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31.14% Flesh is Weak / Chapter 19: Chapter 18.

Kapitel 19: Chapter 18.

Toll the bell of the Omnissiah.

The hunts continued as I chased after a terrified man who was desperately trying to escape from me. He was a knight, and he had just watched his friends die to my boltgun in the lobby of a grocery store. He was so desperate to get away he tripped and fell on a banana peel, sliding to a door. I shot him and end the fuck then gather the heads. These strays had killed a young couple earlier this week.

A pawn screams as she tries to run from me in an ice rink as I walk after her on the ice towards a bunch of bleachers. She ran screaming that she would not die to me. I shot her leg off before she got out of the rink and then chopped off her head. Before going for her comrades, who were all the while throwing spells and spears at me. This group had blown up a hospital in Vietnam.

A lamia slides across the surface of a pool, trying to escape from me as I make my way through her comrades. The pawns failed to hold me back, and I tasked a mechadendrite on a newly created pack to cut heads off and make the grind easier. The sun is starting to peek into the pool room as the lamia shrieks.

"What are you!"

"Death. I am the Gorgon, and I will never stop hunting vermin like you."

I corner the monster and blast her apart before taking her head. Then I moved on but stopped hearing a whimper. I turned to see the last of the strays here. A teen who was innocent just stuck with this group. He had run immediately from me and was now hiding behind the bleachers having pissed himself. I tell him as I collect the heads.

"Run fast, kid. I don't kill those who have genuine reasons to run. I know yours. Tell the other good strays they have no reason to fear me."

The kid nodded profusely and babbled showing he was from South America.

"Thank you! I will, Gorgan! I'll never hurt anyone ever! I didn't have a choice or chance by myself!"

He ran away so fast, thanks to his gear, speeding past the bodies of his former comrades and out an emergency exit. I start burning the bodies and hosing down the blood. I'm so tired, but this has helped me eliminate my rage and wrath. Each group of the many strays I killed with the mask on gets me closer and closer to my goal. I went through the night not resting popping energy drinks to keep me up.

Each time I cashed in, that pawn at the Sinful grew even more terrified of me. She didn't attempt to stop me again. Instead, she paid the bounties without saying anything while shaking like I was a nightmare made flesh. I was a third of the way through the first part of the list after I called it. This group of strays was responsible for ten separate killings of humans.

I stepped out into the Sinful, and the pawn was not alone anymore. She's hiding behind Wu, shaking like I am Trihexia. Next to Wu is an extremely tall man almost a small Ogryn in size. That man carries a great sword his size, and he, with Wu, stands in front of the trio. Wu has a blank face again, and now he is wearing intricate Chinese armor. He saw my gun in my hands and my new armor in red before speaking in an amused voice.

"I see why you were terrified, Freya. You are relieved for the day. Go see Heniya and relax."

The Swede ran fast, and the giant man snorted.

"He doesn't look like much Wu."

He was Russian as Wu shrugged.

"He is formidable, Vladimir. His kills throughout the night and morning are many. He's made us run dry on money almost completely. Gorgan, it is nice to see you again. Please stop terrorizing our friend in Freya. She's extremely new to our peerage, and this was her first day on the job here."

I felt only a little bit bad for the Swede, but I shrugged moving toward the bar, Wu faced me with Vladimir watching the gun. Wu, now that I looked at him, is a bishop and Vladimir is a mutation knight with two pieces. Wu just looked at me again, and he pulled his list.

"Lilith again and how many?"

After holstering my gun on a magnetic clamp on my back, I opened the pocket. Then, I began setting the heads on the bar. I make the pile grow again. Vladimir looks incredulous at first. Before each new head, it makes him look a little more impressed. His grey eyes watched me more closely now with short grey hair framing his face. Wu also looked impressed at the growing pile. He kept making his list busy and then gave an order to Vladimir.

"Get extra, Lilith."

The man does and heads to the back of the bar. Wu now smiles a bit real here.

"You're going to piss off other hunters with your haul. However, this is more dedication than anyone I have seen from any of the guild in a very long time. You have expanded your weapon range. Are you interested in a new job, Gorgan? My king has listened to Freya freak out to her the whole night about you. She's very keen on you joining."

