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50% Emerald ~ Izuku Midoriya / Chapter 1: Prologue
Emerald ~ Izuku Midoriya Emerald ~ Izuku Midoriya original

Emerald ~ Izuku Midoriya

Autor: InkstainedZariyah

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Prologue

May 15th, 2022

The sky was a dense, angry gray, thick with smoke and ash that choked the city. Screams and explosions filled the air, echoing off the concrete walls of crumbling buildings. My heart pounded in my chest, the cacophony of chaos resonating through my entire being. My vision blurred, and pain radiated through my body. And then I saw him. Kneeling over me, his emerald eyes were filled with pain and fear, glistening with tears.Today was the 15th of May, 2022, my 19th birthday. It would be my last.


8:00 AM

August 12th, 2023

I woke up in the backseat of my dad's truck, the familiar smell of leather and his cologne softly hitting my nostrils as I stirred. Sitting up, I noticed a large pile-up of Sakura flowers on the windshield. I rubbed my eyes, hoping I was still dreaming, but I was soon proven wrong.

"Welcome to the world, Bubba," came my dad's sweet, soft voice.

I sighed softly, plastering a small smile, leaning against the window like I was in one of those cheesy adventure movies. I felt my dad's gaze burning into the side of my face.

I glanced at him, slightly smiling. "What?" I raised an eyebrow, faking a laugh, hoping he wouldn't tell the difference.

"Don't do that fake laugh with me," he laughed softly, turning his gaze back towards the road.

"I get that you don't wanna be here, but it's for the best."I put my head down, sighing.

I looked back out the window, admiring the prunus trees beautifully aligned down the road. I softly shook my head, snapping myself out of a trance. "But, why Japan?"

"You know why, bub, you're special," I could practically hear the smile on his face.

"This school wants you for a reason and it's a good opportunity."

"They just wanna use me," I mumbled under my breath, noticing a tall building with blue-tinted glass, perfectly reflecting the sun's rays into the trees.

A tall tan wall stood a few feet away from the large 3-dimensional H-shaped building. Centered right between the walls was a blue arch with a symbol of a U overlapped by an A. I slowly sat up, realizing this was our destination.

"You ready?" My dad looked back at me, raising his eyebrows, clearly expressing his excitement.

"Nope." I fixed the blue skirt I had on, trying to pull it over my ass as much as possible.

Laying my tie across my shoulders, I slipped my blazer on and grabbed my backpack, dreading walking into this building. I treaded slowly behind my dad, gripping my backpack straps, feeling nervous. Walking towards the door, I saw a short bear-like figure, a buff man with two strands of hair sticking straight up on his right, and a tall lanky man with long hair on his left. As I followed behind my dad into the building, we were greeted by the three figures who were initially standing behind the door.

I smiled softly, seeing the tall, buff, blonde man. "Well, if it isn't the symbol of peace," he pulled me into a tight hug.

"What's up, Toshinori."

"Shh, don't say my real name out loud," he let me go, hovering his index finger over his non-existent lips. "But it's good to see you and your dad after so long."

I smiled softly, gesturing a zip over my lips. "La única razón por la que acepté venir aquí es por ti y mi papá."


I know you're probably confused, but this giant moron/teddy bear went to U.A. with my dad. My dad was known as one of the only Americans with an extraordinary combination of quirks, and his parents didn't want him to be a test subject, so they shipped him off to Japan, which led him to meet Yato Toshinori (All Might). Then my parents got divorced and Toshinori had a little relationship with my mom before she got sick and passed away. Interesting, right?

"Hello, I'm Principal Nezu. Welcome to U.A. High School." I slightly smiled at the strange talking bear-looking organism. "We've heard about your extraordinary quirk from All Might and your dad here, and we jumped at the opportunity to get you to Japan as soon as possible," he rambled on, overhyping my quirk. "So, we've placed you in class 1-A with Sensei Shouta Aizawa here."

I looked over at the long, black-haired man wearing a scarf, who looked like he was in desperate need of a gallon of coffee.

He sighed, "Follow me, I'm sure the others will be excited to have another student."

You could feel the sarcasm in his voice. Not hear, feel. I glanced back at my dad and Toshinori, both of them grinning and sending me two thumbs up. I shook my head in embarrassment, following behind Aizawa slowly.

