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42% Crash Into Hello / Chapter 21: CHAPTER 21

Kapitel 21: CHAPTER 21

Genesis's POV

You up for a cake by the ocean?

I shot up straight from the bed. The novel I was reading fell back at my sides. A deep grin assaulted my lips as I tapped away at my phone in a hasty bid to reply my boyfriend's message while misspelling countlessly.

😂Cake by the ocean?

I dropped my phone back on the bed, secretly awaiting his reply.

               "What should I do to make you come with me, huh? Tell me. Should I get you a Lamborghini, buy you a Porsche. A mansion. A Ferrari or even get you tickets for a month vacation to Hawaii. C'mon, that's what my brother is here for."

Lana had been trying to get me to attend her friend's birthday party. I had declined endlessly, knowing the celebrant in question didn't quite like me. I wouldn't want to be somewhere I'm not wanted. Besides, the novel in my hands was quite the catch.

Before I could open my mouth to talk to her, a slight ding hit my sides. I frantically reached for my phone, tapping at the screen.

Yeah, I wanna take you out tonight. For a friend's birthday beach party.

I replied, Did I hear you say the beach?😃

               "Look, I know you two don't get along but c'mon, you don't have to see her."

Pretty sure I just did😍

              "You don't even have to talk to her. Just come, have a good time while I'll prolly look for a hot guy to spend the night or better still, Dar..."

Hell yeah!!!😁😁

              "Uh...hey Genesis, just be there okay. It's gonna be a blast trust me. Erika's parties are always top notch, plus I promise to find you a sexy bad ass guy for tonight."

That caught my attention immediately. I looked up at her, "I have a boyfriend, Lana."

              "Oh right, I forgot."

Hell yeah?😂😂

I giggled.

               "I'm I saying something funny?"

               "Oh God Lana. Just a moment."

Sorry😃 It's the beach🤣. The beach got me this way.

               "You should really try out this outfit. I swear it was made just for you."

Was starting to think I've been a bad influence😫

😂😂😂 Well not quite but you've been really bad in the other things.

                "Oh my God. I take my words back. Look at this hella sexy thing. No way, this one is yours. It's been written in the stars. Trust me."

You'd tell me tonight then. Whisper it into my ears.

                "No way. This one is perfect. Damn, just look at this. Jeez."

Yeah. This is just one of the millions😏


                "C'mon Genesis, you're not even listening."



I'll be with you in thirty. Park up a few sexy clothes. The ones I can see through🤣 I love you.

I shook my head, smiling.



I flinched, "Jesus. What?"

She frowned at me. The red dress and bikini set in her hands caught my eyes immediately. I cringed.

               "Nah-uh, I'm not putting that on."          


He wrapped his hands around my hips, clinging our bodies together. Nestling into the crook of my neck, I felt him inhale, "Stunning."

I smiled, "Thank you."

His black jeans hugged his long, athletic legs perfectly along with a white short sleeved shirt that accentuated his manly physique like I've never seen before. I swaddled his trimmed waist, hugging him tightly, barely measuring up to his height.

               "Wanna tell me those other stuffs I'm really bad in now?"

I didn't think he was serious, "Oh God. Keegan, please." I hid into his chest, fighting back a smile.

His stone hard chest vibrated against my front. He placed a soft kiss on my cheek. "I'm not gonna let it slide."

He opened the door, ushering me in, pushing my bag in, "I'd want to see that thing beneath your dress later."

Heat flooded my cheeks immediately. I rasped,"You're becoming dirty again."

His laughter sounded behind me, deep. Through the windscreen, I watched him round the corner to the front. In no time, we sang into the bleeding city.

The night was wild. The atmosphere was very active. The night rode in on a horse of pure midnight velvet, beckoned by the stars under the glow of a full moon. Cold breeze swayed my hair from left to right, center and all over as the car whooshed past moving cars, buildings and different people.

I sang along to the music blasting from the stereo, clapping and bopping my head to the beat of the music while gazing through the window.

              "You sing...."

I turned to him, smiling, "Horribly. I know."

He snorted, "I was gonna say beautifully."

I laughed, "Why don't I believe you? My voice is terrible."

              "Straight from the horse's mouth. Not mine. That shouldn't stop you from singing though. You wanna sing? Sing that shit. I'm just gonna suffer the consequences. Prolly go deaf once or twice but I can deal. I promise."

