Ahh another morning and another opportunity to enjoy freedom, Aril woke up as she always did Early she would have to prepare breakfast and clean the house before her master's work but this time she had woken up to find someone else bring her food ever since Dinak Made her free.
She had never had much of an impression of Dinak other than him being slightly lazy and quiet he never treated her badly or to nicely either he was mostly just casual with her they would talk from time to time but about nothing for the most part he had other friends he talked of but she had never met them until a few months ago when Dinak became a Wise master and introduced her to his friends
Dzora she was beautiful and and had a fine figure smooth dark ender skin and beautiful brown eyes her brother was more pretty than he was handsome as he was like his sister but lacked breasts and while Dzora's eyes were warm like a summer afternoon Dzadro had eyes like a winter evening .
It was frightening for Aril at first but she grew to enjoy Dzora's company and friendship she still had her worries with Dzadro since he frightened her slightly and he never talked to her he only ever talked to his sister or Dinak Zackre says he is even quite in meetings and only speaks when it is his time.
It was difficult to talk to many people as she had never done so before but for the first time it was enjoyable having friends she even progressed in her lessons learning accounts and managing money it was fun learning knew things she thought she won't never Gain a chance like this but Dinak so casually gave it to her it was frightening at first but it became fun she even talked about it to Dzora and Dinak many times and they were confused many times as-well but it was fun to talk to them even about stupid topics she even loved the conversations about meetings they had but one story frightened her.
war with Astapor and Meereen.
It was a frightening thought war she could only imagine the results of this war on the people a slavers raid was awfully as she was taken from her burning village by slavers on a raid then sold to a Yunkish noble who later gave her to Dinak's family she was one of the few lucky ones to have ended up being free but there were thousands who where still in chains out there and this war might no it will put more children in chains.
They would march in two weeks and she could only wonder what would happen
Author word
Hey there whoever is there its me yes me the guy who started this but never dose shit yep just wrote this for the heck of it ill be honest i just started writing to take my mind of school which has been a fine so far but i am in my senior year now but you probably don't care not that i expect you to or are you obligated to care.
anyway i really cant say when i can post this because honestly its tuff too get myself to write even if i have the idea but oh well ill try to post here and there every now and then i really don't want to abandon this story since it has a setting i like I've always been interested in slavers bay and its history and stuff it always gave me an Arabic vibe you know what i mean right of course you do you guys are smart its just my wording anyway se yah.
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