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43.33% Brightest Doom / Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Kapitel 13: Chapter 13

The Brightest Doom

Chapter 13

Written By: ToFu

Sitting in the bleachers, I rolled my eyes as Harley jumped around with a set of pom-poms. Beside me sat Ivy with a hologram covering over her green skin tone. Down on the field stood Talia as she watched over the soccer game; talk about hovering mom syndrome.

Rolling my eyes at her, I did a small tug on the back of her belt with my TK to let her know to come back. One of the mothers sitting on the side eyed Harley as she did a cheer and cartwheel as our team scored. I wasn't going to say anything because I wanted to see what Harley was going to do to the bitch.

[ Impressive pass by number thirteen. ]

The ping at my waist drew my attention to my phone. Checking it, I found a message from Zelda on a few operations being completed. It would seem that Harvey Dent, my lawyer, had taken over one of the law firms owned by the league of assassins under the order of Ivy and Talia.

Ignoring that fact, I looked over the derby arena's plans only to find out that we needed more teams. Not only more teams, but we also needed to get an okay from the international community. That I actually gave no fucks about, Ra's owned more than enough islands within international waters.

Those islands were the legal loopholes I was looking to use since the island owner set the laws. Hmm, Santa Prisca was causing an issue and there were a few contracts out on Bane's head. Maybe I should go out and collect it, I have been feeling pent up for some action.

[ Stolen by Damian Doom wearing the number four of the away team. ]

I looked up in time to watch the kiddo do a stunning flip kick towards the goal. Damn, the kids got a talent for the sport and it was really showing. I couldn't help but chuckle at the look on his face when his teammates came up to him super excitedly. Shaking my head at his reaction to the other kids, I looked around the soccer field.

On the far end, I noticed some guards walking around trying to blend into the surroundings. On the South and west end had the same thing, sighing to myself. I made some notes to make sure that they wore civilian attire instead of the suits. Gonna have to get that done if we were going to have any more family outings. The suits could wait until we were doing any business meetings and such.


Putting my phone away, I smiled as I watched the kids run around the field in celebration. Ivy pushed up into my side before snaking her hand into my own. We easily get up out of our seat in time to catch the mom that was eyeing Harley step right up into her face.

"Ohh, shit," I whisper with a sigh and fond exasperation as we watch Harley punch the woman in the face. Talia had flying knives already out, and I had to swat those away with some fine application of TK.

Ivy pinched the bridge of her nose as people started to scream, gasp, and do all manner of things. "Urgh, I thought we civilized them enough for public outings."

Shaking my head at the situation, I made sure that the weapons weren't in anyone's line of sight as I led Ivy down the bleachers. We got to the bottom just in time to keep Harley from latching onto the lady in an attempt to bite her ear off.

"You savage, I will press charges for this, you hear me." The mother screamed at the top of her lungs. "Do you know who my husband is? I'll have your head for this."

Harley snorted before turning around and duffing her ass in the lady's direction. "Ahh, pucker up you old prune."

Instead of saying anything, I kept my silence and allowed Ivy to grab Harley by the ear and lead her away from the crowd. So much for staying under the radar. Still keeping my silence, I waited for one of the guards to walk up to me as the crowd listened to the lady scream her head off. Slowly I walked forward as the guard opened the case showing nothing, but stacks of cash.

Everyone watched with bated breath as they looked at the suitcase of cash. I did a quick nod in the lady's direction and waited for the guard to drop to stacks at her feet. Instead of saying anything, I held my hand out and waited for Damian to hand me his soccer bag.

Looking down at him, I pointed in the direction of his teammates. "Great game, go ask if they want to join us for ice cream."

The look on his face sparkled with pure joy as he ran off to speak with the coach and other kids he played with on the team. Turning back around, I walked through the path made by the guards before standing on the outside of the crowd of people. Standing calmly I had my arms folded behind me as if I was Morpheus from the Matrix.

Before I knew it I was surrounded by a gaggle of kids and I tried really hard not to roll my eyes at the situation I found myself inside of. Instead of saying anything, I turned to Talia and had her solve this mess as I ran away. Yeah, I know that I am a grown man, but no fucks given. Plus, this was a great learning opportunity for Talia, she needed the people skills anyway.

