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Kapitel 6: CHAPTER 6:

. Ambrose follow eula down a path passing through a huge clearing but they quickly deviate to a right path where the road started to became uneven it was like that for a while until they reached a spacious place with destroyed pillars that formed a large circle almost as if it were a coliseum

She walk tours the middle as ambrose follow behind, both reaching the middle were a broken pillar lay in the middle. Ambrose deducted that this place was old, very old by the grass that was growing through the crack stones.

"This place is the thousand wind tempels" said eula " well what is left of it. But we didn't come here to chat right?"

Ambrose didn't reply as both of his hands went tours his back, pulling out his two short axes from his back holster as he hold them to his side ready.

She turned around, looking at Ambrose who was ready for the duel as he started to walk slowly in a circle. She too started to walk in a circle slowly waiting for who strikes first as a overwhelming silent took over.

Ambrose Eyes were that of predatory animal looking at his prey as he slowly move keeping track of eula's movement. Eula too was keeping her eyes on ambrose waiting for him to move.They both knew whoever moves first would have the advantage over the other.

both stop as they starred at each other with the overwhelming silent still present unbroken



Eula had summon her claymore taking a step as she swung her claymore with her right but her attack was block by an block in the shape of an X by ambrose axes. He quickly push back her claymore making her take a step back to gain her distance but ambrose was quick fto ollow with another step as he close the gap she created by taking a step

but what ambrose didn't acount for is that eula had a trick of her own up her sleeve.

she jumped back while still looking in his direction, at the same time turning back. Ambrose noticed this opportunity and was going to attack with a left slash to Eula's right arm, but stopped when the air around them turned icy. This did not please Ambrose very much as his instincts warned him not to get too close to her.

"SHUDDER!" she yell as her she step forward quickly She quickly stepped forward, slashing horizontally with her ice-covered claymore.

Ambrose stepped back, avoiding the horizontal cut that was directed to his abdomen.

Ambrose was amazed by the attack. in his previous life as a warrior he never saw someone use an attack it was something alien to ambrose. But it had looked like that and they called it Alchemia.

In the world where Ambrose came from. All type of kingdoms were at war with each other destroying their lands and their people. either be power, lands, religion, food, or riches they fought and kill each other for their own benefit. The casualties were in great numbers like rising mountain's of corpses .

The destruction brought new horizons for those who created weapons and for the people who benefited from the war. Destructive weapons were created such as ceramic balls that exploded on contact with any surface, spears capable of extending their edge by a few centimeters, and also swords that looked like a whip. but there was one that stood out among the others and it was

The Steel Barrel Sword

It was a weapon that ripped meat with steel teeth that scooped out of its rod-shaped mouth just by pointing it and pulling a small lever. Every kigmdom had those or created something of their own.

but what he saw in front of him was something different much more than the weapons. This was more like children's stories but this time it's real and it was in front of ambrose.

Was it magic? Or was it an ability?.

Whatever it was he will not chicken out or run away.

He will fight even if it means his guts gets spilled out!!

Ambrose attacked with a quick front kick aimed at eula's stomach, causing Eula to cover herself with her claymore but the kick pushed her a few meters almost making her fall on her back but she recomposed her stance.

without wasting time Ambrose attacked with two horizontal slashes to the left that were blocked but his attack did not end there as he followed with a quick horizontal slash to the right with both axes and repeated the same attack like this on both sides making sparks fly from the impact of metal against metal and pushing back eula who was blocking ambrose's frenzy attack's.

'His speed and attacks are ferocious far better than some of the knights in mondstadt' Eula thought. 'He Attacks like a beast. wild, fierce and bloodthirsty and that monstrous strenght, he is not ordinary.'

She managed to block Ambrose's attack by making the axes catch on the edge of her claymor.e

Ambrose already had the advantage, all he had to do was pull back with his axes so that Eula's claymore would fly out, leaving her exposed for a blow.

But he was surprised by a tackle of eula making him fall to his back but he quickly roll backward and stand up as he regain his footing.

Eula quickly got into her battle pose and took a few steps forward starting a deadly dance moving her claymore from side to side as if in a fast and fluid rhythm.

Without any options Ambrose had to back off at the same time blocking the blows that she sent his way.

