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96% BNHA: Martial Arts God / Chapter 71: CHAPTER 67

Kapitel 71: CHAPTER 67

The moment the game began, as expected, every team other than them started targeting Midoriya's team. Looking at every team along with their headbands, Gohru starts mentally calculating the number of points that they must take to at least get 4th. 

The time limit was tighter than the anime's, 5 minutes only, meaning the fights are going to be as chaotic as an average day in Ohio.

They currently have 160 points total, and the average team was in the 400 to 500s. Calculating the potential targets, they could amass a minimum of about 700 points. From his vague memory, the teams that reached the finals were Midoriya's, Bakugo's, Todoroki's, and Shinso's. 

The reason why he only picked Denji was obvious now; they had two more open slots for the finals, meaning if Shinso's team got 5th, then he would be in the finals too. That was his plan all along, but there were ways to screw this up.

Snapping out of it, he watches as Tokoyami activates Hatsume's support item, making the team fly away from one of the 1-B class' Quirks. 

That was when his eyes widened. Dark Shadow suddenly appeared behind Tokoyami and wrapped around him, causing them to float midair. That was one of Tokoyami's Ultimate Moves, but this early in the plot?

"Nice! It worked!"

He heard Midoriya exclaim as he suddenly knew how Tokoyami even used his ultimate move, the Black Fallen Angel. Midoriya had theorized Dark Shadow's flight ability and told Tokoyami about it.

But from the looks of it, it was just gliding, and the fact that they almost fell for a second meant that it was not perfected yet, but still, canon was changing ever so slightly. 

With Black Fallen Angel and Hatsume's jetpack, they basically don't need to drop, so that meant that the only range attacks would only hit them —


Bakugo came out of nowhere with tape covering his stomach as he soared towards Midoriya's team. 


Not only that, a pillar of ice shot up to the sky towards them as well. Todoroki had started his attack using his Quirk, attempting to hit them with it.


Ochako yelled out in panic as Tokoyami noticed the incoming ice attack.

"Dark Shadow!"

"Yes sir!"

Using its arms, it flapped as they dodged to the side; the ice barely hit them as Midoriya, with Zero Gravity, moved in between his team and Bakugo. Channeling his new control with One for All, he cocked his hand back as Bakugo's eyes widened at his new ability, focusing on the flow of the Quirk in his body.

'Let it flow smoothly, with an output of 100% from the core and a constant 3% Full Cowl on all body parts! Don't lose control, don't lose control, don't lose control, DON'T LOSE CONTROL!' 


With all his strength, he yelled out as he swung, causing wind pressure to surge out and push Bakugo away. 


He roared out in anger as he fell from his place, not before using his Explosions to control his flight, but before he could blast up to Midoriya again, the tape that was wrapped around him got tugged as he felt himself getting reeled back. 

"Bakugo! We have to target others! You can't take them midair! We have to get points!"

Sero advised as Bakugo turned back to argue. 

"Shut up, Tape!"


Meanwhile, Midoriya grabbed onto Ochako's extended hand as he went back into position with his arm not broken at all. 


He cheered at the success of Full Cowl, he had never tried to use it to its extent before, so this was the first time that he used 3% at its fullest. 

"Deku, that's awesome! You didn't break anything at all!"

"A-Ah, thanks — "

Ochako praised, as Tokoyami quickly warned them. 

"Incoming! Brace!"

The team flew to the side as it dodged multiple ice shards that shot from Todoroki. Midoriya frowned at the fact that they were still targeting them. They should have started fighting others since they had the advantage of flight, so it should be fine —

"Ahhh!!! My baby!"

Quickly glancing in the direction Hatsume's eyes were looking, his breath hitched as he saw that the jetpack that she made wasn't working anymore. But how —

It must have been an ice shard! It hit the jetpack!

"We're falling!"

Ochako yelled in a panic as they started dropping altitude. Even with Ochako's Quirk on three of them, they still had the weight of a full person, along with Dark Shadow and support items. 

While the two reincarnators were watching the chaos, suddenly Gohru felt something beside him. Turning to see nothing, he frowned before increasing his focus on all four senses (excluding sight) and feeling nothing. Confused, he reaches out when suddenly his palm cups something soft. 

"... Soft?"

Blinking, his brain took a second to realize what was happening when he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his cheek. 

"Ahhh!!! Gohru, you pervert!"

Now hearing Hagakure's footsteps running away from them, he stood there still like a statue as Denji just snickered at his friend's luck (bad and good).

'... That was surprisingly squishy.'

He suddenly felt a shot of bloodlust, making him shiver in fear.

'... Toga saw that, didn't she?'

That was his final thought when he quickly sensed something coming at them. Grabbing Denji's legs, he quickly sidestepped as multiple pillar-sized pieces of cement breezed through them before they slammed to the ground from the large weight.

Quickly glancing where the cement came from, his eyes widened for the second time today. Three out of the 5 1-B teams were running at them, they're teaming up on them. Monoma and Tetsutetsu were targeting the other 1-A members. 





