(This Ch will start the Fgo storyline)
Ritsuka then looked at his wife's. "Plus it is not like something is going to happen right now"
As then a red alarm blazed, as the alarm was going of, as Ritsuka then got up, as him, Team A aka, Kirshtaria, Kadoc, Ophelia, Pepe, Akuta, Daybit and Beryl, Morgan ans few other master candidate of Chaldea came to the place, as they saw Olga, Dr Romani, Lev, as they looked at the Glove of the earth
Olga just spoke. "Impossible, Humanity is dead, that is no Future out side 2017"
Kadoc then spoke. "How, there is no big natural disaster, no on going war, no economic collapse".
Dr Romani then spoke. "If it no the present then it is the past"
As they saw it one big bubble on 2004, but specifically on Fuyuki City, as Olga eyes wident
Olga just spoke. "I want all the remaining not yeat Gather Master Candidate of Chaldea in Chaldea by the end of this week".
As the gravity of the situation sunk in, everyone in the room was silent for a moment. The red alarm continued to blare in the background, but all eyes were fixed on the globe, where the strange bubble over Fuyuki City in 2004 stood out like a scar.
Ritsuka, still processing the shock, glanced at Morgan and Kama beside him. The relaxed atmosphere from earlier had evaporated, replaced with the weight of a possible crisis. "Fuyuki… 2004? That's when the Holy Grail War was supposed to take place, right?"
Kirschtaria folded his arms, deep in thought. "Yes, but if it's being pinpointed as the start of humanity's extinction, something far worse than a simple war must have occurred. This isn't normal. We need more information."
Olga took a deep breath, steadying herself. "Lev, can we trace what caused the anomaly? How did it suddenly appear in our system?"
Lev, looking tense but collected, nodded. "I've already started running simulations and gathering data. We'll need to access the Time Lock System in Chaldea, which should give us more insights into the anomaly's origin. But from what we can tell right now, this isn't an event that occurred naturally. It's almost as if… someone created this."
Everyone exchanged concerned glances. The idea that someone or something was responsible for this anomaly was chilling.
Kadoc looked at Ritsuka. "I hate to say it, but it looks like you and your Servants might be our best bet. If it's Fuyuki, it might require a singularity repair mission. The last thing we need is more singularities causing further collapses."
Ritsuka nodded grimly, knowing what that entailed. He looked over at Olga, who was staring at the globe, a mixture of disbelief and determination on her face.
Olga finally turned to address the group. "This is a threat to all of humanity. If we don't act fast, this anomaly will destroy everything. As I said, I want every remaining Master candidate gathered here by the end of the week. We'll need all the help we can get. Dr. Romani, Lev, and Da Vinci—start running full diagnostics on Chaldea's systems. We need to be ready for a mission to Fuyuki as soon as possible."
Morgan stepped forward, her voice steady and commanding. "We'll need to prepare for the worst. If there's any unknown factor involved, it could be dangerous. I'll help Ritsuka mobilize and get ready."
Kama, still invisible to most of the room, spoke mentally to Ritsuka. "Well, dear, looks like things just got a lot more interesting. Are you ready to dive into this mess?"
Ritsuka mentally replied. "I don't think we have much of a choice. If this is the start of the end of humanity, we have to stop it."
Beryl, one of the more aloof members of Team A, smirked. "So, we're saving humanity, huh? I knew things were too quiet around here."
Daybit, as enigmatic as always, remained silent but his eyes showed that he was already calculating and analyzing the situation.
Pepe, always the optimist, clapped his hands together. "Well, if we're going back in time, we might as well make it an adventure! I've always wanted to see Fuyuki, even if it is under… less than ideal circumstances."
Ophelia, standing close to Ritsuka, looked concerned but resolute. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together. We've been through worse, and we'll get through this too."
Olga then took one last look at the globe before turning back to the group. "Prepare yourselves. This might be the most important mission we've ever faced."
As the chaos in Chaldea intensified, the next few days became a whirlwind of preparations, paperwork, and countless meetings. Chaldea's staff and Master candidates were running around, trying to get everything ready for the upcoming mission while dealing with bureaucratic obstacles from both the UN and the Mage's Association. The tension in the air was palpable.
