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36.17% Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms / Chapter 17: The Fate of the Red Kings

Kapitel 17: The Fate of the Red Kings

Dreadfort, The North

Sitting in his solar Lord Roose Bolton looked very disturbed. Since he was alone he did not have his usual expressionless and calm facade. He looked irritated. His eyes were red, not from crying but due to the lack of sleep. His son Domeric was dead. But Roose was not exactly sad by that..

'The boy was weak, more interested in his harp than the ways of his ancestors.' He thought. Initially Roose had high hopes for his heir. He had sent him to Redfort in the Vale to foster. Since he had returned, he was doing a good job in his duties as an heir too. But he was too soft. Then Domeric came to know of his bastard brother. Despite his warning, Domeric sought out Ramsay and brought him to the castle. Within a few days Roose understood that Ramsay was a foul creature. He was cruel and sadistic but cunning and ambitious. But Domeric could not see it. And then a few days ago he had died. Domeric had paid the price for his naivety. He was poisoned by Ramsay. But Roose made sure that it would remain a secret. He sent news that Domeric died due sickness and thankfully everyone believed it. Other that the Ryswell's and his good sister Barbrey, no one else came for the funeral. Sometimes it was good to be hated by everyone. They left you to your business. Thankfully, the boy, Lord Stark was not there. Roose had known that Aryan Stark was more dangerous than he looked. That was why he had avoided several tempting offers from the Lannisters. Since Aryan Stark had gone out of the North, Roose decided it was time he considered the offers. He decided to side with the Lannisters as they had more to offer. He knew that with the way that Aryan was consolidating House Stark's power, the Red Kings will have to play second fiddle for another six thousand years and he couldn't accept that. So, he had sent Tywin his terms and conditions, a lot of money, the death of all the Starks and the title of Lord Paramount and Warden of the North. He had decided that by the time Aryan Stark returned back he must do something to destabilise Aryan Stark's rule. Roose had thought that the issue of bringing Wildlings into the North by the Starks would find him some support. But surprisingly nobody in the North responded positively. He even tried to get some hired swords into both Sea Dragon Point and Moat Cailin but somehow they were found out. But he did not have to worry since he covered his tracks well. He had time in his side till the Bloody Wolf returned back.

'What had you done to make all those stubborn men agree to everything you decide Lord Stark?' he wondered. But he had time. If not now then within a few months. The Red Kings will replace the Winter Kings.

His door opened suddenly. Roose looked at the door irritated to see who entered without permission. He mentally groaned. It was the bastard. To keep Ramsay's unnatural tendencies in check he had allowed him to discreetly use certain smallfolks. Their disappearance was chalked out to be by bandits.

"'Why are you here Ramsay?" The Leech Lord asked expressionlessly.

In a straight voice Ramsay spoke, "I came to talk to you father."

Roose was surprised. Ramsay was speaking in a strange way. Gone was his twisted and mocking way of speech. And his sadistic and cruel eyes today looked vacant.

"What do you want to speak about?" Roose asked.

"Why are you betraying the Starks, Father?" Ramsay his vacant voice.

Surprised, Roose now paid his full attention to Ramsay and asked, "What are you saying boy?"

"You are conspiring with the Lannisters to bring down our liege Lords." Ramsay said and took some letters from his pocket and kept it on the table.

"I do not consider them my Liege Lords and neither should you." Roose said and he reached for the Letters in front of him. Roose felt a chill through his spine. The were the letters he sent to Tywin."How did you get these?"

"Lord Stark gave them to me father." Ramsay said.

Roose asked angrily. "This is no time for your jokes bastard. Tell me where did you get these?"

A new voice came surprising him, "Ramsay is speaking the truth. It was I who gave it to him."

Roose looked at the source of the voice which was coming from the chair in front of him. Slowly a figure faded in the chair and it was the Bloody Wolf.

'What? How?' were the questions which came into his mind but instead he said, "Magic."

"Hello Roose," Aryan Stark greeted him. "Pleasant day, isn't it?"

Roose felt a head of sweat behind his neck. Already knowing his fate, Roose swallowed his fear. He discreetly tried to move his hand to the hidden dagger below his desk but his eyes widened. It was not there.

He heard the blasted boy laugh again. "Are you looking for this?" Aryan Stark asked twirling his dagger in his hand.

"I am ready to accept my fate Lord Stark." Roose said calmly.

Aryan then said, "We will get back to that part later. Why did you do it Roose? I was generous wasn't I? Many had warned me against the Boltons. But I believed in giving you a chance, which you have lost."

"Ambition Lord Stark. The Boltons always wanted to be the Warden of the North. There is nothing wrong to be ambitious. And I have no qualms in doing anything to achieve my ambitions." Roose said with a cold smile.

"I like your honest reply Roose. So you decided it take Tywin's offer?" Aryan asked.

"His offer was generous." Roose replied eying the dagger and planning to lunge for it.

"You know, I have great plans for the North. An independent and powerful nation free from the Southern influences. I was on the way to achieve that. It is regrettable that you will not be a part of that. The Red Kings will now join the Barrow Kings, the Warg Kings and the Marsh Kings as another stepping stones for the Kings of Winter."

Seeing the Stark in front of him seemingly distracted in his own monologue Roose lunged forward or tried to lunge but surprisingly, he could not. He could not even twitch a muscle below his neck.

"Don't be foolish Roose. You cannot kill me." Aryan said somehow knowing Roose's intentions.

"You are a sorcerer?" Roose asked.

"I prefer the term Wizard. But for a dying man you can call me whatever, for dead men tell no tales. Your name, your legacy and your house will disappear like all those who tried to defy the blood of Brandon. Did you think I will not find about your Assassins to kill my family?" Aryan snarled. Then looking at Ramsay he said, "Do it bastard."

Ramsay stepped forward, took the knife from Aryan's hand and went near Roose and stabbed. Once, twice, several times over his chest and stomach.

"Don't worry this bastard will also be killed like the mad dog he is." Aryan told him referring to Ramsay while he started to fade out.

Compelled by something Roose shouted for guards in a desperate voice. Soon he heard footsteps outside and his men rushed in. By then Ramsay did his final attack and slit his throat.

And then Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort closed his eyes forever.


Starfall, Dorne

The breeze coming from the sea on top of the Palestone Tower was soothing for him in the hot climate of Dorne. Starfall was built on top of a Cliff sandwiched between the Red Mountains and the sea. The Torrentine flowed across a distance. The fertile plains made by the Torrentine made the Dayne's prosperous enough to become one of the powerful houses of Dorne. His mother used to tell him that the first Dayne followed a calling star and Starfall was built on a crater formed by that falling star.