I buckled over, splitting my sides, slapping him on his arm, "You're so cruel."

He chuckled, "What should I say? I'm supposed to encourage you, right?"

               "Not like that. Where is your friend's party?"

               " my Dad's beach house."

I gasped, "Your dad owns a beach house? Where is it?"

               "Not so far from here. At Orchid. Fuck, I think I forgot something." He withdrew his hand from the steering and dug it into the armrest console, rummaging inside.

                "What is it?"

                "The keys to the house. Damn." He dug inside his pockets.

                "You didn't bring it with you?"

                "Not sure." He tapped a button near the steering wheel. Seconds passed then I heard it ring. My brows creased. Soon, a voice came through. The hairs on my arms stood on end as I instantly recognized the owner.

                "Man, I swear I can't deal with this shit anymore."

Keegan chuckled, "You got the keys?"

                "Yeah why?"

                "Was searching for it."

                "You threw it at me before running off to God knows where. When you've got your head wrapped around that girl, now tell me how the fuck you would remember."

He guffawed, swerving to the right, honking at a car in front, "Shut up. She's my girl. That girl ain't good enough."

               "So many unwanted people trooping in here man. Hey, who the fuck are you? Where the hell did you come out from? Keegan, you know this guy?"

Keegan threw his head back, cackling uncontrollably.

               "How-how can I see who he is? I'm driving. You're crazy."

               "Fuck. Right. You were invited or what? What are you even called? Shit, can't believe I just asked that. You know what? Just get in. Fuck off."

              "You're damn bad at this."

              "I swear to fuck, if you don't get here soon enough, I'm kicking everyone out. When is this shit gonna end?"

              "Running all through the weekend."

Through the speakers, I heard a loud, unrestrained, "What?"

              "You know how Erika is."

              "Hey fucker, get your ass right here. It's this way you know. You stupid or what?....Oooh...this one's hot." I heard a whistle. "Dang, you see that ass? Where have you been all my life? Tonight's gonna be good. Can't say I regret coming."

Just then, a loud noise punctured the air. Like something fragile just shattered to pieces.

               "Fuck!! What the fuck are you two even doing there? Are you blind? Didn't you two see that there?"

              "Sorry man."

              "Get the fuck out. Out. Now. You paying for that and I know your face so don't think you can disappear. Magic ain't real. Does this house look like a damn brothel to you? She wasn't even gonna cum. Jeez, is this what I'm gonna have to deal with it for two fucking straight days?"

              "Two days and three nights actually."

              "Keegan, I'm telling you, you get right he...."

Immediately, he pressed a button. I heard the line beep and then go dead. He started laughing.


He turned to face me, still laughing and then back at the road, "Yeah." He chuckled. "Dario."

Second passed. "Is he okay now?"

He glanced at me. "Dario is..." Breathing deeply. "....Dario is good." Murmuring, "At least that's what he says."

               "I didn't know it was Erika's birthday party. Your friend doesn't like me."

               "Nah. Erika's cool."

He drove through a tall gigantic gate, huge and iron cladded, slashed at the centre. The environment seemed empty. I frowned. I thought to see cars scattered all through the entire space, jam-packed like a tin of sardine but the vicinity appeared to be deserted.

Minutes passed by and he was still hung on the steering wheel, driving, making turns here and there. I squirmed in my chair but the seat belt restrained me a bit. I unhooked it and was awarded freedom of movement.

I ran my eyes outside the car in motion. Outside was illuminated with brightly coloured lights. I was struck by what I saw. Now, I realized why he hadn't thought to park since we went in through the gate.

The beach house stood on at least a 10.5m acre lot of land. Vast and spacious, it awed me, leaving my jaw right on the floor. A massive swimming pool flooded around the perimeter. Pretty boxes on the hillside, stacked, tacked and tucked back from a second family living space built by the pool.

He sat steady behind the wheels as I took in heaven on earth. This place couldn't even be compared to his house off campus and I knew I haven't even see the whole of it. The house itself was still abstract to me.

