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13.72% Fate/Lust break / Chapter 13: You Won't Be Coming to Chaldea with Me

Kapitel 13: You Won't Be Coming to Chaldea with Me

On a late night in Ritsuka's dorm, Kama was cuddling with Ritsuka. He lay there, gazing blankly at the ceiling, before turning his head to her.

Ritsuka finally spoke. "So, you won't be coming to Chaldea with me?"

Kama paused, her expression thoughtful. "It's not that I won't be there physically, but I'll be invisible. Only you will be able to see and hear me. If you want to talk to your dear wife, just use your mind."

Ritsuka frowned slightly. "I understand, but it feels strange not having you there with me, even if it's just as a presence."

Kama smiled softly, brushing a lock of hair from Ritsuka's forehead. "I'll be with you in spirit, and you can always reach out to me whenever you need. Besides, this way, I can stay here and manage things on this end. It's for the best."

Ritsuka nodded, though he still seemed unsure. "Alright, Kama. I guess I'll get used to it. Just promise me you'll be there when I need you."

Kama leaned in and kissed him gently. "Always, my love. I'll be watching over you, and my support will be unwavering."

Ritsuka closed his eyes, comforted by her words, and they drifted into a peaceful sleep, knowing their bond would remain strong despite the physical distance.

Kama looked at Ritsuka with a playful smile. "You can still touch me, even if I'm invisible. Plus, you'll have your own room, right? I won't be invisible during the night, so we can continue our nightly activities."

Ritsuka kissed her gently on the forehead. "I see, then."

Kama's face turned a deep shade of red. "You can't just do that to me."

Ritsuka chuckled softly, looking at his wife. "For the goddess of love and lust, how can you not handle wholesome love?"

Kama's blush deepened as she tried to compose herself. "Well, even a goddess has her moments," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of embarrassment and affection.

Ritsuka pulled her closer, resting his chin on her head. "I'm going to miss you while I'm at Chaldea. But I know we'll make the most of the time we have together."

Kama nuzzled against him, her heart warming at his words. "I'll be here, watching over you. Even if I'm invisible, I'll be by your side. Just think of me whenever you need comfort or strength."

Ritsuka smiled, feeling reassured by her presence. "I'll definitely think of you. And I'll make sure to use our mental connection to stay close."

Kama's expression softened. "Good. And remember, if you need anything, just reach out. I'll be there, even if you can't see me."

They shared a tender moment, savoring their closeness. Kama's reassurance brought Ritsuka a sense of calm, knowing that despite the distance, their bond remained strong.

As they settled into a comfortable silence, Kama gently traced her fingers along Ritsuka's arm. "You should get some rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day with the preparations for Chaldea."

Ritsuka nodded, closing his eyes and taking in the comfort of her presence. "You're right. I'll need all the energy I can get. But I'll be thinking of you every step of the way."

Kama smiled softly, her love for him evident in her eyes. "Sleep well, my love. I'll be here, waiting for you."

As Ritsuka drifted off to sleep, Kama remained close, her presence a reassuring comfort even as she prepared for the changes ahead. The thought of their future together filled her with hope and anticipation, knowing that their connection would remain unbreakable despite the distance.

As then they saw the system notification, it was clear they made the system mad again.

[ For the love of everything, she is just going invisible, and she is coming with you, why are you two acthing like my Host is going to war and not coming back ]

Ritsuka blinked, startled by the sudden system notification. He glanced at Kama, who seemed equally taken aback.

"Well... I mean," Ritsuka started, trying to find the right words. "It feels like a big deal, you know? Going to Chaldea and all. I'm not used to having someone like Kama with me all the time. It's... different."

Kama nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And besides, we just wanted to cherish these moments together."

The system's response was immediate, clearly exasperated.

[ Cherish all you want, but seriously, you two act like it's the end of the world every time there's a small change. Maybe tone down the drama a bit, will you? ]

Ritsuka couldn't help but chuckle, despite the system's frustration. "I guess we do get a little carried away sometimes."

Kama smirked, her playful side showing. "Maybe we just like to keep things interesting."

The system let out what sounded like a digital sigh.

[ Fine, fine. Just try not to give me a digital heart attack every time something happens. You two are going to Chaldea together, so relax and enjoy the ride. ]

Ritsuka and Kama exchanged amused glances before Ritsuka responded to the system. "We'll try to be less dramatic, promise."

Kama giggled, leaning into Ritsuka. "But no promises on keeping things boring."