They had arrived in Starfall yesterday. His Aunt Allyria had come to welcome him at the docks. They had been led into Starfall where he met the Martells along with many other Dornish High Borns. And finally when he met his Uncle Alric he was astonished. Gone was the once regal looking Lord Dayne he remembered. Alric Dayne looked very frail and considerably aged.

"You are here. I have been looking for you everywhere." A feminine voice spoke jolting him out of his thoughts.

Aryan turned around and smiled at the source of the voice, "Aunt Allyria, I was just enjoying the breeze."

"No need to call me Aunt. I am only two years older than you. And I thought that we agreed to be friends." Allyria chided him good naturedly.

"Apologies Allyria. Did you need something?" Aryan asked her.

"Not anything particularly. I was just looking over the gifts from you. They must be very expensive. There was no need for that much jewels Aryan." Allyria told him referring to the ornaments he had gifted her which was considerably very large.

"Anything for my family." Aryan told the blond haired woman.

She beamed at him and hugged him. Kissing his cheeks whispered, "Thank you."

Aryan smiled and hugged back. They stayed like that for sometime. Then Aryan asked, "What happened to Uncle Alric? Why is he so sick and old for his age?"

"It happened during the last few years. His wife died a few years after Edric was born. Since then he has been distant from everyone. We call Edric, Ned you know. Over the years Alric's condition has deteriorated. My marriage was supposed to be a few years. But for some reason he moved it up." Allyria said.

"He seems to have become paranoid. Maybe he knows something that he has not told us yet." Aryan told her.

Nodding Allyria said," Yes perhaps. Sometimes he spends long hours here alone. The place might be reminding him of Ashara. After all it was from here she jumped to her death leaving you."

Shaking his head Aryan told her, "Mother did not take her own life. She was killed."

"What?" Allyria gasped. "What do you mean? Ashara was a kind soul. Who could have done that to her? How do you know about this?"

"I cannot tell you the source of this information. At least not yet. But the truth is that somebody is after the Daynes. Perhaps Uncle must have realised it. That is why he is sending you away for your safety." Aryan told her.

Allyria started to whimper. She said, "Ashara named you after both Arthur and Brandon. Now that Ashara and Arthur had gone and if Alric also follows them, then I will be the only one left among us." Then wiping the tears, she said with a spark in her eyes, "Like you did to the Ironborns for trying to kidnap Lady Catelyn, do the same to the ones who did this to the Daynes. Kill them all."

Returning the fire Aryan said, "There is no need of ask. It will be done. For now keep this matter between us."

Allyria nodded. Then composing herself she went down saying she needed to make preparations for the guest's arrival.

Aryan continued to look at the sunset.

"Beautiful view isn't it,My Lord?" Came the coy and seductive voice of Arianne Martell.

Aryan turned behind to look at her, "Princess Arianne, a delight to see you." And he kissed her hand.

Now this was someone who Aryan could appreciate. Unlike Margaery, Arianne was built for seduction. Short and buxom, with curves in all the right places, Arianne was a real Dornish beauty.

Aryan asked her about her father, Prince Doran.

"His ailment restricts his movements. So it is difficult for him to travel." She answered.

"I am sorry to hear that. How about you? You are almost of age. Any marriage proposals for the next ruler of Dorne." He asked her with a smile knowing the answer.

A quick frustration passed over her. Schooling her expression she said, "Not yet. Father says there is still time."

"Still I hear that he has been bringing proposals of Lords who are old enough to be your grandfather. As a potential groom I cannot sit by that." He asked again.

Arianne looked at him weighing what to tell. Finally she agreed, "You are correct. For some reason he is not interested in having me married. I even suggested you."

Aryan raised his eyebrows."Really! I am flattered." He said surprised by that.

"Yes. Don't you think we can be a good pair? I can be a good wife to you. A beautiful and passionate woman like me will make sure that you will never have a dull moment in the bedroom." She said giving him a smoldering look.

Resisting his sudden urge to jump on her and take her then and there Aryan said, "I agree with you. I would have been delighted to have you as my wife who would be beautiful and passionate to wake up next to every day. But I don't think it could be possible. I am the next ruler of North, while you are the next ruler of Dorne. And I don't think you want to abdicate your position."

"Something can be done about the last part as it is possible that I will not be my father's heir. Father always keeps an eye on me and sends away any potential lovers before anything happens. I also want to feel the joys of womanhood. He seems also to be more interested in Quentyn these days and tries to avoid me until it is some unavoidable circumstance. Sometimes I think he wants to pass over me and make him his heir." She ranted.

At this point Aryan started to think in the next course of action. 'I could tell her that Doran had betrothed her to Viserys Targaryen. The relation between the father and daughter is already strained. Perhaps I can widen it by revealing to her Doran's plans. Doran is already against me according to my spies. It is not wise to leave a shrewd and intelligent enemy unattended for long. I can create trouble in his own base. And this way Arianne can be brought to my side.'

So he told her, "Your fears are right. Your father does not plan you to be the next ruler of Dorne. He wants you to be the queen of Westeros."

She gaped at him. "What do you mean? Tell me if you know. Father already keeps everything to himself. At least if you know please tell me." She pleaded genuinely.

So he described to her about Doran's plan about marrying her to Viserys. Jaquen's men had easily got the information from the Sealord of Bravos.

"What? More Targaryen. Didn't he learn anything from Aunt Elia's fate?" She started to rant.

"I have also heard that the coin was flipped on the wrong side for Viserys." Aryan added.

"And of course the Targaryen madness. Why would he want to subject me to that? While I want revenge for my aunt I am not willing to be a sacrifice for that revenge." Arianne said.

"Perhaps this was the only way he could think for the revenge for Princess Elia. But still how can he go against the other kingdoms I cannot understand. Even if he married you to Viserys it will not gain him much support, not even in the Reach. Already there is division among the Reach Lords. Besides the Tyrells want power. They will settle for nothing else other than a queen, which you already would be." Aryan said.

"You are right. I must look into this. Till now I was content leaving my future in my father's hands. Now it seems that I must have a say in decisions concerning my future." She finished.

So changing the subject Aryan said, "Let us leave that topic. Let us shift our conversation to something more interesting."

She giggled and agreed with the idea. So she asked, " How do you find Dorne?"

"It is quite hot and dry, but it has its own charm." He answered.

A sudden cold breeze blew and Arianne shivered in her revealing dress.

Being the 'gentleman' he was he hugged her saying, "Let me keep you warm."

She offered no resistance and hugged back. Arianne asked, "Did you like the Dornish women?"

"I have heard many saying you people are quite passionate. Perhaps I will find soon." Aryan said gazing into her eyes waiting for her to make the first move seeing the suppressed passion and lust in her eyes.