I watched him hand out the Lilith. I shake my head.

"I'm not interested in reincarnation just pay me."

Vladimir had come back with more of the Lilith, having heard my response. He growled at me while Wu just shrugged.

"I figured as much, but I had to make the offer. I noticed that you hunt the bad strays, so you understand the situation in the underworld. Just consider it. Our king is extremely high and powerful in the underworld, and she is very strong. It would cut down on your leg work. Vlad, he's fine."

Vladimir kept growling at me. His eyes shrunk to slits like a saber tooth, and he said to Wu.

"He's spitting on our king's offer, Wu. Any ground shitter Hunter should be honored to be even be considered by the Crimson Lady of Destruction."

The Russian set the money pile on the bar next to the heads. My pile was on the left while the new money and the heads were on the right. Wu just shrugged.

"He has that right to. He's making our lives easier with how we don't have to do more official hunts. I enjoy watching my tv, so I won't complain. Gorgan, I will get you your money."

The money pile slowly shrinks on the right, moving to the left. Vladimir hates me still, but Wu, after each head, grows more impressed. He stops at the head of a centaur and smiles big there, turning to Vladimir.

"See he killed the fuck who got Rodger. I call that a win and his wife can now know that he's been avenged."

This made Vladimir look extremely sad hearing that name. Before, he looked at me in a true, genuine manner of respect. The centaur had been a mutation queen and had broken my arms six times and my legs eight times. Each time with a kick to them with her legs. I just kept going after her, and the kill happened when I shot her arms and legs off with a weapon I made just for her in a plasma gun. She had been the worst fight of the night in an old abomination of a place that was a Hello Kitty restaurant. The Russian just grunted his thanks as Wu explained.

"This stray killed our last piece before Freya. Our king put the bounty higher as Rodger was well-liked by the rest of us. She will definitely want to meet you at some point."

I don't care about this, Rodger. I care about Akeno, Kuroka, and even my stupid redhead. I'm happy I helped them but I'm also so tired. I watch the money pile grow higher with each head. Finally, I see the last of the Lilith paid out and the sun shines through the bar's windows. Vladimir is just watching me now with a very clear interest. Wondering why I need all this money. Wu just whistled at the amount. Voicing the question.

"I'm deeply intrigued by why you need this much money, Gorgan. This is more than most humans and commoners ever see in their lifetimes."

I just cracked my back and replied.

"It's to free two people. I won't stop till they are free totally."

Wu watched me now as did Vladimir. Wu looked straight into my red eyes on the helm, and he said while staring me straight down.

"These people are extremely lucky to have you. Are you certain that you won't consider joining us? Our king could help you out with that goal. She's a relative of the great devil king Lucifer."

I began to put the Lilith away, shaking my head no again. Wu had been trying; it seems to really help there. He sighed but got it. Vladimir just watched.

"You move like a predator. Given everything with the heads I am very interested in fighting you, Gorgan."

Vladimir just watched for my response. I'm too tired to care right now, and I'm close to a caffeine crash, so I shrugged. Twenty minutes later, I'm done shoveling the money into my pocket.

"Perhaps when they are free. Until then no. Have a good morning."

With that I left. The eyes remain on me. Never leaving.

Once I'm in the alley, I open the portal to the station, and I don't see anyone there. I feel the caffeine withdrawal starting. I take off my armor and notice that it has so many scratches, dents, and dings that I would need a new set. I hang it up in the armory here in the station. I will make a new set when I wake up next. I move towards the teleporter and step through it.

In the house, I move up the stairs after shutting the door, and upon getting to the top of the stairs near the entrance to the kitchen, I see Maéva. She's making food for the day, and I try to sneak past her. Only for her to say.

"Young master."

She has good hearing. I just replied.

"Has our guest woken up?"

The maid turned towards me and froze, seeing my eyes and face. She looked horrified. I couldn't see what I looked like, so I assumed it was bad. She moved the food to the counter and then approached me, and I prepared for the scolding. Instead, Maéva looked at me in understanding. She gently grabbed a hand and led me up the stairs, saying as we went up.

