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58.33% Different Sex Story 2 / Chapter 301: Squeezed Together with Mom

Kapitel 301: Squeezed Together with Mom


It wasn't anything planned. It just happened.

My mother is a well-known freelance journalist. She's won countless awards and her articles have been published by dozens of major news outlets around the world. Simply put, she was great at her job and she'd do anything for a major scoop. She was constantly on the search for the next big story.

That 'next big story' didn't come until our safari vacation in Africa. I was on summer break from college and my mother needed the rest. But even under the hot sun and the beautiful surroundings of the African safari, mom was still focused on work, only she didn't know that her "next big story" would lead us towards an exploration of our deepest taboo desires.


That morning I was getting ready in our hotel room, while mom was in the lobby making final planning decisions with our tour guides.

She came into the room with that motivated look she often had when she's excited about something. After all, you can't be successful in her line of work unless you love what you do. She shut the door. She was dressed in cargo shorts and a polo t-shirt, her hair tied in a ponytail, looking like an average American tourist in Africa.

"Big news," she said with a sense of excitement and slight hesitation.

"What is it?"

"I've just heard from our guides that a local tribe will be holding an extremely rare ceremony. Apparently, it only happens once every 50 years."

There was a gleam in her eye as she said this. Knowing her, she was also looking for a big scoop and the next big news item which would be trending. It was clear what this meant to her and she wanted to rearrange our travel plans so she could see this.

"So you want to go?" I asked, knowing the answer.

She gave an awkward smile, "You're damn right."

"Hmmm... why do you sound... you know... weird?" I asked humorously.

"Well, it's going to be a weird day. For both of us, that is."

"Sounds cool. I love weird stuff."

She tensed her body. "Not this weird. Believe me."


She took a deep breath. "First of all, it will only be us and a tour guide on this trip. None of the other travelers want to go. We'll have to sit in the back of a cargo truck for an hour long ride."

"Okay, cool, that sounds doable."

"Secondly," she tensed again, "this is a very primitive tribe. By that, I mean they aren't used to foreigners like us. But I've been assured that this will be very safe. Safety is not a problem whatsoever."

"There's obviously something that's bothering you. Just say it."

Mom gulped. "That brings me to the third point I want to make. This tribe will only trust us if we blend in. You know what that means."

Unfortunately, I didn't have the brain of my mother. I wasn't a worldly person like she was and I didn't have all the knowledge from around the globe that she had.

"No clue," I admitted.

"This tribe is essentially a nudist colony of indigenous people. They have little concept of wearing clothes. We would look like aliens the way we're currently dressed."

It was a shock all right. If I didn't know better, I'd say that my mother was implying that she'd have to be nude as well. But there's no way that would ever happen. Or so I thought...

"What does that mean?" I asked. "You'll have to wear leaves to cover your body parts?"

She shook her head. "Full nudity."

"Really? You mean..."

"I'll have to be completely naked for the rest of the day."

It was the ultimate shock. My first thought was how painfully awkward this would be for us. But by the look on her face and the excitement in her voice, it didn't seem like a big deal to her, mainly because this would be for the advancement of her career and her own personal curiosity.

My second thought was that I would finally be able to see her naked. Like most boys with beautiful mothers, I'd wanted to see her nude at several points in my life. I had lusted after her before. Of course it was nothing obscene or overly perverted, I was certain that most boys had similar feelings. Now that I was a college student, those fantasies had passed. Long forgotten. I hadn't had those thoughts in a while. But now suddenly, it seemed like those dirty fantasies were back in a powerful way.

"Are you going to do it?" I gulped.

This time, I was the one who was tense and awkward.

"I've already told the tour guide that we're going. I'll have to pay extra since this will be a private ride. I'm sorry, but I'll need you to come with me. Recording devices aren't allowed and I won't be allowed to write anything down, either. So I'll need you to help remember these things."

I gulped again. "Do I have to get naked too?"

"Sort of. You're allowed to cover your penis with a small cloth. That's it. I'm the one who has to be fully nude at all times. I'm sorry. This is very last minute. And I know how difficult this must be for you."

