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Kapitel 55: Heavy

Cassie didn't realize how on edge she felt until she caught herself wiping her sweaty palms on the inside of her robes as she walked. Her stomach was in knots, her heart thumping so hard against her sternum that it was almost painful - it was rare that she felt this type of anxiety. Even before facing Sombria, she had a steady calm about her even though she knew she was about to face a dangerous threat.

This was different. She had a wanted criminal in her clutches only moments ago, someone the Ministry had been seeking for the better part of a year and she had trusted him to the point of letting him out of his restraints. If she was wrong, if he had managed to dupe her somehow and he harmed someone...she wasn't sure how she would even begin to try defending her reasons. No one would trust her ever again. Would they think she was just incredibly gullible, that she sympathized with Sirius merely because he was family? Would the Ministry fear she could do the same with her mother if given the opportunity? Her father?

"You sure it was a good idea to let Black free in the forest?" Draco asked her as he matched her quick stride. They were making their way to the castle, their breaths visible in front of their faces as they hurried.

"I couldn't leave him vulnerable to the dementors."

"But - "

"Would you rather I had left him with a wand?"


They had reached the staircase. Cassie took them two at a time, eager to make sure Scabbers - no, Pettigrew - was safely in her possession and not somewhere else in Hogwarts. If he had caught wind of any of this, had any suspicion whatsoever, there were thousands of places to hide in the grand castle. He would be harder to find than the Chamber of Secrets if he truly wanted to stay hidden.

"Remember," Cassie reminded her cousin as they walked through the Entrance Hall. They had gone over their plan twice as they had walked across the snowy grounds, so Cassie wasn't surprised when Draco rolled his eyes at her. "Find Severus first, and then Professor Dumbledore."

"I haven't forgotten your complicated two-step instructions," he drawled, veering away from her to head down to the dungeons. For once, she wasn't annoyed with her younger cousin's snide remark. She was just grateful for his help.

Her heartbeat was in her ears as she slowed her approach. Her classroom door seemed ominous, almost as if something sinister was slumbering behind it. She hoped rats couldn't easily sense nerves.

When she entered, nothing seemed amiss, and she silently chided herself, because why would it be? There would be no logical reason why Scabbers wouldn't be sleeping on the burgundy quilt that she had thrown over her loveseat. He had been curled up in the same spot for the last several nights, only occasionally waking to eat and stretch and look at her with his beady little eyes.

The thought that the spoiled rat could be a Death Eater made her stomach churn. A few nights ago she had cuddled him on her lap as she read by the fire. She had felt a little guilty moving him so Severus could move in to kiss her. They had ended up making love right there in the room, on the floor near the fire while Scabbers was comfortably nestled in his favorite spot on the loveseat -

Cassie grimaced at the memory as she magically sealed off the classroom door. She entered her suite with a bolder stride, determined to make sure this disgusting excuse for a wizard was no longer free to do as he pleased, even if it was as vermin.

Her heart still hammered as she took a few steps into her dark sitting room. With a light wave of her hand, a few candles lit, just giving off enough of a glow for her to see. As she approached the loveseat, she could see Scabbers wasn't in his usual spot.

"Fucking rodent," she hissed under her breath, and then immediately regretted the utterance. If he heard her, if he suspected she was on to him he would flee -

She stepped into her little kitchen and pulled a tin of butter biscuits from the cupboard. "Scabbers," she called softly as she popped off the lid and armed herself with a few of the rat's favorite foods, "you want a treat, stinky boy? Wake up, Ron is coming!" She said it in her usual high-pitched voice, the one she used when talking to pets. She hoped it didn't sound off.

The sound of little nails on the stone floor made Cassie hold her breath. The rat had come from her bedroom, having chosen to sleep in her bed instead of the sitting room tonight. His whiskers were crooked and his fur disheveled, like he had been in the same position for a long time, and he was scurrying toward her to take the proffered cookie when suddenly, he stopped.

Cassie was squatting down, a fake smile on her features as she held her arm out in front of her. Scabbers was frozen as his beady black eyes stared, and she couldn't help but stare back. How could you tell if a rat was trying to work something out?

