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95.23% Downpour... / Chapter 20: Chapter 20 “Pandora’s Box”

Kapitel 20: Chapter 20 “Pandora’s Box”

Yin Ivy Lee's POV

There has been an upgrade with my security team, both Yuan and Yang hired bodyguards for me even though I could have done that myself. A group of private investigators were already looking for my mom…

"Yin! I heard you're flying to the east coast hotel this Friday, can I come?" asked Yang, he was hanging out with me a lot these days actually after the incident he keeps going here to the point that he brings his work and does it here

"Who's flying this Friday?" Said Yuan when he entered my office… This guy right here visits whenever he has time and I don't know how he runs the company but, HE HAS A LOT OF TIME…

"Yin's flying to east coast hotel this Friday…" Yang answered Yuan's question I don't know when did they become this comfortable with each other…

"I can't accompany you this Friday I have a business trip in Dubai by Thursday and I'll return by Saturday morning…"

"It's fine I'll go early and return by night anyway…" I said

"Don't worry I'll come with her…"

"Ahhh… wait!! I didn't agree with that…"

"Byeol isn't it better if you're with Ivan?"

"He's right we don't know what will happen…"

"Fine… Yang, come with me on Friday…"

"Sure!! Well…since Yuan's here I'm sure he'll keep you company, I'd better go…"

Yang stood up and head for the door…

"Thanks bro" Yuan said…

And Yang waved his hands towards us in response

"How's work?"

"It's fine… How about in your office?"

"Well we're doing great, we're about to expand with jewelries…"

"Is that the reason why you're going to Dubai?"


"Ohh!! That's great…" I said… as I sign some papers

"Byeol, since I'm away for two days you should always be with Ivan…"

"Ummmm… I thought… You don't feel comfortable when I'm with Yang? Since when did you two got so… ummm… casual? Close? Hahahaha! I don't know how to name it…"

"Well… isn't it better that we're doing fine?"

"Actually, I'm very happy that you two have become familiar with each other… it's just kinda weird for me…"

"Your family is also my family…" he smiled and held my hand

"Thank you, Han…"


"Yin!!! I'm really sorry my car suddenly acted up…I should bring it to the shop when we get back"

"I thought you wouldn't come I almost took off without you…"

The wind blows hard as we're at the rooftop of the HQ and the chopper is ready…

"Will you be the one flying this thing?"

"Of course!"

"Well, I heard you're good…"

"Did Yuan tell you?"

"No, I had a friend from the same aviation school in which you took a crash course, he said you were pretty good…"

"Ohhh… We should go…"

"This is Lotus, flying helicopter LGC251004, Lotus HQ towers bound to Lotus East Coast, checking traffic and radar, engine check, engine is fine, requesting permission to take off."

"LGC251004 Permission to take off granted, squawk 01004"

"Copy, ready for takeoff…"

"Ooooh!! You're good at this!! Why are you damn good at everything you do?"

"because I thought mom would like me if I was good at everything…" I said

I guess Yang was taken aback by my answer when I glanced at him, he was staring at me sadly…

"Ohhh!! Come on Yang!! don't look at me like I was never loved by a parent… Daddy was enough…"

"I'm sorry… anyways!! How long would it take to get there?" immediately drifting to another topic…

"4 hours…"

"I see… Flying is really better than travelling by car, very efficient in avoiding the city traffic…"

"Exactly!! If ever we took the car it would have been a 6-8 hours travel…"

"Should I buy a chopper for the company too?"

"HAHAHAHA!! Is it really for the company or for your personal use? I don't think Mr. Zheng would allow you…"

"It's really for the company I swear!!!" then he raised his right arm as if he was pledging…

"Fiiiiinneee if you say sooo…"

Throughout the flight Yang just kept on talking gibberish and taking pictures of the sites that were pretty from above until we landed at the resort

"Should we venture into resorts too in this area?"

"Why not?!"

"Ahhh!! Never mind!! Lotus is such a difficult competitor…"

"Ha!! why don't you just invest in our resort?"

"Ivy!! Yuan?!"

"Hi Tristan!!" I said…

"Duddeee~!! It's been a while!!"