If only she knew...

"Actually, I can do it, since it's that important to your career."

She flashed a big smile, "Thank you so much. I promise I'll make it up to you somehow."

Mom approached me and threw her arms around me, giving me a big, suffocating hug. As she squeezed her chest onto mine, I couldn't help but think that I'd soon be able to see those luscious tits of hers.

She broke off the hug and looked me straight in the eyes.

"You know," she said. "You seem so open about this. I can hardly believe it. I figured you would be screaming at me for making you come along."

This surprised me. I had to think of something quick, otherwise she'd think I was some sort of incestuous pervert for wanting this.

"The truth is, I'm struggling inside," I bullshitted. "But it's for the good of humanity. You know, citizens of the world have a duty to learn about each other. It's such an honor for me to be a part of a thing like this, no matter the sacrifice. It's for the greater good, isn't it?"

Mom squinted at me. "Oh, really?"


"Do you really feel that way about the work I do?"

"Of course."

"Then how come I've never heard you speak this passionately before?" she asked inquisitively. "You're usually so passive when I announce my latest project."

"Well, I guess you never asked the right way."

"Or, this is my first job where my tits and everything else would be showing."

"Jeez, mom," I said with genuine discomfort.

She shrugged, "It's the truth. Everything will be showing. That's why you're so open about this."

"Really, mom? I'm doing you a big favor here. I have to walk practically naked in a tribal area in the middle of nowhere. Even worse, I'll have to see my own mom naked. And now you're accusing me of being a pervert? Really?"

Mom gave me a long hard stare. She had that particular stare whenever she wanted to know if I was lying or not. I stood my ground and did my best to deflect. It was like a battle to see who had the stronger will. After a long moment, mom gave up, relaxing her gaze. She couldn't tell if I was lying or not.

"You're right, I'm sorry," she said skeptically. "I shouldn't have accused you like that. You're doing me a massive favor and I deeply appreciate it."


"I'd like to be sure about something, though. Are you positive you want to come along? If this makes you uncomfortable at all, then I could just go alone. You could go with the tour group."

I smiled and nodded. "I absolutely want to... ummm... I mean, yes, I want to help you."

She squinted her eyes again, knowing she'd caught me. She knew that I would be enjoying seeing her naked body for the entire day.

"Fine," she said with a slight smile. "It's official. We're both going on this trip to the village. And we'll both be nude. Now, our tour guide is expecting us in about ten minutes. Start stripping."

"Me?" I asked, utterly dumbfounded.

"Yes, you. Our guide wants to make sure we can handle the nudity, so he wants us naked right away. Otherwise he won't take us."

"But this was your idea. Shouldn't you go first?"

"I don't want to get naked first," she said. "You might change your mind after seeing me naked."

"Why would I do that?"

"I'm saying you might get cold feet after seeing me fully nude. Then you might back out, and I just don't have time for that. It's better that you go first."

I gulped. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, it's the only way to see if you're capable of following through on this."

"What about you, how do you know you can follow through?" I shot back.

"I've been to the Amazon before, remember? I've been naked around film crews and tribal people before. I'm used to it - you aren't. So start stripping mister."

She gave a stalwart look and crossed her arms firmly. Deep down, I knew she was enjoying this. She enjoyed the torment and stress this put me under, in a particular way that parents like to patronize their children. I wondered if this sexually excited her at all.

It was an uncomfortable moment, but I had to take charge. I had to find a way to make this happen- I was so close. I had to show some courage.

In a fast frenzy, I stripped all of my clothes away, tossing them onto the bed and standing completely naked in front of my mother. Naturally, I was worried that my exposed cock might get hard for my mother, adding to the embarrassment, but I was so nervous that the erection never came.

Her eyebrow rose, "Not bad."

"Jeez, mom," I sighed.

"I'm only teasing. Now it's my turn."

My heart felt like it stopped as my mother began to undress. It didn't seem real. It didn't feel like I was supposed to be there. Yet it was actually happening, and it was her plan to be naked in front of me.

