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96.42% DC: The Kryptonian Knight / Chapter 25: Brightest day and Blackest night

Kapitel 25: Brightest day and Blackest night


Thanks to all the knowledge I've acquired after crafting my first ring of power, I've gained access to all the recorded knowledge from the Guardians.

The Book of Oa included.

All 3600 sectors, with their respectives records of stars, planets, moons, species, cultures and geopolitical realities.

But the piece of knowledge I valued the most was about the Emotional Spectrum.

In short, nothing that I didn't already know from my previous life.

But the little extra details were more than enough for my vastly superior intellect to collect the pieces needed to put my plan into action.

The Emotional Spectrum was created at the beginning of the universe along with the first sentient life form.

With the beginnings of sentience came thoughts and emotions which before then had never existed.

Each emotion gained footing throughout the universe the more they were used, the emotions gathered energy which coalesced into the Emotional Spectrum.

And with the gathering of each band of emotional light came a sentience.

There are at least seven emotional entities, with each one corresponding to a different band of light in the Emotional Spectrum.

These embodiments of emotion have existed ever since, but haven't been located by the Guardians of the Universe.

It was usually believed that the Guardians, the oldest known race in existence, were the first to discover and harness this field, however it was actually originally discovered by Volthoom (also known as the First Lantern, being the first creature in the Multiverse to ever wield a power ring) and his mother from Earth 15 some time shortly before 3079 A.D. when their world was destroyed.

Because of time travel with The Travel Lantern, the paradoxical original basis for the other Lantern Corps batteries.

In similar fashion, according to a prophecy in the Book of Oa, the seven colors of the emotional spectrum would be harnessed by seven different Lantern Corps, which would go to war with each other in a conflict called the War of Light.

Each of these fundamental emotions were represented by a living entity who fed on these emotions while also being the actual embodiment of them.

Curiously, the seven colors of the spectrum were based on the ROYGBIV color pattern present in reflective white light.

The farther from the center, the more difficult the element is to control.

Green light, which was at the center, was the most well balanced of the elements and the easiest to control.

Red and violet, being at the far ends of the spectrum, have the most influence over the wielder.

The emotional colors at opposite ends of the spectrum are also opposites of each other.

Love (violet) is the opposite of Hate (red).

Compassion (indigo) is the opposite of Greed (orange).

Hope (blue) is the opposite of Fear (yellow).

Since the green light was based around willpower, it was particularly vulnerable to the yellow light which was based around fear, the only one of the other colors that caused a person to hesitate, rather than giving them a reason to fight harder.

Conversely, the blue light, based on hope, a particularly strong source of willpower, could greatly increase the power of the green light simply by being in its presence.

However, a Blue Light wielder could not fully utilize their ring's power without the nearby presence of a Green Lantern.


After the capture of Legion, Sentry made a proposal to all of the best of the best Green Lanterns.

To serve under him in order to succeed where the Guardians so miserably failed.

Proof of his true power to accomplish such a feat was not only the casual containment of Legion, who was still screeching inside his small spheric construct, but also bringing back to life their fallen comrades.

Predictably, not all of them accepted his offer.

The stupidest of them had attempted to attack Sentry, but were swiftly executed by both Abin Sur and Sinestro.

The wisest among the insurgents quickly fled back to Oa.

And only survived long enough to succeed because Sentry allowed it.

Back at Oa, a few dozen Green Lanterns arrived in desperate fear of not reaching the citadel of the Guardians in time.

Their desperation was so tremendous that all of the standby Lanterns immediately assumed that the mission to capture Legion had ended terribly wrong.

As the circle of Guardians greeted their distressed soldiers, they simply couldn't believe what news they had brought them.

A Lantern dared declare himself more worthy than them of protecting the universe?

But the most unbelievable claim was that Abin Sur had bent the knee to serve such a traitor.

"He was our most brilliant lantern!" A Guardian's voice echoed around their chamber, possibly the first time one of them had spoken in a century. "A paragon of duty and service, the cleverest of them all!"