He sniffed the air. Could he smell Sirius on her? But she had been around him in his dog form before, she had even pet him on a few occasions while in Hogsmeade, so that couldn't be it. But Scabbers froze again. And then Cassie's heart nearly stopped. Maybe he could smell his human form.

As Scabbers turned to scamper under her cushy reading chair, Cassie ripped her wand from her robes and shot a silent Immobulus charm at him. Being she had such a small target, she missed. She saw him run under the loveseat, and her charm missed again.

"Come here, Pettigrew!" she snarled just as he shoved himself under the door to her classroom. "There's nowhere for you to run, now!"

Confident that her magical barriers would hold the Animagus in, she burst through the door more than ready to finally apprehend the surprisingly agile creature. She peaked under desks and chairs, looking for flashes of grey fur or pink tail. Either he was evading her effectively, or...

Homenum Revelio, she thought, making a quick U-shape through the air with her wand. Nothing happened.

"No!" she breathed, pointing her wand at the door to rip down her barrier spells. "No, no, no, you fucking rat - "

After heaving the door open, she stumbled out into the Entrance Hall. She spun in a half-circle, desperate for a clue, something to point her in the right direction so she could go after the elusive son-of-a-bitch. Suddenly she heard a low growl followed by a high-pitched squealing near the grand staircase. She tore after the sounds and found the rat in the clutches of Hermione Granger's squish-faced ginger cat. In her adrenalized state, she couldn't remember the beast's name. She just knew that Ron had been beside himself because this feline had been after Scabbers all term.

"Hey, handsome kitty," she lied as she slowly stepped toward the animals. Scabbers was struggling desperately between the cat's large fluffy paws. "Thank you for catching the rat, but you can't eat him, at least not yet!"

Its large yellow eyes watched her, unblinking. Cassie could almost tell that it was regarding her with some level of interest. She took another step toward it. The cat dug its claws deeper into the rat, making him squeal more. "I'll tell you what, if you let me have him now, I'll tell Sirius to buy you ten rats of your own in reward. How does that sound?"

The cat blinked. Suddenly, it bit into Scabbers, and Cassie gasped, thinking it had gone for the kill. Confusion superseded panic when she realized that the cat had buried its teeth into the rodent's scruff and was walking toward her, its fluffy orange tail flicking as it approached.

"Thank you," Cassie hummed in disbelief. She quickly immobilized Scabbers and took him out of the cat's jaws.

"Cassie?" came Severus's deep voice behind her. She turned, her mouth still hanging open in disbelief at her luck as she saw her love and her cousin approach from the dungeon staircase. Draco's eyebrows raised in mutual astonishment when he saw the paralyzed rat in her hands.

"Hi, Sev," Cassie said, swallowing hard.

His black eyes flicked from her face to the rat, to the cat that was brushing between her legs, and back to her face again. "Draco said you needed to see me, urgently."

"I did - I do."

He raised one eyebrow at her. "To help you revive Weasley's geriatric pet that should have been euthanized out of mercy long ago? I assure you, I haven't the energy to expend. I've just come from remedial potions with Longbottom."

Cassie barked out a single laugh. How absurd this whole thing was. And how absolutely earth-shattering all of this would be for him. How would she even begin? "No, Sev," she said shakily. "I'll explain. Follow me." She led him into her classroom as Draco automatically left for the Headmaster's office. The third year's abrupt departure seemed to confuse Severus even more. His eyes were fixed on Scabbers again.

"Sit," said Cassie, gesturing to her desk. When Severus eyed her warily, she added, "Please." She jumped as the cat vaulted gracefully onto her desk and sat, its eyes never leaving Scabbers. She hadn't even realized it had followed them in.

Severus sat, but she could tell that her request was doing nothing to disquiet his concerns. She didn't say anything as she summoned a small iron cage out of thin air and shoved the rat in. If the Immobulus charm wore off, at least he wouldn't be able to run again.

"Severus," she started, "this is going to sound insane, but I need you to listen to what I have to say - " He opened his mouth to speak, but she raised the volume of her voice before a word left his mouth. "Without interrupting."

He slumped back in his chair slightly, motioning with one hand for her to continue. She took a deep breath, and she did just that.

"Sev, this isn't Scabbers. This is Peter Pettigrew."

