in the name of Ymir is that sound?" He demanded to no one violently pulling out his sword from Percy's body.

The son of Poseidon fell on stomach. He couldn't speak anymore. It was getting dark, it was getting cold.

Percy somewhat welcomed that cold. It felt soothing after the impossible inferno he had just endured.

It felt peaceful.

"Maybe the bomb can weaken him?" Weakly offered a still active corner of his mind.

"Maybe we can finally die with some peace." Offered another corner, a darker one Percy never got rid of.

"It's what we've wanted for a long long time hasn't it?"

"He's going to kill Annabeth! We have to try and give her a fighting chance!"  His mind screamed so loud it was like Percy was uttering the words himself at the top of his lungs.

It wasn't much, but no one decided how his story ended. Not the gods not the fates no one. If he was going to die. Might as well try to make it worthwhile.

Percy could have crawled towards the sea. In an attempt to heal, but he wasn't certain he could survive those wounds. Which solidified Perseus Jackson's last decision in his struggle against life.

With inhuman, no godlike determination Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, hero of Olympus rose to his feet. His entire body ratteling like a dead leaf, barely hanging on to the branch of a tree against the unrelenting elements.

Surtr was only slightly taller than him now. So he wrapped his right arm around Surtr's neck. His left hand there to clutch the stump.

Surt let out a sound of surprise. Percy nearly bending him backwards in half. Letting them both gaze at the sky in slow motion as the bomb neared the ground.

Surtr knocked Percy away with a swipe of his arm, but the son of the sea was smiling. His eyes closed peacefully as the bomb hit the sand.

In a great flash of light like the one that brought Percy in this cursed world. In a bright light is how he went out.

A/N for those wondering yes the title of the chapter is a reference as to how in some stories Surt is referred to as Surt the brave. For the sole reason that he relentlessly sharpens his blade without pause for a purpose he knows will end up killing him. And naturally also about how Percy remains brave in the face of certain death.

Also bet you didn't see that coming!

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