"So you guys ready to borrow the lyre." whispered a short effeminate young man. He had a short black hair and two small braids hanging on the side of his head that ended with the color cyan on the tips.
"Easy for you to say Tone deaf bard! and what do you mean by 'BORROW' " spoke a short female floating figure that resembled a kid. Because it sure doesn't look like it what we are about to do."
"Hey we are doing this for a good reason aren't we? And besides it's going to be a pice of cake getting that lyre. Ain't I right traveler!" He turn to look to the right side of the floating thing.
Right next to the floating thing stood a blonde young female. She stood there with her arms cross giving a look of disappointment to the effeminate young man
"Venti, I sometimes highly doubt that you really are the archon of Mondstadt and think that you really are a alcoholic bard."
"Yeah!. Paimon agrees too!." Spoke the floating figure now known as paimon.
"Come on guys! I already told you haven't I." Venti said with a cheering tone.
"Alright, alright, you already tell us enough already. But if traveler and me get in trouble, you'll be the one to blame Tone Deaf Bard!". She pointed at venti as she follow the traveler who was approaching an open stone wall, revealing stairs leading down.
"Alright let's do t—".
With no time to react the traveler was suddenly push away making her fall to her back hitting the ground.
"TRAVELER" Paimon yell as she quickly float tours her.
Venti jump out the way as a fast figure move past him. For a split second the moment the figure past him. He saw that the figure had white hair mixed with black and was wearing bandages on his upper half.
Venti couldn't see it's face as it move fast like an arrow being shot at an unnatural speed . When turn back to see the figure, the doors of the cathedral were swung wide open as if a wind had blow them.
"Traveler are you alright?." Paimon ask in a worried tone as she float by the travelers side as she got up the ground.
"Yes I am ok" she said as her hand went to touch her forehead "ouch" she felt pain as she touched her forehead.
"Tssss ouch! What was that or who was that?" She spoke as she face to see the doors of the cathedral.
"I don't know" said paimon " But Paimon now knows that whoever it was came from below, we're the lyre is"
"You think he stole the lyre?" The Traveler ask in a low voice. Paimon was about to respond to her as well as venti was going to say something to the two of them but we're interfere by a yell.
"QUICKLY WE NEED TO CALL FOR REINFORCEMENT." A voice yell as it was approaching the end of the stairs.
"Uhm. . .you guys we need to get out of her quickly." Paimon said as she slowly back away.
"Yeah you are right Paimon. I think we should get out of here" the traveler did the same backing away quickly.
"Let's run!" Yell venti as he broke into a sprint. The traveler and Paimon follow behind venti as they too broke into a sprint leaving behind the cathedral.
Ambrose was now running avoiding people getting in his way. But the more he run the more pain it cause him as the burns he had suffer were slowly starting to bleed.
So for now he run at a slow pace. A few feet away from him he saw an opening to an alley and without thinking it he immediately went tours it
As he enter the alleyway reducing his speed to just a walk. He lean his back against the wall as to rest for the moment.
"Ah ah *glup* ah" something something wet on his left shoulder he turn to see what was it and it was blood that started to flow from his shoulder. He fell the same thing he felt in his shoulder but now it was his abdomen.
"D-Damn it shouldn't have over do it with all the fucking r-running" he said as he push himself from the wall he was leaning. He slow walk the down the alleyway.
Right know Ambrose had no idea we're he was know, it is very disorienting running around with pain, hitting your body like war hammer. He was a few feet to reach the end.
"Tell every knight to search around for a fugitive" a couple of knights pass by the exit of the alleyway were he was about to exit
Ambrose quickly hide in one of the shadows the alley provided. Thanks to the small balconies above him.
"He couldn't have gone that far with the state he was in." Spoke another
"Yes but we need to pass the word to the ones who are guarding the gate or else the fugitive will scape or even have easy access enter and leave" spoke another one.
"Alright!" Yell one guard to the group "You go to the exit that leads to cider lake and tell them to be on high alert" he turn to the other knight " the same goes to the others who are at the main gate"
"That's it?!" Yell another knight " No description of what he's wearing? or what he even looks like"
"No!. There was no intel or any description of him" spoke the knight.