More than an hour had passed. Cassie wondered if Sirius was still in the Forbidden Forest, or if he had grown too impatient and was on the actual grounds now. She just hoped he wouldn't try to enter the castle on his own. She had made extensive progress in proving his innocence, as Dumbledore was now in her classroom and had forcefully reverted Pettigrew to his human form. But Sirius still had to be careful until everyone knew about Pettigrew. If McGonagall came across him, Cassie knew that she wouldn't hesitate to hex him without warning. Any of the other staff would likely do the same.

Pettigrew was begging for his life, his beady, rodent-like eyes falling on everyone in the room in the desperate hope that one of them might listen. Severus looked murderous. Twice, Cassie had to gently remind him to put his wand down when he had jammed it into his former classmate's jugular, his teeth bared as he spat obscenities in response to the man's pathetic begging.

"He deserves to be garroted like the animal he is!" Severus snarled. Pettigrew whimpered loudly. Draco, who was seated at a desk a few rows away from the bound wizard, snorted in laughter.

"I agree with you, Sev," Cassie said calmly. "But we need him in one piece until Sirius is cleared by the Ministry."

"Is that what you're concerned about?" snapped Severus.

"Yes, and as he was wrongly convicted and served a 12-year sentence in Azkaban because of it, you should be concerned as well!" Cassie responded firmly. She stared into his deep black eyes, willing him to understand her intentions. She knew all of this was a bombshell for him. She knew Severus hated Sirius. But she needed him to realize that Sirius deserved his freedom regardless.

He was glaring back at her with such ferocity, and she knew it wasn't directed at her. Thankfully, the tension was broken when Dumbledore spoke. "I think it is time for me to speak to Sirius. Cassiopeia, would you be so kind to fetch him and bring him to my office?"

"Yes, Albus." As she was leaving the room, the Headmaster told Draco to find Lupin. Next, he told Severus to find McGonagall, and then make sure that the Ministry was notified.

"I am perfectly capable of watching the rat," Severus declared icily.

"I am certain that you are, Severus," Dumbledore replied in a patronizing tone. The Head of Slytherin swept from the room without another word.

"Does he think I am incapable of keeping my emotions in check?" Severus spat as he met Cassie in the Entrance Hall. "That I would just kill him right there in your classroom?"

"Maybe he hopes finding Minerva will give you a chance to cool off," Cassie suggested lightly.

"Perhaps a walk in the snow will help me to 'cool off'," he replied swiftly, a slight curl forming to his thin lips.

"I'm not trading tasks with you," Cassie said, "I can only imagine the conversation between you and Sirius on your way up to the castle." Severus snorted indifferently, turning on his heel in a flurry of black robes.

Sirius had, in fact, been roaming the grounds in his dog form. It only took Cassie a few minutes and two whistles and he was trotting to her side.

"Stay like that," she told him. "I have to walk you all the way to Dumbledore's office. Can't imagine the reaction if someone saw you casually strolling through the corridor." He responded with a few wags of his tail. He cocked his head to his side as if asking her a question. It took several seconds before she realized what he was trying to ask. "Oh, yes, we got Pettigrew, Sirius!"

He leaped happily and barked. Cassie couldn't help but laugh at the Animagus's obvious display of joy. No wonder he couldn't resist coming out of the forest and closer to the castle, as he had waited so long for any news of what had happened.

It felt very odd, entering the castle with a large shaggy dog on her heel. She wondered what she was going to say if anyone asked about him. At least it was past curfew.

They were halfway to Dumbledore's office when they neared Sinistra and a Ravenclaw prefect in the hall during their rounds. The Astronomy professor gave Cassie a questioning look as they passed.

"Aurora," Cassie said with a slight nod. She tried to appear as casual as she could.

"Erm," Sinistra said, and Cassie sighed quietly as she turned to speak to her colleague. "Is that a stray? It looks rather mangy."

Sirius let out a quiet growl. Cassie side-eyed him, then shrugged at Sinistra. "Dumbledore had me fetch him."

"A dog," Sinistra said skeptically.

Cassie turned to keep walking, and Sirius followed her. "You'll have to ask him, Aurora. I'm just doing as I was told."

Sirius transformed as soon as they were alone in Dumbledore's office. "I never thought I would be back here," he murmured quietly as he looked around the ornate room. "It hasn't seemed to change much, though."

