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75% Federal Bureau of Control [DC] / Chapter 3: Time

Kapitel 3: Time

Standing in the middle of the lobby, thoughts run rapidly through my head.

'Why is there nothing outside?'

'What do you mean it's just a void?'

'If it's a void, then where am I?'




'Or when….'

That last one gave me shivers because there is really only two events that could explain it. The end of everything, where not even a single star remained in the Verse.


This is before the beginning of it all. Before light, warmth, life itself. Before all of Creation.

Both opinions are equally terrifying. One more so than the other. But that wouldn't make much sense. To be at the End. So I push that one out of my mind and focus on the other.

Holding on to hope that this is before everything was, to be, and will be. Before the Big Bang, and all I had to do was wait.

The last question is though, "how long will I have to wait for it to occur?" I speak out loud while glancing back to the front doors.

*sigh* "I guess I'll just explore more then. Not like there is anything else to do. Well, I could practice with my skills more. Food for thought." I speak to myself.

I know I could just access everything by my connection but that'll take the fun out of it. Making my way to the elevator, I step inside and look at the buttons.

Surprise that it's all filled out all ready. 'He sure does work fast.' I thought to myself as I press the Executive Sector button and the doors close.

To my surprise I didn't feel the elevator go up or down. It went backwards, shifting through the walls before coming to a stop and shooting skyward for a few moments. Interesting enough, I didn't feel any of the G force that would of came along with such movement. I don't think anyone besides me would even notice the true direction it takes to get to other locations within the Oldest House.

Finally coming to a stop, I heard the ding, and the doors opened. Stepping out into the hallway, I make my way down till I come to the doorway to Central Executive. Marveling at the giant Inversed pyramid surrounded by 6 foot tall columns of grey stone. Right in the middle, directly below the pyramid, I see where the control point is. Smiling at the fact there is no need to preform rituals for stabilization since my presence already does just that.

'I'm definitely going to have to learn magic aren't I? Might as well help my future employees when they arrive. But I wonder from who.' I thought. "Ill figure it out when the time comes I guess."

Looking across Central, I see the doors that lead to the Board Room. Walking over there, I make my way up the steps and push both doors open, making my way inside.

"Can't wait to pull the, 'I'm the boss' moves in here." I say with a laugh.

Looking around, everything is the same except for the addition of the stone face starring down at me, well the entrance way. I have to say, it's definitely a nice touch.

Turning around I make my way back out and head to the stairs on the left to make my way to the Director's Office.

Coming up in the door, before I even touch it, they swing up. It takes me a moment to remember that i could of just walk on through without physically opening the doors back then. As a natural response to me wanting to enter or I could of just use my telekinesis.

"I'm getting to star stuck with all this." I tell myself mockingly. I get it me, this is amazing, but focus!

Anyways, walking to the desk I see it bare of anything other than the Service Weapon, just laying there waiting for someone to pick it up and see if they are worthy.

Picking it up and examining it, I hold out my other hand and my own appears and I grab it.

A little something I found out after I let it float around me back at The Nail, is that it'll 'vanish' after awhile. But really it just returned to my soul waiting for my call.

Comparing the two, I gotta say, I much prefer my Prime Service Weapon over the standard one. Looks much better and comes with some nice abilities.

Letting go of mine and placing the other back in the desk, I look over to the white light coming through the window.

Nothing to see till I focus, and then I'm able to peer into other parts of the Oldest House. Like a crystal ball, scrying on any place I wish to see within the Oldest House.

I see everything as it was described and shown in the game. Magnificent. That's all I can say.

Turning around, I take note of the two Art Deco designed doorways, yet they are just solid at the moment. No seam to show that they are anything but decor for the walls.

Going to the one to the left of the desk, I place my hand on the wall and feel for what should be behind it.

Pure emptiness at first, but slowly I can see in my mind the walkway that leads up to a glass box room. Inside is the Hotline.

Reaching out mentally, I make myself appear right in front of it.

Picking up the phone, all I hear is a few clicking sounds then a dial tone. Pressing the one button on the phone, I wait a moment before it starts ringing.

'How the hell…' I think to myself before I hear even louder ringing behind me. I turn around and see an additional Hotline. Going off like there's no tomorrow.

"It can't be…" I say as I reach to pick it up.

Once I do, the ringing in my ear ends with a click. I place the other one to my right ear and speak.

"Testing, 1, 2, 3." x2

As I speak I hear my voice echoing back to me. So does this mean that the Sub Director can call me wherever I am? Freaky.

I hang up both phones and watch as the one that appeared vanished without a trace.

"Better make a rule to call me if the world is burning or something."

Picturing the Director's Office, I appear there as if blinking into existence. 'This is so much better than walking' I think as a chuckle escapes my lips.

Making my way to the other side, standing in front of the same decor. I repeat what I did and spread my senses out. But I got back nothing.

I probe some more and receive the same result. So I figured I might as well put this space to use and create my own area within the Oldest House that no one can enter without my permission. A retreat for me so to speak.