She didn't disappoint. Arianne jumped up in his arms and started to kiss him and Aryan supported her by clutching her ass. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Lips met each other soon followed by a duel of tongues. Aryan groped her ass which elicited a wanton and sexy moan from her. Finally they separated due to lack of breathable air but still connected at their foreheads and panted.

Feeling blood rushing to his lower regions Aryan started to desperately calm himself. He told her, "If we continue doing this you will wake up the wolf inside me. Then I cannot stop myself from devouring you."

"Then don't. I want you. Take me and don't worry about the consequences. This is Dorne." Arianne said in lusty voice.

"As much as I want to do that this is not the place. But very soon I will take up your offer." Aryan told her.

They were startled by someone clearing her throat. They turned towards the source to see Nymeria Sand standing there with a smirk but her eyes told a different story.

"Enjoying yourselves aren't we. Father is looking for you Arianne. Let us give Lord Stark some time to breath." She said while her eyes looked over Aryan.

"Stupid cousins" Arianne muttered as she stepped down from his arms. Then massaging his bulge, she told him, "You are excited. It is unfortunate that I cannot do something about it. But thank you for your time for both the things you have me today."

Kissing her Aryan replied whispered, "You will have my support always. Keep this between us for now. You need to find who to trust in the family, after all Prince Doran is still the head of the house."

She nodded at that with a determined face. Then schooling her features to a carefree state she joined her Nymeria who gave him flying kiss. They both went down.

After sometime he went down and had dinner with his cousin and aunt. Following dinner he walked to his room for sleep. When he opened the door he was met by a welcome sight.

"Lord Stark, Arianne said perhaps you might have need of me tonight." Nymeria said with a seductive look in her Septa's dress.

"Lady Nym" Aryan greeted her back as he closed the distance between them. 'Thank you Arianne.'

Nymeria removed her clothes and stood naked. Aryan took off his clothes and jumped with her in the bed. Sound of grunts, shrieks, moans etc from their erotic activities continued for several hours.


"I must say Uncle, I was surprised by the invitation. You made your dislike quite clear in our last meeting." Aryan said to Lord Alric Dayne. They were sitting in his solar. Lord Dayne had called him for a private meeting.

"In my defence I had lost my two siblings. So I could not bear to look at you reminding me of Ashara." Alric said.

"Bullshit. Uncle Ned had also lost his father, brother and sister not counting his close friends. He even made me the Lord of Winterfell. So don't give me that excuse." Aryan snapped.

"Lord Eddard is a honourable and better man than me. I would like to apologise to you for my past behavior." Alric said trying to save his face.

"Don't bother Uncle. There is no love between us. I can see that you do not mean what you said. So let us get to the heart of the matter as to why you called me here." Aryan said.

"Of course. The thing is I am dying and don't have much time to live. Something is eating me away from inside and I can feel it." Alric said getting up from his seat and walking towards the windows.

Aryan said, "Marwin already told me so. He seems to be of the opinion that you are suffering from the effects of slow poison."

"Is that so? I had thought it was some kind of sickness. Now that he confirms it, this all kind of fits perfectly." Alric mused.

"What do you mean?" Aryan asked.

"The Martells are planning something. I know it. The Daynes and the Yornwoods are their most powerful vassals. Few years ago I had opposed few proposals of Doran along with a couple of the other Lords. Those two had died after that and strangely a natural death. But I had my doubts. Now I am going to suffer the same fate." Alric spoke in a tired voice.

"Perhaps we could try to coax out something from the Martells present here." Aryan offered. But Aryan was sure that the Martell's only plan was the Targaryen alliance.

With a rueful laugh Alric said, "I doubt it will get any results. You don't know Doran. He has inherited all of Princess Daria's cunningness. He will keep all his cards close to his chest until the time comes. Not even those close to him knows what he is planning. And that makes dealing with him dangerous."

Aryan agreed with Alric's observations. His spies had failed in gleaning anything of importance from Doran Martell. From scanning Arianne's head he had known that she was here to observe him. But he had turned the table on her and gave her a new lead to chase thus changing her priorities. He was also able to discover that Arianne held no love for Doran. And he was going to exploit that soon.

"Is that why you moved up Aunt Allyria's marriage?" Aryan asked.

"Yes. I want her out of Dorne before Doran decides to make her a pawn in her games. And that is the other reason I want you here. I need you take my Edric with you." Alric Dayne said.

Perplexed Aryan asked, "Take him where?"

"When I die the Martell's will most probably take him as their ward. Gerold will become the steward of Starfall." Alric said.

"Is he the same as before?" Aryan asked remembering the older boy who used to bully him.

"He has gotten worse. Mean and cruel both in terms of action as well as words. Calls himself Darkstar these days. I had made a mistake of squiring him with Doran for a couple of years before the sickness affected Doran's mobility. Doran had somehow gained his loyalty. And most important is Gerold's jealousy against Arthur and his obsession of wielding Dawn." Alric said.

"All your concerns are valid. I cannot take Edric as my ward as I am going on a trip to Essos. Let me send him with my cousins to the North. He can foster with Uncle Ned." Aryan offered.

Alric thought on that for sometime and then agreed, "You are right. Eddard Stark has raised you well. I am sure then Edric will also be in right hands and will become a proper lord in Lord Eddard's care."

"Of course." Aryan agreed.

Alric then walked into a corner of the room and opened a large box from which he heaved something wrapped in a cloth. He then gave it to Aryan.

Aryan removed the cloth and saw that it was a greatsword almost the same size as Ice. He pulled it out of the sheath. The pale white blade came out reflecting the light. The Greatsword Dawn, forged from the heart of a fallen star and wielded by the Greatest Knights of House Dayne.

"Keep it safe. I want it away from the hands of the Darkstar. Dawn is to be wielded by noble Knights and not someone like him." Alric said. He then handed Aryan a rolled up parchment, "This is my written approval allowing you to safeguard Dawn until Edric comes of age witnessed by Lord Yornwood and Lord Dondarrion.

"I will take care of Edric and Dawn uncle. They are both in good hands." Aryan promised Alric.

"Then I can die in peace."

The celebrations were in full swing. The wedding ceremony was over. The feast, dance and music had begun. Aryan had also danced with a few ladies including his aunt Allyria, Arianne and Nymeria. Aryan looked around and saw Jon dancing with Tyene. Though his steps were awkward he still looked confident. Tyene was rubbing herself all over him. Arya seemed to be in an argument with Edric.

"They seem to be enjoying themselves." Oberyn Martell said knocking him from his thoughts. Aryan was seated at the high table along with the Martells as honoured guests.