In the middle of this storm, Ritsuka and Olga found themselves sitting across from one of the UN representatives, a stern man who looked more tired than upset.
The representative frowned, flipping through a stack of reports. "Eight singularities? That's what you're predicting, Ritsuka? Why exactly eight?"
Ritsuka exchanged a glance with Olga, who looked equally baffled. She folded her arms, her usual confidence wavering under the weight of the situation. "Honestly, I don't know. We're just dealing with Fuyuki right now. We haven't even confirmed if there will be more singularities. I didn't think we'd be signing ourselves up for seven more disasters."
The representative raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "You're telling me this is all based on a feeling?"
Ritsuka sighed, rubbing his temples. He could feel the exhaustion settling in from all the running around. "I don't know why, but I have this gut feeling. Something tells me that Fuyuki is just the start. I can't explain it, but it feels like there's something bigger behind this anomaly. I wish I could tell you more, but right now, we have to focus on stopping what's in front of us."
Olga groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Great. So not only do we have to deal with the fallout from Fuyuki, but you're also predicting seven more disasters on the horizon. Fantastic."
The representative just stared at the two of them for a moment before leaning back in his chair. "Look, I'm not one to question your track record, Ritsuka. but you need to understand how this looks from our perspective. Rayshifting is already a controversial technology. And now, you're asking for permission to dive into a potential Pandora's box, with the possibility of opening seven more just like it."
Ritsuka nodded. "I understand. But right now, we have no choice. If we don't act, humanity will be wiped out. We'll deal with the singularities one at a time, starting with Fuyuki. But I can't shake the feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg."
The representative sighed and finally signed off on the necessary paperwork. "Fine. You've got our permission—for now. But keep us in the loop. If more singularities start appearing, we'll need more than a gut feeling to go on."
Olga exhaled in relief, nodding to the representative. "Thank you. We won't let you down."
As they left the meeting room, Olga looked at Ritsuka, her voice laced with sarcasm. "So, seven more singularities, huh? You really know how to brighten someone's day."
Ritsuka gave her a weak smile. "Hey, I don't like it any more than you do. But I've learned to trust my instincts. Whatever's coming, we'll be ready for it."
Olga shook her head, clearly still stressed. "We'd better be."
As they walked back through Chaldea's bustling hallways, passing by panicked staff members, frantic technicians, and overly stressed masters, it became clear that things were far from under control. The entire facility felt like it was about to go up in flames—figuratively and literally, given the number of fires Ritsuka had already helped extinguish both metaphorically and physically.
Kadoc rushed past them, carrying a stack of documents, muttering under his breath about the endless bureaucracy. "I swear, if I have to fill out one more permission form, I'm going to lose it."
Ophelia followed close behind, trying to calm him down. "Kadoc, just focus. We need to get everything in order if we're going to pull this off."
As they continued down the corridor, Ritsuka mentally spoke to Kama, who was once again invisible. "This is a nightmare. I knew it would be chaotic, but this is worse than I imagined."
Kama's voice echoed playfully in his mind. "Oh, poor Ritsuka, swamped by paperwork and chaos. Want me to start pranking everyone to lighten the mood?"
"Please don't. We don't need more chaos."
Kama chuckled. "Fine, fine. But seriously, trust that feeling of yours. If you think there's more coming after Fuyuki, I believe you. We'll handle it, one disaster at a time."
Ritsuka sighed, feeling both comforted and exhausted by her words. "I hope you're right, Kama. I really do."
As they reached their quarters, Olga turned to him with a tired but determined expression. "No matter how crazy things get, we're going to stop this. Singularities or not, we've come too far to let everything fall apart now."
Ritsuka nodded. "Yeah. Let's hope we're strong enough to face whatever comes next."
As the team disbanded to get ready for the impending mission, Ritsuka's mind raced. The strange darkness he saw around Lev earlier now made sense. Whatever was behind the anomaly, it might be linked to that ancient darkness he had sensed. And if so, this was only the beginning of something far more dangerous.
Kama's voice echoed in his head. "Stay sharp, Ritsuka. This isn't just about saving the future—something else is lurking here. And I have a feeling it's not going to make things easy for you."
Ritsuka nodded internally. "I'll be ready, Kama. No matter what we face."