"What if it was the guy from yesterday. He was brought into the cathedral" spoke another knight
"Don't be ridiculous that wouldn't be him." Intervene one of the knight's " Didn't you hear someone kill of two guards and steal the lyre. It is doubtful that that kid would have done it with those wounds on him."
Ambrose retreat far ther into the alleyway. He already heard enough from them.
He was lucky that none of the knights have a depiction of him.
"Alright let's move it now!" Yell one of them to the group as they immediately leave the place
He was safe
For now
"Going out in the public like this" he look down at his chest cover in bandages and stain with some fresh blood. "Would certainly be a death sentence right on the spot".
"I need something to cover this mess" He look around the alleyway searching for anything that might be of use for him. Until he look up seeing something hanging of the balcony's edge.
"This is going to hurt for a moment" he bend his knees all the way and in a quick move he jump up in the air reaching with his right hand the piece of clothe.
He landed back to the ground with a soft thud, small waves of pain run across his body. He let out a muffled groan of pain. Nevertheless it nothing to bother with as he examine the big piece of clothing in front of him.
It was a black poncho with a hood, it was even a perfect size for as he put it on him. It felt weird at first since he wore no clothes other than his black pants that had small burnt holes and his leather war boots.
"This will suffice for now" he cover his head with the hood and walk out off the alley. He follow the path guiding him to some places he never been in other than the adventures guild and the tavern which were close to the main gate.
In his walking he saw small business of taverns which were selling food, drinks, and desserts. It looks like the good hunter is not the only one making business.
Seeing some of the folks eat as he passed by the tavern made him a bit hungry, but he needed proceeded to walk ignoring the sensation of hunger.
Food will come later, so now he needed to focus on the matter he had at hands.
But he did consider something. He walk a bit close to one of the tables that stand in front of the in. On top of the wooden table lay utensils that were used by some one sitting on the table facing to the tavern. All were use but with the exception of a butter knife.
Ambrose just calmly walk right by the table not making any sound at all and quickly walk back into the public blending in with folks that pass by
"That was a great meal!" Exclaim a well dressed sitting at a table with an empty plate in front of him. "Now for the last and final course." He grab a toast bread that was on plate right by the side of of his empty plate. With that he had a small piece of butter laying on a plate on his left side.
All he needed to do was a butter knife. He turn to his right side as his hand hover over the silverware utensils, but stop.
"Were is my butter knife?".
Clack* clack*
It was the sound on a solid object hitting another.
"Well this will work" Ambrose said as he held the
the modified butter knife he made by clashing a stone against the edge. Making the knife have wicked serrated edge.
It certainly will certainly not penetrate skin nor it will it make a slice clean. But if there should be slicing it will tear out flesh and it will certainly be able to tear of and eyeball out of a socket.
That is if it is needed to do.
So for now he will have it ready in standby if things aren't so civilized. He had already pass by a windmill and now walk down some stairs that lead tours an opening. Which in no time he reach it.
He look around him examining Everything around him. There were some folks were walking by, or some couples who were playing around as they walk. Nothing too interesting, Until he noticed a strange pillar that had a golden crown, it was for just a second, as he walked again but now he now his main focus is the main gate.
But first he need to pay a visit the blacksmith.
Walking down some stairs passing by some houses that lead to left side.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Yell a feminine voice
hearing a yell echo in a alleyway a few feet in front of on him on his right, Without a doubt or thinking on his head he immediately went to check.
As he poked his head from the entrance to the alleyway. Three adults surrounding a small figure who was cover with a cloak.
"Come on don't be like that we just want to talk" spoke the man on the middle who was getting closer to the cloak figure.
"Come on is just the three of us there is nothing to worry about." Spoke another who was in the right side of the figure.
"We're just looking for some 'fun' you know and it gets real boring around here" spoke another from the left side.
She started to back away slowly from these three freaks.
"You three better FUCK OFF!!" She said as she slowly move backwards. 'Damn it I have to get out of here Only if that big idiot was her-'. She felt something cold touch her back.
