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75% Extra in The Student Council / Chapter 33: 33. People need to have conscience

Kapitel 33: 33. People need to have conscience

Extra in The Student Council

33. People need to have conscience


A game that could be traced back five thousand years to ancient Egypt!

Even when the game made by Chika and her friends used cards as spaces, the idea was still the same as in other traditional sugoroku games. The main point is still that whoever has the most money at the end is the winner.

"Then, I'll go first." Yuu started to shake the dice on his hand and throw it on the table.

He moved his piece as much as the dice he got and ended up in 'Misfortune' space.

"Now you flip the card you stepped on!" Chika explained merrily.

Yuu followed the instructions, and he showed them to Chika.

"It's a car accident. Please roll the dice again, and If you get one,..." Before Chika could finish her explanation, Yuu had already rolled the dice and got exactly one.

"What happens if you get one?" He asked.

"Okay, you're dead," Chika stated.

"And what happens if you die?"

"That's it. The end. You drop out of the game and get the last place."

"I see." Yuu accepted it calmly before looking at the others. "Be careful, guys. This is really a crappy game."

"You're late in noticing it!" Miyuki replied in an instant.

"It's just Ishigami-kun's bad luck!!" Chika was agitated "There' are barely any instant death spaces!!" She justified.


"My turn," Rizu said, then she rolled the dice and landed on the 'Misfortune' space like Ishigami Yuu. Everyone was quite surprised that there was another Misfortune in a row. On the other hand, Chika had started to have a bad feeling about this.

When Rizu flipped her card, she got a 'You got sick' card.

"Please roll the dice again. If you get six, it will be the same as Ishigami-kun." Chika's explanation instantly gathered everyone's attention. They were looking at her with perplexed faces. 'This girl is irredeemable' was written clearly on everyone's faces.

Chika almost felt something slowly binding her neck. "No! It's just Ishigami-kun's bad luck! It wouldn't be the same." Chika tried to recover others trust, but...

Rizu had already rolled her dice, and she got exactly SIX.

"Aaah!!!" Chika screamed and turned around, crouching, evading everyone's gaze for a while.

Then the game continued~

Miyuki has landed in the event space. a 'After school event' card. He gets to choose either to hang out after school or go home and study.

Miyuki chose to go home and study, and he earned a 'Nerdy' card.

Meanwhile, Kaguya landed on a 'Lucky' space. It's a card where something lucky will happen. and Kaguya was so lucky that she got tricked by a malicious man. but managed to get A million yen in damages out of it. And she also earned a 'Can't trust men' card.

And now It was Shuu's turn.

Shuu rolled the dice and… also landed on the Lucky space. 'Hit on' Card.

Then Yuu, who had just borrowed the rule from Chika, explained. "Shuu-senpai got hit on by the opposite sex. You get to choose to follow her or not."

"Hee…" Shuu didn't expect this kind of card to be made by Chika and her friend. "I guess I'll go," Shuu said.

"Then, Shuu-senpai got this 'Playboy' card." Yuu gave it to Shuu gleefully. "Also, Shuu-senpai gets a 500 thousand yen allowance from that girl."

"...." Shuu was speechless upon receiving the card and money.

(Why do I feel like a F*ck boy or a Prostitute?)

"Why do I feel direct resentment towards this card?'' Shuu said, then he looked around and found Chika, who instantly evaded his gaze while blowing air. She tried to whistle, but only air came out of her mouth.

"I never saw a Matching, perfectly pinpointed card like that," Kaguya added with a jab.

"Well, I guess it's still better than 'I can't trust men.' " Shuu threw back a jab too.

They glared at each other so hard that the others could feel like electricity had just been shot from Shuu and Kaguya's eyes.

"Ahem" Miyuki let out a fake cough. "Let's continue."

Next is Fumino's turn.

She landed on an 'event' space. "Late night snack' card.

"You were studying till late at night, but you became hungry. Will you take a late-night snack or not, Furuhashi-senpai?" Yuu explained.

"!?" Fumino felt it was a question that struck her to her core. It was just recently that she felt she was gaining weight and knew the reason behind it. "I choose no."

"Hehehe," Chika giggled. "And for Fumino-chan, you're getting this 'I'm not fat' Card!"

At that moment, in that fraction of a second, everyone unconsciously looked at Fumino's stomach when Chika said fat. After everything was done, there was only the hollow, white body of Fumino left without a soul.