"Yeah!! How have you been man!!"

I feel so out of place with these two guys over here…

"Guys!! Let's go somewhere shady and away from the sun the heat is killing me"

"Ohh right!!"

Tristan was carrying a folded umbrella and opened it, Yang took and held it for me…

"Waaah!! You both were still the same from when we were younger… Yang always took care of you and treated you like a princess… no wonder that the rumors of you dating even after your failed wedding continued…"

"Rumors? Ohhh!! Never heard of it!!"

"Same here!! Never heard of those… Besides Yin is locked by a good person…"

"Oh right! Yuan… why is he not here?"

"He had a business trip in Dubai"

"I'm guessing it's about expanding into jewelries?"


We went to the restaurant of the resort to talk about the matters regarding the upgrading and renovation, we also toured around to see the progress, Tristan never fails I love the outcome of the project though it isn't hundred percent complete yet.

"We had to be back by 8 pm…"

"Why won't you guys just stay here for a night so we could bond, catch up… I think it's going to rain too…"

"Tristan, Yin is such a workaholic…"

"I'm not workaholic… it's just I have a lot of work that needs to be done…"

"Fiiiineee!! As you say…"

"HAHAHA!! Okay!! okay!! Stop bickering… Then just take care on your way back"

"Tristan… your works are always perfect thank you for taking this project"

"Awww!! No problem!!"

Then we took off in no time to head back to the HQ, on our way home the clouds were turning dark and raindrops started falling, I was surprised that my anxiety was milder than before or is it because it's not a car that I'm driving?

"Yin, what are we going to eat when we arrive?"

"Up to you… What do you want to---"

*beep *beep *beep

Then suddenly there was a huge explosion we heard from above

"What was that!!?" Yang exclaimed

"Mayday!! Mayday!!! Lotus LGC251004, engine down!!! Requesting for emergency landing!!!"

"Mayday!! Mayday!! Requesting for emergency landing!!! Damn no one's answering from the control tower…"

The chopper started tilting from side to side and it was getting difficult to control, we were flying over a mountain and there are a lot of tall trees and I'm trying to look for a place to land but there's no space!! Now it's even harder that the rain got heavier.

"Yin!! I trust you!!"

I need to keep calm!! Presence of mind Ivy!!! Come on!!!

"MAYDAY!! MAYDAY!!!" I was adjusting some controls and…

"Yin!!! Yin!!!" I saw Yang pointing at a huge tree ahead and we're about to crash on it… it's getting harder to steer!! At the last minute I was able to avoid the tree.

"just hold on tight!!! I have to find where we can emergency land…"

No, I'm not going to die here, not like this…

"There!!" yang pointed an open space

I think we could land there… but before I could do that there was another explosion from the back…


"Just hold tight!!"

The chopper was tilting like crazy!! And I was trying my best to avoid the trees…


Everything just turned dark and when I opened them, I saw that I managed to land the chopper but it was still a wreck, we went through several trees and through dirt and almost collided on a huge rock… I was so relieved that we were safe… I was quite dizzy but I know that I am fine so I looked at Yang and he was unconscious, his head was bleeding…

"Yang…" my head was still spinning

"Yang…" I reached his shoulders and tapped to wake him up

When I recovered from being dizzy, I went up to him.

"Yang!! Wake up!!!"

"Ahhh… please!!! Yang!!! Wake up… Wake up!!!!"

*Cough *cough


"My God!! Yang!!" I was so glad he woke up so I suddenly gave him a hug…

"can you hear me well?"

He nodded…

"Do you think you can walk? Are you dizzy?"

"I- I'm fine"

"Let's get out of the chopper, I'll help you…"

When we managed to get off the chopper, we went somewhere we won't get rained on too much…

"Are you okay Yin?"

"I am fine… but you… your head…"

"I'll be fine…"

"I need to try calling for help" I took out my phone but there's no network…

"Yang do you have your phone with you?"

