I woke up to an alarm clock that I salvaged from an old house.
"Good morning dechi"
I rubbed my eyes and got ready for the day, I decided before going to bed that I would sit back and let Beni-Enma do her thing while I trained, after all. I'm kinda just some weak cannon fodder with potential right now.
'Alright, I'm going to stay here and train. You can go and do whatever'
She simply nodded in affirmation.
'Oh and please don't get onto someone's radar. I really don't want to deal with any repercussions from your actions, but please don't take my caution as me being all at you and stuff. I do trust you at being able to navigate the modern era'
"I understand, but if anything comes up like you need help or your in danger. Please use a command seal, I don't want you to die when we have essentially just met dechi"
Oh God. Look at us, we honestly barely know each other and we're already telling each other to take care and shit... Dude this is kinda cringe. She can kill something in like, less than a fraction of a second. She don't need me telling her to take care.
"I'll be back dechi"
She quickly left, leaving me to my own devices.
Alright, let's start.
With a mental flex my panel opened up.
Name: Reon Inatomi
Age: 4
Sex: Male
90 Highgrade pseudo nerve circuits
Sacred Gear: Navaratna 'The 9 Sacred Gems'
1. Center red ruby, reminiscent of the Sun. Incantation 'Surya'. The ability to absorb energy from the sun. Granted minor Flame Resistance.
2. Left of center diamond, reminiscent of Venus.
Incantation 'Shukra'. The ability to bring a cleansing or 'unlocking' upon material and immaterial targets. Granted minor Mental Resistance.
3. Right of center blue sapphire, reminiscent of Saturn. Incantation 'Shani'. The ability to raise metals from the ground. Granted minor Stamina Boost.
4. Second left pearl, reminiscent of the Moon. Incantation 'Chandra'. The ability to hold anything of the materium within your shadow. Granted minor Water Resistance.
5. Second right emerald, reminiscent of Mercury. Incantation 'Budha'. The ability to perpetually speed up without limits. Granted minor Wind Resistance.
6. Third to the left red coral, reminiscent of Mars. Incantation 'Mangala'. The ability to gauge and perceive the flow of the battlefield. Granted minor Learning Enhancement.
7. Third to the right yellow sapphire, reminiscent of Jupiter. Incantation 'Brhaspati'. The ability to call down a bolt of divine lightning, takes 1 month to recharge. Granted minor Lightning Resistance.
8. Left most hessonite, reminiscent of the ascending lunar node. Incantation 'Rahu'. The ability to become for 30 seconds, completely invulnerable to damage, takes 1 month to recharge. Granted minor Damage Resistance.
9. Right most Cat's eye, reminiscent of the descending lunar node. Incantation 'Ketu'. The ability to curse someone with Terrible Luck, takes 1 month to recharge. Granted minor Luck Enhancement.
Earned Bond Abilities: None
Available Bond Abilities: Presence Concealment C(A), Magic Resistance C(A)
Current Servant Beni-Enma.
Current bond: 4/10 (Started to see you as a young fledgling in need of maternal guidance)
Saber class
Strength: D
Agility: A++
Luck: B
Endurance: E
Mana: B
Eye of the Mind (False) A
Star Basket (Big) EX
Star Basket (Small) EX
-Passive Skills
Magic Resistance A
Independent Action A
Presence Concealment A
Inn Creation B
Ventriloquism EX
-Noble Phantasm
Judgment by the Ten Kings - Wicker Box's Fate
Anti-Unit A
Deals increased damage the more wicked and evil the target being is.
Oh, this is going to be fun.
--(Beni-Enma pov)--
I quickly left, my feet carrying me to a special place that Kenta told me about yesterday.
In no time at all I fell into the street infront of a giant tori gate. Tall compound walls stretched around creating a viable fortress, I noticed that all the normal humans walked by and took no notice of the tori gates.
With my Presence Concealment in effect I quickly entered the compound to see a casting of yokai milling around.
With the skills of an assassin I made it to the main building in the massive compound.
What the actual fuck!?
You know how I've gone and learned many things. Well in my massive portfolio of knowledge and skills. One of the professions that I tried my hand on was barrier and bounded fields.
See I can identify alot of shit due to my extensive experiance, like when I entered the compound I noticed a general ward that made it so the non-supernatural didn't notice anything about the compound, like the massive supernatural tori gate for example.
BUT THIS BUILDING. This building is obviously where the person I'm looking for is. The layers of barriers and bounded fields making this place look like a fucking fortress. Just from what I can deduct we got Intruder detection, intruder nullification, intruder killing, environment controls, anti-probe and more.
