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80% Death and the Devil / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Visoreds

Kapitel 3: Chapter 3: Visoreds

Inside Urahara's shop, Vergil was looking at the new faces who were seated along with the owner of this shop, Urahara Kisuke.

He wasn't surprised per say, he just didn't expect Urahara to bring them here, the very next day.

"Ah, Mr. Vergil, you're here. Had me worried there for a second." Urahara spoke after Vergil had entered the room.

Vergil looked at the eight new individuals, one of them being double the size of an average heavy-lifter, though despite his intimidating size, he seemed gentle and timid than the others.

One was a man with chin length straight blonde hair, with a comical grin on his face, his front teeth being his most prominent feature. Next to him was a teenage looking girl, with twin tailed light blonde hair wearing red tracksuit, who seemed irritated for some reason.

A man with spiky dark-brown hair and sharp facial features with slightly tanned skin. A dark haired babe with glasses and sailor school uniform, holding a black handled katana on her hand.

A long, wavy blond-haired man, with a bored expression on his face. A short, lime-green haired girl with big, framed goggles over her head and a tall muscular man with short grey-silver hair and brown eyes.

All of them were somehow fitted on this small room. "Ah right! First, introductions are in order.

Everyone, this is Vergil Sparda. The one I wanted you guys to meet. And Mr. Vergil, this is-" Urahara was about to tell, when the blonde guy with a toothy grin, spoke.

"The name's Shinji Hirako, and this here is my small merry band of fools. You can call us Visoreds. We don't do music though. Pleasure to meet ya-" "Smack!" He waved with a smile when a foot was planted on his grinning face.

"Don't lump me with yourself, Shinji!" The small blonde girl complained as she pulled her leg back.

She looked back and said, "Hiyori Sarugaki. There, introductions are over… Humph!" She turned back, trying to press Shinji down.

"It's Love Aikawa." The spiky black haired man spoke as he did a salute with two fingers.

"Rojuro Otoribashi." The wavy, long blonde-haired man spoke in a bored voice.

The big man with pink hair and moustache spoke, "I'm Hachigen Ushoda and she's Lisa." He pointed at the girl with glasses. "Sorry, she's in a bit of sour mood since this morning." He said as the girl seemed slightly pissed off.

"The name's Kensei Muguruma." The muscular guy spoke in a serious voice.

"Yo, pretty man. Call me Mashiro." The lime haired girl spoke in a childish voice.

Vergil had a neutrally unimpressed look on his face. Even though he knew who they were, he looked at Urahara for an explanation.

"Clap!" "Clap!" The man with bucket hat clapped his hands gaining attention from the people in the room.

"Alright everyone, now that you've introduced yourselves. Remember that you were telling me how you needed some actual fights, in order to control your… You know what I'm talking about." Urahara looked at the group.

Hiyori, who was busy tackling Shinji down, suddenly looked at Vergil with an unbelieving expression, "So… What? Are you saying we're fighting against him? A human."

"Looks can be deceiving, Hiyori-chan." Urahara spoke.

And Vergil replied, "The 'little' girl is right though. I wouldn't want to go to jail, beating up an unsupervised child."

"Huh?" She gave him a questioning look, challenging him to repeat what he had just said, but was promptly ignored.

She was about to speak when, Urahara spoke, "Alright! Everyone, follow me!" His voice, as enthusiastic as a child with a new toy.

While Hiyori was constantly complaining to Shinji, the others just absentmindedly followed the man, including Vergil, who was walking along with him.

"Will this be alright?" Kensei, the muscular guy in tank top asked to Lisa, who just shrugged but had a doubtful frown on her face.

"I- I think it's us, who need to be worried." Hachigen spoke in a nervous but equally timid voice.

Rojuro just intriguingly raised his eyebrows at the big man's comment. Hachigen continued, "Don't tell me you guys don't see it."

He was looking at Vergil's back as he mumbled. It was enough for the two who were walking along with him, to hear him but they didn't pry further.

'This man... Is strong. No, strong would be putting it too lightly. Just who is he?' Hachigen thought to himself. He couldn't believe the aura, that he was sensing from Vergil.