Getting to the vans, I had to shake my head as I looked into the back seat and found Harley with her tongue halfway down Ivy's throat. I waited until Ivy started to move her hand up under Harley's shorts. I would have loved to watch, but there were far too many people around for us to have this kind of fun at the moment.

Leaning on the window sill to the van, I gave them a roguish smile as I looked them over. "I believe that ice cream has been promised and I believe that the kitty cat was not on the menu."

Harley gave me a massive grin as she pulled her shirt back over her head. "I don't know about junior, but I got some cake you can get a bite out of."

Shaking my head, I pulled back from the side of the car only to turn around and see that bitch of a mother standing there. Now I was fed up with this shit, I glared at the guard at the side and had her swiftly removed before I put a smile on my face as Damian came running up to the van. Tossing his soccer bag into the back, I let him ride with his friends as Talia took the seat beside my own.

It didn't take us long to get to Phils Cold Ones on fifth street on the west side of town. The site of ten black vans rolling up must have been a sight to see because when I got out. People along the block stopped to watch as we all evacuated the vans. My moment of solace and introspection was interrupted as the gaggle of kids ran by. Ignoring the kids, I turned and fired a glare at the second van hanging behind my own.

Harley was already trying to climb out of the window in hopes of getting to the ice cream. Instead of letting her fall on her ass, I walked over and gave her a hand. This time instead of letting her out of sight, I put an arm around her waist and pulled her into my side.

"Aww come on, no fair." Harley pouted as I held her to my side allowing the kids to run into the ice cream parlor.

Ivy gave her a saucy wink before stepping out of the van oozing pure sexuality. "All's fair in love and war sweetheart."

Chuckling, I let Ivy handle Harley as I turned around and took the tablet that Talia was holding out for me. Instead of looking down at the device, I turned it sideways before slipping it into my inner jacket pocket. Ignoring the device, for now, I followed behind my ladies so I could enjoy this little family event.

Walking in through the door, I found kids all over the place taking up all of the available tables. Ignoring them, I made my way to the counter with a guard walking behind me. The case came up and I dropped a fat stack on the counter for the employee.

"Keep the change."

Turning around, I got the chance to watch as Talia and Harley growl at each other over Damian, poor kid. One wanted him to eat veggies, which I had no idea where she even got those from. While the other had one of those massive bowls of ice cream with at least ten scoops within. Ignoring them, I decided to join Ivy with the other parents.

After some introductions and some handshakes, I settled in for a small cup of chocolate mint while Ivy had something organic. That was a topic that I wasn't going to touch with a ten-foot pole. I always found it strange that she was down to eat plant-based products even though her whole thing was to protect them.

Sitting down, I had a nice chat with Davis about his work in the stock market and future prospects with the advent of heroes. It was easy to tell that investing in insurance companies was the way to go with how damaging the battles heroes and villains were. Thinking about that, maybe I should open Damage Control, food for thought for another time.

It would be interesting to see how the world reacts to Marvel's version of the clean-up crew. Then again all the money and alien tech I could get my hands on wouldn't be so bad. Star Labs already had such a monopoly on all this out of this world stuff. Turning towards Sarah the mother to the brunette kid. Trying hard not to roll my eyes at the woman, I pretended not to feel that arm she was running up my inner thigh underneath the table.

Chuckling from a joke being shared by Richards, one of the kids' fathers, I ignored how Ivy's hand snaked across my lap pinching Sarah on the arm before she deposited herself between my thighs. Ignoring the whistles and catcalls from the other couples, I leaned in to smell the fragrance emitting from Ivy.

We settled in for a little before a disturbance came from the side. Looking over, I found Waylon standing at the door staring down at the lady from the soccer field. Everyone groaned at the sight of her until some cars started to pull up. Now, that was interesting, but it would seem that the other parents didn't think so.

Letting out a massive huff of air to hide my interest, but I couldn't hide it from Ivy. She tapped me on the chin before sliding out from between my thighs, my eyes didn't leave her behind as I watched her walk to the door.

