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97.26% Evil Degenerate Reborn In Vikings / Chapter 70: Ch 68 The Path Not Taken

Kapitel 70: Ch 68 The Path Not Taken

I awoke a few hours later just before the Sun arose and immediately I tilted my head and kissed Skade softly on her forehead.

My murder kitten only groaned out cutely in her sleep but remained completely limp.

Soon after I flipped us over and pulled out of her little pink pussy slowly.


Skade let out a moan as thick white cum gushed out of her bare pussy as I walked to my belongings and retrieved a cloth to clean myself up.

Soon after I had finished I returned to Skade and moved her from the pool of cum to a dry spot and began wiping her clean slowly.

She let out small noises but was still completely unconscious and her body was limp, she'd experienced what happens when I didn't properly fuck in a more than a week and her virgin body wasn't up to the task.

Soon after I was done cleaning her so I grabbed Skades clothes and began to dress her.

she mumbled out mostly incoherent nonsense as she slept while I moved her around and got all of her clothes on.

After Fifteen minutes I was done dressing both Skade and myself so I covered her cute little ears with my hands then whistled loudly.

I waited a few minutes until I heard a faint neighing from the woodline which only grew louder and louder.

Before long the heavy clopping of monstrously sized hooves and cracking branches began to be heard as Ignu barreled through the dense forest toward us.

Eventually he broke through the treeline, the monstrous stallion clopped over to me as I held Skade gently.

He nickered quietly upon getting a look at Skade then nodded his head as if approving of me claiming her.

Soon after I took Skade into a princess carry and mounted the huge warhorse before heading back to camp, Ignu walked slowly and gently through the small trail up to camp while trying to be as silent as possible.

Before long I came upon two of my archers who were standing guard while hidden in the brush and they whispered their greetings before focusing back on their duties.

I continued on the trail for a few minutes more and came upon the entrance of the camp where more of my men stood guard.

""My Lord...."" They both whispered upon seeing the sleeping Seeress in my arms, they didn't want to wake her since a curse from a Seidr was a terrifying thing.

Further on into camp I found Ragnar and Aslaug sitting side by side next to a campfire as they ate breakfast together, they looked like a couple.

Aslaug had puffy red eyes as she feigned to laugh at Ragnar's stupid jokes as if she were enraptured by his charm.

They both greeted me and I saw the joy in Ragnars eyes....he was completely enamoured by the princess as if she were the love of his life.

I dismounted at my tent and carried Skade inside before Balgrud rounded the corner.

"BOSS, DO YOU WANT BREAKFAST FOR YOU AND LITTLE SKADE?.....ANGUY MADE HONEYED PORRIDGE." The Giant Berzerker whispered as quietly as he could.

"No my friend, I will stay with Skade until she awakens and I'm not hungry, Do tell me when midday meal is ready however." I spoke and Balgrud nodded.

"VERY WELL, I SENT TWO ARCHERS TO CATCH SOME GAME SO WE SHOULD HAVE A GOOD MEAL." Balgrud whispered then ambled off back to the nearby campfire where a few of my other men chatted.

Entering my tent I set Skade down gently and kissed her forehead before removing most of my clothes.

Soon enough I'd removed Skades cloak, Boots, and belt before climbing into my makeshift bed and snuggling up against her warm body.

She mumbled my name a few times before only her soft breathing was heard. . . . 

. ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


Borg was having breakfast with Rollo as had become his habit and they'd been conversing for a while now.

"So Rollo? What do you say?.....will you join me?" Borg asked with a hand on rollos shoulder as he stared into his eyes.

Rollo closed his eyes for a few long moments before looking back into Borgs eyes and responding.

"*** *'** **** ***."

Rollo responded with a determined tone.....

. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . 

(Days Later)

My warband rode into the heavily fortified town of Töreboda slowly in an orderly column.

 I could feel the tension in the air from all of Borgs men who eyed us closely.

