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20% Dragon Soul: Ryu Senko / Chapter 3: Breaking the Ice

Kapitel 3: Breaking the Ice

Naruto and Sora were seated at Ichiraku's and Sora was crying anime tears. He knew Naruto could eat but DAMN! could he eat when he wasn't paying! 39 bowls and going on 40. Sora just sighed and payed for the 40 bowls before motioning to Naruto that they needed to talk. Naruto nodded and said his goodbyes before they took off for Naruto's house. On arrival Sora quickly ran through some handseals before ending on Ryu. The room glowed and Naruto realized it was a silencing Jutsu.

Sora turned to Naruto and said, "now that thats outta the way. We need to discuss your training."

Naruto nodded and replied, "well I definitely want to get smarter. Now that I can actually think clearly I can't believe how much my training was stunted. So the shadow clones in the Library would be helpfull."

Sora agreed, " we will be doing that and I will be personally overseeing your taijutsu training and physical conditioning so that when the time comes, you can train in the Ryu no Tsurugi style. From your body build I would say you are built more for speed and agility than power and control. so we will focus on that before I even begin to teach you Jutsu's you WILL have Jounin control because as of right now you have about mid Sannin chakra."(side note: not sure about tsurugi believe it means sword. and Sannin is a step below Kage)

Naruto sighed and replied, "Hai, sensei. but can I start on the library right now? I'm tired of being called a dobe and idiot."

Sora nodded, "okay 30 clones and make sure they Henge into something else. You know the library won't let you in. Also your not stupid, your ignorant theres a difference."

Naruto complied and Sora stared as two used Naruto's Sexy Jutsu. Naruto scoffed and was about to yell at his now perverted, in his mind anyways, sensei when Sora smiled brightly.

Sora said, "Hey hatchling, do you have any idea what you just did?"

Naruto shook his head wondering what he was talking about and said, "What do you mean? I just used my usual henge."

Sora scoffed and said, "no hatchling you actually changed your sex to woman with this! Do you know what the benefits of this jutsu are?"

Naruto was now confused, "What about it sensei? I thought we were SUPPOSED to change with this technique?"

Sora stared in amazement, "Hatchling, henge is not an actual transformation. It's a low level genjutsu. With this technique, you could actually infiltrate sex rings and such, as a female and change into a male! You could bust a whole ring just by getting by the gaurds because they think you are actually a woman. If you could reverse the technique, you could even save a woman from being raped vaginally. Girls would be knocking on your door for this technique!"

Naruto was dumbstruck and gaped like a fish. Then a slow chuckle filled the room followed by outrageous laughter and Naruto realized what he could pull off with this technique! He could prank the entire village into thinking Sasuke was gay. He could make Kakkashi walk around in a pink tutu! hell he could make the Hyuuga seem like normal people. He could...

"NARUTO! Jeese, prankster at heart huh? anyways listen get them to the library and make sure 2 of them read up on anatomy so you can complete the Jutsu." Sora said.

Naruto scratched his head nervously, "Hehe, sorry sensei. Couldn't help myself."

Sora sighed, "Its fine but no pranks you need to keep this low key until after the Chunnin exams. They start in 3 months so we need to get cracking." He turned to the clones, "alright you heard the rules. Naruko you read the anatomy. The rest of you find books on math, science, strategy and jutsu theory. When your close to dispelling, choose one to tell Naruto then wait 3 minutes before dispelling one by one with 1 minute intervals so he doesn't pass out." They nodded and were off. "OK, now we need to get you some weights and some new clothes. God Orange should have been banned when you bought that!"

Naruto sighed, "Its the only thing I could afford. Besides I don't exactly have the money to buy top quality equipment."

Sora nodded, "Well don't worry about that. I'll pay and in return your work your but off deal?"

Naruto smiled a true smile but asked, "you-you'd really do that for me?"