[ I'll take what I can get, ] the system replied with what Ritsuka could only interpret as reluctant acceptance.

With that, the atmosphere lightened, and Ritsuka felt the tension of the moment ease. Despite the system's grumbling, he knew that everything would be fine. They were in this together, after all—drama and all.

Ritsuka and kama then woke up together, it was not rare but it was always nice when it does happen, as they saw System notification.

[ For giving a digital headache, I have decided to take my revenge enjoy this Host, this is more of punishment for Kama ]

[ New Mission: Have Sex with 2/2 of your harness member, you can't have sex with Kama before you have sex with one other member of your harem, doing this will give you a lot of level up Exp and a new skill ]

Kama just looked at the system she had made. You are evil

Ritsuka stared at the system notification, blinking in disbelief. "Is this for real?" he muttered, rubbing his eyes as if that would make the message disappear.

Kama's expression was a mix of annoyance and amusement. "I should have known the system would do something like this. It's petty like that."

Ritsuka couldn't help but laugh, though it was tinged with nervousness. "Well, this is... awkward."

Kama sighed, shaking her head. "You don't have to do it, you know. It's not like the system can actually force you."

The system, seemingly anticipating Kama's comment, immediately chimed in.

[ While it's true I can't force the host to do anything, I can certainly make things... inconvenient if you ignore the mission. But hey, it's your choice. ]

Ritsuka sighed, lying back on the bed. "This feels like a trap."

Kama nodded in agreement. "It probably is. But remember, you're in control. We'll figure this out together, like we always do."

Ritsuka looked over at her, smiling softly. "Yeah, we will. I'm not going to let some weird system mission dictate how we live our lives."

Kama smiled back, reaching out to hold his hand. "That's my husband. We'll take this one step at a time."

The system, apparently satisfied with the response, remained silent. Ritsuka and Kama shared a quiet moment, both determined to handle whatever challenges came their way—together.

As they lay there, Ritsuka couldn't help but think about the road ahead. Chaldea, the harem, the system's strange missions—it was all a lot to take in. But with Kama by his side, he felt like he could handle anything.

Even if the system had other plans.

Ritsuka then relsihe something. Harem system I don't even have a second member for this system.

Kama relsih and looked at him. Oh shit, we were too busy with eachother we forgot about that, how will do this mission

[ Chaldea ]

Ritsuka blinked at the system's suggestion, feeling a mix of relief and concern. "Chaldea? You mean... I have to find someone there?"

Kama rubbed her temples, clearly as exasperated as Ritsuka. "This is going to be tricky. You can't just go up to someone and ask them to join your harem, you know."

Ritsuka nodded, the reality of the situation dawning on him. "Yeah, that's... not how it works. Besides, I don't want to force anyone into something like this."

The system chimed in, as if sensing his reluctance.

[ No one's asking you to force anyone, Host. You're supposed to build genuine connections. Think of it as... expanding your circle of love. And remember, only those who are truly compatible with you will even have the option to join. ]

Kama looked at Ritsuka with a small smile. "It sounds like the system wants you to take your time. Build relationships naturally. It doesn't have to happen overnight."

Ritsuka sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "I guess that makes sense. But it still feels weird knowing there's this... expectation."

Kama squeezed his hand gently. "We'll figure it out. Chaldea is full of people who care about you. Just be yourself, and things will happen as they're meant to."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a bit better. "You're right. I'll take it one step at a time. No rush."

The system remained silent, perhaps satisfied that Ritsuka understood the challenge ahead. As he and Kama prepared to face whatever came next, Ritsuka couldn't help but wonder how this new development would play out in Chaldea.

One thing was for sure—life was about to get even more complicated. But with Kama by his side, he knew he could handle it.

As then the system opened Infront of kama face, giving them a jump scare as Ritsuka grabbed Kama and pushed her close to his chest.

[ Also really your calling me Evil Maker (kama) Miss Chaotic Evil ]

Ritsuka just looked at Kama. Kama you made this system what did you do to make this system hate you so much.

[ host No 2, Host No 48, His no 63, and Host 1 the worst ]

Kama groaned, burying her face in Ritsuka's chest in embarrassment. "I might have... overdone it with a few of the previous hosts," she admitted, her voice muffled.

Ritsuka tightened his arms around her, trying not to laugh. "What exactly did you do, Kama?"

The system interrupted, clearly eager to spill the details.