"Perhaps too clever." Another Guardian remarked. "We should have seen the signs with our second best."

"Until Abin Sur gets an opportunity to explain himself, I remain skeptical." The Guardian from before stated, prompting confused looks from his fellow Guardians.

It was then that some rings barged in their chamber and dropped lifelessly to the ancient marble floor.

They were the rings of those foolish enough to refuse Sentry's offer and attack.

As one of the fugitive Lanterns was about to point out that their warnings were proven right, an explosion from above caught them by surprise, pushing all the Guardians to the floor as a result.

Hovering above them, stood the tall and imposing figure of Sentry, still donning his Emerald King armor, surrounded by several elite Green Lanterns.

The Lanterns loyal to the Guardians attempted to fight by firing several beams of green light at them.

But all the energy was absorbed by Sentry as the Lanterns loyal to him counterattacked with more powerful, yet concentrated, blasts of green energy.

Killing everyone but the Guardians.

As Sentry descended towards the Guardians, he was followed by both Abin Sur and Thaal Sinestro.

"So, it is true." One of the Guardians remarked with a sour expression.

"Yes it is." Abin Sur replied to the harsh stares with a determined front. "Only he can prevent the final prophecy."

"A new command is at hand. A new authority." Sinestro added with a proud tone.

"How dare you?!" The Guardian that previously defended Abin Sur protested. "It's an affront t—-"

Sinestro suddenly silenced the ancient immortal with a construct blocking his mouth.

"Shut your mouth you stupid little troll!" Sinestro demanded, enjoying the feeling of retribution as the same Guardian struggled to dismiss his construct. "You are nothing but a clutch of bickering old biddies, ineffectual and obstructionists. In a universe screaming for order, you have cast a deaf ear."

"But all that ends now." Sentry had the final word, earning looks of approval from all that accepted to serve him.

'Enough!' All the Guardians shouted telepathically with glowing eyes as they casted their telekinetic power to destroy Sentry.

Even though they were used to dealing with the green energy, it was merely a pity that they didn't stand a chance against the variety of hax abilities he had collected throughout his time in this life.

Chief of them was never neglecting his Kryptonian origin.

With a powerful thunderclap, the mighty wave of power from the Guardians was instantly countered.

It was powerful enough to level the entire scenery surrounding him in a few kilometers, but his loyal servants weren't harmed by the casual display of power.

Making justice to their reputation as Guardians of the universe, the blue imps were still alive after such a devastating attack.

"It must be difficult to relinquish power." Sentry said, opening a portal to his side, as his Dark King persona stepped through it, shrouded in darkness. "I know it is for me. Time to face the Brightest day."

"And the blackest night." The Dark King complemented with a cold voice before the two moved at such ludicrous speeds, boosted not only by their Kryptonian physiology, but also their godly speed and the speed force itself.

The two made short work of the Guardians while the Lanterns loyal to them dealt with anyone who dared intervene.

Despite the initial destruction, the plan still was to preserve Oa and have it remain as the center of the universe, responsible for keeping the peace and order throughout it.

In less than a few minutes, Sentry stood before the massive Lantern battery, finally basking at its power, with the lifeless bodies of the Guardians surrounding him as their souls had just been destroyed.

But his eyes shone with all the knowledge he had forcefully extracted from them.

As he placed his hand over the great battery, ready to deplete it from all of its channeled green energy, he came in contact with the first embodiment.



The color Green stood for Will.

With Ion, a giant space fish with a carving over its back mimicking the symbol of The Green Lantern Corp, being known as the Willpower Entity.

Ion was a cosmic entity born when the first sentient creature willed itself to move.

It's a passive creature that lived in symbiosis with its host unlike the parasitic relationship some of the other Embodiments employed.

Which was excellent for me.

"In brightest day, in blackest night,

No evil shall escape my sight." I said, establishing a bond with Ion.