To make it easier for everyone, the teams are:

Team A

Kendo Itsuka — Big Fists (Rider)

Yanagi Reiko — Poltergeist (Front Horse)

Tokage Setsuna — Lizard Tail Splitter (Side Horse)

Komori Kinoko — Mushrooms (Side Horse)

Team B

Yui Kodai — Size (Rider)

Shisida Jurota — Beast (Front Horse)

Fukidashi Manga — Manga (Side Horse)

Bondo Kojiro — Cemedine(Side Horse)

Team C

Tsunotori Pony — Horn Cannon (Rider)

Kamakiri Togaru — Razor Sharp (Front Horse)

Rin Hiryu — Scales (Rear Horse)

Of course, Gohru doesn't know this, but I'm going to refer to them as their names to make the experience easier for readers.




Scanning at the teams, he marked those who were a threat as Denji used Gravity X2 on Team A, who were the closest, halting them in place. They dropped to the ground on their knees as his single eye glowed red. 


There were a few faults in Gravity Manipulation. 1. He could only use it in a 50-meter radius. 2. The gravity zone itself was only 5 meters in diameter and in the shape of a sphere, meaning he couldn't stop large groups at once. 

He knew that, so he quickly hastened Eye of the Mind, skipping minor steps as it calculated the best move that they could make when suddenly,


Comic-like words appeared above him as he clenched his teeth, focusing his strength on his leg muscles, trying not to fall from the amount of pressure exerted by the comic words. 

It was like he was in the gravity chamber again. Looking at the culprit, he sees Fukidashi Manga continuously shouting the word "DUN" while his teammates started getting closer to them. 

Seeing something shot towards him, he dodges it under the gravity as he gets a closer look at it to reveal... Hands? And it was moving like a normal hand!

Grabbing them, he heard a cute "Ah!" from Team A as he could feel them thrashing to try and release his grip. Holding onto them tighter, he heard someone cry out as the gravity intensified when Fukidashi Manga yelled louder.

Usually, with this much, he could normally just move with some difficulty, but for some reason, all his strength disappeared on the spot. There was a similar experience earlier in the race and during USJ. It was like someone else was targeting him with a Quirk.

Shoving the thought for now, he dodged another cement attack. The cement attack was made by Team B. Bondo Kojiro made cement by spewing it from his head; Yui Kodai touched the hardened cement with her hands to allow her to enlarge or shrink it at will; and Bondo Kojiro broke the cement from the ground and threw it with force at their team.

It was a perfect strategy for range attacks, with unlimited ammo that could rival Todoroki's firepower (or ice-power... Ba Dum Tsk!). The problem was that it took their only buff frontliners in three teams to fire the cement weapons, meaning no one could stop them from advancing on another team.

Suddenly, feeling the gravity pressure subside, he glanced over at the boy who was responsible. He was heaving with a hoarse throat, coughing while rubbing his neck, meaning he had finally run out of juice.

Acting fast, the moment the gravity pressure disappeared, he dashed as fast as he could towards the weakest team in the group of three, Team C.

Tsunotori Pony's eyes widened before the horns on her head shot out from her head, firing straight at him. They dodged it with a sidestep as Denji immediately grabbed the two horns before throwing them back.

Shrieking, she cowered as Kamakiri Togaru sliced the counter into pieces, but that distraction caused them to lose their point as Denji and Gohru breezed past them with their headband. 

"Crap, the headband!"

160 + 125 = 285 points

Rin Hiryu yelled as Tsunotori patted her head in horror. They passed them so fast that it was a blur; she couldn't react in time.

Sensing Team A charging at them along with the other two teams, he decided to play defensive. They had gotten 125 points, adding up to 285 points. They needed more, but not now. 

From their positioning, Team A was their frontline, with the other two teams as their range attackers. The one with the most threat now was Team B with their cement range attacks and the manga boy's Quirk.

From the looks of it, Team C was their weak point, so Gohru capitalized on it, dashing between Team C and the other two teams. 

Instinctively, the range attackers fired their abilities as Gohru dodged with ease, letting the attacks fly past him and hit the team behind or in front of him. 

"Stop! Regroup!"

Kendo ordered as they scrambled to follow her orders, but within the scrambling, he acted. Running directly at Team B, they started counter-attacking when their sights on the team disappeared. 

Confused, they looked around when Tokage yelled.

"Behind you!"

Four Gods: Black Turtle. 


Bondo Kojiro could barely turn around in time before his face got smashed by Gohru's hook, the impact sending him flying away and causing the team to suddenly lose support. 


Manga yelled with comic text appearing on his head as Kodai Yui suddenly got pulled by a force. Shisida Jutaro quickly tried to punch Gohru with a warcry, but the punch was redirected before Gohru knee-d him in the face. 

Renewal Taekwondo: Soksa.

Panicking, Kodai expanded a block of cement that she kept, watching as it expanded between the two riders, but suddenly cracks started forming as the block exploded into pieces from Denji's rapid punches. 

Shooting his hand outwards, he ringed the headband on Kodai Yui's head before pulling it, securing the headband.