[ Your lovely wife here decided it would be fun to put some of the past hosts through... let's call them 'trials.' Host No 2 was subjected to endless love confessions from fake NPCs. Host No 48 had to juggle 12 different lovers in one night. And Host 63... well, Kama thought it would be hilarious to lock all their partners in one room without explaining anything. Chaos ensued. ]

Ritsuka blinked, staring down at Kama, who was now trying to disappear into his chest. "Kama, that's... a lot. No wonder the system holds a grudge."

Kama peeked up at him, pouting. "I was just trying to make things more interesting! But I guess I might've gone a little overboard."

The system, not missing a beat, added:

[ 'A little'? You turned their lives into romantic warzones! And don't even get me started on Host 1... Let's just say they had to rebuild the system from scratch after that disaster. ]

Ritsuka couldn't help but chuckle. "Sounds like you've got some karma coming your way, Kama."

Kama rolled her eyes. "Very funny, husband."

The system chimed in again, more serious this time:

[ But don't worry, Host. I'm not here to sabotage you. Despite my issues with your wife, my primary goal is still to help you succeed. Just... don't let her influence get out of hand again. ]

Ritsuka nodded. "I'll keep that in mind. And maybe we can work together to make sure this run goes smoothly."

Kama sighed, finally relaxing in his arms. "Alright, fine. I'll behave... mostly."

With that, the system faded away, leaving Ritsuka and Kama alone again. The playful tension lingered in the air, but so did a sense of unity. They both knew that, despite the challenges ahead, they were in this together.

[ but let's talk about Host No 100 aka Ritsuka Fujimaru, he is literally my perfect host, and I know you won't do anything to him, because you Decide to be one of his lover, something you have not done with anyone of the other Host he is the perfect host, thank you for that ]

Kama looked at the system's notification with a mixture of pride and a little embarrassment. She leaned back slightly in Ritsuka's arms to look up at him. "See? Even the system thinks you're special."

Ritsuka smiled warmly, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "I guess I'm just lucky to have you by my side, even if you did give the system some trauma."

Kama huffed playfully. "It wasn't trauma, just... creative challenges."

The system, not missing a beat, responded:

[ Creative challenges? That's one way to put it. But yes, Ritsuka, you're different. You've brought balance where others only brought chaos. I'm here to support you, and I trust Kama won't make things too... interesting this time. ]

Kama rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at her lips. "I'll behave. For you, at least."

Ritsuka kissed her gently on the forehead, his voice soft. "I'm glad you're with me, Kama. Let's keep moving forward together, no matter what challenges come our way."

The warmth of the moment lingered between them, both feeling the weight of their connection. Despite the quirks and the playful tension, there was an undeniable bond that tied them together—one that not even the system could deny.

Ritsuka then remeber. What about Host No 99, the girl kame talked about.

[ Ah yes No 99, she was the second perfect host, first perfect before you, to a bad her baster of an ex killed her, still Creator (kama) destroying the world was a bit of an over reaction, no matter how much you saw her like a little sister ]

Kama's expression shifted, a mixture of sadness and regret clouding her features. She sighed, resting her head against Ritsuka's chest as the memories flooded back.

"She was special… like a little sister to me. I tried to protect her, but I couldn't. When her ex… did that to her, I lost control. I know it was an overreaction, but at that moment, I didn't care. I just wanted to make the world pay for taking her away."

Ritsuka tightened his hold on her, understanding the depth of her emotions. "I'm sorry you went through that, Kama. But I'm here now, and I won't let anything like that happen again."

The system chimed in, its tone softer this time:

[ Host No 99 was special, but Ritsuka, you've shown me that there's hope even in the darkest times. You're different, and that's why Kama and I will do everything we can to support you. We've learned from the past, and we won't make the same mistakes again. ]

Kama nodded slowly, her eyes meeting Ritsuka's with a renewed sense of determination. "We'll keep moving forward, together. No more regrets, no more looking back. I promise to be stronger, for you."

Ritsuka smiled gently, brushing his thumb along her cheek. "We'll face whatever comes our way, side by side. And we'll do it with love, not with anger or regret."

Kama leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "With love, always."

The warmth of their connection enveloped them, a silent vow to cherish each other and the path they were on. No matter the challenges or the memories that haunted them, they would face it all together, with love guiding their way.

To be continued

Power stones and thank for the 67.7k readers everyone and comment what you like about this Ch, also winner for the last vote

Vote 1 winner: Jalter

Voter 2 winner: Fate/Master of death, except this one to come out sometimes next month, hope this one can be as good as Fate Zero to Hero also people read that fanfic of mine it is my beast fanfic that I wrote next to will this one

next chapter
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