As he drove on, I began to spot some cars lazily parked far off in the distance. People of both genders shrouded in little to no clothing moving and swaying their bodies in all directions with red cups and bottles of alcohol in their grasp. The hills were stacked with some college students who in turns and groups leaped high off in the air and plunged into the ocean beneath, exploding into cackles of laughter. The atmosphere was one of cheer, full of elation.

               "We are here." I fidgetted immediately as his unexpected voice cut through the air. I looked around. The car wasn't on the move anymore. I didn't even realize when he stopped the engine.

He chuckled, "You okay?"

              "Y-yes. Just a little bit surprised."

              "At what?

              "It's very big. Huge even. Is that the house?" I pointed at the large building where lights shone through and people seemed to be having a great time. It sembled a castle, fit for a king only.

              "No, that ain't the main one. It's over there. That's where my gang is at." He got out and rounded the front, pulling the door open. "C'mon. We are getting our stuffs later."

              "Okay." I took his hand and he pulled me out, locking his car right after. Then, we took in the direction of the house he pointed at. If I had thought I had seen the last of it, I was totally wrong.

Like a souped up lifeguard lookout station, the beach home surveyed the sea and coastline through four sides of glass. The rooftop pool deck was more reminiscent of a luxury yacht. An impressive swimming pool and up to about 9000 square feet of covered terraces and outdoor decks.

Architects had complete freedom to design this unique house as if it were their own. External walls and ceilings were converged into oblique angles, so that rainwater poured toward the centre of the roofs before rushing down into the courtyard like a waterfall. Concrete steps cascaded to a glowy crossing of stepping stones. Theatrical, magical, and monumental.

I was in complete awe.

                "It's..." I could barely riddle out an appropriate adjective to describe the vicinity. "Your beach house is so..." I chuckled. "I don't know what to say."

He laughed, "It's not mine. It's my Dad's."

               "He's your Dad. You're his son. It's still yours."

He chuckled.

               "I love it, Keegan. I really do."

               "Thanks. I'll tell him that."

The entire crowd was in full on party mode. Everyone moved in different directions. There were only boozed up faces as we headed toward the entrance door, music to fill us chock full of adrenaline pumping happiness, stomping feets, gyrating bodies, invoking a wild display of sexuality.

I moved along with Keegan by my side, staying close to him, our fingers entwined.

A guy I haven't seen before approached us. He stopped and they exchanged pleasantries. Keegan introduced the two of us. My heart swelled when he referred to me as his girl in front of his friend.

              "Is she the one?" He whistled. "Damn. She's fire."

              "Take your eyes off her."

The guy laughed and slapped him on his arm, walking away and then calling out.

              "Have got to spread the word bud. The one and only Keegan Scott is officially taken."

He laughed and then pulled me towards him. Inside was lit from top to bottom. People were hyped up, moving their bodies like wild cats. Their eyes were bright and the energy pumping out from them was like electricity. Dark, mean music oozed out of the windows, tugged at my ankles, and twisted my stomach. Hard. I hesitated, looking up to Keegan.

He leaned in, screaming over the uproarious music, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, forcing a smile.

I spotted Lana. She was all over a guy I haven't laid eyes on before. She saw me before I did and was already on her way. A guy she knew picked her up from our dorm room. She left before I did. I was only concerned about her outfit. All of the dresses I had seen her wear were too skimpy and revealing but this one was very much over the top. I was only worried because of some horrble guys who might want to take something from her by force. Her choice of outfit tonight was provocative to the extreme.

She reached and punched Keegan on the stomach. I gasped, shocked.

Glaring at him, "That's for taking my friend away from me."

               "Was that a punch or...I could barely feel a thing."

               "When you're all stones and bricks. How would you?"

               "You should hit the gym Lana. It would do you some good."

She scowled at him in return and faced me.

               "I told you this outfit would suit you perfectly, Genesis. You look so gorgeous. that a bikini I'm seeing? Why didn't you tell me you've got one already? I brouht like a dozen for you to pick out from but damn, it looks really good on you. How are you holding up Keegan? You good down there?"

He grimaced, tilted his head, "I'm trying. Hasn't been easy."

I glanced down at myself, eyes wide, lips parted. I had thought it wasn't so transparent. I looked back up to Lana and shifted my eyes at Keegan.

              "Can-can you see through?"

              "Of course. Damn girl, you look so hot. Keegan, you better watch it. Them guys would be coming for her tonight?"