Later, it was known that Chika was the one who thought of the content, and at that moment, everyone was suddenly able to accept their game content easier than ever.


Thus, The game progresses!

Miyuki's 'Nerdy' card granted him admission to a top-class university!

Fumino's 'I'm not Fat' card granted her the opportunity to become a model and top actress.

Kaguya used the money she received to make more money and also continued to land on 'Lucky' spaces, where she currently holds the most money.

Lastly, Shuu was not much different than Kaguya and only slightly behind her.

Then they left the child zone and entered the adult zone!

(Hmm… This is a more proper game than I expected.) Kaguya thought, (It's a relief, someone other than Fujiwara put a lot of thought into this.) Then She rolled the dice and landed on a space that was far different from the Child Zone.

"Marriage?" Kaguya read the card.

"That's the 'Marriage' space." Yuu read the rule book explanation. "You marry the player in the closest space to you. Married players share effects from the spaces they land on."

(Married?!) Kaguya was agitated but also hopeful. She quickly checked who was the closest person to her, and it was…. Shuu.


"The closest one to Shinomiya-senpai is Shuu-senpai, so... Oh! Shinomiya-senpai has the 'Can't trust men' card, So she can't marry guys," Yuu said.

(Phew....) Shinomiya sighed in relief hearing that. She didn't want to imagine what kind of Chaos would happen if they married.

Meanwhile, in the other universe,

(Katsuragi and Shinomiya?) A scene appeared in Miyuki's mind (DAMN IT! They matched each other so well!!)

Then he heard Yuu's explanation.

(HAAAA~~~~) He was relieved, like someone who just almost died but got lucky and was alive.

(It's bad for my heart.) Miyuki reacted much stronger than Kaguya.


"Hold on!!" Yuu said. "Shuu-senpai has the 'Playboy' card! Shinomiya-senpai and Shuu-senpai cancel each other!"

"So they can get married!" Yuu stated.

((Say it sooner!!)) Miyuki and Kaguya screamed inwardly. Miyuki fell into despair much harder than before because of Yuu's false hope. Without knowing it, Ishigami Yuu's favorability went down drastically in Kaguya and Miyuki's eyes.

Hearing the end result, Shuu let out a devil's smile.

"Hoo, I've never expected That Shinomiya Kaguya would propose to me." He sat closer to her.

"Now then, What should I do with this proposal?" Shuu grinned at her.

"...." Kaguya stared at Shuu's antics with an emotionless face for a while before... "Sigh…" She sighed, fed up. "It's not like you had a choice," Kaguya spat out the rules of the game.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Shuu overreacted. "Hold on your horse, lady! I also had my own standards, you know?"

His words instantly riled Kaguya up. "What? You want to say I'm not up to par with your standard?" She glared at Shuu. Even Kaguya wouldn't stay silent while being treated like a leftover woman.

"Hahaha" Shuu chuckled. "Of course not! After all, It's Shinomiya Kaguya's proposal. It wouldn't be completely out of the question."

The moment those words come out from Shuu

((What is this?)) Both Kaguya and Miyuki felt a very familiar feeling after hearing those words.

Thus, the game continued.

Kaguya and Shuu married and shared the effects of the spaces they landed in. Their wealth grows exponentially, leaving others in the dust.

Miyuki watched them from the other side and gritted his teeth strongly.

(Ggrr!) Even he admits that he could easily imagine these situations happening in real life. It's not that Shuu married Kaguya in real life, but if they did end up together for some reason, the accomplishments they could achieve by working together would be enormous.

Miyuki rolled the dice mindlessly. He's using his brain at full power, thinking of a way to separate them. Even now, Miyuki could still hear Shuu and Kaguya's conversation in a small voice.

"If we had a child, I would want it to be a daughter rather than a son," Shuu said.

Kaguya didn't object and just softly replied. Why? Kaguya already learned that this response was the best against Shuu. She knew this exact thing would happen. That's why she thought Shuu was the most troublesome one.

"And if we do have a daughter, I suggest naming her Shuka," Shuu continued.

"And the reason for Shuka is because of Shuu and Kaguya?" Kaguya replied, to which Shuu nodded.

"Correct, beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah." Kaguya said it like nothing.

However, there's someone who couldn't handle that.