"Hey, you guys! What are you doing, skulking behind? Come fast!" Hiyori called them out as she was a bit ahead of them.

Urahara, who was walking beside Vergil with a cane on one hand, looked at him as he covered his mouth with the fan that he held with another hand and spoke, "You're scaring the poor big guy, Mr. Vergil."

Vergil just shrugged, "I'm trying my best not to. He must be one of the sensitive ones."

"That is true." He replied with a smile and then stopped just before a cellar door.

"And down we go to the magical world." He smiled, pushing the door open.

Looking down, Vergil could see an extremely wide and open place that seemed to replicate a variety of landscapes.

Most prominent one being a desert like open area with large rock formations and semi hills, and not to mention the open blue sky above all.

Vergil looked down and swiftly took a fall, straight to the underground space, which at the least was more than 200 hundred meters of fall.

At least that confirmed to the others that he wasn't a normal human. Well to Hiyori at least; others did believe that Urahara was not stupid enough to bring a human to fight them.


Despite the large fall, Vergil landed on the ground like a feather. Soon after, others came down.

"Impressive work. Love seeing the Spatial manipulation being put to good use." Vergil remarked, looking around the place.

"Really appreciate the praise, Mr. Vergil. It still lacks behind the one back in Soul Society. But still, one of my best works." He replied and seemed very thankful that at least someone was praising his work.

'Ah, 'praise'. Not getting enough of those as of lately.' Urahara remarked to himself with a faint chuckle.

"So, you guys are here already." A gruffy male voice, resounded from one of the rock formations.

"Yoruichi-san! When did you come here?" Urahara asked to the black cat who was sitting on top of the rock.

"Been here since the morning, getting my beauty sleep. Which was just interrupted." She replied.

"Yaaawn!" She stretched her body, the sharp claws coming out of her forearms were embedded onto the rock.

Vergil could tell that even in her current form, Yoruichi could kill anyone of the Vizoreds in the blink of an eye. Maybe Shinji could be a bit of problem for her, but that was if he even got a chance to use his Zanpakuto.

"So, how are we doing this?" Kensei asked, turning towards Urahara.

Urahara looked at Vergil, who seemed silent for a while, 'I could go through them individually, seeing if anyone can fight on decent levels.

But that just sounds too boring.' Vergil thought to himself.

"How about we start with something simple?" He said, summoning the Yamato on his hand.

The Visoreds weren't that intrigued by this, but the Sword itself was giving an unnerving feeling to most of them.

"All of the Visoreds on one side and me on the other. You can use any tactics and methods that you want. All you have to do is take this sword from my hand.

And a word of advice, please don't rush in blindly." He declared, pointing Yamato at them.

Shinji had an intrigued look on his face and so did Urahara. Urahara didn't say anything and with a smile, he suddenly disappeared and reappeared beside Yoruichi.

"We're the observers of this fight." He spoke with a smile.

'Is that arrogance or confidence?' The cat thought to herself as she was keenly observing Vergil.


Hiyori, who couldn't hold in her irritation anymore, finally spoke, "It was Urahara and Hachigen who convinced me to come here.

Saying that we needed some more 'fights' to control our 'evil' sides. But here we have just you, who seems to be severely underestimating us."

She slowly walked forward as a simple katana with love-hearts decorated on its handguard, manifested on her hand. "Pretty boy, I don't know who you are or what you can do. But you better be ready to get your ass kicked." She spoke with confidence.

She raised her sword and then said, "Butcher them, Kubikiri Orochi."

After that, her sword swiftly transformed into a large cleaver almost double her own height, with serrated saw-like blade.

"Hiyori-san, wait!" Hachigen was about to call her, when she did the one thing, Vergil warned her not to do.

With an instinctual burst of speed, Hiyori dashed towards Vergil as she raised her cleaver over her head.

Vergil gave her a neutral look. First thing first, she was extremely slow and comparing his speed would be unfair so putting that aside...

'Why are you announcing your attack like that?' He looked dumbfoundedly at the girl who for some reason was screaming along her way towards him.

'Sigh…' He just mentally sighed and shifted to the side, putting his leg a bit forward. Hiyori couldn't react to it due to her momentum and getting her foot stuck on his leg, she fell face first to the ground, "Thawk!"