Ritsuka then almost fell, as Olga catches him and looked at him.
Olga looked at her Boyfriend. "Hey what happened"
Ritsuka just looked at her. "I am ok minor narclapse"
Olga just looked at him worried. "I am sorry what, how long haven't you sleeped".
Ritsuka gave her a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh... define 'sleep,' because I've been kind of running on coffee and adrenaline for a few days now."
Olga frowned, her worry deepening. "Ritsuka, you can't just keep pushing yourself like this. You know how dangerous it is for a mage, especially with everything going on." She kept her arm firmly around him, making sure he didn't stumble again.
Ritsuka waved it off, trying to downplay the situation. "I'll be fine, really. I've handled worse before. Besides, there's too much to do right now, I can't afford to—"
Olga cut him off with a stern look, clearly not having it. "No. You're taking a break. Right now. I don't care if the world's on fire, you're not going to help anyone if you collapse from exhaustion."
Ritsuka sighed, realizing there was no arguing with her when she was in this mood. "Alright, alright. I'll rest. Just... give me a few more hours. I need to check on the team, make sure everyone's prepared."
Olga shook her head firmly. "No more 'a few more hours.' You're going to bed. Right now." She then glanced around the busy hallway, spotting Dr. Romani nearby. "Romani! Help me out here!"
Dr. Romani rushed over, looking at Ritsuka with concern. "You alright? You don't look so great."
Ritsuka sighed in defeat. "I'm fine, just a little sleep-deprived."
Romani gave him a knowing look. "Yeah, that's what you said the last three times, and each time it took more coffee to keep you going. You need to rest, Ritsuka."
Kama's voice echoed playfully in Ritsuka's mind, "I could just put you to sleep, you know. You're being stubborn again, dear."
"Not helping, Kama." Ritsuka mentally responded, though he could feel her mischievous smile.
Morgan, who had been quiet, finally spoke up, her tone gentle but firm. "You need to listen to them, Ritsuka. You're no good to anyone if you're half-dead on your feet."
Ritsuka sighed deeply, looking between Olga, Romani, and Morgan. "Fine. You all win. I'll take a break."
Olga smiled, her expression softening now that he had agreed. "Good. Now come on, I'm taking you to your room." She started leading him away, still keeping a steadying hand on his arm in case he stumbled again.
As they walked, Ritsuka glanced at her, a bit of his usual humor slipping back into his voice. "You're really serious about this whole 'boyfriend' thing, huh?"
Olga blushed slightly but didn't let go of him. "Of course I am. I'm not going to let you fall apart just because you think you can handle everything on your own. You're important to me... and to everyone here."
Ritsuka smiled softly at her words. "Thanks, Olga. I appreciate it."
As they finally reached Ritsuka's room, Olga helped him sit down on the bed. She crossed her arms, still giving him that stern look. "Now, get some sleep. I'll handle things for a bit. You've done more than enough for now."
Ritsuka chuckled. "Alright, alright. I'm going. But if anything big happens, you'll let me know, right?"
Olga smiled and gently pushed him down onto the bed. "I'll let you know if the world ends. Until then, just rest."
As Ritsuka's eyes began to close, he heard Kama's playful voice in his mind again. "Sweet dreams, Ritsuka. I'll keep an eye on everything while you sleep... and maybe prank a few people for fun."
Ritsuka mentally sighed. "Kama..."
But he was too tired to argue further. Within moments, he was out cold, finally succumbing to the sleep his body desperately needed.
Olga stood by the door, watching him sleep for a moment before quietly stepping out, her expression softening. "He works too hard..." she murmured to herself.
Romani, who had been waiting outside, smiled at her. "He'll be alright. He's tough. But he's lucky to have someone like you looking out for him."
Olga blushed slightly but nodded. "Yeah... I just want to make sure he's okay."
Romani chuckled. "You and me both."
To be continued
Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones
The dream room then cracked and broke as then like Glass some just feel into the dream room, she looked like Kama but with Purple hair, as they just blinked looking at the girl the Girl, the girl loomed up
BB just looked at everyone. "Ah fuck the author, waith a minute"
BB blinked looking at the group. "Oh this is something, I am in the wrong universe".
