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53.29% Blood And Iron (ASOIAF/GoT) / Chapter 101: Yesterday's friend is today's enemy II

Kapitel 101: Yesterday's friend is today's enemy II

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long chapter


POV of Tywin Lannister

''Kevan, based on what you saw, do you think he knows what we want to negotiate about?'', I asked angrily.

''No, no, no, I don't know, brother. He was no longer acting like that nice person when we were negotiating Cersei's marriage with the Prussians; now he was acting serious. There was no emotion in his face, and he didn't show the slightest interest in what I was telling him,'' Kevan said.

I began to squeeze the armrest of my chair.

Everyone in my room had worried faces, waiting for me to look for a way to solve the problem.

''Well, you can go negotiate with Lord Hohenzollern; he said you are invited to talk to him'' said Jaime, smiling from nervousness.

''That's what he wants. The Prussian boy knows. He knows that this puts at risk the stability of our dynasty, and he just wants to humiliate me. He wants to return the humiliation I did to him when we broke the marriage. That's why he wants me to go to his damn bank. He wants me to grovel in front of him. He wants me to beg and lick his boots to prevent him from destroying the value of gold in the market.'' I said, squeezing the armrest of my chair.

''Brother, I don't think that's what it's for...'' said Kevan stuttering.

''SHUT UP KEVAN'' I shouted

''Well, of course, he's not going to give up the chance to humiliate me. Everything makes more sense now. This whole tournament was to lure me to the city and make my shame widely known, so that even the lesser nobles of the seven kingdoms would know that the lion begged that mercenary. All this is to cast doubt on my reputation and make my banner men feel the temptation to challenge me''

''And Arryn gave him everything on a silver platter. These tournaments are to show that his men have better military training. We can't let that happen. Ser Gregor will participate in the tournaments, no matter if he ends up killing someone. I won't let that boy boast about our defeats... Jaime, you too. When Gregor has crushed the Prussian knights, you will have to defeat him'' I said, quite furious.

''Ah, father, well, I think the problem is not Gregor; it's Charles'' said Jaime, very nervous.

''Gregor is taller and stronger than the Prussian knight; he only needs to give one blow to that Charles, and the fight is over. I'll make sure he lets you win'' I was emphasizing the obvious.

''Well, father, you see...''' said Jaime, lowering his head.

''What's going on now, Jaime? Don't tell me you're afraid of stories. Arthur Dayne was already getting old; it's normal for someone younger to defeat him'' I was a little annoyed.

''I already fought a match against Ser Charles... and I lost'' said Jaime, ashamed.

''Explain yourself now, Jaime'' I said, staring at my son.

''King Robert... he had insisted for days since Ser Charles arrived in the capital to see him fight. Robert every day insisted that he fight against me or Ser Barristan because Lord Arryn became hysterical when Robert challenged him, but Charles always refused, saying that he didn't like to practice with other people from outside the teutonic order. The next day, Robert convinced him to fight. I was very interested in the fight to be able to measure myself against him'',

''And well, we fought, and he wiped the floor with me. He is ambidextrous; I didn't know how to fight him. Each of the blows he gave with his sword was like stopping a hammer. My arms went numb every time I had to deflect one of his blows. I only had one chance to throw a cut against him, and I tried to attack him in the eyes to take advantage of the reaction he might have, but... at no moment he blinked. His eyes were like swords stuck in me. I hit his helmet, but he did not react''.

''I tried to fight defensively, but he was as agile as a shadow cat. Even with that thick armor, it was as if I were fighting against someone without armor. The second strike knocked the sword out of my hands, and the subsequent blow from his sword's pommel dented my armor. He grabbed me with one of his hands and threw me to the ground with such force that I almost thought he had broken my skull. He was preparing to hit me with the pommel in the head. If it wasn't for Barristan, who stopped him, I probably would have died,''said Jaime, lowering his head.

''He tried to kill you, and you didn't try to make the king do something?'', I said angrily.

''Charles explained to us later that this is how the Teutons train... without mercy... because their enemies won't have it with them... training until they almost kill themselves... and well, later he explained to me each and every mistake I made in combat, and there were many...''' said Jaime.

