Chapter 33: two worlds
In the sileng room, only two figures could be seen. One laid on the bed weakly, with a thin tube stuck on her wrist. Black spots patterned her body and hair ha long ceased growing on her head.
She was Zenn's mother.
The other figure sat on the chair adjacent the bed. He wore a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans. His hair was still a bit wet from coming out of the bathroom, but he did not care to dry it up. He held the woman's hands and caressed it slowly. From his action, it was clear how much he loved the woman in who was in front of him.
It was Zenn.
Almost an hour had passed since he had woke up. It all seemed so much like a dream. And to a certain extent, Zenn believed it was. After all, 'yesterday' the doctor had told him his illness had gotten a stage higher. Although it only ever appears in the latter stages of the illness, symptoms of hallucination have been observed in black-19 patients.
Maybe that was what happened to him. All thy had happened was merely just a big dream constructed by his head to escape from all this. That is what he believed. That was the most logical explanation of all this.
Not only that, he remembered having taken days in that world yet, only close to a day passed in this world. How was that possible?
As for the dirt on his body when he woke up, he must have been sleep walking. It all must have surely been a dream.
After all, although the black-19 illness has been around for a long time, not much is known about it. So surely it could be the explanation for this.
But no matter how much he tried to normalize everything in his head, something just doesn't add up.
"Why is it all so clear?"
His memory was a as clear as day. It was nothing like a dream. He could remember Zuri, Ena and even komoru. Every little bit of their interaction was all clear in his head.
Not only that, the knowledge transferred was still there. Like three giant orbs shoved into his head, they stood firm and clear.
But there was only one problem, one thing that deterred him from believing that all this was real.
He can't use his reality and time powers.
He had tried it before, but they did not budge. Even when he tried to new space power, nothing came out of it.
But at that moment, he stood up. Maybe it was something telling to not give up or maybe he himself was not will to admit it was all just a dream. But either way, he stood and was ready to test something. He then went to his bedroom and took something he never although he would pick up ever again. It was a book.
After Zenn was found to have the black-19 mutation, he quit school without hesitation. To him was basically death he to live the rest of his life on a bed, school seemed no longer important. So he quit and went back home to take care of his mother.
His usual days were spent just either taking care of his mother or playing games. For a long time, he never cared about a book became he believed that he will never use it for much.
But it seems he was wrong, as today he needed it. Not just it of course, he also took a pen and calculator.
Of course, Zenn did not take these to reminisce about his old school days. He instead wanted to see something. He wanted to see whether what he dreamed of was real. For him, the best way he could do so was obviously to go back to that world.
But how?
Zenn does not know how he had gone to that world in the first place. All he remembers was himself getting dizzy and fainting on his bed. The next thing he knew, he appeared in a large pool of water. So obviously, Zenn does not know how he got there.
But, he does know how he left. The power was still clear in his head. Although it was as of current not responding, the space knowledge was what transferred him back to his original world. So if there is any truth in what he remembered, then the space knowledge should have secrets to get him back too. After all, in his head, the space orb was so thick. Who knows what lies further than what he has already learned.
As suchn, zenn sat down on a chair and focused on the space knowledge written in his head. With his pen, he started writing all the tunic words and letters on the book. Slowly and yet surely trying to understand it's meaning and secrets.
Unlike when parts of the three knowledge was branded and decompressed in his head, understanding the knowledge was a lot harder. Plus, there was no world assistance yo help him fully understand these letter.
But Zenn's tittle as top of the class would be a joke if he could not understand these. As although these all seemed novel, they were still things directly imprinted in his head. Understanding was only hard, not impossible.
Minutes passed and so did hours, under his focused state, Zenn seemed to have forgotten the flowing time. It was only after his pen could no longer write anymore did he realize how long he had actually taken.
It has been so long that even his stomach protested in hunger. But under his trance like focus, even the sound of his rumbling stomach was filtered like the rest of the world.
Taking this chance, Zenn went on to grab himself something to bite into. He also of course took down time cool down. As intensive calculation and thought processing had really tired down his mind.
But of course, about an hour later, he went back with a new pen and full stomach. The hours passed by like this and soon, night fell.
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