"You're too much like my sister Asia. She would do this sort of stuff, too, and the bishops didn't try to stop that. They just urged her to do more when she was ready to collapse. Young master, the guest, is still asleep. I figured you wanted to be there, and she was in a bad way. So, I put her in my strongest healing spell. How long have you been awake?"

I lean on my maid and say softly.

"Too long but people are relying on me."

Maéva shook her head and just led me to my room. I opened the lock, and she helped me into the bed. Before she does something scary when Maéva summons a frying pan.

"Sorry, young master. I'll get you when people arrive."

She then whacked my head hard, and I hurt before falling onto the pillow unconscious. I dream of nothing.

When I wake up, I was still hurting from the blow but slowly got up. I stumbled to the bathroom in a hazy, semi-dream-like state. When I see my face in the mirror I look like shit with bloodshot eyes with deep bags under them and a massive bruise on my head. I don't want to do that again. I am closer to the goalpost yet it's not enough. That thought hurts me so much.

I go to the depresso expresso in the shower before the doubts hit fully and hard. I'm richer than ever before and it's still not even close to enough. I'm now living with so much blood on my hands with more to come. I want to break down here as I'm a horrible person with my kills. The pit I'm in is bad and deep and I don't know what to do. I can't keep doing shifts like this. The doubts return again in me.

I will fail Kuroka who will mutate into a monster. I will fail Rias and Keno as they become toys for a shit bird. They all deserve better than me. I slowly consider everything before my confidence returns in bits. The spirits believe in me and I saved Kiryuu's life. I am helping clean up scum and making the world safer. Stop doubting myself and be what they call me. Lord of Iron, Omnissiah and eventually, Lord Astaroth. I punched the shower wall in anger and broke my hand. It hurts but wakes me up as my hand heals back to normal.

I exited the shower to get dressed before exiting the room and moving towards the stairs. I must still be tired because I saw Rias at the foot of them, ready to come up. She looked at me in shock before running up to me. She stopped before me, then grabbed my shoulder, giving me something to lean on. She helped me down the stairs to the kitchen where Akeno was. She had been asking Maéva something when she saw me getting extremely angry seeing my face. She jumped off her chair and moved towards me with fire in her purple eyes. Her hair flowed around angrily, and she slapped me. It is just regular pain and not my arms and legs breaking. Akeno, after the slap hugged me.

"Lex, why did you do this? You were out all night!"

I just shrugged before making my way to the island, where there was food waiting for me. It's a hearty meal and I dig in. I am shoveling it into my mouth, shocking everyone with the display. I finished the food and got ready to work out to get endorphins. A spell hit me before I could move, making me stand completely still. Rias is angered and she stands in front of me with her hands on her hips. I finally noticed that she was wearing a casual red shirt and jeans. Her eyes focused on mine, and she grew angrier.

"Explain now why you look like shit."

My eyes watch hers.

"Hunting to get the money for you. I plan to do it again today and tomorrow. I'm going to get you this, and I can't stop till you're free."

Rias looked both horrified and amazed I was doing this. Akeno just punched my arm and dislocated it. I groan. The limb reset back into place with an audible pop, and Maéva said while behind me.

"Young master you slept for four hours. You need more. Please don't do this."

Akeno gets straight in my face, and she growls at me.

"Just because you're that doesn't mean you should do this, Lex! Was it really worth it!"

I snarled and broke free from the spell before emptying my pocket and spilling the money onto the floor. The huge amount of Lilith began to hit the floor with Akeno and Rias backing up seeing the amount appearing. I get ready to roar wrath but control my anger saying instead as Lilith kept coming.

"This was all earned this morning. All except the Yen is my work. Now, ask me that again, Keno. I say yes, this was worth it because of this we are closer to the goal! I will do anything to see you both free from that pig and Rias, your sister's bishop, offered me twice to reincarnate for her because of my work."

Rias is wide-eyed upon hearing that. Akeno was looking at the money and couldn't help but drop her mouth to the floor. Maéva was now in my field of vision, gazing at the money on the ground and revealing her sin of greed. She doesn't move towards it, and I say to her, still angry.