''How many saw your defeat? Why do I ask?... the spider already knows... it's probably already a rumor in the gatherings in the castle... Kevan, prepare my men, I will go to negotiate with the Prussian... he will most likely deny me the negotiation if I wait until the feast, and it would be worse for us''I said, taking my cloak and putting it on.

''Brother, how many men are you taking to the Prussian enclave'', asked Kevan, following me.

''A small escort we might not be allowed to enter if we go with too many forces to the place they consider safe'' I said to Kevan

''And you do your damn duty... I don't want to find out late again about events that you should have informed me of earlier'' I said it with a stern tone to Jaime and Cersei.

''Yes, father'' they both said at the same time.

'That empty-headed Jaime can't even fight properly, and that's the only thing he knows how to do well... and that lazy Cersei is wasting golden opportunities... neither of them has what it takes to lead our house for the next generations. I must find a way to free Jaime from the royal guard, and this time make sure he can be a worthy heir'.

We leave the castle with a small escort of a hundred men so as not to insult the Prussians. The last thing I want is for there to be rumors about my failed negotiation.

Leaving the castle again, we met the Teutonics, who were still working and helping the poor peasants, and this time Charles was reading a book to some children who were pulling his beard.

Knowing the history of this warrior who shows no mercy, he doesn't seem so harmless while he smiles.

When we arrived at the white walls of the Prussian enclave, we sent a message to the Prussians about the meeting I had with their leader.

To my misfortune, the nobleman who received me was a person I knew, and probably the displeasure was mutual.

''Well... well... well... well... Lord Lannister, it has been a long time since we last had the honor to speak to each other... I still proudly kept the gift you gave me...'' said the Prussian nobleman with an arrogant tone, pointing to a scar he had on his neck.

''I have a meeting with your lord. It wouldn't be wise to keep him waiting,'' I said with a serious tone.

''Yes, we were waiting for you, just like last time. Only now can I open the doors for you. OPEN THE DOOR'' said the Prussian nobleman to me and then shouted to the guards who were at the door gazebo.

The door mechanism began to work, and slowly the door was lifted up.

The Prussian nobleman looked at my entourage.

You may enter'' said the Prussian nobleman as he placed both of his arms behind his back.

We went through the gates and waited for them to guide us to where the Prussian nobleman was standing.

''Achtung, to the sides we have to escort a guest'' said the Prussian nobleman in his language, which I had begun to understand, and fifty Prussian soldiers made a sound with their boots and split to the sides of the wide street that led to the top of the hill.

The enormous difference between Kingslanding and this prussian city that is in its heart surprised me. The streets were wide and impeccable; it even seemed that the terrible stench of the city began to diminish.

Although this is supposed to be a bank and an economic center, it is obvious that this is a fortress that would be impossible to besiege without first knocking down half of the city to establish siege equipment.

There was a lot of movement of people in the streets, as there were a multitude of businesses of all types: bakeries, tailors, shoe shops, perfumeries, blacksmiths, etc., all with flags of Prussian heraldry, and for some strange reason, the small folks were incredibly docile compared to their counterparts in the lower part of the city.

''MOVE... the Prussian army is passing by'' shouted the Prussian nobleman, and all the crowds of people in the streets began to disperse, going into stores or moving to neighboring streets.

The trip was fast, since a great number of people were opening quickly. Before our step, we arrived at the fortress that the Prussians called a bank.

The guards greeted our guide by making a strange salute with their hand, placing it on his forehead.

No guards, no exceptions'' said the Prussian nobleman, pointing to my followers.

''Good'' I said it with seriousness.

I got off my horse and followed the Prussian nobleman closely, to whom all the Prussian soldiers who saw him saluted him and opened the doors, while in another place there were several dozen people who were being checked for entrance.

'He could be the Prussian officer we were looking for...'

Taking advantage, as we walked up the stairs and there was no one around us, I made an offer.

''Herr Roon, no?'', I asked, remembering his name.

''ja'' said the nobleman without pausing.

''It is known by all the injustice your lord did to a noble as honorable as you, denying the lands to you and your fellows... I would be glad to have such a good man under my command and his subordinates. Of course, forgetting our bad encounter at the beginning, I can offer you vast lands, a marriage with a minor house of the Lannisters, and give you more gold than you could spend in a lifetime. I just need you to accompany me to my lands and train my army'' I gave him an extremely juicy offer.