"Yes. At most places, Jon cannot enjoy the festivities because of his baseborn status. When he was a child Aunt Cat would never permit him to attend the feasts. But on another matter he is enjoying the company. Most fathers are not exactly pleased when someone is showing affections with his daughter." Aryan said smiling.

His smile vanished suddenly as he felt a hand in his crotch. The owner of the hand was Arianne who sat between him and Oberyn.

Oberyn answered, " I am not like the others. I have given my daughters freedom for their love and for their weapons."

Arianne was now rubbing his cock and Aryan was desperate to control himself.

Oberyn continued, "I am sure you enjoyed your time with my daughter. She was rather pleased with your performance. I could easily tell from her face. It was that of a truly satisfied woman. Atleast your future wife is in for a treat."

"She gave me a detailed description of your lovemaking. " Arianne added not stopping her indiscretion.

"I must say she certainly was wild and passionate during our activities. I can now believe what they say about the Dornish women." Aryan said to which Oberyn just laughed.

Lord Alric got up from his seat getting everyone's attention. "I want to make an announcement, more like a toast. I raise my toast to Lord Eddard Stark."

The Hall quietened down. Aryan noticed many of the guests looking at each other puzzled over Alric's words.

Alric continued, "My nephew here, Aryan the Lord Paramount of North, the next Warden of North who made North prosperous, led the charge against the Ironborn and recently forged a chain from the Citadel in just one day. And he was raised by Lord Eddard Stark. So for that, a toast to Lord Eddard."

There was loud approval from the guests.

After they quietened Alric continued, "So that is why I have decided that my heir Edric Dayne would be fostered at Moat Cailin under the care of Eddard Stark."

Aryan noticed Oberyn's narrowed eyes. He used his occlumency to control his arousal. His cock went down which seemed to surprise Arianne. After some time she removed her hands while giving him puzzled looks.

"And now for the bedding ceremony." Lord Dayne announced. The crowd cheered and started to lead the blushing bride and groom to their bed chambers.

"Where is Jon?" Arya asked from his side.

Aryan looked around failing to see his cousin.

"He went with Tyene." Arianne told him.

"I will go with them too. Ty had shown me how to use a knife in many different ways." Arya said trying to get up to which Arianne giggled.

Aryan understood the implication. So he tried to stop Arya saying, "No. No. Arya. Tyene is showing Jon a new sword fighting style. So don't interrupt them."

Giggling Arianne added, "Ty will surely show him how to properly sheath his sword." To which Oberyn laughed.

"Are they fucking?" Arya asked sitting back in her seat.

Aryan choked in his wine while Arianne gaped at her. Oberyn started to laugh out loud.

"Where did you hear that word?" Aryan asked while Arianne helped him wiping his face of the spiller wine.

"I have heard our guards talking about it. Sometimes when I sneak around home I see Theon fucking some woman. I saw mother jumping up and down in father's lap one day too." Arya said.

"I like her and can see what Tyene see in her. She is quite unlike other girls of her age." Oberyn said. Then looking at the door said, "Look who has graced us with his presence."

A man with silver hairs with black stripe in between came towards the high table. The Darkstar has arrived.

"I apologise for my delay My Lord. There was an urgent and unavoidable situation at High Armitrage that needed my attention." Gerold stated to Lord Dayne with a fake smile.

"Enjoy the feast Gerold. We will talk about this later." Lord Dayne said in a clipped voice.

Taking a glass of wine from a passing servant boy Gerold walked over to the Martells and greeted them. Oberyn ignored him, but the Darkstar lingered around Arianne for some time. And then he shifted his attention to Aryan.

With a malicious glint in his eyes he mocked, "Lord Stark, what an unpleasant surprise. I cannot say I am glad to meet you."

"The feeling's mutual Gerold." Aryan replied.

"Your life in the barren and cold North among the savages who worship the ridiculous tree gods seems to agree with you." Gerold said trying to goad Aryan.

"Yes they made me strong. In return I made the North strong. Thank you for asking?" Aryan smiled.

Gerold frowned as his attempt to goad Aryan failed. So he tried again, "Still I cannot understand how cousin Ashara could spread her legs for an idiot like Brandon. There were so many proper Lords here."

By now the whole hall had quietened down. Many were looking at Gerold aghast. While Aryan himself was not affected by Gerold's words he needed to make a statement here. So he calmly stood up from his seat and did the same thing which Jon did with Theon a few moons ago. Aryan easily towered over Gerold who suddenly seemed to have grasped the situation.

Aryan then grabbed his tunic and spoke, "Apologise."

Darkstar sneered at him, "I don't think so."

"I was hoping you would say that." Aryan laughed and then started to punch Gerold's face repeatedly. He heard Arya yelling, "Beat the shit out of him !" Though he wondered where did she learn such crass words.

After sometime Alric got up from his seat and roared, "Enough."

Arianne pulled Aryan back to his seat as Gerold dropped unceremoniously to the floor. Some guards rushed in and picked him up.

"I had always wanted to do that since I was a child." Aryan said looking at the crowd. He suddenly heard a squeal coming from Gerold. Aryan turned in the direction and saw Gerold clutching his crotch while a guard was restraining Arya.

"Arya, what are you doing?" he asked seemingly aghast but he winked at her.

Seeing the wink Arya winked back and said, "I was defending our house's honour and pride. Father had taught me so."

There were chuckles and snickering from the crowds. Lord Dayne instructed the guards to take away Gerold.

"Uncle I think I will retire for the night now. But please continue your celebrations." He told his uncle. Then telling the Blackfish to take Arya back into her room he proceeded to walk down but came to a halt when he felt someone clutching his hand.

"I would like to accompany you My Lord?" Arianne said with her smouldering eyes.

But after the recent alteration with the Darkstar Aryan was not in a mood for any romance. So he gently brushed her away. "I am very tired Princess. Nym did not give me much sleep for the past two days. I would desperately love to catch my sleep. Perhaps some other time." He saw Oberyn sighing in relief for some reason.

Arianne did not looked pleased at his rejection. But she whispered to him, "I will hold on to that. But you would be the one to take my maidenhood."

"Definitely. And I would be waiting for it." He whispered back and started to walk towards his room. Soon he reached a deserted corridor and saw two guards the opposite end. As he walked towards them he felt something out of place at the picture. Soon he crossed them and at that moment he realised both of them did not have the Dornish look. As he was about to turn back he heard sound of unsheathing of sword. With reflexes honed over two lifetimes he rolled away avoiding the slash aimed at his neck narrowly but was caught by another slash from the second guard. Both the assassins started to attack him and Aryan was dodging them desperately. The closed space between the walls and his own lack of weapons made the odds against him. But soon he grew tired and that resulted in him getting stabbed over his shoulder and stomach.