"Apparently you don't hold back in a fight, do you?! Not even with a woman?!" She raised her voice, "I'll teach you Manners myself then!"

Eula attacked with her claymore from below causing ambrose to step back. Eula launched an attack with her claymore from below causing ambrose to move back to counterattack but he raised his axes quickly blocking a horizontal cut.

Making him move back a few centimeters

His axes will not last for a long time, at any moment his axes will become useless due to the blows and cuts from Eula that he blocked.

Eula continued with her attacks causing Ambrose to get defensive blocking her swift and quick attacks.

Ambrose sensed that the air had turned cold again, just like the attack she had done at the beginning of their battle, but this time the air was colder than before.

He quickly blocked Eula's final attack with his axes making the metal clang, surprising eula by the increase in strength that ambrose had. Without hesitation Ambrose attacked with a front left kick towards Eula's stomach.

Eula was sent flying a few feet back. Hitting a broken pillar with her back She fell to the floor disoriented and with little air in her lungs caused by ambrose's kick

Ambrose walked over to where she lay, gripping both of his axes thightly

Eula saw Ambrose's feet approching her a few centimeters. She looked up at Ambrose who was now looking down at her with a neutral expression.

He knelt down to be face to face, Eula's eyes showed one of spite and rivalry, but Ambrose didn't care much about the look she was giving him.

"I Won " Ambrose said, bringing the edge of the ax close to Eula's neck."Do you want to keep going? or shoud we stop?"

"Hhmrg" she gave a groan of pain as if she gave him an answer.Behind Ambrose's back. A small floating figure in red robes wearing a dark mask resembling that of a bird with orange eyes, poked its head out of the broken pillar watching what had happened between the two humans.

"Hmm so that's the one they want to eliminate" the figure whispered at the same time looking at the young human

"Ha! Ha! It's just a human cub, it's nothing to worry about" the figure mocked.

"He Will be easy to elimi---"

An axe stuck it self onto the the broken pilar centimeters above it's head, it was thrown Horizontaly To decapitate.

"Shit, should have aim a little bit lower"

It was none other than Ambrose who hand thrown his axe backward aiming to whoever it was behind him.

He kept his eyes as he trun to now face the new enmy,

Eula was surprised By how quickly He had detected the Pyro Abyss Mage. Is something that leave eula amazed.

"Hidding won't help you, You little shit" Spoke ambrose "Come out from were you'r hiding, Only thief's and assasin's do that. But you are not either one of them are you?"

"He He HE, you seen to be quiet fast for human cub such as yourself" said the Abyss Mage as it came out behind pillar "but that won't matter, As your path ends here!!"

As the figure finish his sentence, as medium size burst of smoke started to go off Hilichurls were now surrounding Ambrose and eula as well as The last burst of smoke were a Mitachurl was now standing holding a shield.

Ambrose look back at eula who was now trying to get up as she try to pick her claymore but fell back to the ground.

He quickly grab the colar of the back of her neck, her face was centimeters from the ground she was going to impact.

"Move out the way" He pull her back sitting her to rest on the broken piece of pillar "You become a corpse by the time you even try to swing your weapon."

Ambrose was about to rush to the nearest hilichurl but his attention was cought by the claymore laying next to him.

It was none other than Eula's claymore that had cought his gaze.

Such a weapon laying on the ground with out nobody to use it except for the original owner who was now injured and is now resting behind him unable to move.

It would be a shame to not see what this heavy claymore can cut or cleave through and what would it do to hilichurl's bodies as well as for the big one with the shield.

"Now Die you Pathetic insignificant human cub!!"

A hilichurl with was the first to quickly rush at ambrose With his club raise, the hilichurl jump with it's club ready to bash Ambrose head.


The hilichurl was cut through the middle making blood and intestines splatter on the ground as well as onto Ambrose, covering him in vicera. He was now holding Eula's claymore that now drenched in the hilchurl's blood.

All of the hilichurl's that had seen what had happened either took a step back while some took a step forward ready to attack.

"Who's else wants to become slice of meat?"

Two hilichurls rush in from both sides As they were follow by two who rush at ambrose from the front.

He took a step forward as he quickly raise the claymore to left side of his head and in a swift swing the head's of the hilichurls were separated from their necks.

without looking back he deliver a left blow with the axe cutting through the spine of the hilichurl, he grab the upper half of the hilichurl by the head with the same hand that was holding his axe and proceeded to throw it to one of the hilichurl's that was at his right flank.