"Ugh!" She grunted and looked up from the ground, only to see Vergil's disappointed look. "Hey you bast**d! What's with that look?

And let me go already!" She complained as she was being pushed down by the tip of the sheathed Yamato.

Shinji was grinning, seeing her fiddling like a child, trying to break free from Vergil who seemed like he wasn't even trying to hold her down.

"You buck toothed idiot. I can hear you giggling right from here. And the rest of you, aren't we supposed to work together?

Quit starin like fools and do somethin!" Hiyori spoke out as the man didn't seem like he wanted to let go of her.

"Alright. I suppose we can take this a bit seriously." Lisa, being the most level-headed among the Visoreds, finally spoke.

She was observing Vergil's movement until now. Unsheathing her sword she looked at her teammates.

Shinji, with a nod disappeared from his position. Vergil could sense him somewhere far behind preparing an assault.

Hachigen started doing what he did best, preparing for some Kido spells.

Love had already appeared just a few feet ahead of Vergil. He had directly swung a katana towards his face, but halfway through, he muttered, "Crush him down, Tengumaru."

His sword quickly transformed into a gigantic, dark metallic and spiked club, the handle of the club itself was big enough that his hands were only holding it halfway through its circumference.

Despite the size, the club carried the previous momentum but still impressive as it was, Vergil just bent his upper body backwards, all the while still keeping hold of the noisy girl under the tip of Yamato's sheath.

Still, Vergil was impressed more than surprised; it was a good idea to transform the sword midway through an attack, it would be enough to catch any normal opponents off guard.

As the club was right over his head, Vergil did a cartwheel landing the back of his heel onto the club's body, which was enough for it to be flung away like a ball, along with the man who was holding it.

Love along with his club, flew towards Rojuro, who was dashing towards Vergil but now, due to his own forward momentum a painful clash was eminent.

They comically collided with their faces and crashed onto the ground then the club fell on top of them, smacking them together.

"Oh for god's sake! Cancel out your Shikai already!" Rojuro complained and Love just awkwardly chuckled as he had in fact forgotten that he could do that.


"Idiots." Yoruichi commented as she watched the fight with a suspicious look on her eyes.

"I have to give it to them though. They're at least going right from their Shikai. Which means they aren't underestimating their opponent, like they do the rest of the time." She spoke again.

"I think besides our loud and oblivious Hiyori-chan. Rest of them can feel how strong he is. Specially Hachigen, if he's starting out with that spell." Urahara pointed out, since he pink haired giant of a man was preparing a high level Kido spell.


"Kisuke you basta*d! I can hear you badmouthing me right from here." Hiyori shouted, still struggling to get that sword off of her back.

"Sorry Hiyori-chan. Maybe it's because you're planted face first onto the ground, but I can't hear your voice." Urahara replied in an amused voice.


"Mashiro Drop-Kick!"

Vergil suddenly heard a voice coming from above his head. It was the lime-haired girl who was dropping a Reiryoku enhanced heel kick, right towards Vergil's head.

But, 'Sigh… Might as well telegraph me the attack.' He sighed, because if not for her announcing her kick like that, she was actually doing a good job, masking her presence pretty well.

Granted he could have sensed her before she could get any closer, but still, "Too slow and pathetic." He commented before easily grabbing her foot.

"Oh my." Mashiro spoke with a neutral expression on her face before she tried to retaliate but before that, Vergil who had taken hold of her leg, threw her towards the first two people who had attacked Vergil.

Love and Rojuro had finally gotten up from the ground and were dusting their clothes as well as stretching their backs, when they heard a voice.

"Hello guys, nice seeing you!" They saw Mashiro speeding towards them.

"Hell no! Not again!" Love complained, but they weren't simply fast enough to dodge the human cannon.

"SMACK!" Mashiro collided with Rojuro, then the two were smacked onto Love and now, all three were flying towards a nearby rock formation.

"BAAM!" They were all embedded onto the rock.


"Oy you! Let me go already. How long are you planning on pinning me down?" Hiyori complained fiddling again, trying to push up the sheathed sword and get away.