He tried looking for it on his pockets…

"I think it's on the chopper…"

I can't go back there it might suddenly explode or something…

"Just where on earth, are we?!?" I said as I got frustrated…

"Relax Yin…"

"Let's just find our way out when the rain stops…"

"It's going to get dark soon…"

"Yin… come sit beside me… don't stand in the rain you'll get sick…"


Ivy texted me that they already left the resort by 4 pm, It's already 8 pm in the country by now, how come she didn't text me yet? Or maybe she's tired? But she always tells me these kind of stuff… she could be busy by now…

"Sir Yuan the director of Spikes jewelries has arrived…"


During the meeting with the director I was thinking of going home after this besides we finished everything we should go earlier than expected and this is the last on my schedule.

The meeting went really well and we were able to come in good terms and close the deal.

"Sir Yuan, I think you need go home now…"

"Yes, we're heading back to the hotel…"

"Sir I mean our country…"

"Why what's wrong?"

My secretary showed me a live broadcast breaking NEWS

"Golden Dragons and Lotus Group's respective chairman are still being located by the control tower they last connected with, their chopper was flying North from the east when they suddenly requested for an emergency landing but after the first call they were immediately off the radar, authorities believed they might have crashed somewhere 400 km away from their origin. The rescue team are doing their best to find the two young chairmen of the companies."

"Book a flight immediately!!"

Yin!!! My God if anything happens to you, I swear to God!! Ohhh… please save her keep them safe!

After booking a flight we immediately flew back to the country. When I arrived, I went straight to the control tower where she was connected with before disappearing from the radar…

"Excuse me officer but have you located her?"

"Not yet…"

It's been several hours since they were missing, I've been in the plane for almost 9 hours and they haven't located them still?!

"Sir!! You must do everything you can to find them!!"

"Sir… we are doing our best and Lotus HQ and mr. Zheng has already deployed their own search and rescue team and are looking around the area of the path they took."

They were reported missing by 6 pm, the news went out by 8 pm it's already 6 am in the morning, they've been gone for 12 hours now, Ivy… just hang in there…

I called my secretary to send more help to the search team of Lotus HQ, I hate this feeling that all I can do is wait…

*Riiiing~ *Riiiing~

"Clair… what's the problem? Any NEWS from Ivy?"

"Sir Yuan we need help…"

"Why what happened?"

"Miss Ivy's mother suddenly appeared and entered Miss Ivy's office she was trying to open the Huge vault on her office, we've already called the security but she threatened us… She said she's the rightful owner of this company… sir what should we do?"

"I'll be right over…"

I called my secretary to call for a lawyer and to find Ethan Mariano's phone number, I remembered Ethan as Ivy's batchmate maybe he could help me out…

When I arrived at the HQ everyone was weary of Yin's mother…

"Where is she?"

"She's at the chairman's office"

When I took a sneak behind the blinds and saw her mother sitting on the Swivel chair. It suddenly occurred to me… She could've done this, maybe she has something to do with the accident, she could be behind this all…

"Excuse me ma'am but I believe Ivy doesn't want you here let me escort you out" I said

"You're my daughter's boyfriend?" she smiled

"Ma'am please…"

"Do you know the password to that vault?���

"No… So please leave before we call the police…"

She just sneered and smiled at me…

"She doesn't own this!! She doesn't deserve any of this!! It's mine!!!"

"Ma'am aren't you concerned about your daughter? she's missing right now!!"

"I've never cared about that child anyway!! Just tell me the code of this vault then I'll leave…"

"What do you want from there anyway?!?"

"The riches of the Lee!!"

"It's not there!! So just leave!!!"


"We've been here for hours it was a little bright earlier but now it's pretty dark…" I said…

Yang didn't answer so I looked at him, he was closing his eyes and was shivering from the cold, he probably lost a lot of blood earlier. The rain just kept on pouring and it's getting colder.

"Yang cover yourself with this…" I was wearing a cardigan and even though it's wet it could help him keep warm…

"What about you?"

"I can manage…"

��Do you think someone's looking for us now?" I asked

"Of course! Dad probably dispatched some people from the company, Lotus probably did the same…"

"Yuan, do you think he already know?"