"It seem that you have no way to get out" said the one in the right.
"Now let's have some fun shall we" the one in the middle said as he move forward catching her by the left hand restraining her against the wall.
She struggled and move tryin to break free from the hands that was gripping her in place. She swing her hand forward scratching the man's right hand.
"OUCH!!" The man yell out "YOU BITCH!!".
She receive a left punch to the side of her head dizzying her up she still struggled . A few drops of water started to come down Splashing on the top of of the man's head.
He look up noticing the dark could above them that spread out all over the city.
"Shit! the fun was about to start" he angrily said "Alright let's get this started". He was about to took the cloak off from her.
"Hey! I saw her first!" Spoke the one from the left "It should be me! Who's getting a pice! I saw her first!."
"Oh! As if you did the rest! Of the work will did you."
Both were still arguing of who gets to fuck first the barely conscious female. The one who was the left was watching as both were arguing accompany by some shoving from each other.
But as they were arguing who gets to do it. They didn't notice a figure slowly approaching moving, through the shadows behind the man who was looking at them arguing.
He was about to speak something to them, but he felt something behind him. He felt as if he was prey upon, a cold chill run up his spine.
Suddenly his mouth was cover by a hand. The assailant apply pressure to the man's mouth, covering it's mouth harder.
The man struggled moving his body. Trying to get out of the assailant tight hold.
He felt something at the the side of his neck. Something cold. But before he could realize what was it, red liquid began to run freely from his now slit throat in the shape of smile.
The assailant still hold him even when the man started to convulse.
Rain started to fall, hitting the roof of the houses nearby as well as the ground made out of stone. The sound of the rain drown down the sound man's the lifeless body hitting the ground with a soft thud.
the assailant dragged the body by the right hand, back to the shadows were he had come from. only leaving a small trail of blood.
"FUCK OFF NOW!!" the man push the other making him fall to his back. "She is "MINE" Do you understand that? I saw her first!!. When I am Done with her first, you can do anything to her afterwards Do you understand?"
In respond he recive a furious glare from him. But without saying a thing he slowly back away a few centimeters back. By this he let out a smirk.
"Fucker gets all the action to himself" he wishpered as he walk back "The only thing he says is 'I SAW HER FIRST'." he stop a few feet away from them standing near the shadows that the aleyway provided.
He did not want to see him fucking the girl's brain out. Not unless it was him doing the fucking.
So with no other option he look around the place and as he did he noticed a trail of blood leading to the shadows that lay in front of him.
He was about to call for the man behind him as to check this out. But was quickly shut as a hand shot through the shadows grabbing his neck. At the same time he was lifted of the ground a few inches off the ground.
The man scratch the assailant's arm as to make him have a reaction to release him, but it was futile as the assailant's had a monstrous grip on him, not budging or feeling pain by the constant scratching the man was giving him.
Before he could move again.
His neck was now at a weird angle as his head hung to the side. The assailant without a little care, toss the dead body to the side.
His eyes now lay upon to the last man who was trying to desperately fuck the female.
"Come on don't struggle" he said as he try to pin her hands above her head.
"Come on just let it happen" he said as he started to unbutton his pants " Just let it happ—"
He was immediately pull back by the collar of his shirt with such strength that he drifted across the floor. He quickly raise his head as to see who was the person who interrupted his fun time.
A boot meet his face, caving his nose in. The man was sent back a few feet back staining the ground as well as the nearby walls with his blood.
"Wha-t. . the helL dOu. .thin-" he couldn't finish as he was pull up from his hair and a knee rammed his broke bloody noose. Disfiguring it further more.
His head dropped to the ground, he was now slowly succumbing into unconsciousness but not before seeing his assailant looking down at him with no expression on his face.
But his eyes say otherwise, as they were fill with an unsaciable bloodlust.
He again tried to get up but was pinned to the ground by a left hand pushing him down to the ground. He tried to push him away but fail to do so as pressure was apply to his chest making small cracking sounds.
"H-hey. . . *Cough* w-e .. we ca-n. . talk this out *cough*" he said as he struggled to breath. " You-u . . . Can . . do w-whatever Y-you want . . with her . . *cough*. . just let me go".