"I'm wrath so that's out there and no, I won't use it on you. How much closer is this Rias? I swore I would do anything for you and Keno. This is one day of nonstop work, and I want to prove to the Astaroths that they won't have a weak heir in me. I want to prove to the Gremory that I am not weak and that I can defend you from the underworld. I want the nobles to fear me and never try anything against me and my family. I want you all safe and I will do anything!"

Rage was there near the end and Rias was still in shock with Akeno just as shocked seeing the pile. Rias did a quick look at the pile and once again showed her brains that existed despite her dumb-ass grandfather and great-grandfather. Her eyes are ultra-wide by the end of the count.

"This is enough to get you a huge manor in the underworld. For the dowery it's a massive investment just from this."

I just looked at her and said, trying to control my wrath.

"Help me count it. I want an actual number so that I will see how many more times I need to do this. I hated doing it, but I'm going to keep doing it, whether you or Keno try to stop me."

Rias was mad as was Akeno, but they started to help me count.

The task takes a half hour, and we, at the end, add up all the Lilith. It comes out to seven hundred and fifty thousand. According to Maéva, who was accustomed to American dollars, this is around 23 million. I'm surprised that is the total and for the dowery, I'm actually over a third of the way there.

I needed 2,250,000 Lilith to buy out the contract. Rias is wide-eyed in shock at this, as is Akeno. Maéva looked at me, impressed with the fact that I had earned this and was not going to stop. I'm relieved that this was that much. Two or three more sessions of this, and I could buy out the contract without having to beg from the Astaroths for money. I could do this entirely this weekend if I pushed myself and downed energy drinks. I might even make combat stims and then shove those in me.

Koriel, however, says no. She won't help me there. Sleep more for at least another three hours. Rias asked in amazement at me.

"How many strays did you end for this?"

I don't remember the later ones. I get ready to put the Lilith away in the spell while putting the yen in another pocket for Issari.

"Not enough. I'll go back to sleep when my next rescue wakes up."

That made Akeno and Rias jump as I put the Lilith away. Rias barked out.

"You rescued another person!"

I snark back at Rias.

"She was about to get shot by a queen using her as a hostage and it seems like that worked on two prior hunters. I said it once and I will say it again humans have a champion in me. I won't sit back and let them get hurt by devils or anyone else. Rias don't offer her that. She's traumatized and will need a person like me there."

Akeno shook her head in fondness at me. Rias just was silent, and Maéva beamed at me. She excitedly looked at me, saying.

"A true good lord! Oh, I wish we had had you in the church when I was there. We were running out of people who cared about others. The heads were just busy filling the ranks with yes men and women who, while trained, didn't protect the flocks. The church was using the corps to extract money and or favors from countries. You are a great man young master."

Oh, that sounds like shit too. Now, I dread to think what Xenovia and Irina are like. If they are there. I have a bad feeling about Heaven. They would only let that happen if they were in a hard position. So why is Heaven putting up with that besides faith? I ask Maéva to make food for our guest.

The maid rushed off, and I'm just going to go lifting. My armor needs to be heavier. It can't just be the same weight. It needs to be thicker and thicker with each new enemy. I want power armor just so I can use heavy weapons. Rias just follows me, and she doesn't say anything to me. Akeno, however, started fufufuing.

"Ladies' man, Lex Astaroth. You will need to get a bat to keep them away from your husband."

Rias gets a tic mark on her head, and I throw an eraser at Akeno. It flies and whacks Akeno's forehead making Rias giggle and I started lifting while snarking at my cousin.

"Hardly going to happen. You're just going to be disappointed, Keno. Besides you have a kohai now. She is very ready for your taming sessions fucking bat rat."

Rias giggled at the nickname as Akeno now has the tic mark. She gets lightning ready, and I snark back at her, finally done with her teasing.

"I'm so scared I dropped my safety blanket by the door. Maybe you'll trip on it, and you can sleep like how I want to. Git Gud Keno."

She gets even more angry there. Rias stops laughing and becomes the cutest thing ever again asking innocently.

"Git Gud?"

I shake my head in mock disappointment. Akeno seems ready to launch a bolt at me and laugh at Rias. Issari thankfully showed up behind Akeno and screamed out.