Sora looked at him and remembered what he had seen and said, "THATS RIGHT, I haven't told you why I'm so interested in you have I?"

Naruto looked confused and Sora sighed, "Sorry Naruto, Listen closely. Naruto you have manifested a Golden Dragon Soul. Only one other in history has ever done this and it was done over 2 millenium ago during the Great Demon Wars. That person was me Naruto. Where I manifested my Dragon Soul through extensive defense of the people I loved againest hordes of demons, You manifested it through your indominable will and kindness to all things. Naruto you are a FAR better man than I ever will be, and I wish to tell you that no matter what happens, I will be your brother in arms, when you fight, I fight, when you seek diplomacy, I will help in any way I can. No matter what I consider you a brother and will ALWAYS treat you as such, well except in training. Do you understand Naruto?"

Naruto stared at this man who claimed to be a brother. Could he accept such a thing? After all his life, all he wanted was someone to accept him. He thought Hana might but this stranger showed up and promised to always help him! Naruto opened his mouth then closed it then opened it again, "Ho-How can I trust you? I know your putting yourself out here but it still isn't easy for me."

Sora nodded and said, "I swear on my Dragon Soul, the most important thing to me, that what I say is the truth and if I should lie then let me be struck down by the dragons I command!"

Naruto's eyes widened and looked aroun. Since nothing was happening, he bowed his head and said, "Thank You. I... I accept." With that silent sobs came from Naruto but Sora hugged him, "Shhhhhh...Shhhhhhhh, It'll be alright." He rubbed Naruto's back and Naruto cryed out loud for the first time in over a decade. For half an hour he sobbed, When it was over he silently thanked Sora before he went into the bathroom.

Shiroi had just woken when she heard the door close and wondered why she could smell something... primal in her master's house. So, being the curious fox kit she is, she hopped out of the bed and stretched then trotted out into the living room. She saw the silver haired man and she immediatly knew he didn't mean her master harm. After all how could one with such a calmly primal smell do harm? So she trotted upto the man and pawwed at his leg until he looked down.

Sora smiled brightly seeing the little kit. "well well Shiroi-chan its good to meet you!" She kept pawwing until Sora realized what she wanted. He bent down and picked her up then started to scratch a perticularly sensative spot behind her ear and she mewled before purring loudly at his ministrations. When Naruto walked out he smiled seeing his little friend get along with his new brother.

"Sorry about her Sora-Nii-san. I swear she's such an attention hog!" Naruto said teasing her. Sora simply chuckled and Shiroi was content to do a repeat of when they first met. She hid in his coat afterwards and Sora just chuckled at the look of annoyance on Naruto's face.

Sora said "Okay so off to Wolf's Claw to get you outfitted and some basic sealing supplies and weights. Oh and while I like being called brother don't call me that in public it'll be too noticable ok?" Naruto nodded and they left with Naruto locking the door.

Wolf's Claw (Higurashi shop) 1 PM

Tenten looked up as the door chimed to see Sora closely followed by Naruto walk in and start looking around. Since they seemed to know what they were looking for she left them alone. Although she did wonder who Sora was considering no one seemed to want to be around the prankster king from hell. She shrugged it off as a quirk and went back to reading "Weapon Legacy", a catalog of the rarest and most legendary weapons. Somehow they had gotten a photo of the fabled "Twin Silver Dragon Scimitars".

Sora led Naruto over to the clothes and looked around till he found what he was looking for. He shoved it into Naruto's hands and pointed to the dressing room. Naruto entered and reemerged looking a new man. Gone was the orange monstrosity, and now Naruto looked like a true ninja. He had on a black muscle shirt with black cargo pants which had golden flames licking his ankles. He had a Haori like Sora but his was black with blue lightning bolts running from near his ankles to connecting above his tailbone running up his spine and spreading to look like small tree limbs going into his hair and a bolt running to his shoulder. Tenten caught a look and nearly drooled. That kid was HOT when he had some real clothes! ( Common he looks just like his dad! well without the coat covering half his face.

