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47.61% Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure / Chapter 9: Nigerundayo

Kapitel 9: Nigerundayo

---Namek--- unknown location

Jeice and Burter, were left in utter shock by the unexpected turn of events. The atmosphere was charged with great tension as Recoome, with a power level similar to theirs, was effortlessly defeated by an helmet wearing individual. The mysterious figure, with a voice eerily reminiscent of Zarbon, descended upon the battlefield, leaving Jeice and Burter in a perplexing whirlwind of disbelief.

Jeice exclaimed with shock, his voice trembling as he turned to his friend Burter. "Oi, Burta," he stammered, a perplexed look on his face, "am I in a dream, mate? I can't make any sense of this."

Burter, feeling a mix of confusion and disbelief, skeptically pinched his right cheek and replied with the same expression. "No, I think this is pretty real," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Jeice yelled in frustration, his face contorted with anger, while forcefully tugging at his hair. "Damn it!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disappointment and rage. "That makes it two people from our force that died. Now our special pose, the one we meticulously crafted and perfected, is completely ruined."

Burter, known for his incredible speed, swiftly moved towards Jeice. As he approached him, he whispered softly while still keeping an eye on their opponent, "Jeice, my friend, you won't believe the power level that I just detected using my scouter. "

Jeice willingly complied and pressed the small button on the side of his scouter. It emitted a series of sounds before evaluating the masked man, also known as Zarbon, and revealing his power level to Jeice after a brief moment.

Burter eyes widened in astonishment as he exclaimed, "No way! 10... 10,000. That's absolutely different from before. How in the world did he manage to defeat Recoome with just that? This guy is a complete dud."

Jeice laughed arrogantly, the sound of his booming laughter echoing through the room. He responded, a sneer on his face, saying, "You are right, Mate. He just got a lucky blow in, catching Recoome off guard with a flurry of attacks that he wasn't prepared for." Jeice's face contorted into a mix of frustration and determination as he prepared to retaliate, silently vowing to make his opponent pay for their audacity.

Burter furrowed his brows in response to Jeice's remark, before retorting, "I doubt he's any challenge for us. You know how Recoome enjoys toying with his prey."

Jeice nodded confidently and smirked, replying, "Yeah, this guy is probly quaking in his boots right now. No way some helmet wearing freak stands a chance against the legendary Ginyu Force. Come on, Burter, let's show him our unstoppable power."

After coming to a mutual agreement on their next action, both of them sprung into the air, effortlessly executing multiple flips before gracefully landing several meters apart from the helmet wearing man. With a resounding voice, Jeice proclaimed, "Prepare yourselves for the legendary Ginyu Force!" With a series of peculiar yet coordinated movements, he struck a distinctive pose, and proudly announced his name, "Jeice!"

Burter executed identical movements to Jeice, but adopted a distinct pose and thundered, "Brace yourselves for Burter - your worst nightmare."

While observing their peculiar actions, Zarbon concealed a smirk beneath his mask. He chose to borrow a line from a particular someone, asking, "Do you wanna dance or fight?"

The statement unsettled the members of the Ginyu Force, but they maintained their composure. As elite warriors, they leaped once more. Burter landed stealthily behind Zarbon, while Jeice positioned himself in front. With an air of confidence, Jeice taunted, "Alright, little barbie! Prepare to witness why it's unwise to face the mighty Ginyu F—" Before he could finish his sentence, Zarbon swiftly delivered a punch, squarely striking Jeice in the face.

Jeice exclaimed "Arrrrrrg!" as he quickly retreated, clutching his face in pain. Meanwhile, behind Zarbon, Burter wore a shocked expression, witnessing the unexpected turn of events.

On the flip side, Zarbon, exuding brash confidence, playfully muttered, "Just hush and become my experience, Brench-seijin." In the blink of an eye, his words barely escaping his lips, he swiftly vanished from sight, leaving no trace behind. And then, as if emerging from the shadows, he materialized soundlessly behind Jeice, his movements executed with deadly precision. With lightning speed, Zarbon locked his right arm around Jeice's vulnerable neck, while simultaneously pinching his nose with his left hand, rendering Jeice helpless and gasping for air.