She showed off her experience with this type of nudity as she casually removed her clothes and folded them neatly. She didn't seem nervous at all. Even when she was in nothing but her bra and panties, barefoot in our hotel room, her face still appeared to be calm.

Her hand moved behind her back, ready to unclasp her bra. "Remember, this is purely professional. Whatever you see is for work reasons only. This isn't for your pleasure. Understood?"

"Got it."

The bra was unclasped and neatly placed on the bed. And there it was. Mom's breasts hung free. They were shaped like averaged sized round globes with large brown nipples, her tits hanging down a little from her mature age.

She reached down to remove her panties, revealing a slight growth of pubic hair that covered her pussy. There she was, my very own mother. Completely naked in front of me. She had the body of a middle aged woman who did her best to stay in shape and eat healthy.

The sight of her nude body made me aroused, but I was still too nervous to get an erection at that point. The moment was far too unusual, yet my mother seemed totally casual with exposing her body like this. That mature, sexy, older woman body of hers. I couldn't peel my eyes away from her. She was simply a vision of middle-aged beauty.

What made her seem even sexier was that she was clearly proud of her nudity. It didn't bother her at all. Maybe it was because she knew she was gorgeous. Or maybe it was because this was for professional reasons, and there was a good cause for it. I wondered if she was aroused at all, being naked in front of me like this.

"You know, I'm a little surprised," she said.

"By what?"

"Your penis is still soft," she noted. "The last time I got naked with a crew, all the men had to sneak off to masturbate before we could proceed. They were so embarrassed by their erections, but I assured them that it was perfectly natural."

"Oh, well, I'm just a little nervous. That's all. You look gorgeous, mom."

"You're not gay, are you?"

"No! I'm not."

She lifted an eyebrow. "It's okay if you are. I don't have a problem with that. I won't be mad at you."

"Mom, I'm not gay. Like I said, I'm just nervous."

"If you weren't nervous, you'd have a full blown hard-on?"


Damn, she got me to admit it. There was a slight snicker on her face, like she held back laughter, and I think I blushed because of it.

"It's time to go, Mr. Hard-On," she said playfully. "A new adventure awaits us."


To my mother's surprise, and mine, the tourist group was still milling around in the hotel lobby and parking lot when we headed down there. They were supposed to have left five minutes ago but were delayed for some reason.

This meant that the tourist group of other Americans all saw my mother completely naked, which was something she hadn't expected. Mom's confidence suddenly evaporated when she walked naked down the hall to the lobby, as every head turned to look at her bare body.

It was especially shocking because many of those people knew who my mother was as a journalist. As fellow world travelers, many had a deep admiration for her, and now they had all seen her naked. It was too late for mom to grab something to cover herself, they had already seen everything anyway. Mom did her best to embrace her nudity and walked briskly to our ride without saying a word to anyone.

Walking behind her, I could only imagine how red mom's face must have been. I saw that she kept her head down and her butt appeared to be clenched from her fast walking; her curvy butt cheeks swaying side to side from the movements.

As for me, I just walked casually to the parking area with my cock exposed. I tried my best to act natural, but it was tough.

Despite being mortified, we made it out of the hotel and into the blazing hot sun and African heat. The big truck would be coming to pick us up and for the moment, we were away from the other tourists and waited privately.

"Oh my god," mom breathed quietly. "So embarrassing."

"What's wrong?" I teased. "Not confident in your appearance anymore?"

"Very funny."

A big clunky cargo truck came from around the corner. It parked in front of us and the tour guide came out to open the back of the truck. It was a huge cargo truck, the kind used to transport large groups of people or crates.

Our tour guide was a local. He apologized and explained that the back of the truck was filled with supplies, which meant that the ride to the tribal area would be a little uncomfortable. Also, he assured us that he had done his best to accommodate us. When he opened the gate to the back of the truck, I saw exactly what he meant.