"Let those who worship evil's might

Beware my power--Green Lantern's light!"

I must admit, I was expecting something more.

After only reciting the brief oath of the Green Lanterns, I felt the actual embodiment of Willpower becoming part of me.

Perhaps it had always been.

But still.

The sensation of feeling the Will of all sentient beings in the universe was somewhat familiar with the knowledge of the Life and Anti-Life equations.

Perhaps I expected to have Ion question my motivations behind my actions.

To have it tell me some wise philosophy about the meaning of Will.

Then again, perhaps I absorbed it so fast that it didn't have the chance of saying "hi".

Don't blame me, I couldn't risk a troublesome rejection.

Regardless, the Guardians were no more, and I now stood as the actual embodiment of Will itself.

Which meant I could bend it as I saw fit.

Though it was never in my nature to rule mindless minions.

After giving all the Green Lanterns my much superior version of the Guardians's work, I had them swear an oath to me.

One that would bind their Will to it.

Of course I wasn't worried about them attacking me.

But any opposition in the wrong place and wrong time could very much cause me an annoying headache in the future.

Abin Sur inherited the first ring I've made, making him the de facto leader after me.

But I had different plans for Sinestro.

After that, I selected the best Lanterns that would serve alongside Abin Sur.

The Alpha Lanterns.

Created to be an "Internal Affairs" department of my new Green Lantern Corps.

Following the change left in the wake of the Guardians' fall, I immediately took action to edit and adapt the Book of Oa.

The first of the Book's ten new laws enabled the officers of the Green Lantern Corps to use lethal force against adversaries.

To support this new law, I've created the Alpha Lanterns.

Their function was to serve as a special detachment to not only enforce the new laws, but also to police members of the my greater Green Lantern Corps.

Especially since one of the new rules said that no longer a sector would be guarded by a single Lantern.

I selected six officers whom I felt possessed the ability to enforce Justice through the universe under my name.

Killowog, who thankfully understood why I was a better alternative than the Guardians after I showed how good and innocent soldiers wouldn't be wasted due to my negligence.

Sodam Yat, an actual Daxamite, who was more than open to serve after the reason for the new Green Corps was explained to him.

John Steward and Hal Jordan were offered through Patrick Wayne a big chance to serve their country beyond what they were already accomplishing with Amanda Waller.

The young Kyle Rayner and old Alan Scott were too good of candidates to ignore once I discovered they were both alive and ordinary in this reality.

The six agreed to serve me as Alpha Lanterns.

To become a member of the Alpha Lanterns was considered the highest honor that could be bestowed upon one of the Green Corps.

They were the only group I wasn't willing to sacrifice quality over quantity, despite my rings being much stronger than the usual deal.

They possessed the willpower and thought process of a Green Lantern, while also harboring the logistical efficiency of the Guardians' first creation, the Manhunters.

Service in the Alpha Lantern Corps required great sacrifice however.

To serve as an Alpha Lantern, an officer was required to abandon all aspects of their prior life, and commit themselves fully to the Corps.

They were also required to undergo cosmic conversion surgery, which enabled them to connect with my pool of Will with greater efficiency than anyone else.

A psychic link was also established connecting an Alpha's mind with the Updated Book of Oa, while their bodies tapped directly into my reserves of Green power.

Because of this, an Alpha Lantern never needed to recharge their ring.

"In days of peace, in nights of war,

Obey the laws forever more.

Misconduct must be answered for,

Swear us the chosen--the Alpha Corps!" The Six Alpha Lanterns declared.


At the lost sector, surrounded by everlasting darkness while keeping Legion in its prison as bait, the Dark King awaited to catch a bigger fish.

Besides him stood Sinestro, who wasn't questioning who the Dark King was nor why he should own allegiance to him as well.

He simply wanted the power he had been yearning for a long time.

Another reason why the Left-handed Lantern didn't question the Dark King authority, was the presence of a small army of fish-like 'demons' and creepy 'assassins' clearly submissive to him.