Additionally, He wrapped his legs around Jeice's weist and plunged to the ground with Jeice's body atop his while maintaining a firm and fierce hold. Perched atop Zarbon, Jeice reached out his arm towards Burter, his voice trembling with a desperate plea, "Burta... please... help... me..."

Jeice's voice jolted Burter from his daze. Without hesitation, Burter dashed forward to aid his comrade. Though tempted to unleash a ki blast, he refrained, mindful of the collateral damage it might cause. Stepping closer to Zarbon's fallen head, Burter mercilessly stomped on the hemet, each impact resounding with his fury.

"Release Jeice! Release him!" he shouted vehemently while relentlessly stomping on the peculiar helmet.

Meanwhile, consumed by his fervor to aid his ally, Burter momentarily overlooked a critical detail – the masked man was not their sole adversary in this battle. As if appearing out of thin air, two small figures emerged behind Burter, their determination palpable as they launched a resolute assault on Burter's vulnerable neck. The impact sent him hurtling through the air, suspended several meters from the ground. Struggling to regain his composure, Burter executed a remarkable mid-air maneuver, his body twisting and contorting with agile precision, until he eventually landed on all fours, gasping for breath.

Yet in the midst of his disorientation, fate had a bitter surprise in store for Burter. Materializing directly above him, Vegeta, descended with undeniable force, delivering a brutal double-knee strike that caused Burter's body to bend unnaturally. This unforeseen attack left him momentarily defenseless, his body wracked with pain.

Seizing the opportune moment, Vegeta displayed his finesse and agility, executing a flawless backflip that served as both a testament to his skill and a means to position himself beside Burter's feet. With unwavering determination, Vegeta firmly gripped Burter's right foot, his hands latching onto the member, ready to set his plan into motion.

Initiating a rapid and vigorous rotation, akin to the spinning motion of a majestic Beyblade, Vegeta unleashed a formidable force. The dizzying spin intensified, reaching its climactic zenith, as Burter found himself hurtling skyward, ascending several dozen meters into the vast expanse of the Namekian sky.

In a breathtaking display, he Prince of all Saiyans summoned a powerful surge of ki. The aura around Vegeta crackled with an electric intensity as he channeled his energy, forming two radiant, yellow spheres of pure, untamed power. Each sphere pulsated with energy, containing the raw strength and confidence that Vegeta possessed.

As he focused all his attention on his attack, his ki grew stronger, merging the two spheres into one. The fusion was seamless, and the sphere began to grow exponentially in size, its luminosity captivating all who beheld it. Its brilliance illuminated the heavens above and cast a surreal glow over the surrounding landscape.

With a confident push, Vegeta unleashed the mighty wave, propelling it towards Burter with incredible speed and precision. The sheer speed and force behind the attack left no time for reaction, as the unstoppable surge bore down on its target. The sphere, now a roaring tidal wave of power, surged forward, unleashing a relentless onslaught upon Burter.

The moment of impact was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The colossal wave engulfed Burter in an explosion of blinding light, illuminating the heavens above and shattering the serenity of the once tranquil landscape. The sheer magnitude of the explosion sent shockwaves rippling through the terrain, uprooting a few trees and stirring the very air itself. It was a testament to the immense power that Vegeta had unleashed.

Thick heavy fiery smoke engulfed Burter's form after the explosion, shrouding him in a veil of mystery. As the smoke slowly dissipated, it revealed a heavily injured Burter, his once pristine battle armor nothing but a memory as it lay reduced to complete ashes. His scouter suffered the same fate, leaving him without any means of gauging his opponent's power.

With several burn marks adorning his upper body, Burter grimaced in pain, his rage fueling his words. "You lousy Saiyan, how dare you butt in my fight!" he yelled with extreme anger.

Vegeta, ever the arrogant one, smirked as he retorted, "Your fight? Last time I remembered, this is a battlefield, not a one-on-one arena."

Aroused by the taunt, Burter, still catching his breath, responded with determination. "You'll pay for this!" With a burst of adrenaline, he lunged at Vegeta with breakneck speed, determined to make him regret his interference.

In the blink of an eye, Burter arrived at Vegeta's location and swiftly unleashed a powerful attack, connecting with Vegeta's left cheek. The force of the blow sent Vegeta sliding back several meters, struggling to regain his footing.