Oh my God.

              "Genny, what's wrong?"

              "Every-everyone saw. Everyone saw Keegan. When we walked here from the park. I-I can't have people seeing me like this. I didn't know it was this transparent." I could hide the anxiety in my voice.

              "Genesis, this is a beach house not some kind of church place. No one's gonna bat an eye. Well, they would in some sense but not because of that. Plus, you look take away. Dashing. Damn. I knew you had this."

             "Lana, you don't understand. I..."

             "Lana, take her to my room. I'll be right back." He turned and left.

Lana immediately laced our arms together and we turned in the direction of the stairs. Broad and long, it sembled a highway to heaven.

She started, "I don't subscribe to this just so you know. Covering up and all."

              "I'm not used to this Lana. I didn't even know it was too much of a see through."

She sighed, "Would you ever stop being a good girl and taste life for once?"

             "My mum won't be happy if she sees me like this."

             "Here we go again. She's not even here."

             "I wasn't brought up that way Lana. I don't know any of it."

             "You're something else, aren't you?"

Keegan's room was straight out from the magazine. Vast, slick and magnificent.

              "Wow. This is..." Mouth agape, stunned. I drank in the beautiful space, astonished at the interior, cut out from money and a sky level standard.

              "I wanted to have this room the time we got this house but my brother had already casted a spell on my mum. He beat me to it."

              "It looks more like a guy's room."

              "Yeah that's because he's already marked it and I'm still planning my payback."

The door opened and Keegan strolled in with our bags. He smiled when he saw me and I went to him to help.

He chuckled, "Nah  I've got it."

              "So guys, I'll be downstairs. Don't wanna see any of those smooshy stuffs."

Keegan turned around, "Where's Erika?"

             "Still planning her grand entrance."

I rummaged my things and took out a black dress. Knee length, flair and sleeveless. I pulled at the seam of the one on me but remembered something immediately - or rather, someone.

I turned, meeting his eyes already trained solely below my hips.

I breathed, "Keegan."

He blinked, "I'll - I'll be outside."

             "You can stay. It's your house."

             "No. I'll be-be outside." He smiled. "Take your time." He dawdled to the door, twisted the handle and slipped out. The door gently closed. I sighed and began to change.

I checked my appearance through the wall mounted mirror, satisfied with this one. It was better now. I was still shocked I didn't notice it was transparent. How many people had seen?

Christ, I shouldn't have been that careless.

I strided to the door and went through. Keegan was leaning on the wall, waiting for me. I gently shut it, intertwining my fingers together.

He lifted his head and his lips gave way instantly. "Damn."

I smiled, "I'm ready now."


He chuckled, "I swear Genny, I'm one lucky guy."

He pulled me to him and tilted his head over mine, taking my mouth in his.

Whispering against my lips, "How did I get so lucky Genny?"

              "It is I who got lucky."

              "I love you. So fucking much."

I giggled, leaning up to peck his lips. I sipped at mine and pecked him again and again and again.

              "You taste like cherries."

He chuckled, "That's because I took them before coming to get you."

I smiled, "I like it."

              "Guess I'll be having them everyday before kissing you then."

My head flew back in laughter. He wrapped his arms around my body, twirling me to press my back against his front. We went down the stairs in each other's arms.

The music got louder at each step taken, loud and bone chilling. Soon, we were mixed up amongst the gyrating bodies.

Someone tapped Keegan. He turned and chuckled at the new comer. It was Ian. My mind instantly reeled back to some hours ago back at the cafeteria. Something happened between Ian and Dario.

On instinct, I spun my head around but didn't meet his face. I couldn't have either. The population here was insane. It was one of those parties that greatly need a chaperone.

              "Where's Dario?" Keegan shouted over the music while craning his head here and there in search of him.

Ian shrugged, "Haven't seen the big dog since I got here."

             "I want to talk to you later, yeah?"

             "If it's about him, just forget it."


             "Hey, for real..."

             "He started it, not me."

Keegan gazed at him intently.

             "Okay, right. I did but he fucking dragged it. If he wanna beef me, let him bring it on. Dario can't do shit."

He glanced at me and tipped his head, "What's up?" And left.

              "Is everything okay?" I lightly touched his arm. He scoured his hair with the other, inhaling deeply.