Uh... I actually don't know what to do. The energy to run all of these barriers, fields and arrays would be mind-boggling if I didn't know that they used the leylines to power all of them.
Well I've already infiltrated their compound. I could do many things but I guess one of them is to apologize to Reon-kun. It seems that I've chosen to go loud.
(MC sneezes as he pushed his prana into a 'very' intricate object 'Wait what!?' -boom-)
I stood infront of the building as I deactivated my Presence Concealment, but the moment I did.
I watched as the door slid open and a 9 tailed fox yokai with blonde hair and impressive 'ahem' assets walked out, behind following her wearing white robes with paper veils are 4 servants.
We stared at each other in shock, I watched as her eyes widened.
The 4 servants quickly deployed themselves infront of Yasaka, I watched as 5 shadow guards flickered into being around me, though in my perception they moved at a snails pace.
"Intruder! Declare who you are or we will cut you down where you stand!"
My lips couldn't help but smile abit as I side tilted my head.
"I guess this works, I go by the name Beni-Enma. I am here to speak with your leader dechi"
I watched as they all paused in hesitation. The small pause gave Yasaka enough time to quickly step forward and bow at a 45° degree angle.
"I apologize for not noticing your identity Beni-Enma-Sama. May I invite you inside for tea as we speak together?"
I nodded, the moment I did the 5 shadow guards and the servants went back to their places. But from the shadows I could feel the piercing stare from the guard, the emotions of weariness and fear detected by my senses.
I walked up to Yasaka and walked with her into the building, the servants walked in 2 files behind us.
I looked around at the traditional Japanese layout, the walls and floors in a pleasant dust free state.
We walked in silence for abit as we made our way to what feels like the center of the building.
"Here we are," we walked up to a double door that a servant quickly opened to reveal a beautiful Japanese style zen garden, an old ever-bloom sakura tree with a wide truck stood in the middle of the courtyard. A small group of servants milled around maintaining the garden and watering a small gathering of ancient bonzai trees.
Along the perimeter of the inner courtyard walkway is a beautiful color code of red, yellow and deep blue flowers.
"I notice that this place is to your likings Beni-Enma-Sama. Please, let's sit and relax with a cup of tea before getting into what I can do for you"
I sat down and watched as Yasaka poured 2 cups of tea before proceeding to sip on her own. Since I have the vessel constructed of spiritrons, I can't really get effected by poison. Though even my main body is immune to it, I can still appreciate the fact that she host tested the tea before me.
I picked up and enjoyed the tea as I began to relax.
"So, what can I do for you Beni-Enma-Sama?"
I sipped on my tea before answering.
"I recently returned to Japan from King Enma's Palace. Due to the times I have lost all my worldly possessions such as my papers, money and my Inn. I came to you to ask for some 'assistance' with reaquiring these possessions of mine, they need not be what they were but a new foundation in the upper world would do wonders dechi. Of course if needed I could perhaps I could 'help' you with somthing dechi."
Yasaka nodded quickly.
"Of course Beni-Enma-Sama! It would be our honor to assist you with your request. As for your 'help' with something, I do not believe that you need worry yourself with paying us back."
I raised an eyebrow in question, after all it is me were talking about. Among the yokai I have a reputation of hunting, executing and bringing evil yokai's to the underworld when I was active. I'm also an Oni and a part of King Enma's family and court, so I have a lot of influence. I suppose that she may be trying to get into my good graces for some future favors or the like.
"I see, I thank you for your generosity and the assistance dechi."
Yasaka simply smiled and relaxed, her face uplifted as she sipped on her tea.
I followed suit and time quickly passed, a servant arrived and passed Yasaka a folder as well as a small case.
She quickly glaced through the folder and nodded before passing me the items.
"Here you are Beni-Enma-Sama, contained within the case is the money and a deed to an Inn located near this location, inside the folder is the papers to your new identity along with documents detailing your life and certificates that you would need. Please do return if there is anything we can do to assist or help you with anything."
I leafed through the folder that she passed to me.
I looked at everything, birth cert., diplomas and more.
"Thank you for acquiring this for me. With what I came for acquired I will now take my leave, thank you once more for your help dechi"
As I got up Yasaka followed with me and escorted me out.
In no time at all we arrived at the tori gate, I noticed along the way that there were no yokai milling around the compound grounds.
"Please do come again Beni-Enma-Sama."
Yasaka said as she gave me a departing bow.
Once I stepped through the gate I took a single step and dissapeared infront of they're eyes.
As I made my way back to Reon-kun I felt a smile grow on my face, the excitement growing in my chest.
I don't know why, but I cant help but look forward to opening an Inn again alongside Reon-kun.
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