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100% Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin / Chapter 62: Harrenhall pt 1

Kapitel 62: Harrenhall pt 1

Harrenhal; Riverlands; ninith moon of 281 AC

Benjen POV

Benjen Stark woke up in his tent, mildly confused as his cognitive functions returned to him slowly, his surroundings and the not-familiar "ceiling" becoming "familiar" again as he remembered where he was and why he was there.

Benjen then got up and quickly began his morning routine and care, such as cleaning his mouth with water and mint, combing and tieing his hair, wearing his training clothes, and petting/ grooming Shadow. Grooming Shadow was part of his morning routine ever since Ragnar found a Direwolf fur on his morning stew, which made him so mad that he had assigned all the mammoth dung work to him… for three weeks! ALL OF IT, FOR THE WHOLE OF WINTERHOLD SURROUNDINGS! At least he could use magic, but Ragnar had conveniently forgotten to tell him that, and he only had remembered to tell him on the third day of the second week. Benjen had been so relieved to be allowed to use magic that he forgot to get mad a Ragnar for "forgetting to tell him," and when he did remember, it was too late, and he couldn't GET MAD even when he tried.

As he listed his daily task mentality, Benjen couldn't help but smile at the prospect of sparring with Jamie Lannister, or as Ragnar had said, " Teaching the Golden boy that even if Lannisters shit gold a sword up their ass would get them as constipated as any man.". Ragnar's wisdom was indeed Legendary.

Benjen walked to the Dovahkiin's tent; he wanted to ask Ragnar or Dacey to shave the sides of his hair so he could use Ragnar's hairstyle. He got there to see Dacey telling a tearful Lynara that " ants were not "nham-nham" and how little girls should not eat them.".

" Where's Ragnar?" Benjen asked as he looked around and didn't see his foster father

" Good Morrow for you too, little Stark." Dacey said, to which Benjen chuckled, " Ragnar went to the Gods' Eye. He told me it was about bringing the last clan of Children of the Forrest in the south to Skagos." Dacey commented, " Honestly, Ragnar is acting weird lately… it's like he is expecting something bad to happen but is trying to convince himself otherwise. He's been biting his nails lately; he is anxious about something. It's the first time he doesn't talk to me about something… I am worried; what could be so bad that would make Ragnar Dovahkiin nervous." Dacey said as she began braiding Lynara's hair

For Benjen, the thought of something making Ragnar Dovahkiin nervous is extremely troublesome; Benjen was sure nothing short of a God could fight a pissed Ragnar; and even against a God, Benjen would bet on Ragnar. Benjen knew Ragnar wasn't afraid for himself or those close to him… as it would be IMPOSSIBLE for someone to hurt a wary Ragnar, and ever since the episode with the assassins, Ragnar has been wary. Benjen and all other mages in training felt when the waves of his magic washed over Skagos as Ragnar renewed the wardstones and laid HUNDREDS of defensive spells on them. So logically, Ragnar was worried about people in general… which meant people were in danger or would soon be in danger, and Ragnar knew it but couldn't or had not found a way to stop it.

" That is a troublesome prospect, Dacey. He seemed fine yesterday night." Benjen said and instantly regretted his words as Dacey looked at him and smirked

" Aye… if there is something he was last night, that thing is NICE," Dacey said, and Benjen face went sour

" Fucking Rabbits…" Benjen said

" Aye… but what are you here for? Ragnar said that if you dared ask to use live steel against the Lannister boy, you would see mammoths for the next five moons." Dacey said, and Benjen shook his head

" Nay… it's not about that… I wanted to ask you to help me shave the sides of my head and braid my hair like Ragnar's." Benjen said, and Dacey smiled.

" Aye… I can help you with that." Dacey said, and Benjen Smiled at her " come sit with Lynara and wait." Benjen slowly did as he was told and sat cross-legged by Lynara's side

" So… you been eating ants?" Benjen asked, and the little girl nodded eagerly, much to Dacey's dismay.

As Benjen walked towards the training yard, he saw a procession with the colors of House Targaryen and Martell entering Harrenhal. Princess Elia had arrived, and strangely enough, the Prince of Dragonstone wasn't with her. Benjen, however, didn't pay much attention to that as he was ready to fight the Golden Lion boy.