              "Will be okay."

Suddenly, I heard cheering and hollering. I felt a slump in my heart. There was a feeling of jubilation in the crowd as if we were both firmly on solid ground and levitating all at once.

People whooped their hands in the air, screaming, clapping, jumping. It was like a roar of thunder altogether.

I glanced up at the stairs and found the subject of their applause immediately. There, Erika stood, posing like a runaway model in an all round fishnet which showcased her two set bikini to the maximum. Her large breasts pushed up so high it almost touched her chin. Her bare skin, tanned, running down to her long striking legs, finishing up with an eight inch red stilettos.

Curly, blonde tresses dropped down the sides of her face while the rest were tied up in a high ponytail. She was heavily made up and moved with such elegance and grace. I felt a twinge of jealousy spark in me. From across a crowded room, her eyes roamed around the lounge till she smiled, settling on someone. I traced her muse to Keegan. He was smiling back at her, throwing a thumbs up her way.

I felt like a third wheel between them, like a sore thumb, so out of place. I took a step back, biting on the insides of my cheeks, watching their exchange. A man dressed in a shiny black tuxedo took her hand to help her down the stairs. The massive crowd still exploding in cheers and screams of, 'happy birthday'. All the while, her eyes were focused on Keegan. He never took his eyes off her either.

I didn't want to intercept or intrude into their sort of connection. The night of the freshers' party where she was sickeningly unpleasant with me crashed into my mind. Now it was clear to me why she disliked me. My stomach fell. Goosebumps coated the surface of my skin. I knew it was too good to be true. Too easy.

I turned around, squishing through the jubilating crowd, unnoticed by anyone and hurtfully unnoticed by Keegan. I dawdled towards the stairs, the certain one which led up the way to Keegan's room. The hallway was extremely wide, stunningly polished with a golden hue. White lights from the high ceiling kissed the marble floors. Various white polished doors ran up my sides, taking up the space. They were tall and broad, gigantic and scary.

I cornered to the right with Keegan's room in sight when I heard it. I heard it, loud and clear. It penetrated my ears, chilling my bones. Loud, drawn out moans filtering out from somewhere - somewhere close.

It came out really loud this time, closely followed with a throaty growl and a deep restrained grunt. Uncontrolled, my limbs abandoned their spot and gained mobility. They began to locomote in the direction where the sounds were oozing out from.

My pulse quickened as I slowly traipsed towards the sounds. My fingers clenched tight. They were sweaty. I released them, flexing the bones. Each step taken amplified the loudness, causing shivers to run up my spine. It got loudest as I rounded a door very similar to the ones I had earlier spotted.

I turned to my sides, leaning my ear against the door. Moans and whimpers filled my ear drums, tauting my entire body. Then, it dawned on me. I suddenly realized the situation.

Oh God.

It was sex.

Quickly, I spun, in a bid to leave but froze. I wheeled myself back around, making slow steps towards the door. I was hyperventilating, trying to be silent. Every second dragged on for an eternity as I stood, debating on what to do.

My fingers latched onto the knob. It twisted, creating a slight squeak. My heart throbbed harshly against the cage of my heart. Slowly, I peeked in. The room was dark. Black-pitched. However, some movements to the right caught my ears.

I snapped my head to the sound of it. My brain stuttered for a bit as every part of me suffered a complicating lapse. My mind and thoughts fought to catch up as I watched him plunge hard and fast into a stark naked girl from behind.

Her hair was fiercely wrapped around his fists and head yanked back. Her mouth parted, emitting a hard moan each time he thrusted into her. His hand were down her womanly area, rubbing fast on her while hitting her harshly from the back, skin slapping against skin, teeth grinding, moans and growls becoming one.

My muscles stiffened and my limbs grew limp. I was unable to move. My feets stayed glued to the ground, paralysis taking full control.

Suddenly, his head whipped in my direction. Instantly, his focus shot straight to the small opening in the door. Through the darkness, I felt his eyes on me. I felt his icy cold glare on my frail being, shredding me into tiny little pieces and snapping my bones in twos.

Brutal and feral. Lethal in the glare.

I coerced my limbs to take flight but they betrayed me.

Dario caught me.


Genesis's journey is just about to take off. Stay glued to your seats guys.

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Next update very soon.



















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