After stabilizing himself from the surprise attack, Vegeta cracked his neck, a hint of a smirk forming on his lips. "You pack quite the punch, but I have gotten stronger after enduring several near-death experiences. At the level where I am right now, you are no match for me."

As the weight of Vegeta's words settled in, a fearful realization dawned on Burter. Without a moment of hesitation, he swiftly leaped into the sky and flew away, leaving Vegeta momentarily stunned by his cowardice. In a fit of frustration, Vegeta threw a powerful ki wave in Burter's direction, hoping to strike him down for his audacity.

However, with astonishing speed and graceful movements, Burter evaded the attack, effortlessly weaving away from the energy blast. His focus remained solely on making his escape, leaving Jeice behind him, not daring to look back.

On the opposite end of the battlefield, Zarbon had completely drained Jeice's life force, leading to the demise of the Ginyu Force member. Rising from the ground, Zarbon cast a brief glance at Krillin and Gohan, expressing his gratitude, "Thanks, guys, for the assistance."

Gohan smiled and nodded, asking, "Mr. Zarbon, are you alright?"

Zarbon removed his helmet, revealing a handsome face with chiseled features. With a mischievous grin spreading across his lips, he confidently declared, "These fellows are a breeze," his voice laced with a hint of confidence.

Krillin, who was standing next to Gohan, nervously remarked, "A breeze? Man, I thought we were toast for sure! It's a good thing you came just in time to lend a hand and save the day."

While they were engrossed in their conversation, they suddenly noticed a round spaceship, gleaming with an powerful aura, gracefully cutting through the vibrant Namekian sky in a majestic arc. Their eyes followed its trajectory until it landed far away, leaving them in awe of the new arrival on Namek.

Krillin's face lit up with joy as he exclaimed, "It's Goku! He has finally arrived!"

Gohan mirrored Krillin's expression and replied, "Woohoo... Dad has finally come."

Zarbon's smile concealed his thoughts, 'Ah, Goku has arrived at last. It's time to put my 'Goku Shuttle' plan into action, also known as the clever strategy of hitching a ride on Goku's back.'

In the meantime, just a few meters away from them, Vegeta's eyes narrowed as his gaze fixed upon the direction where the ship had gracefully landed. With an air of superiority, he declared with absolute certainty, "You fools... Kakarot's arrival on Namek will not change anything." His voice dripped with disdain and his piercing stare bore into the earthlings, highlighting his utter disgust.

Just as He finished his sentence, an individual appeared right next to Gohan, which startled the youth slightly. However, suddenly Gahan's facial expression soon underwent a change from apprehension to pure childlike joy as he exclaimed "dad!" and threw himself at his father. Gohan's father, the man known as Goku, his spiky black hair contrasting against the bright sunlight. With a warm smile on his face, Goku picked up his child in his arms, enveloping him in a tight embrace. The familiarity of his father's scent and the strength of his embrace brought a sense of comfort and security to Gohan, washing away the fears and uncertainties that had plagued him. As Goku held his son, he whispered softly, assuring him that everything was going to be alright. In that beautiful moment, father and son were reunited, their bond stronger than ever before Oh and Krillin was there too.

----Namek---- Ginyu force assissted death location---- Zarbon's Pov

Silent and awestruck, I stood there, my eyes fixated on Goku, my childhood hero, now miraculously brought to life before me. Words failed to form as a flood of emotions overwhelmed me, threatening to spill over in the form of tears. To the world, Goku may have been seen merely as a dumb Shonen character, but to me, he represented so much more - a beacon of hope and strength that guided me through the darkest moments of my life.

Aware of the significance of this moment, I graciously stepped back, allowing Goku the space he needed to reunite with his child and best friend. Time seemed to stand still as he engaged in a brief interlude, reconnecting with those who shared his journey. And then, in a heartwarming gesture, Goku approached me, his voice filled with warmth.

"Hey, Zarbon," he spoke, his hands clasped together, offering a slight bow. "I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for aiding Krillin and Gohan in their time of need. Your support and willingness to lend a helping hand have made a really big difference. Thank you."

In that instant, my heart swelled with a mix of joy, pride, and gratitude. The connection I felt with Goku went beyond admiration; it was a profound bond forged through shared experiences and the profound impact he had on my life.

But being who I was I simply smiled and stated with an emotional voice " No problem. But how do you know my name?"