Incidentally, never had Sinestro witnessed a pitch black sky such as the one from the lost sector.

But for Sentry it very much resembled the abyss the underworld resided in.

'Perhaps I should consider making this sector the base for my new Corps.' The Dark King mused as his ashen hair was blown by the wind. "Well creature, what are you waiting for?"

As he spoke those words, out of the vantablack space above him, a massive golden monster roared into view in similar fashion to a hungry anglerfish, ready to obliterate those that dared step in its domain.

Sinestro's Green aura flickered as his expression assumed one of great fear, but everyone else remained silent as a grave.

Raising Legion in between him and the Fear embodiment, the Dark King acted like he did with Ion.

"You might've controlled your past hosts…" As his eyes flickered a golden light, Arthur grinned, his teeth now resembling the one of a shark. "…but not me. And I won't give you time to learn how to fear me."

The color Yellow stood for Fear.

With Parallax, a demonic parasitic with a carving in its chest mimicking the symbol of The Yellow Lantern Corp, being known as the Fear Entity.

Parallax was created by the fear insects feel when being chased by creatures evolved from sea-based lifeforms.

The first insect that felt fear became Parallax, a being capable of instilling great fear in others was capable of wielding this power.

The yellow light was originally harnessed by Sinestro of Korugar to form the Sinestro Corps, an organization that would bring order to the universe by instilling those who would defy authority with fear.

"In blackest day, in brightest night,

Beware your fears made into light.

Let those who try to stop what's right

Burn like my power, Yellow Lantern's might!" The Dark Knight chanted before opening his arms and devouring the essence of both Legion and Parallax.

"As the Dark Emperor, I'm now founding the Yellow Corps." He said becoming the embodiment of Fear itself, pointing his fingers at his elite assassins and watching as the golden light shone through their eyes and hands. "To accomplish the dirty work the Green Lantern Corps would not be tasked with."

Bringing his hands together, Arthur breathed in the last essence of Parallax, opening his hands he displayed a yellow ring. "Thaal Sinestro, you are now a Yellow Lantern. Serve me and make the universe tremble in fear of me."

Sinestro immediately bowed in respect, fully dedicated to serving the new Yellow Corps.



With both Ion and Parallax fully integrated to my very existence, I seeked now to complete the set, sending both Green and Yellow Corps to search for the remaining Embodiments.

The color Blue stood for Hope.

With Adara, a bird with two heads sprouting a third, with the symbol of The Blue Lantern Corp spreading out across its torso, wings and neck, being known as the Hope Entity.

The Entity of Hope was created from the first act of prayer a sentient being gave during a fierce storm.

The blue light was capable of being wielded by a being who could bring hope for the future to others when they have lost all of theirs.

The blue light was allegedly the most powerful wave of the spectrum, but it was also the most difficult to wield and understand, and required the green light of willpower to fully work.

The exiled Guardians Ganthet and Sayd were the first to harness the blue light, forming the Blue Lantern Corps, a force which would one day assist the Green Lantern Corps in its coming trials.

The Blue Lantern Corps recruitment was unique in that it took a process of three days in which the being in question was picked by the most recently recruited lantern.

Then they were taken to the Blue Lantern Headquarters on Odym.

Once on Odym they were explained to, in great length, what it meant to wield the power of hope.

They learned that it was a responsibility to give one's self to the universe.

When they agreed to the terms and conditions of wielding such power, The Guardians of Hope bestowed the ring upon them.

Despite my ridiculous amount of power, to keep on absorbing living embodiments of the emotional spectrum left and right required me to take a step I've been postponing for quite a while now.

My Kryptonian physiology had vastly evolved since I awoke as a baby.

Not only could I absorb a seemingly infinite amount of yellow sun radiation, but my cells had finally achieved the condition of being self-sufficient.

The speed force and Power of Law of the Sun made it all possible.

But it was time to level up.

With the vast and detailed map of the universe now in my possession, I've located a blue sun.