Tenten walked over and said, "I didn't want to say anything but DAMN thats better than what you had before! If you don't buy it, I might just give it to you."

Sora smiled and said, "Good because I want 8 copies of these clothes done in a month is that possible?"

Tenten nodded and said, "sure but it'll cost you about $1,000 because those clothes are extra durable and have growth and repair seals on them."

Sora's smile got even wider, "Even better! we will also need about 30 sets of kunai and shuriken, 5 rolls of ninja wire, 2 cases of exploding tags, 3 sets of beginners sealing, and ANBU shin and forearm guards. Hmmmmm better make that 3 sets of those gaurds. Oh and chakra weights but not the ones that drain chakra."

Tenten gapped and said, "Ye-Yes sir! That'll be about another $2,000 on top cause the ANBU gaurds are expensive."

Sora nodded and replied, "Done glad to have done business with you, Miss..."

"Tenten, Tenten Higurashi glad to be of service." Tenten replied.

"Names Sora Ryu, and this hatchling is Naruto Uzumaki." Sora said and Naruto smiled again and turned back to the mirror admiring that he now had GOOD clothes.

"Thanks Tenten and you too Sora. I can't believe I used to wear that orange ... THING.", Naruto said. It was now that Shiroi decided to come out from under the pile of orange and when Tenten saw her... well lets just say she had a fangirl moment: "KAWAII!" Tenten screamed and glomped the now happy kit because Tenten was hitting that tender area again.

Sora and Naruto shook their heads and allowed Tenten to pamper Shiroi while gathering the requested items. It was rather humorous to see Shiroi in one hand and boxes of things in another. When all was said, done, and paid for they left the shop with a promise of shopping their again and headed to Naruto's house.

When they got there, Naruto unpacked the 2 sets they had in stock and all his equipment and stashed it away. Sora looked at Shiroi and remembered how Naruto met her.

"Say Naruto doesn't Shiroi need a checkup?" Sora asked.

"Hmmmmm ya probably. Hold on lemme finish and we can go and get some dinner afterwards." Naruto replied

"Hey wait howed you know that?" Naruto asked.

Sora sighed and said, "I don't like doing it but lieing to a dragon is immpossible. A branchoff that I developed of this ability allows me to read a persons mind for up to a day. However since your have manifested a Dragon Soul it allowed me to see your whole life. This is how I know who your parents are and what happened. I'm sorry if you feel violated but i was not expecting to see everything maybe just the last few days."

Naruto nodded and replied, "EHHHHH well I guess its OK. Promise to tell me about your life later?" Sora nodded, "Then fine just don't do it again!" Sora nodded once more.

Sora said, "Listen summon a clone and have it dispel your others slowly while we walk." Naruto did so and they started walking to the Inuzuka compound.

Inside the Clinic

Hana had just finished checking the dogs for the Inuzuka when a man she knew far too well for her own liking walked in. She cursed that the Haumaru triplets were still asleep from their treatments. His name was Shinsui Ayasegawa and he was the son of a civilian council member. He was a short little thing about 5' 1'' and 28 years old yet he kept coming in every week to harrass and ogle her every chance he got. He'd been after her for months now and she was tired of it! Still he WAS a customer.

She smiled falsely and said, "Hello Ayasegawa-san, I assume you are here for little Shunshin's checkup?"

He smiled broadly back and replied, "Of course. Your the only one I let take of my little Shunshin-kun, Hana-chan."

Gods she wanted to punch him! What gave him the right to call her Hana-chan! Once again she swallowed her pride to perform her duty as a veternarian.

She kept on smiling and replied, "Thank you for your continued business. We appreciate it."

It was about this time that Sora and Naruto walked into the clinic. Hana was too busy trying to get away from this guy that she didn't even notice but Naruto frowned and whispered to Sora, "That guy is a councilman's son, Shinsui Ayasegawa. He's been harrassing Hana-chan for months now. I'm surprised her feral side hasn't kicked in and ripped him apart." (yes people Naruto is finally learning so get used to him actually being observant!)