"Albus is set in his ways," Cassie replied absent-mindedly, as she was wondering how Severus was doing.

"First-name basis with Dumbledore?" Sirius asked, falling into one of the chairs across from the Headmaster's desk and stretching out his long legs. He let out a loud groan of contentment.

"That happens when you've spent as much time together as we have over the years."

"'Over the years'," Sirius repeated with a chuckle. "You say it like you're an old bitty." He reached across the large desk to pluck a few pieces of toffee from a sparkling crystal bowl.

"I feel like one sometimes."

"Come off it," he said, popping one into his mouth. "Aren't you twenty years old?"

"Nineteen," she corrected him. He let out a low whistle. "What?"

"Old Snivellus must be slipping you some love potions," he said, shaking his head. Cassie stared at him, her complacent mood dissolved completely by the use of Severus's school-age nickname. She was about to reply, and not very nicely when the door opened.

"Heavens," Minerva said, her eyes landing on Sirius. "Albus just told me everything, but seeing you here is still quite shocking!"

"In a good way, I hope," Sirius said with a wide grin, standing to greet his old head of house. The smile lit up his features, and Cassie could see the remnants of what he must have been like before Azkaban.

McGonagall pulled him into a tight hug, disregarding his disheveled appearance and tattered robes. She pulled away to get a better look at him. Her eyes shone with the threat of tears. "The Ministry will be here soon. We'll get you gussied up and fed properly before then."

Cassie was starting to feel like an intruder on their emotional reunion when the Head of Gryffindor told her that she was needed to guard Pettigrew. Dumbledore wanted to be present when the Ministry descended upon their missing prisoner.

"Where is Peter?" Sirius asked, a shadow crossing his features.

"In my classroom," Cassie answered. McGonagall's eyes widened as Cassie spoke as if she had said the wrong thing.

He nodded, a muscle twitching in his jaw as the hatred spread on his gaunt face. "Will I get to speak with him?"

"That is not up to us," the Deputy Headmistress answered lightly.

Sirius was silent for a few heavy moments. "Cousin," he said lowly, "be on your guard. He is a shrewd, vile thing."

"He won't escape," Cassie told him. "I promise you." The wizard grasped her hand tightly, pulling her to him. He leaned down to rest his forehead on hers, letting out a deep breath.

"Thank you," he said. He released his grasp, and Cassie gave him a firm nod as she stepped back.

As soon as she was back in her classroom, she wished that she was back in Dumbledore's office. It quickly became apparent that she was needed to keep Severus and Lupin from killing Pettigrew, as well as each other. The two wizards were more than ready to react if the Animagus tried to make an escape, Cassie had no doubts about that. But the tension in the room was palpable.

"You've been alluding to something, Severus. I would appreciate it if you would just spit it out!" Lupin exclaimed as Cassie walked in. He was standing near Pettigrew with his arms stiffly at his sides, his wand clenched tightly in one hand. Severus was seated behind her desk, leaning forward with a sneer cracking his pale face. Out of the three wizards that were in her classroom, Pettigrew was the only one that seemed to notice that she had entered. He tugged against his bonds lightly, his panicked face looking to her as if she would offer him some assistance.

"Not one highly skilled in the area of deduction, are you, Lupin?" Severus responded coolly. "Perhaps I will dumb it down for you, then. Gryffindor number one: Animagus," he said, nodding toward Pettigrew. "Gryffindor number two, who is currently holed up in the Headmaster's office: Animagus. And based on those facts, I feel safe in the assumption that Potter was one as well, considering the four of you couldn't take a piss unless all of you were together. Am I correct?"

Lupin seemed to be mulling over his options. Cassie found it odd how pale he looked, being as the full moon wasn't until the end of the month. "What point would you be trying to make, Severus?" he asked finally.

Severus stood. Lupin eyed the wand that had suddenly appeared in his long, nimble fingers. "My point, Lupin, is that you knew, this entire time, that Black is an unregistered Animagus. You are the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and therefore have a responsibility to keep the student body safe. And yet you decided to keep this information to yourself, even though it could have been useful in figuring out how Black escaped Azkaban. How he was able to get in and out of the castle."

Lupin looked like he was going to lose the contents of his stomach. "But he's innocent, it was Peter!" he sputtered meekly.