And funnily enough, it was the one shining light over Odyn, the headquarters of the Blue Lantern Corps.

As I bathed in its bluish light, exerting my godly control over the sun, my memories immediately brought me back to my younger years.

"I AM SUPER!" I shouted with my arms spread wide and my chest puffed as I announced, the power behind my voice being enough to shake the entire sector I was in.

My intellect had made a breakthrough that made my previous state resemble an aspiring scholar.

I could finally process the hidden message both Ion and Parallax gave me before being absorbed.

The brief exposure to the blue sun radiation felt to me already like I had spent a thousand years facing a yellow one.

As of now, I feared no effect from a red sun nor green kryptonite.

So much power.

All being swiftly metabolized by the speed force.

As a result, my magical form expanded.

I no longer was eight feet tall.

Now just edging out of ten feet, I opened my eyes, my new super sight allowing me to see the other sectors of the universe now under my jurisdiction.

And see smaller things than the subatomic levels, thanks to my new intellect comprehending beyond the strings that made the string theory.

Even my super hearing had reached such extreme levels.

And I thought that the level of control I had over my already attuned Fatherbox couldn't be higher.

I was completely wrong.

"It's time." I said in a perfectly controlled volume, searching the universe for Adara with my superior sight, soon finding it and summoning it to me. "In fearful day, in raging night,

With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.

When all seems lost in the War of Light,

Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"

After absorbing the Blue Light embodiment, I immediately noticed my willpower rocketing towards new levels, and in similar fashion my hope, the entire Blue Corps was as good as mine.

Saint Bro'Dee Walker being the first to recognize me as their new leader and surrender their rings in exchange for much superior versions.

While the Alpha Lanterns would police the Green Lantern Corps, the Blue Lantern Corps would serve as a support force that would aid them to guard the universe.


While Abin Sur led me to the Blue Corps, Sinestro was the one to bring me the perfect candidates for the Crimson one.

The color Red stood for Rage.

With Butcher, a bull with its horns mimicking the symbol of The Red Lantern Corp, being known as the Rage Entity.

The Rage Entity came into being with the first act of rage, when Cain killed his brother Abel.

Using a person's rage, one would be able to tap into the red light. However, controlling the red light usually rendered the heart useless and spoiled the blood of the wielder.

The red light would've been first harnessed by Atrocitus of the Five Inversions (because of the rage he felt over being imprisoned and because due justice was not brought to the Guardians of the Universe, whose Manhunters had slaughtered almost the entirety of his Space Sector), using blood rituals to form Red Power Rings and Batteries to be used by his Red Lantern Corps.

But thankfully I had better methods to properly channel the rageful fury, and the lifeless bodies of the Guardians to gain their loyalty.

Among those who also received a ring were Vice, the most ruthless of the original Corps and Dex-Starr, a terrestrial feline.

However this time, upon accepting the rings, their hearts wouldn't be rendered useless as their canon version did, which spoiled their blood from within, causing them to expel it in a violent manner that burned anyone who touched it.

They were still capable of burning their targets with rageful fire, additionally, the Red Lanterns weren't reduced to an almost animalistic state, each still remaining in full control of themselves.

"With blood and rage of crimson red,

Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead,

Together with our hellish hate,

We'll burn you all--that is your fate!" The Dark Emperor said with gold eyes and a blazing aura after absorbing the Butcher.

As he turned to the bowed figures of both Sinestro and Atrocitus, each representing a newly formed Corps, he gave his order. "Fear and Anger shall help one another bring order and justice."

Both Lanterns nodded solemnly before displaying their rings' might.


Soon after, Abin Sur proved his worth by making contact with another Corp with great respect for him.

The color Indigo stood for Compassion.

With Proselyte, an octopus with the symbol of The Indigo Tribe located in its mouth, being known as the Compassion Entity.

As Rage was born out of murder and Hope out of prayer, Compassion came to alleviate suffering.

It reached out to offer itself to all sentient beings.