There were no seats available. The area was stacked with crates, pillows and cushions and was covered by a wide bed sheet, which mom and I would be laying on together closely.

There was no roof either, so we'd be fully exposed to the sun and the other travelers of the road during the hour-long road trip.

Next, our tour guide took out a few plant leaves from his pocket and handed them to us. He explained in broken English that the tribe used that rare plant for this special day. It was part of their culture and they chew on it.

Mom grabbed one and put it in her mouth. I did the same and we both chewed on the plant, tasting its bitterness.

"Now we are ready to go," the guide said.

Perfecting timing too, since the rest of our group was headed outside to leave for their own trip, with more of them seeing us naked, staring at us. This was making mom extremely uncomfortable. Being naked in front of a crowd of Westerners was not what she intended; we looked totally obscene standing around like that.

For that reason, mom couldn't wait to get in the back of the cargo truck so we could leave. I followed behind and our tour guide closed the back door, got in to the driver seat, and off we went.


The truck was loud and the hot sun was beating down on us. The area was remote and safe for tourists. The view was gorgeous. The African plain surrounded us, and the road was empty.

Our primary focus at the moment was that we were having a difficult time finding the right seating during the ride. We were on the spread bed sheet, which covered different pillows and cushions. Unfortunately, the way everything was stacked forced us to be squeezed together.

"This is a little tricky," mom said, still adjusting herself.

"I know."

Even at this point, I couldn't stop gazing at mom's beautiful tits and curvaceous thighs. She was a gorgeous, mature woman. As she shifted around to get comfortable, her thighs had briefly parted and I saw her brown labia underneath her pubic hairs. She caught me looking and quickly closed her legs.

"You weren't supposed to see that," she asserted.


"Look, we're stuck in this ride together and it's very hard to sit properly. We're both naked, it's awkward, I know. So let's just dive right in."

"What do you mean?"

She patted the spot next to her. "Sit next to me and let's lean on each other. It's the only logical thing to do."

"Are you sure?" I asked, feeling strangely aroused at the idea of being pressed against her nude body.

It did make sense, though. It was tough for me to sit and it was obviously tough for my mother to sit since she was still shuffling around on the soft surface with all the crates that surrounded us. Sitting together, we'd be able to get comfortable and not have to worry about losing balance.

"Believe me, I've been through worse situations," she said. "Now get over here. We'll lean against each other's shoulder."

I sat next to her and our shoulders pressed together, as well as the sides of our bodies. For a moment, I was able to get an up close look at her tits, but I tried not to stare at them.

"You're right," I said, snuggling in. "It's more comfortable this way."

There we were, in the back of a slow moving cargo truck, naked, and pressed tightly together. It was a hot day and the sun was beating down on us. It felt strange being naked in the outdoors like that, yet it felt so liberating. I'm sure mom felt the same way, since she ran her hand through her hair and leaned her head back for a moment. She looked so relaxed and I snuck another look at her tits, which were mere inches away from me.

"You're staring," she said without lifting her head.

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't be. Men are men. It's normal."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She looked me straight in the eyes. "It means I've done this before and every time men would always stare at me. It's nothing new. I expect this to happen, even from my own son."

"I'm not attracted to you or anything," I lied.

"Oh please, give it a rest. I don't mind if you are."

I suddenly became defensive about it. "Seriously, it's not like that. It's just, you're right in front of me. What did you expect? I'm not checking you out. I mean, that's gross."

"You still want to talk about this?" she sighed. "Fine. I've done plenty of research into human sexuality, and frankly, incest is one of the biggest kinks that people have. It's a common fetish which gets little attention. I've interviewed plenty of family members who have regular sex. It never got published, though, since no respectable publication wants anything to do with that."

"Sounds interesting, but I wasn't checking you out. Honestly."

"This doesn't arouse you?" she asked, cupping her left breast.

Mom held her left breast in her hand and briefly massaged it before letting it go. She was trying to tease me and it was working.

"Jeez... ummm...."

"I thought so," she smiled.

"Mom, that's a breast. Of course I'm going to be enticed by it. But you're my mom. I would never..."