The creature lose it's balance as the upper half of his comrade was slam onto him loosing his footing and falling back to the fround. But Was quickly lift up of the ground by the claymore that penetrated both the hilichurl and the corpse.

The big one with the shield started charged at Ambrose. At the same time As fireballs were flying tours him.

with no time to waste Ambrose flung the bodies of the claymore, the bodies impact with balls of fire that were a few feet away from him.

Ambrose quickly rush at the Mitachurl with. This had gotten ambrose excited, just like the other night were he had slaughter the camp of hilichurls.

Each time he fight's in a battle or get's hurt, His bloodlust increases in ten fold making him unstoppable until whatever is infront of him is either gravely dead or worst. Even his macabre battle tactics become worst.

The mitachurl and ambrose were a few feet from each other before they impact. Ambrose quickly jump up at the last second before the shield could impact him.

He landed behind the mitachurl, this was noticed by the mitachurl who now tried to turn around Quickly as to deliver a backward shield smash but was to slow as the claymore found Bone and flesh.

At a fast speed ambrose had stab The claymore horizontaly to the mitachurl's spine, causing the mitachurl to fall forward.

It tried to get up, but it was useless since ambrose had disconnected it's spine. Ambrose raise his axe ready to deliver a left blow.

Some thing that represented a bird skull mixed with a dragon appeared in front him and mitachurl, It had it's jaw open with a bright growing fire like a volcano ready to errupt.

"DIE!!" came the voice of the Abyss mage.

"Shi-" Fire was release upon him, covering both him and the dying mitachurl.

"He He HE HE" laugh the abyss Mage "Patethic, Truly Patethic is this supposed to be the one i was sent to eliminiate? nonetheless i alredy dispossed of him."

Eula Now was on her feet as she walk backwards avoiding the conflict as she had nothing to defend herself. She was useless in any means as mostly because of ambrose kick that had broken her a few ribs.

And also because of the new threat that had appeared. The Abyss mage had already deal with Ambrose Burning him to a crisp, leaving nothing only ashes and charcoal.


that's what she like to think.

The abyss mage had already noticed her trying to escape and had recognized her.

"But if it isn't one of the pesky Knight's of favonius" spoke the Abyss mage " I was send here to eliminate my assigned target and it seem that i might as well have to eliminate you as well, Just to make sure you don't become an annoyance in the future"

The abyss mage raise it's wand pointing it tours were eula was standing ready to send a blast of of fire to burn her to death just like he had burn the human cub a couple of seconds ago.

Before the abyss mage could muster a word, a fast blur came out of the fire to it's direction. The abyss mage reacted immediatly covering it self with a transparent orange force field.

The mage expected to be whatever it was sent flying tours him would shatter or even bounce of it's field of magic. Only those with visions that were a counter part of the element the mage was using could only break the filed.

But now

He was left surprised and scared, as his elemental shield had being shatter to pices causing a small explosion that knock the mage to the ground leaving it dizzy. But not enough as to see something that was coming out from the fire.

Something that will be imprint into his own memory

A Humanoid shape was walking out of the fire that still had some fire on him. It was walking slowly tour's the abyss mage holding a melted claymore on it's right hand as some of the leather armor was falling down to the ground as the fire went off.

Eula's eye widened in surprise as she recognized the figure

"Could it be?" Whispered Eula "It has to be"

"Y-You!! How Are you s-still ALIVE YOU DAMN HUMAN CUB!!" yell the mage in desperation as he saw who it was.

It was Ambrose who had walk out of the fire, HIs armor was burnt off only leaving his upper torso exposed. Now he only had the black leather pants and his leather skirt armor that had some small burnt holes with cinders.

His upper half was now exposed showing off hisnwell built lean figure, but it's cover in scars that run all across his arms that were cover in cuts as well as his chest that had some arrow bolt scars, and for it's abdomen it show the stab wounds that had heal leaving nasty scar's.

For it's back it wasn't that much fun to look as it was cover in lashes and nasty cuts. Leaving the wicked hand work of art of who ever had done it to him

"By the archons" eula cover her mouth in awe

'what kind of hell has this kid been through'

The abyss Mage started to crawl away form Ambrose as he was approaching. He could hear his footsteps closer and closer.