"I am not, pinning you down." Vergil replied, much to the confusion of the Ex-Shinigami.

"Huh? What is this then? Do you take me for a fool?" She retorted.

"Even though you are a fool. I said what is true. The rest is up to you." He spoke ignoring her struggles.

She was about to complain again, when she realized something. Except for the tip of its sheath holding her in one place, she didn't feel any kind of pressure or pain, even when Vergil was nimbly moving around doing cartwheels while fighting the others.

Which meant only one thing, 'He isn't pushing me downwards. Just holding the sword in one place. This guy…' She gritted her teeth, as she never felt so humiliated.

Realizing her option, Hiyori swiftly slid to the side getting free from her earlier position. Making a distance, she was about to attack again when a hand tapped on her shoulder.

"Look closely Hiyori. And try to think why he said not to rush in blindly." It was Kensei, who along with Lisa, were observing Vergil's way of fighting.

Hiyori calmed her head down and frowned. Now that she focused on the man, 'Everything about his stance seems ordinary. But…

This man… He has zero openings. I feel like I'll get tackled from any direction that I attack.' She thought to herself.

She then looked around, Hachigen was prepared for a powerful cast and Shinji was hiding for a perfect chance.

This was the only way this fight could go; she had a feeling that it would be worse if she just let go of her hollow.

Lisa nodded to Hachigen then dashed towards Vergil. It seemed like a straight foolish rush to others, but the calm and calculative look on her face told otherwise.

Her sword was pointed towards Vergil as she was moving forward. Just a few meters ahead of him, she disappeared and reappeared behind him.

Lisa thrust her sword towards Vergil but just before that, he was suddenly facing the girl as he turned back with an unbelievable speed.

Without even unsheathing his sword, Vergil intercepted the incoming blade by the tip of Yamato's sheath.

"TANG!" Their collision sent a shockwave of wind and pure kinetic energy that crushed the ground beneath them.


"Whew, that's some terrifying precision." Urahara commented, expecting a reply from the cat, but she was entirely engrossed in analysing their fight.


Undeterred, Lisa pulled her sword to the side and quickly tried to grab the Yamato off of Vergil's hand.

But to her surprise, it was already a blur even to her perceptive eyes. And Vergil had already grabbed her extended wrist.

He did the same thing as he did with Mashiro and threw her towards Kensei, who was coming towards Vergil. However, the two were ready this time.

Kensei leaned back and Lisa curled her body midair, successfully avoiding the collision. Kensei continued forward as a wakizashi appeared in his hand.

Holding it in a reverse grip he took a boxing stance. Kensei's fists blurred, Vergil swatted away his first punch and then ducked beneath the swipe that he did with the mini katana.

Before Kensei could attack again, Vergil kicked him right in his diaphragm, pushing him a bit far from him, also knocking the air out of his lungs.

This made him grunt in pain as he kneeled down, clutching his stomach. Vergil looked back at Hachigen, who wasn't much suited for close combat quarters.

So, he just ignored him knowing full well that he was ready to throw an attack or any other spells, whenever he saw an opening.

And Shinji was still observing him from a bit far. 'Well, they aren't as hot-headed as I imagined them to be.' He thought as he looked at his front where a burst of Reiryoku was released.


"Blast Away, Tachikaze." Kensei spoke and a swirling current of air surrounded his wakizashi.

The wakizashi then turned into a combat knife with a small ring on the side of its guard which he then held and started twirling around his fingers.

Taking a stance, Kensei quickly slashed in the air multiple times, sending countless wind blades towards Vergil.

The blades were intercepted as quickly as they came, Vergil just deflected them with his sheathed katana.

Pointing the combat knife at Vergil, Kensei said, "Bomb Thrust." Then in the blink of an eye, his spiritual energy took the shape of a bright translucent orb, that gathered a gust of wind at the tip of his knife.

He thrusted his knife forward, sending the explosive energy towards Vergil. The violently rotating orb of wind and kinetic energy was speeding towards Vergil.

And Lisa, taking this chance dashed towards him from his back. Vergil just put forth his hand that he was holding the sword with, and a fairly big sword made out of blue demonic energy appeared in front of his hand.