"Please, just give it a rest already. I don't care either way. You can fantasize about whatever you want. God knows I do."

As soon as those words left her mouth, it was clear that mom realized she'd made a mistake. She was so relaxed from the nudity and the open-air ride that she let something personal slip.

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing," she instantly corrected. "Let's just try to rest. We've got a long day ahead of us and we need to be sharp."

"Come on, you can't just say something like that and expect me to forget it."

There was a conflicted look on her face. She was struggling with the innermost secrets of her sexuality.

"Never repeat this, okay?" she said, her face deadly serious.

"Of course. Our secret."

She took a deep breath. "I've always been fascinated with this sort of fantasy."


She gave me a stern look. "You know which. Incest."

Hearing mom admit that was strangely very arousing.


"It was my favorite fantasy growing up. Don't ask why. It's a long story. Anyway, I've always been curious about it, and when I became a journalist, I tried to explore it and bring it to the limelight. No one would ever publish stuff like that though."

Right away, I had a million questions about everything she had just said. Still, I didn't want to pester her about it right then.

Before I could reply, mom's jaw suddenly clenched, and her eyes went wide. It was like something had come over her. It was something potent and powerful, but I didn't know what it was.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

"I... I feel strange."

"Should I tell the driver to pull over?" I asked, thinking she was getting carsick.

"No... I... I think it was that plant we ate. I feel... I feel..."

Mom suddenly reached down and touched herself between her legs, letting her fingers delve between her patch of pubic hair. She pressed her hand to her pussy, and when she took it away her fingers were wet, glistening with vaginal fluids.

"Is that..."

"I'm wet," she said. "In technical terms, I'm sexually aroused. It's the plant the driver gave us. Earlier, we spoke, and he said that the tribe was going to perform some sort of mating ritual involving their leader and a new bride."

"A little warning about that plant would have been nice," I said, silently cursing our guide.

"He may have said something about this," mom sighed. "His English isn't the best, so I may have missed it."

"We'll be okay. I'm sure it'll..."

Before I could finish my sentence, I suddenly felt a stiffness between my legs, a real rush of blood flow. I felt my cock stiffening and becoming erect. Looking down, I saw that my cock stood at full attention.

"Looks like it affects men too," she noted, looking at my hardening cock.

"Sorry about that," I said, adjusting my legs to hide my erection.

"Don't try to cover it like that. I've dealt with these sorts of plants before. If a man tries to constrict his erection, it'll only make it worse because you're squeezing the blood vessels. You'll have to sit straight. Sit comfortably. Then it'll go away faster. Otherwise you'll just make it throb harder."

I remained in the same position with my leg raised to hide my erection. I even hunched over a little.

"It's humiliating."

"I've seen plenty of hard cocks in my life. Don't be embarrassed by what you have. It's perfectly natural."

Mom was right. Sitting in my current position was only making it more painful. I listened to her advice and sat casually again, letting my hard cock point upwards to the sky, underneath the hot sun. What a humiliating feeling. Worse, mom couldn't peel her eyes away from it.

"Now who's staring?" I complained, wishing she'd stop.

She smiled at my cock, then looked me in the eyes. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"What now?" I asked in desperation. "I've got this painful erection, and you've got a wet vagina."

Mom looked shocked. "Are you suggesting that we have sex?"

There was a genuinely surprised look on her face, like she was upset that I had even said such a thing.

"No! That's not what I meant," I honestly told her. "This is a very weird situation."

She thought for a moment, then sighed. "Would it bother you if we did? Hypothetically speaking, would you be okay with that sort of relief?"

"Are you serious?"

"Look, we're about to witness an important tribal ritual and we'll need to stay sharp. We can't do that if you have that throbbing hard thing between your legs and my mind is preoccupied with my wet pussy."

"That... sort of makes sense."

"Besides, it's just plain uncomfortable," she said quickly. "Why should we have to suffer like this? Sure, we could simply masturbate to relieve ourselves, which is probably the best option, but what sense would that make if we're right next to each other anyway? We've already come this far."