"But you didn't know that," hissed Severus. A deadly, contented look overcame his face. "Or you would have done something about it, yes? Perhaps apprehended the rat yourself?"

"You misunderstand," Lupin said quietly.

"Then by all means," the Head of Slytherin responded softly, but the room was so quiet that no one could have missed his words, "enlighten me."

The werewolf swallowed hard. It was then that he finally noticed Cassie's presence, and he looked at her with wide eyes. Severus followed his gaze, his expression softening slightly at the sight of her.

"If the two of you have it handled," said Lupin as he stuffed his wand back into his pocket, "I think I'll go to the Headmaster's office to see Sirius." Cassie nodded slightly, letting him walk past her without saying anything.

"Dear girl - " Pettigrew started shrilly.

"Shut up!" Cassie snapped, making the man recoil. Severus had sat back down in her chair, so she sidled up to him on her desk. "Sev, what exactly were you accusing him of?"

"I don't trust the werewolf's motives."

"Like maybe he wanted Sirius to kill Harry?"

"Remus would never - " Pettigrew started.

"Shut up!" Cassie and Severus snarled at the same time. Cassie turned back to the Potions Master. "Why has no one silenced the vermin yet?" Pettigrew whimpered softly at her question.

"I'm naively waiting for him to offer up some useful information. So far all he has done is begged for mercy," Severus drawled, his onyx eyes burning holes into the grotesque-looking man.

"Hmm," Cassie started thoughtfully. Severus's statement did make her wonder a few things. "Why did I never see you among my father's other followers?"

Pettigrew looked elated that she was addressing him. "Dear girl, sweet young Cassiopeia! What an honor it has been to watch you grow! If you would only promise to testify on my behalf, that I was a good pet to young Percival and Ronald - "

That was enough to remind Cassie of all the times this murderer, this thing, had been held and pet and cared for by the Weasleys. By her. How he had slept in her bed. "Don't you dare speak of them!" She had her wand pointed at him now, and he yelped. "The only thing I will attest to is that you're a steaming pile of rotting sewage - "

"Cassie," Severus said, trying to interrupt her angry barrage.

"Mercy, have mercy!" Pettigrew whined. "I know you! I know you are capable of it!"

"Speak to me again, and I will remove your tongue!" Cassie seethed. Severus grabbed her shoulder, simultaneously casting a Langlock jinx on Pettigrew.

"Hush," Severus said in her ear. "Calm yourself."

It seemed Peter Pettigrew was rubbing a number of people's emotions raw that night. Another hour passed before Fudge and his entourage came to see the weeping wizard for themselves. Having just come from meeting with Dumbledore, Lupin, and Sirius, Cassie wasn't surprised that Fudge was in a frazzled state.

"Unbelievable!" Fudge declared hotly. "Simply unbelievable!"

Cassie and Severus stood back as the Minister and Kingsley Shacklebolt quietly discussed their next move. The other government officials were buzzing around the room, whispering harshly to each other. Cassie just wished that Tonks was there to witness the circus act with her.

Dumbledore, McGonagall, Lupin, and Sirius came through the door while Fudge was dictating to one of the Daily Prophet writers. A silence fell over the room as the ex-prisoner's grey eyes fell on Pettigrew, who was so exhausted that he wasn't bothering to struggle against his magical restraints.

"If everyone except for Sirius and Remus would kindly leave the room," Dumbledore said, his grandfatherly voice echoing against the walls, "Some privacy would be much appreciated."

"But Dumbledore - " Fudge started.

"You heard him!" McGonagall snapped. "Everyone, out!" She began ushering people out of the classroom and toward the Great Hall.

"Kingsley!" Cassie said, trying to get the Auror's attention over the jabber of the group. She had to grab the enormous wizard's arm, and he acknowledged her with a warm smile. "What's going to happen to Pettigrew?"

"He will be taken into Ministry custody tonight," he said evenly. She could tell by his pained expression that he wasn't on board with the plan.

"That can't happen," Cassie breathed, "he's obviously an escape artist - "

"It's Fudge's call," Kingsley told her with a disapproving tone.

She glanced to Severus. "Cassie, wait - " the Potions Master started, but she was already pushing through the crowd to find Fudge.