Ragnar was riding alongside Aslaug toward the back of the column and I had Skade snuggled up against me.

Soon enough we dismounted and I walked with Skade on my arm, she wore an enchanted choker now with a tag that had my name inscribed on it.

Skade held onto the tag with her small soft hand as we walked, she had a lovestruck smile on her face while looking up at me.

Before long Borgs Steward walked up to me and spoke.

"Earl Thenn, Jarl Borg bids you to join him in a few hours for supper to discuss matters once more.....your Messenger to Horik has returned but has refused to speak or hand over the Kings letter to Borg so none know of it's contents." The Steward spoke a bad ashamed.

They'd tried everything to convince Osgerth refused to say a word or give up the scroll but the man was having none of it since it was meant for his Lord, not for Jarl Borg.

Jarl Borg was wise enough to know that forcing him would instantly make me an enemy which he didn't wish for at the moment.

I walked into the house set up for us and found Osgerth sleeping against a corner with drool running down his face as the other men I had left with him stacked small rocks on his head and shoulders to see how many they could fit before the man woke up.

They giggled quietly amongst themselves until they heard me walk in, I saw the shock on their faces as they all turned to me.

Immediately they all stood at attention.

""MY LORD!!!""

They spoke their greeting loudly, Osgerth was startled awake by their voices.

Immediately upon moving more than a dozen stones fell from his head and body and clattered on the hardwood floor as my men didn't heir best to keep from bursting out in laughter.

Osgerths eyes opened groggily but when he saw me standing there he shot up to his feet and immediately reached into his Chainmail Hauberk and pulled out a wooden tube.

Osgerth opened the container and slid out the rolled up crisp parchment and handed it to me.

"My Lord it's directly from King Horik, I've not let any knaves even take a peek at the scroll and it's stayed with me always." Osgerth spoke proudly.

"Good work, you may return to your rest but I recommend a bed rather than the floor." I spoke while patting the mans armored shoulder.

He nodded a bit embarrassed but I noticed Osgerth glaring at my other men who did their best to keep from laughing.

I walked away and upstairs with Skade as the sounds of a scuffle began in the room we had just left as Osgerth was getting his payback in the pranksters.

Once we entered the room I set down the scroll nearby without looking at it and called out to the slaves to bring us bath water.

After a few minutes several slave women walked in with a huge cauldron, pails of water, hot rocks directly from the coals and clean rags to wash and dry ourselves with.

The searing hot stones were placed into the cauldron and they sizzled and bubbled for a few moments as the slaves scurried out of the room and back to their duties.

Skade helped me out of my armor and in turn I undressed her perfect soft body slowly.

Before long we both washed each other thoroughly before drying off and heading to bed.

We'd been sleeping on the ground and riding on horseback for a few days so we both wished to relax in the comfortable soft bed.

It was still a few hours until my meeting with Borg so I threw a blanket over us and Skade snuggled onto me, her warm body pressed against mine seemed to take all the tension out of my shoulders immediately.

"It's so comfy....You smell so good..." Skade muttered out while fading off to sleep.

I just kissed her forehead softly then relaxed and let myself drift off into a sweet sleep.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

(Few Hours Later)

A soft knock was heard at the door and my eyes opened, I stared at the locked door with my Odin's eye and saw that it was only a female slave standing nervously and hesitating if she should knock again.

I gently rose out of bed since Skade was still sleeping and moved to open the door.

I unlocked it then opened it to reveal the slave woman who immediately glanced down at my giant swinging cock and gasped in amazement for a few long moments before I snapped my fingers and brought her back to reality.

"Oh...Sorry my Lord, Supper with the Jarl will take place in half an hour." The slave spoke with a completely blushed face.

"Very well, I shall be ready." Was all I said and shut the door.

I walked over to Skade and gently shook her arm to wake her up.

"HmmmHuahhhmmmm..." She groaned out while stretching her body.