I gulped. "I'd be okay with it, if you are."

There was a conflicted look on mom's face. On one hand, she desperately needed this because of the plant we ate. On the other hand, she was going to fuck her own son, which was a taboo of extreme proportions.

She mustered the courage to nod. "Okay, get on with it."


"Yes, you. You're the one with the cock. I'm giving you permission to go ahead."

"But this was your idea."

She sighed, "Please, I'm not in the mood to argue right now. Get on your knees and fuck me. Now."

Hearing my highly-educated mother talk like that was a dream come true. She was right, too. This had long been a fantasy. Now here we were, both naked, extremely aroused, and mom was asking for it. There was no point in resisting.

She laid back and spread her legs wide open. Despite the hot sun, the open air, the blue skies, and the stunning scenery, the only thing I could focus on was mom's wet pussy. It was open, wet, and waiting to be fucked by a hard cock.

I got on my knees and positioned myself between my mother's legs. Because the ride was getting bumpy, I held onto a nearby crate so I wouldn't fall over. The road was empty and we had total privacy, even though we were out in the open. Looking down at her, the whole thing felt surreal. She looked like the perfect vision of mature, sexual beauty. Her wet cunt, beautiful brown vaginal lips, and hard brown nipples. Her whole body was ready, waiting to have sex.

Most surprising was the look on her face. The self-conflict slowly faded. In a strange way, she seemed more ready for this. It was like she wanted to have sex with her own son. Even without the effects of the plant, I could see that there was something about committing incest that turned her on. There was lust in her eyes and she needed to be fucked badly. It was a side to my mother I had never seen before, something I never expected to ever see.

As I approached her, the truck was intermittently bumping and shaking on the rough road. I did my best to hold steady, getting closer to her, making sure she was ready for this.

"It's okay," she said. "I'll help you."

She reached down and held my cock with both hands. Her fingers were so soft. I had always known that, but feeling her fingers on my cock was an unreal moment, arousing me even more.

My face was only inches away from mom's where she lay comfortably. Then I felt it. Her hands pulled my cock to the outer part of her wet pussy. It felt warm and inviting. God, it was unbelievable.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked hesitantly.

She nodded. "It won't be the end of the world."

My cock slid inside her pussy. Just a few inches. The penetration made her eyes light up and she took a deep breath. Mom was a woman who was in desperate need of a good fucking.

"God, that feels good," I moaned.

She pulled me in closer, "I know."

Mom used her legs to wrap around my backside to pull me all the way in and pushed my cock deep inside her pussy. Our bodies were pressed tightly together while I was positioned over her. Everything about her body was soft, feminine, and mature. She was voluptuous in all the right areas. It was extremely thrilling feeling her tits, hard nipples and thighs. And her pussy. Oh god, that pussy. Mom or not, her vagina was simply irresistible.

"Do you like fucking your own mother?" she asked as we were face to face, my cock slowly grinding.


Her eyes lit up. "I've done this before, you know. Fucking a family member."

My mind suddenly reeled even further at my mother's revelation. She had done this before? No wonder she was so open to this. Incest was her ultimate fetish.

"With who?" I asked, slowly fucking her.

"Your Uncle Robert."

Oh shit. Mom had fucked her own brother. And she was proud to admit it. There was a deviancy in her voice, like she was longing to do it again, like it was the biggest sexual rush of her life.

I tried to ask her another question while my cock was buried inside of her. She simply laughed.

"Just focus on fucking me," she smiled. "We can get into that later. But yes, I've had sex with my brother on several occasions."

"Jeez, mom. Wow."

I was so horny, and I began fucking my mother with hard thrusts. Then suddenly--

Bump! Bump! Bump!

The truck's engine had a little problem which made big jolts that nearly made me fall over. Nevertheless, we had been warned about this and the driver kept on driving. We continued on the empty road. There were still a few jolts here and there, which made it difficult to balance.

"This is getting dangerous," I said, regarding our sex romp in the back of a shaky truck.