He replied " I don't know I just felt it from Krillin"

I shook my head in disbelief at his absurdity. Playfully, I decided to taunt him. Utilizing the newfound power I had acquired from Guldo - the ability to freeze time - I took a deep breath and activated it, pausing the world in its tracks. Swiftly, I lunged towards him, snatching the pouch from around his waist, knowing it held the amazing senzu beans. With a release of breath, time resumed its normal flow.

I soon heard Goku exclaim "Oh no" as he looked at his waist and around him

Krillin anxiously asked, "What's the matter Goku?"

Goku then replied with a slightly frustrated expression, "Oops! Looks like I lost the senzu beans I received from Korin."

Gohan and Krillin stumbled backwards in a hilariously awkward manner, their feet awkwardly tangled up in the air.

Then, Krillin shook his head as he stood up, a warm smile gracing his face as he playfully remarked, "Goku, your carefree nature never fails to amaze me!"

With a mischievous grin,angled the pouch in front of them and teasingly asked, "Looking for something?"

"HUH!?" Everyone was surprised at my speed.

Goku stated with a wide eyed expression " How...How did you get it so fast. I didn't even feel your ki!"

I flashed a confident smirk and replied " I have my ways"

I tossed him the pouch with the beans still intact. Goku thanked me as he held it close to his chest and tied it around his waist.

Krillin then looked at me in awe and exclaimed " You're amazing! I couldn't even see you"

I chuckled and replied " We should leave from here, I can feel two powerful ki signatures headed this way swiftly." With that being stated, I lept up into the sky and utilized my ki to defy gravity then propelled myself away at an astonishing speed.

After Flying away for a while, I felt two ki behind and glanced in that direction, I spotted krillin, and Gohan following me but no Goku or Vegeta.

I exclaimed " where is your dad Gohan?"

He replied with evident frustration " He decided to stay back and fight those aproaching ki with Vegeta but he told us to leave with you."

As soon as He finished speaking, we all heard a loud explosion coming from the location we just departed from. We all stopped and looked in the distance where there was a gigantic dust cloud.

Gohan yelled "dad!" and wanted to fly back but I appeared before him and karate chopped the back of his neck knocking him out instantly. I then grabbed him and slung him atop my shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

Krillin stared at me in utter disbelief and exclaimed, "Why on earth would you do something like that?"

"I had to" I replied with a serious tone, "if I didn't he would have gone there to get himself killed"

He nodded in understanding then furrowed his brows while locking gazes with me " Take Gohan away I'll go help them" he courageously stated.

I shook my head at his ridiculous statement and replied " don't waste your time. If Frieza is back there like I think, you'll just get killed"

He clenched his fist most likely in frustration at his inability to assist his best friend. In the next instant, I felt a very powerful chi approaching so I yelled " grab my hand Krillin"

he was startled by my alarm and replied " W-why?"

I yelled back "just do as I say, can't you feel that crazy powerful ki chasing after us."

His eyes widened like saucers, reflecting the mix of awe and shock in his gaze. Without a moment's hesitation, he reached out and placed his trembling hand in mine. Aware of the limited time we had, I took a deep breath, feeling the rush of energy surge through my veins. With a surge of power, I activated the ability I absorb- cough cough- Guldo graced me with - Time Freeze-. As if commanded by my will, the world around us came to an abrupt standstill, frozen in time.

Empowered by my ki, I slung Krillin atop my should and held him with a firm grasp, ensuring a secure grip before propelling us forward with every ounce of strength I could summon. the demand for air grew more intense with each passing second. Just as the breath in my lungs dwindled, the strain of my ability took its toll, causing the disabling of the Time Freeze.

As I desperately gasped for the much-needed oxygen, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer usefulness of this incredible ability.

Krillin, who was now perched comfortably on my shoulder, tilted his head and furrowed his brow in confusion. Uttering a bewildered question, he asked, "How did I end up here?"

I replied " Long story, Just know that I am faster than you so if you wanna live hang on tight"

Taking one more deep breath, I inhaled as much air as my lungs could allow, preparing myself . With a surge of latent energy, I activated my secret ability - Time Freeze, bringing the world around me to a standstill.