(I don't know if you're taunting me or not, but if you are, you've got my full attention!) Miyuki thought.


(I guess this much is enough.) Shuu thought he was checking Miyuki's state all this time. (The preparation is done. The seed had been sown) and then, like nothing ever happened, he returned like he usually acts.

(Sigh..., He finally got bored.) Kaguya sighed in relief, thinking that her reaction was perfect in handling Shuu.

Yet, all of a sudden, the three, who were busy in their own worlds, were shocked by the announcement from Yuu. "Ah! The president also got the marriage space!"

Now that they've experienced it before, they immediately looked for the closest one to Miyuki.

And it was none other than our student council secretary, Fujiwara Chika.


Kaguya and Shuu's eyes twitched with the revelation.

"Ehe, It seems I ended up marrying the president." Chika said that, like Shuu, She also sat closer to Miyuki.

(The President got married!!) Kaguya was disorganized. She even took out real money for the celebratory gift from the game.

(...) Shuu was speechless, maybe even revolted (This girl is hopeless).

He turned his attention away from Kaguya. Because now he had more important matters than that, he stared at Miyuki.

"Well then, Shirogane Miyuki-san. Let's hear your future plans. Please be as detailed as possible. I need to know at least ten years into the future." His eyes were like an eagle in front of its prey, like a CEO when his subordinates just made a big mistake that threatened the company's life.

Everyone felt chills on their spines except for Kaguya, who gave Shuu a single side glance.

(This guy is hopeless.) She shook her head exasperatedly.

And so~

The game continued and entered a late stage.

"Oh, Late Divorce Space!" Chika exclaimed, "You discover your husband having an affair and get divorced!" Then Chika quickly moved away from Miyuki.

"Hoo, You DARED have an affair," Shuu said with a sharp glint in his eyes.

Yuu also didn't let that chance slip away and joined the party. "Uwa, you're the worst president," he said jokingly.

"It's just a game!!" Miyuki defended himself before becoming depressed when he knew he needed to pay child support.

Then it was Kaguya's turn. Her mood picked up when Miyuki and Chika divorced. She cheerfully moved her character and landed on

Late Divorce Space!

"You discover your husband had a mistress and get divorced!"

Everyone was silent for a moment before they slowly turned their attention to Shuu, just for a moment, and they somehow were able to accept it easily.

"Oi!" Shuu called.

The others quickly evaded his gaze. Shuu turned to Chika for his last support, but...

"I wonder if it's Shuu, maybe..." Chika muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

At that moment, Shuu understood the feeling of being backstabbed by someone you trusted.

"Katsuragi-san" Kaguya called with a higher note than usual, and others could feel she was having fun. "People need to have conscience," She advised while trying hard to stop her giggles from coming out, yet they still came out anyway.

Shuu took a moment to calm himself before he replied, "I understand. thank you." He accepted it easily, which made Kaguya realize there must be something else, and she was right.

"But do you know, Shinomiya-san?" Shuu added, "People also need a mirror."

Underlying meaning: (You also don't have a conscience!!!)

Then, once again, electricity shot from their eyes as Kaguya and Shuu glared at each other!

"Okay, okay, it's just a game." Luckily, Miyuki came to the rescue before they could stabbing each other with knives.

Then, when it was Shuu's turn, he saw what space he landed on.

He turned to Kaguya with a big grin on his face and said, "Looks like you're not going anywhere, Shinomiya-san." He showed his Marriage space to all.

"What?!" Kaguya quickly checked it, and it was none other than her who was closest to Shuu.

"Kukuku, you're going to stick with me for the rest of your life."

(Hey!!) Kaguya screamed inwardly.


"Goal...." Kaguya said weakly as she landed on the last space and ended the game.

The first place winner was Shinomiya Kaguya; she won by a slight margin from Shuu, who's in second place because of the bonus for the first one reaching the end goal.

Third place went to Furuhashi Fumino, who had a steady career and became a world-class actress. She also got the marriage space and ended up marrying Chika at a late stage.

The fourth place goes to Chika, who had a happy life, and she's the only one.

The fifth was Miyuki, who struggled to pay child support.

Then, of course, the last place goes to Yuu and Rizu, who dropped out in the early stages.

Result of today's battle: Everyone except Fujiwara, Due to playing the game

Lhometo Lhometo


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