Senior White Two said, "As long as you can tell me a joke that makes me laugh, you will pass this test. I've stretched the rules so many times already. Therefore, you must have surely looked for quite a few jokes after going back the last time, right?"
"..." Song Shuhang.
After seeing that Song Shuhang didn't reply, Senior White Two slightly furrowed his brows. "What? Even this time, you didn't look for any jokes? Is it possible that you didn't even bother keeping in mind the fact that I've asked you to tell me a joke the next time we met?"
Song Shuhang quickly replied, "Ahem. Actually, Senior White, I was just looking for some jokes when you pulled me here!"
"Good, I believe you. Therefore, quickly tell me a joke," Senior White Two said.
Another chapter in 6 hours.
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