Sora nodded and replied, "You still keep that recorder on you?" Naruto nodded. "Good keep it going, we may be able to catch him in the act." Naruto smirked devilishly and handed Sora the recorder. Sora made some handsigns and they both disappeared from veiw under a Genjutsu.

Hana took the little poodle from Shinsui and headed towards the back with him in tow. However neither noticed the slight shimmering in the air where two men and a fox kit were following silently. She got to the back and while she knew the man was ogling everything he could see she proceeded with her examination. She tried to hurry but unluckily it seemed little Shunshin had a swallowed something solid and she had to do four jutsu just to determine if it was hurtful or not. Lucky for the dog, it wasn't but Hana had to keep hearing the boring dribble from Shinsui.

"So Hana-chan, how is Shunshin-kun?" He asked

"well he has a small solid object in his intestinal tract but it'll pass soon so don't worry about it." Hana replied.

"Well then how about I pay you for this and we can talk about something a little more personal." Shunsui replied while getting closer to Hana. He did not phrase this as a question.

By now Hana was nervous, the civilian council was well known to take care of its family members and if she turned him down her whole clan could suffer the consequences. On the other hand, her feral side was screaming for her to rip his head off because he was NOWHERE near mate material let alone alpha status. She decided to go with a mixture and flatly refuse while trying to make sure he didn't tell his dad something stupid.

"Please pay and then leave Ayasegawa-san. I have nothing I wish to speak to you personally about." She replied curtly.

Now Shunsui Ayasegawa was not used to being turned down. As a matter of fact, only one had ignored his advances and she was standing in front of him. He did NOT take no for an answer. After all, he was a councilmember's son. Who would turn down a date with one of the most influential people in town? Now this Inuzuka bitch had not only spurned his advances but turned down his offer! He was PISSED!

"Now see here," Shunsui said as he grabbed her wrist,"My father is on the council. You have ignored my advances for months now and when I offer to take you on a date you flat out refuse me? Who do you think you are?"

By this time, Naruto was pissed enough to jump in but Sora kept him back silently motioning that they needed more evidence.

"ADVANCES?" Hana said incredously, "you did not make advances on me. You ogled me every chance you got! I do not want to date you and I refuse to do so!"

"Those are my advances!" He replied, "You should be honored to be picked by me as a girlfriend." He smirked devilishly, "And, if you do not, then I will just have to tell my dad that you have been overcharging me for my 'visits'. After all, who really knows what goes on back here?"

Hana was now officially done with him, "LEAVE and tell your father whatever you want too! I have done nothing of the sort and you know it!"

"Perhaps but I WILL have you Hana-chan one way or another." He replied before he found himself hurled down the hall and into the waiting room which was now occupied by none other than Kuromaru and Tsume Inuzuka The clan head.

"What is going on here?" Tsume asked.

Time Warp: 5 minutes earlier

Tsume was in her office silently enjoying some Jasmine tea when Kuromaru's head popped up and his nose seemed to go into overdrive.

"It can't be!" Kuromaru said in shock when he realized the scent. He stood up and headed for the door trying to follow it.

"Kuromaru what is it?" Tsume asked wondering what could make her partner act so strange.

"No time Tsume, follow me. If I'm right, then this village is about to be shaken to its core!" Kuromaru said.

Tsume stood stunned until they both took off, Tsume following Kuromaru closely. They eventually found themselves standing in the clinic's waiting room when Shunsui came flying through the hallway. and Tsume said, "What is going on here?"

Present time

Hana was stunned! She had just thrown a customer almost into her mother! She was gonna get in trouble now she just knew it. It didn't matter if she had a legitimate reason her mom would never let her live it down!