She thought for a moment. "Lay down. It might be better that way."

With sadness, I pulled my cock out of her pussy, leaving a trail of vaginal fluids that stained the sheet. We moved carefully, since the truck was getting shaky. Mom moved a few cushions and pillows around and told me to lay on it, which I did immediately. My cock was pointing straight in the air. Looking around, I could still see the open view of the African plains. No one was around. The only thing that mattered was my naked mother.

There was a smile on mom's face as she crouched down to fulfill her sexual needs. Her pussy looked as wet as ever. That plant really had a profound effect on her, and it was the incestuous act that only enhanced her powerful sexual arousal.

She straddled my legs and crouched down as my cock went inside her. Then she bent at the waist to bring her face and her breasts closer to me.

"This is the last thing I expected to happen on this trip," she said, gyrating her hips as she fucked me. "But remember, it's for my career. This is purely business and for professional reasons only."

I held onto her hips. "God... you seem like you're really enjoying this."

"The plant, remember?" she moaned, still gyrating. "I haven't been this sexually aroused in a very long time."

With that, mom closed her eyes and truly relished the incestuous relief. She continued rocking her hips up and down. Her eyes remained closed as she concentrated on the sex. The hot sun continued shining down on her beautiful naked body. She moaned a few times, but I still wanted to hear more. So many questions were in my mind.

"Did you really fuck Uncle Robert?" I asked, needing to know, and to hear it again.

She opened her eyes and licked her lips. "Details later. But yes, we first had sex as young adults and several more times over the years."

"When was the last time?"

She moaned, "Last year's Christmas party. In the bathroom."

"Oh, jeez."

Once again, mom's eyes lit up. She enjoyed talking about it. She enjoyed telling me. Most of all, she enjoyed incest. The natural effects of the plant only increased mom's willingness to discuss this with me. All while she continued rocking her hips so that we could continue fucking.

"Do you like hearing that?" she teased in a low, sultry voice. "I fucked my own brother in the bathroom last year. And, of course, I sucked his cock first. Oh yes. He loves having his cock sucked, like all men do. Then after we finished having sex, I sucked his cock again to clean everything up. No evidence to incriminate our little encounter as we went back to the family party."

"Oh fuck."

The very thought was driving me insane. No wonder mom had been acting funny at last year's Christmas party. She had been having incestuous relations with her own brother in the bathroom.

A sudden look of regret came over my mother's face. She was horny as hell, there was no doubt about that, but it looked like she realized that she had gone too far with this. She had told me too much and she'd never be able to undo this. I would remember this forever. Nevertheless, she kept on riding my cock.

"Please don't judge me," she moaned, still gyrating. "That's a secret you never should have known... oh my goodness, your cock feels so good... but remember that the plant has taken hold of me. I really need this right now. Oh god, it's like a medical emergency."

She rode my cock faster and the look on mom's face was now pure ecstasy. She looked close to an orgasm. But this moment wouldn't last forever, and there was still something I needed to know.

"Have you ever fantasized about me?" I asked bluntly.

Her jaw dropped a little. Her eyes locked in mine. For a moment, she hesitated to tell me.

"Yes, I've fantasized about fucking you," she admitted with a moan.

"Oh shit," I groaned back.

She rode my cock faster. "Do you like that? Do you like hearing me say this? I've wanted your cock for a very long time. God... I've imagined us traveling together. Having sex in our hotel room. Sucking your cock... Oh Jesus... I just never thought... Oh my goodness..."

"Never thought what?" I asked, needing her to say it.

Her pussy clenched. "We do you think I was so eager to have you join me... so we can be naked together? I never thought we'd actually be fucking right now. Oh my, I'm so close to cumming..."

So was I. The moment was unbelievable. The sex was surreal. Neither of us had ever felt anything close to this before. We were both on the verge of experiencing life-changing orgasms.