Ivy straightened her dress as she walked up behind the massive form of Waylon. "Please step aside, Waylon. I believe I have things to discuss with our visitors."

"Well, I ain't here for your stick figure ass. Bitch, I want that bitch from earlier." The lady screamed in Ivy's face.

Rolling her eyes, Ivy sighed, there was no need for such language. Well, no need for such language in front of the kids. "Ma'am, please watch your language before the kids."

"Bitch if you don't move, I'll have someone move you." The lady snarled out as more and more cars pulled up along the street.

Glaring at the lady before her, Ivy was less than happy to have had her day interpreted by such a person. "Ma'am, please can you calm down and check your language." This time a discrete hand signal had Waylon looming over Ivy's back scowling down at the lady.

"You think a big freak like that's gonna scare me?" The lady huffed and puffed. "Fabio, come teach this bitch and her dog a lesson."

Ivy pinched the bridge of her brow before moving to the side. Her irritation was spike ing and she could feel Doom's as well from inside the ice cream parlor. She knew that if she didn't control the situation now, then Doom would come out then things would be over.

"Waylon, just break his legs, there is no need for death today."

"Yes, ma'am."

No more words were shared as Ivy watched Waylon smoothly walk forward. Another small discrete signal to some of the guards standing around had them blocking the window to the parlor so the kids couldn't see. It wouldn't do to let them watch such a barbaric display as they enjoy their treats.

"Aww, no fair, why can't I go play?" Harley's voice traveled out from inside the parlor. Ivy wanted to answer, but more than anything she wanted Damian to see her as a mother that got things done.

She listened to Doom talk down Harley and heard the purr in his words. She wanted that, but watching some poor flesh bag get his holes kicked in might be able to do it for her. Ivy sighed as she watched Waylon walk up to the punk, then without a word, Waylon floored him with a headbutt.

The guy Waylon was facing went down on a knee, but he was pulled back up as Waylon bent his arm at an angle. While he screamed out more of his friends that drove up came to his rescue, but Waylon was having none of that. Faster than the eye could move, Waylon was on them. Ivy had to sigh to herself as she watched the lady from the soccer field scream at the top of her lungs.

Ivy didn't know if she wanted this lady to make it back home with the way things were going. It was so clear that she was a bad influence in the life of her child and Ivy was contemplating if the child would be better as an orphan.

"Waylon dear, break a leg for each, let's make sure they learn a lesson from all of this," Ivy commanded before rolling her eyes. Noting that her attention was no longer needed, Ivy turned to head back inside the ice cream parlor. Yet, before she could get very far, a hand grabbed her shoulder pulling her around.

Swiftly turning around, Ivy dodged the swipe that was sent towards her face. Ivy noticed the swipe missed her cleanly but was snagged on the necklace around her neck. Signing as her hologram winked out, Ivy kicked forward, collapsing her assailant's knee.

"Well my dear," Ivy's voice was soft and smooth for all to hear, but everyone shivered from the edge it held. "You have now officially ruined our family outing."

Hand reaching out behind her, Ivy felt the matte black coating of her custom-built pistol sit onto her open palm. She didn't even have to look as her thumb rolled over the dial on the side of her pistol. The power lowered to stun as Ivy brought her handgun forward to fire off one quick shot into her assailant's chest.

Looking down at the stunned form of the overzealous soccer mom, Ivy gave her a quick kick in the side. "Load her up, I believe it's lesson time."

Rolling a seed around in her hand, Ivy breathed life into her beautiful child. Once she was happy with her child's growth, Ivy allowed it to puff its lovely fragrance into the ice cream parlor.

"I guess I will have to apologize for our family day being interrupted, it would seem we are at an impasse," Ivy said holding up her broken holo-emitter. "Yet, I feel that this is a great learning opportunity for Damian."

As she looked at her family smiling down at her surrogate son, Ivy couldn't help but take in the parlor. Everyone was asleep but her family, some were even sleeping in their bowls of ice cream. The only thing keeping her from killing them all was the look on Doom's face as he took in the scene outside the parlor. The vein that pulsed on his forehead was a clear indication that he wasn't happy at all. Yet, the only thing staying his hand was the children involved.