"The meeting is in Half an hour my Love, do you want to come with or will you dine here?" I asked while pinching her soft cheek on playfully.

"I'll take supper here, I'm still sooo sleepy~" she spoke out with a yawn and snuggled into the sheets.

I nodded and kissed Skade on her soft sweet lips before donning my armor and weapons.

By the time I was tossing my bear cloak over my shoulders Skade was already fast asleep.

I moved to the nearby table and grabbed the still sealed scroll then placed it inside my pouch.

I stepped out and walked down the stairs where I spotted Ragnar and Rollo chatting with each other, from the look of estrangement in Rollo's eyes it was easily discerned that Borg had brought him over to his side. 

"Both of you are coming with me, Rollo go call Balgrud and Anguy." I Ordered

 Rollo nodded but I saw the wince on his face upon hearing my order, he felt just as inferior that moment as Borg made him believe.

But he couldn't deny me so Rollo moved down one of the Halls and came back with Anguy and Balgrud stomping behind him.

Soon after we found ourselves in Borgs dining hall, he sat beside a few of his captains who greeted me and my men....their unusually friendly demeanor to Rollo did not go unnoticed by me.

We all sat down and I was served Milk by a particularly good looking slave who smiled sweetly at me.

But I was far more interested in the goblet of Milk she was pouring and as soon as she finished I took a sip which relaxed my body and mind.

"Thenn, you have an unusual enjoyment of Milk." Borg spoke as a slave served him hot spiced wine.

"Aye, ever since I was a child I found it irresistible....My first Wife was In fact my milkmaid when I was sold off by my father." I spoke and he nodded in understanding but was wise to avoid speaking of my wife, he'd heard the rumors of what happened to Haraldson's sons after Magnus made an ill comment.

"Rollo spoke on such things....however, I still find it hard to believe Someone of your caliber was sold off for a few silver pieces ." He spoke and everyone chuckled.

"I do not blame Sigurd, when I was born I did not even have the energy to cry...and I do not blame my Mother either, she was young and unable to deny him....I met him later and found him to be a decent man so I held no grudges." I spoke

 Borg nodded but had a solemn look on his face as he thought back to his deceased wife for a few moments before snapping out of it.

"Aye I understand.....looks like supper is finally here." Borg spoke just as some side doors opened and a dozen servants and slaves all walked in carrying large platters of various dishes for us to feast on.

Balgrud snatched five steaming buns from a basket which made the slave carrying it squeal in fright.

Balgrud Ravenously tore into them and wolfed them down with ease before reaching forward to rip an entire leg off a roasted lamb like a monster.

Jarl Borg eyed Balgrud with amazement, he had two Berzerkers in his employ but they were nothing compared to the huge beast that was gorging himself on enough food for eight men.

"Earl Thenn, I understand that you are blessed by Odin but which God blessed that Giant..." Borg spoke while pointing at Balgrud.

"Thor blessed his strength." I spoke and Borg nodded.

Immediately Anguy quipped. "Aye, and Jormungandr blessed his belly..." He joked with a smirk.


Everyone chuckled at his joke and immediately Balgrud came out of his bliss at shoving food into his face and glared at Anguy who sat beside him.

Anguy froze for a few long moments before speaking. 

"Excuse me my Lord's I've got to go!!!"

Anguy yelled as he dodged a huge grasping hand from Balgrud who growled like a bear.

But Anguy maneuvered out of two more grabs before jumping out of his seat and dashing out of the room as Balgrud stomped behind him with surprising speed.

No one knew such a huge man could be so swift.

"Excuse my Men, they are not used to formal meals." I spoke and Borg nodded with an amused grin at their antics.

"Worry not, I've been nothing but impressed by all of your warriors and their did they all become so powerful?" Borg asked curiously.

"I was granted permission to have my own ship by Earl Haraldson back when he was a somewhat decent man....I picked only the men who could pass a few simple tests which ensured only the best joined my ranks, most never got past the first one." I spoke and Borg nodded curiously.