"Senpai guess who made it into the school! Now I can get head pats whenever I want! Also, Gregor-kun, you look like shit, and you have mail."

Akeno beams and starts head patting Issari quickly in congratulations. I stopped lifting and grunting out to her.

"Congratulations, pervert. Now give me my mail. Also, you still smell funny."

That pissed off Issari, and she gets the tic mark now, but head pats make her purr. Akeno started fufufuing and is extremely proud of her taming so far. I moved, took the mail in Issari's right hand, and opened it. It's my government stipend I'll convert this to Lilith before I see a letter telling me I have a test session at Kuoh Academy on Monday. I sighed again and let Issari get spoiled. The purrs are kind of relaxing actually. They jump in frequency when Akeno tells her little Kohai.

"You are such a good dragon girl. You will make all the others in the school jealous. They want to be close to Akeno-sama, and they will be very disappointed when you're there!"

I shake my head woozy, and I start hearing more purrs. Then I feel sleepy before the black hits suddenly and I was lucky I didn't kill myself there.

When I woke up again, Issari was slapping me. I reluctantly open my eyes to see the three of them and Maéva looking down on me. Maéva has food plates on her mechadendrites and she is very sweet.

"Good sleep, young master?"

I let Issari get off me, and I yawned before getting up and blinking.

"Yeah actually. How long was I out?"

Issari grinned as did Akeno and Rias. I looked at them warily now as Issari answered with a Cheshire grin.

"Four hours. We left you here and we had a teaching session with Red. She's learned things you're welcome you bitch."

How did I? Then I remembered the purrs. I growled at Issari for that and for corrupting my redhead more. Rias blushed slightly but was extremely happy with me and Maéva confirmed it.

"You were sleeping so peacefully, young master, that I didn't wake you. You were muttering about someone named Kate with a blissful smile on you I couldn't wake you without feeling bad. The dragon talked with our guest, and she was very insistent about speaking with you. I was bringing her food."

Rias grew worried about learning about Kate. Akeno's face was curved into curiosity, and Issari looked sad there. I get ready to speak with Kiryuu while still a bit woozy, but that goes away fast. Rias looked ready to demand to know who Kate was but Issari butts in being helpful for once.

"Kiryuu-chan is so cool Gregor-kun! She is also entering Kuoh Academy, and she and I bonded over the people there! Oh, I have another friend!"

Issari gets head pats again from Akeno starting a new purr storm.

"You deserve all the friends in the world, my little dragon. You helped my big stupid cousin out with so much, and you will get your just rewards!"

The purrs are very loud, and I run from them to avoid the chance of falling asleep again. Rias followed me, and she demanded from me on the stairs with Maéva.

"Who is Kate!"

She's ultra mad. Maéva ignores this because she is busy playing with her mechadendrites, and I glare at Rias.

"A person I vaguely remember from before being in Japan. Is that now a crime, Rias?"

Rias didn't back down here.

"It is if she tries to steal you from me!"

There's the jealousy again, pure and hot. Her sin is greed for the perfect husband, which, me being her first relationship that might turn into that, makes sense. However, Rias needs this dead.

"She won't Rias. I vaguely remember her, and what I do remember is that she broke up with me. You have nothing to fear from Kate. However, remember what I said that of one rule so far."

Rias looked ugly, knowing I was 'safe' from Kate. But grew ashamed when I said the rule. That stopped her response. Maéva stays silent, and we just continue up the stairs. When we reached the top of the stairs, I softened my face with Rias.

"This needs to not be here Ria. We need to talk about this more."

Rias just prepares to be submissive. I reached for her face and tilted it up to mine and her sea-green eyes looked very sad. She looks into my eyes, and I say to her in a whisper.

"I will never make you feel lesser."

She smiled, seeing I was truthful. I let go of her ready for Kiryuu. I opened the door and there awake, still having a bruise near her eye, is the future man eater of Kuoh Academy. She had repaired her glasses, and her eyes looked at me for a second. Then gets a slight nosebleed. Oh, come on. I just ignored that, while Maéva doesn't get the reason why that happened. Rushing to help Kiryuu. Food shaking on the plates held by the mechadendrites. That snapped Kiryuu out of her nosebleed, and she watched the mechadendrites with amazement.