"And what is the lesson you plan to teach my son this afternoon?" Doom's rich voice asked, caressing her ears and sending all kinds of pleasant shivers up and down her spine.

Looking him up and down, Ivy couldn't help biting her bottom lip before answering, "The greatest lesson one can learn, and that is how to destroy one's opposition."

"Since you have already broken the minions that could only leave the businesses for acquisition." Doom one hand on his chin while the other was behind his back. She noticed how Damian looked around at his friends as he followed Doom and the rest of their little family.

Nodding her head in agreement, Ivy turned to find Waylon had already finished with his task.

Ivy looked at her little family before letting them hear her idea. "I believe Talia could help me as I show Damian how to make his first million."

Doom chuckled lowly, "Well, it's always fun to fleece one's opponents for their hard-earned monetary value. It's only right that we are paid for our hard work on helping society to deal with such criminal scum."

"What's junior gonna do with all that money?" Harley asked, clearly confused.

"Invest if of course," Talia answered with a roll of her eyes.

Ivy heard the scoff in his voice as he spoke, "Let the kid enjoy the money, it's his by right of conquest. Come along Damian."

"Of course, Father," Damian answered, but that made Doom pause in his step and it was clear for everyone to see that he was not expecting those words. Turning with a twist and a smile on her lips, Ivy found Harley already on the same level as Damian.

Feeling sorry for the poor boy, Ivy walked over before steering him away from Harley's manic energy.

"Come along Damian, there are things that you need to learn," Ivy commented idly as she directed him through the front door of the parlor.


Relaxing in a chair, I watched as Damian drew up a simple plan on taking out the fifth street dealers. It had turned out that the lady from the soccer field was the chick of some guy who fancied himself a big-time dealer. Too bad for him, pussy was going to be his downfall.

Trying to stay out of his way, I held Talia at my side and allowed Ivy and Harley to take the teaching lead on this one. I smiled as Ivy pointed out that Damian needed to set his getaway while Harley was going over the infiltration.

There were two beeps at the side drawing my attention, looking over, I found Zelda floating there. On the holo-screen was a message from Selina, it would seem she had found the location of Victor Fries. Sending a reply and wiring some cash, because certain talents should always be rewarded.

I looked over the map of his location in Bludhaven Gotham. Wasn't too happy about going back there, but Victor hadn't started any of his plans yet. Closing down the hologram, I summoned my armor and a smaller one made to fit the little man. Damian's suit was a mixture of advanced tech and ninja garb.

For anyone with my meta-knowledge, they could easily tell that it was a mixture of the nightingale and the Black Panther armor. I was of the mind no cape, but I wanted him to make a nice showing so we both rocked the emerald green cape on our armor. The poor kid didn't make it very far after he was fully armored up.

Harley let out a very high fangirl squeal with little tappy taps of her hands. It didn't help that some of the female ninjas also had that fangirl look in their eyes for the kid. Yeah, I wasn't touching that one with a ten-foot pole. Turning around, I took Talia with me so that she couldn't spoil the boys' fun.

Ignoring her protest, I had Talia levitating behind me as I walked out of the room leaving Damian to the ministrations of his female overseers. "Enough hovering over the boy, he is in good hands. Now, answer me this, are the surroundings under our control? Also, do we have access to the CCTV network? It wouldn't do if we were caught on cameras."

Talia released a sigh so small, I believe she thought I wouldn't be able to hear it. "The major in charge of the CCTV is one of our people and he has promised me that we would be in the clear. Also, there are currently one hundred ninjas within the surrounding area of the base."

"Good, I don't plan to interrupt his plans, but I also refuse for anyone to interfere with this operation," I said floating over the floor as we hovered to the vehicles. Talia took the passenger side seat as she still carried that ice-cold beauty look on her face.

Shaking my head at her, I looked over the blueprints to the laser beams built into my suit. My wrist rotated as I flashed through all of the functions each of my arms could do. Once I was appropriately pleased with both arms. I then did a general power check before ceasing my practice as the family came into the garage. Damian had his cowl down, but I could see the haunted look on his face.

