Two black Arabian horses were tied to a tree up a hill where Robert and Henry Robinson sat watching the sunset.
"What caused the episode, Henry…" It was closer to a plead than a question.
Henry scoffed, "What didn't?" He snapped, then immediately felt guilty about it after everything the man had to go through because of Henry today, "...I miss Johnny so much..."
Robert's eyes shone with recognition; he knew that Henry hasn't been spending Mondays with John junior.
"Why don't you see him then..."
The answer was clear in Henry's head, he didn't have the energy or the will to hide things from his father anymore, "I'm avoiding her..."
Robert stiffened when the topic became Cynthia.
"She's carrying my brother's child and I covet her, make no mistake about that, you're his father so you should hate me for it."
"...I'm your father too. I cannot hate you, not even if I want to."
"You…You are more than what a man like me deserves,"
I can't... I truly felt like a viewer watching the two of them having this private conversation, father and son bonding over hard times...Writing this was bitter sweet!
She Strikes Back: The Heiress’s Epic Revenge