"Fudge," Cassie huffed, finding the Minister in the middle of his secretaries and officers. One, a portly witch dressed head to toe in pink, let out an annoyed 'hem, hem' as Cassie brushed her shoulder. "You can't just take Pettigrew into custody - "

"I hardly see how any of this is your business," the pink witch said fiercely, standing to her full height. The top of her head still only reached Cassie's collarbone.

"'My business'?" Cassie repeated. "As I'm the one who captured him, I think it is very much my business - "

"Now, now, ladies," Fudge interjected jovially, "it is not the time for arguing. Miss Black, what is it you would like to suggest?"

"You have to execute him!" Cassie said. She didn't know if she had said it very loudly or if everyone had decided to stop and listen at that exact moment. But the statement seemed to bounce off every corner of the Great Hall. Even so, she pressed on. "Here, tonight. If he transforms, he'll get away, and who knows where he'll go - "

"He is to testify in front of the Wizengamot," Fudge said, puffing out his chest, "and then his fate will be decided."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. As always, Fudge wanted to show off his prize in front of his politician friends. Knowing him, he would be throwing a party before there would be any sort of trial. "Do you remember what happened with Sombria?" she asked incredulously.

Fudge sputtered at her. "That was a joint decision made among international ministries," he said, growing defensive, "and besides, Pettigrew is hardly as dangerous as Sombria!"

"He blew up a street full of people! Or does that not count because most of them were Muggles?" Cassie felt someone yank her arm, pulling her away from the flabbergasted minister. She was surprised to see that it was McGonagall and not Severus, although he was right behind her. Both of them looked distraught.

"Are you trying to make Fudge your enemy?" McGonagall scolded her when the three of them were in the Entrance Hall.

"He's a fucking idiot - "

"Right now, so are you!" the Deputy Headmistress snapped. "You and Severus are done for the night. Go down to the dungeons, get some rest." Severus made to protest, but McGonagall shushed him. After shooting her a glare, he grabbed Cassie's hand and started to lead her to the dungeon stairs.

"Wait," Cassie said, halting McGonagall before she stepped back into the Great Hall. "When is Harry going to be told?"

"Albus and I are taking care of it tomorrow."

Cassie nodded, letting Severus take her hand again. "Just make sure he has someone with him, will you?"

McGonagall smiled knowingly. "Oh, dear girl. Don't you worry. I would never make him go through this without Weasley and Granger."

For such a chaotic end to the term, the beginning of the holiday break was thankfully the polar opposite. On Monday, when all of the students that would be returning home had taken the Hogwarts Express and were nestled in with their families, Cassie woke up next to Severus in their bedroom. She had fondly missed their little cottage. Neither had any hope that they would return to Ottery St. Catchpole for Christmas with Sirius Black on the loose, but with his innocence newly proven and Peter Pettigrew in the Ministry's hands, there was no reason to stay at Hogwarts.

Arthur and Molly had done a magnificent job looking after their home while they were at school. The Weasley matriarch had taken it upon herself to sew a new emerald and silver quilt for their bed, and she had stocked their pantry with a seemingly endless supply of homemade fruit preserves and vegetable soups. She had even reorganized Severus's library by book size, much to his annoyance, but everything in the house was neat and tidy and awaiting their return. Cassie couldn't wait to thank her in person soon.

Severus started to sit up, looking intent on getting out of bed.

"Hmph," Cassie said, playfully tugging the covers back over him. "It's early."

"I would love nothing more than to have a lie in with you, my darling," he told her as he wrenched the blanket from her grasp, "Regrettably, if I don't start the Wolfsbane this morning, Lupin will be mauling the staff and students that remain at Hogwarts."

"Duty calls," she said, yawning as she stretched her arms above her head. She smiled when she caught Severus eyeing her breasts. "We'll just have to make time for a proper start to our holiday later."

"Last night did not suffice?" he quipped as he pulled on a set of drawers, shooting her a mischievous half-smile.

Cassie had gotten out of bed. She wrapped her arms around him before he could cover his alabaster skin in another piece of clothing. Pressing her naked body into his nearly-bare form, she pulled his head down to hers for a kiss. "I'm never satisfied. I always want more of you, Severus Snape."

His fingers danced lightly across her collarbone and tangled themselves into her raven locks. He tugged her head back lightly, searching her blue eyes as he wrestled with his desires. "Mmm. You are a vixen."