' I HAVE TO GET AWAY FROM T-HAT THING ' scream the nage abyss in his head as it struggle to stand

Ambrose throw the hilt of the claymore, the mage fall back to the ground face first as fresh Blood started to run free of it's head staining the ground.

the mage trun to face ambrose

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Scream the mage " GE--" a leeft boot to the face shut him up, making it's head hit the ground painting it red.

Ambrose look to his rigth were a nearby by broken pillar lay on the ground, he look back tot he Abyss mage

The corner of his mouth started to raise up, as a sinister smile appeared on his face. He quickly move to the side of the pillar as his right hand went to the base while his left went to the top

With a mounstrous strength he lift the pillar over it's head. Ambrose began to walk Carrying the pillar.

"W-WAIT W-WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS!!" Yell the Abyss mage as he see ambrose approaching " WE CAN MAKE A DEAL THAT CAN BENEFIT BOTH OF U---"

The Pillar came down upon the mage, splattering the ground red as well as it's insides that were now mush.

Small drops of water hit on ambrose body as well as another

then another

then another

Rain had decended upon them cleaning the dry and fresh blood off from Ambrose and everithing around the place started to get get.

He turn around leaving behind the bloody pillar as the rain spread forming a small puddle of red , Now he walk to the path that he and the woman had walk in before all of this could happened.

All because of a duel.

Eula too was there at the entrance of the path. She had quietly witness Ambrose's act of violence.

She was astonished

But even more so as ambrose got closer. Apart form The scars of his body, He had second to thrid degree burns on some parts of his body, even some of his skin look more like charcool ready to be peel off.

*Cough* *COUGH*

Eula had a hard time keeping her breath, it was difficult for her to do so as her broken ribs restricted her. She went down on her knees as she started to lose air, she look up seeing Ambrose approach.

He stop three feet away from her, Ambrose look down at her with a neutral expression as if what had happened a couple of minutes ago didn't affect him.

"What . . . . Are you?"

". . . . ." Ambrose stood there quietly as the soak both of them.

He turn his head to the side looking at the bodie's that litter the ground. Reminding him off th e world he came from were there was no space for peace as it was replaced by war. Wether be old or young, Men, Woman, children

they were all use as tools of war

no one was safe, You either adapt or survive.

"Survival of the fittest"

"What am i." He wishpered in a low voice as eula pass out due by her difficulty of breathing. He quickly drop to one grabbing her by the shoulders.

He quickliy use his two fingers as to feel if there is still a pulse. He felt a normal but weaken pulse. With a fast movement of his hand he quickly rip the fabric of he clothes that cover her chest all the way to her navel.

Exposing her breast out in the open that were now being wet by the rain.

If there were any one around they would have quickly they would have taken advantage of this situation as to do whatever they want with the unconscius body of eula.


even look away out of shyness and not even lay a hand as it will be "inmoral" of then to do such a thing to the body of a unconscius woman and need their consent so they can do something.

Ambrose however

did not care about those trivial things

He once again put his fingers on her neck but this time he felt a normal pulse

"Tch, it was just her clothes" Ambrose spoke in a annoyed tone as he lift her up carrying her in his arms. He gritted his teeth as pain shot through his arms thanks to the 2nd degree burns of the abyss mage.

He push the pain to a corner on his mind ignoring it as he walk the path

It was going to a long walk of pain.


"WHERE THE HEll IS THAT IDIOT!!" Yell fem churl as she stomp the ground like a child " I SWEAR IF I SEE HIM COMING I WILL KICK HIS ASS!!"

"Kick who?" asked a tired rashpy voice

"Eeek!" she yell in panic as she jump jump forward as she turn around facing who ever it was behind her

"Y-YOU?!" She was Surprised by how silently had he appeared behind her withot making a sound.

"WERE THE HELL YOU BEEN?!" she yell, but her eyes widened as she saw who he was carrying.

"Y-You din't? Did you Ki-" She didn't finfish as ambrose spoke quickly in a normal tone

"No" he slowly walk tours the main gate. He stumbled as he walk

His pain endurance as been pushed to it's limits and it's paying the price as the burns were now bleeding all by the walking and carrying he had done

But he kept on walking

"Hey we're you going? d-don't tell your going inside the city like that? ARE YOU?"