"I am so sorry." The assassin said which was echoed by the other assassin too as they poised for another attack.

'Fuck this.' He cursed and apparated a few feet away from the assassins who gaped at the unexpected move and finding their prey out of their grasp.

"You messed with the wrong person." Aryan growled as he felt the wounds healing slowly. Pointing his wand at the first assassin he cursed, "Die, fucker. Sectumsempra."

Fuelled by his anger the a large purple beam of light sped from his wand towards the target, impacting the astonished assassin and shredding him to pieces. The second assassin looked at the fate of his comrade and looked fearfully at Aryan.

Suddenly he heard approaching footsteps, as the guest began to disperse. "Avada Kedavra." He cast the unforgivable at the now fleeing assassin who fell dead as the green light stuck him. Quickly springing to action Aryan vanished the bodies and as well as any evidence of the struggle. He then apparated to his room and collapsed into his bed and promptly fell asleep.

Two days have passed since the incident. Aryan had tried to find any lead on who tried to kill him. He had scanned the minds of several people but it didn't get any results. Their ship was on the way to Sunspear. The Martells tagged along with them. Currently Aryan was having a private meeting with his people.

"We will reach Sunspear by tomorrow morning. But you will not be staying there for long. You will go in Lord Manderly's ship by the afternoon." Aryan told everyone there excluding himself and Marwyn.

"But I want to see Sunspear? You promised me?" Arya cried indignantly.

"Uncle Ned had written that you are needed back. Robb is going for fostering. Don't you want to see him off? But don't worry you still have a couple of hours to explore Sunspear." Aryan told her who brightened up hearing the last part.

"Cousin Edric. I want you quickly on the Lord Manderly's ship. Don't spend much time at Sunspear." Aryan told his Edric. "Sam why don't you take all the childern to their rooms."

Sam quickly nodded. Arya had grown fond of Sam as he used to tell them stories. Soon the children left.

Looking at the others he explained, "The reason you are not saying is my cousin Edric. The Martells are not exactly happy with Uncle Alric's announcement. That is why I am sending you away to prevent any unpleasant surprises from their side. This is Dorne. Trust me, we don't want to know the Dornish surprise. Please be alert at Sunspear." He told them.

"We will be alert. Your concerns are valid. Poisons, while frowned in the rest of the kingdoms, are quite common here. I will make sure Arya and Edric are kept safe." Ser Brynden promised.

"Jon while I am sure you are enjoying your time with Tyene." Aryan began at which Jon blushed. "Make sure you do not reveal anything to her. Sex is a weapon used by women to make men spill out all their secrets."

The no longer virgin Jon nodded resolutely, "While she has not asked anything, I will still be careful."

"Jon as you know you will be squiring with Ser Brynden Tully along with Sam. You will be spending most of your time at the Riverlands or the Vale. Talk to Uncle Ned first. You always wanted to be a Knight. This is a good opportunity. Being Knighted by a famous Knight like Ser Brynden is a great honor. Apart from Ser Barristan, there is no greater knight in the Seven Kingdoms."

Jon nodded his head.

"My Lord. Please consider your decision. I must come with you. Your protection is my duty." Ser Rodrick said. The man seemed to be very upset for two days since Aryan told him that he will not be coming to Essos.

"Regarding that Ser Rodrick my decision is final. It is not to insult you. You now have an important task in the North. Roose Bolton is dead. Murdered by his own bastard Ramsay Snow in presence of his guards. Ramsay also poisoned Domeric Bolton. As House Bolton is no more, I am hereby making you the Lord of Dreadfort. Though some lands will given to the Karstark and the Umbers but still House Cassel will have enough to live comfortably." Aryan announced with a smile. The Cassels had been loyal to the Starks for the last few generation and Aryan thought this was a suitable reward for their loyalty.

Rodrick's mouth opened and closed and again he opened and closed his mouth trying to form words. "My Lord I cannot find words to thank you."

"Uncle Ned will give you the final details. The bastard of Bolton will be executed soon. Tell Uncle Ned to execute Ramsay in the old way." Aryan said referring to the times when criminal were executed near Weirwood trees and their entails were hung on the branches.

Roose Bolton's killing had now assured the Stark's supremacy in the North. Jaquen had contacted him via mirror a few day back telling him about Roose's negotiations with Tywin as well as his assassination attempts at the Moat and Sea Dragon Point as well as the heinious tendencies of Ramsay. So on the day of his arrival at Starfall, Aryan had apparated to Dreadfort and finished the chapter of the Red Kings.

Aryan then gave him a letter and a box. "Make sure both of these are delivered safely into Uncle Neds hands." Aryan said giving Rodrick a letter and a large box. The box contained Dawn many valuable gifts for his family. He had charmed the box to vanish into Winterfell in case of theft.

After making their future plans they all dispersed for the night.

Sunpear reminded him of magical Persia. The architecture and climate was almost the same. But somehow Sunspear paled in comparison with the other cities of Westeros in terms of population and size. The decrease in maritime traffic due to the Winter Canal also had a negative impact on Sunspear's economy.

They had arrived in Sunpear early morning. When Aryan came to know that Doran was not there he allowed his cousins to spend time there till the evening. He also placed a mild compulsion charm on Oberyn to avoid any surprises. Still nothing eventful happened that day and Aryan sent off the Merman, Lord Manderly's ship with his cousins back to the North.

Aryan had a discussion with Lord Wyman. They had to stay at Sunspear for a couple of days to refill their supplies. Lord Wyman decided to stay on the ship as the Dornish food and climate was making him sick.

Right now Arianne was showing him around the palace of Sunspear.

Arianne led him to a room which looked like a solar. "This is my father's solar." Arianne said. She then opened a box and showed him a crown, "This was the crown which Queen Rhaenys Targaryen wore when she tried to attack Dorne. Sadly she perished."

Aryan observed the Valyrian steel crown studded with gems. "It is beautiful." He commented. 'My deeply placed trust compulsions seem to be working. That is why she brought me to her father's private place.'

It was then he saw the haphazard way of arrangement of items there. "This room looks to have been searched recently, but not properly rearranged back." Aryan asked.

"Yes. It was me. I was looking for any proof regarding what you said. If there is supposed to me a marriage proposal as you said it must have been documented by both parties. I was looking for my father's copy." Arianne admitted.

"From your expression, I assume you did not find it?" Aryan asked while discreetly casting a summoning charm for the document. She shook her head. Thankfully he felt a tug from the Lord's table. 'How predictable.'

Smiling he asked again, "Did you look for any secret sections or holes in the walls or any secret compartments in the Lord's table?"

"No. But now that you say it, I will look for it." She said and started to look around. "Why don't you help?"