The clear lipstick kiss all over his face was more than enough indication of what he went through. Chuckling at the little man, I threw him a wet wipe while also floating a mirror for him to see himself. Closing the door to the van with Talia and the rest, I brought Damian with me as I entered the vehicle that Waylon was driving.

Relaxing into my seat, I gave the signal to have our little convoy moving. Waylon drove us and I watched as Damian kept going over the plan. Lightly humming to myself, I leaned over and ruffled his hair.

"Relax, you have already made your plans and your mothers have looked it over, so relax," I said and I noticed how his nerves settled slightly. "Good, now what you have to understand is that, even even if you fail, you will still learn from such an experience. I doubt you would fail today though, I believe your plan is splendid."

Damian didn't say anything back, but I could see and feel his confidence grow. Turning back to face the front, I met Waylon's eyes in the rearview mirror. Waylon and I shared a simple nod as I went about my fatherly duties, the kid had to learn the family business after all.

The drive was less than forty minutes before we arrived on the block of the ganger's headquarters. Damian tried to jump out, but I had to stop him with my TK and pull up his cowl and face mask. Shaking my head at how eager he was, I followed behind him as I exited the van.

Looking up and to the left, I noticed one of my ninjas on the rooftop waiting for the signal. Instead of giving it myself, I stood behind Damian and waited. It didn't take more than ten minutes before the streets were deserted with doors locked. It was funny how a family outing turned into a family heist and revenge plot, bloody comic book tropes.

As more and more troops arrived, I double-checked to make sure we were not on any satellites or cameras. Once I was happy with that, I waited for Damian's signal. It was clear on his visor that we weren't on anyone's radar. He had another minute of indecision before I heard him take a breath, I watched as he raised an arm before dropping it with his order.

Half of the ninja's overlooking our positions moved with grace and purpose. Behind me, I could hear Harley talking with Ivy and Talia grumbling at her side. I turned and found that lady tied up with some vines, even with her mouth shut she was still trying to speak.

Rolling my eyes, I made sure Waylon was following behind Damian as he strolled down the block. Instead of walking, I decided I was going to join Ivy, picking her up. I sat down on the plant that acted as her throne before placing her down in my lap.

She smiled at me before kissing the front of my mask as I sat on the plant as if it was my throne. Harley left Talia and the woman as she ran off with her rocket hammer to battle some of the gangers.

The battle raged around us and I looked over a few messages that came in during the fight. Some of the ninjas were reporting that Damian's takedowns were still alive. I could only nod at that since he was still very young, Talia scowled though. Instead of allowing Talia to get it into her head that she had to reprimand him, I shut her down with a look.

Once she noticed me looking at her, I could read as her thoughts on the matter changed. Rolling my eyes, I sent out a message to Waylon and the rest letting them know that it was fine. I was certain that Ivy's plants would like fresh meat anyway and what better way to clean up the battlefield.

We made it halfway across the battlefield before Damian came walking up to us. In one of his hands was a bloodied katana with some splashes on his armor. Waylon was carrying a man over one shoulder with a child under another arm. Damian went down as if to kneel, but I stopped him.

Raising a hand, I caught Damian with my telekinesis, "The son of Doom, does not kneel, not even to his own father."

Damian gave me a nod before moving over to the side to stand. Talia walked forward, but I stopped her as Ivy had the plant holding the insufferable lady bring her forward.

Ivy had the lady placed on the ground before us before Waylon dropped the man and child beside her. "You recognize her do you not?"

There were muffled screams before Waylon removed the gag from the man's mouth. Instantly he started to yell out.

"Julia, baby you okay? What do you want from us, do you know who I am? Do you know how much you have fucked up right now?"

Rolling my eyes, I stared him down before projecting my voice for all to hear. I scoffed before speaking. "I do not have the habit of learning the names of lesser peasants."

"Yeah, well, you fucked up, I work for Tony Zucco and he's gonna kill you."

Harley came cartwheeling over before jumping up and bringing her rocket mallet down on the pavement beside the two-bit mobster. "Who cares about some Tony ya-ya fella."

"She is correct," Ivy replied, smooth voice washing over everyone as some of her plants step forward.