We came up to a huge blue door, plastered with the symbol "1-A." I softly tugged on my blazer, walking into the classroom behind him. Walking in, it was pretty loud, but I guess the room was nice.

"Take your seats." Aizawa stood behind the podium in front of the classroom, while the students surprisingly took their seats right away.

I stood next to him, holding onto my backpack straps, a bit anxious. "We have a new student joining us." I looked over, noticing Aizawa was curled up in a corner with a sleeping bag. "Introduce yourself."

I looked around the room, trying to find someone I felt I would be comfortable with. Then, I noticed a girl with fairly pink skin, curly pink hair, and black eyes. She was smiling at me, waving a little.

I waved back, starting to feel better."Hi, I'm-" I got cut off by a spiky blond-haired, red-eyed boy.

"Great, another extra to get in my way." I looked over at him. Toned muscles, his button-up tucked, baggy jeans.

I came up with a smart-ass remark but soon heard a lovable, fair-toned voice.

"Hush, Bakugo, that's not very manly to cut off a girl." A red-haired boy sitting behind the pink-haired girl looked over at him.

"Yeah, she seems great. Let her speak, Kacchan." I looked in the direction of the voice I just heard. Beautiful, luscious green curls, shimmering emerald eyes with a spark of innocence resonating from them. Freckles surround his face, cute button nose, cute lips, bottom lip bigger than the top.

I looked away quickly, trying not to stare. I tried to act like I wanted to be here, thinking of the right tone to speak with.

"Shut up, Deku," the blond-haired boy yelled at the curly-haired boy, causing him to chuckle.

"So, are you gonna tell us your name or what?" A yellow-haired boy with a black lightning bolt on the front few strands asked.

A black-haired boy with large elbows slapped the back of his head, smiling at me softly, "Be nice, Denki."

"Ow! I was just asking!" The yellow-haired boy rubbed his head, scrunching up his nose in pain. "So? What's your name?"

At that point, everyone's eyes were on me. "Um, alright, what's up, I'm Ehrodene."


8:45 AM

August 12th, 2023

"Got a last name, extra?" the blond boy, I think his name was Bakugo, looked me up and down.

I crossed my arms, about to answer, but I looked around the room, wondering why the majority of the guys in the class looked like they wanted to take a bite out of me, especially the purple, grape-headed kid. I was kinda confused, considering I was wearing the same thing as every other girl in the room.

Here, let me give you a visual: My hair was a bit of a curly poofy, due to the steam from my shower this morning and being too lazy to do it the night before. Lightly brushed pink eyeshadow and mascara greatly pleased my almond-shaped eyes. Rosy cheeks and nose from a fair amount of blush and full lips moisturized by chapstick. My body was strangely curvy, with a small chest allowing my shirt to have a few buttons unbuttoned. Even though I barely have boobs, inheriting mom's curvy hips and ass was inevitable.

There's a reason why I choose not to wear skirts. "Oh, well my full name is Ehrodene Alderete-Wright."

I looked over in the green-haired boy's direction, noticing the spark ignite in his eyes. "Wright? As in, Aera Wright?"

I looked at him, embarrassed that he knew who my dad was.Once again, everyone's eyes were on me, but this time with a certain interest. "Yeah," I sighed, "he's my dad."

Suddenly, everyone was practically screaming at me, except for a few of the students. "No way! That's your father?"

"What's it like being his daughter?"

"His power is unmatched! Having that many quirks is amazing!"

I shook my head, about to head to the empty desk in the back of the classroom, next to a white and red-haired boy.

Then, I was stopped again."What about you?" The red-haired boy asked.

Everyone was all ears, trying to figure out my quirk.

"Well, um, it doesn't have a name, but I also have multiple quirks like my dad."

I rubbed my arm, hoping they wouldn't ask me to show it.As we know, wedon't always get what we want.

"Could you show us?" The curly, green-haired boy asked, looking me up and down subtly.

I shook my head. "I haven't harnessed it, that's kinda why I'm here." I hurried and found my way to the seat I initially decided to sit at.

I looked over a bit; a scar on his left eye, a defined jawline, and white and red hair.

"It's rude to stare, Ehrodene," he said, still writing in his notebook.