As soon as the ability was activated I did not waste an ounce of time and dashed as fast as I could, going further and further away from the individual pursuing us. Once again I ran out of air and time freeze deactivated. I could feel my ki dwindling rapidly because of my use of the ability in such successive fashion. Also, I could still feel the individual pursuing us with even more speed. 'Damned Frieza! why is he so relentless' I thought silently. He was approaching very fast and I could use Time freeze only one more time , this was a very though situation. " reduce your power all the way down to zero krillin and make sure you inhale a lot of air" I stated urgently

Krillin, with a worried expression on his face, quickly replied, "Okay, umm... do you have a plan? 'Cause this Frieza guy is moving on us scary fast." Feeling the urgency, he then did as I said and lowered his ki to abysmal levels, with the intent to remain undetected.

I said, "Yeah, let's reduce our power level all the way down and hide in the water, so make sure you take a lot of deep breaths!"

"Wait wha-" He exclaimed, but it was already too late, as I had already activated -Time Freeze-

As I activated my ability, the world around me froze, granting me even greater speed. Within moments, I dove into the depths of Namek's waters. There, I consciously lowered my power to triple digits, unable to suppress it completely like the earthlings. Though I could feel time freezing slipping away, I swiftly created three kiai spheres, the spheres were circular and will allow us to breathe underwater. Furthermore, It will to protect myself, Gohan, and Krillin from drowning once the time freeze wore off. True to my expectations, time resumed its course as the ability deactivated.

I couldn't help but notice Krillin, his wide-eyed gaze darting around in sheer astonishment. We went from soaring through the open skies in one moment to being completely submerged in the Namekian waters the next. With an unwavering grip on Gohan, I gracefully guided us through the depths, beckoning for Krillin to follow suit. Deeper we delved into the Namekian sea.

I then made a hand sign toward Krillin with my now free left hand to tell him to wait. He made a thumbs up sign to signify he understood. I attuned my ki sense and soon felt Frieza's humongous ki crashing against my senses, He was still in the area, most likely looking for us since both Gohan and Krillin likely disappeared off the Scouter. A look of concern etched across my face as I realized that despite my efforts to lower my power level to just above 100, the Scouter will still detect my presence, while remaining oblivious to the earthlings.

Suddenly, the tranquil silence was shattered by a series of thunderous booms that reverberated through the air and sent tremors even beneath the water's surface. With a sense of urgency, my eyes fixed on the mesmerizing sight of several intense purple-hued ki blasts hurtling down into the vast expanse of the water. Reacting swiftly, I extended my hand towards the imminent threat, activating my unique ability - absorption - it allowed me to effortlessly suck in each and every blast that I touched that dared to approach our vicinity. The chaotic dance of destruction continued unabated, causing the very foundation of the land above and the water surrounding us to convulse violently, consumed by the explosive forces unleashed by the relentless ki blasts.

I inwardly muttered, 'Frieza, you ruthless bastard, just continue to provide me with your ki. I promise, I will make you deeply regret this decision.'

Ki blasts continued relentlessly, cascading in every direction, both underwater and above, unabated for what seemed like an eternity. The powerful torrents eventually ceased abruptly, leaving behind an eerie calm. With heightened awareness from my ki sense, I detected his departure, as he swiftly soared away. Despite his retreat, I chose to remain submerged alongside my companions, biding our time until he disappeared into the distance, where his presence could no longer be easily detected without concentrated effort.

After finally coming out of the water, I gasped for air even though I wasn't really holding my breath underwater, but the pressure of the onslaught had really stressed me out.

Floating in mid-air, we witnessed a scene of complete devastation. The small islands around us were wiped out, leaving only the larger ones and vast landmasses relatively intact, albeit marked by huge craters billowing with smoke. The three Namekian suns dimmed as sunlight struggled to break through the haze. Together, we couldn't believe our eyes as we beheld this incredible panorama of destruction. Every hill and mountain in sight, as far as my eyes could see, had been reduced to rubble, making it clear that hiding there would have spelled our doom. "Frieza really went ape shit," I whispered. Suddenly, my vision blurred, my body grew heavy, and consciousness slipped away, almost as if reflecting my inner thought, "Oh, Shit!"

---Author Notes----

Hello everyone! Please feel free to comment on how you like it so far. Get ready for some thrilling moments ahead as things are about to get really exciting. Expect intense fights and more excitement coming your way!

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