The Prussian noble did not answer, and we continued walking to the next floor.

''Are you done?'', asked the Prussian nobleman.

''What do you mean it's a big offer'', I said, keeping my seriousness.

''If you are done with the stupidity you are proposing, my honor is not for sale. Honor is the fundamental pillar of our culture, the foundation of families, and honor is maintained through absolute loyalty. No good Prussian would ever consider betraying his family and Prussia and losing his honor. A Prussian without honor loses his family, his position, and his place in society; he is removed from all the things that give meaning to life, only leaving that scum with two options: exile or suicide. Stop trying to recruit our Lannister officers. This joke is no longer funny, said the Prussian nobleman with utter distaste.

'It seems that the Prussians and their honor are worse than the Northmen's honor'.

The Prussian nobleman pointed to a room.

''My lord awaits you'' said the nobleman entering the room.

In the room were the leader of the Prussians, his knights, and another nobleman besides that idiot Roon.

Hohenzollern was looking out of the window and turned to point to a chair.

'These Prussian chairs are so uncomfortable...there is no way to sit comfortably.'

''Lord Lannister, I hope your trip was uneventful,'' Wilhelm said with a serious face, sitting down in his chair.

''I appreciate your concern, but it is not necessary.'' ''I replied to the Prussian lord.

''To what I owe the honorable lion's visit to my chambers'' said Wilhelm, keeping eye contact.

''I think you know very well why I am here,'' I replied again.

''Maybe... but I prefer to know the real answer, since only you know what goes through your thoughts'' said the young Prussian without showing emotion.

'I must only humble myself a little... until the commercial fleet is ready and we will no longer be dependent on mining'

''It is no secret that your enormous fortune in finding that great gold mine may cause effects that are not desirable for the economies of the seven kingdoms, something that could affect us both... I come to propose a solution to that problem'' I said with a serious tone, trying to settle back in the chair.

''So about the gold... what do you offer?'', asked the Prussian after I stopped to think for a few seconds.

''What do you wish?'', I returned the question.

''An alliance with the Lannisters... with the main house... but that can no longer be done... I remember perfectly well that day where my plans were destroyed... since I am simply a mercenary'' Wilhelm answered serenely.

''We still keep the rest of the agreement, good prices for raw materials... we are the main trading partner of your lands, which has benefited both sides'' I said confidently.

The Prussian, who was quite thin, said a few words in a different language that was not German and began to write on a sheet of paper.

'So long learning the language of these foreigners to try to make a profit, and they don't use it'.

Wilhelm nodded at those words.

''Make your offer, Lord Lannister'' Wilhelm said, keeping his face emotionless.

''Wow, what happened to the smiling young man I had met?'' I said, observing his reaction.

''A mask. The idiots usually underestimate me when they see someone young and cheerful. They think I am a child who will make basic mistakes, using their own pride against them. It allows me to take advantage of their naivety and their trust. As long as I have interests with them, I will play their game. But you are no longer in my plans, and it seems you are getting to know me already'' the Prussian replied.

I Take a deep breath so as not to succumb to his provocation.

''I see... we currently hold a fifteen percent discount agreement on all raw materials... I can offer you double that offer, and you will refrain from using the gold from the mine so as not to destabilize the prices and supply of the ore'' I made my offer.

The Prussians started to talk among themselves again in another language, but every now and then they stopped to watch me.

''For how many years shall I refrain from using that gold... in the seven kingdoms?'', asked Wilhelm as he seemed to make mental calculations.

''At least ten years ago, I quickly answered.

''Well, I agree with the term; I won't use the gold from the mine in the seven kingdoms, but in exchange for a 35 percent discount on raw materials and a 50 percent discount on iron'' the Prussian gave his counter offer.

''That's too much, Lord Hohenzollern; that would make the mines almost no profit if we sold to you'' I responded to his offer.

''And I am losing the opportunity to use tons of gold with which I could buy those raw materials'' replied the Prussian very seriously, raising his voice on the amount of the precious metal.

''That would affect us both. The inflation that we would generate by the oversupply of gold could cripple the economies of the seven kingdoms, affecting the stability of the kingdom and producing effects that could affect us all,'' I said, keeping my face serious.