I turned my head away, pulling a book out of my backpack. "Sorry, didn't necessarily mean to stare." He sighed, sticking his hand out to me. "

Shoto Todoroki. "I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Todoroki." He gave a small smile, tending back to his writing. "I'm not one to make friends, so I apologize if I never speak to you again."

I chuckled softly. "I'll keep that in mind, thank you."

He nodded, leaning back in his chair, waiting for the lunch bell. I sat back also, looking around the classroom. I leaned my head towards Todoroki. "Could you tell me about the students?"

He nodded. "Sure, who first?" I looked around, subtly pointing at the pink girl. "That's Mina Ashido. She's a pretty dope person; everyone on campus loves her, including me actually, but I recommend talking to her one day."

He pointed past me. "Then there's Kirishima, the spiky red-headed guy, and Denki, the boy who got slapped earlier." He smirked at the thought. "They're good friends with Mina, as well as Bakugo and Sero."

"Okay, so I know Bakugo is the blond boy with the red eyes, but who's Sero?" I looked at Todoroki, trying to keep up with what he was saying.

"He's the boy with the tape dispensers as elbows and the one who slapped Denki's head when you were in front of the class." We looked at each other, laughing softly.

Then he started pointing everyone out. "Next, there's Iida, our class representative; Tsuyu or Tsu; Uraraka; Jirou; Sato; Momo; Shouji; Aoyama; and Mineta."He leaned over, whispering. "As a warning, steer clear of Mineta; he's a bit of a creep."

I nodded, smiling softly at Todoroki. "That's it, including myself," he looked over at me but then shook his head.

"Lastly, there's Midoriya." He pointed towards the green-haired boy.

I looked at him, admiring his beautiful curls. "Midoriya?"

"His full name is Izuku Midoriya." He nodded, hearing the bell ring, and getting up from his seat.

I got up, walking beside him. "What can you tell me about him?"

He looked at me, speaking in the most monotone voice possible. "Interested in Midoriya, I see."

I sighed. "Just want to know about him, that's all."

We walked into the cafeteria and sat down at an empty table. "So, you're interested in him." He pulled out soba from his lunch bag.

I pulled my soup tin out of my backpack, rolling my eyes. "Yes, I'm interested in him, so could ya help a girl out here."

"Alright, alright," he chuckled, eating his cold soba. "Unlike you, me, and Momo, Midoriya went through the entrance exam just like everyone else. Before getting into U.A., his unknown quirk surprised everyone around him during the exam."

I raised an eyebrow, eating my chicken and dumpling soup. "Why?"

"Because before the entrance exam, everyone thought he was quirkless, but I guess we were wrong." He shrugged, taking a sip of water.

"So how does his quirk work?" I looked up from eating my soup.

He chewed his food. "I honestly don't know. He gains agility and speed and also gains strength to a certain extent."

I furrowed my eyes. "To what extent?"

"It's like his power injures him when he uses too much of it." He shrugged again.

I choked on my soup, realizing why his quirk seemed so familiar. Todoroki looked up from eating his food. I put a thumb up, indicating that I'm okay.

I cleared my throat and took a sip of my water. "I'll be right back, I have to use the restroom."

I stood up, walking away. Todoroki just shrugged and continued eating. I started walking towards the main teacher's office, looking for Principal Nezu. I walked towards the principal's office, pushing the door open.

I noticed it startled Nezu, causing him to slightly jump in his seat."Where is he?" I clenched my jaw, agitated.

"Who, Ehrodene?" He said calmly, making it hard to be angry at him.

"Toshinori." I looked at him, crossing my arms.

"I'm not sure; he could be anywhere for lunch." He looked back at me. I thought about it for a second, walking out of Principal Nezu's office.

I heard him calling after me, but I ignored him, looking for the teacher's lounge. I walked down the hall, passing the office, then finally spotting the teacher's lounge at the end of the hallway.

I speed-walked to the door, throwing it open noticing two startled individuals: Midoriya and Toshinori.

"You gave the other half of your power to him?" I exclaimed.

Midoriya looked over at me, then Toshinori. "Half?"

InkstainedZariyah InkstainedZariyah

Hey guys, this story idea had just been in my head for so long and I needed to put it out there. I hope you guys enjoy this story and I look forward to getting all of y'all hilarious comments and feedback

I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

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