"Most likely, he'd probably fly back immediately…"

"Are you hungry?" he asked

"I am"

"Then I'll go look for food around the area…"

"Yang… you're injured just stay here I'm fine let's just stay here together…"

"I can't let you starve…"

"No one dies out of hunger for a day just stay here…"

I'm afraid he won't be able to find his way back and with his injured head he might get dizzy along the way or something, or he could get bitten by a snake.

But honestly, I'm just afraid to be left out here in the dark while it's raining just like when I was a kid when I ran to escape my mother and I got lost in the jungle, I was just glad Yuan was there…

"Fine, I'll stay here…" he sat down by the fire we made earlier…

"Come here, let's share this cardigan…" I sat beside him and he covered me with my cardigan as he embraced me, even though he was still shivering he cared for me more.


"Miss Ivy!! Sir Ivan!!"

"What's that" I woke up from the voices I heard calling our names…

"Yang!! Wake up…"

"Sir Ivan!!! Miss Ivy!!!"

"We're Here!!!" I shouted

Rescue teams from both companies are here, as well as Yuan's people…

"Miss Ivy!!"

"I'm fine, please look after Yang he has a huge cut on his head…"

"Yes, Miss Ivy…"

"Miss Ivy"

"Good thing you're here Troy" he's my private investigator

"I want you to investigate about what happened to the chopper, I think there was a foul play…"

"Yes Miss!"

"We're flying back home through a larger chopper…" said the team leader of the rescue team…

We all came back and landed at the city tarmac the ambulance were on standby and I saw Mr. and Mrs. Zheng at the airport

"Miss Ivy I got a call from Clair" Troy handed his phone

I took the phone and Clair said my mother is at the HQ and was trying to open the vault on my office, I guess she still thinks that the shares dad sold for her is still there… I've already arranged that in court and transferred it to my name, she doesn't own a single penny from the company now. Yuan is there trying to get her out of my office and telling her to leave. He can't make her leave that's how thick skinned she is…

I told the people from my company to bring me at the HQ and the rest should just go to the Hospital without me to get Yang treated.

When I saw the office, all of my employees were tensed and I saw Yang standing at the door telling my mother to leave, she was sitting at my swivel chair like a boss…

"What do you want from there anyway?!?" asked Yuan

"The riches of the Lee!!" all she ever cared was our money!! This scheming woman, I wish she was never my mother!!!

"It's not there!! So just leave!!!" I shouted

"My daughter!! Ivy!!! You're alive!! I thought you were missing?" she said mockingly, her eyes were as if she cared but she had a grin on her lips…

"Surprised you weren't able to kill me?!" I said

"Dear how could a mother kill her child?"

"Nothing is impossible with a woman like you… What you're looking for will never be into your hands!!"

"Child!! Obey your mother and just open the vault!!!"

"You really wanted to see for yourself?!"

I opened the vault and showed her that it was all empty, 2 years ago at the villa I asked Tristan to build a secured building for the files and documents and I transferred everything there, the vault in the office had gold bars dad has carefully kept to serve as an emergency source of funds for the company and mom knew he kept that there. How dare she tries to covet it openly.

"Where did you take it?!" she grabbed my shoulders and screamed on my face her eyes were as scary as hell it was the same look I saw when she took and locked me in a house.

She slowly took something from her pocket

"It will all be mine dear…" and placed a red rope on my palm

I froze in place and looked at the rope, there were chills down my spine, I need to keep calm, I shouldn't panic!! After placing the red rope, she immediately left the office…

"Ivy!!" Yuan took the rope and hid it on his pocket and gave me a hug…

I just melted onto his arms my knees were weak, I wanted to scream but there's no voice coming out.

"I'm so glad you're safe… are you hurt?! Your clothes are still wet and dirty I'll take you home so you could change and rest…"

Yuan drove to the villa and I was welcomed by Lady Min who was so worried, she immediately took care of me and help me bathe then she prepared food.

"Lady Min…" I said in a calm voice

"Yes dear, do you need anything?"

