As I awaken I'm greeted with blinding lights in my face I sit up looking around to see myself in a plain field "what happened last thing I remember was jumping....of that roof" my voice wavering a bit while mentioning the roof I walk around for a bit looking around finding my way to a strange building a academy of some sorts I grunt to myself before then saying "what is thar it seems like a school of some sorts should I just go in there it might be rude but as far as I know it might be my only chance to figure out where
I am.
" I begin to walk closer to the strange building as I walk in I see both boys and girls wearing a uniform that's white with blue stripes on the sleeves and as for the girls redI sneak into the building walking around slowly as to not make any noise I sneak to a door to hear "this is the place where you all will learn to become Shinigami your job is yo eliminate hollows and send souls to the soul society" I look in curiosity thinking of a way to sneak in.
I wall into a changing room to find a uniform to sneak In I find a uniform putting it on then sneaking out into the hall I walk back to the classroom opening the door as I step in I can feel everyone staring at me I walk to a sit sitting next to a girl with a pette body and black hair sitting next to a man with red hair.I start up a conversation by saying "Uh my name is k....kamiki yeah kamiki is my name....uh what's your names?" I ask nervously the black haired girl responds "I'm Rukia and dummy over there is renji." He responds annoyed "im not a dummy you idiot" he says annoyed at her I sit in an awkward silence saying "Uh yeahhhh right...."
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