"It is considered rude or thievery when a stranger searches another's private space." Aryan said. "But I am willing to overlook that for you."

After looking in walls she started to examine the table carefully and soon found the secret compartment. She opened it and found the rolled up document. With apprehension she opened the document and read it. Then looking at him she said, "You were right. He really did that..."

Sensing he mood Aryan said, "I will leave you alone to think over it."

"Sometimes I understand my mother. If my father had spent more time with her than his schemes perhaps they would have still been together." Arianne said.

"You feel lonely and want a mother's advice. Tell you what, I will try to convince your mother to come back here if not for Doran then for you." Aryan told her.

"She will not listen. Me, father and all others here had begged her when she was leaving for Norvos. But she didn't listen. But today when I learn the full extent of my father's schemes I cannot blame her." Arianne said.

"Don't worry. You have the word of a Stark. Your mother will be back for you." Aryan assured her and went out.

The next day it was lunch time. Lord Wyman had decided to stay in the Marauder and eat his food there, his stomach unable to handle the spicy Dornish food.

"Doran stays most of the time in the Water Gardens. His condition makes it difficult to move around." Oberyn said.

"Think nothing about it Prince Oberyn. It is not like I am here for a specific purpose or something like that, which will require Prince Doran's presence." Aryan said. He then placed some vials filled with concentrated pain relieving potions on the table. "These were made by Grandmaester Marwyn. It will relieve Prince Doran's pain at least."

"Really? But Maester Pylos here had given his verdict that nothing could be done about it. Sometimes I hear Doran crying in pain when we move him to bed. I would personally thank Grandmaester Marwyn soon." Oberyn said gratefully.

It was at that time Obara Sand came in clutching a rattle snake in her hands. Trusting his instinct he scanned her mind and found that she was going to 'accidentally' release the snake on him to frighten him.

"Have you seen the snakes of Dorne, Lord Stark?" Obara asked with a smirk.

"I have seen the Sand Snakes. Quite beautiful all of them." Aryan told her. Oberyn had introduced him all his daughters Obara, Nymeria, Tyene, Sarella, Elia, Obella, Dorea and Loreza. The last four were his daughters with Ellaria Sand.

"This is one of the most poisonous snake in Dorne." She said clutching the snake at its head and 'accidentally' released it on him. The others around him gaped at that and scrambled away, while Aryan looked completely unconcerned.

Looking at the snake he said in parseltongue, "SS come to my hand and wrap around my neck and stay there SS."

The snake looked at him intently for a few moments and tilted its head and did as it was asked. Aryan then continued eating his food while the others looked at him with wide eyes.

"How did you do that?" Ellaria asked while clutching Oberyn.

"I just spoke to it. Did you not hear the hissing?" Aryan said with a smile. The others gave him a deadpanned look. 'Some people do not believe the truth even when I tell them.'

After sometime Aryan threw the snake at Obara saying, "Take back you snake."

She screamed and fell on the floor. Then scrambling away she ran out of the room while the snake escaped.

Nym and Tyene started to laugh out loud followed by the giggles of the younger Sand Snakes. Tyene said, "Never seen her so frightened in my whole life."

"Where is Arianne by the way?" Oberyn asked.

"She is in a bad mood. She has not come out of her room since yesterday." Nymeria said.

Knowing the reason Aryan did not comment on it. Instead he decided to shift conversation into another topic he wanted. "What do you think about the recent rumours about the Lannister mines going dry?"

Predictably Oberyn's smile dissappeared for a moment. But he composed himself and said, "Rumours mostly. We cannot say anything about it."

"Still rumours are born from facts. I hear that Tywin is said to be quite angry these days. He recently killed one of his Lords for questioning him." Aryan persisted while carefully looking for Oberyn's reaction.

And Oberyn snapped predictably, "The Old Lion can do whatever he wants, for now. But my day for revenge will come for what he did to Elia." Oberyn said.

"Hmm. Uncle Ned had told me about that. How the Lannisters had wrapped the bodies in Lannister's cloak and presented it to King Robert when he came to the throne room. Prince Aegon's head was smashed and Rhanys was stabbed half a hundred times. I am not saying anything about Princess Elia state but I know she suffered greatly before dying. You only saw the remains after a few moon when the Lord Hand Jon Arryn came to Dorne. But Uncle Ned saw the bodies fresh and demanded the heads of all those responsible for these atrocities." Aryan said.

Oberyn started to cry bitterly on hearing all that while Ellaria started to calm him while shooting a glare at Aryan.

"Elia used to be so sweet. Yet she suffered a cruel fate." Oberyn said.

"I know, mother always talk to me about her best friend, she cried as much as she cried for my father for Elia and her children. Why did you not seek revenge?" Aryan asked.

It was Ellaria who replied, "My Oberyn was ready to take the whole Dornish army for revenge but Doran forbid him."

Aryan gave a hollow laugh, "While I understand Prince Doran's reason that Dorne alone cannot face all the other Kingdoms, why did you not try other ways? Why not try to assassinate them or poison them. After all, you studied poison at the Citadel."

"And hear the Lions blame us?'' Nym asked.

"What if I helped you? You stay here and do nothing." Aryan whispered.

That got everyone's attention. Carefully Oberyn asked, "What do you mean?"

"While I cannot do anything about the Mountain for now, I could help you in regards of Amory Lorch at least." Aryan told them.

"Just like that? What do you want in return? Besides don't you think this is treason?" Ellaria asked.

With a small smile Aryan said, "Yes just like that. Without any conditions attached I will do this. This is not treason. This is justice. The Starks started the war against the Mad King for what he did to my father and grandfather. The cruel fate of your sister and her children were an unfortunate event which would not have happened if it was us that first breached the Red Keep. Sadly Tywin was the first and he did the deeds. Besides all that, my mother considered Elia a sister in all but blood, so that makes her my honorary aunt, I will have revenge and have all those responsable for it scream. I will play this requiem for my mother." Aryan said with passion.

"And what if the Lannisters still accuse us? After all, we will be the prime suspects." Ellaria asked.

"Plausible deniability. Play Tywin's card and deny everything. Without any proof they cannot prove anything against you. But most of all, the way it will be done will make sure that nobody will even think to accuse you. I will make sure of that." Aryan assured them.

"And when can you do all this?" Oberyn asked.

Aryan thought for sometime. 'My trip to Essos and then later beyond the Wall will take one year at the most.' So deciding to play it safe he said, "Two years at the most."

"That is long. But I have waited enough and I can manage a couple more years." Oberyn said grinding his teeth.

"I just hope your brother doesn't try meddle in this." Aryan said.

"You are giving me something which he has failed to provide me for so long. If you succeed, you will have my eternal gratitude. What you said will not leave this room." Oberyn assured him.