He didn't answer as he kept walking tours the main gate.

"You gotta take care of your wounds first" she yell

"Hey you heard what is going in the headquarters" ask the guard on the right

"No, why? Does have to do with the dragón or something?"

"Well yes, but it has to do with a certain person taking on a ~Fatui contract~" he whispered the last two words

"Oh, so is that what's happening? Who's crazy enough to work as a contract for the fatui."

Both of the two guards had stop talking to each other as they heard wet footsteps approaching

"Who's there?" Ask the one in the right

That was answered by the approaching figure, revealing an Ambrose that resembled almost a burning toast.

"Hey is the kid from a couple days ago!"

"Yeah but he is carrying someone with him and it looks like. . . Oh shit" said the guard at the right

"Call for medical assistance immediately!" spoke the guard in a firm tone as he realized what had happened. The guard next to him had realized too as his eyes were wide but nevertheless he did as he was told

Ambrose drop to both of his knees brusquely. His legs had given up by the constant pain that had run trough his body as the burns ached as if a knife was stuck under his skin reaching the bones.

He slowly lay Eula in the ground. Ambrose was slump forward as his vision slowly blurred

The guard quickly run approaching them and kneel in one knee to check on both of them

"What the hell happened to the both of you?" Spoke the guard " especially you, by the archon barbatos what the hell happened to you"

The guard look in awe at Ambrose who some parts of his skin resembled that of charcoal even to the point were it show red flesh peaking from the cracks of the burn skin.

Ambrose didn't say anything as he was tired to speak. He was in the border of unconsciousness as he struggled to focused.

But couldn't as his body drop back hitting his back in the process as he was now looking up at the sky as rain pour down at his face.

"GUARDS!! SOMEBODY ANYBODY GET HELP!! " He heard the guard yell

'I Should stayed dead what good am I doing here'

. . . . . . . . . … … … … … … …

…. …. …. ….. .... …..




'that's what a coward would say'

He taught as his vision became blurred as he saw humanoid shapes surrounding him at the same time he heard yelling

"You four quickly! Take care of her! bring her to the knights of favonius infirmary immediately!"

The Four quickly obeyed as they lay her on the stretcher and quickly carried her away inside the city.

"You two take care of the legs, and the other two of you take care of the arms"

He felt hands grabbing his arms, legs, and his head as he was lift up

'He he he . . . . today it was a great day. I want to keep going I want to experience this new feeling that I felt back there . . . Was it excitement?. . . Was it the Thrill? . . . . Or was it something else?. . . . Was it something that I have lost when I was a child?'

'I. . .want. . . . To feel. . . . Like to be human'

He slowly closed of his hand's as his eyes closed. Ambrose had pass out by the exhaustion and pain.

a small red dot started to glow on his right hand, it got brighter taking the shape of a small red pendant

As well as a small yellow light appears on his left we're a small yellow pendant appeared just like in his right hand

As quickly the bright red light and the yellow light had appeared, it quickly disappeared. Leaving behind a red color pendant with an orange fire shape in the middle.

Was this a blessing of the gods of this world



Maybe not.

The knights didn't took noticed of this occurrence as they were busy laying Ambrose on the stretcher.

"We got to take him quickly to the infirmary and wrap his injuries quickly!" Yell a knight

"Are you fucking insane just look at at him!! do you think a couple of bandages will just do!? And are you sure he's still alive!?" Yell the other knight as he look to his right.

"Yes he's still breathing! But I don't think will do any good if we take him to the knights infirmary, We have to take him to the cathedral there's no other option" spoke the knight "only the deaconess can help with case like this"

The four knights agreed as they lift the stretcher that Ambrose was laying on.

"Now let's move him come on"

They quickly took him away inside the city tours the cathedral. Fem churl was hiding near some bushes at the end of the bridge were she hid the spears but not for long as the guards took ambrose inside the city, she quickly come out as she run across the bridge getting inside city

(Author note: some of you might wonder were the MC is from. Well to keep it short it's just like the warhammer fantasy. And Yes! I do enjoy warhammer 40k and warhammer fantasy both have good stories for each different faction. In time I will slowly reveal in what group was the MC from.)

c_fanficsCSM c_fanficsCSM

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