''I can adapt to that change... remember? ... grain is what my territory produces the most, besides many manufactured items that are sold to all the other territories... but as far as I know, you couldn't... that's why you are here negotiating with me... because if the lion wasn't affected, he would never listen to who he considers inferior to him'' said the Prussian, putting his hands together and showing his white gloves that emitted a slight scent of perfume.

''Thirty-five in everything'' I replied somewhat angrily.

''Forty on the iron, the rest according to what you propose...non-negotiable'' the Prussian answered my offer.

'Well, fortunately, most of the mines in my domain are our property; having to abuse my bannermen too much might provoke nonconformity if they were forced to accept this deal so favorable to Prussian interests'

''Deal'' I replied, trying to keep my composure.

''Well, it's a pleasure to do business with intelligent people; it saves me a lot of time. Maximilian, the contract'' said the Prussian lord to the thin man.

''Here you have Lord Lannister... the deal for the raw materials is thirty-five percent for coal, wood, tin, copper... and forty percent for iron. In exchange for the next ten years, the gold extracted from the mining activity in the reach territory will not enter the markets of the seven kingdoms. Your signature is here, your initial of your name is here, and please initial your thumb and put it here. It will be notarized and sent to King Robert to have this deal approved in order to obtain forced compliance if any party tries to disregard it'' said Maximilian, handing me a contract he had just written, pointing to a huge list of commodities.

I read the contract, and it was exactly what the Prussian had pointed out without any difference.

After reading it, I did what I had been asked to do by signing the contract and doing the new things included in it.

''Perfect... everything is in order... the persons here present agree voluntarily and without their will being vitiated by any cause of nullity, a pact for ten, stipulating an obligation not to do, recognizing that if any party wishes to terminate the contract in advance, it will have to go to the jurisdiction of a Prussian court where the due indemnification for damages will be agreed'' said the thin Prussian, smiling and putting the papers away, and then quickly left the room.

''Why under a Prussian court and not a normal one?'', I asked the Prussian lord, who was leaning back in his chair.

''You understand, Lord Lannister... some people make deals, generate expectations, and then those unscrupulous people break voluntary and bilateral agreements when they are no longer profitable or find a better deal after wasting the other party's time and abusing good faith. Because of such miserable people, I am obliged to guarantee my legal security under a legal system that is free from the influence and bribes of rich lords'' said Wilhelm while he made noises with his fingers on the table.

''And what assures me that you will not break the deal now?'', I asked the Prussian leader.

''So far, I have an unblemished past conduct; I have never broken a contract; I have always respected what I sign, unlike other people'', said Lord Hohenzollern.

'I was right; he hasn't stopped rubbing salt in my wounds, making fun of how pathetic I must look in that stranger's eyes, knowing perfectly well how to take advantage of this situation.'

''Well, Lord Lannister, is there something else keeping you here? I don't think it would be pleasant for you to be completely surrounded by strangers, so we have something else to talk about, or else you are free to leave my chambers'' said the Prussian leader, interlacing the fingers of his hand.

''No, we have nothing more to talk about...'' I said I was getting up from my chair and getting ready to leave.

''Oh, by the way, send my regards to your son, Jaime... Charles told me about the fight they had, and from my experience practicing with the master of the Teutons, your son must have been quite injured... I wish him a speedy recovery and that it does not affect his participation in the tournaments... because his winners will be remembered as the champions of the greatest tournament ever held in the seven kingdoms'' said the Prussian, giving a warm smile while resting his back on the back of his chair.

I didn't answer the Prussian and tried to get out of this place as fast as I could.

My blood was boiling... I had not felt this level of humiliation since my father still ruled the western lands, and we were humiliated every day by our bannermen for my father's weakness.

That boy will regret the day he decided to challenge me. He has many enemies, some with whom we share interests, but we must act soon. Every day that foreigner is in power, his roots will be longer and more difficult to extirpate. The problem will be that his armies seem almost invincible. If his soldiers prefer death to dishonor, blood will run like rivers.

This will only be one more obstacle that I will have to overcome to guarantee the survival of my dynasty, a dynasty that will last for thousands of years as the richest and most powerful in the known world.



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