The indigo light could be wielded by one with great compassion for other beings, and could even manipulate the other energies of the emotional spectrum.

The indigo light was wielded by Indigo, leader of the Indigo Tribe.

The Indigo Tribe was a mysterious group that had harnessed the power of the Indigo Light of Compassion from the Emotional Spectrum.

Their creation was traced to the Green Lantern Abin Sur during his early service to the Green Lantern Corps.

At some point, he came to the planet Nok that was being besieged by aggressive explorers that had enslaved the native inhabitants.

Amongst these was a being called Natromo who along with his people had uncovered a wellspring to the power of compassion within a cavern where it emerged from an unknown source from deep within the planet.

They coated their weapons in the Indigo Light, and realized that their attackers struck by it suddenly felt remorse as well as regret over their actions.

After their defeat, Abin Sur and Natromo decided to harness the Indigo Light of Compassion.

This was because the Green Lantern had learnt of the Blackest Night Prophecy and intended to stop The Black from destroying all life.

To accomplish that, the two harnessed compassion to create the Indigo Lantern Power Ring.

Once crafted, Abin Sur departed the world only to return with a criminal called Iroque who was forcibly given the Power Ring.

The former criminal suddenly felt remorse over her actions and became a completely changed individual.

Seeing the result, Abin Sur began collecting other criminals from across space and fitted them with these Power Rings thus forming the Indigo Tribe in order to fight The Blackest Night as had been prophesied.

Afterwards, Abin Sur departed Nok and left Natromo who was the only member of the tribe that was not a psychotic evil being.

He was left in charge in keeping the Green Lantern's vision to come to pass.

This included watching over the Indigo Lantern Central Power Battery located within the Forbidden Jungles.

"In sorrowful day, in misfortune of night, we help those who need our might. With the lantern power of Sentry, we rid your miseries with compassion and might!" The entire tribes chanted while wielding the new rings of power I gave them.

Once I had absorbed their light's embodiment while still having Abin Sur vouching for me, just like with the Blue Corps, they became mine.

Ready to redeem any offender too valuable to be executed.

Another great support for my Green Lantern Corp.


Both Sinestro and Atrocitus had located the Corps composed of a single member.

"Another failure of the incompetent Guardians." Spat Sinestro as he kicked behind Larfleeze's knee, forcing him to kneel while being restrained by golden and crimson chains.

"We've avenged so many fallen souls by punishing him." Atrocitus argued proudly.

The color Orange stood for Avarice.

With Ophidian, The Tempter, a snake with a carving in its head mimicking the symbol of The Orange Lantern Corp, being known as the Avarice Entity.

The Avatar of Avarice came to exist after the serpent in the Garden of Eden ate that which he did not need.

Wielders of the orange light have been shown to become twisted by their greed, and obsessively guard their property and steal possessions from others.

The entity of greed would be captured by Larfleeze (Agent Orange), and stored in his Orange Power Battery.

His Orange Lanterns were composed of the identities of individuals killed by the Orange Light.

Even the Controllers, a Maltusian offshoot desiring to create an orderly universe by controlling it, tried to harness the orange light to form their own corps.

Obviously, they failed.

The orange light of avarice would be discovered and manipulated by a being whose greed knows no bounds.

'I could work with that.' The Dark Emperor mused cheekily at the barely alive Orange Agent. "Thanks for making things easier for me."

Picking up the Orange Power Battery, Arthur chanted the ridiculous oath. "What's mine is mine and mine and mine. And mine and mine and mine! Not yours!"

As he became the very embodiment of Avarice, he summoned several members of the Court of Shadows and the most notable individuals of his 'Rapture' experiment.

"I charge you with the responsibility of turning to our side any troublesome wannabe hero too valuable to be eliminated." He ordered while handing superior versions of Larfleeze's ring, while breaking the original.


The color Violet stood for Love.

With Predator, an alien lizard with multiple limbs and a prismatic symbol located in its chest, being known as the Love Entity.