I let Maéva clean the blood while I sit on a chair on my guest's left side, and I just smiled smirk before letting Maéva finish her work before I spoke.

"Hello there. I'm happy that you're looking much better than last night. I'm Gregor Astaroth. May I know your name miss?"

Kiryuu looked at me with half hearts. Her braids were clean, and she replied with a smile that wasn't perverted.

"I'm Kiryuu. Thank you for rescuing me. I didn't think I was going to get out of there alive. You're a real hero and I wish I had something to give you."

I see the face of anyone who is poor sees on another person of that's face.

"You owe me nothing. I might live here but I'm not that way. You being alive and well is its own reward."

Kiryuu brightened, getting the look on me. She smiled, and she was very pretty. Maéva set down a plate of hot food, and Kiryuu's stomach growled. She blushed, and I chuckled before mine did the same again. Maéva extended her mechadendrites to me, too, and I took a plate. Kiryuu looked at the hands and asked.

"What are those? I have never seen anything like that in my life. I believe that the two cat men from last night were Youkai, but this is like a new thing."

I smiled and answered after taking a spoonful of soup.

"Those are called mechadendrites. How much did my friend explain to you?"

Kiryuu kept watching them.

"That there is an other side with everything from legends existing. She said the ones who captured me were devils. What are you?"

I want to sigh here.

"I'm a half human half devil hybrid. My kind maid here is what is called a reincarnated devil."

Kiryuu watched Maéva and that's when Rias spoke up behind us.

"I'm a pureblood one. It's nice to meet another human in the know now."

Rias appeared on my left, and I looked at her sideways. Kiryuu's eyes focused on Rias, and she immediately showed that she was still smart.

"She's a noble, as are you, Gregor-kun. Astaroth is one of the names in the Ars Goetia. I would show the proper respect….."

I stop her there.

"I'm not one yet and I will never be big on formalities just Gregor is fine. This nice person beside me is Rias Gremory."

Kiryuu flashed a big smile and looked at Rias before she said while reaching for a plate and chopsticks for rice.

"Alright. I can never thank you enough for saving me. I truly wish I could give you something, but you understand. I do want to learn more about the other side."

Rias got ready to offer something, and I shook my head at her, getting a cute pout. Kiryuu giggled, and she took a bite of her rice. Before she started shoveling it down, making Rias's sweat drop while Maéva looked extremely pleased, she got ready to leave, and I told her with a smile.

"You are the best maid Maéva. When I'm confirmed, I'll give you a raise and ask you for you to continue serving me directly. Thank you for your work Maéva."

The maid beams and properly bows in thanks before she skips off out of the room. Rias speaks up in agreement.

"I will support that. She's extremely good at her work. I learned so much yesterday when you were out. I was going to offer Kiryuu-san a place in my club instead of the peerage. You're doing all that for me. I believe you can do it just don't pull extra-long shifts like that, Gregor-kun. I worry about my handsome Lord of Iron."

I took the support before Kiryuu asked, hearing the conversation.

"What's a peerage? You two seem like those old and cheesy arranged marriage people."

I snicker before, Rias proudly proclaims showing her knucklehead again.

"He's my future betrothed! He's the greatest nobleman I have ever seen, except for my older brother!"

I'm just an idiot, Rias, and your brother is a real hero. Kiryuu was amused but I answered the second question.

"A peerage is kind of like a very trusted group of people around a devil noble. The system is based on chess, with each piece gaining something different from the process that reincarnates a person from another species to a devil."

Kiryuu has big eyes thinking about something she shouldn't yet. Rias, however, blazes forward still beaming at me.

"Gregor-kun is going to get a set! You should still attempt to reincarnate your friend. She'd make an excellent piece, and your prestige would jump by having the Red Dragon Empress in your peerage. It's rare for any of the 13 to be in one and she's nice."

Kiryuu looked ready to offer something, and I shook my head at her, stopping the move.