Benjen entered the training yard with a few Northern lords by his side; his eyes looked around, searching for his prey/sparring opponent. Benjen didn't know what drove him so hard to dislike the Lannisters, but it was a feeling he would not like to lose… it was a lovely thing to hate House Lannister; it almost made him feel good about himself for choosing to hate them. Alas, his opponent wasn't there, and as such, there was only one thing Benjen could do, which was start his daily training.

Benjen trained his footwork and balance and corrected his fellow northern lord's stances whenever possible; he chose to practice the basics because if someone was observing him, they would find the exercise "childish" and would probably underestimate him, something that was always welcomed in a fight or spar if you wanted to win.

It didn't take long till Jamie Lannister and some other ten westerlanders lordlings entered the yard; the Lannister boy had an arrogant attitude and smiled that simply told Benjen all he needed to know. Jamie Lannister was stupid and thought himself better than everyone else; he was also proud of his abilities with a sword and was confident in them. Unfortunately for Jamie Lannister, Benjen had Ragnar Dovahkiin as a teacher.

" Ah… there you are, the wolf pup. Are you ready for our… friendly spar? I would suggest live steel, but we wouldn't want any accidents, right?" Jamie Lannister said

" Lannister. Let us begin the spar, then? I've got places to be and things to do. I can't let Lord Dovahkiin think it took me more than a few minutes to beat your lame self…. He would make me return to the wooden sword, which would not be very pleasant…." Benjen said, which made the Lannister boy grit his teeth.

" Let us do it then, Stark. I'll teach you that a Lannister always pays his debts. Perhaps, once I'm done with you, you will learn how to treat your superiors," Jamie Lannister said, and Benjen rolled his eyes

" You should stop listening to that vicious sister of yours… she will someday get you killed. Perhaps when I am done with you, your father will get a more humble heir that doesn't let his sister command him like a lapdog." Benjen said as he got his practice sword and entered the sparring circle

" Don't you da-" Jamie Lannister began but was interrupted by Benjen

" I hear you roaring, but I don't see no claws… get inside the circle, and we will see if I dare or not… but I must warn you… Winter is here, and no coat of gold shall hold the cold." Benjen said as he twirled his practice sword.

Jamie Lannister didn't reply and got inside the circle

" Crackwall!" Jamie Lannister said, and a ginger-haired young man got close to the sparring circle

" Are you ready, Stark?" Crackwall asked, and Benjen nodded calmly " Are you ready, Lord Lannister?" Crackwall asked, and Jamie Lannister nodded

" then… BEGIN," Crackwall said, and Jamie Lannister immediately went on the offensive, trying to get Benjen with his guard down with an explosive furry of attacks; he failed miserably as Benjen simply parried all attacks without trying hard. Jamie continued on the offensive, something Benjen allowed so that he could get some form of measurement on him; but at the end of the day, Benjen wasn't even trying; Benjen trained every day with Ragnar Dovahkiin, THE GREATEST WARRIOR IN THE HISTORY OF PLANETOS, and Jamie Lannister wasn't even a challenge.

" You are good, Lannister," Benjen said as he dodged another attack, " But not good enough; your footwork is weak, and you are simply too slow," Benjen said as he used his practice sword to stop the Jamie Lannister sword's momentum and start his offensive. Like always, Benjen twirled and spun his sword and himself as Ragnar taught him, and like always, his opponent stood no chance. Jamie Lannister was able to shield two trusts of his sword before taking a hit, and then another and another and another… until Benjen had disarmed Jamie Lannister and put his own sword against his neck

" Yield, Lannister?" Benjen asked; Benjen knew very little about Jamie, but he knew Jamie Lannister was many things, a son to a very rigid father, a brother to a very horrid sister, and a very arrogant little man, but above all that, he was a swordsman, he respected nothing more than the art itself, and nothing can besmirch a swordsman's honor more than being a sore loser.

" I yield." Jamie Lannister said, not quite mad but dumbfounded

" Good… I'll give you an advice… don't follow blindly every order your weird sister gives you. She is not a smart person, and she WILL get you killed someday," Benjen said as he returned Jamie's practice sword to him.

" Good luck with your banshee problem," Benjen said as he stepped out of the sparring circle and began waking away from the training yard.