"Then, I shall allow him to learn why he shall die today," I said causing everyone to go silent. "Today at my son's soccer game, your wife was unbecoming of a lady. She was of course punished for such transgressions, but it would seem that she did not appreciate such lessons. Since you have allowed her to run wild, your wife took it upon herself to gather forces before disrupting our family outing. Fortunately, this has allowed my son to test his planning against another's forces. Unfortunately for you though, I'm not in the mood to allow such transgressions against my family."

I raised my hand, a ninja came and took Damian away. I pointed at the boy that was between his parents and another ninja brought him before me. It was easy to wipe his mind before sending him along to an orphanage. It was easy for him to learn to do better since he was now going to be raised in a better environment. Plus, I doubt Harley our Ivy would be happy with me for killing the child.

It was easy to tell as they watched the boy get taken away by one of the ninja's.


"Yes!" She replied chirpily with a bounce.

I waited for both Damian and the kid to be in the vans. Once the vans took off, my easy-going nature evaporated. "You may relive the lady of her head if you would like."

Harley didn't need any telling twice before her rocket hammer activated and came smashing over and down. And just like that, the hooligan of a mother was dead, I never even learned her name.

"I'm gonna rip out ya fucken heart and have it for lunch!" The mobster roared as he tried to fight his bindings.

My answer was to squeeze Ivy's nice pert rear before speaking. "No, you are not, Ivy, you may feed your babies, I know they like their meat fresh."

Turning to the side, "Talia, get me everything we can find on this Tony Zucco, we might have to kill a mobster before he can retaliate."

"Of course my lord," Talia replied before pulling out a cellphone. Ignoring the sound of Ivy's plant feasting, I checked my back doors into the WatchTower's systems. Once I was in I made sure that they couldn't pick up our location.

It was all too easy with the access I received from Bruce's own backdoor into the subsystems.


Ignoring Talia, I had one of the female ninja's to tuck Damian in as I made my way to the main labs. She wasn't happy that we took the kid in after I had wiped his mind. I didn't see an issue with it since he was the same age as Damian and he would need a playmate. It's not like he could always leave to go play with other kids his age.

Granted, I could just give him access to teleporting tech, but there was no way that was gonna happen. So since that option was out, we were in luck that we got our hands on a playmate for the kid.

"Instead of pouting at me, go get the medical labs ready," I told Talia before walking away. She was going to learn how to stop being a hovering mom and that was final. Since I was still wearing my Doom monarch armor, I had Zelda meet me in the hanger bay.

As I stepped into the bay, I noticed the ruffle of my cape. It was easy to see what was giving off the wind as I noticed my raptor shaped VTOL primed and waiting for me to board. Off to the side of the raptor sat my throne with Zelda buzzing around it.

"Do not act as if you are a fly, that is unbecoming of a mother box," I said before sitting on my throne. Ports in my armor's back opened up and connected to the throne, allowing my suit access to additional advanced sensors built into the throne. Another advantage was also the greater amounts of energy the throne produced. I hadn't gained access to magic yet, but even without it, I doubt even superman could crack my shields.

My throne levitated upwards as Zelda settled herself, perched on my shoulder. Nothing was said as I reviewed what little information I had on Dr. Fries. The man was hiding out in Bludhaven from what Catwoman had been able to find. I wasn't sure of what his plots of plans were, but Doom didn't care.

My throne took up its position in the middle of the cargo bay. As we touched down, cables snaked out and connected to the raptor. Ignoring the flood of information, I commanded my pilot to take off before activating the stealth field. Plans, plots, or traps, Doom would get what he wanted.

For it was time for DOOM to save the world.


Okay, I had this one in my folder just sitting around and since I was posting end of year chapters I felt that everyone could do with a little DOOM.

Alright for those unaware, DOOM will be back in the new year with the chapters I have written as a back buffer so that I don't run into release issues when I run out of chapters.

For those looking for unposted chapters, you can find them on my patron


For those looking to come chat about the story then my discord community is the way to go.

www - DISCORD - GG - p2QJNck

Cyberpunk is out so I shall be playing that. See you all in the New Year!

next chapter
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