As hard as it was to believe, Theurien was still holding Jadin and Somwell captive within a room in the grand mansion. Skullius had expected a different premise for their story, but it seemed the three really went way back, and with quite a bit of unsavoury history.
He met up with Silrat who had a hollow look on his face, as if the conversations he had heard had punched an indentation into it.
According to the former Association Branch Head, his self-introduction – who he was and his role – had been well accepted by Theurien, Red Rage's too. Even the short discussion that Theurien had had with Silrat in Jadin and Somwell's presence had been pleasant.
It had turned sour, however, when the fiery haired stallion had shifted his perspective to the guests whom he didn't address with any kind of warmth.
The more Theurien spoke, the more Silrat sank and even Red Rage got uncomfortable with how things were going.
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