Aryan read Oberyn's thoughts and confirmed that he had no plans in discussing this deal with Doran. So with a sinister smile Aryan said, "You have the word of a Stark. And for a Stark his word is his law."

It was night and Aryan was resting in his bed after an exciting evening. It had happened again and he was attacked again by some assassins. He had decided to take a stroll though Sunspear alone. But when he was in a deserted street he saw a group of Septons coming from the opposite direction. When he had passed them they quickly surrounded him and started to attack him revealing themselves to be assassins. 'I am so sorry' the words he was hearing again. Though he easily managed to kill them but he was still wounded by their poisonous weapons. Now he had finally thought over the attempts and found one thing in common. All of them said the same words 'I am so sorry' after the deed. Initially he thought that it was some Reach Lord at Oldtown or the Martells at Starfall who had tried to kill him. But now he was sure that someone else is after him. Killing him at another kingdom and create a rift between the North and the Southern Kingdoms.

He had retired to his room and had changed his dress. Then he took his communicating mirror to call Jaqen for any news due to Roose Bolton's murder. The fallout from his murder was not much. Other than Ramsay who claimed innocence and was being taken to Moat Cailin for his judgement nothing else had happened. Aryan instructed Jaqen to spread word about the heinous crimes of Ramsay across the North so that Ramsay does not have any sympathisers. With the extinction of the Bolton line, the reign of House Stark was supreme across the North.

Another news was that his latest project for construction of well paved roads had begun starting from the Kingsroad. All the Lords had been instructed to build and maintain the road which passed through their lands. Once good roads were laid Aryan was going to introduce Chariots and horse drawn carriages to the North. The chariots were mostly for the Lords.

He was alerted by someone triggering his proximity wards outside the door. He became alert for any possible assassins. The door opened but it was Arianne.

"What are you doing here this late hour, Princess?" Aryan asked. She had been noticeably absent since yesterday after their conversation.

"Call me Arianne beloved. I was thinking about my father." Arianne said.

"And?" Aryan asked.

"I have come to conclusion that for my continued well being and a happy life, my father's plans with regards to me cannot be allowed to happen. So I propose an alliance or more like I am asking for your help." She said.

"What kind of alliance or help are you asking Arianne?" Aryan asked.

She said, "For some reason I feel I can trust you. Since you are going away on the morrow, you are going to fuck me and breed me with a child today. I have looked in the books. Unlike the Faith of Seven the Old gods are not against having multiple wives. You can marry another one to become the Lady of North, while I will be the ruler of Dorne. Once I am pregnant with a child my father's plans would be useless as I am damaged goods. Our child will be the next ruler of Dorne. This way I am also securing a powerful match for myself."

Aryan blinked at her words trying to process what she said and found merit in her thoughts. Multiple wives were not exactly frowned by the Old Gods. But he still had his own doubts. "And how would that work? If you marry me in future you will spend most of your time with me in the North. As the ruler of Dorne shouldn't you be here?"

"Dornish customs are different from those of the other Kingdoms. The Lords presence is not necessary here to look after their lands. There are and had been many Lords who were away at the free cities for trade and still continued to be the Lord of their house including few Martells. Somebody trustworthy usually a relative is assigned as proxy, just like a regent or steward." Arianne explained.

"That is good. But you are forgetting one important thing, Prince Doran. If Prince Doran decided to get rid of our unborn child from the world then what? Or suppose the child is born and he still decides to discreetly kill it and send it away then?" Aryan asked.

"I really hope my father is not that heartless. But if it happens I will do whatever is necessary for our child's survival. Anything or anyone who stands between will be taken care of." Arianne said in a sad voice.

Aryan looked in her eyes and then hugged her. "You had planned this well. You are not alone and will have my full support. If you ever feel that Dorne is not safe anymore come to the North. Nobody will touch you there."

She nodded and smiled at his reassurance.

'The wedge I planted between the father and the daughter had farther consequences than I imagined. Still it is good for me.' Aryan thought. He had used his leglimency and found that what Arianne was truthful in her words.

They disengaged and Arianne removed the dress she was wearing. She stood naked as the day she was born. She said seductively, "Are you going to watch me all night or are you going to fuck me? Let us make sure I am with child by the time you leave tomorrow."

"I am ready for that." Aryan said and closed the distance between them.

Arianne couldn't take it anymore. She put her hands around Aryan's head, and kissed him. Aryan's response was slow, but began passionately kissing her back, pulling her into him. He had waited for her to make the first move. He had learned that Arianne had no qualms in using her feminine viles to get things done for her. A touch here or a coy smile there, men would easily do her bidding. And Aryan was here to establish himself as the dominant player not one of her playthings. They broke off.

"I think I have started to love you." Arianne whispered.

"Me too. Let me show you how much. " He whispered back.

Arianne then pulled the sheet he had used to hide his modesty. She licked her lips and then hugged him. He could feel every bit of her chest against his, her developed breasts pushed against his chest. This increased his pleasure, making him feel every bit of her, pashing her harder and harder, Arianne responding equally.

"Aryan", she said, panting.

"Yes?", Aryan responded, also breathless.

"Take me now." She whimpered with lust in her eyes.

With Arianne attached to his mouth, he rolled them over, so Arianne was beneath him. Kissing every inch of her from her collar bone, to her nipple, to her hip, Aryan then blew air on her hairy cunt making her shiver. Aryan moved up to her lips and began pashing her again, hard. She responded by pulling him closer to her, Aryan again feeling her breasts against his chest. He moved a hand up to one, and gripped the whole thing gently, and began softly moving it in circles. Arianne stifled a small moan of pleasure as he continued kissing her. He placed his hand between her ribs and her hip, softly grabbing and rubbing. Finally, she broke off. Aryan knew it was time, and moved his erect penis up to the tiny slit that was gently twitching. He moved up, until he was just touching her, and then lay back on top of her. Arianne put her mouth next to his ear, and whispered,


He gently pushed into her, pushed harder, slowly guiding himself into her. Once the tip was in, he place his hands around her shoulders, and slowly pushed into her more. She gasped, as her slit expanded to accompany him, feeling every single bit of him. Arianne was tight, for a virgin. He finally reached her maiden hood. Arianne stopped breathing.

"Go", she whispered.

Aryan pushed, and the barrier gave way, Arianne moaning, a small tear reappearing in her eye.

Aryan hugged her.

After a few moments Arianne whispered,


Aryan slowly moved in and out of her, Arianne unable to breathe.