"And what were those tests?" He asked nonchalantly but I could sense his deep interest.

"All who pass my tests swear an oath not to disclose what they were.....but Ragnar and Rollo failed the second test and took no such oath." I spoke.

"So? What were those famed tests?" Borg asked in the direction of both my brothers.

immediately Rollo answered.

"First he swung his Giant Axe directly at our faces without warning which most flinched and were disqualified..." Rollo spoke and Ragnar smiled with some pride at the fact that he'd faced death so well.

"And what of the second?" Borg asked curiously.

"I was taken to Bears cave completely naked and told to head inside....I could hear it's angry growls and snarls as I neared the mouth of the cave but didn't go inside...." Rollo spoke with a bit of shame in his voice.

Ragnar saw his dejection and cut in. "We would have done it if we weren't naked and without weapons, only a lunatic would do such a thing." Ragnar spoke and patted Rillos back.

What none of them knew was that the bear inside was chained up and it's growls was one of my warriors provoking it into anger....once inside and deep into the cave they would have passed my test of courage and have moved on to the next one.

But most men didn't pass even that so they were unworthy of being on my personal warband.

We chatted for a another ten minutes before Borg got to the important matters.

"So Earl Thenn... have you read the letter from King Horik? Your man Osgerth outright refused to speak about what King Horik even told him."

Borg spoke a bit annoyed, the Jarl had even sent the newly converted Rollo to question the man but Osgerth remained obstinate.

"I haven't read it yet, lets finish our supper I don't want his words to sour our food just in case." I spoke and Borg reluctantly nodded.

We continued eating and chatting as eventually Anguy and Balgrud walked back in a bit embarrassed, there was a clearly visible lump on Anguys forehead from getting bonked by the Berzerker.

Eventually we all finished eating, the plates were taken away and I the servants all left the room so we could converse amongst ourselves.

"Well now, let's see..." I spoke while pulling the scroll from my pouch.

I grabbed the seal and cracked it Open as Borgs eyes stayed glued to the parchment in my hands.


I gazed at the parchment for a few moments before nodding and raising an eyebrow.

Borg seemed to jump out of his seat in anticipation for what the scroll said my I let him wait for a few long moments before speaking.

"Well Jarl Borg, I recommend you ready your warbands."

I spoke and tossed him the parchment.

He snatched it up quickly and read it aloud.

"inform Jarl Borg that this scheme of his is an insult.... should he not accept a payment for the lands I shall have no choice but to bear my arms and shields against him and make him obey....." Borg read it aloud.

"That no good fat soon of a cheap whore dates to say he'll make me Obey!!!"

Borg spoke with a snarl on his face.

I could see the fury in his eyes as he clenched the scroll hard and crushed it.

He closed for eyes and took a few long breaths before relaxing again.

"Tell me Earl Thenn, will you side with Horik? I know your alliance is exclusively for raiding the West but will you join that pigs abortion to do battle against me?" Borg asked pointedly.

"It is unlikely, I would gain nothing from such a venture except for having some of my men lost for the gain of someone else.... The West will prove far more fruitful anyways." I spoke and Borg nodded.

"What would it take to have you join my side?" Borg asked.

"No coin will see me fight this winter, I have many children due to be born and I'll not miss that." I spoke and Borg nodded in understanding.

"Very well, it seems our business is done Earl Thenn... I'll send a rider with my response to that Cunt soon, you are welcome in my court as a friend from here on out." Borg spoke and I nodded.

"Very well, I wish you good fortune in the war to come Jarl Borg, my men and I shall depart for Göttenburg tomorrow." I spoke and soon enough we said our goodbyes and I returned back to our lodgings.

I could see the glint in Ragnar and Rollos eyes.... Each man wished to join a side but none knew of each other's plans....

next chapter
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