Suddenly an ANBU showed up and said, "Ayasegawa-san, your father is looking for you please head home immediatly."

The man nodded dumbly then scooped up his dog and ran like a bat outta hell. As soon as the door was closed Naruto and Sora walked out of the back. When Kuromaru saw Sora he froze in shock. Sora stared at this familiar looking dog until it dawned on him. "Kuro-chan?" Sora said incredously.

Tsume looked at the man and then busted out laughing followed soon after by everyone except the old dog who was now growling at Sora.

Wiping a tear from his eye, Sora said, "I'm sorry it was just too good. How are you Kuromaru? All grown up now. I'm sure you have your own litter to worry about."

Kuromaru smiled, well as best a dog can smile, "Indeed and I am just fine thank you Ryuujin-dono."

By now, The others were confused although Naruto guessed that was Sora's title. Sora walked upto Kuromaru and knelt then hugged him. "Good to see you old friend.""Likewise."

Tsume was never a patient woman and it showed with the throbbing vein on her forehead. "Ok, what's going on? First, I find my daughter harrassing a customer, then Naruto Uzumaki and some guy show up outta nowehere and now your acting like old friends! Kuro explain!"

Hana was visibly ashamed but that disappeared when Sora held up a recorder and the conversation was played back for Tsume. Lets just say she chose some words that are better for readers over the age of 3,000 shall we?

Tsume sighed and looked at Sora, "Thank you for this. I wouldn't want Hana-chan to get in trouble for no reason."

Sora smiled and said, "don't thank me. thank the kid. He's the one who carries a recorder."

Naruto smirks and says, "Never know what you can find out and it helps to have proof."

Tsume smirks and Hana blushes finally noticing Naruto's new gear. 'What the hell? I'm blushing! But hes 4 years younger than me! Get it together Hana. Still was he always that buff?'

Sora notices the blush but decides to ignore it. "Listen why don't you close the clinic early and we can talk in your home because I don't feel entirely comfortable repeating everything out here."

Tsume nods and says, "Very well but this better be good."

Kuromaru chuckles, "If he is going to say what I think hes gonna say, trust me Tsume, you'll be gobsmacked by the end of it."

That Night: 7 PM Dinner at Inuzuka's

"I ordered some steak shish-kabobs from Akimichi's. They will be here soon so can we get this started?" Tsume asked

Sora looked at Kuromaru, "Your honest voice old friend, What do they think of Naruto?"

Everyone seemed surprised at the question but Kuromaru answered anyways, "The council can't stand him and will do ANYTHING to keep him from having any type of friendship. Hana risked her livelihood to treat the animals he brought in. Tsume has always supported him in votes but she is always in the minority."

Tsume and Hana looked outraged that he gave away such info so willingly. "Calm yourselves ladies. Thank you Kuro. I know it wasn't easy to do that.' (after a nod from kuro and glares from the women) Sora sighed. "well I will be honest with you, My name is Sora Ryu. My title is Ryuujin as Kuro said and I need your solemn promise that nothing said after this will be heard from those outside this room and that includes your Hokage and council."

They looked sceptical at first but Kuromaru spoke up, "Promise him ladies. He will tell you everything. When it is done, you will know why he swore you to secrecy."

They looked at Sora then at Kuromaru again and sighed, "We promise on our Fangs and Claws we shall not breathe a word of this to others."

The doorbell rang and the food was delivered and served as they munched Kuromaru looked at Sora who put up the silencing seal nodded and began to explain everything from the time he arrived in Konoha to his seeing of naruto's memories and how screwed up his learning was to his meeting them in the clinic surprising even Naruto.

Tsume sighed, "that is alot to take in. If Kuromaru hadn't backed you up, I wouldn't believe you."

Sora nodded, "I know but believe me. I would not lie to friends of Kuromaru's"

Hana looked at Naruto and asked, "Naruto is what Sora-san said true? Were you really under that seal, and deliberatly not taught?"