The sword started spinning and was launched towards the incoming attack. The spectral sword and wind bomb collided, "BOOM!!!"

The impact released the unrestrained wind and energy possessed by that bomb. Creating huge gusts of wind throughout the area.

Vergil wasn't looking back when Lisa had swung her sword at him. But to her shock, before her sword could reach him, something else blocked it for him.

It was a spectral demonic looking being that was taller than Vergil himself. She couldn't completely make out its complete shape, due to it being made out of only blue glistening energy.

But it was nothing like she had seen before.


"So, that's his 'Doppelganger', as he calls it huh." Urahara spoke, amazed by what Vergil had just revealed.

He had heard about this from Yoruichi before, but this was the first time he was seeing this.


The doppelganger flung away Lisa's sword and pushed her back. As Vergil turned around, the doppelganger swiftly disappeared.

But to his surprise he felt a slight restraint on his arms and legs. With a subtle smirk, he looked at the big man with pink hair.

Hachigen had finally decided to join the fray. "Bakudo #79 Kuyo Shibari." Eight black holes appeared around Vergil, and one near his chest.

Bright glowing beams of spiritual energy erupted out of each holes, completely restraining Vergil on one place.

'I see, he casted the full chant in silence. Since it was a high levelled spell, there was no room for mistakes and so he waited.' Vergil thought with a smile on his face.

Vergil's vision shifted as everything became upside down. He looked up, and saw the blonde haired man with toothy grin, standing upside down in the air.

He was twirling his sword in his hand; the sword had a large ring on its back. Vergil was truly impressed with Shinji abilities.

'He is managing to alter even my enhanced senses. Well, not to an unmanageable degree though.

Besides, my doppelganger can exist out of my own mind.' He thought and closed his eyes.

Shinji, who was grinning until now suddenly had an alarmed reaction on his face. He quickly turned around and blocked an incoming punch with his sword.

It was the same being that had blocked Lisa's attack earlier. On the ground, Vergil just extended his arms, breaking out of the seal like it was nothing.

The bright bindings shattered, and the black holes were violently dissipated, the kickback of which, was felt by the caster himself.

Kensei and Lisa dashed towards Vergil together. "Smash, Haguro Tonbo." Lisa unleashed her Shikai, turning her sword into an oversized halberd shaped like monk's spade, with overly long handle and a big metalling bulb at its end.

She swung the released Shikai down, which allowed her to attack from a distance. Vergil just shifted to the side and jumped above a lower kick that was aimed at his ankles.

It was Kensei, who quickly got up and dashed towards Vergil who was coming back to the ground.

He threw some wind enhanced punches, that were either easily blocked or dodged by Vergil.

Holding her oversized weapon on her back, Lisa also dashed towards them. Vergil was busy engaging with Kensei, so getting behind him, she twirled around the halberd gaining some momentum.

Kensei continued to clash with Vergil until the very last moment that Lisa's weapon neared them. He then quickly ducked, and only Vergil remained within its range of attack.

Before the giant blade could touch him though, Shinji was suddenly thrown on top of it. The doppelganger that he was engaged with, had finally kicked him down, straight onto Lisa's halberd.

"Tsk!" She frowned in irritation.

"Couldn't you have fallen just a bit later." She complained.

"Yeah, well, tell that to the thing that kicked me down." He grunted and looked up, only to see that the thing had disappeared.

"HAAH!!!" Suddenly they heard a disgruntled scream, it was from above Vergil's position. It was Hiyori, who had her hollow mask on.

She only seemed half in control of what she was doing. Before she could reach him though, her way was blocked by a blue spectral sword.

The spectral blade intercepted her serrated cleaver and pushed her back in the air. Both Lisa and Shinji also put on their hollow masks, amplifying their speeds and strength several times than before.

But that didn't mean much to Vergil. Until now, he wasn't much on the offensive, so pushing them back with just enough strength, even the transformed Visoreds were struggling to get close to him.

Even touching his sword seemed impossible at this point. Vergil had already adapted his senses to the effects of Shinji's Shikai.