The assailant let out a sight as he look around stopping when he saw the semi unconscious figure down the close alleyway.
"Nah can't do that" he said as he shake his head in a negative affirmation," Besides why would i let you go?."
"P-please j-just L-Let me Go" he pleaded as tears began to build up. "C-Come on . . Man I-I'll leave you alone. H-Hell! . . I'll l-leave this city too."
The assailant look tours the entrance and slowly nodded.
"Yeah" he said "I'll let you go"
"Aaaaah t-thank yo-" he didn't finish his sentence as a the hand on his chest was brutally push trough his chest. The assailant's hand was inside his chest cavity gripping the man's heart.
It was the sound of it's heart being crushed. He starred at the assailant's eyes with awe and shock as he die out.
He pull out his hand from the chest cavity of the now dead man
"Yeah I'll let you go"
he said as he got up at the same time he shake off the blood from his red stain left hand.
"As a corpse."
He now walk directly tours the unconscious figure. He kneel down in front of her, his right hand move tours her he'd as to remove it but it was slap away by the figure.
"W-Who the fuck are You!?" She yell as she was ready to scratch him
His left hand went to his hood pulling it down and revealing his face.
"A-Ambrose?" She softly said
"Yeah, who else would it be dumbass" Ambrose said in a neutral tone.
"AMBROSE!" She jump forward hugging him by the neck.
Ambrose at first wanted to push her away as to have a personal space between him and her. But for now he let her hug him as to have someone to confront her from what had just happened.
"You done?"
Ambrose received a hard slap from her, making him turn his head slightly to the side.
"YOU BIG DUMB IDIOT!" She yell as she start hitting him on the chest " WERE THE HELL WERE YOU! I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR YOU NIGHT AND DAY!"
A small tear fall down he cheek. Ambrose just kneel there unfazed by her action.
So with no other option he raise his right hand up and patted her on the head.
"Calm down alright" he said as he pat her head "Look at me for second will you".
She look directly at him with teary eyes. She was scarred after all what had just happened so she needed to be comforted.
"While you are under my wing or even at the shadow of it. Nothing or nobody will lay a claw, or even a finger on you" he said as he slowly stood up looking down at her. "Your my companion you understand that and as long as you are in my party. Nothing bad like all of this shit that went down, will never happen to you. Do you understand that?."
She nodded in affirmation as she walk beside him.
"Now let me tell you this. From now on things won't be safe for the both of us as we move forward so that means we're both fuck." He put his right hand on the top of her head "we're both of the same boat here alright"
This seem to have calm her down for a bit "*Sniff* I guess you're kinda right" she said as she slowly regain her composure
"Now were we heading to?."
"Ok before I tell you I want to know something" Ambrose spoke
"Yeah, what is it" she said as she look up at him
"What's your name" he ask " All the time you keep on calling by my name and I never get to call you by your name."
"Oh! and I thought you never ask" she said " ahmen my name is Patli."
Ambrose nodded as he got the her name down on his head
"Alright patli, First we pay a visit to the blacksmith so I can get my new equipment. Then we proceed with the bounty to slay storms arte or whatever the fuck is that giant flying lizard call.". Both now walk away leaving the alleyway behind them.
"And how do you plan on bringing it down?" She question as she look up at him.
"Harpoons." He simply replied as both of them were now approaching to the blacksmith shop.
"And how do you intend to get a harpoon?"
Ambrose stop right in front of her giving her a toothy grin.
"Who said we are getting one" he replied as he bend down forward facing her "we are building one"
He turn around and walk tours the blacksmith.
She was left perplexed for a second. But realize what he meant
"Oh no!" Patli yell as she chase after him " No no you must be insane!." She yell as at Ambrose as he had finish talking to Wagner.
"Well I am a bit insane but I still in touch with reality Alright".
"You are just fucking insane." Patli said as she look up him with a bewildered face.
(Sorry for not posting a this chapter sooner. I was having some troubles and mostly doing work. It is going to take me time on posting more chapters but please don't loose hope as I will work on this fanfic and will post chapters as soon as possible).
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