Naruto looked down and then replied, "Hai Hana-chan. Luckily Sora Nii-san found me, and we have begun to reverse the affects."

Sora looked at Tsume, "Is it true that the civilian council is keeping women away from Naruto so he won't be able to have children?"

Naruto looked shocked. Hana hung her head in shame and actually felt tears welling up at that though. She had known her mother told her to keep her distance but she didn't know the council was forcing her hand. That was horrible!

Tsume sighed and her eyes glistened, "Yes they are. They told all the clan heads that if any woman got closs to the 'demon brat' she wouldn't live to see another sunrise with the ability to produce children. They supposedly have Danzo backing them but no one can prove it."

Sora scowled and Naruto looked close to tears along, while Hana was outright crying.

Hana sniffed and looked at Tsume, "Why didn't you tell me? You just told me to stay away!"

Naruto stiffended and when he looked at Hana thought, 'so she's just like them too huh? guess I can't blame her'

Tsume's eyes were still down when she replied, "I knew you liked to see his smiling face everyday and he always brought those animals to the clinic. Personally I was hoping he could brighten your day and perhaps you could return the favor."

Hana scowled, "He does brighten my day! As for the Council, I wouldn't have cared. Naruto's probably the kindest man I know! He doesn't deserve to be treated this way mom!"

Sora was smirking thinking, 'well well well just maybe theres hope for you yet hatchling'

Naruto stared in shock at Hana's proclamation, 'She... She just stood up for me! Did I misjudge her? Maybe... maybe I was right the first time.' When Hana looked at Naruto she got the first look at Naruto's true smile. While not as wide as his famous foxy grins, this one caused her heart to practically melt in her ribcage.

"Thank You Hana-chan" Naruto said.

If Hana had been capable of coherent thoughts at the time she might have blushed instead of just smiling goofily instead. Sora chuckled and Tsume smiled thinking, 'Hmmmmm if i play my cards right, I may have little Dragonairs and Dragonettes running around!' She glanced at Kuromaru who had a similar gleam in his eye.

Sora cleared his throat. "well since we are in agreement how about we make plans to take care of this little... situation?"

Tsume looked intrigued, "And what might your plan be?"

Sora smiled widely, "In 3 months, the chunnin exams are being held. I am training Naruto and he will be ready. During the One month break, I will be taking the hatchling to train in the Dragon arts, among other things, for four years."

Naruto stared, "FOUR YEARS! I'll never make it back in time!"

Sora chuckled, "normally no. But where we are going it will be 4 years and it will be one month here. meaning you will age 4 years but everyone else will remain the same."

Kuromaru nodded, "so demension hopping?"

Sora nodded and Hana said, "so when Naruto-kun comes back he will be my age?"

Tsume couldn't pass it up, "So its Naruto-KUN now Hana-chan?"

They chuckled as Naruto and Hana turned beet red.

Sora sighed, "Yes Hana he will be. In any case do you accept this Naruto? If you do, When you return, your heritage can be claimed. No I will not tell you who it is yet but when Naruto learns it I will relay the info if he so wishes."

Naruto nodded, "They already know everything else and yes I accept."

Sora stood and said, "Then Naruto we best be going. And to answer your question Tsume-san, yes his heritage is THAT important. CIAO!"

Sora and Naruto disappeared in a silver lightning bolt and Hana said, "Well at least things will be interesting in three months."

Tsume nodded and headed towards her room, "Indeed, and Hana?"

Hana looked at her mother, "Yes?"

Tsume said, "I approve if you want to. If not, well I'm sure he'll make another woman happy. Maybe I can get him myself?" and she laughed all the way to her room.

Hana blushed at what her mom said but was thinking, 'HELL NO YOU OLD BITTY! WOAH, calm down wild side. still... maybe letting my wild side get near Naruto would be fun?'

Hana chuckled pervertedly and wiped some blood from her nose before turning in for the night.

next chapter
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