"Thank you…" I said and I gave her a hug

"Dear there's no need to thank me, I did it because I love you like my own child…"

When I heard her say that she loved me like her own child I was choked up and cried, she's not even my real mom but she loved me…

"That's the point, I wasn't even your blood and flesh but you loved me from the bottom of your heart, you were always there when I needed a mother, I couldn't thank you enough Lady Min. My mother never took care of me and abandoned me but you were always there, I never get to thank you properly I think now is the time…"

"Dear to tell you honestly, your mother was very happy when she gave birth to you she treasured you like a gem, but one day after she came back from a trip with her friends we noticed she slowly changed she never took care of you and has become very materialistic. She left your father after she took a huge amount of money…"

"Why did she change just like that?"

"We don't know dear"

"Byeol, I've already--- were you crying? Why are you crying?! Come here…" he took my hand and wiped my tears

"I'm fine Han, thank you… were you saying something?"

"I've already talked to the head of the security team, I told them to double the people around and to install more CCTV cameras around the villa…"

"Thank you, Han…"

"no problem…" he patted my head and gave me a hug…


"Yang, you should be in the hospital!!" we were all surprised when Yang appeared out of nowhere.

"Come on it's just a minor injury besides they already gave me some meds… Sooo your mother was really at your office?"

"Yes, she was…"

"But why?"

I narrated everything that has happened. I had enough evidence that she drugged my father which caused him to fell into comma, I plan to take a legal action on that and If I proved that she was behind the chopper accident I will definitely chase her even in hell…

I've already filed a lawsuit she'll get chased by the authorities soon...

"Han, I'm sorry I forgot to ask but when did you arrive in the country?"

"around 5 or 6 am?"

"You haven't slept yet?"

"how could I possibly sleep… you're lost… I was so worried and everything was a mess!! I thought I won't be able to see you again…"

"I'm sorry I got you worried…"

He took my hand and he wrapped me around his arms.

Yang and Yuan spent the whole day at the villa trying to make sure nothing happens, even though I told them that I am completely fine and they should just go home and get some rest but they kept on insisting. Now the both of them are at the living room, lying in separate couches, fast asleep…

"Guys!!! Hey guys wake up!!Let's have dinner!" I called to them so we can have dinner

The two has been asleep for 4 hours…

"Guys, after dinner you two could just go home…"

"I'll stay here, besides I still have things left at the guest house… Yuan you should just sleep in one of the guest rooms here, I'll let you borrow some clothes if you haven't brought anything…"

"Well I still have my luggage I'll just stay here too…"

"Seriously guys!? You know, if you two are just worried I'll be perfectly fine… with all the guards I'm sure nothing will happen…"

"But it's still best if we're here…" Yang said…

"Ahhh!! Have it your way!!" I finished my meal and then suddenly a call came…

"Excuse me…"


"Yes hello?"

"Miss Ivy… We caught her…"

"Really!? Well then thank you police officer!! I'll be at the precinct tomorrow…"


"What's that?" Yuan came to me

"They already caught her I'm going to the precinct tomorrow…"

"We'll come with you…"


It was around 9 am when we went to the precinct and there, I was able to see my mother once more. I talked to her and warned her to never get in my way again if she tries to harm any from my people, I will definitely chase her till the ends of this planet. To me she was never once my mother…

"Do you think, you'll be happy?" she said even before I could walk out from the interrogation room, we were in.

"Just because I'm here doesn't ensure your safety… I can't promise that unless you'll give me everything I want."

"Enough!! Mo!! Ther!! Enough!! Before I lose my control!!"

"Ha!!! as if you could hurt me… Child… I know you're scared…" she gave me a creeping smile

"Yin…You're done here let's go…" Yang took me out of the room…

"Byeol, don't mind what she said, you're stronger than before…"

And, so I thought…

After several investigations the police found out the reason behind the chopper crash and it was proven that my mother planned the whole thing.

She's been in prison for several weeks now and we haven't heard anything about her. Yuan has been busy with his company and Yang has been busy getting a deal from Japanese investors for his company. As for me, well, I've been doing really fine, the usual the work load in the company keeps me occupied and restless…

The three of us were really doing fine until something we didn't expect happened…

It was a Friday night, Yuan called for a dinner somewhere not far out of the city near the seaside we were happily dinning and eating our meals talking about things that happened on a daily basis at work.