Going through all the places I've seen in real life and fiction, one stood out to me as serene, adding that calm factor I am looking for and a place for you to be at peace and collect yourself if need be.

I start envisioning it, black sand beaches as far as the eye can see, choppy ocean waves out in the deep, with calm ones lapping at the sands, jagged black rocks sticking out of the ocean, storm clouds covering the skies, with the sun barely breaking through the clouds but still providing enough light as if it was the evening sun.

Some may say a stormy beach isn't calming, but I always found it strangely relaxing. The way the cool wind howls by as you hear the waves crash on shore. Probably one of the only places I've ever felt relaxed to the point of drifting off to sleep.

I open my eyes and the golden panel starts to open up before my eyes, a small wind blows through the doorway carrying the scent of the ocean, along with black sand blowing in on the ground.

I walk in through, heading to a place I can just be while I wait for the outside world to change, to become something other than a void.

One thing I wouldn't know about till much later, is that creating this pocket dimension would invite an odd guess eventually. But that's for another time, right now, I'm going to enjoy my….












(3rd pov)

Floating above black sands and crashing waves, Jesse danced through the air as if dodging imaginary enemies and objects.

Displaying a remarkable reaction timing and speed in decision making. Flying forward and then the next second coming to a sudden stop to end up diving towards the ocean.

Before impact, she stops right above it, barely a foot remaining. At this point, if one would look closer at her feet, it would appear as if she was standing on solid ground but she remained in the air.

A solid platform made with the air thanks to her continuous practice and dedication to her telekinetic powers.

At the next moment, black spheres, spikes, and square blocks came flying at her from the sands at shore.

Utilizing her telekinetic powers, Jesse performed what would be reminiscent of the dash ability from the game, disappearing from the platform she was on and appearing about 6-7 feet away on another.

The spikes reached her previous location first, whistling past that spot before splitting off into two different directions arcing back to her new spot.

Not even looking behind her, she leapt in the air doing a small spin, aiming her PSW at the cubes first.

Taking aim while she's upside down in the air, she locks on and fires at every third on with Charge shots.

Resetting her position she glances back and sees all 9 cubes disappear from the blasts.

Requiping to Spin, she aims straight ahead at the spheres coming next. After practicing with Spin earlier, Jesse finally was able to stabilize the inaccuracy of the long firing of it.

Pulling the trigger, the next moment rounds start flying fast and true, reminiscent of a minigun with the accuracy and precision of it.

The next moment all the spheres are torn to shreds, loosing their structure and falling into the sea.


Upon hearing the Oldest House, her little brother in terms of relationship between the two, she freezes for a moment.

"Well that's new." Jesse says while freezing the spikes not two feet from her.

Releasing her hold on their shape they soon crumble and fall into the sea below.

Not even a moment later Jesse vanishes and appears walking on black sands toward a massive stone gazebo.

It had a hexagonal shape, made up of what some would think were basalt columns with the way it all looked.

Walking in to one of the open sides, Jesse took her time cleaning up.

Striping down, she pulled on the water that was in the beautiful carved stone tub on one side of the gazebo and had it float over her. Churning around her body and through her hair, getting all the sea salt out from the accumulation from training above the sea.

After she was done with that she let the water fall to the ground. Letting it get absorbed into the ground as the tub filled back up with fresh water.

Walking over to a table of folded clothes, she examined them thinking about what she wanted to wear this time. Long forgoing keeping track of time here.

She came to the conclusion that it really didn't hold any meaning at this point in her existence.

"You haven't worn the middle outfit yet, Madam Director." A voice with a thick Finnish accent said from behind her.

Not bothering to turn around Jesse replied, "Ah Ahti, it's been awhile and I thought I told you it's just Jesse since there isn't anyone besides us."

Glancing at the middle outfit that she made just to see if she could since all the outfits from the game were made as simply as thinking about them.

It was nothing more than high waisted blue jeans, a white loose fitting button up, a pair of black no neck converse.

She wanted something different than the game outfits and it was simple. Something she would of worn in her old life, just style to the male side.

Getting dress in that outfit she her Ahti speak again.

"Apologies, Jesse. It just doesn't feel right with who you are." He said with a small chuckle. "Are you doing your hair today?" He asked.

Taking a seat in the chair next to the table of clothes Jesse replies, "Just a simple braid is fine."

As Ahti got to work, Jesse started to think back to the first time they met. It was quite a shock to say the least.


She had just finished building her gazebo and decided to go for a swim in the ocean. Since it was only her, plus not giving a damn, Jesse striped naked as she flew above the sand making her way to the water.

Once fully naked she just let herself fall into the water. Enjoying its cool embrace. She ended up just floating in the water for what felt like hours. Enjoying the soothing embrace of the ocean.

After having her fill, she made her way back to shore. Walking out stark naked, heading back to her gazebo to lay down.

She wasn't expecting to hear a voice. At least not the one she's use to hearing.