Little was known of The Predator except, like it's fellow entities, it had the ability to possess a physical body.

It was the only one so far that had shown the ability to be able to create a corporeal, crystalized form of it's own.

And also seemed to be the only one that could be corrupted by its host.

Those who were capable of great love, even those who had lost their loves, or been rejected were capable of wielding the violet light.

The Zamarons, some female Guardians that were as tall as a human, believed that the other Guardians' rejection of emotion was tantamount to blasphemy, and left Oa.

Travelling across the universe, they found two crystallized corpses of a male and female embracing each other. Between them was a crystal known as the Star Sapphire, an object filled with the violet light.

Unfortunately, the Zamarons interpreted that the best way to spread love throughout the universe and destroy hate and fear was to use the Star Sapphires to crystallize whole worlds and trap their inhabitants.

Worse, the Star Sapphire was a parasite that overrode the hosts free will and compelled them to attack the objects of their affection, as well as display an intense fear of men.

Like he did with the Amazons, Sentry subtly changed their ways by showing a better path.

Following the realization that the Sapphires were unstable, the Zamarons accepted his offer to absorb it in exchange for rings and power batteries for the Star Sapphire Corps, an organization which would spread and protect love throughout the universe.

Of course he had his Angels added to the Corps, leading the much less attractive Zamarons.

"For hearts long lost and full of fright,

For those alone in Blackest Night.

Accept our ring and join our fight,

Love conquers all with violet light!" Sentry chanted as the Power of Law over love sinergyzed perfectly with the Predator essence.

The Violet Corps would basically be an extension of his overgrown Harem, bringing him beautiful females throughout the universe, ready to serve him in mind, body and soul.

The first candidates being the cute Arisia Rrab, the warrior Laira Omoto, the telepathic Boodikka and the angry Bleez.

Now with all the seven lights united with the mission to protect the universe, it was the perfect time to strike a threat of the future.


As thousands of Green, Yellow, Blue, Red, Indigo, Orange and Violet Lanterns battled the endless hordes of dead, the Dark Emperor stood still facing his scythe wielding opponent.

His current control over the Law of Death only allowed him to open passage to the land of the unliving, a spiritual realm between Heaven and Hell, much akin to the Underworld he inherited after Hades.

Just like Hades before his demise, this opponent of his wasn't the definitive personification of death in the DC universe.

That title might befall over one of the seven dark gods, properly named Death.


Black stood for Death.

With Nekron, Lord of the Unliving, being known as the Death Entity of the Electromagnetic Emotional Spectrum.

Nekron was the embodiment of death in Green Lantern stories, like Ion, Parallax, and Predator.

Black represented the total absence of emotion, and the life that created it.

Nekron would use Black Central Battery, the power source of his Black Lantern Corps in his scythe, to destroy the other seven corps in an event known and prophetisized as the Blackest Night.

The Book of Oa stated:

"You think you are strong. But death is stronger. It is the pure power of the far end of the Emotional Spectrum. The emptiness of space. The Blackest Night!"

The Guardians referred to this prophecy as the last and hidden chapter of the Book, describing their final fate and ultimate purpose because they did the forbidden - they felt fear.

If only there was someone to stop him.

Oh wait, don't be silly, of course there is.

But as Arthur held mastery over the Power of Law of Death and knew the anti-life equation, he had the right to fight Nekron in order to become the true embodiment of death.

Or at least one of them.

You get it.

"I was the darkness before there was light." The skeleton lich remarked.

"For all your power, Nekron, you hold one great weakness." Arthur argued, empowering his shadows with all the seven lights he had absorbed. "You cannot exist in my universe. In order to properly interact with the living, you require a link between it and this Land of the Unliving, such as a tear in space-time, or a mortal link."

As he finished, Nekron was surprised by the impossible speed of his opponent.

So fast it appeared that he had reached him before even moving.

As Nekron struggled against the iron grip of the Dark Emperor, he failed to notice them going past a portal leading them directly to the city of Oa.