" What the fuck just happened?" Benjen heard Jamie Lannister say

The great hall of Harrenhall was full of people as it had been in the past days; Benjen saw Dacey talking to Elia Martell as Lynara played with little Rhaenys near the high table; Brandon was talking Alyssane Blackwood and her father, who seemed highly pleased with something, Ned was talking to Barbrey Ryswell who seemed interested in whatever he was talking, much to Benjen's surprise, Ned wasn't known for being a fascinating individual. Lyanna was talking to Howland Reed; who seemed at ease while talking to her. All Starks were seated near the high table and close to the Royal family. Everyone knew or at least suspected the purpose of this tournament; all would depend on who the Starks would support, as with House Stark came House Dovahkiin, the Dovahkiin fleet, and the biggest dragon to ever fly over Westeros. Little did they know that the only way to stop Ragnar from fighting against Aerys was if Aerys somehow got the Starks to fight for him; something impossible as Benjen had already sent a message to his father ( through a trusted messenger as instructed by Ragnar) telling him about Aerys' crimes against the Queen. Rickard Stark would NEVER support Aerys Targaryen. Benjen looked at his family and decided not to join them as both Ned and Brandon were entertaining their respective ladies; by some miracle, Lyanna wasn't bothering them about letting her join the joust… he would not break such equilibrium. Benjen then walked towards Godswood.

The Godswood of Harrenhall was the only place in the castle where Benjen felt at ease, not under some kind of stress. The Godswood was where Benjen let Shadow stay during the day, as having the Giant Direwolf follow him everywhere was bound to create problems, especially with the Royal family nearby.

Benjen walked to the Heart tree but stopped when he saw a person there, a woman. She was on her knees, probably praying to the Old Gods. She wore a dark purple dress and had black hair

" I didn't expect to find anyone here. I thought you southerners pray to those statues gods of yours." Benjen said, his voice not loud so the lady wouldn't get scared.

She turned around, and Benjen almost lost his breath at seeing how beautiful she was. Her face looked like the gods themselves sculpted it; she had purple eyes and her lips were full. She was the most beautiful woman Benjen had ever seen

" Not all southerners follow the seven, Benjen Stark." She said, surprising Benjen

" Is that so, my lady? I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage." Benjen said as he raised an eyebrow

" I am sorry, Lord Stark. I am Ashara Dayne of Starfall." Ashara Dayne said with a smile that almost made Benjen lose his "trademark" mischievous face.

" Ah… The Sister of Arthur Dayne, although if the Realm knew of your beauty, Arthur would be known as the brother of Ashara Dayne." Benjen said with a fun tone, and Ashara courtesied mockingly

" It's a pity it's still the other way around, my Lord," Ashara said humorously

"If my lady doesn't mind me asking, how is it that you knew my name?" Benjen said

" Dark brown hair, grey eyes, handsome, that would give up your Stark heritage. The way your hair is styled is the same as Lord Dovahkiin's… which implies you admire the man. Lord Dovahkiin's foster son is a Stark. Benjen Stark, so I just guessed. It seems I was right." Ashara said, and Benjen nodded

" Impressive… breathtakingly beautiful and apparently very intelligent. A dangerous combination." Benjen commented

" Thank You, my Lord. You yourself seem to be a dangerous man… if the way you fought against Tywin Lannister's son is any indication." Ashara said, and Benjen smiled

" And I didn't even use my wolf." Benjen joked

"Wolf?" Ashara asked, confused, and Benjen nodded

" Aye… that wolf over there," Benjen said as he pointed at Shadow, who was sleeping below a tree near them. Ashara looked at where he was painting and saw the massive form of Shadow, she jumped a bit once she saw it, which made her trip, but Bejen caught her before she could fall. Her face hit his chest, and his hands held her. After half a second, she looked at him, and he looked back at her. Their gazes held for almost four seconds before she realized she was in his arms, she moved from him, and he let he go

" Thank you, my lord," Ashara said, her voice low but quite clear to Benjen's ears

" It's quite alright, my lady. It was my fault; I should've known you would react poorly at seeing Shadow." Benjen said, and Ashara nodded

" What kind of wolf is that, my Lord?" Ashara asked

" Shadow is a Direwolf… a extremely lazy one." Benjen said

" Oh… the living sigil of your house," Ashara said.

" Aye…" Benjen said, and after a few seconds he added, " Would you like to go for a walk, my lady? I don't have many tasks today, and I would appreciate having someone to talk to and tour Harrenhall with."

Ashara smiled brightly at him, and Benjen returned the smile

" Yes… I would like to." Ashara said, and Benjen offered his arm, which she took.

" Then let us go," Benjen said


A/N: Benjen and Ashara…. That's all I have to say.

Thank you for your support.!!

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