As then she grabbed another part of the wall, as she just went through the wall
BB then spoke. "Will good luck other version or Ritsuka you may meet in the future, but I have Fate/Zero to Hero to return too"
As she just desiper, leaving the trip blink
Ritsuka just looked at kama. "Kama do you by any chancd have a sister"
Kama just spoke. "I never meet that girl in my whole immortal life"
Ritsuka shook his head in disbelief. "So that was just... another version of you? This multiverse thing just keeps getting weirder."
Kama sighed, trying to wrap her head around it. "It seems like it. I can't say I'm surprised, given how chaotic things are. But her being here means something. Maybe there are more of us out there."
Katarina interjected, "Every version has their own quirks and stories. It's kind of fun! And a bit chaotic, but that's what makes it interesting."
Ritsuka chuckled, "Interesting is one way to put it. I'm just trying to get a handle on my own abilities, and now I have to think about multiple versions of everyone?"
"Welcome to the club," Katarina said with a grin. "Just remember, each version has something unique to offer. You can learn from all of them."
Kama nodded. "Exactly. And I'll be here, no matter how many versions there are. We'll face this together."
Ritsuka felt the warmth of their support, a comfort amidst the chaos. "Alright, let's get back to reality and figure out what to do about all these singularities. With the system and all of you backing me, I think I can manage."
"Absolutely," Katarina said, her eyes shining with encouragement. "Just remember to embrace the chaos!"
Suddenly, the dream room began to shimmer and dissolve around them. Ritsuka, Kama, and Katarina felt themselves being pulled back into the waking world.
As they re-entered reality, Ritsuka felt a newfound determination surging within him. With allies both old and new, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
Ritsuka woke up, as felt like his pillow was too comfortable, and wondering what Olga did, as then he looked up seeing Olga face, as he relishe his head was laying on Olga lap.
Ritsuka blinked a few times, the softness of the pillow transitioning to the warmth of Olga's lap. "Well, this is unexpected," he muttered, a bit groggy but enjoying the moment.
Olga smiled down at him, her expression a mix of amusement and affection. "You looked like you needed the extra comfort. You've been through a lot lately."
Ritsuka pushed himself up slightly, brushing his hair back. "Yeah, I guess I have. How long was I out?"
"Just a few hours," Olga replied, her fingers gently running through his hair. "You seemed really tired, so I thought I'd let you rest. We've got time to strategize before diving into the first singularity."
Ritsuka stretched, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. "Thanks for looking out for me. I don't know what I'd do without you all."
Olga's eyes sparkled with determination. "We're in this together, remember? Plus, with all the craziness happening, it's nice to have some quiet moments like this."
Just then, a knock interrupted them. Kadoc peeked in, trying to hide his surprise at the scene. "Uh, is now a bad time?"
Ritsuka quickly sat up, cheeks slightly flushed. "No, not at all. What's up?"
Kadoc hesitated before stepping inside. "Olga, we need to discuss the gathering of the remaining Master Candidates. Things are moving faster than we anticipated."
Olga nodded, pulling away from Ritsuka slightly but keeping her presence close. "Right, let's get to it."
As they began discussing the next steps, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel grateful for the bonds he had. Even amidst chaos, moments of warmth like this reminded him that he wasn't alone.
Ritsuka looked the filed. "So all the master candidate are devided into teams of 7 Starting at Team A and ending with Team Z.....so why am I at Team A, I only Kadoc and Ophelia and barely knows Kirshtaria"
Kadoc then spoke. "You are also dating the director Olga, so nepotism"
Ritsuka raised an eyebrow at Kadoc's comment. "Nepotism? Really? That sounds a bit harsh."
Olga chuckled lightly. "Well, there's some truth to it. But you're here for your skills and leadership, Ritsuka. You've proven yourself time and time again."
Kadoc nodded. "Yeah, we're all aware of your capabilities. You've handled some intense situations, and that's why you're leading Team A."
Ritsuka sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just wish I felt more prepared. I mean, I don't know everyone on the team that well."
Ophelia interjected, her voice calm and reassuring. "That's what this time is for. We'll have training sessions and strategy meetings to strengthen our bonds. Trust will grow over time."