After a short while, Arianne began moaning with pleasure, unable to control it. Aryan increased the pace, Arianne pulling him back into her. Aryan held between her legs to her waist, her perfect body beginning to convulse with pleasure, her flat and perfect stomach beginning to expand a deflate rapidly, and uncontrollably. Arianne's inner wall began to squeeze and release Aryan as he pushed in and out of her, faster and faster.

Arianne gasped.

"Arianne, I'm going to.." He warned.

"Yes, do it, inside me" Arianne cut him off.

Aryan didn't want it to end yet. He pulled out of her, and moved off her.


"Let's try it this way", Aryan said.

Arianne moved onto her knees, placing her perfect bum in the air, and her slit positioned perfectly for him. Her asshole winked at him. Aryan had a dying urge to stick his cock into her other opening, but resisted, as he decided that the night was still young. He grabbed both her sides this time, and again, pushed into her. She moaned again, and sunk her head, as Aryan slowly increased the pace.

"Oh gods. By the holy mother. Claim your bitch you bloody wolf.!"

Arianne began convulsing again, she felt her eyes widen, her stomach rapidly expanding and deflating. Aryan was going faster and faster, and she could feel every bit of him moving in and out of her. It was too much, and she submitted to the dying urge to be overcome by waves of pleasure.

She let out a long moan of pleasure, her body convulsing at impossible speed.

"Faster!", she managed to let out in a breathless whisper.

Aryan, who had felt her first orgasm didn't need to be told twice. He pushed all the way into her, and faster than before. She began moaning again, clenching him at the speed her body was convulsing. Aryan was about to cum.

"Arianne, I'm going to..."

"Now!" she interrupted. "Please- just- do-".

Arianne couldn't manage another word, as waves of pleasure rendered her unable to think. Aryan pushed harder, and harder, Arianne began moaning loudly. Arianne could feel another orgasm building, but struggled to hold it, another orgasm would tire her too much. The pleasure built even further as she struggled to think. Finally, it broke her mind. Arianne was convulsing below him. Her pussy gripping and releasing Aryan so tight and so fast, Aryan couldn't hold his release. He shot every bit into her. Arianne sub-consciously felt this, and gave her another immediate orgasm, on top of the second one, doubling the strength. Arianne was shaking, violently. She was enduring incredible euphoria, so strong, she passed out.

Only few seconds later, she regained consciousness, and collapsed onto the bed. Aryan lowered himself next to her, and held her.

"I am tired." Arianne said after some time.

"If you want me to breed you, you better be ready for a few more rounds. I heard that Dornish women have higher stamina in bed which Nym proved. I had higher expectations from you." He goaded his partner.

So with a new found energy she turned them over and sat on his waist saying, " I am the Princess of Dorne. I am better than the other in every way."

Then she proceeded to prove her words well into the morning. And Aryan ensured she was by the morning.


The Narrow Sea

The city of Sunspear became distant as the Marauder started its journey to Essos. Aryan had an optimistic look on his face. He had managed to sow seeds of discontent among the Martells. He had made sure on his promise to Arianne and tucked her well into the morning. With his magic he had confirmed that his seeds had reached her egg. And he was also thinking about taking her as a possible wife if his plans regarding Dorne worked well. He was still waiting for his 'beloved' whom death had mentioned.

"It is finally good to be back in the sea. Dorne had been too hot for me." Lord Wyman said loudly a few feet away from him.

"Sweating is good for you My Lord. It burns away the fat in you. And you could do with some decrease in you weight." Aryan told him amused.

Wyman laughed at that and then said, "Our journey will be fruitful for sure. We can speak with the Magisters and the Merchant princes. I had gathered enough information about many of the most influential ones since the time you proposed the idea to me."

"Thank you for your efforts Lord Wyman. Though I must say I had quite recently made few more plans." Aryan said.

"Really. Do share them. It must be really worthfull." Wyman said.

"As you know our trade outpost in Bravos has been and is very profitable but it is still not sufficient. So to expand our reach to the southern free cities I feel we need a trade outpost in preferably Lys." Aryan said.

"Why Lys?" Wyman asked.

"Due to Winterfell taking over the glass making monopoly, Myr is losing its power and influence over the years. While Lys seems to be gaining more. The Rogares have resurfaced with considerable power. And under them the Lysean magister council is also making Lys more influential of the The Three Daughters. I have recently learned that the Company of the Rose is fighting for Lys in the Disputed Lands. As they are of Northern origins perhaps we can have a favourable deal using them with Lys. We can then discreetly supply logistics and men to the Company of the Rose and bring them to the level of the Golden Company. Once we help Lys in gaining the Disputed Lands we will set up an trading outpost there." Aryan said. What he did not say was that he was intent on bringing the Company of the Rose under him. The Lysean trading outpost would then serve as a Headquarters for the Sellsword Company. And they would help him in his future endeavours in Essos.

Wyman mulled over what Aryan said for some time then said, "Splendid idea, my Lord. Ambitious too. But you are forgetting the reactions of Tyrosh and Volantis."

"While I understand Tyrosh's concern what is with Volantis?" Aryan asked confused.

"Volantis always benefitted from the quarrels of the Three Daughters. The Disputed Lands could never be used for growing food due to the quarrels, despite being quite fertile. So Volantis was the main supplier of food for the three daughters. I don't think they will take kindly to any of the daughter succeeding in claiming the Disputed Lands." Wyman explained.

'This is new. I didn't take the reaction of the other free cities into my plans. Wyman is truly well knowledgeable in this area.' Aryan then said, "Something can be done I am sure. I will personally discuss with the Rogares if we get the chance. I want one at Lys and later one in Yi Ti too."

They continued to discuss their plans for sometime. Later Wyman waddled back below the decks.

Aryan now shifted his thoughts about the assassination attempts at him.

"You look troubled?" Marwyn said as he came and stood besides Aryan.

"Am I that obvious?" Aryan asked back.

"I have learned to read you over the years as any other Maester learns about his Lord. So anything I can help you with? He asked again.

"Not unless you can tell me about assassins who say 'I am so sorry' when they kill you." Aryan asked jokingly.

"As a matter of fact I can." Marwyn said sounding smug.

"Really? Of course you do. You have travelled all over the world after all. So tell me about them." Aryan asked eagerly.

"They must be 'The Sorrowful Men', a guild of assassins based in Qarth considered the second best after the Faceless Men.

"So somebody, who must be really rich, has taken great efforts to have me killed using Assassins from Essos. I need to be more careful." Aryan spoke.

"It is also said that they never fail to kill their target." Marwyn added.

At that Aryan's eyes narrowed. 'I don't want my life to be always watching my back any possible killers.'

"They will only succeed if they exist. Soon they will face me at their place and face extinction." Aryan told Marwyn as a hard glint appeared in his eyes. 'And whoever made the deal to have me killed will pay.'

next chapter
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