"Fool, you just mentioned the tear in space-time as a condition for my existence." The skeleton lich remarked with great malice.

"I did." Arthur grinned with vantablack eyes. "But I need you to exist for my plan to succeed."

"What?!" Nekron replied confused.

"The Blackest Night falls from the skies,

The darkness grows as all light dies.

I crave your hearts and your demise,

By my black essence, the dead shall rise!" Arthur quickly said as he and Nekron battled over the Lantern Battery Scythe.

It was then that Nekron saw his Lantern flicker with a small amount of light.

"It can't be?!" He argued, gritting his teeth, only then noticing all the Lantern Corps surrounding them.

And with Sentry floating above them as he shined with all the seven colors of the Emotional Spectrum.

Before Nekron faded forever, he had the chance to glimpse the light he had fought so long to extinguish, returning to all of its former glory.

Meanwhile, the Dark Emperor had finally become the Dark God he had been striving for.



White stood for Life.

With The Entity being known as the creator and embodiment of Life.

The White Light of Life was where the Emotional Spectrum originated.

According to Indigo-1 and the Guardians of the Universe, in the beginning the universe was absolute darkness.

At an unspecified point in history, the white light was introduced by an entity or entities unknown, and for 700 years the universe was nothing but a blinding white light.

The darkness however, fought back against the light, eventually dividing it into the 7 colors of the spectrum that existed today.

Those who wield the white light had the capability to truly resurrect the dead, teleport freely, and could create constructs that could potentially last much longer than those casted by other lights.

If not forever.

And not to mention the idea of living constructs.

The white energy came from all living things, and all living things came from it.

Sentry had finally achieved the necessary conditions to summon the Life Entity as he merged all the others into one.

"In brightest day and brightest night,

All darkness will dread my might,

Virtuous energy of life ignite.

Shine forth my power,

Sentry's Light!"

He said, but noticed the light energies inside him hadn't merged completely.

With all the power he had collected thus far, he knew what he had to do.

Speaking while mentally reciting both the life and anti life equations, he said in unison with both Arthur and Patrick.

"I, named Kal-El by my biological parents, Patrick Wayne and Arthur Prince by my adopted ones, am the first harnesser of the entire Emotional Spectrum and its abstract absence. The devourer of the all life forces of all the Emotional Embodiments, including death, the all-powerful entities. I remove all safeguards from my body, mind and soul. I open myself willingly to the flood of the life engine. Power that would rend the flesh of any other shall be bent to my whim. My might!"

It was then that he became something more.

"Let light shine out of darkness." All of his emanations declared with bright white eyes.

As Sentry stood tall and mighty besides the Scythe wielding Dark God, they noticed All The Lantern Corps bowing in absolute obedience towards them.

Back on Earth, Patrick could simply smirk and move on to his next conquest.



*Hope this chapter is of your liking. Anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

**Hey there! How's everyone? Enjoying the read?

I sure hope so.

Can you believe we just surpassed 130k words in this fic?

That's simply breathtaking! I can't thank you enough.

I'm planning to release one more chapter before completing season one. After that I will take a break and give some love to my other stories.

Hopefully I can still engage you to stay around after I turn my attention to my other fics.

I had read this chapter multiple times, but I still feel that despite its large word count, it still felt a little rushed.

Sorry if you felt the same way. 😓

The next story I will be focusing on will be the Game of Thrones/The Gamer one as it is getting close to the Greyjoy Rebellion.

And after that, I might go to my Marvel fic since it was about to enter an interesting arc.

As for my Naruto story, it's not because of lack of ideas or interest on my part that I don't make it a priority, it's because of lack of engagement from my readers. At least in comparison to my other fics.

Finally, the fics without a pilot chapter might finally receive one.

Am I leaving out someone you liked from the original DC stories? Chances are that I plan to use them in the future seasons, but there is still a possibility that I might have really forgotten someone.

Daichi_TBR193 Daichi_TBR193

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