"It's permanent, Kiryuu-san. Don't offer unless you have no regrets. As for Issari Rias, she isn't interested because the gecko was killed last time by one. She likes you, too, along with Akeno and Kiba, but she would be miserable as one."

Rias frowned before she blushed. Kiryuu looked at me in both thanks for stopping her from doing that and in a little annoyance. I ask her, getting the idea.

"You don't like owing people things either, do you, Kiryuu-san?"

Kiryuu beams at me.

"Absolutely, and please call me Kiryuu-chan my hero deserves that right. I am an orphan and I despise it. I'm interested in this because it could improve my life. Devils seem stronger than humans, and they used magic on me, which I have always been interested in."

I break that bubble.

"It could do that but you'd also be giving up the internet as the devil one is restricted to the nobles. You'd be in a new hierarchy where you are at the bottom again and regarded as less than dirt by nobles, not like Rias and I for the most part. You do get a longer life and magic, but you're expected to obey your king without question, and if you ever don't like that, you end up either permanently on the run or like your abductors. I repeat it's permanent, do you want to do that?"

Kiryuu looked horrified at the loss of the internet and the new situation. Rias tried to come up with good things but wasn't doing well. Kiryuu now set into extreme contemplation there and Rias said to me.

"That's putting it pretty biased. I don't do that to my peerage, expect unconditional obedience."

I snarked back while Kiryuu kept thinking.

"You are also biased, Rias. If what I said wasn't true, then why are there so many strays? Why do your brother and his party not seem to be winning much on their stuff? Kiryuu-chan deserves to know up front and with nothing hidden so she can make an informed decision. I will treat my peerage like actual people. I have many ideas that will make the nobles consider me a true loon. Rias I'm more liberal than your brother and probably more liberal than you are. I don't like how reincarnated or the commoners are treated, either. I'm not afraid of being seen this way as I want a better future for all and will earn what they call me."

Rias looked shocked, getting that I was more liberal than her brother and that I was willing to take on the nobility. Then her eyes went to pure hearts, seeing that I do care as much about the reincarnated as I do the commoners and her. Kiryuu surprised me by saying before Rias.

"I would join the peerage of a man like that, a hero. You remind me of my dad. I remember him and my mom despite being only two. I was going to say yes regardless because you'll get my dad and mom justice as they were in the subways. Your friend told me that but the fact you were honest from the get-go shows me I will have a good king. I would like to join you Gregor-kun. Please accept me."

Rias fist pumping there in happiness for me. I guess I have my first piece. Kiryuu's face shows determination and no regrets. Something she said, however, is intriguing.

"I'll accept you but you also said that you remembered your parents despite the age. Do you have Hyperthymesia?"

Rias was just confused, while Kiryuu nodded fast with a look of joy.

"Finally an educated person! It's a blessing and a curse. The others at the orphanage just make fun of me calling me a freak. The rumor is that I'm an ultra-pervert, which is partly true, but thanks to that, I know things. I'm sorry if that nosebleed disturbed you I can't help it."

Holy shit perfect memory recall no wonder she is a size scouter. I feel bad now with my earlier feelings on her. Kiryuu just smiled seeing the apology that must be on my face.

"You're okay, Gregor-kun. Those rumors follow me everywhere, as Issari-chan's do. I try to keep it on the down low, but it gets out, and that makes people wary of me. The jogger was scared of me, too, but he was so nice. I wasn't stalking him he and I just had a similar jogging routine, and we eventually bonded over that. I'm sorry he's gone."

The sorrow on her face is true. I just summoned my boltgun, and the sudden appearance of it with no magic for Rias made her eyes widen. Kiryuu looked at the blocky gun, and I set it on the bed near her.

"He's not gone. He's here in the gun and he urged me to save you when we were there. Touch it and see he would not want you to feel guilty about him."

Kiryuu is hesitant but she slowly moved her hand to the gun. Touching it, she got tears in her eyes. She put her other hand on the gun immediately and then began to cry.

"I'm so sorry, Yumoto. I shouldn't have said we should try a new route its my fault."

The spirit of Yumoto just reached out to his friend and told her something, which made the tears go away. Rias looked at the gun and asked.

"What sort of gun is that? I have never seen anything shaped like this before."