235 + 285 = 520 points

Stepping back and turning around, Denji on Gohru used his Quirk to halt Team A in place with a fast Gravity X2 before Gohru quickly ran towards them. It was time to collect their prize for entertaining them for so long.

Projectiles started firing from behind and beside them, but Gohru skillfully dodged everything with Eye of the Mind finding the best route to take, everything missing him as if he were a ghost, when suddenly the projectiles halted before turning in their direction and flew towards him in a purple-ish glow.

This wasn't Team B or C's Quirks, which means it must be from Team A. It was not the orange-haired one, since her hands were expanded. It wasn't the short one with mushrooms; her eyes weren't focusing on the projectiles as they flew. And it definitely wasn't the one with missing hands. 

So, the one who was controlling them was the white-haired one who was struggling to stand. 

With all the information of every team member, he bent his back to dodge a cement pillar, briefly impressed with the girl's control, before arriving near the team, about 10 meters away.

With a deep breath, he forms an "O" with his mouth before blowing harshly, causing the girl to close her eyes from the sudden wind itching her eyes. With the sudden flich, Gohru tilted his body forward as he let Denji do his job as the rider.

Now up to him, Denji calmed himself down as he assessed the situation. The telekinesis girl was down. He doubts the mushroom girl could activate her Quirk or else she would have used it already. And the girl that could separate was too slow on the uptake based on her straining (Under Gravity X2) and surprised face. The only obstacle left was the orange-haired girl.

Focusing, he watched as one of the two giant hands swung at them with the other charging up for another swing to move them away, but it was slow due to its size. So, he had enough time to do what he planned on doing. 

Feeling Gohru tilt him closer, he jumped from Gohru's shoulder towards the girl, causing her eyes to widen as he activated 3D Manuever with Gravity X5 speed, soaring at fast speeds. It was an instant, and as Kendo felt the headband unravel on her head, she knew that they, three teams total, had lost to a two-man team. 

520 + 225 = 745 points

Reversing the Gravity X5 towards Gohru, he lets Gohru grab him before they immediately back up with the rewards given. Smirking at the frozen team, Gohru looked at the placements on the leaderboards.



Todoroki — 10,001,175

Bakugo — 1360

Tetsutetsu — 885

Jin — 745

Shinso — 140

Midoriya — 0



Shit, from his memory, Shinso will take the headband of Tetsutetsu's team, meaning he will have 1025 points. They have to get Tetsutetsu, or else they'll not be in the finals. 

"5 seconds left!"

Midnight yelled into her mic as Gohru's face hardened.


"Denji! Brace!"

"Yes, sir!"

Denji yelled with passion as they moved, with Gohru guiding them towards their target. Team Tetsutetsu. With a BOOM! that shattered the ground beneath them, they suddenly appeared near Tetsutetsu's team, covering over 300 meters in just a split second. 

Shinso, who was nearby Tetsutetsu, widened his eyes as he saw Gohru near his prey. 



He yelled in anguish as Tetsutetsu, who didn't even notice Gohru behind him at the speed, lowered his guard at the 4-second mark. 

His teammate, though, a girl with vines as hair, yelled out a warning.


Upon hearing the warning, the front horse acted immediately, reacting quickly as the ground beneath Gohru softened. 


It was a smart move, but he wasn't the only threat on his team.

Denji reached out and jumped, similar to what he did with Kendo. Noticing the same move, the girl commanded her hairs to trap him and the vines surrounding him as they quickly converged around him. 

Gohru, with no one weighting him down, now raised his hands as he swung it, sending an arm version of the Rokushiki art towards her hair. 

Rokushiki: Rankyaku — Arm


The vines that were sent out got severed as they stopped converging, dropping dead to the ground as the girl shrieked at her hair being cut suddenly by an invisible blade.


With nothing stopping him now, he moved the vines away as he used 3D Manuever, setting the point of Gravity at his back as he soared towards Tetsutetsu with X5 speed. 

Now reacting, Tetsutetsu uses his Quirk to metal up his whole upper body and covers his head tightly, not letting him access his headband in front of him at all costs. 


Coming up with a solution in a millisecond, he turned his 3D Manuever to the side, passing Tetsutetsu before changing directions 90° to fly to the back of Tetsutetsu's head. His hands are not covering the back of his head, so with a tug, he unravels the headband before pulling it off his head.



Rolling on the ground, Denji grinned as he raised the headband into the air, showing Gohru the headband. 

"Headband, getto!"

745 + 885 = 1630 points

"Let's fucking go, Denji!"

Gohru cheered as he ran over and gave Denji a powerful high-five, gripping his hand tightly as they shook at the insane last second clutch from Denji.

Feeling a glare behind him, he slightly tilted his head to glance at a raging Shinso. 

He understood that his Quirk is his hidden trump card and that Shinso's team would not be capable of retaliating if they'd gotten a single point.

So, with a nod, he and Denji (who was silently watching) walked away, leaving a frustrated Shinso clenching his fists so tightly that blood started dripping from his grip.


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There's currently extra chapters that I haven't posted, want to stockpile them beforehand, so if you want to read early come join!

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