After spending 3 hours at the resto just talking, we had to go home eventually as the night deepens and we had work tomorrow

I decided to drive since it's my car that we brought.

"Why don't we travel next month? Maybe abroad?" Yuan said

"That's a great idea!!"

"How about Swiss?"

"Ahh~~ Swiss is really good… let's look for a ticket next week…"

"And I'll do some research about the places we could visit"

I looked at my rear mirror and noticed a black sedan flashing its head lights…

"Do you notice that car at the back?" I said

"That black sedan?"

"Yeah! He's been flashing his headlights… do you think there's a problem? Should we pull over?" I asked

"No! that could be more dangerous, just keep going and don't mind him…"

*Riiiing!! *riiiiinggg!!!

"Han, can you please answer my phone…"

"Sure, where is it?"

"It's on my handbag…"

"Yes hello? I'm sorry but Ivy is still driving she can't attend to the phone who's this?"

"Excuse me?"

"Who was that?"

"Byeol, whatever happens just maintain your speed… I think she's at the car behind us…"

"Who?!? Han! What's happening?" I asked

"Just keep going and maintain your speed don't ever stop! I'm calling the police…"

"Police?! Why? What wrong?!"

"Hello, is it true that miss Ariane has escaped?!" when I heard that I immediately felt terrified…

My mother is at the car behind us? What is she planning this time?

"How could you be so careless!! I think she's tailing us please send some of your men. We're at the northwest side, 15 kilometers away from the city we just came back from The Seaside Haven resto."

"okay please hurry!!"

After the call, I notice the car has been speeding and trying to tighten the gap between us and just a matter of second the car behind us purposely hit the back of my car, I was startled and started speeding up trying to escape and getting hit again.

"Yuan… I'm sorry I got you into this…"

In front of us a huge truck suddenly flashed its head lights and it was so blinding then I suddenly remembered the day of my accident. Everything was in a blur everything was in chaos… We got hit very badly by the car.

When I opened my eyes, I was very dizzy, everything in my head was spinning when I was able to gather my thoughts I looked for Yuan, he was at my side all covered in blood and unconscious I tried to call out for his name but my voice won't come out. I couldn't move my fingers. I wanted to touch him to wake him up but I couldn't move. So, I just kept on looking at him.

I was praying really hard to the heavens to keep him alive…

"Child… I see that you're still alive, why don't you give everything to me?"

"Why won't you talk?! Come on!!!"

I really couldn't understand why would she go this far for money, I'm her daughter!

"Do you want to hear a story before you'll sleep forever like your mom?" ahhh~~ I've kept this for long, but I think it's time to share what's inside the pandora's box"

'Like my mom?' 'pandora's box?' what does she mean?

"There was someone who looks just exactly like me, she had a beautiful life. It was my twin sister… your mother…"

Twins? Does anyone know about this?

"She was chosen and got adopted into a wealthy family, we looked alike but how come she's the only one they took? She had everything in life meanwhile I had to go through tough situations so I could feed myself, she even went to study abroad for a long time meanwhile I almost sold my soul to the demons just so I could feed and live, I wasn't able to go to school, then I heard that your mother got married into a wealthy family. When I thought about it, how come she's the only one that has been lucky? So, one day I decided to meet up with her, when I look at her I was like looking at myself, I want everything that she has. But I hated those looks she gave me, that pitying look she gave me!! We often meet each other but she never introduced me to her family. I was really jealous of what she has that's why one day I invited her at the house where I brought you… do you remember that house honey?"

She went closer to me and whispered…

"I killed your mother there, the red ropes I used to restrain you was the same ropes I used to kill your mother. Then I went at your house and pretended to be your mother I never thought that she had a newborn daughter. I really hate kids they're quite annoying to see, all they do is cry!!"

All this time my real mother was dead and it's not true that she didn't loved me at all it's just she didn't had the chance to show that love… my real mother was killed by her twin sister! I don't know how to process everything! This woman is a psycho!! She's a demon!!

She grabbed onto my neck, she was holding a steel pipe and was ready to swing it into my head then I heard a gunshot!!

next chapter
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