I let Kiryuu speak with Yumoto, and I answered.

"It's called a boltgun. Kiryuu-chan I will put his name on it so that those like the strays who hurt you will fear his name. He like the machine will be immortal forever now."

Rias touched the gun, too. Kiryuu had a watery smile on her face. Yumoto told me that I would never lose his support. He would make the gun mad for me. Kiryuu looked up at me.

"I will serve a man who fights for me and my friend. He calls you Omnissiah. I don't know what that means yet, but my king has my unconditional support. I want to move in the orphanage has to let me go soon, and I was worried that I would be homeless. Please let me stay."

I felt horrible there.

"You're welcome here, Kiryuu-chan. We will talk about rent but you can pay it back with school. I love knowledge and I want my peerage to be knowledge seekers. Now what piece would you like when I do get the set? I'd say bishop because they gain additional magic powers but you're you and have an equal say here."

Kiryuu beams, and grabs my hand, squeezing it in thanks. Rias is about to say something, but Kiryuu asks instead.

"Can you describe them all?"

I did that and Kiryuu listened to each piece before making her choice.

"Bishop. I'm more of a background person, and I'd rather not be in the front like rooks, knights, or pawns. It helps with memory if I can't see what I did. I will help my king hunt the bad ones. I can never thank you enough for this, Gregor-kun."

I smiled again before I pulled my carapace helm out of my holder. I handed it to Kiryuu, and she took it confused. I explained.

"Something on that helm will help you not remember things very much, Kiryuu-chan so you don't have to see what we do. As for joining us I will get you ready for it. Till I get my pieces, you're just my silly housemate. I'll say the same thing I said to Issari. Just don't stare at my ass."

Kiryuu barked out, laughing and held the helm like a teddy bear. Rias looked unamused by that, but we were interrupted by purrs. Issari and Akeno entered the room with Issari purring up a storm from Akeno's headpats. When Issari saw Kiryuu, she stopped purring and grew excited again.

"Kiryuu-chan! This is my senpai Akeno-chan! She's also at the school! Did you say yes?"

Akeno was fufufuing at the enthusiasm there. Rias grew amused now as Kiryuu stopped laughing and nodded.

"I did. He is everything you said he is and more. Issari-chan, meet my future king."

Issari whooped, and Akeno clapped for me as Rias smiled. I didn't get this universe. But when did I get the old one, either? I do need to do something more today.

I turned my eyes to Rias, and she froze. Before, she did a small whimper in something I'm ignoring for now. I say to her while deathly serious.

"Bring the racist here. She has something that needs to be shown to your brother. I want this done fast. Do. It. Now."

Rias ran out of the room fast. Issari was amused as was Kiryuu while Akeno is confused.

"Why do you want to talk to Koneko? She has been sulking since Monday and hasn't been as racist as before though I did catch her calling you a disgusting halfbreed last night."

Kuroka matters more than her stupid sister. I see Kiryuu immediately doesn't like Shirone. Issari growls her dragon growls as I say.

"I ran into a stray earlier this week who was different. They told me their story, and I want to believe it. With everything I have seen of strays, I know they are equally split on why they run. I want confirmation of it because it might help strike against the GKF. After all, what would you do as one of two super devils if you learned that your political opponents are trying to mass-produce that power?"

Akeno grew bone white.

"You ran into her."

I smile my smirk smile.

"I did she seems fun and is completely unlike the racist. The GKF hate me already so I might as well give them real reasons to hate me. I am thinking of having her as my queen."

Issari began manically laughing as Kiryuu tilts her head.

"My king is cool, you should join Issari-chan. We could terrorize the school together. Not that way but we get the cool kids. I haven't had that before."

Issari stopped laughing.

"Naw, I got something better. Have fun being a magic girl. I'll stick with my sword and gun. I'll teach you them! Welcome to the Warriors of Mars!"

It's then that Rias returns pushing Koneko into the room fast. The first year was confused until she saw me. Then she paled before growing angry.

"What do you want halfbreed."

Everyone looked unimpressed before I say to the cat.

"To set you straight. Give me your hair clips, cat."

next chapter
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