Kirshtaria crossed his arms, a confident smile on his face. "You'll find that working together will naturally build camaraderie. We all have our roles to play."
Ritsuka looked around at his team, feeling a mix of apprehension and determination. "Alright, let's make the most of this then. I want to know everyone's strengths and weaknesses."
Olga leaned in closer, her expression supportive. "We'll get through this together. Just remember, we're all on the same side."
With newfound resolve, Ritsuka nodded. "Okay, let's do this!"
Ritsuka then got um. "Yes we can do let's go"
As he ran he noticed the wall, as time slowed for him as he at that moment knew he fucked up, as he hit the wall and feel to the floor his head spinning as he saw Star's like an Anime Character, Kama who was invisible just laughed like no tomorrow a Laugh only Ritsuka could hear
Kirshtaria just looked at Ritsuka. "So...he is ment to lead us"
Kadoc just spoke. "I can assure you that he was the top student in Highschool and he is one of the best master of Chaldea".
As Ritsuka lay on the floor, the stars slowly fading from his vision, he groaned. "I swear, I didn't mean to run into the wall like that!"
Kama's laughter echoed in his ears, a playful sound that made Ritsuka smile despite the embarrassment. "Well, you certainly made an impression, Ritsuka!" she teased, her voice still just a whisper for only him to hear.
Kirshtaria raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "This is what I have to work with?" he said dryly, but there was a hint of amusement in his tone.
Kadoc rolled his eyes. "Give him a break. Leadership isn't about never stumbling; it's about how you get back up." He offered a hand to Ritsuka, helping him to his feet.
Ritsuka brushed himself off, trying to regain his composure. "Thanks, Kadoc. But can we agree to avoid walls in the future?"
Ophelia chuckled lightly, her blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "Let's hope that's a lesson learned. You still have the support of your team, Ritsuka. Just keep your eyes on the path ahead."
"Right," Ritsuka said, glancing around. "So, what's our first training exercise? I'd like to focus on strategy and teamwork."
Kirshtaria nodded, clearly appreciating Ritsuka's determination. "Good. We'll start with a scenario-based exercise. It'll help us understand each other's abilities and how to utilize them effectively."
As they began to gather their thoughts, Ritsuka felt a surge of confidence. Maybe he wasn't as lost as he thought. "Let's make it count!" he exclaimed, his energy returning.
Kama, still invisible, couldn't help but laugh again. "Now that's the spirit, Ritsuka! Just remember, don't run into any more walls!"
Meanwhile Daybit, Pepe and Beryl just looked at him
Daybit just narrows his eyes at Ritsuka or more like to the invisible Kama. "I see.... interesting".
Pepe looked at him. "Oh what do you mean"
Daybit looked at him. "Noting much...noting important that is".
He said lying to them, as Daybit was looking at Kama, Today's 5 minutes of memory was Defently going to be this.
Pepe tilted his head, curiosity piqued. "Come on, Daybit, don't leave us hanging! What's so interesting about him?" He shot a glance toward Ritsuka, who was now animatedly discussing strategies with Kadoc and Kirshtaria.
Beryl, leaning against a wall with a smirk, chimed in. "Whatever it is, it looks like Ritsuka has caught your attention. Is it his potential, or is it something more... intriguing?"
Daybit maintained his gaze, the corners of his mouth twitching into a faint smile. "Let's just say I've seen what he can do, and I think he might be more than he appears. The presence of an invisible entity beside him is certainly a point of interest."
Pepe leaned in closer, grinning. "Are you saying there's a ghost? Or maybe a secret weapon?" He wiggled his fingers playfully, pretending to conjure something supernatural.
Daybit shrugged, the amusement still in his eyes. "Just keep an eye on him. There's more going on than meets the eye. I can feel it."
Beryl chuckled, crossing his arms. "So you're saying we should keep an eye on the rookie? Sounds like a plan, but I'm curious about this 'invisible girl' too. What's her deal?"
Daybit's expression grew more serious. "That's the real question, isn't it? Whoever—or whatever—she is, Ritsuka clearly has a connection with her. It could change the dynamics of our group."
As Ritsuka shared a laugh with Kadoc, Daybit's mind raced with possibilities. Whatever the nature of Kama's influence, he knew it was going to be a pivotal aspect of their journey ahead. He decided to keep his observations discreet for now, intrigued by the potential the newcomer brought to the table.