Snapping to the sound of the voice she her, her eyes widened. The next moment the sand between the two hardened and shifted upward, forming a wall between the two up to there heads.

The embarrassment she felt in that moment had lived with her a long time.

But after figuring out that it was Ahti, Jesse and him talking for a while as she got dress behind the wall before dropping it as well.

Eventually coming to the understanding that just as he cares for the Oldest House, he would also care for her.

That was the start of a beautifully long friendship.


(1st pov)

"And done." Ahti tells me as he pats my shoulder. Finished with braiding my lower back length hair.

I really need to cut it but I haven't been in much of a mood to.

"Thanks Ahti. Will you be accompanying me to the Observatory?" I ask him as we both start to walk the Beach. Making our way to the exit.

"If you don't mind. I believe this will be a unique experience for you to witness." He said to me with a mischievous smile.

I looked at him with wondering expression but he doesn't elaborate any further than that.

Finally making it to the extremely out of place metal elevator that is just sitting in the middle of the black sand dunes, it opened up for us.

Stepping in I turn to face the panel and press a few keys before the doors shut and we are on the move heading to the Observatory.

Not even 5 minutes later there's a ding and we arrived. Stepping out into the massive clear dome room. We make our way to a sitting area in the middle.

As we walk I think back to when I created this place. I wanted a place for a full 360° view of all around the Oldest House.

At first look it would appear that there are no boundaries since it's all a view point, but it does have them. The place is about 100 meters in radius. I modeled it after that one room in that movie Skyscraper. The one at the very top of the building.

Just like that movie I placed the Observatory at top of the Oldest House.

No matter where you look, you can see the outside world. Up, down, left, right, straight ahead, or behind. It's all viewable.


But right now it's nothing but darkness still.

Taking our seats, I begin to wonder what the movement that was sensed out was before Ahti tapped my arm.

Looking over at him questioning, he points to one point to my left.

"It's about to happen." He says.

Waiting and watching.

And then it happened.

A burst of white light emerges out of the dark. Illuminating everything. Seconds past and it didn't stop.

Soon turning into minutes and it kept going. Expanding.

I couldn't help but marvel at what I can only assume is the Big Bang occurring before my very eyes.

As the light died down, it turned into a multicolor display.

"Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." I say as Ahti wiped my cheek.

"Wha…" I couldn't finish asking him as he replied.

"It brought you to tears."

Tears? Really? I don't think anything has brought me to tears before. Not an event anyways. But I suppose, who wouldn't tear up at seeing Creation itself from the start.

"Well thank you miss, I take pride in my work." A voice spoke which caused me to freeze. Seriously, what else is going to happen today.

Turning to the voice I nearly jump outta my skin.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" I screamed.

"That's quite a mouth on you young miss. Plus you're about 14 billion years to early for that phrase to hold any relevance." The old man said to me with a smile.

Wait I second.

The old man, who took pride in his work which I can only think of is the Big Bang, knows how much time till what I said has any meaning?

"Are you… God?" I ask tentatively. Did I just curse his sons name? It was just a reflex that I say when I get scared. I'm fucked aren't I?

"In a sense yes, and no you aren't in any trouble." He said that last part with a chuckle. "I'm simply known as The Precense."

The Precense. That name rocked around my brain for what felt like hours but in reality it wasn't even a second for the conclusion to come to me.

"Huh." Is all I managed to say at the moment.

All of a sudden a tea set appeared on the grey marble table in front of us. Ahti, being the always dutiful caretaker, started pouring tea for me and the Precense which from the looks of it the Precense conjured to calm me down.

Taking the tea saucer and cup that was offered to me, I take a sip and instantly feel a calming sensation wash over me.

After drinking half of my cup, I look back to the Precense who is sipping on his own cup.

"So…" I begin. "Since you're THE Precense, I can only assume that you just birth the entirety of the DCverse. Am I correct?" I ask as I start freaking out over the thought. I mean, not just Control but also DC as well??

Just thinking of all the madness that just Control has in its verse, but now mixing both it and DC is gonna be insane.

I can already feel a headache coming on just from the thought of all the Objects of power, Altered World Events, Places of Power, and Altered Items that I'll be dealing with now.

He nodded. Enjoying his tea as my mind is reeling from everything that's running through my mind.

The biggest problem I see is that I only know a small bit of DC from the CW shows and live action movies. The problem with that is I barely remember the majority of it all.

I know more about Control than DC at this point since my mind was still fresh with gameplay before I died and had only gotten sharper as I live in the place the game took place in.

"So what brings you to my humble abode after finishing some of your biggest work?" I ask as I finish my tea and set the cup and saucer back on the table.




Apologies for the delay. I'm writing chapter to chapter. No real outline besides timelines I've been checking out and mixing up. So I'm winging it till those events pretty much.

Also my goal is 3k words a chapter so I won't post till I hit that mark. Which is why it also takes so long.

Thanks for reading and let me know whatcha think so far!

next chapter
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