Song Shuhang braced himself and entered the dormitory. Then, he quickly locked the door.
Such a big pekingese, perhaps it was… yeah, there was no doubt about it. This was the same monster pekingese that was chasing Demon Monarch Anzhi yesterday; it even gave him a painful bite.
As a matter of fact, the smaller the puppy was, the more lovable it would be. When a puppy was just born, even if was of mixed race or chubby, it would still be lovable.
However, after growing up, the puppy would change into something that wasn’t really lovable… and even something as lovable as a pekingese, once it changes into a 5 meters tall monster, would not be so lovable anymore.
The monster pekingese was squatting on the ground. It had its tongue out and was panting heavily with a ‘hah hah’ sound. It was acting like a little puppy. However, a monster dog of this rank would certainly not fear heat, why was it sticking its tongue out?
[1] ED/N: Apparently MC already knew that the dog was male at this point, so we’re changing “it” to “he” when referring to the pekingese (he didn’t know it was THAT dog before this moment). Since otherwise we may very well end up waiting forever for one of the characters or the narration to say it clearly...
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