"Let's see how this plays out," Daybit said, his interest sparked. "I'll be watching closely."
Pepe then looked at them. "Plus it is not like he didn't break the rules of everything, Anyone remember how he summond his shadow while everyone got shadow Servant he summoned an Actual Servant from the throne"
Daybit then spoke. "Yeah Morgan La Fey Class Beserker and here I thought Beserker were all mind less beast, she proved us all wrong looks like when I summon my beserker I wonder who will it be"
Beryl took a random while gess on Daybit server could be. "Tezcatlipoca...why is that name that came to my mind"
Daybit raised an eyebrow at Beryl, a hint of amusement in his expression. "Tezcatlipoca, huh? Bold choice. You do realize that he's known for his cunning and unpredictability, right? You might end up with more chaos than you bargained for."
Pepe laughed, leaning back against the wall. "Can you imagine? Daybit, the master of chaos! That would be a sight to see." He turned his gaze back to Ritsuka, who was animatedly discussing strategy with Kirshtaria and Kadoc. "But seriously, Ritsuka really does seem to have a knack for breaking norms. I mean, a proper Servant from the Throne instead of a shadow? That's some serious clout."
Beryl smirked, crossing his arms. "Let's not forget how he handled the situation with Morgan. Most would panic, but he had a way of managing her. It's impressive." He paused, glancing back at Ritsuka. "I wonder how he'll handle the rest of us."
Daybit's expression turned contemplative. "There's potential there. If he can continue to adapt and grow, he might just surprise us all. But he'll need to watch his back; not everyone here will be friendly."
Pepe nodded, his demeanor shifting slightly serious. "True. We're all here for our own reasons, and not everyone plays nice. But I get the feeling Ritsuka's got a few tricks up his sleeve. I just hope he knows what he's getting into."
As the trio continued to speculate, the atmosphere shifted slightly. Ritsuka's laughter echoed in the background, a stark contrast to the tension in their conversation. Each of them recognized the potential challenges ahead but also the exciting possibilities that Ritsuka's presence—and his mysterious connection to Kama—brought to their group.
Daybit sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Let's just see how it unfolds. Whatever happens, I have a feeling it's going to be quite the ride."
Meanwhile in a different place as there was one person as this was Lev as he was looking at few thing
Lev looked at the devices at his hand. "Just a few more days and all the bombs will be set...and there will be noting stopping her plans".
Lev smirked to himself as he inspected the various devices scattered across the table. The dimly lit room was filled with the faint hum of machinery and the metallic scent of the components he was working with. He had been waiting for this moment, meticulously plotting and preparing for the day when everything would fall into place.
"Just a few more days," he muttered, fingers dancing over a control panel as he made final adjustments to one of the bombs. "Once I activate these, there will be no turning back. Chaos will reign, and she'll finally get what she desires."
He paused, glancing around the room to ensure he was alone. The shadows seemed to deepen, amplifying the tension in the air. His mind raced with thoughts of the plan unfolding perfectly, of the devastation it would bring. The thrill of impending chaos excited him, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of everyone's shocked faces.
Lev turned his attention to a monitor displaying surveillance footage from various locations, including Chaldea. Ritsuka's team bustled about, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing just outside their walls. "They think they're prepared for anything," he scoffed, a dark gleam in his eyes. "But they have no idea what's coming. This is just the beginning."
He activated a holographic interface, pulling up images of the key players in the game: Ritsuka, Kadoc, Kirshtaria, and even Olga. "They've meddled long enough. Time to remind them who truly holds the power," he whispered, a sinister smile creeping across his face.
Lev took a deep breath, steeling himself. "Once the bombs are set and the chaos ensues, I'll move in for the kill. They won't see it coming. And when it's all over, I'll finally be free to pursue my true ambitions."
He checked the timer on the devices one last time, feeling the weight of his plan settle in. Everything was in place. With a final glance at the screen, Lev made his way to the door, determination etched on his face. "Just a few more days, and then we'll see how strong they really are."
As he stepped into the shadows, a sense of foreboding lingered in the air, hinting at the storm that was about to engulf them all.
To be continued
Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones
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