But then I saw it. On the open road, approaching behind us, was the large bus with the entire tour group from the hotel. The bus was going to pass our cargo truck in a matter of moments. By the time it passed us, all the passengers would see us. Those same western tourists that we'd been traveling with this past week. Soon, they'd be able to see us having hot incestuous sex in the back of a truck with my mom riding my hard cock.

"Mom, you have to get off!!!" I yelled.

"I will!!! God, I'm almost there!!!"

"No!!" I tried warning her again. "Not like that! I mean you have to get off me! The tour bus is right behind you!"

Even with the intense look of pleasure, a shadow of horror came over mom's face as she realized what was happening. She didn't bother turning around to look, she could hear the loud sounds of the bus approaching us from the other lane.

Before mom could climb off me, our truck jolted heavily again--

Bump! Bump! Bump! Bump! Bump!

The engine troubles were getting worse. The truck jolted and shook in the worst possible way. The sharp, fast movements inadvertently caused mom to bounce hard on my cock, up and down.

With the powerful sexual state mom was in, this was overwhelming for her. She bounced hard on my cock repeatedly with the movements of the truck. Her face drained of color and her jaw dropped wide open. Her eyes looked glazed over as she got the powerful fucking she so desperately needed.

The truck continued jolting and mom continued bouncing. She was breathless during that time. Her heavy, voluptuous breasts bounced up and down as she rode my cock faster.

"Oh god!!!" she yelled, with her voice fading. "I'm going to... I'm going to..."

And that's when mom felt the orgasm of the century. As her tits bounced up and down, her pussy continued bouncing on my hard cock from the rocky ride. Her face was making all sorts of different shapes, tensing hard, showing just how overwhelmed she was by the intense burning feeling inside of her. Simply put, she was overwhelmed beyond all comprehension.

Unfortunately, at that exact same moment, the bus full of tourists also passed by us. I turned my head to look at the bus. The tourists were completely shocked by what they saw. They all saw my naked mother, the highly respected journalist, having an orgasm on her own son's cock.

It was horrible. Would the word spread? Would they report this to the news? Would anyone even believe it?

But as I came, none of that mattered. I shot massive loads of cum inside my mother's vagina as her orgasm was subsiding. My cum filling her worn-out canal. Her face relaxed and her eyes still looked glazed over from the mind-boggling orgasm she had just felt.

She collapsed on top of me with her heavy breasts and hard nipples pressing tightly against my chest. We were in desperate need of recovery after the amazing sex we just had. Her body was sweaty and her chest was heaving from the deep breaths.

"Did... they... see... us?" mom groaned in a weak tone, still breathing heavily from the intense fucking.

I considered lying to her, but that would have been pointless. She already knew the truth and I couldn't prevent the consequences now.

"They saw everything, mom. They saw you orgasm on my cock."

She sobbed a little. "My career is ruined."

"No one is ever going to believe it. You're a professional, mom." I tried to distract her. "We've got work to do soon."

She sobbed a little more and then composed herself. She sat upright and I saw her breasts again. I already missed feeling them on my chest. She wiped the tears from her eyes.

"You're right," she said strongly. "We're almost there. We have to get cleaned up."

I looked around. "Shit. There's nothing we can use to wipe our cum."

"There's another way."

"There is?"

She smiled, "What do all men want? Remember my brother, in the bathroom? Since I fucked him and sucked his cock, I might as well extend the same courtesy to you. You've certainly earned it."

With that, mom climbed off my cock, leaving a long trail of our cum hanging from her pussy. She wiped her pussy clean with her fingers and licked them, then sucking her fingers in her mouth. By the looks of things, it was clear that mom was no stranger to eating cum or tasting her own fluids. Then it was time for the real clean up.

Mom bent down and took my cock inside her mouth. It was heaven. Underneath the hot sun in the back of the truck, I watched my highly respectable mother bent over sucking my cock. She was a real pro, too. Who knew that a veteran journalist could suck cock like this? Her mouth was like a vacuum and she sucked everything up, swallowing it instantly.

Our eyes met while she sucked, she winked at me, with her mouth slurping up the last of my cum.

The End

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