So even with Shinji, Lisa and Kensei attacking him together, Vergil was just a blur of minimal movements which was enough to counter them.

As Vergil was busy dealing with the three, Hiyori watched from afar. She had been secretly learning binding spells from Hachigen.

She wasn't proficient enough to cast them in full perfection, but if she could provide an opening for Hachigen to cast a high-level offensive spell, then…

She started her chant.

Hachigen looked at her and approved it with a nod. They all could understood each other without using many words, props to their teamwork.

Sensing that Hiyori was doing something, the three kept the man busy for a while, right until it was time.

"Bakudo #63, Sajo Sabaku." Hiyori casted the binding spell.

Several white, glowing chains surrounded Vergil. The other three jumped back and due to Hiyori's inefficiency, the chains latched onto only one of his hands, with which he was holding the sword with.

"Now, Hachigen!" Hiyori shouted at the man.

Sensing the sudden spike in spiritual energy around Hachigen, all the others dashed far away from Vergil's position.

"Hado #88. Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho." Hachigen chanted and soon after, a thick beam of blue lightning erupted out of his hand.

The beam of lightning took the form of a raging dragon as it created a storm of wind and thunder around a wide range of space, while bolting towards Vergil.

Vergil just looked straight at the incoming attack and extended his hand, opening his palm for the lightning to strike.

Even Urahara and Yoruichi seemed surprised that he was willing to take an attack of this scale, head on.

The lightning struck on Vergil's palm, the collision creating an explosion of scale, big enough to shake this entire place.

The spiritual energy and plasma of lighting induced flames, erupted outwards, sending out shockwaves all around the place and destroying the ground where the attack was thrown at.

They all waited in anticipation as the dust and debris finally started to settle down. They expected to see Vergil, at the least hurt, but there he was, standing all fine at the center of the crater, with a bit of smoke coming from the fingerless gloves that he was wearing on his hand.

"Too much energy." Vergil commented.

'Could have had much more effect, if it was more concentrated on a single place than its explosive nature.' He thought.


"Oy, oy. Are you serious?" Shinji couldn't believe in his eyes.

The man had blocked that attack with his bare hands and, 'Not even a scratch.' Lisa thought with wide eyes.

Mashiro, Love and Rojuro who were sitting together in the crater that they had made earlier, looked at each other with dumbfounded expressions.

"Yeah, Imma just sit this one out. Let our seniors handle this." Love commented in an exasperated tone.

The two others just shrugged and decided to do the same.


Vergil suddenly disappeared from his position and reappeared beside Hachigen.

With beads of sweat running down his face, the big man looked in front of him.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Kensei was down on the ground, clutching his stomach. Lisa, Shinji and Hiyori were suddenly unconscious, their hollow masks broken into pieces.

Vergil was fast, too fast in fact. "That was a good spell, that you casted earlier." He praised and harmlessly tapped Hachigen's arm and slowly walked away.

Fear finally talking over him, Hachigen fell to the ground on his knees. His breath hastened and his heartbeat on the peak.


Vergil was now standing beside Urahara and Yoruichi.

'Can't even ask him why he beat them up so hard, when he was holding back the whole time.' Urahara thought with a chuckle.

"That wasn't anything unexpected. But not totally disappointing either." Vergil spoke up.

A bit surprised, Yoruichi spoke, "Looking at your expression back there, I thought for sure that you were bored as hell."

"That I was. But I was more expecting them to keep attacking me like uncoordinated idiots. They are surprisingly good as a team." He replied.

"Not sure I can say the same about all of them." The cat spoke and turned towards the three, who had avoided the fight right after getting their ass*s thrown, once.

"Well, thanks for letting me practice here, Mr. Kisuke. I'll take my leave now. See you tomorrow." Vergil spoke then disappeared without making a sound.

"I'm going too. I need some training myself." Yoruichi spoke, before she jumped down and ran towards another location in this place.

Urahara had a slight smile as he looked at Yoruichi's fading form. Ever since she had witnessed Vergil's speed, she was hellbent on increasing her own speed.

"Sigh… What a mess." He sighed and looked in front of him, where three of the Visoreds were unconscious and the rest were still recovering.

...…... To be Continued !!

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