After a few more minutes of heated kisses and roaming hands, they came to their senses and parted. Severus headed to his potions lab to start the Wolfsbane while Cassie made breakfast. It was a tranquil morning, one that lead into the next few relaxing days. They went to visit Andromeda and Ted once, and on Christmas Eve they made their way to the Burrow.

Percy, Fred, George, and Ginny had all come home for break. Ron and Harry had stayed at Hogwarts to be with Sirius, who was being watched over by Madam Pomfrey instead of having an inpatient stay at St. Mungo's.

"Wonder how long Poppy will have him stay in the hospital wing?" Arthur pondered aloud when the topic came up.

"Until he's gained twenty pounds, knowing her," Molly chimed in as she prepped their meal of mutton stew. "She's a strict one. Probably force-feeding him five meals a day!"

"Oh, come off it! You would be doing the same thing and you know it!" Cassie goaded her.

"Well, can you imagine the state the poor dear is in," Molly said, throwing potatoes into her stockpot a little more forcefully. "Half-starved in Azkaban for all those years...I have half a mind to let him stay here."

"And stay where, Mum?" said George. He and Fred were currently playing keep-away with Percy's Head Boy badge, a favorite pastime for the twins. Percy had nearly knocked over a stack of plates in an attempt to get it back, making Ginny huff in annoyance when she steadied them just in time. "With the ghoul in the attic?"

"He'll have your room if the two if you don't give Percy his badge back!" Molly scolded.

Cassie leaned back in her chair and smiled, taking in the familiar disarray that came with being at the Burrow. She was so caught up in the nostalgia that it took her a while to notice how clenched Severus's jaw was as he sat next to her. He had spent enough time with the Weasley's over the past year to be able to make comfortable conversation, and yet when she listened in on him and Arthur, his answers were short and strained. She made a point to excuse them soon after dinner was over, saying that they didn't want to impose on the kids opening gifts. She had to reassure Molly that they would come over the next day.

They were in their living room with a roaring fire and elf-made honey wine in hand when Cassie tentatively approached Severus. He was staring into the flames and had already downed half the golden liquid in his glass in just a few minutes.

"Sev," she said softly, sitting down next to him on the couch. "What's wrong?"

He took another long drink, finishing the last drop. He wouldn't look at her as he poured himself more. When he seemed satisfied with the amount of alcohol in his hands, as if he knew he was going to need it, he spoke. "Whatever do you mean, my dear?" His voice was mirthless, a bite of sarcasm intertwining the inflection.

"Tell me. Please."

"Cassiopeia," he said, his black eyes finally piercing into her blues, "there will come a day that you will grow tired of hearing of my tribulations."


"You're young. In a few years, I fear you will feel differently."

"You're worrying me," Cassie admitted truthfully, taking his hand in hers. She repeated her request: "Tell me."

"The unending celebration regarding Black's innocence. It's sickening," he said.

"Because you hate him," she said quietly. She squeezed his hand, trying to be reassuring. He pulled it from her grasp.

"I do not deny that," he said, his eyes going back to the fire. "Yet that is not what I am speaking of." He took another swallow of wine. "Pettigrew will be executed, Merlin willing. When that happens, things will be set right in many people's eyes. But that will not alleviate my guilt. It will not change what I've done."

Cassie watched him silently. She felt insensitive for not realizing it sooner, that his thoughts were on the Potter's and the part he had played in revealing Trelawney's prophecy to the Dark Lord. She knew seeing Sirius would be painful for him, but not in the way she had expected. "I'm sorry," she breathed.

"Don't!" he snapped. He hated it when she showed him any sympathy when he was feeling this remorse.

Cassie slid from her spot on the couch, going to her knees in front of him. Carefully, she pulled the glass of wine from his grip and set it down. She took both of his large, graceful hands in hers and held them tightly, determined not to give him the chance to rip them away from her. "Severus," she said softly, and his onyx gaze landed on her instantly. In those dark pools were so much rawness and sorrow that she thought she would surely lose herself in their depth. "I am on your side."

She reached up to wrap her arms around him as he nearly collapsed into her chest, his body wracked with sobs. His weight was heavy, but she was strong enough to hold him.

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